Thoughts on G tablet Woot deal - G Tablet General

Someone posted that over 10,000 were sold yesterday. I always wondered about that site and how they could make any money, but figure this, if they made $10 a piece on each that is one incredible day for even many of the larger retailers.
I thought this was going to be great for the G tablet community with which it would make Viewsonic take notice and develop more for this product.
But what if many who bought were resellers jumping on a bargain (my bet). Still eventually if they sold it would still be good.
I always thought the Apple fanatics were really out there standing in lines to buy the latest until it was explained that many were buying to resell and sell higher than retail. Still dopes to pay but does explain more.

The thing is there's little to be made for any who plan to resell. These retail for $350 to $370 and after ebay, paypal, and shipping fees we're only looking at maybe a $20 to $30 profit. Plus with woot limiting the amount you can buy I really think most of the G-Tablets sold yesterday were to people genuinely interested in the product. Well, at least I was one.

D Wright said:
Someone posted that over 10,000 were sold yesterday. I always wondered about that site and how they could make any money, but figure this, if they made $10 a piece on each that is one incredible day for even many of the larger retailers.
I thought this was going to be great for the G tablet community with which it would make Viewsonic take notice and develop more for this product.
But what if many who bought were resellers jumping on a bargain (my bet). Still eventually if they sold it would still be good.
I always thought the Apple fanatics were really out there standing in lines to buy the latest until it was explained that many were buying to resell and sell higher than retail. Still dopes to pay but does explain more.
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I know that our customer support group purchased quite a few of these yesterday .
I had been prodding them toward getting these as our mobile platform for a while, was super happy they came up on woot

I agree that most who got woot deals yesterday were buying for home use and not re-sell. People have been seeing the Gtab, and even through all the exxcitment of the xoom, interest in it was picking up. This just goes to show people are smarter with their money than given credit for and it gives a clear message that we are not willing to pay 6 to 8 hundred dollars for hype and a carrier contract.

I bought mine for personal use. I've been on the fence and could not pass up this deal.

I honestly had my heart set on the iPad 2 pre release, but then once I saw it didn't have retina and the price was still relatively expensive (for a 32gb 3G), I figured I might as well save my money. Once the woot deal came on, I did some research and stumbled across this community, and how couldn't I buy the product for just $280? I just signed up to this forum this week and I'm already addicted reading up on how everyone is modding their gTab. Thanks in advance to all the mods who will make my experience a pleasant one..

Bought mine for personal use as well. Been on the fence for a while over a tablet saw the woot, liked the price and after some research here and elsewhere decided with some fairly simple tweaks this would fit all my needs in a tablet.

Bought mine for personal use and work. Part of my job is providing support for my company's mobile apps, and it is much more convenient to have my own than dig up where the company hardware is hiding. I also have a toddler and we are going on a 4 hr plane trip next month, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity for an electronic babysitter for the trip at this price. (There may be toddler/mom deathmatches over who gets to use it as both of us are geeks)

Bought mine for personal use yesterday too.

I can't wait
Hi purchased the nook color when it was 200 bucks for ebay. and i love it.
It is used at my restaurant as digital photo album / menu
the face that you can grab it with one hand and do demonstrations with it is awesome.
But it is lacking in some ways.
Purchased the gtab for personal use, front facing camera etc. I dont know how usable it will be, but I am hoping the dual core processor helps things out more.
honestly loading webpages on the NC with dolphin or skyfire was ok. but not great, and it definitely could not unseat my netbook that i also carry around with me wherever i go.
I think 285 bucks delivered for a dual core tablet with these specs and the best user group community on the planet (XDA) which has always helped me with my droid1, fascinate (for a friend) nook color, and now gtab... is a super steal. to borrow the words of another forum post: Lucky mofos.

Enectic said:
Well, at least I was one.
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So was I! This is going to be my first foray into tablet computing. At such a low price with real hardware, this going to let me get my feet wet, and if I hate it, i'm sure i can sell it at just a slight loss. Hoping I love it though!

Was in for one as well, though I'd just grabbed a Nook Color (just before that eBay deal); was impressed with how much more usable the larger screen was, and how much it felt like I was trying to work with a postage stamp when I swapped back to my G2.
Then this came up, and couldn't resist long enough for them to sell out.
Actually ended up sucking a few friends in as well..

I had no idea the makers of my TV made a tablet. I jumped on this when I read the specs. Hopefully Woot doesn't take more than a month for this thing to ship out.

to good a deal to pass up....needed a new toy to play with

I just picked up the NC a few days ago. I never even heard of the gtab until it popped up on woot. I've returned my NC.. the hardware on the gtab for the price can't be beat.

Just watch ebay. Yesterday there was one gTab listed with 7 days left current price of like $180. I think there will be lost on there and the price will end up falling on ebay and people wont be able to sell them for much (if any) more then they bought them for.
I plan on keeping mine. Bought it for personal use. Wanted a galaxy tab, but didn't want a contract or to spend 400-500.
I can survive a $280 fight with my wife, not a $500 one.

Good deal, bought for personal use also.

grandebob said:
Just watch ebay. Yesterday there was one gTab listed with 7 days left current price of like $180. I think there will be lost on there and the price will end up falling on ebay and people wont be able to sell them for much (if any) more then they bought them for.
I plan on keeping mine. Bought it for personal use. Wanted a galaxy tab, but didn't want a contract or to spend 400-500.
I can survive a $280 fight with my wife, not a $500 one.
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One closed yesterday around $315 after paypal and ebay fees you'd lose a bit of money on the deal. Personally I bought one for me, just wnated to see ebay pricing in case I didn't like it.

Given that only about 3% of purchasers purchased 3 at once I doubt that very many were purchased for resale.

same with me, you took the words right out of my mouth


Wife doesn't care for Captivate...May be selling it

She is not as tech savy as I am and Feels she won;t use 80% of the phone and would rather have my N97 as she knows Symbian....So I may be selling her week old Captivate. (Or keep it as a back up)
What should I ask for it on a BUY IN NOW basis on Ebay. I have 102 feedback and 100% positive (Tombo7777) I don;t want bidding jut put up a good price for a qucil sale should she decide for sure. Anything less that $300 and I will likely keep it as a back up to mine. As Insurance costs $5 a month with a $100 deductable. I don;t buy Extended Warranties on anythingor phone insurance,
Ask for $400
Galaxy s rules while the rest. Well they just lumber behind and drool.
I would say as BUY IT NOW, maybe $380 if you want a pretty quick sale.
week old, sell price online for new without contract from afew places is around 499$ so anywhere from 375-450$ would be good. but then again if you unlock it you could get another $100 for it be unlocked so like 450-550$
YEah I am not sure if I want to sell it yet. She needs to use the N97 for a week (as long as she had the Sammy) before I feel she will make an informed choice. In the mean time I am using it as a "training device" for me. Rooting, unrooting installing ROMS etc....So fasr I am able to go form JF6 to JH7 and to Froyo and back without issues using Master Clear. I want to become fluent in Android as I believe this will be the platform for all my phones in the future.
N97s are going for nearly $300!!!!! I would not be too brokenhearted if she decided to keep the Captivate. The Samsung is worth more than $100 over the N97 I would think.. Damm.
gandalf21502 said:
I would say as BUY IT NOW, maybe $380 if you want a pretty quick sale.
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Yeah thats what i do on Ebay....Low priced Buy It Now....with zero minimums. I sold two contract 32GB 3GS iphones for $600 two weeks after they were released within minutes of posting....In fact I decided not to sell one and try it out for another week to make sure I did not like it.....and then sold it again within minutes.
I paid ATT $150 for both phones so $350 plus PP and Ebay costs is likely what I would sell it for BIN. If I unlock it I'll add another $100.

What the heck..price increase!

Just went to Sears and Officedepot...was going to run out and get one today and the price at both places went up to $399 !!
Whats up with that !
That has been pretty much the regular price since day 1. Now that the holidays are winding down, they are going back to their regular price.
Same here, I looked online all day yesterday and was finding them for 369.99 at Office Depot and 379.99 at Sears. Well Office Depot is right around the corner from me so I just went there and the price was back at 399.99. I had checked online earlier but did not check the price as all I was looking for was the phone number. Turns out they only had one in stock and the closest Sears did not have any, the only other closest place to have one was 3.5 hours away. I really did not mind paying the extra $20.00 as I really like this tablet. Right now I am downloading the 3389 update and hoping it improves performance a bit, although it is performing nicely compared to my slow ass g1.
Dang. Oh well I'll still get it. I forget, does this come with a microsd card? I am going up to Sears now.
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Does not come with microsd. Just saw that fry's has 16gb for sale for $18 after rebate. I pulled my microsd from my phone when I first got my gtab.
Now that it works, people will pay $399. Let's see what the market will pay for a working Gtablet. Compared to Ipad or Galaxy Tab, it's still a bargain.
just saw that too, crap nuggets.... hunting down opened or returned tablet for a while now...
ByByIpad said:
Now that it works, people will pay $399. Let's see what the market will pay for a working Gtablet. Compared to Ipad or Galaxy Tab, it's still a bargain.
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Well, not to be a fly in your kool aid, but technically we shouldn't really consider it a 'working Gtablet' just yet. It is a bargain FOR US compared to the iPad and the Galaxy Tab, but for non-tech folk, not so much I'd think.
TnT 3389 is nice and is indeed more usable than the previous OTA'd software but we here have still had to do considerably more in terms of getting it to a point of being comfortable with it. And even now, we're having these issues here and there (slowdown, etc). I know nothing is perfect in terms of tech.
What do you think would result from this scenario in a case where the buyer is a typical 'casual' user who just wants a device to load up apps on, read web pages, watch some video and listen to music and read their e-books on?
I think the casual user would get the Gtablet...not be able to use the market on it, not be interested in XDA or learning how to flash etc. Experience the slowdown eventually (it's bound to happen) and then return the tablet out of frustration.
The iPad imho is not worth the price in terms of it's guts, BUT in terms of the fact that it works out of the box, you have access to thousands of apps, web and media - if I were buying a tablet for my wife for example, I'd go with the wifi iPad. When the case is that you don't have to flash the device for any reason? THEN it will be a working Gtablet.
The Galaxy Tab is the middle ground....but it's also expensive for what you get and has performance issues.
I am not all debbie downer though, as I have very high hopes for TnT with an Android Honeycomb base next year, when Google Market is included at stock.
I just picked up my g tablet today from Sears. I walked in and saw the price on the dummy demo listed at 399. I asked a sales clerk about the price. He walked over to a glass case where they had a half dozen stacked up. The price on the front of the case said 379. I told him I'd take one and when he rang it up it came up as 399. He did an override and I got it for the lower price.
So far I'm pleased. I plan on rooting and flashing a different rom instead of hacking around with my Samsung fascinate.
One thing I can't stand is the stock keyboard. It sucks badly compared to my wife's ipad.
i got my g tablet from staples for 399 plus tax im still happy with my purchase. to bad are sears shut down a few months back. it was my only choice at the moment no online retailers were selling any cheaper so i just bit the bullet and bought it. im sure if you look around or wait a while the price will drop. theirs alot of tablets hitting the market now
Sears Outlet
Check Sears Outlet on a daily basis (especially in the morning) With all the non-tech people returning these, because they suck out of the box, you can get a steal for around $240...
I got mine at $149 - display model, with full warranty...
Paid 399.00 for mine at OfficeDepot week before xmas. Had a defective screen so had to take it back once they had some more in stock. Took it back and recieved $32 back cause it happen to be onsale at the time of exchange . So far I am happy with it. Biggest selling point was the flash capability, being a more advanced user and not being able to leave things stock lol flashing was just a normal thing for me. Had a screen calibration issue but thanks to another member that has been fixed. As far as I'm concerned it best bang for the buck.
Just to let you know - on office depot's website, it was showing as 369 - when I went to the store on Christmas eve to purchase one, the store display showed 399 - took it to the cashier, it rang up as 369. Also, Office Depot has a coupon floating around for $20 off over $100 good until the 31st, but I didn't find that til after my purchase. Good luck!

[sold] Selling my Viewsonic G tablet w/bag, $270

bought new last Christmas from Sears. I installed Vegan-tab immediately and liked it very much. but after the vacation i found it became less useful to me-- my daily life is either sitting at office or at home (or driving, of coz) and i have two desktops and two note books to use. It just sit there for nearly a month now. So I am considering selling it for some cash.
It'll come with original case and accessories, and a AmazonBasics bag I bought for it (AmazonBasics Netbook Bag with Handle, Fits 7- to 10-Inch Netbooks, iPad (Black) ). I'd sell it for $270 and you pay the shipping you choose. I'm in north DFW area and local pickup is also welcome. you can save the shipping cost.
I also sent out the rebate form for its dock and they cashed out my $10.5 check for "shipping and handling", but I do not know when they will ship it... If you buy my gtablet, I promise I will ship the dock to you for free (you still need to pay the shipping though) as soon as I receive it.
silly me. just noticed the subject and didn't notice the forum. had my hopes up for a good deal on a galaxy tablet/something w/ 3g data capabilities.
I see.. let me change the title to indicate it's a Viewsonic G tablet, not a Galaxy tab
Very interested...
Can you post up some pics and do you take Pay-Pal as form of payment?
i am interested, how much to sell to sydney, australia.
and could you post some piccies?
stellarchaser said:
bought new last Christmas from Sears. I installed Vegan-tab immediately and liked it very much. but after the vacation i found it became less useful to me-- my daily life is either sitting at office or at home (or driving, of coz) and i have two desktops and two note books to use. It just sit there for nearly a month now. So I am considering selling it for some cash.
It'll come with original case and accessories, and a AmazonBasics bag I bought for it (AmazonBasics Netbook Bag with Handle, Fits 7- to 10-Inch Netbooks, iPad (Black) ). I'd sell it for $270 and you pay the shipping you choose. I'm in north DFW area and local pickup is also welcome. you can save the shipping cost.
I also sent out the rebate form for its dock and they cashed out my $10.5 check for "shipping and handling", but I do not know when they will ship it... If you buy my gtablet, I promise I will ship the dock to you for free (you still need to pay the shipping though) as soon as I receive it.
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I too am in DFW and will take it if it's still available?
I'll take it.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
I'm seeing a few of these - is everyone jumping ship?
I'm keeping mine, no worries. If the GTAB forum eventually dissapears, the device will go to my wife. The old trickle down effect....
roebeet said:
I'm seeing a few of these - is everyone jumping ship?
I'm keeping mine, no worries. If the GTAB forum eventually dissapears, the device will go to my wife. The old trickle down effect....
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I think its more a case of everyone trying to get the most money for the Tab while its still hot. With all the new Tabs coming out soon they fear prices dropping and want max value. Thats my take anyway, I could be wrong.
Mine is going to my wife as well. I take it to work everyday and when I get home she runs to me to pry it out of my hands. I think she'd kill me if I ever sold it. And just to think, before I owned a Gtab she "didnt like touch screen devices". Go figure..........................
Yep, makes sense. It's actually why I sold my dev unit as I figured my original GTAB would eventually become the dev unit (which is exactly what happened).
roebeet said:
I'm seeing a few of these - is everyone jumping ship?
I'm keeping mine, no worries. If the GTAB forum eventually dissapears, the device will go to my wife. The old trickle down effect....
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Not everyone is jumping ship; I still have 2 of these and will keep them as long as possible. Based on the tablets I have seen that is scheduled to release I still think we have the best of the lot. It is not our fault that VS was damn short sighted in their approach to this tablet.
It annoys me greatly that they did not push the channel hard enough on this device and have the leadership needed to make this a true force in the Market. It further annoys me that they did not have accessories available nor did they have 3rd party accessory suppliers in the ready. This was poor market strategy at work; guess they missed that whole business 101 course while in college.
No... all of us are NOT jumping ship; this tablet honestly has the capabilities I was initially looking for in a Tablet. Once we have 3.0 on this thing personally I will be set no matter what other wiz-bang device comes out later!!!!
Just my 2 cents worth
I wouldn't say "I'm jumping ship". The hardware inside G-tablet is mostly in line with the mainstream of tablets this year, and now you know their prices... I think g-tablet still has very high performance/price ratio.
I'm selling it just because I found that a tablet is actually not so useful to me...when I got this tablet I was very excited, flashing custom Roms, trying all kinds of apps, etc. However after the vacation, I could not find much use of it... browsing web, watching video? I'd rather use my desktop with a 24" LCD and dedicated mouse/keyboard. Playing game? The casual games on tablet are not comparable with "real" games on my game PC and consoles IMHO. Reading novels? My kindle 3 is more comfortable with its E-ink display... I guess the real problem is I stay at home or office almost all the time. Tablet is more useful to an outdoor man.
Just my 2 cents
I'd still like to buy this.....
Have you sold it yet?
I'm still very interested. Let me know what you want to do to take care of the transaction...
roebeet said:
I'm seeing a few of these - is everyone jumping ship?
I'm keeping mine, no worries. If the GTAB forum eventually dissapears, the device will go to my wife. The old trickle down effect....
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I'm actually looking to buy 2 more for friends
My boss even introduced my GTab to our clients as " Superfast TnT-Lite OS" tablet!
It is understandable that there are many more tegra 2 tablets coming with better specs + screen. Most of them starting around $400.
Xoom wifi is only $539 at Sam Club (according to engagdet)
I guess that if we can find a screen replacement + honeycream soon, people would stick around for longer..

HP Touchpad frenzy doesn't make sense

It seems like everyone is so obsessed with finding these touchpads and I really don't understand why. Yes for $100 or even $150 or $200 they're definitely worth it. But even just looking around this forum and some other sites, it seems like people are becoming so obsessed with getting a touchpad that they're spending a lot of money on them and are failing to realize that its not that good of a product and that its OS is basically abandoned. For a good price I would get one, but would it really be worth more that $250?
I don't think its worth more than the current 99/149 prices.
After using one for about a week, I can say it's definitely not worth more than about $250 in its current state (if not less). It'll be worth the same amount as other lower-priced tablets when Android makes its way onto it. Either that, or when the Android emulator becomes functional.
WebOS is actually a really fantastic OS, there's just no apps for it.
bholloway said:
It seems like everyone is so obsessed with finding these touchpads and I really don't understand why. Yes for $100 or even $150 or $200 they're definitely worth it. But even just looking around this forum and some other sites, it seems like people are becoming so obsessed with getting a touchpad that they're spending a lot of money on them and are failing to realize that its not that good of a product and that its OS is basically abandoned. For a good price I would get one, but would it really be worth more that $250?
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There is a marketing lesson to be learnt here somewhere. Unfortuantley HP don't seem to be taking advantage of the hype they have generated.
I would also buy one for the cheaper price (I went to Harvey norman on the sale day but missed out) but agree the prices people are paying for them now are rediculous. ($350-$400 lol) Unless more magically appear at or around the firesale price I will be saving for the next gen tablets.
Im hooked on watching people freak out over these tablets. Its so funny, I bought one for my sister and she loves it. All she does is Facebook and internet so it was a deal for her.
Impossible to find any around here selling on craigslist for $200 or less.
I'm going tomorrow morning to get one for $99. I can totally understand why people are freaking out. It's 9", 1.2 ghz dual-core processor, and Android is coming very very soon via rootzwiki. I have the Galaxy Tab 7" and it's just a hummingbird single core 1.0 ghz, and I got it a few months ago on sale for $200, so hell yeah I'm going tomorrow early and lining up an hour before doors open.
I was only going to get one to flash it with Honeycomb.. but can not find one anywhere. If you aren't going to be doing that, then I don't see the justification for buying an unsupported product with no apps.
A lot of people got them because they knew Android would be ported to it sooner or later, making it a pretty decent device.
I tried to get one, but failed.
Other "non-nerd" general consumers got them because it is a cheap tablet that is fairly versatile, and for what you get, the price was amazing.
All these idiots think they are going to sell them all for $250-300..... no one wanted this crap before the $99 sale.
I hope all the hoarders get stuck with them all,
KingKuba13 said:
All these idiots think they are going to sell them all for $250-300..... no one wanted this crap before the $99 sale.
I hope all the hoarders get stuck with them all,
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There is no thinking about it, I got $265 out of a NIB 16GB.
tenaciousj said:
There is no thinking about it, I got $265 out of a NIB 16GB.
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I think the market value of one of these is probably around 200 dollars. Actually,while Im not a fan of WebOS I think HPs situation is their own doing. There is a demand from a top manufacturer for a cheap tablet. What they SHOULD have done was contracted with one of these Taiwanese companies that make the 150-200 dollar tablets and made a smaller cheaper version of their tablet. Sell it close to cost for 150 dollars or so,running Web-OS,and sell their flagship tablet for around 400 dollars,pretty much what it takes to make it. I bet the cheaper ones would have flown off the shelves,creating a demand for WebOS apps,which would have driven demand for the bigger tablet. Instead,they tried to go head to head right at the start with the iPad,and priced their product similarly.
Think of it this way. Hyundai wants into the luxury car market. Should they make a car with similar features as a BMW, sell it for the same price and expect people to flock to it in droves? Of course not. That would be really stupid,especially considering that even if they do it right and make it comparable to the BMW,its going to have flaws because they have never done that before. Instead,what they did was make a comparable luxury car,two actually,the Genesis and the Equus. they are priced at 40K and 60K respectively. Thats around 10 grand at the low end and 20 at the high end lower than comparably equipped cars. They have to compete on price because they cant compete on the other aspects of their product. Some years down the road,if they can get and keep quality up to par,they may end up in the same situation as Honda and Toyota who used to be seen as cheap imported junk,but now are seen as high quality desirable vehicles. However,if they tried to simply change overnight and step in and compete with BMW ,or Toyota (Lexus) or Honda (Acura) they would fail as miserably as HP did.(they may still fail of course)
You have to have a plan on how to make inroads into someone elses markets and build a reputation or no one is going to buy your product,whether you are selling tablets that compete with the iPad or cars that compete with BMW. Samsungs strategy is that they are HUGE. Android tablets seem to be taking off slowly,and they can stay in the game and do things like use their other products to build market share. (For instance,if you buy a samsung TV and a samsung tablet,you can get a nice discount.)
I gave up, eventually the crazy will go down and those tablet will sell on ebay for the right price. For 300 dollars I'll look for a honeycomb android tablet at that point (I think I saw the asus transformer at that price or a bit more)
0vermind said:
I'm going tomorrow morning to get one for $99. I can totally understand why people are freaking out. It's 9", 1.2 ghz dual-core processor, and Android is coming very very soon via rootzwiki. I have the Galaxy Tab 7" and it's just a hummingbird single core 1.0 ghz, and I got it a few months ago on sale for $200, so hell yeah I'm going tomorrow early and lining up an hour before doors open.
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My argument isn't that the touchpad isn't a good device for $100. If I could get one for $100 or even $150 that would be great. But my comment is that some people miss out on the sales, and for some reason continue to pursue getting one, even if it means paying $250+ to get one from someone else who bought them for cheap. People are getting caught up in having to get a touchpad that they end up wasting lots of money on a subpar device.
Are you kidding
Everyone went and got these because they know stock android will be hacked onto it in no time.
When the rush dies, in a couple of months I am sure someone will be able to pick up one on ebay close to firesale price.
WebOS is a nice OS but it's DOA now. IF android Honeycomb or ICS gets ported then it's a good buy. If it's stuck to 2.* version, then no. Phone software on a 10" tablet is plain stupid.
Web os is not dead HP said that it would continue to develop the platform but was giving up on making the hardware. people who pay more than $250 for this out dated device are retarted just buy a nook color and root it you will have the same features and it has great development behind it
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
Web os is not dead HP said that it would continue to develop the platform but was giving up on making the hardware. people who pay more than $250 for this out dated device are retarted just buy a nook color and root it you will have the same features and it has great development behind it
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
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HP also said that it would be "double down" on WebOS products when bought Palm. HP also said that it would only release perfect products (TouchPad launched with bugs beyond belief).
I really have a hard time believing what they say...
I will agree the whole HP Touchpad deal is getting kind of ridiculous. I admit, I was checking everywhere for one... But I wasn't about to spend double the price of the markdowns. I am actually on mine now, but I paid $149 for it at best buy two days ago. I didn't buy mine to make money, but to put it to use. Now I'm waiting on the clever devs to port Android over. And, I agree give it a month or two, and we'll see the prices back down to where they should be.
narta said:
I really have a hard time believing what they say...
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There's that, then there's also that HP didn't even say what NORCALkID claims they did. They said, and I quote:
HP will continue to explore options to optimize the value of webOS software going forward.
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Which is just buzzword bingo BS that says... nothing whatsoever.

Anyone else taking advantage of the OnePlus offer to trade in phone?

I ask because after I waiting a week I initiated a chat with them and the box finally showed up last week. I boxed my 6T up and sent it off over the weekend. Looks like the return label generated is ground shipping which is BS since they don’t do the trade ins like Samsung (give you credit contingent on the phone being in the condition you actually described it). Since you are without your personal device that is highly inconvenient. So it won’t get to its destination until Friday this week. Then they say it may take a few days after that for someone to assess it. Now the website has the shipping times at 10 days. That is crazy. Had I known this process would’ve been this long and drawn out I wouldn’t have bothered doing it. Anyone else going thru this madness? Just seems highly inconvenient for a consumer
I sent my phone last week, it's on its way to TX- will arrive Friday. I'll update you after Ingram receives it.
curious how are you sending the phone in ahead of 2 week return policy period being over - have they changed the requirment?
jrmt077 said:
curious how are you sending the phone in ahead of 2 week return policy period being over - have they changed the requirment?
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Cash back has to be done 15 days from purchase. It's mentioned in the FAQ. Voucher is done prior to ordering a 7P. I have backup phones, so someone with 1 device would do cashback.
Hahaha no way. It's a trade in program come on now when are these ever fair to the consumer.... Oh never and this is proof. I had my 8/128 6T in perfect condition appraised by there little trade in program. They were only offering 240 for it and I already I knew it was going to be a hassle with sending it back and inspected so I just laughed really hard at their pathetic offers. I put my phone on offer up and soold it for 400 in just a couple days before the 7 pro came out and I ordered it right away. The best option any of you have if you're looking to make some money out of your current devices then you should sell them yourselves. You will deal with at least headache and hassle.
If you can sell it yourself,do,put an add on marketplace on Facebook,local buy and sell,anything.You won't get anywhere near what it's worth from trade ins,
Me personally I like to try and sell the phone myself but can agree sometimes it can be frustrating dealing with people who like to drive down the price and get the best deal off you,for a quick sale and better prices use shops like CEX in the UK and Ireland, although their prices can be dodgy too at times
se7ensde said:
Hahaha no way. It's a trade in program come on now when are these ever fair to the consumer.... Oh never and this is proof. I had my 8/128 6T in perfect condition appraised by there little trade in program. They were only offering 240 for it and I already I knew it was going to be a hassle with sending it back and inspected so I just laughed really hard at their pathetic offers. I put my phone on offer up and soold it for 400 in just a couple days before the 7 pro came out and I ordered it right away. The best option any of you have if you're looking to make some money out of your current devices then you should sell them yourselves. You will deal with at least headache and hassle.
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The values are quite fair, if not great for other brands. Samsung, Apple, and Moto aren't too bad. For example, an iPhone SE gives 110- about half of what a 6T provides. Some phones give 600+ towards 7 Pro.
I sell things in my personal time, but I don't always the time to physically meet buyers on CL, OU, LG, etc. Online includes fees, that's why I didn't list my phone on eBay/swappa.
Ace42 said:
The values are quite fair, if not great for other brands. Samsung, Apple, and Moto aren't too bad. For example, an iPhone SE gives 110- about half of what a 6T provides. Some phones give 600+ towards 7 Pro.
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There no where near fair. Stop defending them cause you're falling for their trade in scam. Yeah there probably are some phones that will get about 600 for phones that originally cost double that value. But those ones are still getting ripped off badly because you can easily sell your device for a price more to your liking. And if you actually read up on this you would know that no one gets the same offer from OnePlus even if they're devices are in the same conditions they simply offer some people more and some less. I've already seen it happening.
Sold my 6T on Swappa for $440 with a few extra cases. After fees and shipping, cleared about $400. Not saying selling is for everyone but I picked up the 7 pro for only $665 with student discount.
5 page topic on this:
Good idea, trade in for under 70% of what it is worth
Apex i ITR said:
I ask because after I waiting a week I initiated a chat with them and the box finally showed up last week. I boxed my 6T up and sent it off over the weekend. Looks like the return label generated is ground shipping which is BS since they don’t do the trade ins like Samsung (give you credit contingent on the phone being in the condition you actually described it). Since you are without your personal device that is highly inconvenient. So it won’t get to its destination until Friday this week. Then they say it may take a few days after that for someone to assess it. Now the website has the shipping times at 10 days. That is crazy. Had I known this process would’ve been this long and drawn out I wouldn’t have bothered doing it. Anyone else going thru this madness? Just seems highly inconvenient for a consumer
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I had a 6T with 8/256GB.
The trade in was $270. I sold it for $475.
The trade in is a joke.
se7ensde said:
There no where near fair. Stop defending them cause you're falling for their trade in scam. Yeah there probably are some phones that will get about 600 for phones that originally cost double that value. But those ones are still getting ripped off badly because you can easily sell your device for a price more to your liking. And if you actually read up on this you would know that no one gets the same offer from OnePlus even if they're devices are in the same conditions they simply offer some people more and some less. I've already seen it happening.
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Fair has many definitions and you assumed the wrong one. I never said their values were praiseworthy nor equal to sellling. Google gave 250 for an SE, whereas it's only 110 thru OP.
Actually you'd be hard pressed to get 110 for an iPhone SE 32 after all fees (ship, marketplace, and PP)... I'm familiar with Ingram/Phobio, and know that values can fluctuate from start to end. Those that have dealt with Samsung have heard the horror stories for mint phones.
I have no horse in this race, and neither company has done anything for me. I'm simply stating how select trades are okay. Here are confirmed amounts: SE 110, G7 210, Z2 120, v30 190, S7e 140, 8+ 440.
I was an avid SWAPPA user for years. I was selling phones with little issue. Last year I bought a S9+ and sold it a few months after for $650 with no issues. A year later the guy lodges a complaint on swappa but I didnt see it because the email address my account corresponds to on there is an address I check only once and a while. So about 2 weeks had passed from the original complaint being lodged before I responded. Once i did see if I felt terrible but started making phone calls (HE and I were both on T-Mo so I called them immediately to ask why they flagged the phone as stolen even though I had bought it from Samsung directly. The lady i spoke to said that all he had to do was call them and they would lift it. I also called Samsung because my receipt didnt show the IMEI of the phone I purchased and I wanted to get detailed billing showing I legit purchased the phone. Samsung was unable to provide that info even though they verbally confirmed the IMEI was correct (a whole other issue I have). So anyway I responded back on swappa with all this detail and the original buyer wasnt really responding to the site admins and I.
What i didnt know was he lodged a complaint against me on paypal at the same time. Paypal didnt notify me (They claim they called but I had no missed calls from Paypal. I find out about a month after all of this was Paypal account had been charged back for the phone. This guy now has his money back and a perfectly fine Samsung S9+ and I am out the money and no phone. So yeah I USED to sell phones but after this ordeal.....being screwed for a phone I sold a year before......Yeah I'm done with selling phones now......not when the risk is this. I'd rather take the hit on a trade in. I'm still angry about the situation but the guy lives in Michigan and while it may be worth going to there...I dont trust myself on what I might do. I'm taking this as a lesson. **** selling used phones now.
Ace42 said:
I sent my phone last week, it's on its way to TX- will arrive Friday. I'll update you after Ingram receives it.
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Sounds like we sent it at the same time. Delivery time is for today as well. I didn't realize it would take so long and i have international travel on the 12th planned. I can't use my work phone so I may have to have someone mail me the phone from here.
NavySpark said:
Sold my 6T on Swappa for $440 with a few extra cases. After fees and shipping, cleared about $400. Not saying selling is for everyone but I picked up the 7 pro for only $665 with student discount.
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Hope you dont get ****ed over like I did.
I totally spaced on the cash back option. I just went ahead and bought it now...I know it puts the value I would get back out 15 days + whatever time it takes for me to get the handset in my hand but I couldn't take the chance of waiting for them. I'll take the cash back option after a few weeks. Still inconvenient but a bit better.

