Hangouts Default on all - General Topics

Maybe this is just frustration on my part, but I just don't understand why Google doesn't push hangouts more. Just today, my kids are at a friends house and they wanted to video chat, so my friends have an iPhone. They say lets just Facetime, and I tell them I have an Android, so that's not possible. Then I get the, well maybe you should switch then comment. I have them download Hangouts, and then they attempt to give me their email address and they are not getting my Hangout's request. Which just makes them more persistent on saying, see... you wouldn't have this issue if you have an iPhone. Of course they gave me the wrong email address which caused the issue in the first place, and after that was corrected, everything worked pretty much as it should. Only issue right now is on the IOS side with the notification of the video call. Apparently this broke in the latest update. Needless to say, there are a ton of advantages for Google to push this, more so that it is cross-platform and everyone can video chat.
It's the only thing that drives me crazy with Android, (minus updates...) but not enough to make me switch back to IOS. Not that there is anything wrong with IOS, but it isn't for me. UGH!!!
Any thoughts why Google would not want to push this?


[Q] Any idea for HQ facebook pic sync?

Hi Everyone,
I have a problem since so long, tried to find a really working solution for that, but I've failed many times, and that thing always went to parking space at my to-do list.
So let me ask a question. What is the best app for syncing your contact list pictures with facebook? And I know, there are a lot of apps doing that, what really concerns me, is the quality of them. For ex, many phone apk-s seem to support bigger pictures, but everyone of it displays pictures like it was magnified from a freakin thumbnal, and looks.... really bad.
Anyone has a solution for that? Tips?! I'd really appreciate it, and thanks in advance
i am not really following you...what about facebook official application ?
i think he's talking about google changing the quality of contact-pictures. doesn't matter how hq they are on your phone, as soon as you sync your contacts with your google-account, quality is degraded. this is happening on all platforms (android, ios, winmo...) - go complain to google. (not that they listened in the past 2 years... ^^)
only "solution" until they change that on server:
don't sync your contacts with your google-account.
Have you tried full screen caller I'd from the market? Lots of options. Not sure how well it works as its $5+
yeah, FSCI was used on my galaxy spica though, it had a lot of bugs, errorous facebook messages, missed calls by application fc-s. Havent tried on nexus yet, but that didn't seemed to be a stable working solution by then.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that, in fact I hoped there is a way to solve it, I thought that its quality is bad because of the google cached pictures.. :\
It's kinda makes me wonder, that on ICS the caller pic is way bigger (ok, sdk port, but kinda looks like the phone app will not get a complete revamp till the release), so maybe they tend to do something with this problem... or at least I hope so
Syncmypics has always done okay but never gets them all.
I just picked up a nexus s 4g and it is syncing Facebook photos.

[Q] Facebook Notifications with multiple sessions

I am having this extreme annoying problem with Facebook Notifications. Even though this has to do with facebook fixing this stupid annoyance, i am looking for a solution until they actually think for the user and not for themselves.
Every time i am on the PC, whether i'm using Facebook Messenger or am actually browsing through with the browser, if i get a notification, those of CHAT most of the time, i receive them on my phone as well. Now everything is fine and is working as it should, but i find it extremely annoying being notified on my phone when i am actually at the heart of facebook where nothing can pass away from my eyes (even ears)
I dont want to stop facebook messenger notifications (nor the facebook main app ones), i just want them to be ignored or call it NOT SENT when i am connected on the browser. There must be a way for facebook to prioritize the destination device (client, me) on where to send the notification or where not.
Anything guys? im not a fan of double posts either.

If you haven't worked it out yet mate - this is nothing to do with anyone on XDA.
Yes, there is probably a way for Facebook to do what you want - so ask the guys at FB who are paid $100k+ to write the apps for that abortion of a social media site. I can't, for a minute, imagine that any Dev on XDA would waste their time taking apart a FB app (which would probably be contrary to XDA's terms and conditions) just to do this.
Bumping your post is not going to get you any help.
I've been a forum mod myself, i know the annoyance i am creating and i know the pain it causes, but believe me i am not proud of it, it is just killing me getting a notification at both places at the same time.
The reason why i'm asking is to look if anyone found a workaround, and i am amazed to see people not being annoyed by this matter.
PlutoDelic said:
I've been a forum mod myself, i know the annoyance i am creating and i know the pain it causes, but believe me i am not proud of it, it is just killing me getting a notification at both places at the same time.
The reason why i'm asking is to look if anyone found a workaround, and i am amazed to see people not being annoyed by this matter.
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That excuse is up there along with;-
"I don't want to interrupt you, but ..." - Yes you do or you wouldn't be doing it.
There is no workaround other than disabling notifications on FB. They probably don't want to allow people to turn them off as most people seem to thrive on getting notifications for FB as it makes them feel all important, so getting the notification twice makes them feel twice as important.
I would've found three better methods explaining your workarounds lets say in a more humane way. Remember, people ask questions to get answers, especially on a general discussion board.
Thanks anyway.

[Q] International Messaging Solution on Android

Okay, I've been looking for a good solution and haven't found one yet. I'm hoping some of the creative minds out here in the community can help me out.
I'm from the States, and I'm currently working in China. I'll be here for another 5 months or so. I'm a Nexus devotee, so I've got my Nexus 4 and my Nexus 7 here with me. The N4 goes everywhere with me, and the N7 is more of a couch/bed companion and a travel reader/movie player. I'm trying to find a good integrated messaging solution for communicating both with my colleagues and friends here in China as well as my friends and family back home.
When I first moved here, my plan was for Google Voice to be my solution. I had my cell number ported to Voice, and I have continued to use that for texts, voicemail, and VOIP calls using Groove IP. That has been a pretty handy solution, and it's nice that I can also access my messages when I'm sitting at my laptop through the Chrome extension. There are a couple of downsides to Voice though. The first is that it's kind of a clunky piece of software. It's certainly not sleek, and the syncing between devices can be a little hairy. I haven't figured out how to get a nicely functional inbox either. Google refuses to accept my China Mobile number for some reason, so I have to activate the app by using another friend's US number and then deactivating messages to her phone. Also, my friends and family members who are Apple users complain about the app being really poorly designed on Apple products. They don't actually need it of course (the reason I set it up was so my phone number would continue to work for everyone), but I can't control their end of it.
GChat/Talk is one option that I like quite a bit. It syncs really well between devices, and it's really clean and sleek. One issue I have with it is that, when my internet gets spotty at work (which is far too frequently), a message will sometimes arrive on my N7 at home, and I won't see it until I get home from work later that night. Also, once again, the Apple users hate this option because of the terrible choices on iOS.
In doing some research on some other options, I came across Kik, and I instantly fell in love. It's sleek like Talk with quick messaging, but it's more comprehensive with additional features and a better implementation of read/unread messages. I got it all set up on my N7 and was ready to tell everyone to sign up when I installed it on my N4. I looked at my N7, and I was back at the login screen. I logged in again and saw the screen pop up on my N4. The software does not support multiple devices. That's unfortunately a deal-breaker. Unless they fix that flaw, Kik is out the window.
I'm using mysms right now, and it's got potential, but I'm still not completely sure. I haven't really figured out the best settings to get it most effectively working with my China Mobile number and my Google Voice number. It's not as sleek and fast as Kik or Talk, and I've gotten some complaints from the Apple crowd about it not being very intuitive. But it does sync pretty well between devices, and I can access it easily on my Windows 7 laptop. So far, though, I'm not thrilled with it.
I would like to hear from the community any tricks with settings, additional apps to try, or other creative solutions to this. All ideas are welcome, and I'll be happy to try anything out to see how it works, so please don't be shy about any ideas. Thanks in advance for your help.

Why WhatsApp is TERRIBLE

I've been wanting to write this article somewhere for a while now since WhatsApp is pissing me off all the freaking time. This thread is gonna seem really toxic so prepare yourself for some criticism. I'm not exaggerating, just a few minutes ago WhatsApp wipes everything for no reason, probably because I'm low on storage. Speaking of storage, let's hop right into the first argument.
No SD-card support
WhatsApp stores all the media and messages on internal storage. Facebook has had ages to figure this out but still they're more interested in making money off of innocent users and adding ripped-off features like stories, that honestly nobody freaking uses.
You need a phone and number
You need a phone with a SIM card to use WhatsApp. Of course many people have this but it's still really restricting. This also means you can't message people without sharing your number, which you don't want some people having.
Messages are stored offline
Messages are stored on one phone and that's really insecure. This also leads to many other disadvantages below.
Only one phone
WhatsApp is not cross-platform compatible. It only works with one phone and WhatsApp web needs to be connected to that phone. WhatsApp web sucks so hard because it doesn't work more than half of the time. You can't use just a desktop or tablet.
Switching devices is near impossible
If you want to transfer your messages to another device it's damn near impossible. You need to make a backup than reinstall WhatsApp and load the backup and... uuaghhh it's just so goddamn badly designed. The backup process is bad as well.
WhatsApp is owned by Facebook and I don't have to say more than that to tell you about privacy.
WhatsApp doesn't get anymore significant improvements because it already has the majority of the users and Facebook isn't scared of losing them to other messengers, so it isn't worth developing to them.
It ruins image and video quality
WhatsApp down-scales the resolution and quality of media you send and there's no way to turn that off. It's so bloody annoying when you're sharing images or video for something important.
The emojis look like crap
WhatsApp, even on Android, replaces your own emojis with the stock Apple ones, which look horribly outdated. You can go out of your way to install a new emoji font on your device and WhatsApp still ruins them all.
WhatsApp pales in comparison to Discord or an open-source app like Telegram. But despite all these flaws it still has most of the users. It's just too hard to switch because then everyone would have to switch with is really hard to accomplish. I really hope you hate WhatsApp more now and go install Discord. :laugh:
I've been wanting to write this article somewhere for a while now since WhatsApp is pissing me off all the freaking time. This thread is gonna seem really toxic so prepare yourself for some criticism. I'm not exaggerating, just a few minutes ago WhatsApp wipes everything for no reason, probably because I'm low on storage. Speaking of storage, let's hop right into the first argument.
No SD-card support
WhatsApp stores all the media and messages on internal storage. Facebook has had ages to figure this out but still they're more interested in making money off of innocent users and adding ripped-off features like stories, that honestly nobody freaking uses.
You need a phone and number
You need a phone with a SIM card to use WhatsApp. Of course many people have this but it's still really restricting. This also means you can't message people without sharing your number, which you don't want some people having.
Messages are stored offline
Messages are stored on one phone and that's really insecure. This also leads to many other disadvantages below.
Only one phone
WhatsApp is not cross-platform compatible. It only works with one phone and WhatsApp web needs to be connected to that phone. WhatsApp web sucks so hard because it doesn't work more than half of the time. You can't use just a desktop or tablet.
Switching devices is near impossible
If you want to transfer your messages to another device it's damn near impossible. You need to make a backup than reinstall WhatsApp and load the backup and... uuaghhh it's just so goddamn badly designed. The backup process is bad as well.
WhatsApp is owned by Facebook and I don't have to say more than that to tell you about privacy.
WhatsApp doesn't get anymore significant improvements because it already has the majority of the users and Facebook isn't scared of losing them to other messengers, so it isn't worth developing to them.
It ruins image and video quality
WhatsApp down-scales the resolution and quality of media you send and there's no way to turn that off. It's so bloody annoying when you're sharing images or video for something important.
The emojis look like crap
WhatsApp, even on Android, replaces your own emojis with the stock Apple ones, which look horribly outdated. You can go out of your way to install a new emoji font on your device and WhatsApp still ruins them all.
WhatsApp pales in comparison to Discord or an open-source app like Telegram. But despite all these flaws it still has most of the users. It's just too hard to switch because then everyone would have to switch with is really hard to accomplish. I really hope you hate WhatsApp more now and go install Discord.
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1. You're on xda, you can surely find a way to move its data to SD if it matters to you THAT much.
2. Telegram f.e. requires a number aswell, but you can setup a username to avoid others getting your number. However, you can openly look-up a username and pretty much get annoyed anyway.
3. Either you're ignorant or haven't bothered at all. There's a VERY OBVIOUS "Backup data to Google Drive" option to save you're chats in your own GDrive.
4. Why would you want that? If you'ge got it setup, why even want the same account on another platform at the same time.
5. Look at Point 3 concering backup and restoring messages/ chats.
6. Facebook hasn't bothered WhatsApp that much and left it working on its own. Don't know what you're on about or I'm missing something.
7. WhatsApp is receiving updates and "stability" updates. I put it in quotes because that's subjective, sometimes IMHO they mess up and break other functions. Please state any "significant improvement" you're missing.
8. For important file sharing you can use a dedicated service. Also the downscaling isn't as bad (on a Note8), images sent by me are just fine on the other user.
9. Subjective. I don't like them either, but you can't be bothered too much by it.
I'm not sure why you're against WhatsApp but whatever floats your boat.
The list above commenting your points are just my views, not backing up WhatsApp.
No point posting this on a hacking forum that is not affiliated with whatsapp in any way
DSA said:
No point posting this on a hacking forum that is not affiliated with whatsapp in any way
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If I posted it on the whatsapp forum they'd surely remove it. I just needed a place to rant and reddit didn't seem right to me.
SaadatM said:
1. You're on xda, you can surely find a way to move its data to SD if it matters to you THAT much.
2. Telegram f.e. requires a number aswell, but you can setup a username to avoid others getting your number. However, you can openly look-up a username and pretty much get annoyed anyway.
3. Either you're ignorant or haven't bothered at all. There's a VERY OBVIOUS "Backup data to Google Drive" option to save you're chats in your own GDrive.
4. Why would you want that? If you'ge got it setup, why even want the same account on another platform at the same time.
5. Look at Point 3 concering backup and restoring messages/ chats.
6. Facebook hasn't bothered WhatsApp that much and left it working on its own. Don't know what you're on about or I'm missing something.
7. WhatsApp is receiving updates and "stability" updates. I put it in quotes because that's subjective, sometimes IMHO they mess up and break other functions. Please state any "significant improvement" you're missing.
8. For important file sharing you can use a dedicated service. Also the downscaling isn't as bad (on a Note8), images sent by me are just fine on the other user.
9. Subjective. I don't like them either, but you can't be bothered too much by it.
I'm not sure why you're against WhatsApp but whatever floats your boat.
The list above commenting your points are just my views, not backing up WhatsApp.
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1. You're right but it's annoying as hell.
2. Yes but at least you can use telegram in your browser without your phone being connected. And Discord has direct messaging
3. Yeah I know and I backup regularly but you have to uninstall the app and install it again if you want to load a backup which is really stupid.
4. Because typing on a keyboard is easier and when I'm on my PC I don't wanna have to take out my phone.
6. Facebook knows al lot more about you than you think.
7. It's just that they can't live up to a tiny thing like telegram when Facebook has millions of dollars.
8. Yes I know but bothering other people to use google drive for sending an image is pretty annoying to them.
9. Then went out of their way to ruin the emojis and force us to use theirs.
Zipdox said:
I've been wanting to write this article somewhere for a while now since WhatsApp is pissing me off all the freaking time. This thread is gonna seem really toxic so prepare yourself for some criticism. I'm not exaggerating, just a few minutes ago WhatsApp wipes everything for no reason, probably because I'm low on storage. Speaking of storage, let's hop right into the first argument.
No SD-card support
WhatsApp stores all the media and messages on internal storage. Facebook has had ages to figure this out but still they're more interested in making money off of innocent users and adding ripped-off features like stories, that honestly nobody freaking uses.
You need a phone and number
You need a phone with a SIM card to use WhatsApp. Of course many people have this but it's still really restricting. This also means you can't message people without sharing your number, which you don't want some people having.
Messages are stored offline
Messages are stored on one phone and that's really insecure. This also leads to many other disadvantages below.
Only one phone
WhatsApp is not cross-platform compatible. It only works with one phone and WhatsApp web needs to be connected to that phone. WhatsApp web sucks so hard because it doesn't work more than half of the time. You can't use just a desktop or tablet.
Switching devices is near impossible
If you want to transfer your messages to another device it's damn near impossible. You need to make a backup than reinstall WhatsApp and load the backup and... uuaghhh it's just so goddamn badly designed. The backup process is bad as well.
WhatsApp is owned by Facebook and I don't have to say more than that to tell you about privacy.
WhatsApp doesn't get anymore significant improvements because it already has the majority of the users and Facebook isn't scared of losing them to other messengers, so it isn't worth developing to them.
It ruins image and video quality
WhatsApp down-scales the resolution and quality of media you send and there's no way to turn that off. It's so bloody annoying when you're sharing images or video for something important.
The emojis look like crap
WhatsApp, even on Android, replaces your own emojis with the stock Apple ones, which look horribly outdated. You can go out of your way to install a new emoji font on your device and WhatsApp still ruins them all.
WhatsApp pales in comparison to Discord or an open-source app like Telegram. But despite all these flaws it still has most of the users. It's just too hard to switch because then everyone would have to switch with is really hard to accomplish. I really hope you hate WhatsApp more now and go install Discord. :laugh:
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To be honest there is nothing better to which you can compare though, so why complaining? Just don't use it no?
deltamind said:
To be honest there is nothing better to which you can compare though, so why complaining? Just don't use it no?
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just to prevent other people use it
but actually I partly agree with op, I usually use telegram more often than watsapp
What I really hate about Whatsapp is fuc**** Whatsapp Web functionality. They are not fixing Image quality issue as well. Unfortunately, there is no better chat app available.
I quit using it awhile ago, and have been using telegram instead....
dylancooper300 said:
I use Telegram for my phone and desktop version of Whatsapp but I use older version downloaded here because my PC is not powerful enough. On my mobile, I use Whatsapp and Telegram. I can say that both apps have advantages and disadvantages. I have not found so many problems with Whatsapp as you mentioned above.
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Totally agree. I used Whatsapp a lot, so I know that there are certain pros and cons.
Though because almost 12 hours working with PC/laptop, I prefer using desktop client version for Telegram. IMO, it's more user friendly and have better sync when it comes to sharing files between the desktop version and the mobile app. I'm not sure, but it seems to me it's less consuming than desktop Whatsapp, have you tried it? I have an old PC which works sluggish, and it showed slightly better performance.
Biggest issue is cross platform backup.
I cant figure out how to transfer whatsapp data from ios to android.
Ios forces you to backup whatsapp to icloud ugh.
it is not so bad
I don't know, for me it is not so bad, and it can videocalls (unlike telegram for example), and also you can use some alternative like viber if you want ). for example in my country viber is more popular, and in viber you can delete your message for both you and your contact
It ruins image and video quality
WhatsApp down-scales the resolution and quality of media you send and there's no way to turn that off. It's so bloody annoying when you're sharing images or video for something important.
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When using WhatApp on your phone, If you send a image or video that has a file size that is less than 100 Megabytes as a "Document" attachment, then the quality of the image or video file will not be reduced. To do this do the following:
1. In the chat window, click on the "paperclip icon" at the bottom of the screen.
2. Then click on "Documents".
3. And then click on "Browse other docs...".
4. Navigate to the file you want to send and then tap on it, and then tap on "SEND".
5. The file will now be sent in it's original form without any compression.
1Ton1886 said:
When using WhatApp on your phone, If you send a image or video that has a file size that is less than 100 Megabytes as a "Document" attachment, then the quality of the image or video file will not be reduced. To do this do the following:
1. In the chat window, click on the "paperclip icon" at the bottom of the screen.
2. Then click on "Documents".
3. And then click on "Browse other docs...".
4. Navigate to the file you want to send and then tap on it, and then tap on "SEND".
5. The file will now be sent in it's original form without any compression.
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Yeah but it's a pain in the ass and doesn't embed. I've found out about GBWhatsApp since already

New phone with custom rom, keep getting old texts coming back as new texts, how do I make this stop?

I recently got a Pixel 4a 5g and originally tried GrapheneOS and now I'm on Calyx. The issue I have is the stock texting app on either OS does not support group texting which I use a lot with my family. So I had to find a 3rd party app, found QKSMS which supports group texting.
However I don't know if this is an OS or app issue, but at random, I will get old texts back. It will basically be as if it's a new text, but it's an old conversation that just replays itself. It's super annoying and also confusing because sometimes at first I think it's a real text I just got.
Is there a way to make this stop? I'm also open to suggestions on an alternate app but it needs to be something that's in the F droid store, since I don't really want to put Google play on here as it kind of defeats the purpose of having a privacy oriented phone if I start putting apps that spy on me.
I also want to stick with SMS/MMS and not signal etc, because not everybody uses all the same chat app, but SMS is just universal. Everyone I know uses it.
Anyone else ever run into this and found a fix?
Just bumping, hoping someone has a pointer for how I can troubleshoot this?

