[Q] Nexus 6 IR Blaster - General Questions and Answers

How's the Chance that the Nexus 6 will get an IR Blaster?

iceshaka said:
How's the Chance that the Nexus 6 will get an IR Blaster?
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it might, the thing is huge! there is probably some room, go check the leaked photos of the guy on the bus, check if there are any holes at the top of the persons Even bigger case!

iceshaka said:
How's the Chance that the Nexus 6 will get an IR Blaster?
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It won't.



Ir Blaster?

Guys I have a Nexus 4(1 year old) and performance is great, so the only thing that makes me want to change my n4 for the new Nexus 5 is the ir blaster thing(tv remote control)...
But Im not sure if Nexus 5 have ir blaster or something like, I cant find any info in gsmarena or google
Does nexus 5 have Ir blaster?
Overdose1986 said:
Guys I have a Nexus 4 and performance is great, so the only thing that makes me want to change my n4 for the new Nexus 5 is the ir blaster thing(tv remote control)...
But Im not sure if Nexus 5 have ir blaster or something like, I cant find any info in gsmarena or google
Does nexus 5 have Ir blaster?
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The N5 doesn`t have a IR blaster unfortunately.
I wonder if there is a ir dongle out there somewhere.... i'd be interested in that...
edit... yes.

[Q] iPhone 4s vs Nexus 5 camera

Hey, I have a question that I'm unable to find the answer to anywhere.
Is the Nexus 5 Camera better than the iphone 4s?
u should go buy both phones, shoot some pics side by side, upload them here and return the phones afterwards
trusta12 said:
Hey, I have a question that I'm unable to find the answer to anywhere.
Is the Nexus 5 Camera better than the iphone 4s?
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Look on YouTube, there are many `versus` video`s there.
gee2012 said:
Look on YouTube, there are many `versus` video`s there.
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Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
trusta12 said:
Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
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I've seen video comparisons and picture comparisons of the Nexus 5 and the iPhone 5 and the Nexus 5 seems to be a very close second to the iPhone 5's camera so in short I believe the Nexus 5 camera is more superior than the iPhone 4s.
sent from my neXus 5
trusta12 said:
Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
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i wouldnt care if the n5 came with NO camera i would still pick the N5 over an iphone!!
trusta12 said:
Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
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The N5 HDR+ camera mode is quite good imo, i never owned a iPhone so can`t tell its better or worse.

(Q) IR sensor

Good morning,
Really considering upgrading to the Note 5 from the Note 4 but wondering if anyone is really missing the IR sensor that was taken out. I'm on JOD so I can test drive and return if i don't like it. Thanks
Sent from my SM-N910T3 using XDA Free mobile app
I used the ir blaster every once in awhile. I honestly don't even notice it's missing. I upgraded from the note 4 and I couldn't be any happier. I was worried because of the missing features and smaller battery but I haven't had any issues with those at all. I've owned every note and every galaxy so phone and this is by far my favorite so far
I barely used my IR blaster on the HTC M8, and my Galaxy S5 isn't even setup for it. It was a novel idea, but since I can't control FiOS through it, I moved on.
I don't miss it at all. It was a nice novelty feature that I used a lot at first on the Note4, but eventually stopped and went back to my universal remote.
i was a little hurt finding out that it didnt have the IR blaster like the note 4. I had a note 4 then went to the nexus 6 now to the note 5. not really missing it at all.just have to look for my remote a little more than before. The phone is nice enough as is.
I've had IR blasters on previous phones and tablets, and never really used them. It was an interesting gimmick for a few weeks, then it became more of an annoyance than anything (especially on my Moto Xyboard, the software on that was awful).
IR blaster was cool for trolling on public televisions, thats about the only use it got on all the devices I had once or twice in the life of each device. Peel wasn't even very good imo.
I miss it yess i used it everyday but i just bought qn universal remote. And im all good.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Sess said:
IR blaster was cool for trolling on public televisions, thats about the only use it got on all the devices I had once or twice in the life of each device. Peel wasn't even very good imo.
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VR kit!

Why is this dead think? Why is not discussions about VR opened? So, noone wants cardboard or VR kit for Nex9?
I cant find it!
It's a bit too big for most/all of people's heads and it's not ergonomic at all... That and to get a decent amount of immersion, you wouldn't need that large of a screen since your eyes would only be a 1"-1.5" away.
tysj said:
It's a bit too big for most/all of people's heads and it's not ergonomic at all... That and to get a decent amount of immersion, you wouldn't need that large of a screen since your eyes would only be a 1"-1.5" away.
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Yes, but.... What the hell is with all of peoples and google? Its NEXUS! Best NEXUS! Nexus from Google, Cardboard is also from Google, so why? ((( I need VR alternative
Kormandx said:
Yes, but.... What the hell is with all of peoples and google? Its NEXUS! Best NEXUS! Nexus from Google, Cardboard is also from Google, so why? ((( I need VR alternative
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Dude, how would you wear a giant tablet on your face with cardboard? Are you kidding?
Sent from my Nexus 9
Why not?
madbat99 said:
Dude, how would you wear a giant tablet on your face with cardboard? Are you kidding?
Sent from my Nexus 9
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Top flagship without VR? Some alternavie have to exist! DOnt tell me....
Kormandx said:
Top flagship without VR? Some alternavie have to exist! DOnt tell me....
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I think they will have to make one as soon as the space between your eyes is more than 3 inches. :cyclops::cyclops:
Any way?
Mavasilisk said:
I think they will have to make one as soon as the space between your eyes is more than 3 inches. :cyclops::cyclops:
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So, is there any way to get VR?
Kormandx said:
So, is there any way to get VR?
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With some other glasses probably yea (I am not sure which exactly, cuz I'm not that much into this VR stuff) , but with cardboard not.
Mavasilisk said:
I think they will have to make one as soon as the space between your eyes is more than 3 inches. :cyclops::cyclops:
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haha, but actually they can just make an VR app that doesn't take the entire screen but only the center area that a normal size cardboard can cover, but how to stick the cardboard to the center of the big screen nexus 9 is another problem
vodanh229 said:
haha, but actually they can just make an VR app that doesn't take the entire screen but only the center area that a normal size cardboard can cover, but how to stick the cardboard to the center of the big screen nexus 9 is another problem
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Basically you are right about the app that uses a part of the scren but imagine how is the 9 inch tablet going to look at your face. Its not impossible, its uncomfortable.

How long will Nexus 5 receive updates

I've been wanting the N6P, but I'm curious how long Nexus 5 will receive updates. Will it get Android N? If so, I might just wait, even though my camera doesn't focus anymore and that's the main reason I want to upgrade.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
dinggus said:
I've been wanting the N6P, but I'm curious how long Nexus 5 will receive updates. Will it get Android N? If so, I might just wait, even though my camera doesn't focus anymore and that's the main reason I want to upgrade.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I dont think we will officially get Android N... But im pretty sure We will get alot of support by developers so that our device keeps alive!! (look at nexus 4)
Judging by previous devices (N4 and N10), the Nexus 5 might not get Android N. It will however most likely still receive monthly security patches.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
incaner said:
I dont think we will officially get Android N... But im pretty sure We will get alot of support by developers so that our device keeps alive!! (look at nexus 4)
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dkconor said:
Judging by previous devices (N4 and N10), the Nexus 5 might not get Android N. It will however most likely still receive monthly security patches.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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So basically if I want to upgrade, I should?
dinggus said:
So basically if I want to upgrade, I should?
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I currently own a Nexus 5. For me personally, there isn't enough to sway me towards buying a 5X or 6P right now. Perhaps when official updates are discontinued or if my device develops a fault then I might upgrade.
My Nexus 5 has really impressed me for now. I've had it for two years and it still performs really well. It gallops through Marshmallow like an absolute beast and has served me well. I just hope I can keep it a little bit longer without any issues.
dkconor said:
I currently own a Nexus 5. For me personally, there isn't enough to sway me towards buying a 5X or 6P right now. Perhaps when official updates are discontinued or if my device develops a fault then I might upgrade.
My Nexus 5 has really impressed me for now. I've had it for two years and it still performs really well. It gallops through Marshmallow like an absolute beast and has served me well. I just hope I can keep it a little bit longer without any issues.
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Exactly what I'm thinking. If my camera isn't focusing correctly, is it the lens itself? I know my lens has a few cracks on it.
dinggus said:
Exactly what I'm thinking. If my camera isn't focusing correctly, is it the lens itself? I know my lens has a few cracks on it.
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If the camera isn't focusing correctly in apps other than "Camera" and still persists after a fresh factory reset/image flash, then you can probably assume it is a hardware issue that has developed. Not sure where the physical issue would lie as I'm not too knowledgeable on camera optics.

