What pisses me off as mentioned is the fact that you have to install a software update WITH the skin intact and updated as well. I don't like how this delays the time the update takes to get pushed, I don't like how this oftentimes turns me off from using the damn skin, and I most definitely don't like the fact that I have to install it to get perks. It's a trap!! The whole update BS is what drove me (and many others) to root their Legends in the first place. This is absolute crap!
And yeah, I'm against a locked bootloader as with everybody here on XDA. It's not just the custom skins being reverted to plain stock or similar, it's the extra "feel-good" things you can do with it unlocked.
Thoughts on the rant?
Google's in it to make money? What a shock(!)
They're a company, not a charity.
Google is also about spreading it's monoply.
And they're better at it than At%t
Yeah Google is in it for money all company's are, money makes the world go around nowadays so that's what they do. As far as the ads part, that's how they make their money that's how they always have, but you don't see ads floating around when you use your phone just in apps that you download form the marketplace. However, the OS is open, like any other Linux base, allowing people to customize it and thus making Google sit back and see what devs can do with it and integrating what the devs are bringing to the table and seeing what people like (free user studys). Its genius on their part especially to push it to the masses that don't know what they're doing and have no idea what it even means when you say "root." I've always enjoyed Linux and its openness so I will continue to support Android.
Agree with rant.
Yeah, it's the nerds that want this, but the normals don't consider the why.
And the why is these devices are not phones.
They are tiny computers.
And it's pretty terrible that I can change the OS on my other, not-so-tiny computer whenever I want to, but I'm stuck with whatever the manufacturer of a given device forces upon me?
I'm not even sure I like the fact that my smartphone is limited to Android only.
I envision a day sometime in the future where smartphones are treated as tiny computers by everyone--including the manufacturers. Where you can buy barebones smartphones from the manufacturers without a preinstalled OS and pick your poison!
Of course Apple would never play ball with this--they don't even do so on their not-so-tiny computers--but wouldn't it be sweet to pick up the latest HTC superphone and then think to yourself...
... do I want Android, MeeGo, Windows Phone... or whatever other mobile OSes might exist at the time?
That's true openness now, but smartphones are in their infancy, and too many people still think of them as just very fancy phones.
Google's true purpose is to take over the world!
The main purpose of ANY company, is to MAKE MONEY, so the top-level execs can enjoy a huge cushy corner office, drive a company Mercedes S-class, own a Bentley for personal use, host extravagant parties on their yacht, visit France on weekends in the private jet, live in a house so big there are rooms they've never set foot in, and still have enough to pay for private security, butler, maid, and nanny for the rugrats. Accomplishing this goal for Google includes ads, and for manufacturers, includes customization for product differentiation and locked bootloaders to reduce losses from warranty/support claims.
In a way, it's the lax rules of "open" Android which has allowed manufacters to customize however they see fit.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the fact that this woman is interested enough in technology to even bother ranting about Google, Android, and secured bootloaders, is a total turn on?
All companies give something away then, start changing the game, the problem with All phone companies is soon we will have devices that will allow us to load whatever we want, (we do that with dual boot now) this will become the standard, probably take 3-5 years before it is mainstream. But, like everyone else said Google just wants to make money. and have secure market position.....
..... duh.....
google is a company ..... where the strangeness?
GnatGoSplat said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the fact that this woman is interested enough in technology to even bother ranting about Google, Android, and secured bootloaders, is a total turn on?
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... hey, not everyone here is a guy, you know!
... and yet I still agree!
Moral of the story- Companies like money to further themselves.
Step666 said:
Google's in it to make money? What a shock(!)
They're a company, not a charity.
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Agree.Google is a company,not a charity.
LOL GOogle wasnt made so people can happily search away
It was made with the purpose of making money... who would spend thousands of dollars doing otherwise.
PS. "Google is a company, not a charity" <---Egg-sactly.
I completely disagree with the whole "stock skin is awesome!" thing. I personally dislike the stock Android theme, and it was one of the reasons I disliked CM7 to begin with, until I found Honeybread.
The stock Galaxy S theme is my favorite theme I've seen so far.
I agree with synaesthetic's vision. Would be amazing if we could dual boot operating systems on any smartphone too.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
sales are UP
Google also gives all your personal data (contacts included, and all their data) to it's subsidiaries. thus bypassing Google's own privacy policies, and this is perfectly legal.
they then make a big tree showing your surfing habits, your friends and families. what u eat and drink and what movies you watch, what news you are interested in your political affiliation !
the more info they have on you the more you are worth to them.
both for their own adds and the more you are worth when they sell your info through their subsidiaries!
like i said this is all perfectly legal. because it's subsidiaries do not have the same privacy policies as the parent company! in this case Google!
why do u think they want to get into the internet service providing business (ISP)? More INFO!
now they have u using their OS, their web-browser, their app store, their email, google maps (to see where u go and what u eat) even down to what streets u use and how long u spend at each place!
the amount of info they have on u is mind blowing
why do u think they are trying to pass a bill in congress on how (and how much) these companies collect info on you!
it will never pass. but it shows you even members of congress are concerned about the points i made above!
so I'm not just talking out of my behind OR a conspiracy nut. it cant even be a conspiracy if it wanted to because the info i right out in the open for anyone who cares enough to look for it,
the companies even Google are not trying to hide anything
food for thought next time u turn on your Google
Ric H. (a1yet)
synaesthetic said:
... hey, not everyone here is a guy, you know!
... and yet I still agree!
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...there are girls here...!
QUOTE of the day is
deeking2 said:
...there are girls here...!
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QUOTE of the day is
...there are girls here...!
Nothing illegal is happening here. They're an American business. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
synaesthetic said:
smartphones are in their infancy, and too many people still think of them as just very fancy phones.
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So very true.
Looks like Google is ready to take it to 'em. And this is correctly targeting *all* parties involved. Not just Apple. And I'm glad to see Google stand up and wallop. I hope Google balances out the situation because Google is the only real and true, "worthy" company among them all. Google stands for humanity. The others stand for profits at all costs. With Google here, the others are usable and enjoyable. Without Google here, the others are the ruination of the industry.
MartyLK said:
Google stands for humanity. The others stand for profits at all costs.
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Oh come on now, let's not get carried away. Google is a business as well. They care about making money. And they do it by collecting as much info about you as possible and then selling it to advertisers.
Now, I am against this patent BS and fully support Google in their effort to fight it. But lets not make Google into more than they are.
Praise Jesus they're getting involved!!
lol google is more powerful, and will eventually just be as evil as any of those other companies.
Google is becoming too much of a monoply. They're just very good at concealing their true intentions.
I don't like patents?
Yes, completely forget about the phrase "Don't Be Evil." True, they are not as evil as Apple, but they still have some shady stuff.
It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Google didn't come off looking too good after the whole Nortel thing by immediately going to the DOJ and blogging about how broken the patent system is(which it is). Android seems to be everyone's target these days
canadariot2312 said:
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Was just about to post the same, so Microsoft asked google if they wanted to bid with them and google said no and yet they blog that crap...
How exactly would Google bidding with MS help them? They need patents to defend themselves from MS, to establish a MAD situation. They can't do that with patents that are jointly owed by MS too.
And this all shows the BS-ness of patents. Where's the stuff about patents encouraging innovation and stuff? Nowhere. All I see is patents being bought as bargaining chips.
I mean, buying some patents and using them to sue is totally about someone copying what you invented, riiiiiiight. Because buying = inventing, sure.
I can only repeat: It's all BS.
Gusar321 said:
How exactly would Google bidding with MS help them? They need patents to defend themselves from MS, to establish a MAD situation. They can't do that with patents that are jointly owed by MS too.
And this all shows the BS-ness of patents. Where's the stuff about patents encouraging innovation and stuff? Nowhere. All I see is patents being bought as bargaining chips.
I mean, buying some patents and using them to sue is totally about someone copying what you invented, riiiiiiight. Because buying = inventing, sure.
I can only repeat: It's all BS.
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Well it works like this, you buy a patent with one of your competitors and then it can't be used against you by them.
It also saves you money as the cost is shared and there is one less bidder at the auction to ramp the price up trying to out bid you.
Sure, you then can't use it to make a deal with MS to infringe some of their patents for free, but if you don't win the bid, you can't do that anyway, and they can use it against you.
Tone_ said:
Was just about to post the same, so Microsoft asked google if they wanted to bid with them and google said no and yet they blog that crap...
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all together
that is all
Monopolies are never a good thing. Whenever one company becomes too powerful and controls everything that goes on in your life it becomes a little frightening.
Gusar321 said:
How exactly would Google bidding with MS help them? They need patents to defend themselves from MS, to establish a MAD situation. They can't do that with patents that are jointly owed by MS too.
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Or they could suck up their pride, have patents along with Apple, Oracle, Microsoft, etc., have this cross-licensing patent deal and have less lawsuits. On the other hand, they can buy all the patents and use them for "defensive purposes."
I don't like the patent system either and I am pretty sure that Google won't fix it.
Booms! Plurals! Gets used to its!
xaccers said:
Well it works like this, you buy a patent with one of your competitors and then it can't be used against you by them.
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Yeah, but there's tons of patents that aren't part of this particular portfolio. So all there would be is Google spending a lot of money while not being any safer from litigation.
canadariot2312 said:
Or they could suck up their pride
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What does this have to do with pride? It's all about needing to amass a large portfolio of patents just so that when you're sued (and you *will* be sued, because it has become impossible to create *anything* without infringing), you have something to defend yourself.
Gusar321 said:
Oh come on now, let's not get carried away. Google is a business as well. They care about making money. And they do it by collecting as much info about you as possible and then selling it to advertisers.
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their street view cars can read e-mail too, ya know, they have wifi-detection software in the antennas of those cars.
[/tin foil hat]
every company sells info, hate to break it to ya. and the conspiracy nuts fail to reealize those antennas are there so they can detect a wifi hotspot like a coffee shop or private network, and put into the maps software.
imagine if you are a traveling buisiness man with a laptop, and don't have a wireless tether on your phone, also if you are in a dead zone (serious, all verizon customers, go to mound city, mo, just TRY to use your data there, you will be lucky if you get 1x, must have somthing to do with the bluff)
Google's biggest problem right now is Apple, especially with the recently ruling Apple got against HTC <I would post link if I could but I'm not allowed yet>. So it would have been beneficial for them to jointly own them with Microsoft, for a couple reasons. First being Apple isn't going to go after Microsoft, their patent portfolio is too big. But more importantly it gives Google more defense against Apple which is really what they need right now. I believe I read somewhere that Google only has about 1000 patents related to the wireless and I'm sure Apple has ton more.
I do agree the whole patent system is rediculous for software but unfortunately it is what it is for now.
termleech said:
Google's biggest problem right now is Apple, especially with the recently ruling Apple got against HTC <I would post link if I could but I'm not allowed yet>. So it would have been beneficial for them to jointly own them with Microsoft, for a couple reasons. First being Apple isn't going to go after Microsoft, their patent portfolio is too big. But more importantly it gives Google more defense against Apple which is really what they need right now. I believe I read somewhere that Google only has about 1000 patents related to the wireless and I'm sure Apple has ton more.
I do agree the whole patent system is rediculous for software but unfortunately it is what it is for now.
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well, technicly google got into the mobile market back in 2003 when they purchased then start-up company Android Inc.
and people forget that the iPhone wasn't the first capacitive touch screen phone
anyone remember the LG Prada? (yes it was a feature phone but the point is that it was a touch screen phone, the first of it's kind)
****, let's go EARLIER then that, the IBM Simon, wasn't really a "cell phone" maybe bag phone, but it had a resistive touch screen.
"We have a mantra: don't be evil, which is to do the best things we know how for our users, for our customers, for everyone. So I think if we were known for that, it would be a wonderful thing." - Larry Page
I totally want to have Google's babies!
When I say Google is for humanity, I'm speaking in relation to their sphere of involvement, not a "Christ" or anything weird like that. Google cares about benefiting humanity with convenience and comfort. Example: If Google knew of a perpetual free energy source, they would reveal it to the public. The others might be inclined to keep it secret from the public because of deals or influence from battery makers or oil companies. Google would laugh at an oil company who wanted them to keep free energy from the public.
If Google discovered alien life, they wouldn't be inclined to keep it from the public in order to keep church safe. They would reveal any and every information that can potentially free humanity from tyranny. NASA would oblige the government for the sake of religious lobbyists in Washington to keep it secret so humanity can remain under control of the church that much longer.
Sure, Google is a business. Google is made up of people who have the same needs everyone else does and need to make a living. That doesn't mean they have to conduct their business like the "good 'ol boys" do. If Google fails, humanity will remain in darkness that much longer until another entity comes along and rocks the system.
There are still some countries that do not have paid apps available for them and google is not pushing this.For example; i am living Turkey and i had spent more than 150$ on apps for my ipod touch in months but now i have bought a galaxy s 2 and i don't have google paid apps available to buy. I have posted on android market boards, also contacted phone manufacturers and carriers about this but all of them point their fingers at google. So since google is not willing to listen willing buyers i think it is time for developpers to talk with google and tell them you want more customer base and countries like Turkey where there is a huge potential (75 million population with huge proliretaion of and android devices through carriers) are great for this puposes.
As a customer i have to tell you that i am sick of google making me have to be pirating paid apps and downloading untrusted apk's from torrent sites, if you take this cause seriously i am sure in long term you will be profiting from this.
espio123 said:
As a customer i have to tell you that i am sick of google making me have to be pirating paid apps and downloading untrusted apk's from torrent sites, if you take this cause seriously i am sure in long term you will be profiting from this.
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Instead of resorting to piracy, download a perfectly legal and legit Market unlocker app (such as this) so you can view and buy paid apps.
You know what I am sick and tired of?
People using anything other than their cheapness as an excuse for pirating.
Google knows damn well that they are losing money due to restricted countries but there are tons of legal issues to be sorted out.
In the meantime, you be a dear and stop ripping them and your favorite developers off.
espio123 said:
As a customer i have to tell you that i am sick of google making me have to be pirating paid apps and downloading untrusted apk's from torrent sites, if you take this cause seriously i am sure in long term you will be profiting from this.
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Yeah, it's terrible and annoying.
I think we should protest their horrible music widget! Rank Music 1 star until we get a decent widget!
If i was after piracy i wouldn't be posting this on here and i didn't mind paying my hard earned $'s on ios and i am willing to do the same here but if nobody does anything about this i will be leaving android and looking for new platform.
Also i have looked up solutions to unlock market but they require rooting and i am not going to jeopordize my warranty on a thousand dollar phone.
I did ask my carrier to make rooting legal so that i could have full experience but unsurprisingly they don't give a crap.
Google obviously isn't giving a crap about this issue, carriers are not giving a crap, manufacturars are also not giving any crap about it.
Developpers are the ones that are being screwed over this. So obviously if they take this serious in long term it will be better for them.
I have searched all over the internet and there is no article that explains exactly WHY and HOW could MS collect Royalities from EVERY single company that putts Google's Operating system into their devices. and not just any amount, but 5-10$ from every sold device!?!
Could someone explain to me why ? How is it that Microsoft is earning billions from something that is not theirs .. ? And as I read in one article - they didnt even pull up the lawsuit, they are just threatening with words, and everyone agrees (HTC, LG, Samsung, EVERYONE!)
WHAT has MS made, that Android copied, and that it belongs into MS's patent claims .. ?
And, what on earth is Google doing about that ?
Igoritza said:
I have searched all over the internet and there is no article that explains exactly WHY and HOW could MS collect Royalities from EVERY single company that putts Google's Operating system into their devices. and not just any amount, but 5-10$ from every sold device!?!
Could someone explain to me why ? How is it that Microsoft is earning billions from something that is not theirs .. ? And as I read in one article - they didnt even pull up the lawsuit, they are just threatening with words, and everyone agrees (HTC, LG, Samsung, EVERYONE!)
WHAT has MS made, that Android copied, and that it belongs into MS's patent claims .. ?
And, what on earth is Google doing about that ?
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Short answer: the patent system is broken, at least with regards to software. You can patent any stupidly obvious or generic idea ("slide to unlock") and the patent office, which makes money off these, will probably accept it.
(Indeed, there was an accepted 1996 patent on using a laser pointer to play with a cat. Go figure.)
Thus, companies like microsoft spam ideas into the patent office. And the patents are taken seriously enough that many companies would rather settle than take the risk of having their products blocked.
Android didn't necessarily "steal" anything; our patent system doesn't give a crap. See, patents were originally supposed to spread out the technical specifications of an idea, in order to spread the knowhow. The problem is, where it comes to software, the technical specification is so tied in to the idea itself that they're pretty much one and the same. Effectively, you're patenting ideas, and the broken patent system now punishes others for coming up with similar ideas. There's an entire literature on the brokenness, if you google around.
As for google itself, I'm not sure they are doing anything. They bought Motorola, but that might've been to protect themselves. If they have a plan for protecting their OS' manufacturers, it's not very obvious at all.
TLDR: HTC, Samsung, etc being punished by a broken protectionist system. The only way around it is really to get rid of the system itself.
Ultimately, the users are the ones who suffer from having to pay the costs of all this litigation, but this is probably more a long-term than a short-term effect. For example, $5 of royalties will probably not make a phone go from $699.99 to $704.99. Rather, the effect is less money going into R&D all around, and more going into lawyers' pockets. So as a user, if a phone costs $650 or $600, that's just how much it costs.. for now.
So, basically, this is a Game of US companies and imprinting their legal system on the rest of the world .. ? .. ? Cause, I dont see anyone from the rest of the world getting anything extra .. ? Damn, someone needs to remove that continent from this planet.
But, WHAT is in the core of the Android so that MS gets their share .. ? I understand how HTC Sense may be connected to some of the early WM5 stuff, but what about the rest .. ? they CANT patent almost everything, or do they .. ? And as I figured out, most of the patented stuff is GUI, that is ridiculous!
MS don't collect from every android manufacturer, just some. Basically they claim google infringe on their patents and went to manufacturers saying "pay us or we sue you" but afaik no one knows what patents are infringed and I think Barnes and Noble told them to politely get lost so not sure how they fared but it shows not all say yes. Unfortunately ms have good lawyers that seem very persuasive.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Just found out everything:
It is true, that few people know what is the actual deal. Google has sucessfully defended themselves from Oracle that claimed several patents, and purchase of Motorola from google is actually a defence mechanism cause Motorolla holds over 17.000 patents (W T F!!!!!) God knows how many Microsoft is holding, and how ridiculous those patents are being that they have much more than Motorola.
No one is considering abandoning Android cause that system actually made their devices popular, but still they all have a problem with MS blackmailing them. HTC made a boom, but they are still a small Taiwanese company that struggles all around (not getting Hanstar IPS pannels cause Apple ordered more, not getting Gorilla cause Apple and samsung ordered more, and so on) .. so the 5$ toll is pretty big number for HTC phones, and they are the ones that are in the biggest problem right now (not talking about smaller players in the game)
Damn you USA and your laws. Pizza is a vegetable, Kinder surprise is banned cause stupid american children would eat the toy. and Microsoft somehow owns Google's Android.
I think the better question is, what has google come up with themselves rather than buying or stealing it?
z33dev33l said:
I think the better question is, what has google come up with themselves rather than buying or stealing it?
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Why would they, if they can just take what everyone else is doing and put it mostly into one system they will never need to come up with any original ideas. Heck look at iOS5 and what they put into it. They added (just to name a few)
1. icloud (in essence a play on windows cloud service with their windows phone devices of cloud storage. the exception is this syncs with other ios devices but a play on microsofts idea)
2. draggable notification bar (android has had this forever now. The difference, on ios you can get a stock ticker and weather instead of just your notifications.)
3. imessage (Blackberry Messenger for ios basically)
4. OTA updates (blackberry and android both used this before apple)
5. wifi syncing (I know windows had this in their windows phone 7 devices not sure of any others that had this feature before kies air in samsung.)
6. Reminders, see reminders by date (a lot of the widgets on android let you do this without even having to open the calendar app)
that's just to name a few and just to show every company does it, even someone as big as apple does it. If you come up with your own that's great but people don't take to it as well as something they have already had. For instance if you had android and apple wants you to come over to apple they are gonna give you the things you love about android most like draggable notifications, wifi hotspot, etc. There is no need for originality anymore. That is just what this world has come to.
z33dev33l said:
I think the better question is, what has google come up with themselves rather than buying or stealing it?
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Why is that the question. Or are you suggesting that android is simply copied and stolen from others work?
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
z33dev33l said:
I think the better question is, what has google come up with themselves rather than buying or stealing it?
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What .. ? U serious .. ?
Man, copyright infringement these days is ridiculous, there is NO possible way to make anything "new" if you take that seriously, as it seems that american courts do.
It goes to the extent that almost anything can be patented, so that literally any rectangle shaped phone with TS could be patented by one company and so, baned for the rest. LG/Apple actually tried that (prada/iPhone) even though Eten, HTC (former Qtek) and HP already had PDA's with SIM functions much before that.
Android was developed before iOS (starting in 2005, already co-signed by 86 companies) and released in 2007, so there is no place for ripping off Apple. And, exept for the simultaneous development of iOS and Android which have similarities, I myself as a tech-geek and user of electronics, do not see ANY similarities of ANY android feature with ANY of the MS products and I had the chance to use them all - Windows versions on mobile and desktop machines. in terms of GUI and in terms of understanding how stuff works under the hood.
Im surely not able to understand 30k+ patents that MS holds, but that is not normal, that is more of a world sociology problem, rather than an actual technical one. that is retarded.
Igoritza said:
What .. ? U serious .. ?
Man, copyright infringement these days is ridiculous, there is NO possible way to make anything "new" if you take that seriously, as it seems that american courts do. .
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This is exactly on the dot. The way people have been duped into thinking that any sort of resemblance is "stealing" is actually sad.
And, unusually enough for z33, actually related to the topic. This entire ridiculous regime exists precisely because people are so ridiculously overprotective of their own ideas (or the ideas of whichever-team-you're-a-fanboi-of) while rationalizing their own copying of ideas from other people. The fact is, this copying is necessary because innovation does not exist in a vacuum, and yet we still react as stupid little apes when it comes to be our turn.
Sent from my Terran Command Center.
Well, this is how the system works. It's not about anything true, just what you can prove to be true.
There even exist companies that have the sole purpose of buying patents and using those patents to sue other companies!
In terms of the mobile industry, in case you didn't know, it is currently one of the hottest arenas in terms of patent lawsuits.
Here is a nice graphic:
can you tell me that why android was made ?
when the Iphone was going well.
ediejames said:
can you tell me that why android was made ?
when the Iphone was going well.
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Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California in October 2003 by Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (headed design and interface development at WebTV) to develop, in Rubin's words "smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner's location and preferences".
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From Wikipedia.
This question had to be asked by someone that was either trolling or hasn't graduated from any major schooling yet.
Competition is what drives the free market. Aside from Apple's incredibly myopic views of what a smartphone owner wants and needs, Android has conquered the market by picking up slack for Apple.
Apple really doesn't care what power users want because they know most power users don't use an iPhone.
The Apple community is mostly a bunch of teenyboppers that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground because the American Education system is falling to the wayside and they only have commercials and what's on TV to teach them.
The parents just get the phones to shut the kids up while they ignore their own children's needs.
I asked my g/f, who has a Masters in marketing and business management; how many iPhones she thinks Apple gives away in Hollywood to keep the iPhone relevant... She said "probably in the millions."
Besides it's own street cred, Apple products don't offer anything more than a low end chinese ripoff of Android.
The vapid people that purchase these phones just want it for their own vanity, that's ALL.
Smart people buy Android phones or ANY other brand.
Sent from my XT926 using Tapatalk
abuttino said:
This question had to be asked by someone that was either trolling or hasn't graduated from any major schooling yet.
Competition is what drives the free market. Aside from Apple's incredibly myopic views of what a smartphone owner wants and needs, Android has conquered the market by picking up slack for Apple.
Apple really doesn't care what power users want because they know most power users don't use an iPhone.
The Apple community is mostly a bunch of teenyboppers that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground because the American Education system is falling to the wayside and they only have commercials and what's on TV to teach them.
The parents just get the phones to shut the kids up while they ignore their own children's needs.
I asked my g/f, who has a Masters in marketing and business management; how many iPhones she thinks Apple gives away in Hollywood to keep the iPhone relevant... She said probably in the millions.
Besides it's own street cred, Apple products don't offer anything more than a low end chinese ripoff of Android.
The vapid people that purchase these phones just want it for their own vanity, that's ALL.
Smart people buy Android phones or ANY other brand.
Sent from my XT926 using Tapatalk
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Completely agree to this. iPhone and apple's ios are both too restrictive. Even to the extent that you can't apply any wallpapers or install third party non-app store apps without jailbreaking !!!
With a "Locked down" device, it is harder to innovate. You only see what "Mother Apple" wants you to see. So, if they don't think you should have it, most chances are, you will never even hear of it. Unless you are a friend of family member of someone that has a rejected app..
I don't see that as a positive thing in the least bit, especially since I have apps on the Play Store. 2 of which were asked to be taken down by a company that was pioneered by the father of the iPod.
These kids will never know what it is like to grow up with freedom.
abuttino said:
With a "Locked down" device, it is harder to innovate. You only see what "Mother Apple" wants you to see. So, if they don't think you should have it, most chances are, you will never even hear of it. Unless you are a friend of family member of someone that has a rejected app..
I don't see that as a positive thing in the least bit, especially since I have apps on the Play Store. 2 of which were asked to be taken down by a company that was pioneered by the father of the iPod.
These kids will never know what it is like to grow up with freedom.
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I think it was just a troll. Nothing to see here.