Minor Black Crush/Clipping on Galaxy Note 3 - Galaxy Note 3 General

On top is my Galaxy Note II, and on the bottom is my Galaxy Note 3. Not sure if it's all devices or its just on some including mine. It is adjusted by firmware as other galaxy models have demonstrated in the past, so I think it will probably be adjusted in a firmware update in the future, but I just thought I would share. I had my device on at full brightness with auto adjust screen tones off. Then I took a 15 second exposure on my DSLR to confirm that at least "2", and "1" are indeed crushed, and the pixels representing the block for those numbers emit no light at all.
The mess around the numbers are probably jpeg artifacts.
I got the file from an old Galaxy Note (1) thread:
Here's a copy of the file. It may look mostly black, but it's not. You would need to look at it in a dark room to see it on maximum brightness.

I dont understand these stupid threads that pop up every time a device shows up, every single time a freakin new device comes up, some guys start putting the screen under the microscope to check for inconsistencies. Whats the point of this? Does your screen look nice when you use it? YES IT DOES, then why scrutinize every single little aspect of it just to show it has some imperfection? Ridiculous

polish_pat said:
I dont understand these stupid threads that pop up every time a device shows up, every single time a freakin new device comes up, some guys start putting the screen under the microscope to check for inconsistencies. Whats the point of this? Does your screen look nice when you use it? YES IT DOES, then why scrutinize every single little aspect of it just to show it has some imperfection? Ridiculous
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I know, right?!
I also don't understand how some guys who see a "pointless" thread have the need to take actual time from their supposedly busy lives to bash the threads instead of simply moving on with their lives, understanding that they aren't the standard-setters for what is or isn't important to other people.

Not this again, I remember people bleeting about this in the S2 days, if it does have a small issue, who cares, it's not like your TV where you watch media on it all the while you're at home. Think I can cope with the small issue with occasional film I may watch on it.
Sent from my GT-N5100 using Tapatalk 4

Before everyone freaks out, here's some background. The issue OP's discussing has been around since the first AMOLED display. It's varied in severity on different models of Samsung phones.
Here's a SGS3 vs. N2 comparison done by SuperCurio...
Here's the video with SuperCurio explaining the issue...
Here's OP's N2 vs. N3 comparison...
Compared to other Samsung devices the issue on the N3 is relatively minor. It can also vary from display to display and updates have impacted it before. As OP said, the issue's pretty minor on the N3; at least to compared to some of Samsung's other phones. OP, is the device you're using pre-release or production (retail)?
It is what it is. From what's been shown I'm not concerned. Let's see some more sample's from production phones from different regions before we all freak out.

polish_pat said:
I dont understand these stupid threads that pop up every time a device shows up, every single time a freakin new device comes up, some guys start putting the screen under the microscope to check for inconsistencies. Whats the point of this? Does your screen look nice when you use it? YES IT DOES, then why scrutinize every single little aspect of it just to show it has some imperfection? Ridiculous
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I totally agree with you !

polish_pat said:
I dont understand these stupid threads that pop up every time a device shows up, every single time a freakin new device comes up, some guys start putting the screen under the microscope to check for inconsistencies. Whats the point of this? Does your screen look nice when you use it? YES IT DOES, then why scrutinize every single little aspect of it just to show it has some imperfection? Ridiculous
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Hey I'm glad the OP posted it. I'm spending $700+ on this device, I would like to know every software glitch, every hardware imperfection, any flaws major or minor exposed. Just because it's Samsung's top of the line phone doesn't mean it deserves a free pass from scrutiny like it's some paragon of hardware excellence.
I don't get why people get so defensive about a piece of electronic. Ya'll working for Samsung's engineering department or what?

Thanks for letting us know, Mike. Hope to see more youtube videos from you about the note3.

Dan37tz said:
Hey I'm glad the OP posted it. I'm spending $700+ on this device, I would like to know every software glitch, every hardware imperfection, any flaws major or minor exposed. Just because it's Samsung's top of the line phone doesn't mean it deserves a free pass from scrutiny like it's some paragon of hardware excellence.
I don't get why people get so defensive about a piece of electronic. Ya'll working for Samsung's engineering department or what?
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Even when you buy a 5000$ laptop, screen bleeding and dead pixels will be there and they are accepted as being an industry standard. The real issue is it doesnt affect in any way how you use or enjoy the device, so why complain. All devices i had, had an XDA thread with hundreds of people that compalined about greens that are too green, or "blobs" for those that had an S3....its ridiculous. Thats how screens are made, they arent perfect

This post brings me back those very unpleasent memories of black clipping which suffered my first Samsung Galaxy Note.(quivering)

polish_pat said:
Even when you buy a 5000$ laptop, screen bleeding and dead pixels will be there and they are accepted as being an industry standard. The real issue is it doesnt affect in any way how you use or enjoy the device, so why complain. All devices i had, had an XDA thread with hundreds of people that compalined about greens that are too green, or "blobs" for those that had an S3....its ridiculous. Thats how screens are made, they arent perfect
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accepted by you maybe... I'd make them eat the laptop if they didn't give me what was advertised.

and in daily use when are you going to notice this? i had a note 2 for 6 months and didnt have an issue. you guys get too worried and worked up about such little stuff

Dan37tz said:
Hey I'm glad the OP posted it. I'm spending $700+ on this device, I would like to know every software glitch, every hardware imperfection, any flaws major or minor exposed. Just because it's Samsung's top of the line phone doesn't mean it deserves a free pass from scrutiny like it's some paragon of hardware excellence.
I don't get why people get so defensive about a piece of electronic. Ya'll working for Samsung's engineering department or what?
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I agree. It's more so awareness rather than complaining about it. To be blindsided with issues post purchase would be worse than knowing walking into it

systoxity said:
accepted by you maybe... I'd make them eat the laptop if they didn't give me what was advertised.
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Its not accepted by me, its an industry standard. Do you know what that means? ISO certification of screen allow 3-5 dead pixels and screen bleeding

Dan37tz said:
I don't get why people get so defensive about a piece of electronic. Ya'll working for Samsung's engineering department or what?
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It's not the "what," it's the "how." I'm tired of scintillating thread titles declaring the end of the world as we know it backed up by little evidence or circumstantial opinion as their basis. Your "the N3 lags like the SGS4" thread comes to mind. You started it based on something you saw in an Italian review that turned out to be the opposite of what you posted once it was translated by an Italian XDA member.
I do agree with you though. I want to know what the issues (and there are bound to be issues) with the N3 are. But I'd like some context (when, where, how many, and how often) to go along with them so I can figure out what they'll mean to me. Spoiler alert: if I have to lock myself in a dark room and adjust settings to levels I'd never normally use to replicate a problem then, for me, it's not a problem. Of course YMMV.
This thread's a good example of how to introduce an issue. OP titled the thread "minor" rather than using "OMG!!!" and "THIS IS AWFUL!!!" and posted documentation to support what he found. That leaves it up to the audience to form their own opinions. And whether it's what OP posted or other issues that have been discussed the friggin' phone isn't even in people's hands yet. So disaster could be on the horizon in a number of areas but it's a bit too early to declare "the sky is falling."
Peace out.

Adapt display
I saw an "adapt display" option in this Note 3 video: http://youtu.be/S2Yr7PvgKQw?t=8m52s
Do you think calibrating the screen with it would solve the problem?

vgergo said:
I saw an "adapt display" option in this Note 3 video: http://youtu.be/S2Yr7PvgKQw?t=8m52s
Do you think calibrating the screen with it would solve the problem?
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adapt display has nothing to do with calibration, just like in the S4, it just changes color saturation

I can't believe u ****s are still buying Samsung phone since u know they have black crush issue.if amoled bothers u so much,why buy Samsung phone.u can go buy HTC of lg.every device have some issues even ur beloved I phones.stop with these stupid threads.if you have to find faults with microscopes then tell everyone to check their phones.only reason I'm posting because of some people want perfect phone keep calling for warranty replacement and when I have real issue with my phone then att gives me hard time replacing it.

mintu123 said:
I can't believe u ****s are still buying Samsung phone since u know they have black crush issue.if amoled bothers u so much,why buy Samsung phone.u can go buy HTC of lg.every device have some issues even ur beloved I phones.stop with these stupid threads.if you have to find faults with microscopes then tell everyone to check their phones.only reason I'm posting because of some people want perfect phone keep calling for warranty replacement and when I have real issue with my phone then at gives me hard time replacing it.
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would you mind me quoting/linking your post to my signature?

polish_pat said:
Its not accepted by me, its an industry standard. Do you know what that means? ISO certification of screen allow 3-5 dead pixels and screen bleeding
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Thank god industry standard just means how much they can get away with before enough people feed their laptops back to them. Never take crap laying down. Always complain if you feel like something's not right. How else would things change for the better?


I held the Fuze today!!!! share your Fuze story

so today was a good day. for one i was blessed to wake up this morning and to top it of i held a ATT FUZE in my hand. it was the best 10 plus minutes in my life while i was wearing clothes lol. yes people i was at the store today in Milford, CT. the sales associate there had a test model. and i must say it is everything you would have guessed it would be. first off both the stores i went to in the Milford, CT area said the phone will be available the first week in november. so the oct. 23 date is a farse. the guy at the store named weel call "joe the plumber" (cause he is so famous these days) said he had his training on this past tuesday. and most likely the phone will be in his words. "the same price as the tilt when it came out or price competativaly with the iphone. with the rebate if u get the data upgrade." im probally not going to say any thing about the phone you dont know but it reafems the fact that it is real and is as good as advertized. and in the Milford store i was told i was the only person to ask about the phone so i should be the only one with it for a while. im the 1st person in the list for the saleperson. i cant wait for that call in november.
the phone= it self has the diamond back like the unlocked version. i dont know i asked why cause sprints diamond has a soft touch back and he said "the test group didnt like that feture." but i said if ur typing on the table the phone will wiggle cause of the uneven back. i think att was lazy and told htc to change the keyboard and ship the phone out. lol. and the phone is so light. the tilt is a brick compared to this phone. i currently hava lg cu500 and it is bout .25" taller and not much thicker. and that is good cause you get a ful keybaord.
the keyboard= lost the upper top row of just numbers. but it has a lot of quick bottons for text and internet and such. also has a phone style number pad on the keyboard. the keys felt nice and the sliding was smooth. and the screen responded nice. though the accelerometer was not as resposive as he iphone when you moved the phone when viewing webpages. but the zoom was sick.
the camera= i didnt really take pics but the pics he toke and had on the phone was clear. he also showed me the card reader program. with this program you take a pic of a bussines card and it scans the info and make a new ocntact on your phone. it toke like 15 sec for it to scan i thought it froze but it was understandable and still amazinfg when all the info was pust in the correct name, address, etc. sections on the screen. the touch flo with pics are amazing and the screen is so nice. the phone had a led flash if i remember correct. i was so distracted by the pretty screen and touch flo i didnt take time to look much at the buttons and such on the phnone. but i temember a white/yellow thing below the camera lense.
what the phone comes with. the phone i looked at was a test phone so jow said all he got in his black unmarked box was cd, phone, usb, and charger. i know when i went to the sprint store in Hamden, CT where i live and looked at the diamond it came with that and a holtster, air buds, screen protector. i hope att add these things cause for the price i kinda expect it, and htc makes them for the unlocked phone so it should happen.
touch flo was sick. it works as adverticed. they obviously added a att store tab. the pics scrooled nice, and the music player was cool. the contact was scroolable too. i mean everything that you already know is there.
so in closing. the 1st week in november is the date to look for. not this oct 23 but im ok with being proved wrong lol. please excuse and grammer errors. the price should be $300- $400 with the rebate. its not the iphone so they are not going to make there money of volume. and if i remember correct it is a dark red color. i hope this was helpfull to someone cause i was excited when i saw it. though i played it cool. lol Thanks
That's a loooong story... Here's mine:
Bought one on eBay, had it for 3 weeks, sold for $100 more than I paid, it was fun. The end.
yes i have heard your story many times. i have been reading his site for a whole now. i was simply trying to give a full experience for those that care to read it. im sorry your attention span is limited. ill make my post shorter next time.
BobMarley2k9 said:
yes i have heard your story many times. i have been reading his site for a whole now. i was simply trying to give a full experience for those that care to read it. im sorry your attention span is limited. ill make my post shorter next time.
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Jeez, don't get your panties in a bunch, loosen up a bit. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
BobMarley2k9 said:
yes i have heard your story many times. i have been reading his site for a whole now. i was simply trying to give a full experience for those that care to read it. im sorry your attention span is limited. ill make my post shorter next time.
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I don't know if he was trying to be pejorative with his reply, but I enjoyed your long post and its little details.
I'm a bit disappointed with the ATT version of this phone from all accounts. There are really two big things for me. First, the top row of keys would be far more useful had it been left alone as numbers in my opinion. I'm sure I'll get used to it if I end up buying the Fuze, but it's still a disappointment.
The second issue is really just an annoyance, which may end up being completely null in the end. It's the Diamond back, and how prone to wobbling it seems it will be. However, without a tilting screen it is unlikely I would ever really be typing on it while on flat surface anyway (in fact, I normally pick up my Tilt to type even with the tilting screen). And ever since discovering Pocket Controller Pro I'm even less likely to even touch my phone while it's on my desk. So maybe the positives of the aesthetic Diamond back actually outweigh the probably minor negatives of its functionality.
salimai said:
I don't know if he was trying to be pejorative with his reply, but I enjoyed your long post and its little details.
I'm a bit disappointed with the ATT version of this phone from all accounts. There are really two big things for me. First, the top row of keys would be far more useful had it been left alone as numbers in my opinion. I'm sure I'll get used to it if I end up buying the Fuze, but it's still a disappointment.
The second issue is really just an annoyance, which may end up being completely null in the end. It's the Diamond back, and how prone to wobbling it seems it will be. However, without a tilting screen it is unlikely I would ever really be typing on it while on flat surface anyway (in fact, I normally pick up my Tilt to type even with the tilting screen). And ever since discovering Pocket Controller Pro I'm even less likely to even touch my phone while it's on my desk. So maybe the positives of the aesthetic Diamond back actually outweigh the probably minor negatives of its functionality.
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It's odd, my Fuze actually sat on a table and stayed in one position, didn't lean either way, just sat there with the way the back was. I had no problems with it. Also, I'm surprised to see you didn't like the symbols on top, most people I've spoken with (myself included) like the functionality of the symbols. Oh well, to each their own.
Which store in Milford? I used to live there but i'm in college in NYC now. At the Post mall or next to the Starbucks and stuff?
yes the one in the mall. the one by starbuks had a guy that was going for the training but as far as i know there was no test phone at that store. which is weird cause that is the bigger store.
and also i did test typing with the diamond back and it in fact did wobble when typing on a flat surface. though ur right u probably would just hold it rather than type on a flat surface.
Can you guys please tell me:
Did the phone make that shutter noise when you took a picture?
I find that noise annoying when using a camera.
theomni said:
Can you guys please tell me:
Did the phone make that shutter noise when you took a picture?
I find that noise annoying when using a camera.
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Even if it does, you can remove it.
With 3rd party software or with a feature that is built-in?
There are countries passing out laws that a camera on a phone must make that noise so people in the area know a photo is being taken. I was just wondering if AT&T Fuze was on that list.
theomni said:
With 3rd party software or with a feature that is built-in?
There are countries passing out laws that a camera on a phone must make that noise so people in the area know a photo is being taken. I was just wondering if AT&T Fuze was on that list.
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if the phone is on silent it wont or im sure you can do a tweak or registry change anyway
all right, thanks!
A friend of mine got the nokia n82 with a 5 MP camera. The problem that he finds with it is that the camera makes that noise through the speaker when he takes a picture with it. Even when his phone is on silent or when his headphones are plugged in. I don't think he's found a tweak for it yet.
I was just wondering if it was the same with the Fuze. If anyone who has it can confirm it, it will be greatly appreciated.
when "Joe" toke the picture for the business card it did make a flash sound. though i dont know if the feature can be turned off. but like posted before im sure someone here will be able to fix that no prob.
and on a side note has anyone got any new on the android OS working on the fuze.
BobMarley2k9 said:
and if i remember correct it is a dark red color.
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Woah... I was unaware of this. The ATT Fuze is dark red in color? As in, not black but dark red or is that optional?
Damn, just googled Milford, CT, and it would be an hours drive... Guess I'll have to wait until release to play with the Fuze
P.S. To the guy with the camera questions, every HTC phone that I know of has had the option to turn off the camera sound...
Coola said:
Woah... I was unaware of this. The ATT Fuze is dark red in color? As in, not black but dark red or is that optional?
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That's the same question I was about to ask. When you say dark red, do you mean as in the Blackjack II?
yes i do mean a dark red like the black jack II. it was ruby, dark burgundy color. i maybe mistaken cause i was blinded by the sole fact that i has the phone in my hand. lol
ill probably go look at i again this weekend or today. but i dont want to seem like that weird customer that comes in and never buys anything. i work sales and i hate that BS. lol
Black93300ZX said:
It's odd, my Fuze actually sat on a table and stayed in one position, didn't lean either way, just sat there with the way the back was. I had no problems with it. Also, I'm surprised to see you didn't like the symbols on top, most people I've spoken with (myself included) like the functionality of the symbols. Oh well, to each their own.
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Well there are two reasons I would prefer the numbers. First of all, it's more like an actual computer keyboard. That would make it more comfortable and normal feeling - at least in theory. Second - and more importantly - I type numbers more often than I type symbols. Having the convenience of not needing to press the function key would be very nice.
I suppose it could go either way though. I'm definitely going to try out the keyboard before I buy, and I'll likely try out the Sprint version (or unlocked HTC version, if I can get my hands on one for a few minutes without purchasing it) also just to make sure. With a fifth row, I'm sure it's an improvement over the four rows on my Tilt no matter which configuration though, so it's not even close to a deal breaker. Just a little disappointment.
Out of curiosity, why would you prefer symbols? I really can't think of a reason why they would be better than numbers, so I'm wanting to know from someone who has that opinion.
salimai said:
Well there are two reasons I would prefer the numbers. First of all, it's more like an actual computer keyboard. That would make it more comfortable and normal feeling - at least in theory. Second - and more importantly - I type numbers more often than I type symbols. Having the convenience of not needing to press the function key would be very nice.
I suppose it could go either way though. I'm definitely going to try out the keyboard before I buy, and I'll likely try out the Sprint version (or unlocked HTC version, if I can get my hands on one for a few minutes without purchasing it) also just to make sure. With a fifth row, I'm sure it's an improvement over the four rows on my Tilt no matter which configuration though, so it's not even close to a deal breaker. Just a little disappointment.
Out of curiosity, why would you prefer symbols? I really can't think of a reason why they would be better than numbers, so I'm wanting to know from someone who has that opinion.
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i think most people don't mind the number PAD because you can press Fn twice to do a number lock. And since the numbers are grouped together, theoretically it's easier to type series of numbers...ie. phone number
i didn't like the fact that 5th row # was removed (they added that 5th row for THAT REASON!), but then I can see other people's point as well...oh well, i've come to accept that fact, as long as Fuze doesn't make us wait any longer

BleeDinG LCD post need to calm the phuck down

its a LCD SCREEN! chill out... yes some peoples are worse than others... let me ask all of you who are *****ing about it a question...
i have a 3 month old 52in toshiba and guess what..... back light bleeding....
i am sorry you didnt read into the phone and understand its technology and bought it under the pretense it would be the PERFECT phone.... but get real!
want a fix to it?
TURN YOUR BRIGHTNESS OFF "AUTO" and put it about 1/4 of the way
still mad?
get a refund....... LG will not send you a new one thats any batter than your current.....
(called tmobile and they have a few complaints but will not issue a new phone till it becomes a larger problem....)
honestly the phone is what i want out of it....(and many people are satisfied)
i give it 4.5/5
just because of the bleeding... if you didnt read into the phone or read people *****ing about it on 2x forum then sorry again for your loss send me the ****ing thing and ill ebay it...
i know this is a section about "general ****" but come on if you are so pissed you have a few option and let me point them out so you stop the spam threads (i know im not helping by making this only feeding the trolls/spammers)
TAKE IT BACK AND GET YOUR MONEY BACK (send it back to tmobile if you bought it online/on phone)
DEAL WITH IT (its a great phone that has alot of developmental support behind i, your loss if you turn away for a older phone)
GET A DIFFERENT PHONE (tmobile offers 14 day returns......... enough said)
SELL IT ON EBAY... (bet you can get profit out of it if you got a spare phone to use)
Hey part of your sig says *devices* SGS4G: free from customer loyalty/SENT BACK 14 day return policy! G2X:ORDERED/FREE from customer loyalty!!!!!
"Free from Customer Loyalty" I've been out of contract since Oct help a brother out how did you get a hot new phone for free from TMO
I dont mind the bleed. Its gonna happen with this type of screen. Some posters act like their gonna be using their phone in the dark with a blank screen.
Enjoy this superphone!
You can calm the **** down. Unlike you, myself and many others are not going to say "eh oh well ill deal."
Agreed. This is a non-issue in my book. If XDA had a 'firstworldproblems' subsection, this would be at the top:
"My $500 super flagship smartphone with dual-core 1Ghz CPU, 512MB/8GB, HDMI output, 8MP/1.3MP cameras, and future CM support has slight light bleeding around the edges, and I'm just raging in anger at this piece of junk!!!!"
Edit: I found this just too funny, just posted it on /r/firstworldproblems
I am one if the lucky ones I guess, with no bleed issue. I have seen my friends g2x and it does have small bleeding but only with brightness turned all the way up and on a completely black screen. But it wasn't all that bad and he is keeping his as would I. The device is not perfect and not one made so far has been. Or ever will be perfect. Someone will always find what they think is a flaw.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
seriously..... WOW.. I'm not freaking out or anything. but I paid $500 for a device that has an issue. and I know LCD'd do, I have TV's and computer monitors with this issue and it is minor.
but I've used the Droid, the Nexus One, the G2, the Droid X, the Vibrant, and the Droid X, and the EVO and NONE.. NONE had anything even close to this.
maybe 10% of it at most, but nothing as bad as my picture... I understand a little bit of bleed, and will be ok with that, but mine is enough for a replacement IMO. oh and many are saying they have the phone with NO leakage. so as much as we shouldn't be too unhappy, if some don't have the issue, why should I have to have it!
Honestly I'd rather have a screen that bleeds a little and looks great rather than an amoled screen that RAPES your battery. Just saying
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
xguntherc said:
seriously..... WOW.. I'm not freaking out or anything. but I paid $500 for a device that has an issue. and I know LCD'd do, I have TV's and computer monitors with this issue and it is minor.
but I've used the Droid, the Nexus One, the G2, the Droid X, the Vibrant, and the Droid X, and the EVO and NONE.. NONE had anything even close to this.
maybe 10% of it at most, but nothing as bad as my picture... I understand a little bit of bleed, and will be ok with that, but mine is enough for a replacement IMO. oh and many are saying they have the phone with NO leakage. so as much as we shouldn't be too unhappy, if some don't have the issue, why should I have to have it!
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Maybe yours needs replacement. But in general, all your past phones weren't perfect either, no phone is perfect. The Droid had limited memory, the Nexus One had a wonky touch screen, the G2 had the hanging hinges, the Droid X had motoblur, etc etc. People will always find some flaw to complain about.
mapin0518 said:
Maybe yours needs replacement. But in general, all your past phones weren't perfect either, no phone is perfect. The Droid had limited memory, the Nexus One had a wonky touch screen, the G2 had the hanging hinges, the Droid X had motoblur, etc etc. People will always find some flaw to complain about.
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I would agree with you if there were N1s without wonky touch screens, G2s with decent hinges (perhaps there were a few), Droid Xs without motoblur, etc. To me, it's the idea that there are G2xs without the bleeding (and ones not as bad), and I also happened to get a G2x with heavier bleeding than I'd like. Judging by the amount of people who don't have problems, and considering that this is a forum that attracts people who are peculiar about their phones, I'm fairly sure that my replacement won't be anywhere near as bad.
These kinds of threads are common whenever a new phone is released. I think the worst one ever was the G2 and hingegate. However, it's still helpful to get an idea of how widespread certain issues are. Do we need 20 threads about the same thing? No, of course not. But to complain about people saying there's something wrong, in their opinion, with their phone is just stupid.
wondercoolguy said:
Hey part of your sig says *devices* SGS4G: free from customer loyalty/SENT BACK 14 day return policy! G2X:ORDERED/FREE from customer loyalty!!!!!
"Free from Customer Loyalty" I've been out of contract since Oct help a brother out how did you get a hot new phone for free from TMO
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Ive had alot of,problems with them...they offered a free,phone of my choice.... Not because my contract was up....
And yeah I know,making this thread doesnt help the spaming problems about the phone but still if they can rant so can i..... Im over it now
sent from a rooted G2x using XDA app
would you rather know there is a "possible" issue, or no.. I'd rather know.
just sayin!
xguntherc said:
would you rather know there is a "possible" issue, or no.. I'd rather know.
just sayin!
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This isnt a issue.... Not for many of us
Just because you have a worse bleed doesnt mean its a,know defect in all phones
sent from a rooted G2x using XDA app
TimTim12 said:
I would agree with you if there were N1s without wonky touch screens, G2s with decent hinges (perhaps there were a few), Droid Xs without motoblur, etc. To me, it's the idea that there are G2xs without the bleeding (and ones not as bad), and I also happened to get a G2x with heavier bleeding than I'd like. Judging by the amount of people who don't have problems, and considering that this is a forum that attracts people who are peculiar about their phones, I'm fairly sure that my replacement won't be anywhere near as bad.
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I suspect the amount of bleeding is roughly the same across all G2xs, but some people are just less sensitive to it. In fact, I had never even known what LCD bleeding is (and I've owned 5 Android phones the last two years) until this G2x drama began. I decided to inspect my devices and sure enough my Nook Color has some bleeding at the bottom. I never noticed it before, but I bet many of the disappointed G2x'ers would have. Some of us just aren't sensitive to it. Kinda reminds me of the 'dust under the screen' paranoia with the N1.
mapin0518 said:
Agreed. This is a non-issue in my book. If XDA had a 'firstworldproblems' subsection, this would be at the top:
"My $500 super flagship smartphone with dual-core 1Ghz CPU, 512MB/8GB, HDMI output, 8MP/1.3MP cameras, and future CM support has slight light bleeding around the edges, and I'm just raging in anger at this piece of junk!!!!"
Edit: I found this just too funny, just posted it on /r/firstworldproblems
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ROFL. It's hard being first... =/
what the hell guys. now you all gave this perfectionist something to look for.
i used adw to hide the staus bar and set my background to solid black. it does show for me in the top right corner moreso than anywhere. on my default home screen, i have the weather clock from beautiful widgets running. i have to really strain to see it. if i slide over to a screen with nothing but black background, it's clearly visible. but only if i put the phone in a dark spot, like under my desk. it's still visible though. but not like it's blinding. even with 2.3 and a black status bar, the icons would hide it,on my phone at least. am i going to return it? no. but if i heard tmo considered this an issue and lg had phones with no bleeding and were willing to replace them? then i might. this phone might get sold in a year if the merger goes through because no way am i going to att. so for me, i can live with it. i did notice it in my camera app before this thread was started. but didn't think it was that big a deal. it's not like it shows while playing videos. and i haven't noticed any problems with pictures taken.
I agree all LCD's have some bleeding, my old G2x had it bad like posted in the other screen thread. I noticed mine immediately after turning it on, on the initial setup screen, on darker background, while playing games, and watching a test movie.
Coming from a N1 with absolutely no bleeding, I chaulked it up as normal for LCD's. After reading some didn't have it, I went to the store and looked at the display model and bought another one.
Comparing the two is night and day. So all I can say is return it if they won't swap it out. The original was purchased online and the second one was tested at a store with a 14 day return policy attached. Getting a refund on the first one.
Yes large lcd monitors and lcd tvs have screen bleed largely due to the tech, but its piss poor for a small 4" lcd display to have screen bleed as well.
You don't see screen bleed on any other lcd phones such as htc desire hd, xperia and the iphone. Do a search on this forum and the only phone that have screen bleed problems is this phone.
This is NOT a common issue on tiny lcd screens.
People saying this is common and should just accept it is just making lame excuses up for lg.
I understand both sides of the story here
Your side: Yes I understand this is super annoying, and it's a KNOWN issue so why didn't someone make 1 Thread about it, and just comment in the thread.
Everyone else side: Okay I would understand the bleeding screen if it were lets say 2008 or so, but it's 2010 and were really having problems with the screen? Seriously? It's not like they didn't know, they merely didn't care I'm guessing.. Another thing that makes me wonder, is why if they are making (they being lg) iPhone retina screens, couldn't they bump up the display a little?
Ps: Idk, not starting anything, just explaining my point of view

Am I unlucky with screen bleed?

I've went through about 5 different phones and they all have the same screen bleed. Tried multiple stores in case they were from the same batch. Am I just unlucky? Or do all G2X have screen bleeds and the ones that report they don't really arent as picky as I am?
Your picky.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
the mythical perfect screen you hunt doesn't exist
you're clearly being too picky. my screen has a bit of bleed, but i'll be keeping it because i'm never watching a solid black screen, at full brightness, in a dark room. so it doesnt really matter that much to me.
You're not unlucky, and you're not too picky. I just returned my 3rd g2x today because of backlight bleeding. All 3 were so bad that the bleeds were reaching into the center of the screen. Despite what people say about 'You can't see it unless you're in the dark' is not completely true. The last 2 phones had a stripe of brown across the bottom that was blurring out text at the lower half the screen when on a white background. The 3rd was outright yellow.
Upon returning my 3rd, the manager at the store pulled about the remaining 5 they had in stock. She went in the back and checked all 5 in the dark, and all of them had screen bleeding worst than the one I was returing. The manager agreed that it was unacceptable and sent all 5 back. She's calling me when the next shipment comes in, and she's going to personally go through every phone until she finds one that works right.
As for being too picky, that's bull. These guys on the forums will tell you you're being overboard, but the phone is $500 or $199 and a 2 year contract. I know some people have cash to throw around, and the value of the dollar means nothing. But for me, $200 is a lot of money, 2 years of my life is a lot of time, and for me to just accept something that isn't built right because i'm being "too picky" is a load of crap.
If this was a $5000 tv I bet you'd be singing a different tune, but since it's a $500 phone I should just suck it up. Screw that, i'll return 80 of them if I have to. Hopefully someone at corporate will get the hint and call LG about it.
The manager told me that LG already notified all the T-Mobile reps to make them aware of it. So it's not just a matter of pickiness, this a clear cut QA issue on LG's end.
Backlight bleeding is common. It's common because of poor production, and absolutely no QA in Korea. They're shipping these phones out before the glue finishes drying, and thus we're left with crap. I read another post on here that a guy had glue around the edges of the screen. LG needs to get it together, this is out of hand.
The phone is sexy though, and I suggest returning it until you get the one that works right. I've considered giving up and waiting for another, but all the other phones coming up have custom roms and locked bootloaders. I'm uninterested.
konga056 said:
I've went through about 5 different phones and they all have the same screen bleed. Tried multiple stores in case they were from the same batch. Am I just unlucky? Or do all G2X have screen bleeds and the ones that report they don't really arent as picky as I am?
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I saw a post a few days ago of someone who went to replace their phone in the store. They tested the new one in the store and were satisfied, but then got home and locked themselves in a closet or something and saw some bleed and they were upset.
If you're like this person, then ya, you're way too picky. This is an LCD screen, not LED.
MWBehr said:
If you're like this person, then ya, you're way too picky. This is an LCD screen, not LED.
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LG Electronics also makes the iPhone 4 LCD. And it doesn't have this issue.
I don't understand why anyone would accept what is for certain a quality issue. Do you really just not care that much? I have had many phones over the years and none of them have had these issues. I even pulled all of them back out (yes I have kept them all) and checked them under the exact same conditions as the g2x I sent back yesterday. Do you know how many of them had screen bleed? ZERO none of them. I'm not talking about standard extra defused light coming through an LCD. I'm talking about multiple spots were light was coming through because it simply wasn't sealed correctly.
To the people saying you are being too picky or it doesn't matter or they are all like that either don't know what they are talking about, saying that because they don't like you, or just like to be screwed out of their money.
Have a little pride and demand that it is right. I will sent back every single phone I get until I get one that is correctly built.
i paid 500 for mine but i just don't wanna go there get another one and have it be worse than mine and then make it an issue for me to keep going back till i get a good one since the one i have has been straight aside from the minor backlight issue which i can't see unless im in the dark on that black screen
I have to say that my first phone had it bad. I could tell in every app I tried. I saw it before there were threads like these. I returned it.
I did however buy one from the store and went into the neighboring store's bathroom with the light off, total darkness and the screen looked good.
Obviously these are the first batch and may not be perfect but I'd like to think "most" are under normal conditions. I know I wouldn't stand for it. The screen is something you always will use. It would bother me.
If your store doesn't have a good one, then don't buy it. I guess it is save to say there are batches of bad phones out there. The demo unit at the store near me looked great compared to the SGS4G sitting next to it and there were no bleeding. My unit was clean too.
I'd recommend wearing a hoodie and checking before you leave.
strung said:
LG Electronics also makes the iPhone 4 LCD. And it doesn't have this issue.
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Google is your friend: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1141752
Anymore random LCD phone names you want to throw out that you think doesn't bleed?
Look, I'm not saying that there isn't an issue, because I've seen several picks of completely unacceptable bleed. I'm simply saying don't expect to have absolutely no bleed.
MWBehr said:
Google is your friend: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1141752
Anymore random LCD phone names you want to throw out that you think doesn't bleed?
Look, I'm not saying that there isn't an issue, because I've seen several picks of completely unacceptable bleed. I'm simply saying don't expect to have absolutely no bleed.
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Yea my neighbor has an iPhone 4 and I can see some. Nothing major and he probably doesn't even notice it. I think every LCD phone I had, had some bleeding... hence why I love my Nexus One Amoled... but it had its problems too.
I'd rather have a small bleed then no multitouch or a locked bootloader
out of 5 g2x I've seen, all of them had similar bleeds (similar bleed size, similar pattern at each corner), with 1 of them being the worst. All 5 of them are pretty much the same.
with that being said, I think you should really just settle with one. NOT because I am saying you are picky, but that statistically the chance of getting one with minimal bleed is very, very, very low.
I truly have no idea how some people on this forum are getting g2x's with almost no bleed. If you ask me, it's either we have different judgment, or they just don't test their devices in a totally dark room with >50% phone brightness.
c19932 said:
out of 5 g2x I've seen, all of them had similar bleeds (similar bleed size, similar pattern at each corner), with 1 of them being the worst. All 5 of them are pretty much the same.
with that being said, I think you should really just settle with one. NOT because I am saying you are picky, but that statistically the chance of getting one with minimal bleed is very, very, very low.
I truly have no idea how some people on this forum are getting g2x's with almost no bleed. If you ask me, it's either we have different judgment, or they just don't test their devices in a totally dark room with >50% phone brightness.
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....or different batches throughout the country/world?
MWBehr said:
Google is your friend: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1141752
Anymore random LCD phone names you want to throw out that you think doesn't bleed?
Look, I'm not saying that there isn't an issue, because I've seen several picks of completely unacceptable bleed. I'm simply saying don't expect to have absolutely no bleed.
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So what is your point? The light bleed existed on the initial batch of iPhone 4's, people complained, and the manufacturing process was fixed. If people don't complain then it won't get fixed. If LG can fix it for the iphone, they can fix it for this phone.
i had to go into my dark room and set my screen to 100% to see any bleed...but how often will you keep your screen at full brightness in complete dark? when it's dark i dim my screen, the bleed is nearly impossible to see in typical conditions.
Each of the phones I had i didnt look at them in a completely dark room. But just looking at the screen under normal office light at 50% display and they were all quite noticable. I dont think I'm being too unreasonable but maybe I am.
I think i'll just suck it up and live with it. I honestly wouldnt mind it if the bleeding is in the top two corners where its generally the white status bar but its pretty noticeable in the bottm two. I'll probably just end up waiting until HTC Sensation comes out and sell this.
strung said:
So what is your point? The light bleed existed on the initial batch of iPhone 4's, people complained, and the manufacturing process was fixed. If people don't complain then it won't get fixed. If LG can fix it for the iphone, they can fix it for this phone.
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Nice try again. Apparently you paid no attention to the date of the posts on that thread. The initial post was 4 days ago (3 when I initially made mention of it).
Of course, I must also point out that your initial claim was that iphone4s "do not have this problem". They definitely have had this "problem" and sill do.
Just give up or admit you're wrong. Quit clinging to this completely inaccurate claim.
MWBehr said:
The initial post was 4 days ago (3 when I initially made mention of it).
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Honestly I didn't notice that. I stand corrected!
I'm sorry to ask such a tyro question. What is screen bleed? What does it look like?

This phone is complete garbage.

I started off with the One and didn't like it because my phones looked like this http://s16.postimg.org/rz4843lud/image.png
Like seriously I went through 3 of them and they were all like that, so I told my network I wasn't happy and I wanted to get a GS4 instead because I knew the build quality would be great.
So I did that and waited for the GS4 to come out and got my phone the other day and oh look another faulty phone. This time with the GS4 I have crazy ghosting issues and a pink tint of the screen, to top that off I have 3/4 dead pixels on the screen. Only now I'm out of exchanges and cannot exchange the phone again, even though I've had 4 faulty phones in a frigging row. Like are phones getting worse or something because this is the first time I've had any trouble. This isn't my picture but this is what my screen looks like at the bottom... http://i.imgur.com/9jhVEnr.jpg
On top of that though the phone has major problems elsewhere.
- I cannot install to Micro SD, like wtf? When did this change? I always could on my last Android phone a couple years ago. There is like 8GB internal on this phone that I can use, it's stupid, I've already filled it up with apps. The One had 29GB usable, so much better and the phone is cheaper too but there is only a 16gb version of the GS4 and it's way more expensive as well. In my mind Micro SD is made useless if I cannot install to it as everything else is on like Play or my pictures are automatically uploaded or video is all streamed now from stuff like Netflix etc etc.
- The loudspeaker is crap, they've made no effort with it, it's worse than my last phone and way worse than the One.
- The camera is crap, the FoV is too narrow, the shutter speed is too slow, no OIS, everything in the video is way too shaky and every picture is over saturated like mad. Like every picture looks like a cartoon and no settings I try is changing that, if you zoom into a picture it looks so stupid. The mics are just ****e, the audio quality is so bad, Samsung have made no attempt to improve them what so ever, good luck recording loud sounds because you cannot...
- Touchwiz is worse than ever, I mean I used to like it when it was based on GB, it was really nice and actually improved Android back then. Now however it's a bloated mess with far too many menus and nothing is where you expect to find it. If I'm trying to turn sensor features on and off for example, you think you've turned one on but it's not working, you have to then go through sub menus to find the one option that is off under that sensor menu. It's laid out so badly, it looks really bad now, so out dated and it lags quite often as a result. The worst thing of all is how much space it takes up....
Apart from the phone feeling so nice in the hand and being well made on the whole, I just cannot see any good qualities. I mean I wish I stuck with the One now, even with the Speaker grills coming off, the phone still manages to be way better. Sadly now I cannot have another exchange and go back and I doubt anyone wants to buy a GS4 with a crap screen. My only option left is just to complain to my Network and refuse to pay them until it is sorted because 4 faulty phones in a row is not acceptable IMO.
Post ur picture first. I dobt know why people come here with other peoples problem making it theirs and bash the devices they cant get.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
dead pixels? I have never seen an amoled screen with dead pixels, can you post a pic?
not saying I don't believe it, but that's just VERY rare
I'm hoping the screen issues are fixed soon by OTA or by the XDA members
install to micro SD... well... where have you been living for the past two years? lol
(there's another way though, check out FolderMount by a fellow XDA member)
loudspeakers, yeah true. not that it matters that much, to me at least. maybe samsung feels the same. they are good enough.
camera, I agree with the FOV. the rest can be improved over time with software, that's what XDA's for.
touchwiz, that's completely subjective. I kinda like it. even though I will be changing it, just because I like to make the phone my own.
advantages over the one?
1.9GHz, AMOLED display, bigger screen, removable (and bigger) battery, micro SD slot, air view (which will be supported by CM from what I've read!!), etc...
you know, there is no perfect phone. it's just up to you to choose which phone's downsides you'd rather live with.
I'm no samsung fan boy, but the S4 is just the phone I want. I can still see why people would chose the One, but I wouldn't.
Sorry but I've got to laugh.
You changed out three HTC One's cos the fit of the top of the handset was like 0.0001 mm out?
Get a grip man.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
Tomo1971 said:
Sorry but I've got to laugh.
You changed out three HTC One's cos the fit of the top of the handset was like 0.0001 mm out?
Get a grip man.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
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+1, I mean seriously, I can barely notice the gap there. And he ditched One for that? LOL.
And honestly, seems like a troll - intentional or otherwise. Assuming that you are not trolling and is serious, get a replacement because I'm fairly sure that you've got a defective unit. Also post a picture of your screen because we'd all see to see that "miracle" unit.
Tomo1971 said:
Sorry but I've got to laugh.
You changed out three HTC One's cos the fit of the top of the handset was like 0.0001 mm out?
Get a grip man.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
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Terrorantula said:
oh look another faulty phone. This time with the GS4 I have crazy ghosting issues and a pink tint of the screen, to top that off I have 3/4 dead pixels on the screen. Only now I'm out of exchanges and cannot exchange the phone again, even though I've had 4 faulty phones in a frigging row. Like are phones getting worse or something because this is the first time I've had any trouble. This isn't my picture but this is what my screen looks like at the bottom... http://i.imgur.com/9jhVEnr.jpg
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Call Samsung and tell them the deal, they will correct it.
We get it, you don't like the phone, plenty do but you don't - so what do you expect the XDA community to do for you? Sell it or return it and buy something else, that's how things work in life, or were you hoping for someone to drop around, pick it up and morph it to something that's more suitable? Yeah really...
tuxonhtc said:
+1, I mean seriously, I can barely notice the gap there. And he ditched One for that? LOL.
And honestly, seems like a troll - intentional or otherwise. Assuming that you are not trolling and is serious, get a replacement because I'm fairly sure that you've got a defective unit. Also post a picture of your screen because we'd all see to see that "miracle" unit.
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If the HTC Ones were deemed as faulty by your provider and the S4 is deemed the same, there is no reason why you cant get many many replacements.
Its only if your right to refund/replacement is 'cos I dont like the phone' does the issue of running out of replacements become an issue.
TBH, Ive said before, and I will say again, I think people can be a little too over critical of devices that have gaps or apparent 'faults'. Its only due to forums like this that things get noticed. I can see a very slight pink tinge on my screen but been honest, I doubt if I would of seen that if I didnt know others had reported it.
My S4, as did the Note II before it, seems to be ok build wise.
I owned S3 since it begin shipped. Now I own s4 and have to say that, loudspeaker is much better than s3. I don't know how one's speaker but I am happy with s4's.
The S4 is actually a very good phone all the gesture features etc are very good, sound qaulity in audio is fantastic and loud too, phone looks and feels great,
however I do agree that 8gb internal sucks the not being able to transfer apps doesnt really bother me much, he FoV in camera does suck and so does video audio, especially when compared to my HTC one.
Overall it is a better phone than the HTC one but itsnt worth nearly £90 - £110 more (carphone and phones 4 u) and I will be getting one when the price drops from £580/600.
Get to see what Samsung do because my Network wants nothing to do with it, tbh don't want to deal with them anymore if this is how I get treated. Those gaps on the HTC One weren't off by a little bit, they were slowly lifting up more and more, you could push them in, clearly not glued properly. Why should I settle for a poorly built device? Lock into a contract for 2 years, just not good enough. All three HTC Ones had dead and bright pixels anyways, like had 5+ each but they were so small you couldn't see them unless you turned brightness to full.
Anyways considering my screen looks like that and has massive ghosting issues, exactly like what other people have posted, it's my right to have it changed. I didn't use my pictures because it wasn't coming out on my camera, that image though shows exactly what it looks like much better than any of my shots. I obviously have a GS4 because I compared the camera to the One and the 808 in another post and you can obviously tell from the FoV.
I think this thread has run its course... closing it before the real trolling starts

[Q] Screen Cracking Issue

Okay, I'm going to make this quick, I'm thinking of getting the Sony Xperia Z3, I'm super excited about it and everything, but this Screen Cracking Issue has got to me enough to post this thread. Has the Screen Cracking issue been fixed? Can someone with good knowledge about this reply? Maybe others can benefit from this thread too!
Thanks in advance!
So nobody wants to reply..?
montana r c said:
So nobody wants to reply..?
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You left it an hour between posts - calm down.
Well, what do you think? Is there an issue? If there's no issue, can it be fixed? Are you sure all the people who claim their screen just broke for no reason aren't lying? You'll notice what look like impact damage on some of the photos of people who've had their screens just break. That's odd. Does glass just break on its own? How is that? How many Z3s have been manufactured? What percentage have broken? Pick a point of failure on a phone. "Doesn't charge". "Touch screen not working". "Poor reception". Now google for that term, adding the model of any phone released in the last 5 years. Loads of hits, huh? Funny, that. It's almost as if some mass produced devices are always going to fail either initially, or after a certain amount of use.
poldie said:
You left it an hour between posts - calm down.
Well, what do you think? Is there an issue? If there's no issue, can it be fixed? Are you sure all the people who claim their screen just broke for no reason aren't lying? You'll notice what look like impact damage on some of the photos of people who've had their screens just break. That's odd. Does glass just break on its own? How is that? How many Z3s have been manufactured? What percentage have broken? Pick a point of failure on a phone. "Doesn't charge". "Touch screen not working". "Poor reception". Now google for that term, adding the model of any phone released in the last 5 years. Loads of hits, huh? Funny, that. It's almost as if some mass produced devices are always going to fail either initially, or after a certain amount of use.
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Thanks for the reply, Good points. I've taken all of them into account. However.. This problem is Sony Xperia Z line specific. I've never seen any other phone do the same thing. Do you have a z3? Any problems?
Matter of fact, I'd like to hear everyones views on their z3 so far.
Just an FYI there is already another thread on this, and yes some are getting defective models, The Z1 had a similar issue and after BBC's Watchdog program did an investigation Sony replaced phones with single fine cracks for free. Still hard to prove that you did not drop it though, so 50/50 chance of a free replacement. I have insurance from TMO, just in case.
abhinav.tella said:
Just an FYI there is already another thread on this, and yes some are getting defective models, The Z1 had a similar issue and after BBC's Watchdog program did an investigation Sony replaced phones with single fine cracks for free. Still hard to prove that you did not drop it though, so 50/50 chance of a free replacement. I have insurance from TMO, just in case.
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Yes, I know. I prefer not to take the risk. I'm going with an s5 instead. This problem doesn't occur on there.
montana r c said:
Yes, I know. I prefer not to take the risk. I'm going with an s5 instead. This problem doesn't occur on there.
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That is a great phone as well, I'm sure you won't be dissapointed. Enjoy!

