Guys I have a Nexus 4(1 year old) and performance is great, so the only thing that makes me want to change my n4 for the new Nexus 5 is the ir blaster thing(tv remote control)...
But Im not sure if Nexus 5 have ir blaster or something like, I cant find any info in gsmarena or google
Does nexus 5 have Ir blaster?
Overdose1986 said:
Guys I have a Nexus 4 and performance is great, so the only thing that makes me want to change my n4 for the new Nexus 5 is the ir blaster thing(tv remote control)...
But Im not sure if Nexus 5 have ir blaster or something like, I cant find any info in gsmarena or google
Does nexus 5 have Ir blaster?
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The N5 doesn`t have a IR blaster unfortunately.
I wonder if there is a ir dongle out there somewhere.... i'd be interested in that...
edit... yes.
is there any better IR blaster app?
i hear about TouchSquid i'm not sure if its any better and this one is so expansive...
anyone use other app then peel?
skyedream said:
is there any better IR blaster app?
i hear about TouchSquid i'm not sure if its any better and this one is so expansive...
anyone use other app then peel?
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I don't think there are any that use the native blaster other than TouchSquid at the moment.
Touchsquid in my opinion is way better than Peel. Depends on which version you get to be expensive, but the only thing I dislike is the splash screen organization. If it could be cleaner, or if I could have access to modify graphics, is be very happy. The actual remote part looks and functions great though. Only problem I've run into is turning off individual devices if say I have my TV, DVD, and blu ray on one profile. Probably just user error though.
dictionary said:
I don't think there are any that use the native blaster other than TouchSquid at the moment.
Touchsquid in my opinion is way better than Peel. Depends on which version you get to be expensive, but the only thing I dislike is the splash screen organization. If it could be cleaner, or if I could have access to modify graphics, is be very happy. The actual remote part looks and functions great though. Only problem I've run into is turning off individual devices if say I have my TV, DVD, and blu ray on one profile. Probably just user error though.
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that's for quick reply!!
so the touchsquid is the only option other then the peel..... touchsquid is so damn expansive x.x;; lol thanks again.
They have a version for the GTab2 that is only $20 see here. The full version is fairly expensive, but if you look at alternative multi-function remotes, basically the Logitech Harmony lineup, you pay considerably more than $50, and it only functions as a remote.
Plus i consider Touchsquid superior due to the fact that it does not need a connection like Peel, and has and extensive database.
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
HB_Mosh said:
Plus i consider Touchsquid superior due to the fact that it does not need a connection like Peel, and has and extensive database.
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
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That and the devs are amazing if you have any questions or issues. Best customer support I've come across, period. And I've bought hundreds of apps
Does Touchsquid work on AOSP-based ROM's (AOKP, CM10, etc.)? Peel does not - just curious.
After lots of testing, just for my two cents... I never got Peel or TouchSquid to work consistantly with any of my devices. Reminds me of trying to use the Palm devices as remotes, never really worked that well.
I've heard of others being able to do it just fine though.
rsage said:
Does Touchsquid work on AOSP-based ROM's (AOKP, CM10, etc.)? Peel does not - just curious.
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No. We need the driver code to be completely rewritten, given that Standing hasn't released that source.
titanshadow said:
After lots of testing, just for my two cents... I never got Peel or TouchSquid to work consistantly with any of my devices. Reminds me of trying to use the Palm devices as remotes, never really worked that well.
I've heard of others being able to do it just fine though.
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Never had an issue with either Peel or TS. Peel just sucks IMHO for a power user.
Touchsquid now supports Sony
The latest version of the Touchsquid remote app works on Sony Tablet S, Xperia S and Xperia Z tablets and the Xperia ZL phone.
The app uses Son's built in UEI database of codes, and can also use codes captured with the Sony' built in capture capabilities.
The Sonys have a powerful IR transmitter that makes aim quite non-critical.
Found a cheaper and better solution
Hey guys,
Been scanning these forums tirelessly for a proper way to annoy my girlfriend when she has the real remote controls...
The touchsquid is really expensive, and for some reason seems to be locked at landscape orientation..
the watchon/peel option doesn't cut it..
But today i found this one:
Smart Remote for Galaxy S4
By Color Tiger
it still has some minor bugs, but as soon as I emailed them I got a reply back in 2 minutes?!?! told them about one of the bugs which they were just uploading a update for on Play...
It looks pretty, works incredible easy and has a boatload of codes that even get my old dell projector and dutch cable company settopbox working....and like I said, support is brilliant so far.
Cheers, Sebas
there are other apps too
you should also check out Smart Remote for Galaxy S4, if your device is supported. much easier to use, and it makes use of the native blaster of th GS4
Does the touch squid app have full support for Roku? I was given a Roku 2sd or 2xd I forget which. The remote is missing, so I can only use it over Ethernet because the Wi-Fi settings are only accessible using an IR remote. well the touch squid remote allow me to set that up including the security key?
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
Can someone please post the apk for smart remote for samsung galaxy s4?
Thanks in advance
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wessel596 said:
Can someone please post the apk for smart remote for samsung galaxy s4?
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
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Shouldn't have asked.
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TadeoNYC said:
Or even give the proper name of the apk so we know what to look for.
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it is the proper name, just search the play store.
here it is
wessel596 said:
it is the proper name, just search the play store.
here it is
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Doesn't support Tab 2, I'm not sure why we're even discussing it.
TadeoNYC said:
What I need is the name of the actual apk file not the app.
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Acutally thats piracy.
No posting paid apks here or ill report.
Luigi2012SM64DS said:
Acutally thats piracy.
No posting paid apks here or ill report.
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my apologies. I am not a pirate by nature. I'm just eager to make this IR blaster useful. I have to admit I breezed through the rules and did not realize giving file names was a violation, if it is.
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TadeoNYC said:
my apologies. I am not a pirate by nature. I'm just eager to make this IR blaster useful. I have to admit I breezed through the rules and did not realize giving file names was a violation, if it is.
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
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Not file names. the .apk itself.
You said if you had the name you would find it.
Just saying.
Hey there,
the Nexus 5 is out now, so first question: Any new information or any experiences if the Nexus 5 also has this really cool Knock On / Knock Knock feature like on the LG G2?
MrDiamond said:
Hey there,
the Nexus 5 is out now, so first question: Any new information or any experiences if the Nexus 5 also has this really cool Knock On / Knock Knock feature like on the LG G2?
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most likely it does not have the knock knock thing, but since the hardware is so similar to the g2, maybe a port could happen
HRodMusic said:
most likely it does not have the knock knock thing, but since the hardware is so similar to the g2, maybe a port could happen
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Doesn't need a port. A root app for the galaxy nexus and nexus 4 already has this. It's called touchcontrol and had the feature before LG had it
See more @
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Who knows what the device can and cannot do. Google didn't think it was important enough to tell us anything about the phone.
Thanks for your replies... I meant "out of the box"... Nothing read about it yet... well let's wait until the first phones arrive...
I have mine (UK - Carphone Warehouse purchased this morning) and there is no knock-knock out the box.
MrDiamond said:
Thanks for your replies... I meant "out of the box"... Nothing read about it yet... well let's wait until the first phones arrive...
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Simple answer. No. It will not have it. It's a nexus device and is purely android without the additions of what a touch wiz or LG ui or sense would offer.
No it cannot be ported because it's closed source and is heavily reliant on the LG ui frame work
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Hey, I have a question that I'm unable to find the answer to anywhere.
Is the Nexus 5 Camera better than the iphone 4s?
u should go buy both phones, shoot some pics side by side, upload them here and return the phones afterwards
trusta12 said:
Hey, I have a question that I'm unable to find the answer to anywhere.
Is the Nexus 5 Camera better than the iphone 4s?
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Look on YouTube, there are many `versus` video`s there.
gee2012 said:
Look on YouTube, there are many `versus` video`s there.
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Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
trusta12 said:
Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
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I've seen video comparisons and picture comparisons of the Nexus 5 and the iPhone 5 and the Nexus 5 seems to be a very close second to the iPhone 5's camera so in short I believe the Nexus 5 camera is more superior than the iPhone 4s.
sent from my neXus 5
trusta12 said:
Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
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i wouldnt care if the n5 came with NO camera i would still pick the N5 over an iphone!!
trusta12 said:
Done that for 4-5h now There is only N5 vs iPhone 5 everywhere, no good information.
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The N5 HDR+ camera mode is quite good imo, i never owned a iPhone so can`t tell its better or worse.
How's the Chance that the Nexus 6 will get an IR Blaster?
iceshaka said:
How's the Chance that the Nexus 6 will get an IR Blaster?
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it might, the thing is huge! there is probably some room, go check the leaked photos of the guy on the bus, check if there are any holes at the top of the persons Even bigger case!
iceshaka said:
How's the Chance that the Nexus 6 will get an IR Blaster?
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It won't.
Good morning,
Really considering upgrading to the Note 5 from the Note 4 but wondering if anyone is really missing the IR sensor that was taken out. I'm on JOD so I can test drive and return if i don't like it. Thanks
Sent from my SM-N910T3 using XDA Free mobile app
I used the ir blaster every once in awhile. I honestly don't even notice it's missing. I upgraded from the note 4 and I couldn't be any happier. I was worried because of the missing features and smaller battery but I haven't had any issues with those at all. I've owned every note and every galaxy so phone and this is by far my favorite so far
I barely used my IR blaster on the HTC M8, and my Galaxy S5 isn't even setup for it. It was a novel idea, but since I can't control FiOS through it, I moved on.
I don't miss it at all. It was a nice novelty feature that I used a lot at first on the Note4, but eventually stopped and went back to my universal remote.
i was a little hurt finding out that it didnt have the IR blaster like the note 4. I had a note 4 then went to the nexus 6 now to the note 5. not really missing it at all.just have to look for my remote a little more than before. The phone is nice enough as is.
I've had IR blasters on previous phones and tablets, and never really used them. It was an interesting gimmick for a few weeks, then it became more of an annoyance than anything (especially on my Moto Xyboard, the software on that was awful).
IR blaster was cool for trolling on public televisions, thats about the only use it got on all the devices I had once or twice in the life of each device. Peel wasn't even very good imo.
I miss it yess i used it everyday but i just bought qn universal remote. And im all good.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Sess said:
IR blaster was cool for trolling on public televisions, thats about the only use it got on all the devices I had once or twice in the life of each device. Peel wasn't even very good imo.
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