Intermittant Signal Issues - HTC Inspire 4G

I am currently running Ninja-0706, radio
Intermittantly, my phone will drop out of H and start cycling through all the connections, edge, gsm, 3G etc. After cycling through, it will go to no connection at all where you see "no service" on the screen. And it will stay like that for several minutes, no matter where I am standing in my apartment, or even if i walk outside. Then all of a sudden, it will pick up H, full bars and it will stay like that.
So far, this issue has only happened a couple of times, within the past couple of weeks, and at my apartment. I have full wiped and flashed different roms, and reflashed the radio after the first time this happened, so this issue cannot be blamed on current said rom. This has led me to suspect that maybe there is an issue with the tower in my area. Twice I have called AT&T now about this issue. Both times they claim there have been no outages or issues with the towers in my area. They also claim that the closest tower to me is about 1 mile away, so there shouldn't be issues as such with a tower so close. I don't know anyone in my complex who is on AT&T to see if they are experiencing the same issue. So AT&T seems to think there might be an issue with the phone and i might need to do a warranty exchange. Any ideas before I flash back to stock and exchange it out?

While mine doesn't go that far, it'll cycle between H and 3G for no apparent reason.

Mine does weird **** sometimes, too, on Tue 04_11_M2 radio.
Just today I was sitting around browsing via WiFi, and bam, no signal. Most if the time it'll kick back in after a sec or two, but it stays like that until I intervene by toggling airplane mode, then, it'll be back to 3-4 bars or whatever.
Second time its happened over the last month, so no biggy.
In my house I get lots of signal variations overall, which I guess should be expected.

Well, my phone has done it twice since OP. I just flashed back to stock and downgraded to s-on. I'm going to see about an insurance claim.
Update: Just got off the phone with AT&T. They said that this issue would need to be handled by the warranty dept. So got back on the phone with tech support and they suggested that I go into an AT&T store and have the sim card replaced before they replace the phone, as the sim card itself might be causing this issue. It seems plausible because the sim card is needed for a connection to the network.


Problem with JFv1.42 version of RC33

After i did the update to 1.42 for rc33 my internet while browseing cuts out after every two web pages. Its really odd it will load a page on 3g then go to edge then no network that back to 3g. it also will do it in the market as well load two screens then say no data connection aval. Now i know theres not a tower down be cause i work for tmobile, and i have my SE tm506 which gets perfect 3g where i live. is anyone else having this problem
I think I'm experiencing the same thing you are.
I've had a similar problem ever since RC33 1.41. It doesn't seem to be triggered by browsing though. I've noticed that 3G seems alot less consistent than it was on the old radio. I haven't tried flashing back to the old radio.
I ride the train and I used to only have 1 or 2 dead spots and now it seems like my dead spots have increased. Also, I used to always have 3G in my house now it seems I fall to edge and then back again in a few minutes when i try to use data and the phone has been asleep.
For me, I never truly noticed until about a week or two after flashing. I had the Fade to Blue theme on the phone, and I couldn't get any data what so ever. This happened right when I got on a train, and i tried to fix it for an hour and a half. I reflashed the theme, which was still on my SD card, I did 2G networks only and rebooted the phone several times. When I got home I reflashed JF RC33 1.41 just to take the theme out of the equation and it jumped right back on to 3G. However, ever since I've been paying more attention to it, and it just seems very inconsistent. I used to be able to use the app for streaming music and only have 1 or 2 dropoffs throughout a 40 min train ride. Now it's unusable.
The timing for this all this kind of matches up to that 3G outage that happened a few weeks ago, so I'm not sure if it's the radio update, RC33 or a phone hardware problem.
On a side note, when i first got the phone, all the way up to the radio update, i had a problem where I had a 3G icon, but I woudn't have a data connection for certain spots. I'd have the 3G up arrow, but no down arrow. This problem is gone, but I can't remember for sure if this old problem took place in the same locations as the new problem.
I've also rarely experienced another issue since the update, which is where the 3G up and down arrows flash back and forth very very quickly, like a strobe effect and data does not work. This has only happened to me maybe twice so far though, and it lasted for only a minute or two.
I'm just tossing all of my experience in to see if this is all normal or if something isn't quite right with my phone.

[Q] Random rebooting, not shutdowns.

I'm having a rather specific and odd problem with my captivate(s), three of them to be exact. First I bought the phone, upgrading from an Iphone 3g, and the first day it was great, the second day, in the evening, I noticed that it started this strange rebooting loop. The phone doesn't seem to power off because I don't see the Galaxy S symbol it just merely goes black then comes back and searches for the network, finds it, then a few minutes later goes black again, returns, search for the network, and so on. It keeps doing that over and over again. So I tried a factory reset the next morning just to make sure it wasn't a problem with any apps installed. The same rebooting loop happened. So I called a rep and dropped by the ATT store and they said it might be the sim card, which was very very old (still said cingular) so we swapped it. Same problem the next day. Okay so I went and I replaced the whole phone. The second day with Captivate #2, this rebooting loop occurred again. The reps told me that I might have gotten two bad ones and to exchange it again, so I did. And yet again I have the same problem. So here are some quick facts about the problem that I have learned. Total time span has been about 3 weeks.
-The most important thing to know about this issue is that the only thing that prevents the phone from going into this rebooting loop is if I enable flight mode, no network connectivity. I believe wi-fi is okay but whenever I disconnect from ATT's network it stops rebooting.
-Occurs more frequently at night/evening (only happened once in the morning)
-Is not affected by signal strength, full bars, low bars.
-Is not affected by installed apps (Had done factory resets and with my third captivate all I did was put the sim card in and put it in my pocket)
-Is not affected by battery status, low or full
-Doesn't seem to matter if I have a lot of things running or nothing running, the loop starts when I'm browsing, texting, in a call, or just locked in my pocket.
-Does not seem to be affected by charging source (wall, car, laptop, ps3/xbox)
Another thing to note is that I had an Iphone 3G with an unlimited data plan before this. The Captivate upgrade was done on another line on my family plan then given to me with a 2gb data plan. After talking to multiple reps over the phone, they said they had the wrong IMEI number (I have no idea what that means) but that leads me to wonder what else is wrong and is it a problem with the Captivates or ATT itself?
I really need some feedback because I'm about to just give up on this phone, which is heartbreaking because I fell in love it. My 30 days is approaching and if I am indeed returning it, it'll have to be very soon. What do you guys think?

every other boot in exact same spot, PRL changes

So I have been for the past week, at my house, having about the worst 4G reception ever. It shows 4G in the status bar, until I actually try and connect to any internet service, and then it disappears. Well this started on my second Thunderbolt, so I assumed something was up with the phone, specially since I unrooted the phone, and the issue was still there. So I went and exchanged my phone today. I noticed that the issue remained. Brand new phone, at my place of work today was pulling 20+ down from speedtest and then I go home, and even outside my house, it is loosing 4G everytime you try to do anything on the internet.
I noticed only one difference. My PRL changed from 15008 to 15011.
So figuring my new phone is probably fine from a HW standpoint, I went ahead and rooted this phone, and I noticed something weird. Everytime I boot the phone, it switched between two PRLs. It either has a PRL of 1, and then reboot and it then will have a PRL of 15011. Rinse and repeat.
I also noticed that in the same location that it used to be signal strength was around -82Db, and is now closer to -95Db.
So I am going to call Verizon tomorrow, and see if they know if a tower is down, etc, or see if they can check into it, as my phone is only usable at home on 3G, which is the same reason I paid my ETF on sprint and left for verizon, because I could get LTE in my house.
I even tried Das BAMF 1.5 and then flashed the radio update, and there was zero change in anyway.
I am going to assume there is a screwy tower nearby that is causing my problem, but if anyone has any suggestions let me know!
my phone acts the same way around my apartment...
i think they must be messing with the towers still. specially cause we haven't officially got 4g here yet.
have the same problem up in Northwest Columbus - 4G has been going in and out for the last two days for me - figured it was just the tower, 3G is absolutely fine.

[Q] CM7 (Build 93) - 3G Radio Issues

{Reposting to the right forum}
Ok. So I ran into a serious issue and it most likely has something to do with the 3G radio.
Here's what happened. Phone was down to about 15% batteries after some Youtube and Angry birds. I was at my folks place and the cell signal there is not as strong, but still a bar showing. I noticed the phone was quite warm, but thought nothing of it since I was using Youtube/Angry birds. Check a few emails and noticed the batters quickly dropping to 12% within a few minutes and noticed Battery Status Monitor was reporting 990mA draw. I was alarmed, but didn't think too much about it and went to have dinner with the folks.
about 30/40 min later after dinner. The battery was dead. Didn't have my charger with me, so I didn't plug in for another couple of hours until I got home. Plugged in, booted up, everything was fine, except it would not connect to cell service stating "No Service". I then tried a bunch of things, rebooting, swapping out the battery, swapping out the SIM, but no avail. Swapping the same SIM to my old HTC works fine and connects on AWS 3G network.
This morning I tried another SIM that not on AWS, and it connects (assuming on 2G/EDGE network). Swap back in my original SIM and back to "No Service" (my provider only has 3G AWS service).
So at this point, I'm pretty convinced I have a hardware problem so I restore the stock Froyo ROM to return my phone...then magically, I'm back alive on the 3G AWS network!
Someone tell me what's going on!
I haven't tried to reflash CM7 again. Quite frankly I'm quite scared this may not be hardware problem and maybe a software issue instead, and may be stressing the 3G radio.

[Q] complete signal loss

Iv had the AT&T One X since the 4th and so far I love it! I haven't had any wifi issues or bootloops or anything, the only problem I'm having is the phone will randomly lose signal completely (0 bars, little x next to the signal) and wont get it back unless I put it into airplane mode and turn it back off, or reboot the phone. In the 6 days Iv had it it's lost signal 3 times, once on the road where I normally get at least 3-4 bars, and the other 2 happened at some point over night while I was asleep. Has anyone else been having this problem? Also do you think it's a software/radio problem that can be fixed in a update, or would it be hardware in which case I should take it to the store and exchange for a new one.
I've had this problem myself. Had the phone for 19 days now and I think it's happened to me 3 or 4 times.
I can guarantee it's fixable with a software update, even if the problem is hardware-related. At the very least, the software could detect the lack of signal and automatically cycle in and out of airplane mode to fix the problem without user interaction. But I'm sure whatever fix we get will be much more reliable than that.
WHEN we get the fix is another question...
Thanks for the reply. I figured it might be a software issue since you can cycle airplane mode and get it back and I don't really want to take it down to the AT&T store for an exchange in fear I wined up not able to set up gvoice or start getting wifi issues and the like lol. so far the signal drops are far and few in between making it an annoying issue rather than a critical one, and I read we've got root now so even if HTC/AT&T twiddle their thumbs and pretend nothings wrong I'm sure the community can save the day lol
I would swap it out Azure. My first HOX did exactly this, and I saw it reported elsewhere on a number of other devices. To me that says it's most likely a bad radio flash on some handsets. I suppose you could try and flash the RUU that was posted, as it most likely includes the radio as well.
I got tired of all my calls going directly to VM without ringing. And not being able to send out texts. My replacement works much better (or rather, how it should've from the beginning).
agentdr8 said:
I got tired of all my calls going directly to VM without ringing. And not being able to send out texts.
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Was this problem intermittent?
My phone has been doing this randomly, except it never went to voicemails, just hung up after like 30 seconds.
Wondering if I should switch it out also.
Had this problem for a day. Took my phone to the at&t store and they changed out the sim card and I haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
usfslacker said:
Had this problem for a day. Took my phone to the at&t store and they changed out the sim card and I haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
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I never thought about the sim card being a possible problem...might run up to the store when I get the chance and swap my sim out and see if that fixes it, if not I'll just swap the device out and hope all's well
The CSR actually swapped a new micro sim first, since the one provided via online sales was an older one (most likely from the iphone 4/4s batch). It didn't seem to fix the problem though.
And yeah, the problem was very intermittent. One second it would be working fine, and the next it would show the "x". Sometimes the bars would come back immediately, other times it wouldn't until I rebooted or cycled airplane mode. Luckily it happened while I was at the store; it's much easier to convince a sales rep to swap a phone when they can witness the issue(s).
Yeah it's only happened to me twice since I got it on the 4th... it'll be very hard for me to convince them that there's an issue haha... maybe I'll head down there if it happens at a time when I'm not in class or something. I'm sure if I mention returning it/their policy I'll get a swap.
agentdr8 said:
The CSR actually swapped a new micro sim first, since the one provided via online sales was an older one (most likely from the iphone 4/4s batch). It didn't seem to fix the problem though.
And yeah, the problem was very intermittent. One second it would be working fine, and the next it would show the "x". Sometimes the bars would come back immediately, other times it wouldn't until I rebooted or cycled airplane mode. Luckily it happened while I was at the store; it's much easier to convince a sales rep to swap a phone when they can witness the issue(s).
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next time my phone drops signal I'll take it into the store and see about a sim swap in hopes that'll fix the issue if not then I'll reluctantly swap the unit out (I've grown rather attached to this one xD)
strange...woke up today and my phone completely lost signal again, normally there's a few days between each event but this is the first time it's happened twice in a row =\
So it happened again, I'm going to go get it switched... but it says on the Mobile network section of settings, "Disconnected because service is unavailable."
There is clearly almost full signal strength, and I have never been without service where I live.
I was expereincing constant network drops all of yesterday due to an outage. However, it's back to normal for me today. So it may be possible there's an outage near you as well.
I think it is more AT&T than your phone. I was in down town buffalo at a swim meet with 5 bars of hspa+ on my blackberry bold that has a great radio. I had data but it was slow dial up slow. There were maybe 100-200 people at the meet and it was at a community college. The only other time I had this was when I was in a car that was driving by the buffalo bills stadium. Voice worked but I had no data. I guess too many people using their cell phones.
Definitely not AT&T, my SE Xperia x10 worked perfectly fine, never had any trouble with signals.
I also encounter the intermittent signal drops on my 4 days old AT&T one x.
It seems to me that the One x doesn't hold signal as good as the iphone, my 4 and 4s usually get around 2 bars in some really remote locations of the building I work. But the One X just drops signal completely. I'll see if I can do a sim swap like some others suggested.
I'm starting to think it could be an issue with lte phones because the same thing was happening to me on my galaxy note with 2 different sim cards and 2 different devices and now it's happening on my hox
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
it has happened to me 3 times in 5 days. All 3 times I was either:
1. in a poor reception area and it came back on its own, i did not have to use airplane mode.
2. was using BT streaming in car and using car charger, once car charger was unplugged, signal came back.
One X has issues
Definitively problems with the phone.
I have three.
They just drop signal completely. One will work, the other will not. Only way the signal will come back is if you turn the phone on and off again. I love everything about this phone....except it isn't a very good phone.
Also, typically when I turn the phone back on, that is when I get my text messages. Nice.
Yeah I figured out it happens when I lose signal (a couple buildings on my schools campus don't get reception), and then the signal won't come back until I reboot or airplane mode.. this is after a sim swap.
Oh and do I need the box my phone came in to swap it?
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
I have had this issue as well being on the Rogers (Canada) network. I started a thread as well and my theory is there may be a hardware issue reading the SIM cards.
Every now and then I get a "preparing SIM" message pop up on my screen. Also, I lost signal once and in frustration I slapped the phone into my palm VOILA! signal came back full.
This is the second One-X I've gotten from Rogers so there may be a design flaw somewhere. The problem is this behavior only pops up intermittently and cannot be recreated at will. This makes troubleshooting very difficult and practically unprovable in the eyes of providers.
Hopefully there are more reports of this problem and the carriers push back on HTC to resolve the problem.

