[Q] OCR library/class for Android (2.6 or 4.0) - General Questions and Answers

I have managed to create some basic Android apps for myself, and have development expericence, but would like to know if anyone knows of a (preferably free) OCR library/class for Android. I'm thinking 2.6+ but I don't mind if it's 4.0+. At this stage it's just for my own use.
Some background - I have a device which displays and controls the current temperature of my pottery kiln. A picture of it is attached. It displays the current temperature (in red) and set temperature (in green) of the kiln, and turns the kiln on/off via a contactor according to a temperature ramp I set.
What I want to do is to log the temperature of the kiln over the whole firing (8 to 10+ hours or so). I currently do this manually, but it's a pain to go out to the kiln every hour or so, plus the time resolution isn't that great.
I had the idea of doing a time lapse recording on my phone using LapseIt, but I'd have to manually look at each image captured and enter in the temperatures into a list or spreadsheet etc.
So, I'd like to be able to leave my phone (Samsung Galaxy S2) in front of the device, and photograph and OCR the display every 10 minutes or so. This can then be saved to a CSV or similar on the phone for later analysis.
I have the foundations for such an application, in that the graphing, CSV saving/editing, are all in place, but I'm stuck at the OCR point.
Ideally what I'd like to do is to just call an OCR function, and receive text back, e.g. it could return "1022 1080" and then I can easily grab the changing temperature.
I can't find any such library though - this is what I need help with. Does anyone know of suitable library, or at least one that will allow me to OCR the image somehow?
Hope I have explained this clearly,


Text-to-image utility for WM?

Anyone know of a utility that will take a text file as input and spit out a simple GIF/JPG/PNG/BMP?
If there are none, plan B would be text-to-speech. Anyone know of a good one that sounds reasonably natural?
Thanks in advance!
if there are such options this is the search which will lead you to them
you can replace ocr with text to speach if you wanna search for that
One of us is misunderstanding...
As I understand Optical Character Recognition, it takes an image (which contains text) and extracts the text. I'm trying to do the opposite - take a text file as INPUT and OUTPUT to an image. (See attachment.)
BTW- I Googled this heavily before posting. Tons of Text2Image links, but everything I found was made for a desktop PC - not Pocket PC. And including "pocket pc" in the search criteria didn't help... lots of pages with Wintel Text2Image software that mention "Pocket PC" somewhere on the page.
Have you thought of using a fullscreen doc viewer (picsel comes to mind...) and a screen-capture mapped to a hardware button? It isn't automated, but it would get the job done.
larsuck said:
It isn't automated, but it would get the job done.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
With mortscript, you can automate pretty much anything, right? Problem is, that really wouldn't get the job done.
Let me explain the application a bit better...
I use Wisbar Advanced Desktop extensively and I have a pretty sophisticated UI set up. I have a special page for weather, but I'm really not happy with *any* of the weather today plug-ins (and I think I've tried pretty much all of them!) So what I want to do is pass 2 or 3 URLs to mortscript, have it read the file in, parse out the stuff I don't want, leaving me with text that gives me the precise details I do want. I then convert the text to an image file, saving it with the same name ands size every time (e.g. currentconditions.gif - which is already set as a positioned element on the WAD virtual page.) I do the same with extended forecast and surf report (I live at the beach in SoCal) and tell mortscript to go out and update this once per hour. Then, when I go to my weather page, I get exactly the info I want (including sunset time, water temp, UV index, etc.) and my info is no older than 59 minutes.
I'm starting to think that I should just do this server-side... maybe I can find a text-to-image script using php. Hmmmm...

Spycam App?

Hi guys!
I´m new to this nice forum.
I´ve got just a few questions.
I would like to have/make a spycam softare to my samsung omnia that have a few functions:
I would like it to be configured to shoot photos in intervalls. I would like it to be configured between, let´s say, from 10 seconds to several minutes between shooting, and also how long the "shooting session" would be.
I would like something similary but for the videorecording mode. For example a video recording that lasts 2 min with a certain resolution.
both should be in stealth mode, that is, it won´t show up on the screen that pictures are taken/movie is recording. It´s just running silent in the background, with no trace at the menu at all, or showing pictures taken or video recording on the screen. Maybee a small icon or something but nothing else.
Not very important:
And I would like to be able to change settings for the "shooting session", forexample white balance, focus settings and so on, just like when I use the ordinary camera application in omnia.
Another question. Is it possible to take a picture without cameraapplication "loaded"? Can a make the camera run in some kind of silent mode (waiting to take a picture) and have a predefined button (like the camerabutton on the right side) taking pictures without showing it on the screen? just storing the taken picture?
Is there a software out there availible to mobile phones, windows mobile 6 or java that does any of this?
And is it possible to make a program like it in java or is there a better language to make it in? What is possible and what is not?
I´m studying computer/eletric engineering, but pretty new at it, so the only programming skills I´ve got at the moment is a small amount of java programming.
very grateful for answers.
(I hope I posted at the right section)

twot, the twitterBot.

Hi all,
New to XDA, reading plenty of posts and eagerly awaiting my HTC Desire (coming from the UK, obviously held up by the recent volcanic ash problems).
I've been working on an app called twot and thought someone here might benefit from it (?). It installs on your PC (very light, doesn't leak memory and works on XPSP2-Win7) and watches your desired twitter stream. The idea is, you tweet from your phone (or work, etc) and twot picks up your tweet and executes whatever script or application you choose.
I'm sure there's heaps of apps out there that do this, but I kind of wanted to design this one to do exactly what I want. It works off a simple mdb that you have to edit manually (sorry no GUI for this yet) that matches a recognized command with an action. For example, I control my aircon by using "ac on" and "ac off". When twot (running in the systray) picks up "ac on", it runs "ac_on.bat" in the application directory (specified in the db) which in turn uses psexec (included this, hstart, and a few other things in the zip to help script stuff up) to launch a script on my htpc, that uses ir server suite (awesome free tool) to issue a command to the ir transmitter to turn the AC on. I know it sounds like a long winded approach, but it's not that complicated (and it's free!).
I do the same to turn the virtual fireplace on (psexec in interactive mode) and initialize web cams around the house to take a picture and email it to whatever email address i specify. To deal with parameters I've told twot to watch for anything starting with "%". When it reads each tweet in and finds %'s, it treats them as parameters and stores them in an array. Then if it detects a command (eg, "webcam") it calls the specified application/script and parses the array of parameters to it. (eg. "c:\scripts\myscript.bat paramOne paramTwo"). The tweet looks like "webcam %paramOne %paramTwo".
Anyway, It's written in VB but i plan on porting it over to .net when i get a minute. I've attached the zip . It is a very early version so it will evolve. Feedback is always welcome
Oh also, If anyone wants the source, let me know. It's fairly basic code and quite short

Watchmaker - LUA - Looking for the right formula for a modificated minute hand 'hard

I'm looking for a formula, which creates a *minute* hand moving 'hard tick' from the actual minute to the next one - as follows: the minute hand should shortly ‘shake’ a bit for- and backwards over the next minute he reaches (sort of vibration) and then get a rest on this minute (as seen on a non-Watchmaker Apk running on Android Wear 2.0 - called 'Schweizer Bahnhofsuhr'). - I want to implement this nice feature into my Watchface if possible (unfortunately I cannot upload any video sample of the above mentioned 'Schweizer Bahnhofsuhr' Apk here for your folks to see it live). - If somebody has a good formula suggestion - you are very welcome to share. Thank's in advance.

Free upgrade: how to add branded flagship features to your smartphone

Firmware flagship smartphones - this is often something more than just Android. Top devices are literally stuffed with functions that are not found in the base versions of the operating system. But it's not necessary to go broke for a pass to the VIP-segment. The already existing smartphone can be equipped with an advanced camera, like Google Pixel, or make it display information on the screen off, as in Samsung's flagships. About how to add useful functions of flagship devices to your smartphone - read in the article.
The difference between a top-end device and an inexpensive one lies not only in the advanced hardware "stuffing". Most of the interaction with the user is borne by the software part, which provides owners of expensive smartphones with the maximum convenience of use and advanced features. Owners of the same budget models are often deprived of many useful functions. However, the issue of software on the Android platform is easy to solve. And "pumping" your device - just a matter of time and several applications.
Practical Magic
Management of gestures - as a series "Game of Thrones". Up to the last you say that you will not watch, and then you are drawn in - and you can not tear yourself away from the screen. Samsung flagships have used a lot of relevant options for a long time, and in the new iPhone X svaypas are the only option for managing the smartphone. To assess the convenience of such a method, it is enough to acquire a specialized application, for example, iGest or All in one Gestures. You can go even further and organize gesture support on the disabled display with Knockr (for OLED screens). However, you will have to accept the increased power consumption of the device. Manage the smartphone without touching the display will help the program Air Swiper. Among its capabilities are the following functions of gesture management:
automatic activation of the screen when receiving SMS and opening a message;
turn the screen on and off;
turn on the silent mode by holding your hand over the proximity sensor;
turn on / off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Face ID for everyone
The new is a well-forgotten old. The analogue of the revolutionary technology Face ID from Apple was actually implemented in Android 5.0 and in later versions, too, has not gone away. The function of Smart Lock in its time did not stick, but the new trend from Cupertino spurred her popularity. To take advantage of the flagship option on any modern smartphone, you do not even need third-party software - just include the full-featured face recognition function in the Smart Lock menu. You can additionally protect any applications from running by unauthorized people with the Visidon AppLock program.
Advanced camera from Google
The hardware characteristics of the camera are only half of what is needed for a good photo. The second software is responsible, and the flagship models with it are traditionally full order. The camera application for smartphones from Google uses machine learning techniques and in HDR + mode allows you to transfer the smallest details in the shots even in shadows and in overexposed areas of the image. Most notably, this application - Google Camera - is available for a large number of devices. And even with the settings you have to tinker, the result is worth it:
Photo Sphere function for creating circular panoramas;
blur effect, as on a mirror camera;
panoramic mode with high resolution;
maximum resolution of the viewfinder;
convenient settings and a large shutter button;
modes HDR and HDR +.
Object recognition
Became public and the service Google Lens, formerly the privilege of the line of Pixel. The program gives users the opportunity to learn information about the surrounding objects through a smartphone camera. The list of useful functions includes the identification of attractions, the time of work of these institutions, translation of the text directly from the image and much more. Special manipulations for the installation of new items will not be required, it is enough just to update the "Google Photos" package to the current version.
Partly cloudy
Cloud storage is a convenient way to expand the device's memory and create backups. Many eminent brands even switched to their own storage services, keeping users in the internal ecosystem. However, it is not necessary to become attached to gadgets of one manufacturer. Add more space for your files and configure their synchronization with any of the available services. For example, Dropbox, "Cloud Mail.Ru" or "Yandex.Disk." All of them offer both free access with limited volume, and expansion of the storage using different tariff plans.
The miracles of cloning
To transfer from the top machines it is possible not only functionality. Even to modify the interface of your smartphone under the "clean" Android in the spirit of Google Pixel - no problem. The recipe for "pixelization" is simple. First, install the Nova Launcher shell, then go to the interface settings and perform some simple manipulations:
choose the shape of the bottom panel "Rectangle" and make it transparent;
adjust the position of the search bar (top or bottom);
Change the grid of the desktop and the bottom panel (the number of columns, rows and icons on the desktop);
For complete authenticity, we turn on the weather display next to Google's search bar;
change the icons and the type of folders using Pixel Icon Pack 2 Free Theme UI;
edit the application menu - display, grid of icons and background color;
we finish the composition by installing the branded Google applications "Phone", "Contacts" and "Messages";
Always On Displays
Until recently, this technology was available only on some smartphones with AMOLED-screens, now anyone can try it on their device. To view the time and missed notifications, you no longer need to unlock the smartphone - the utility will display important information directly on the screen. And do not worry that the battery will be discharged faster - it will involve a limited number of pixels without turning on the backlight. Of course, only in the case of AMOLED-displays. However, there is a beta version of a similar application for TFT-models: judging from the reviews, the usability is worth several "extra" percent of battery per day.
Smart Case
Samsung S View - a proprietary "chip" of the Korean manufacturer. Covers of the corresponding series are equipped with a transparent window, through which you can see the screen. A sort of Always On Display in miniature, but with advanced features: right from this window the user can answer calls, see the name of the playable melody, get quick access to the camera. A magnetic sensor automatically locks the display when the cover is slammed and vice versa. If the same cover was found on the gadget of another brand, then to get the same functionality it is enough to install the application S View. The program is compatible with any Android-smartphone and uses a proximity sensor instead of a magnet.
The possibility of notification of events with the help of LED-indicator and button illumination, like the Nexus series, became available on all Android-devices. Both Light Flow and Led Reminder will help you to implement both scenarios. Missed calls, SMS, low level of charge - only a small part of the notifications, customizable with the specified software. In addition to saving time (you do not need to unlock the screen to find out about the missed event), the battery consumption also decreases, because waiting for an incoming message does not have to constantly turn on the backlight. There is also the option of disabling the indication at night.
Of course, this is not all the proprietary features that can be found in the firmware of those or other smartphone manufacturers. Perhaps, it is not worth copying them completely - there are shortcomings in top solutions, too. Android is a flexible platform, and in today's article we have considered only the best features of flagship devices, leaving behind the scenes dubious or completely useless. And you had to "finish the file" your gadget to squeeze out of it more functionality?
copy / paste from here http://doctorflopsy.com/2018/05/17/free-upgrade-how-to-add-branded-flagship-features/
thread closed

