[Q] Updating Skyrocket Operating System - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket SGH-I727

I apologize if this has already been posted. If it has, please direct me to the thread(s)
I have been experiencing an issue with my phone freezing once each day (usually in the late evening, or in the morning if the preceding evening caused no problems) so I'd like to update the operating system. When I connect my phone to Kies via USB, Kies whines that there is a connection error, despite showing my SGH-1727 is connected. I can connect to Kies air with little to no problem and have honestly rarely connected to the Kies program I downloaded from the website. I updated Kies yesterday and actually uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times to no avail. I've also run the connection troubleshooting option under "Tools".
Can anyone help? I'm not too technologically inclined when it comes to cell phones so please explain things to me as if I'm your grandmother
Thanks in advance!

krispix318 said:
I apologize if this has already been posted. If it has, please direct me to the thread(s)
I have been experiencing an issue with my phone freezing once each day (usually in the late evening, or in the morning if the preceding evening caused no problems) so I'd like to update the operating system. When I connect my phone to Kies via USB, Kies whines that there is a connection error, despite showing my SGH-1727 is connected. I can connect to Kies air with little to no problem and have honestly rarely connected to the Kies program I downloaded from the website. I updated Kies yesterday and actually uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times to no avail. I've also run the connection troubleshooting option under "Tools".
Can anyone help? I'm not too technologically inclined when it comes to cell phones so please explain things to me as if I'm your grandmother
Thanks in advance!
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jyazzie110 said:
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The snappy response wasn't necessary. I simply asked to be directed to another thread if my question had already been addressed. Thanks for being oh so helpful. Have a wonderful day.

krispix318 said:
The snappy response wasn't necessary. I simply asked to be directed to another thread if my question had already been addressed. Thanks for being oh so helpful. Have a wonderful day.
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Put your phone into DFU mode, connect to itunes and restore to ios6.

krispix318 said:
Can anyone help? I'm not too technologically inclined when it comes to cell phones so please explain things to me as if I'm your grandmother
Thanks in advance!
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Forget what you did and root then install ROM like CM10/AOKP/SlimBean/MIUI...
The stock update is really crappy.
It's time to learn the real things.
Follow this step by step guide and DON'T SKIP any step.
Again, DON'T SKIP a single step.
Read it completly before doing anything, 2-3 times if needed to fully understand!!
Don't do it if you still not confident after reading.
If need more info, search search search. Everything IS on the forum (often multiple time) on how you device works.
Remember READ ALL the guidet!!
Also, is you srew up, we cannot be take for responsible for it.
But everything should go fine if you follow EXACTLY the guide.
Finaly, don't forget to hit thanks on the vincom's guide.


[Q] Display going bad on my Infuse 4G

Hi to all this morning,
I spoke to the local AT&T manager about my phone. The lock screen numbers and letters are "burned" on to my screen. Every time I go to a "light backround, I can see the month, time and "phone locked". The manager told me to call AT&T service. I called the 800 number and was told I have to do a "hard reset" on my phone for the warranty procedure. I have an "unlocked", "rooted" phone. Will a hard reset unroot and lock my phone?
Do I have to "unroot" and "lock" my phone before calling them back?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Before u return the phone to store, I would strongly recommend restoring to how it was when you got it (stock).
How do lock and unroot?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Or use the search button?
Its in the dev section......????
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
JimJep said:
How do lock and unroot?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
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Look for gtg back to stock or h8's back to stock. They both utilize Odin. Just read the op and you should be fine. Let me know if I can help.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
Trying to unroot and lock my phone using gtg
I do need your help. I downloaded the app you suggested and tried several times to use it. Here is my problem.
My computer connects via usb for mass storage an media on com port 9
I have downloaded all the latest usb drivers for Windows Visa. When I use the procedure suggested by gtg, the com port does not show up in the Comm ID box. I have tried and re-tried several time with the same result.
Can you help??
My display is getting worse every day.
JimJep said:
I do need your help. I downloaded the app you suggested and tried several times to use it. Here is my problem.
My computer connects via usb for mass storage an media on com port 9
I have downloaded all the latest usb drivers for Windows Visa. When I use the procedure suggested by gtg, the com port does not show up in the Comm ID box. I have tried and re-tried several time with the same result.
Can you help??
My display is getting worse every day.
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I assume that you are using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1116251 one.
I had to use this a whole bunch of times when I just started flashing and though it worked really well the first time after that it started to not work as well. Switch your USB ports that you plug your phone into. This will make it show up in a different are other than just COMM 9. If you cannot get it to work in any USB try a different computer, leave it sitting there for a long time. I don't think that it really had anything to do with my eventual sucess but after just leaving the battery out and the cord plugged into nothing made it work. Just telling you my experience. I hope that you are able to figure out what is wrong and flash back to stock before your screen gets any worse!
So you tried to odin back to stock and it doesn't work?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Erik_T said:
I assume that you are using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1116251 one.
I had to use this a whole bunch of times when I just started flashing and though it worked really well the first time after that it started to not work as well. Switch your USB ports that you plug your phone into. This will make it show up in a different are other than just COMM 9. If you cannot get it to work in any USB try a different computer, leave it sitting there for a long time. I don't think that it really had anything to do with my eventual sucess but after just leaving the battery out and the cord plugged into nothing made it work. Just telling you my experience. I hope that you are able to figure out what is wrong and flash back to stock before your screen gets any worse!
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More questions,
It did not seem like it wiped everything off. auto reboot was checked and fast reset was checked.
first block on top left is green and says passed time 4.49
Just wanted to says thanks. I plugged the phone into my laptop and it worked. Now I am fighting with AT&T to get it returned. They seem to think a display hardware issue is a software/virus issue. Thanks I got it to work with your help!!
Kind Regards,
JimJep said:
Just wanted to says thanks. I plugged the phone into my laptop and it worked. Now I am fighting with AT&T to get it returned. They seem to think a display hardware issue is a software/virus issue. Thanks I got it to work with your help!!
Kind Regards,
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No problem. Glad that I could help. And do push the issue. Right to the manager if they still won't take it. Or you could try calling them and eventually you will find one rep who is willing to push it through. Either they will be dumb and don't know what they are doing or they will know where you are coming from and help get it returned. If not, and you are still under warranty you might be able to send it back to Samsung and see what they will do about it. Good luck!
i believe if its under 30 days they take it back on the spot and exchange it for you.. if not they might ask you if you have insurance on you phone and send it out to a authorized ATT repair store... just my expierience...

[Need Help] Problem With Connection to Accounts

Hi Guys!
I am having strange problem with my DS.
I cannot connect to my Google account,Facebook App is not working and...
Well to cut the story short pretty much any app that requires connection to the internet+credentials will not connect.Amazon appstore,Tweetcaster,Tweetdroid,Friendcaster...you name it...the only one that works is official Twitter App(weird).
When I'm tring set up my Google account all I'm getting is "Cannot establish reliable connection..." I know I am connected to the internet cos I'm writing this post on my phone.browsing internet is the only thing I can do.
Now I was searching net for this problem and the only suggestion was HARD Reset.I can rule that out cos I went even further.I flashed 5 different ROMs and problem still persist.
Next thing on my mind was there is something wrong with my carrier.Nope.rang them up and they claim all is ok on their side.I'm on 3UK and I have iPhone4 as well on 3 UK.on iPhone4 everything works flawlessly so I swapped SIM cards.guess what...the same thing on DESIRE S.
I am no noob and I went through literally all the platforms being able to solve 99% of my problems on my own but this one seems to be bigger than me.
If anyone came across this problem before or knows the answer please help.
Thank you in advance.
polystirenman said:
Hi Guys!
I am having strange problem with my DS.
I cannot connect to my Google account,Facebook App is not working and...
Well to cut the story short pretty much any app that requires connection to the internet+credentials will not connect.Amazon appstore,Tweetcaster,Tweetdroid,Friendcaster...you name it...the only one that works is official Twitter App(weird).
When I'm tring set up my Google account all I'm getting is "Cannot establish reliable connection..." I know I am connected to the internet cos I'm writing this post on my phone.browsing internet is the only thing I can do.
Now I was searching net for this problem and the only suggestion was HARD Reset.I can rule that out cos I went even further.I flashed 5 different ROMs and problem still persist.
Next thing on my mind was there is something wrong with my carrier.Nope.rang them up and they claim all is ok on their side.I'm on 3UK and I have iPhone4 as well on 3 UK.on iPhone4 everything works flawlessly so I swapped SIM cards.guess what...the same thing on DESIRE S.
I am no noob and I went through literally all the platforms being able to solve 99% of my problems on my own but this one seems to be bigger than me.
If anyone came across this problem before or knows the answer please help.
Thank you in advance.
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Okay, lets try to solve this one quickly.
First, some history...
When did this start happening?
Was everthing working well initially, and then suddenly this problem popped up, or has it been like this from the beginning?
Have you recently done any kind of modding or flashing to your phone prior to this?
Then, some diagnostic tests.
Do you have wifi?
If you do, Can you connect?
If you can, do your apps work well with the wifi connection?
Sorry i forgot to state this in first post.
Yes I have wifi and I when I'm connected to it everything works great.can connect to anything.
I did flash few ROMs while trying to fix this problem.no luck there.
And yes.it all started all of a sudden.before I was one happy DS owner.
polystirenman said:
Sorry i forgot to state this in first post.
Yes I have wifi and I when I'm connected to it everything works great.can connect to anything.
I did flash few ROMs while trying to fix this problem.no luck there.
And yes.it all started all of a sudden.before I was one happy DS owner.
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Could you please go to Setting> Wireless & Networks> Mobile Networks and check if toggling Network mode helps?
Also make sure that you've selected the correct Access Point Name (The APN should say www)
Let me know what happens.
Nope.tried switching mobile networks on/off.nothing.airplane mode on/off also no luck.APN is right and I can confirm that cos I can browse Internet.it seems that downloading is fine but as soon I try "send something out" like email or tokens to connect to certain services it fails.
polystirenman said:
Nope.tried switching mobile networks on/off.nothing.airplane mode on/off also no luck.APN is right and I can confirm that cos I can browse Internet.it seems that downloading is fine but as soon I try "send something out" like email or tokens to connect to certain services it fails.
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Must say i'm at a loss here. Usually whenever i have issues like this, going through the steps mentioned above rectifies it.
Sorry brother, i'm out of ideas here. Will try asking around for more. I hope someone with a better understanding of this will be able to help you out.
Best of luck!!
Thank you anyway.in this case any advise is good.i bet it's something stupid.
Have you tried different kernels? (Clutching at straws (but worth a punt)).
When you wipe before a clean install what do you do? Try the link in my sigi.
Any progress with your problem? If not I suggest you pm ben_pyett or olyloh or lowveld.
They're very good with this stuff and very helpful...
Sent from the bottom of my subconscious using xda premium.
Hi guys.sorry I have been off the forum for a while.
This is totally strange.i found out that this is happening only at certain place.when I am at work problem is there but as soon as I get home everything works fine.it must be something related to cell I am connected to while in my work area.my colleague told me he is suffering from the same thing.he has HTC Desire HD and custom ROM on board and he is also 3UK customer.but what I don't understand at all is that my iPhone works like a charm using the same network.obviously I called customer service again and they claim there is nothing wrong with the network.
Thank you for all your suggestions guys.

[Q] SGS4G Mac Users - Kies/Gingerbread

I am trying to upgrade my stock 2.2 Froyo phone to 2.3 Gingerbread through Kies, using a MacBook Pro.
I am running Mac OSx 10.6.8 and can not get my phone to be recognized by Kies Mini, despite trying every configuration of USB options.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue? I also cannot even mount my SD card anymore, even if I choose "mass storage," so perhaps my problems are rooted somewhere else?
Any help is appreciated, I have tried searching XDA as well as other forums, Google, Samsung/TMo's sites, to no avail.
TY in advance!
Look a couple of posts down
Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk
Have you followed the mac installation guide on the official T-Mobile site that has the kies download link?
Sent from my rockin' Galaxy S 4G using XDA Premium App
TheKucho said:
Have you followed the mac installation guide on the official T-Mobile site that has the kies download link?
Sent from my rockin' Galaxy S 4G using XDA Premium App
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That is what I have tried following, with nothing going on. Finally, after several tries of going into "Kies (Firmware Update)", Kies Mini gave me an error msg that said "current connection mode is not supported by kies."
Do you use a mac?
Oh and to the first responder, I looked at everything on the page when you said that. Thanks for wasting my time. Saw nothing remotely related or helpful, except for someone with a rooted phone having trouble in "download mode," which I can't even get to. My phone is legit stock -- because I am lazy, etc.
"The device is not supported by Kies Mini."
I'm not a Mac guy, so I can't really help there. Given that it's even having issues in mass storage makes me wonder if you would have the same problem on a different Mac or a PC. Would you have the chance to try that?
I use Macs, and honestly I only used Odin on a friends PC to initially install Gingerbread, since then I've been downloading my roms and other files directly to the phone and using CWM to do everything. I'm done trying to use my Mac with this phone since Samsung doesn't support isync as they should.
I'm just waiting for the devs here to get their new roms up before upgrading to the official build.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
ToiletSalesman said:
That is what I have tried following, with nothing going on. Finally, after several tries of going into "Kies (Firmware Update)", Kies Mini gave me an error msg that said "current connection mode is not supported by kies."
Do you use a mac?
Oh and to the first responder, I looked at everything on the page when you said that. Thanks for wasting my time. Saw nothing remotely related or helpful, except for someone with a rooted phone having trouble in "download mode," which I can't even get to. My phone is legit stock -- because I am lazy, etc.
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wasting your time? There's like ten recent posts with people unable to update. with many solutions. I think your last statement says it all.
If you have windows on a virtual machine try Odin. Other than not using another PC, you may be sol..
Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk
Yeah ok well thank you for being so helpful then. Ended up having to use an old XP computer at a friend's. It took forever, but I have gingerbread now. I am running stock with Screen Filter set at about 40% most of the time, and I am getting INSANE battery. Like I have not used it too much at work but I would usually have about 40% right now, maybe lower because I have been checking it periodically/texting.
I am 90% at 3 p.m... 7 hours after I took it off of the charger... Is this what I should have been getting all along? Did I have a virus or just a really ****ty battery hogging app? My phone used to always say it was the screen using all of the battery power.
Or is my phone calculating more battery than it really has?
Glad you got it working! Enjoy the crazy battery life. How fast it goes down really depends on usage per person but I believe most people reported better battery on GB vs. Froyo.
I tend to turn off my wifi when not in use, GPS is always off, display brightness is at the minimum, etc - basic things one can do to help the battery life. I've not attempted the under-volting or anything others have used to get even more life from the battery.

[Q] Trying to root Motorola XT910, noob questions

Hello folks,
I am a noob in playing around with Android, although I am a long time lurker here, never dared to post anything, just because I don't know even basics.
That said, my XT910 was driving me nuts and many a times I considered throwing it in trash, but having paid ~$400 hard cash, I did not. Lately, it crawled, rebooted randomly, hanging all of a sudden in the middle of the call was pretty commonplace. Factory reset did not help. The wi-fi connectivity issue has been there since day one. Where my another HTC One X connects like breeze and downloads whatever needed, XT910 still looks for any wi-fi connections.
I decided to root, hoping to tweak the device so that I can use it for at least another year or so. I followed the thread at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2257137 Very good thread, pretty easy to understand. I did encounter few issues and thats where this post comes in.
While this post shows screenshots for remote storage, I never got this option, but I added it in. I never got an option to enter the details of the location i.e. image 4 and 5 of the post. Still everything seemed to work as expected.
Majority of the on-screen prompts went as expected, they were not same. Considering this post, image 2, there is a good difference in what I saw and what the screenshot mentioned. My screenshot attached below.
So the questions I have, whats in the red boxes.
The first big red box is not in the original screenshot, but I got it.
The last line of USB disconnect, I never got, neither my phone vibrated in the whole process as mentioned in big red box.
Since I am noob, I can not decipher this, and with posts less than 10, I can not post in that thread. I will be really thankful if someone expert can flash some light on this.
Is my phone really rooted now?
(P.S. - Don't ask me for phone screenshots, they never work on my phone, with power and volume down button pressed together.)
Thanks a lot in advance.
fuzzychicken said:
Hello folks,
I am a noob in playing around with Android, although I am a long time lurker here, never dared to post anything, just because I don't know even basics.
That said, my XT910 was driving me nuts and many a times I considered throwing it in trash, but having paid ~$400 hard cash, I did not. Lately, it crawled, rebooted randomly, hanging all of a sudden in the middle of the call was pretty commonplace. Factory reset did not help. The wi-fi connectivity issue has been there since day one. Where my another HTC One X connects like breeze and downloads whatever needed, XT910 still looks for any wi-fi connections.
I decided to root, hoping to tweak the device so that I can use it for at least another year or so. I followed the thread at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2257137 Very good thread, pretty easy to understand. I did encounter few issues and thats where this post comes in.
While this post shows screenshots for remote storage, I never got this option, but I added it in. I never got an option to enter the details of the location i.e. image 4 and 5 of the post. Still everything seemed to work as expected.
Majority of the on-screen prompts went as expected, they were not same. Considering this post, image 2, there is a good difference in what I saw and what the screenshot mentioned. My screenshot attached below.
So the questions I have, whats in the red boxes.
The first big red box is not in the original screenshot, but I got it.
The last line of USB disconnect, I never got, neither my phone vibrated in the whole process as mentioned in big red box.
Since I am noob, I can not decipher this, and with posts less than 10, I can not post in that thread. I will be really thankful if someone expert can flash some light on this.
Is my phone really rooted now?
(P.S. - Don't ask me for phone screenshots, they never work on my phone, with power and volume down button pressed together.)
Thanks a lot in advance.
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The large red box and the previous content are perfectly fine. There isn't no problem there. The exploits ran fine and the files were pushed to your device. Sometimes the phone doesn't vibrate and in that case my other phone didn't when the tool said it would. But it was rooted.
As you said your phone didn't vibrate but it did reboot right? I assume it did because you didn't mention it not being rebooted.
How do you know if your phones rooted? Go into your app drawer, and if you find an app called. "Superuser or SuperSU" its rooted. But just to be sure its working. Go to the play store, and install and app called "root checker" the icon has a hashtag in it from what I remember.
Run the app and check root. If it prompts you with a window saying vie permission. Grant the permission. And that's means you're rooted. Hopefully I helped. If I didn't answer your question properly please state.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
krishneelg3 said:
The large red box and the previous content are perfectly fine. There isn't no problem there. The exploits ran fine and the files were pushed to your device. Sometimes the phone doesn't vibrate and in that case my other phone didn't when the tool said it would. But it was rooted.
As you said your phone didn't vibrate but it did reboot right? I assume it did because you didn't mention it not being rebooted.
How do you know if your phones rooted? Go into your app drawer, and if you find an app called. "Superuser or SuperSU" its rooted. But just to be sure its working. Go to the play store, and install and app called "root checker" the icon has a hashtag in it from what I remember.
Run the app and check root. If it prompts you with a window saying vie permission. Grant the permission. And that's means you're rooted. Hopefully I helped. If I didn't answer your question properly please state.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Thank you for your quick answer.
Little clarification,
The phone did not vibrate, but the prompt said, to hit any key on laptop to proceed. So I hit the key after waiting for about 2 minutes. And then it rebooted.
There is no Superuser app in app drawer and root checker tells me it is not rooted.
fuzzychicken said:
Thank you for your quick answer.
Little clarification,
The phone did not vibrate, but the prompt said, to hit any key on laptop to proceed. So I hit the key after waiting for about 2 minutes. And then it rebooted.
There is no Superuser app in app drawer and root checker tells me it is not rooted.
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Then assuming the phone is not rooted. Did your phone boot into bootloader mode when this process took place?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
krishneelg3 said:
Then assuming the phone is not rooted. Did your phone boot into bootloader mode when this process took place?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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No, never, it just felt like phone was restarting. It took a while to restart compared to when I reboot otherwise, but there was no bootloader mode for sure.

[Q] Tab Pro 12.2 Preformed update now no wifi

Got update notification last night and did the update (Yeah, DUMB!) now I've no wifi. Need to backup my stuff but backup option requires working wifi. How can I get my wifi back? --- thanks for any lifesaving ideas.
klipp said:
Got update notification last night and did the update (Yeah, DUMB!) now I've no wifi. Need to backup my stuff but backup option requires working wifi. How can I get my wifi back? --- thanks for any lifesaving ideas.
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THIS was posted just couple days earlier, here in same place. Did you even try to find answer?
Hard reset.
Spere said:
THIS was posted just couple days earlier, here in same place. Did you even try to find answer?
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I can´t say for sure if OP tried of course, but in my sad experience OP does have a point (intentionally or otherwise).
I did check for answers and found the thread you refer to.
For me, hard reset didn´t do the trick.
Upon reset the tablet found my home Network all right and hooked up. I was thrilled - problem solved. :laugh:
Now 2 hours later i´m sitting at my desk at work and the -905 can´t find any networks whatsoever. Depite that my Note 3 clearly detects 2 strong wi-fi networks and 2 weak ditto (on & off).
I am somewhat less than extatic. :crying:
Reboot twice, flightmode on/of. Nothing seems to make any difference.
By my count there are now at least 3 users that report this issue. It may be a bit early but i see a pattern in the far Horizon.
Thoughts & inputs are appreciated.
Polar67 said:
I can´t say for sure if OP tried of course, but in my sad experience OP does have a point (intentionally or otherwise).
I did check for answers and found the thread you refer to.
For me, hard reset didn´t do the trick.
Upon reset the tablet found my home Network all right and hooked up. I was thrilled - problem solved. :laugh:
Now 2 hours later i´m sitting at my desk at work and the -905 can´t find any networks whatsoever. Depite that my Note 3 clearly detects 2 strong wi-fi networks and 2 weak ditto (on & off).
I am somewhat less than extatic. :crying:
Reboot twice, flightmode on/of. Nothing seems to make any difference.
By my count there are now at least 3 users that report this issue. It may be a bit early but i see a pattern in the far Horizon.
Thoughts & inputs are appreciated.
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another option if still have issues, but can maybe go to a local bestbuy with the samsung experience and i would think they should be able to hook it up and do their version of odin and get it all fixed up for ya.. jsut a thought and that might get you fixed up
From my Fired-up Note Pro 12.2!
Zugshad said:
another option if still have issues, but can maybe go to a local bestbuy with the samsung experience and i would think they should be able to hook it up and do their version of odin and get it all fixed up for ya.. jsut a thought and that might get you fixed up
From my Fired-up Note Pro 12.2!
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Thanks for the interest & taking the time to ansver.
Living in a small arctic town however (approximately 1500 people) in Greenland we don´t have a lot of bestbuys around here.
I have considered reflashing the rom using Odin myself. If it solves the issue it´s a fairly hassle free repair.
3 people out of several hundred thousand isn't a pattern.
However, losing WiFi after an update is a common Android bug. A reflash (particularly the modem) usually solves it.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
ShadowLea said:
3 people out of several hundred thousand isn't a pattern.
However, losing WiFi after an update is a common Android bug. A reflash (particularly the modem) usually solves it.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
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Statistically i quite agree. Completely off topic I was referring to the old proverb: "Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time is a pattern".
On topic though it gives me great dissatisfaction to report that reflashing the rom did nothing to remedy the issue.
Downloading the entire rom from Sammobile, latest Odin, MD5# checked out. In short, all i´s dotted & all t´s crossed.
The -905 was sublimely indifferent - this is hastily converging towards frustration
Thoughts appreciated - otherwise i´ll probably just try again.
Found it! It´s Passpoint that´s the culprit.
The whys and the hows i haven´t got but i´d downgraded to the old rom - reacquired Wifi - subsequently re-upgraded and Poof like evil magic, wifi was gone.
I muddled about in the wifi settings and was just about to admit defeat, when i shut Passpoint off - simply because i never use it, and the -905 said "Let there be Wifi" :angel:
Afterwards i found out that once wifi is detected and connected i can start passpoint up Again. Then if i move out of coverage and back in again the problem starts all over. Not a big issue since i keep passpoint shut down for now but there you have it.

