Taking a break - Asus Transformer TF700

Hi guys, I will be taking a break from playing with the Asus for a while. I received a Nexus 9 yesterday and it will be taking up most of my time for the near future. It has been great here and I could not ask for a better group of people. Everyone has been extremely helpful and I learned a lot from you. This is the most friendly forum I have ever belonged to. So long for a short while.:crying:


Forum Etiquette

Ok, here's the deal
I'm getting really frustrated lately at the quality of posts on this forum. I came here about a year ago because i didn't know a thing about about my phone and had a desire to learn a lot. At that time I was greeted with nthing but kindness and a willingness to help.
Nobody, it seems, regardless of how much or little they have contributed to this community can so much as ask a question anymore. Questions will usually get answered, but almost never without 6 or 7 flame posts accompanying it. I see literally hundreds of posts from people saying we need to cut the clutter in forums. I personally like some of the personal convos that happen here and considered many members here to be friends and comrades.
I guess my point is this. Even if a question is driving you nuts it's easier to post a link to the page containing the answer than it is to write a hate letter to a new member. If you are that new member, it's easy to read the forums (most of them really aren't that long and that's what we have a wiki for). let's cut the stress on xda a little, eh? At last check I thought this is where we all came for fun. Am I right?
I agree
It is hard to get answers...here...I thought some were friends too....turned out that they were not very nice....I have learned alot here....but it seems that I learned the hard way.....I thought is would be fun too.....sometimes it's a pain in the ass to figure some stuff out.
Calaelen313 said:
Ok, here's the deal
I'm getting really frustrated lately at the quality of posts on this forum. I came here about a year ago because i didn't know a thing about about my phone and had a desire to learn a lot. At that time I was greeted with nthing but kindness and a willingness to help.
Nobody, it seems, regardless of how much or little they have contributed to this community can so much as ask a question anymore. Questions will usually get answered, but almost never without 6 or 7 flame posts accompanying it. I see literally hundreds of posts from people saying we need to cut the clutter in forums. I personally like some of the personal convos that happen here and considered many members here to be friends and comrades.
I guess my point is this. Even if a question is driving you nuts it's easier to post a link to the page containing the answer than it is to write a hate letter to a new member. If you are that new member, it's easy to read the forums (most of them really aren't that long and that's what we have a wiki for). let's cut the stress on xda a little, eh? At last check I thought this is where we all came for fun. Am I right?
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Well said. Unfortunately unfriendliness seems to come in an annual cycle (there are reasons - I won't bore you with). At these times it can be quite depressing, the joy in our time here can dwindle very low and some may even leave.
You might say, "hang on, he's a Mod, why doesn't he do something about it? The answer is we try, but sometimes it's as if these antagonistic periods come in waves and popping in now and again to Mod the odd thing here and there is not enough.
However, if you spot abusive, unhelpful posts then click on the report post button. We have an improved system for these reports to get to the Mods, but it only works if members use it.
Things will improve, generally around July/August if the past is anything to go by!

The atmosphere of XDA has changed

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this forum. I respect the true developers that push out groundbreaking work and invest their time and talents into what they do, but I have noticed something that does make me a bit disappointed.
I first started coming to XDA early last year when I got me a G1... And while I am not a big contributor, I do adore reading through the wealth of knowledge and advice here. Early on it seems the feel of the board was so much more accepting and pleasant. It was one of the Biggest reasons I stuck with my G1 and felt it would be the big thing to come.
But it seems as of recent, the tone of some areas of this forum have went sour and south. I understand things happen, such as multiple posts about questions that have been answered or goofy comments. And these things get irritating. But they happen. When did the better than you, don't question us, and without warning "snaps" start happening.
I LOVE Android, and I am Very proud to be part of the Android wave since G1, but the bigger we get the more iPhone-fanatical and holier than thou the atmosphere is seemingly becoming.
Why should we treat new comers to the system with such venom or even older members. I have seen high post count members help in some posts and call new members "idiots" or the like, in others. I see threads getting squashed before the ink has dried regarding items of interest that - while a search could be beneficial - the problem may be slightly different or something completely different, if only the ones snapping off at the "member" would read them. I see people defending certain aspects with careless abandon of rationality. Same goes for new users that have a tech problem and get angry when the first response doesn't help. When did entitlement to instant answers come into the picture?
These are not highly common issues that are here - and all forums have such irritations - but they are still here and in much higher velocity the more expanded Android becomes.
I guess with great power comes great responsibility. And when the under dog becomes the big dog, he finds it necessary to bite all the other dogs in retribution.
I don't know, it just saddens me to see such actions here, and I guess I do kinda miss being the underdog a bit and enjoying the camaraderie that came with it.
EDIT: I want to stress that my intended meaning here is not that XDA has become some completely nasty, demented, angry beast. I love this forum. I am merely comparing today to the early days and how the recent breakout of Android and the aspect of being the top dog has changed some tones slightly.
Oh yes. The rudeness over in the Vibrant section is unacceptable.
We invite you to help us by reporting bad behavior, it´s impossible for us to look all the threads in all the sections, so we count a lot with the help of all members to make this more than 3 million great forum called XDA better.
I in no way meant this to mean it's the fault of the Moderators of XDA. Orb is absolutely correct. We readers and commenters are the front line to help remedy this. I am simply remarking on the state and tone of the masses, as we advance from small groups with pioneer devices to the majority of the mobile smart phone community.
Android is pure, its open... as well our arms and responses should be - in a respectful manner. To all questions big, small or redundant. To all comparisons and technological oppositions.
I say that as merely a comment of how we should hold our honor under this platform and as a community. Not as a indictment in any way. This should be the basis of Android and its adopters young and old in places like XDA that are one of the faces of our brand. It's what makes us great. All accepting and all helping. Coming from the small humble steps of Google slightly more than 10 years ago, to the pillars of might which they have now become, I guess this is what I initially meant to express....The original sight and humble nature should not be lost and above all negativity should be hindered.
And as Orb stated, we the readers are the best hope to help remedy such actions, and as such, we such be steadfast in keeping the tone positive and not condemning all things seemingly redundant or in opposition to Android.
Keep up the great work XDA. There are no villains here, merely a young and VERY inspired and dedicated community with a great future. Let's make sure that when the legend is written, that it's written with the proper feelings in place.
So very sorry to jump on a soap box.. I am just very proud to be a part of this community. And my pride spurs very much from the positive nature of this forum and the Android world in general. I never want to lose that rare gem.
They need to hire more Moderators
Proud to be XDA member!
Fantastic words!
recasper said:
All accepting and all helping
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No need to be sorry, I can get your feeling and share it as well!!
Just adding: Not only Android...We have the father of all touch screen OS devices: Windows Mobile, also Windows Phone 7 and even iPhone all come together in XDA!! (and perhaps more to come in the future!)
recasper said:
So very sorry to jump on a soap box.. I am just very proud to be a part of this community. And my pride spurs very much from the positive nature of this forum and the Android world in general. I never want to lose that rare gem.
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this is a very well put together comment. It sort of makes me feel bad of the few,very few times thay I had been rude. Not intentionally but just having a bad day and escaping to the forums for relaxation and ease then being rude in some of my comments. This certainly will make me be gratuous for such a great forum and for the help that I have gotten. I will definetly think twice of all my post from here on out.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
In my rant I completely neglected to keep in mind that XDA is not only the developmental face of Android but so many others. I kind of fell into tunnel vision as I jumped upon my soap box. All other OS platforms should absolutely be acknowledged and thank you Orb for correcting me.
I guess I was focusing more on the Android section of this site due to its weight here and the fact I spend all my time in these sections. Seeing negativity in the areas where there is an assumed open and welcoming nature of Android and its community, tweaked me and inspired me to post this. After thinking about it, this is to say, my thoughts aren't 100% specifically toward the Android section and not to be dismissing the likes of Win7, WinMobile, iPhone and of course (and well stated, Orb) all others to come. I see myself as more of a member of the Android section than any other, but the general feel of my comments are to span all forum sections. Respect, thats what is important.
Thank you, caguirr4, and any following posters with such thoughts. That was my exact intention here. For us all to reanalyze our responses and comments, even when we have had a bad day or feel irritable for redundancy or what some may see as surface ignorance. And to understand that not all readers are developers or highly computer savvy. But merely wanting to get a foothold in this complex area and most are doing what they can. We should open our arms, as we do our code, and allow them safe passage. Especially without the fear of receiving a scathing reply to a post simply reaching for help or personal expression.
And above all thank you ALL for what you do in this incredibly innovative, inspiring and all around wonderful forum.
I shall now step down from this podium and stop wasting everyones time. haha
I know I've personally been rude a few times and I see your point. I was once just as lost with android as some of the new members coming here. Each thread should be treated as important and relevant and if something as simple as a search would suffice then a link to the topic with the answer could be provided and instead of "omg search n00b" a more friendly "Here is the link, please search a bit more carefully next time" could be placed. I know some would still take that as hostile even when it's not meant to be but it is less aggressive and if the person is new maybe even throw in a "and welcome to the forums". I don't really contribute that much in terms of development (I'm not sure you'd even really call my thread development or not) but I, like you, love this community and the amazing things that can be done when we join together. I know some of us just get a bit annoyed at seeing the same question a few hundred times over and there's always that one "straw that breaks the camel's back" and as we learn more ourselves some answers may seem obvious to us when they're not so obvious to others. Thank you for posting this and making us all think about not only our own posts in response to others, but what we really want this community to be and what its potential is.
Thank you OP for the feedback. We will certainly keep this in mind and try to get better.
Over the past few months we have grown enormously, we have added numerous non-hTC devices, plus we have openly started adding all android devices which come out compared to previously only Windows mobile OS devices. Which has lead to a huge influx of new members.
XDA is a convergence of numerous types of people some know it all, some are really knew, some understand english really well, and some not so well.. This is what leads to frustrations, and hence rude-ness over the forums. Eventually as people mature on XDA, they hopefully do learn the manners of posting on a board such as XDA.
And those who don't we moderators are always their to deal with them.
Thank you again for the feedback, it has been noted and we will surely try to make XDA a more welcoming and friendlier place.
Any issues/suggestions/comments feel free to contact me.

hello from your new forum mod

Hi Folks
Thought I’d post a quick message to introduce myself
I’m Chris - your new Forum Moderator
I’m here keep an eye on things and help where I can. We all benefit when the forum runs smoothly and everyone helps each other.
Potted history of me:
Married with 5 Kids – first grandchild on the way (it keeps me busy!!)
I’ve been a member on XDA since 2007. I’ve learned, asked questions (yes, some in the wrong place), and I’ve developed for phones too.
As I’ve seen both sides. I know what it’s like to want help, and what it’s like to post your work and get flamed
Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves help so I tend to take the soft view over issues and try to help. Everyone needs to follow the rules though
I don’t tend to post a lot as I’m a fan of listening first, talking second.
Even though i'll try to keep an eye open i cant spot every issue without help
If you’ve any questions or any issues, drop me a message, (email, Skype etc) . I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. (Please consider things like time zones, work, sleep, Wife & Kids) it’s not always possible to reply immediately.
devs, i'll aim to drop you folks a pm in the next few days
please feel free to say ‘Hi’ chatting is part of the community
Look forward to getting to know you

Keeping the One S forum friendly.

Hello One S community! I would just like to start by welcoming all the new comers and to the guys and gals that have been here for a bit, hello.
I wanted to just ask everyone out of civility and courtesy to try and keep this development community friendly and enjoyable for everyone. I know that we are all from different parts of the world, different cultures, and different backgrounds. There is one thing that keeps us coming back and that is android. We all love it and all enjoy all the hard work developers and themers put together for us as their hobby and passion.
A lot of times things can be misinterpreted through text and a tone can't be carried sometimes in responses or posts, so I just ask out of courtesy and respect for one another that we try and take this into consideration. Let's not turn this area of Xda into a place were people are affraid to ask questions or reply because of eager flamers.
Which leads me into Q&A, if you have a question or issue post it in the right area, there are a lot of guys on here that are very knowledgeable and are willing and able to answer most questions. But make sure you use the search function in each of the Topic areas, even googling your question most of the time will lead you to the right topic on Xda. If not we will have sections with repeat questions which get hard to weed through when responding...or you'll get a bunch of threads like mine. Pointless and a waste of space.
I just hope that we can change the tone of what people have seen Xda become lately and return it to the place it used to be, a site where people who love modding and hacking devices can hang out, learn and teach. Well if I didn't piss you off posting this then cool keep it positive, if I did, sorry. Just want people, devs, and hobbiest to stick around and enjoy this.
One last bit of advice for the newer guys, devs and themers hate it when you ask for an update. Or when its coming out. Sit back enjoy and help each other out. Ok I'm done, sorry for wasting space and time. Carry on...and ignore the man behind the curtin.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda premium
Another thing, search twice before you post a question, and be sure to mention that you searched if you can't find anything. People are a lot more forgiving if you do this.

[Thank You] Thank you. You saved me.

Hello XDA!
I opened this account to say thank you.
Last week I bought a new Samsung Galaxy S4 (T-Mobile, m919) and began rooting it. The guides I read made no mention of the KNOX issue and I wound up with a soft-bricked phone.
I can't even begin to describe how I felt. I was literally sick to my stomach thinking I had just bricked a brand new phone.
Thanks to the guides and discussions found here on XDA (and a few on other forums, but mostly here) I was able to recover my system to stock and new phone is up and running again. This whole thing has been an emotional roller coaster, but also a learning experience. I feel much more informed now and confident that I have a place to find answers when I have a question.
I owe you all a big thanks.
I opened this account to thank you and be able to click the thank button from now on.
AND, I'll go out on a limb here and say thank you on behalf of thousands, if not millions of other lurkers who have gotten help here and just not taken the time to say thanks.
You guys ROCK. I don't even want to think about what would be happening to me right now had I not found this place.
You can give back to the community by helping others who own that phone and run into similar issues in the Q&A forum. :good:
Your welcome
Always good to hear a happy outcome
Programming is a race between engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
i know the feeling, had the GS4 for 3 days before i soft bricked it.
had no idea that the update that recently came the day before locked the bootloader.
After searching threads here for a bit figured it out and was able to get to stock and "undo" my stupidity.
XDA , its devs and contributors are a priceless resource.

