[Q] Cell Standby with no SIM Card and Plane mode? - Samsung Infuse 4G

In the past year that I've used this phone without a SIM, this problem suddenly pops up out of nowhere.
A month ago, I come home from college and put my phone on the charger, like any other day. The next day, I notice the bars and SIM error disappear entirely. I assumed that this made the phone dead to the signal... I was wrong. Cell Standby had been taking a huge strain on my battery.
It would always be at 100%. No matter what rom I use, stock or AOSP, this problem would persist. Even in airplane mode, it would, for some reason, continue to drain my battery. I strictly use Wifi, since I took the SIM card and put it into a different phone, and yet, it's still happening.
I was able to get 2 days of standby before; now it tends to die in less than a day without usage.
I would assume this is a hardware problem, since this phone has been through so much abuse. Anybody else experience this, or know of a fix?
Here's a picture. I used my phone for maybe a few minutes... I was in Seattle that night, so I had plenty of area that had service. My main phone had 4-5 bars the entire time.


[Q] Random rebooting, not shutdowns.

I'm having a rather specific and odd problem with my captivate(s), three of them to be exact. First I bought the phone, upgrading from an Iphone 3g, and the first day it was great, the second day, in the evening, I noticed that it started this strange rebooting loop. The phone doesn't seem to power off because I don't see the Galaxy S symbol it just merely goes black then comes back and searches for the network, finds it, then a few minutes later goes black again, returns, search for the network, and so on. It keeps doing that over and over again. So I tried a factory reset the next morning just to make sure it wasn't a problem with any apps installed. The same rebooting loop happened. So I called a rep and dropped by the ATT store and they said it might be the sim card, which was very very old (still said cingular) so we swapped it. Same problem the next day. Okay so I went and I replaced the whole phone. The second day with Captivate #2, this rebooting loop occurred again. The reps told me that I might have gotten two bad ones and to exchange it again, so I did. And yet again I have the same problem. So here are some quick facts about the problem that I have learned. Total time span has been about 3 weeks.
-The most important thing to know about this issue is that the only thing that prevents the phone from going into this rebooting loop is if I enable flight mode, no network connectivity. I believe wi-fi is okay but whenever I disconnect from ATT's network it stops rebooting.
-Occurs more frequently at night/evening (only happened once in the morning)
-Is not affected by signal strength, full bars, low bars.
-Is not affected by installed apps (Had done factory resets and with my third captivate all I did was put the sim card in and put it in my pocket)
-Is not affected by battery status, low or full
-Doesn't seem to matter if I have a lot of things running or nothing running, the loop starts when I'm browsing, texting, in a call, or just locked in my pocket.
-Does not seem to be affected by charging source (wall, car, laptop, ps3/xbox)
Another thing to note is that I had an Iphone 3G with an unlimited data plan before this. The Captivate upgrade was done on another line on my family plan then given to me with a 2gb data plan. After talking to multiple reps over the phone, they said they had the wrong IMEI number (I have no idea what that means) but that leads me to wonder what else is wrong and is it a problem with the Captivates or ATT itself?
I really need some feedback because I'm about to just give up on this phone, which is heartbreaking because I fell in love it. My 30 days is approaching and if I am indeed returning it, it'll have to be very soon. What do you guys think?

losing cell network randomly

Lately I have been randomly losing all service, both voice and data. I'm pretty sure that it occurs while moving through an area/building where there is no service, then returning to an area where there should be service. But I'm not 100% sure this is only condition in which it occurs.
The problem is that the service is not coming back automatically. I have to reboot the phone. I've waited for up to 2 hours with nothing.
Any thoughts/suggestions on how to fix this?
I'm running stock, with rooting and sideloading enabled.
Cycling flight mode usually works and is way faster than a full reboot.
MillionManMosh said:
Cycling flight mode usually works and is way faster than a full reboot.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Does nothing for me. Forgot to mention that. Cycled many times last night with zero luck.
I basically become an Unregistered Device, if I remember one of the errors correctly.
My even hang on setting to airplane mode - and must reboot to fix, and then disable airplane mode...
so there is nothing I can do to force the phone to re-register with the network?
I have found not a way
seems like I might be taking a trip to ATT to do an exchange. Can't have this happening.
You will be foolish to do so. It is not a hardware issue! I have it on another modem and rom. But happens only when I have my phone in areas without bad reception for a long time.
Mine happens during periods of brief connectivity.
That said, I stopped in at ATT just to see what they would say.
They suggested that my SIM card was going bad. I seriously doubt this had anything to do with it, but what the hell. The card I had was from my previous phone as I was too lazy to stop in and swap cards when I bought the phone.
New card, so far no loss of signal. Has only been 4 days though. After a few weeks, I'll know better if this worked or not.

Intermittant Signal Issues

I am currently running Ninja-0706, radio
Intermittantly, my phone will drop out of H and start cycling through all the connections, edge, gsm, 3G etc. After cycling through, it will go to no connection at all where you see "no service" on the screen. And it will stay like that for several minutes, no matter where I am standing in my apartment, or even if i walk outside. Then all of a sudden, it will pick up H, full bars and it will stay like that.
So far, this issue has only happened a couple of times, within the past couple of weeks, and at my apartment. I have full wiped and flashed different roms, and reflashed the radio after the first time this happened, so this issue cannot be blamed on current said rom. This has led me to suspect that maybe there is an issue with the tower in my area. Twice I have called AT&T now about this issue. Both times they claim there have been no outages or issues with the towers in my area. They also claim that the closest tower to me is about 1 mile away, so there shouldn't be issues as such with a tower so close. I don't know anyone in my complex who is on AT&T to see if they are experiencing the same issue. So AT&T seems to think there might be an issue with the phone and i might need to do a warranty exchange. Any ideas before I flash back to stock and exchange it out?
While mine doesn't go that far, it'll cycle between H and 3G for no apparent reason.
Mine does weird **** sometimes, too, on Tue 04_11_M2 radio.
Just today I was sitting around browsing via WiFi, and bam, no signal. Most if the time it'll kick back in after a sec or two, but it stays like that until I intervene by toggling airplane mode, then, it'll be back to 3-4 bars or whatever.
Second time its happened over the last month, so no biggy.
In my house I get lots of signal variations overall, which I guess should be expected.
Well, my phone has done it twice since OP. I just flashed back to stock and downgraded to s-on. I'm going to see about an insurance claim.
Update: Just got off the phone with AT&T. They said that this issue would need to be handled by the warranty dept. So got back on the phone with tech support and they suggested that I go into an AT&T store and have the sim card replaced before they replace the phone, as the sim card itself might be causing this issue. It seems plausible because the sim card is needed for a connection to the network.

[Q] CM7 (Build 93) - 3G Radio Issues

{Reposting to the right forum}
Ok. So I ran into a serious issue and it most likely has something to do with the 3G radio.
Here's what happened. Phone was down to about 15% batteries after some Youtube and Angry birds. I was at my folks place and the cell signal there is not as strong, but still a bar showing. I noticed the phone was quite warm, but thought nothing of it since I was using Youtube/Angry birds. Check a few emails and noticed the batters quickly dropping to 12% within a few minutes and noticed Battery Status Monitor was reporting 990mA draw. I was alarmed, but didn't think too much about it and went to have dinner with the folks.
about 30/40 min later after dinner. The battery was dead. Didn't have my charger with me, so I didn't plug in for another couple of hours until I got home. Plugged in, booted up, everything was fine, except it would not connect to cell service stating "No Service". I then tried a bunch of things, rebooting, swapping out the battery, swapping out the SIM, but no avail. Swapping the same SIM to my old HTC works fine and connects on AWS 3G network.
This morning I tried another SIM that not on AWS, and it connects (assuming on 2G/EDGE network). Swap back in my original SIM and back to "No Service" (my provider only has 3G AWS service).
So at this point, I'm pretty convinced I have a hardware problem so I restore the stock Froyo ROM to return my phone...then magically, I'm back alive on the 3G AWS network!
Someone tell me what's going on!
I haven't tried to reflash CM7 again. Quite frankly I'm quite scared this may not be hardware problem and maybe a software issue instead, and may be stressing the 3G radio.

[Q] Weak signal UNTIL I make a voice call

My new phone is exhibiting strange behavior that I haven't seen any postings about. (okay, one posting, but it didn't have any replies http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=660243 )
I had a Note 2 (AT&T) that worked great for about 6 months until the usb port died. Several ROMS, several modems, no signal problems.
I warranty returned it, and new phone constantly loses or maintains a week signal, until I make a call. Using data, the signal stays pretty weak, and drops a lot. Typically around 1 bar. Browsing the web, the pages hang for minutes at a time. Outbound text messages frequently fail with an error. Incoming calls frequently go straight to voicemail. But, if I dial voicemail, the signal bar immediately jumps to full bars. Now I can hang up, and use a strong data connection for about 3-5 minutes, until the signal slowly drops back down. Toggling airplane mode, or rebooting does not seem to jump start the signal. Making a voice call though, jump starts it immediately every time. Additionally, the battery life seems to be much worse, but I haven't actually benchmarked it. It is the battery from the original phone.
I've tried the phone bone stock with the latest 3 modems, and with CleanROM and latest 2 modems, and with stock and Adam kernels. The behaviour is exactly the same in all cases. It's like the radio just sort of goes to sleep until I make a call.
At first I just assumed it was a hardware issue, because the old phone worked just fine, but the fact that a phone call wakes it up makes me wonder if there's more to it. I took it into my local AT&T store and they found the IMEI was listed as the old phone, and corrected it. Of course, my phone worked perfectly in the store, even before the IMEI change. I figured that was the problem though, and it actually seemed to work for the rest of the day, but the next morning it was back to a weak signal.
At this point I guess I'll return it, and try another one, but I figured I'd check here and see if there was a better solution.

