[Q] Oblytile Modern App Shortcuts. - General Questions and Answers

I have used OblyTile to create some Modern App shortcuts on my Desktop. They work great.
My question: Is it possible to run these shortcuts/apps without using explorer as a Shell? I tried it and get VBScript runtime error. I'm guessing the Modern Apps rely on explorer.exe running to be used?
Thanks for any help


Need Help With Widgets

Hi. Anyone use Nokia's widgets? They are great. Problem is that the Widsets program itself has been installed under Java. Java is not in Programs (where the manual says it is supposed to be) but only under Windows. So I can only get to Widsets using Explorer browsing to Windows. I cannot get to the Widsets program using Launcher to put it with my most used programs. Any advice on how I can get Widsets into Programs so I can use Launcher? Many thanks in advance.

Trying to develop a WMP plug-in

Hi everyone,
I am trying to develop an application [media something, it'd be very cool when it is done] that is using WMP COM object to extract data from the library using .NET CF.
I added a reference the wmp.dll and syncd the application, and it worked fine(!). However, when I tried to change the application and resync I noticed that my application exe file is still locked by something. The main process is no longer running (I closed it from the task manager) but something is STILL locking the file.
How can I find out what is locking it? Soft reset solves the issue but it is not a real solution.
Thanks a lot!

[Q] App Organizer

Hi All !
I was wondering if there is an application out there that allows me to create and sort applications on my phone into folders using a computer. An example for such a program is itunes, where i can create, manage and edit the application into folders. any help would be appreciated.
Hmm well I can think of one that lets to access your phone but not sure if it lets you organize like that remotely. It is called air Droid. Also there maybe be an app that uses a combination of adb and mirror to let you achieve that but I don't know of one off hand.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

[Q] Genymotion build.prop Customization

I'm currently using Genymotion to use a couple apps on my Desktop just for ease of use. One of the apps however apparently blocks access from Genymotion and requires you editing the build.prop file. I have never used an Android device so I'm not exactly sure what to do. I know how to find the file and edit it but I have no idea what to change (probably the text that says "Genymotion") and what to.
Is there anyway I can change it so it doesn't appear as though I'm accessing the app via. Genymotion?

How Do Android File Explorers Show FIles Outside Of App Sandbox?

So I am futzing about trying to do some folder browsing outside my app sandbox from an android app, and I cannot figure out how on an unrooted phone can these terminal apps allow navigation into /system folders and show read only files owned by root? I understand these files cannot be modified without rooting, but my little old android app cannot seem to see anything but its own sandboxed portion of the file system.
So how do non-root file manager apps get around the file system, using what api? This is probably totally stupid and I apologize in advance, but I have searched numerous explorers on github and have no answer yet. Of course I know using adb I can use the toybox versions of common linux file tools, but I also noticed simple terminal emulator apps in paystore are able to do this as well (simple id, ls, pwd, and cd), and they seem to be android apps with a proper apk etc.
What am I missing? How does one do those things from within a "proper" android app? Do JNI code module that makes old school linux file system requests?
How are these apps different from a standard android java app, what do they do differently?

