New official Google Calendar - Motorola Atrix 2
This version is quite a bit better as far as UI goes. The widget looks a lot more clean and updated to the ICS UI standard. What do you all think?

Not a bad find, though I use all inverted Gapps on my A2 as well as my SGSIII -looks cleaner and is easier on both the eyes as well as the battery...
Sent from my rooted Mayan calendar


Android UI over Android 2.0 Donut
wow! kinda blueish but very nice one
yea thats on the sony i think.. idk looks kinda windows mobile haha
rosie / sense is better IMO, but its still quite good...just a little impractical looking in some places.
looks good. more interested in what it got under the hood though
Its slightly impractical and it won't even work on our phones.
This is from the Sony Ericsson Rachael which has a 1Ghz snapdragon processor. If you think Rosie runs poorly, I can't even imagine how this would run.
1. Not "Donut"
2. Wrong forum
That is definitely from the Sony Ericcson Racheal. It is suppost to be based off of the Android 2.0/Donut but the UI is just an overlay or a sony exclusive UI just like the Rosie/Sense UI is for HTC. Also, good look running a ROM with it on the G1.
It's not "donut", it is sony ericsons ui. Kind of like how HTC has it's own ui.. I don't care for it..
Donut or not it is a UI that is layered over Android just like Sense is layered over Android. 1.5 or 2.0 who cares.
When i first got the G1 last October, the Rosie and this new SE UI is what i was hoping for...i couldn't wait for Touchflo-ish looks came to Android...Now that they are starting to, i have to decide if i want the awesome looking software with lots of features or keep the physical keyboard! Damn decisions!
I upgraded to the G1 from a TMobile Wing and i had a similar issue...the newest ROMs were to big to work nicely with the Wing's hardware...I feel i am in for the same disappointment with the G1 now! Damn you Google for allowing HTC to build a barebone spec device for the first Android device!!!!
Looks nice... now I just need a device with Snapdragon in it...
looks ok... but a little bland imo... I think rosie/sense looks nicer.
Wow! I think it looks hot!! I'm looking forward to the Sony snapdragon phone.
Eh ... looks kinda bland and too blue. Not that impressed. Hopefully they clean up some of the graphics.
looks pretty ugly to me,
I don't like the animated contact cards
dweller88 said:
I don't like the animated contact cards
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As mentioned before, not donut. Threads here are worse than Fox News.
Man that UI looks awfully boring. From a designer's point of view...The floating selector for the contacts is ok, but there's way too much blue which makes everything feel muddy, and there's little style. But's there's still time for a lot of tweaks hopefully...otherwise meh.
Sense is better by far at this point.
i only like the floating contacts, and animations.. everything else looks dull.

Nexus Prime w/ ICS Video

Just thought I shared
I never thought I'd say this about a Samsung device, but I honestly can't wait for this phone. I'd like to think that with Google holding the reigns, the Nexus Prime will not have any of the issues that plagued the Vibrant.
Have to say stock ICS looks absolute pony. Horrid colours, crap looking launcher. Google made a BIG mistake going with Samsung for their flagship phones IMO
Coupled with the fact their putting the launch back makes it a loss in my book
Au contraire, i kinda like that user interface. It's purely the new google style and i hope that we can also have it on our sensation. My whishes are for the CM8, but i also hope the Cyanogen Team will improve the camera in their next release... The actual one is almost crap
aNard said:
It's purely the new google style...
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FroYo was horrid, Stock GB is horrid, and ICS is horrid. Google need to employ some proper designers. It's one thing HTC do better than anyone else
EddyOS said:
FroYo was horrid, Stock GB is horrid, and ICS is horrid. Google need to employ some proper designers. It's one thing HTC do better than anyone else
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Probably the Sense UI is the most good looking among others but i like also the stock android style, it's minimalist and with some fancy touches here and there.. Pretty practical if i can say, where sense sometimes is too exhagerated.. Both the worlds have pro's and cons..
NB: i was talking only about the ui... all the sense apps and integrations are basically perfect. I could not live without HTC camera app and friend stream on my sensation
Google UI is suck !!
We should wait Sense 4.0
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
It's alright, nothing special.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
I actually am enjoying the new UI look. It has come a long way since even Froyo.
cant say i hate it, i actually think its really decent looking and google went to something new. you guys are all hating on the ui google has come up with but how about honeycomb? thats a really nice ui i wished they put on the phones
EddyOS said:
FroYo was horrid, Stock GB is horrid, and ICS is horrid. Google need to employ some proper designers. It's one thing HTC do better than anyone else
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I think stock Gingerbread is pretty nice. But they did hire that guy who designed webOS' GUI (it's gorgeous) but I haven't really seen that type of creativity transfer over to Android yet.
Like GingerBread and Icecream sounds yummy!
I think Sense3.5 is more better than ICS UI!!I love HTC!!

[Q] Questions about Sense and Android 4.0

Hello guys,
I've just recently got the One S on contract from Netcom and coming from a Samsung phone this really has been a new experience for me all together. But I have a problem. The phone itself works flawlessly and lags nothing compared to the HTC One X - but I really, really, really HATE SENSE.
I just can't seem to get used to it and since I've pretty much done custom flashing on my old Galaxy S since the very start, I just can't wait to replace SENSE as soon as possible - in the mean time, would it be possible to just unlock the device and put a STOCK version of ICS on it? Like one for the One S so that I get to keep stuff such as the HTC browser and maybe the custom Alt+Tab kind of thingy they put on?
Personally would like to build my own custom ROM with some mixed ingredienses but I wouldn't know where to start.
Any ideas? Or do I just have to wait and stick to this in the mean time?
As a stop-gap measure, you could install another launcher. I did this on the HTC Sensation for awhile before we started having either the non-sense options or true AOSP builds like we have now. From my limited experience, this is a flagship device and developers and users and documentarians will show up. The Sensation has a pretty rich community of both sense and AOSP builds now. One cautionary note though. On my Sensation running a modified version of CM9 there are things still being fixed. You may find early versions of ICS will have a variety of issues as developers get things solved. Its particularly hard before source gets released though. Its like peddling a bicycle backwards in a dark tunnel when its raining.
As mentioned above, install Nova launcher for now.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
ok thanks guys. will have to settle with it for now I guess.
Sent from my HTC One S using XDA
Au Contraire!
I am going with the One S because it runs Sense 4 ( best android overlay)
I was going to go with Samsung Galaxy S2 but my friend showed me his, everything about TouchWiz was unappealing from the large text the stale interface.
AndroidBlizzard said:
Au Contraire!
I am going with the One S because it runs Sense 4 ( best android overlay)
I was going to go with Samsung Galaxy S2 but my friend showed me his, everything about TouchWiz was unappealing from the large text the stale interface.
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I guess each one has it's own taste
My gripe with sense is just what you describe as appealing.. the small black text on white background in most of the interface is killing my eye-sight at night. Guess I have been used to the Android 2.3 experience for too long and as much as Sense 4 works wonders - it just not my cup of tea. This could of course be fixed if there was a "black" skin that could be applied. Preferably with as little bright colors as possible (I know, may sound boring but will eventually save a few hours of battery in the long run due to the AMOLED display running "less hot" )
I'm in the same situation as the OP, really enjoyed ICS on my Desire until the display broke (got slammed display first into table... IKEA > HTC)
Anyways here's hoping that I understand these nuggets correctly: "MoDaCo Custom ROMs are based on official ROMs - either shipping or leaked."
"Stock style and Vanilla (ICS) style prebakes will be available as the ROM takes shape."
Source: first post in [ROM] 11 Apr - MoDaCo Custom ROM for the HTC One S - Sense and Vanilla styles in the One S Development forum
So hopefully Paulobrien just removes Sense etc from an official ROM. Not sure whats up with the cooking lingo though, maybe there is a dev-chef-lingo dictionary somewhere on XDA!
Also I second your request for where to start learning to build your own ROM! Should post a Q in the noob-friendly thread here.
aureleuz said:
I guess each one has it's own taste
My gripe with sense is just what you describe as appealing.. the small black text on white background in most of the interface is killing my eye-sight at night. Guess I have been used to the Android 2.3 experience for too long and as much as Sense 4 works wonders - it just not my cup of tea. This could of course be fixed if there was a "black" skin that could be applied. Preferably with as little bright colors as possible (I know, may sound boring but will eventually save a few hours of battery in the long run due to the AMOLED display running "less hot" )
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Perhaps you are right
Looking at sense 3.0 interface , the black blackground is weird, sense 4 with white background for settings seems much more natural. I have spent quite some time around my friends who have EVO 3D and Sensation, and I have to admit I will miss the eye catching animations and the easy access carousel function. Of course this is will be my first HTC phone so I can see how people hate the white look of settings. Coming from an iPhone with white settings too, it will be a similar transition for me. Sense just seems to have so much depth and much to explore compared to other Android Overlays. Having ICS along with it just makes the experience much smoother and sweeter.(Pun partially intended )
So... can anybody tell me if the Stock ROMs that have been cooked for the One S recently work good enough to run for production (i.e. HTC camera, launcher, weather widget)
I really would like to feel that AOSP experience again just like on my old Galaxy S. But I don't want to loose any functionality
aureleuz said:
So... can anybody tell me if the Stock ROMs that have been cooked for the One S recently work good enough to run for production (i.e. HTC camera, launcher, weather widget)
I really would like to feel that AOSP experience again just like on my old Galaxy S. But I don't want to loose any functionality
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Try Black Dragon 3.8 Rom. Very stable and keeps all functions working.
LikeaG2root said:
Try Black Dragon 3.8 Rom. Very stable and keeps all functions working.
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Does that include the HTC ImageSense chip-drivers? I really like the way the camera snaps those pics in a fraction of a second!

MIUI to ONE XL coming soon!

Over at the MIUI site, there some new about MIUI ROM being created for the HTC ONE X being in beta right now. Additionally they talk about how one of their developers is getting the HTC ONE XL from AT&T and will be changing the beta for the ONE X to work for the XL as well. Just though I should share these awesome news
thats great but doesnt miui basically emulate ios
Not at all. The stock miui theme looks a little like iOS but the miui theme engine can make your phone look like anything you want
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
oh ok, i installed it on a friend of mines incredible and he liked it but it just looked like ios so i didnt look to much into it
UMGixxer said:
oh ok, i installed it on a friend of mines incredible and he liked it but it just looked like ios so i didnt look to much into it
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it's basically the best of both worlds.
BUT. It's also WILDLY themeable and that's the reason I like it so much.
OMGOMGOMGOMG this makes me that much more excited to get my phone. lol. MIUI has been and most likely will always be my favorite rom basically ever, aside from AOSP. I like to use both on occasion.
I don't know why anyone would want to replace the One X's stock interface with the MIUI one. Sure, past Sense versions have been bloated, and MIUI has been a great (in some ways) replacement. Quick, pretty, functional. But I haven't had a moment's lag on my One XL, so I don't need anything quicker/more responsive. Any increase in responsiveness would be moot. And (IMHO), MIUI doesn't look as good as Sense 4. Lastly, you're actually going to lose functionality by running MIUI. I can almost guarantee you'll lose many great camera features, such as the awesome burst mode and simultaneous video/photo taking. HDR likely won't translate over either.
On another point, someone mentioned once (can't remember who, but I think it was a Cyanogen dev) that the MIUI team doesn't pay as much attention to security holes as they should, instead focussing on function and UI bugs.
Just my two cents!
Miui would be awesome and I agree the theme aspect of it is just awesome and given I'm a theme addict it would be ideal for me. This is exciting news indeed.
Sent from wherever I am!
whaaaaaaaaaaat?! this is very unexpected, but great, news!
i'm a lover of MIUI. they're just now getting stable-ish releases on the GNex but not a dialy driver imo. hope i hang on to the HOX long enough to see a stable one.
If I could just find a rom or something similar to what I have now on my cappy that would be great. And the only two main things I like is how it puts my weather forecast in the notification pull down bar and it also shows weather and upcoming calendar events on the lockscreen.
I'll be installing the AT&T One X beta as soon as I see it. MIUI's so freaking awesome, I love how each part of the phone (lock screen, task bar, UI etc) can be skinned on it's own. People who think MIUI's just a wanna be iOS probably haven't dug into it. I initially installed it because I was an iOS fan with an Android phone. But as I got into the theming I was just blown away.
OMG! I need this!
I used MIUI on my Evo 4G for well over a year, my fav ROM ever. I cant wait if this is true.
Meanwhile, you can use the MIUI home launcher
Wow. This is awesome news. Thanks for sharing this
Curious how did they make a rom for the hox if we don't have a unlocked bootloader to flash it?
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
Anything one x version come out official yet? It would be cool to see this cooked in a Rom like scrolser did on de with apex
sent by the htc one x
That's a good news.
MIUI will be absolutely perfect on this phone! MIUI has always been a little sluggish on my previous devices compared to AOSP hopefully this S4 will close the gap.
Sent from my Calculator
There is a One X international ROM up already.
Also MIUI has updated the desktop/icons with 720p HD support,
MiHOME doesn't work well with out device. It's buggy and laggy. One of the devs from said he could bring the ROM to our phone but he needs the phone! I cant just send my phone across the country, lol.
I can not wait for miui
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA

Sense vs. Stock Android

So I decided to take the plunge and try out a stock Android rom. I'm a fan of Sense. I actually prefer all of the overlays from the various manufacturers but I decided to see what all the fuss was about with stock.
To me, stock Android just seems boring. Sense, to me, seems more polished. The widgets are nicer and more useful. The stock Android widgets are plain and boring.
I don't notice the speed difference, that people claim is so substantial, at all. In fact, the sense roms we have seen to be speedier.
So, my question is, why all the fuss over stock Android? I know people complain about Sense taking up a ton of resources, but I don't notice a dip in performance at all.
P. S. Remember, these are my opinions. You may not agree. Don't flame me for it.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
SkizzMcNizz said:
So I decided to take the plunge and try out a stock Android rom. I'm a fan of Sense. I actually prefer all of the overlays from the various manufacturers but I decided to see what all the fuss was about with stock.
To me, stock Android just seems boring. Sense, to me, seems more polished. The widgets are nicer and more useful. The stock Android widgets are plain and boring.
I don't notice the speed difference, that people claim is so substantial, at all. In fact, the sense roms we have seen to be speedier.
So, my question is, why all the fuss over stock Android? I know people complain about Sense taking up a ton of resources, but I don't notice a dip in performance at all.
P. S. Remember, these are my opinions. You may not agree. Don't flame me for it.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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Because it's a blank canvas. Check out, for some examples of what I mean.
Also, if the stock Android ROM you tried was on this device...then you haven't really experienced stock Android yet. There are still lots of bugs and what not that are being ironed out which cause lags in performance and other issues, so it's not really fair to judge the experience if it did occur on the One XL.
I do strive for AOSP on all my devices, but Sense is the ONLY tolerable manufacturer "skin" as far as I'm concerned. I dealt with Sense right up until a couple days ago since having my device. When I had my Samsung devices, Touchwiz was gone ASAP.
nooomoto said:
Because it's a blank canvas. Check out, for some examples of what I mean.
Also, if the stock Android ROM you tried was on this device...then you haven't really experienced stock Android yet. There are still lots of bugs and what not that are being ironed out which cause lags in performance and other issues, so it's not really fair to judge the experience if it did occur on the One XL.
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Yeah buy a nexus 7 or a galaxy nexus if you to experience aosp.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I do agree that the Sense widgets are awesome and much better than what is available on stock, HD Widgets is pretty nice though but still prefer the Sense ones IMO. And I too like the Sense launcher, at least with 4.0, seems to be much improved upon HTC's previous Sense versions. I'm no developer, but if it was at all possible to port the widgets to stock ROMs and launchers, that would be incredible.
All-in-all though I think I still prefer stock ICS/JB to Sense (can't wait for new stable AOKP and CM10!). I think part of the reason many people prefer stock is that although Sense is very nicely polished in places, many tasks feel like they take more actions to complete than it would on stock. Another part would be customization, especially if you go with stock-styled launchers like Apex or Nova, you have more control. And finally I think simplicity plays a part, stock ICS and JB have a very simple, clean, but still aesthetically pleasing interface IMO.
This is also I think was really puts Android above iOS and WP, the choices. It's really what you want to make of it.
Honestly, Sense is the only reason why I own an android device. I tried to like TouchWiz or stock, but I just couldn't. To me it feels like using a powerful computer on windows xp, but sense to me is like being on windows 7. Don't know if this is understandable. Anyways, that's just my opinion.
Sent from my HTC One X using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
I don't mind sense. Been using it over its various generations. Modern versions are far less resource-hogging than the older ones.
Stock android i find far more appealing bar a couple of things like the calendar widget, but i had replaced the android one with Pure Grid calendar anyway so I wasn't missing anything there
i love stock android, its a much cleaner platform to me than sense, but I still have much love for sense.
I love both. Sense for me is just easier to use though. But if a fully working CM10/AOKP build came out, I would definitely switch.
I use to have a SGS and I hated the TW. Nova was my default launcher.
But I kind of like Sense. The only think I don't like are the Dialer app ( very ugly... I use exDialer instead ) and messaging app ( using jellybean Aosp)
Other than that widgets are pretty cool. They are all themed and they change when you switch to another theme.
Good job on that HTC... But really Phone app is horrible.
Personally, I am loving AOKP/Stock for a few reasons. Note that I'm going to try to keep this to Stock-specific things, since I know AOKP adds a bunch of cool (but non-Stock) functionality.
1. Accurate signal quality, rather than AT&T's bull**** "4G" icon (this is a small one, I know)
2. Stock multitasking (both interface and performance). I don't know why HTC changed the multitasking interface with Sense, because seeing one app at a time is a lot less efficient than seeing 4-5. I use the multitasking switcher a lot more sense installing a stock ROM.
3. This is related to #2, but things generally seem to "work better". I think this is due to the Sense skin's over-ambitious task killing, but for example, in Sense, sometimes my background Pocket downloads would randomly get stuck. Same with Store app updates. Haven't had this problem on Stock yet. Also, Stock didn't seem to want to kill RunKeeper while I was in the middle of an activity, so that was nice.
4. The general "feel" is more consistent, because apps that use the Holo interface are designed to "blend" better with Stock Android. I also prefer the transition animations in Stock. Overall, Android just feels more "right" because this is how it's intended to be used. It's hard to explain beyond that.
Those are the big things. Notice there aren't all that many, and it's (mostly) about personal look-and-feel preferences...that's because Sense really isn't bad, and there are even some things I prefer, like social network integration and (of course) the camera. If I was forced to use Sense, I would still love this phone, because really, we're splitting hairs at this point. This is an amazing piece of hardware, whether it's running Sense or Stock.
Of course, its hugely a matter of personal preference, especially as far as aesthetic differences go. But XDA folks seem largely in favor of AOSP ("vanilla") ROMs versus manufacturer skinned versions of Android like Sense. On older devices, this was largely understandable. On those devices, Sense looks nice, but leads to huge lag. But with the One X, you don't really have that. Maybe some minor lag in a few places, like opening the app drawer, but really its not significant. The hardware has finally reached a point that it can handle Sense smoothly (plus HTC's streamlining of Sense with version 4). There has also been the argument that Sense takes up too much memory. But that seems largely solved with 4.0.4.
Sense has some nice widgets and apps. But while some may see these as a "pro", other may see it as a "con". If you don't use them, they can be seen as bloatware. Personally, many of the widgets and apps are superior to what you can get on the Play Market. More functional, and the fact that they are themed to match the overall UI is very nice. Getting Stocks and other apps/widgets from the Market for use on AOSP ROMs just makes it feel like a messy mish-mosh. One thing I am continually shocked about is that AOSP ROMs don't have a built-in timer and stopwatch. Seems like a no-brainer to have these integrated into the clock, just like alarms. When I've been on AOSP ROMs, it was always a bummer to have to use 3rd party stopwatch/timer apps. Even though there are dozens of choices, they are all fugly and clumsy compared to what HTC has integrated into the clock.
Again, it all comes down to your own preference. The great thing is that the devs give us a variety, and let us choose whatever we like better!
I used to be all about aosp roms, customizing them is easier, on older devices they were noticeably snappier. However, on this hoxl, and specifically sense 4.0, I have been converted. Customization is less, true, but sense 4.0 really adds quite a bit to our phone that I can't seem to let go.
I've tried many roms here on xda, aokp, cm9, cm10, clean rom, three different roms from xsmagikal, and I discovered with the aosp roms that I missed fully working roms, and many features from sense roms and would flash back within two days.
I did the ota, and honestly, after being on stock (rooted, unlocked, but bone stock 2.20 ota) for five days or so, I almost think I could stay stock through the next year,and I would be satisfied with my phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

