[Q] Cases to help one handed use - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am just wondering if there are any types of cases for the OnePlus that don't take away from the beauty of the phone, don't cover it/provide protection, but just simply have something that helps me grip the phone with one hand?
I've seen some things like this before that just have a little place for your thumb. Anything like this anywhere?


Cases and Protection

I am a week from having the cash to pick up an N1. I know there have been a lot of threads about cases, but I wanted to outline some of my thoughts and get opinions before I make my purchase. In addition, it is a little scary to hear reports of the phone getting broken easily: truth or not.
My problem is that I am a pocket phone holder. I do not wear belts often and when I do I am loaded with badges and other junk. Although I could hostler it, I already feel like batman without the fancy costume, and when I am not at work the hostler would not be an option.
So my plan is:
1. Get one of the plastic skins. My first choice is Clear Coat (new user so I cannot provide link). Most of these products appear to be the same, and although Clear Coat skins appear to have gaps and not fit as well as other brands, they have an installation guarantee. This is mainly to help the screen, but I will get full body to avoid scratches elsewhere.
2. Get a thin Silicon Gel Case. My theory is the gel will assist with gripping the device and absorb the shock from falls should they happen. This should also assist the clear coat skin against scratches to the body.
3. Get some sort of hard case to slip it into when I put it in my pocket. Since I normally carry my phone there, I am worried about the mysterious screen crackings which could be related to stress applied to the device when you sit and such. Hopefully a hard case will protect against this.
So, this is probably a little overkill, but am I completely insane?
My current phone is the T-mobile Shadow, which is a very cheap HTC phone with a plastic screen. I have had it for almost 2 years and have kept it in pretty good condition. I have 1 ding from accidentally placing it in the same pocket as my keys, and some major scratches when I had the genus idea of putting it in a ziplock bag when I went to Seaworld (well it did stay dry).
This is the most expensive phone I will have ever owned with only an very old world PDA being the most expensive mobile device. My wife is not exactly happy with me for spending this kind of money, and just seeing phones for calling people. As such, I am trying to make sure she cannot point a finger at a precaution I did not take: in addition to my own paranoia from reading the "I am having problems" forum on Google's site.
So, from the view point of people who have had other devices like this, am I being too worried or do these sound like reasonable precautions for this kind of device?
The information on these forums have been wonderful. Thanks for all the help!
I'm not sure what skin the last poster has used that yellowed, but I've used InvisibleSHIELD and Clear Protector, and they were still crystal clear after almost a year.
fujitsupalm said:
just gonna add one more here which is my favourite off all time, leather cases..
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I have looked at these, but did not see this one. How stiff is the case? The leather looks pliable, and I want to prevent any bending of the phone.
I was looking at the flip open ones, but those seem too bulky. Also many of the pictures of these seem to have the phone photoshopped in, which makes me nervious. Hate the white thread too, but I could deal with that.
As for the invisible shield skins, did you have them actually tint the phone, or just - when applied - appear to be yellow? I have seen many reviews of these even over months of time and never heard this mentioned. Although I would be nervous about it permanently tinting the phone, if it just appears yellow when on then its worth a try since they can be removed. I know they are a pain to install, but I hate static protectors and really want something on the screen.
Thanks, fujitsupalm.
I saw your post in another thread. I think I might be leaning toward the flip on you posted pics of. How bulky is that? Does it interfer with the use of the screen?
I will probably get the flip or book version (wish it would let me post links), and get an invisible shield for the screen. It is humid here too, so I might have the same issue. However, if I can just remove it then its worth a shot.

Screen-covering case recommendations

I've been looking for a case for my N1 that protects the screen from impact when I'm not using it. I've been using a cheap ebay leather case, which I've noticed a few issues with that I'd like the case I eventually use to not have:
1) The leather surrounding the screen interferes with things like pulling down the notification bar, or hitting buttons on the sides of the screen (q and p on the keyboard especially).
2) When the case is open, the top is open, so if I accidentally hold it upside down while using it, it literally just slips out. I've done this twice already this week - luckily onto carpet
3) The magnet interferes with the compass.
The best I've found so far is Proporta's Aluminium Lined Leather Case (I'd post a link, but new-user-restriction thing. It's pretty easy to find via proporta.com), but I've heard that it's a flimsy fit. And there's a bunch of other leather cases I've seen where I can't tell from the stock photos if there's a slip-out-able edge or not.
Any thoughts/suggestions? Any people with a case that just happens to meet the four criteria ?
I use this:
It's not exactly cheap, but it's built like a tank. I have one for my N900 too, six months and it didn't tear or anything. Sure it scratched a bit, but nothing major.
It doesn't cause me any problem with the screen, in fact I grip the phone in a fashion where the side of my hands touch the sides of the screen, causing all sorts of weird touch problems. With the case, I don't have any of these problems anymore.
You can slip it out if you want to, just push the bottom of the phone up and it'll come out, but not easily.
I'm a big fan of Krusell cases. The orbit is right up your alley. I've been using them osince the BB pearl first came out, and I wouldn't trust my phone to anything else. Leather is phenomenal quality, the front is removable if you like (or you can fold it backwards and it'll work as a kickstand) which combined with the multidapt kit gives you the option to use your phone in one singular case running, biking, driving, or just walking. It comes with a multitude of different style fittings and they all just simply click in and out.
Here's the case.
And here's the things available for use with the multidapt system
http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1279693...tidapt&rh=n:301185,k:krusell multidapt&page=1
Hope this helps in your search...I think you'll be hard-pressed to find a better quality more versatile case...though the one the other poster looks pretty good too, I must admit.

Functionable leather case

Hi guys,
I'm not big on gel cases and such. If I'm taking my phone out of my pocket for prolonged use, I'm happy to remove it from a leather case and use the phone in all the glory it was intended. Having said that, I would like to keep the phone protected/clean while in my pocket or bag and so think a leather case would suit me best, especially since it would cover the screen.
What I want to know is, does anyone know of a leather case that opens, allows me to touch and use the screen fully and also, if I need to, pop the hinge and bash out a text or two on the keyboard while it's still in the case?
I'm kinda thinking something like this...
... but where you can also swing the hinge open and use the keyboard, without having to completely remove the phone from the case.
Thanks guys.
Bumping this in case anyone's come across anything since I originally posted.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=796845 get the G1 case http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-OEM-T-Mobil...688504?pt=PDA_Accessories&hash=item19c0509378
Another vote for the G1 case . You can even charge the G2 while its in the G1 case . The charging port on the G2 is very accessible while still being fully protected .

[Q] Any cases help hinge fix?

Hey all,
I know the 'loose hinge' debate has been beaten to death but anyone have any good experience with any cases that help negate this problem? I called T-Mobile about the hinge and they said they never heard of the hinge problem but that some say certain cases help alleviate at that. (Ponder that statement for a moment!) I figure its worth asking before I try to take apart the phone and stretch/replace the springs.
My phone has been great, no hinge issue until last night the phone fell of the nightstand and ever since the hinge is so bad that you can feel the looseness as you hold it or text.
i would like to know the same thing. the thing is, i dont think any manucfactuar will build a case for the phone to prevent the hinge looseness. the reason being is because companies such as htc and tmobile do not see it as a problem, so i dont think anyone will make a case maybe with a clip, to hold it tighter, or whatever. which would be cool. but im glad someone noticies the same thing i do. i dont mind the hinge, but i cant stand typing on the on screen keyboard because i can feel the screen just jossle just a little. drives me insane!
I think it could be done with the hard shell, and rubberized cases. I small spring loaded mechanism on the part of the case near the microphone. it would stretch out and lock the keyboard in place when you extend it and then lock back in place when you close it. I tried to draw a design but I am a horrible artist. We would have to build them ourselves though.
I have a hardshell clear case I got off ebay. I can tilt my g2 now and the hinge/screen won't open or expose. I have the one that doesn't go around the trackpad.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
i am also looking for this kind of case
Sadly for me, a few pieces of scotch tape on the sides fixes the problem! I dont use the physical keyboard a lot so its not a big deal.
I'm not sure if one is made /c:
Any ideas in a DIY case manipulation?
Sent from my rooted HTC Vision running cm6.1.1

Yet another case thread, what to buy?

Hi fellows,
I realize there are already a number of threads for Note 8 case discussion, and what I am going to ask is also what others have asked in different threads. Still, I want to get a clear answer, if at all possible.
I'm a proud owner of N5110, and now trying to decide on a case. I've found amazing looking leather cases on amazon.de but they all seem to have sleep/wake function, which translates into, the cover has magnet. Now, I've been reading about all the people complaining about magnet case causing permanent damage to something in the screen that causes the S-Pen to stop working on the spots where magnet come into contact with the screen. Then I also see that some people are denying it, saying it doesn't make sense. Then I know that Samsung's original folio case has magnet in it. So, what's the deal?
For anyone interested in these cool cases, here are the links:
Also, is there are point in buying original Samsung screen protector or a €5 protector off of eBay works as good?
malikons said:
I've been reading about all the people complaining about magnet case causing permanent damage to something in the screen that causes the S-Pen to stop working on the spots where magnet come into contact with the screen. Then I also see that some people are denying it, saying it doesn't make sense. Then I know that Samsung's original folio case has magnet in it. So, what's the deal?
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My suspicion would be the strength of the magnet. So unless there are others with testimonies on whether a certain 3rd party case does or does not affect the screen, there is probably no way to know before you buy. Or if you really like the looks of a case, you may be able to cut and remove the magnet, without affecting the looks of the case too much. Or of course, you can get a case without the sleep/wake function.

