Can 11s receive OTA updates with a custom recovery?
donalgodon said:
Can 11s receive OTA updates with a custom recovery?
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Yes. Just make sure Update CM Recovery is unchecked in developer settings. I use twrp.
Sent from my Nexus 7
I have a rooted nexus 5 running android 4.4.4, you would probably ask what OTA update do I want, and I mean when android L is released OTA, I recently knew that you can't get OTA updates if you root your device so I'm asking if I fully unroot with SuperSU will I get the OTA update?
Depends on what you do after root. If you modify system files, then you won't receive OTA. BTW why worry about OTA after root. You can flash factory images directly or there is a seperate OTA thread where you can simply flash them even on stock recovery.
Or flash rooted stock rom via recovery.
OTA is the silliest way of doing it.
rootSU said:
Or flash rooted stock rom via recovery.
OTA is the silliest way of doing it.
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ive never understood people's requirement of a OTA if they root....
Zepius said:
ive never understood people's requirement of a OTA if they root....
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You'd think rooted users would know better
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
rootSU said:
You'd think rooted users would know better
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Not when they use toolkits :silly:
So Cyanogen sent out the 44R ota today and I am rooted with a custom recovery. My current software version is 38R android 4.4.4. So in order to do the ota:
1. I need to go into SuperSU and do the permanant unroot.
2. Reboot
3. Flash stock recovery.
So for step 3 I downloaded the 38R stock firmware from cygen's site. Can I extract it and flash just the recovery? Will this work?
skyguy126 said:
So Cyanogen sent out the 44R ota today and I am rooted with a custom recovery. My current software version is 38R android 4.4.4. So in order to do the ota:
1. I need to go into SuperSU and do the permanant unroot.
2. Reboot
3. Flash stock recovery.
So for step 3 I downloaded the 38R stock firmware from cygen's site. Can I extract it and flash just the recovery? Will this work?
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You don't need to do any of that. No unrooting is required. You can flash the OTA with a custom recovery. All you need to do is initiate the update process through your Settings menu.
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I'll try that next time but I used my method and it worked fine
skyguy126 said:
I'll try that next time but I used my method and it worked fine
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Of course it did, but what I'm saying is it's completely unnecessary to do all that.
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timmaaa, what do you mean with
All you need to do is initiate the update process through your Settings menu.
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with rooted OPO, custom recovery and xposed i don't can flash the regular OTA right? i need to take the modified OTA and uninstall xposed? is this the correct way?
RotesMeerJogger said:
timmaaa, what do you mean with
with rooted OPO, custom recovery and xposed i don't can flash the regular OTA right? i need to take the modified OTA and uninstall xposed? is this the correct way?
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If you uninstall Xposed you can use the normal OTA. If you don't want to uninstall Xposed you can use the modified OTA. The custom recovery and root make no difference either way.
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hey thank you very much timmaaa! works perfect after update i only need root again
Thanks for the help everyone!
I am having the Indian OnePlus One, which DOES NOT get OTA updates. How should I about upgrading to the latest official build of CM 11S, without having to wipe everything?
kvikram said:
I am having the Indian OnePlus One, which DOES NOT get OTA updates. How should I about upgrading to the latest official build of CM 11S, without having to wipe everything?
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You just download the OTA zip when someone posts it, and then flash it in recovery.
Download the full ROM and delete the -w flag then flash using fastboot commands?
Sent From Lollipopified Bacon Goodness!
I'm on the original CM12s rom, rooted with TWRP recovery. I just got the notification for the latest OTA. Is it safe to go ahead and install this or not? (i have turned off updating the stock recovery in Developer settings)
It's safe.
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Agree, don't forget to flash root again after flashing the OTA. (in case you use an external root)
Where is the OTA downloaded to? When i press update it goes into TWRP..
GalaxyWhy said:
Where is the OTA downloaded to? When i press update it goes into TWRP..
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Check this out:
I currently have cos12.1 installed along with twrp. Will ota updates still work or would I need to flash stock recovery to receive the ota? Any download links for stock YOG4PAS3JL recovery? Thanks ?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
cloudx720 said:
I currently have cos12.1 installed along with twrp. Will ota updates still work or would I need to flash stock recovery to receive the ota? Any download links for stock YOG4PAS3JL recovery? Thanks ?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
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No, OTA won't work since you have TWRP, either reinstall stock recovery to install the OTA or install the signed version of the OTA that will work with TWRP. They are all in this thread
Cholerabob said:
No, OTA won't work since you have TWRP, either reinstall stock recovery to install the OTA or install the signed version of the OTA that will work with TWRP. They are all in this thread
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I flashed stock recovery already good to go
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