Watchmaker - LUA - Looking for the right formula for a modificated minute hand 'hard - General Questions and Answers

I'm looking for a formula, which creates a *minute* hand moving 'hard tick' from the actual minute to the next one - as follows: the minute hand should shortly ‘shake’ a bit for- and backwards over the next minute he reaches (sort of vibration) and then get a rest on this minute (as seen on a non-Watchmaker Apk running on Android Wear 2.0 - called 'Schweizer Bahnhofsuhr'). - I want to implement this nice feature into my Watchface if possible (unfortunately I cannot upload any video sample of the above mentioned 'Schweizer Bahnhofsuhr' Apk here for your folks to see it live). - If somebody has a good formula suggestion - you are very welcome to share. Thank's in advance.


Screen alert for new recordings (or new file)

I used to use a good little app - "audionote" - which would highlight on my today screen when I made a recording. I used to make short voice notes as reminder but needed to have the screen alert that I had made a recording.
Could someone explore adapting Personalizer (for changing the operator name) here:
to become an alert for the appearance of a new recording?
Would need to define the specific directory that holds the new files.
I think Personalizer uses mortscript - so, is there a way with this to check a directory for new recordings ? I guess also needed is some time frame. I would suggest some options like new today or new this week.
Thanks for ideas and any attempts to make this are much appreciated !

FUN APP: HD2 Pilot Flight Display using GPS

For all those flight-sim enthusiasts out there: I have created this PFD (primary flight display) which shows the speed, the altitude the coards and the attitude similar to a real PFD display in an airplane cockpit.
Although the application has been created and tested on an HTC HD2, it might work on other devices as well. Internel or external GPS and the HTC G-Sensor are required. It is planned to add a serial communication channel to a PC server component which allows to use this little proggy with MS Flight Simulator displaying the flight parameters so you can get rid of the cockpit panel on your primary display.
Just keep in mind that this is the first version of the program, so there might be *some* improvement potential.
A screenshot of the program is also attached.
Pls let me know what you think about it.
As a pilot I cannot find any sense in this, sorry m8.
Useless for aviation.
Useful might be an HSI-App, an RAIM-availability-check-App, a NOTAM-APP and so on. An artificial horizon on a handheld device... No, not good...
Title correction...
It is just for fun, not intended for real world aviation.
I will change the title so that it becomes more clear.
As an airbus pilot I like it! Lots of scope for further development, keep up the good work !
when I read your discrip, I had something totaly dif pictured in my mind. guess Im falling back on my sail plane lesson days.
I had round face dial and a yaw bubble pictured.
While this is cool, I would prefer to see the old analog style with an altimeter that you can set your start altitude and a yaw bubble, rather than the HUD style. just IMO.
And yes this is just for fun.
Keep it up, I will follow your project with intrest.
Good Work mate
While some are critical in their opinion I'm pleased with your app.
Keep up the good work mate and for all others who are not so encouraging ...... what do you want for an app a full blown flight simulator, the guys making an effort to develop something and sharing it for a free with us so to help him out at least .... I mean at least encourage him and make some constructive criticisms.
It doesn't cost to be nice and help to motivate others...........
Customize it
Just as a hint for those of you, who would want to use other bitmaps. I have designed the application in a way which allows you to modify or extend it. If you look into the applications program folder, you will find an XML file describing the layout of the display. You may also change or add bitmaps. The bitmaps are all located in the
subfolder. If you change the size of the offset of bitmaps, you will have to adjust some values in the XML file as well.
As you can see there all items are drawn in 3d space.
However, I am working on a HSI as suggested before. I will post it later this week.
Known issue:
- After running the application 3 or 4 times, OpenGL is not working properly anymore (not able to create rendering context). This is an issue of OpenGL. You have to restart your device for OpenGL to work again. If anyone has a solution, please let me know.
leihen said:
It is planned to add a serial communication channel to a PC server component which allows to use this little proggy with MS Flight Simulator displaying the flight parameters so you can get rid of the cockpit panel on your primary display.
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That would be awesome!
Cool app
Certainly would be better than no attitude information in the event of a vacuum and/or elec failure.Even if just to make flying the performance instruments a bit easier.
I would defintely like to see a HSI app possibly with an open (editable)waypoint database.Anyone interested!?
Keep up the good work!
I love it. Thanks so much...
I just wonder if settings could be made permanent until being changed again so as to start the application without my having to select REAL and AVERAGE everytime.
And as a proud HTC HD2 owner, the display could me made much
larger indeed...
Congratulations and thanks again.
This is a fine app with a lot of potential esp. for UL-pilots as an emergency backup if UL-airplane-pfd fails.
Would be nice if indicators are bigger and the layout equals to Flymap, Skymap or MGL-layout
There is enough place for a nice big yaw indicator. Maybe You can get some code from GPS-tracker V2.0 (MooNah) in this forum, it already has a full working PFD incorporated.
Good luck with further devs., when next version is online I will try it in my gyroplane.
I think it's fun!!!!!
next step: build a flightsim for wm where we could use this
You will be in real danger....if you do so.
troed said:
This is a fine app with a lot of potential esp. for UL-pilots as an emergency backup if UL-airplane-pfd fails.
Would be nice if indicators are bigger and the layout equals to Flymap, Skymap or MGL-layout
There is enough place for a nice big yaw indicator. Maybe You can get some code from GPS-tracker V2.0 (MooNah) in this forum, it already has a full working PFD incorporated.
Good luck with further devs., when next version is online I will try it in my gyroplane.
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As you will easily see, this PFD horizon responds to gravity, that is, to the accelerometers installed in the phone.
It has no gyros, no way to provide PITCH ATTITUDE, WHATSOEVER.
If you keep the phone perfectly vertical and quickly move forward (accelerate) it will SURELY show a pitch up...pretty much the same effects that a stand-by compass shows when changing speed (remember that?...accelerate-north, decelerate-south).
You will have the very same pitch information as the one given by a bottle full
af water suspended from a string, or a can of Coke : and it will KILL YOU as well as your passengers (if any), not to mention people on the ground.
The only usable parts of this FUN APP (as named by the author himself ) in aviation are:
1. True track (not magnetic heading).
2. Altitude (neither QNH, nor QFE related, but of course; unless your flying field happens to be at sea level and actual atmosphere matches the ISA atmosphere parameters exactly). Remember that QNH variations as well as heat will make the GPS readings very different to that of your altimeter, as height of the air column will vary a +/-4% every +/-10 degrees Celsius.
Example. Airplane flying at Flight Level 300. QNH in the area 1023. Terrain at 2000 feet. Atmosphere is ISA+15.
Therefore if we move the 1013.25 setting to 1023 there will be a reading increase from 30.000 feet to 30300 (calibrated altitude, QNH related).
That is 28.300 feet above ground (we start with this as the air column height for the calculation). Since ISA is +15 we add 15/10 times 4% and we have 28300*15/10*4/100= 1698. True altitude is 30300+1698=31988
So we are cruising at FL300, 30.000 feet pressure altitude, 30.300 feet calibrated altitude (QNH related), 31988 above sea level, 29988 feet above ground level.
3. Ground speed ( neither IAS nor CAS nor EAS nor TAS), as provided by GPS system. Remember that your airplane aerodynamics are related to calibrated will stall if too slow ore destroy the airframe if to quick !!!! But you can navigate and make good your track, of course.
Hope I have made myself understood....and that you read this at the earlier !!!
It quite very good if the second part under we have the route. I am using the Oziexplore program, it can creates the route, and apear on screen. if this soft applied to that once, could be perfected!
great app mate..just for fun...
Nice work thank you. On future can you make like pilot cocpit with all dash boards like in Flith simulator game if this possible. Thank you
leihen said:
For all those flight-sim enthusiasts out there: I have created this PFD (primary flight display) which shows the speed, the altitude the coards and the attitude similar to a real PFD display in an airplane cockpit.
Although the application has been created and tested on an HTC HD2, it might work on other devices as well. Internel or external GPS and the HTC G-Sensor are required. It is planned to add a serial communication channel to a PC server component which allows to use this little proggy with MS Flight Simulator displaying the flight parameters so you can get rid of the cockpit panel on your primary display.
Just keep in mind that this is the first version of the program, so there might be *some* improvement potential.
A screenshot of the program is also attached.
Pls let me know what you think about it.
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Indeed as an Ultralight-Gyroplane-Pilot I like this app and since the Horizon-tab in GPS-Tracker by MooNah doesn´t work right now this could be alternative as a a last resort-backup if glass-cockpit instruments (MGL-Avionics) fail ...... (better to have this than nothing at all and I also have Flymap PPC on my HD2 if main Moving map Nav. fails)
This app has great potential since it reads the infos from G-sensor and GPS.
For the future dev. if I might add my wishlist:
1. Add to screen: slide-indicator and compass, Altitude
2. slightly more refined graphics
As a start: BRAVO, hope You have the patience to go on developing this nice app ( like Dunc001, that made in 100s of hours of work a professional weather app - Duncans Weather Panel - see there - that is more reliable than many professional aviation weather briefings).
I bookmarked this thread and hope for further developments by U
like the Android solution ixGyro:
JHimmelbauer said:
like the Android solution ixGyro:
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Jepp, EXACTLY THIS would be cool on the HD2 on WinMo (Android not running on mine) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
troed said:
Jepp, EXACTLY THIS would be cool on the HD2 on WinMo (Android not running on mine) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Click to collapse
a other solution for Windows Mobile is "Inclinometer77" -
This App goes in the right direction, but unfortunately not to use without Gyro in a Plane, but a nice game for pilots ;-)
Happy Landings

New App: TimeCalc - Time addition calculator (hh:mm:ss etc)

UPDATED TO VERSION 1.2 (NOTE: I'd put this in the market but I don't have $25 or a credit card!)
new version 1.2 released
summary of changes:
- fixed screen rotation bug (running total and current entry are remembered when screen rotates)
- much better layout (fonts are far bigger for example)
- major new feature - minus calculation. You can now add AND subtract time values. It can't yet handle a negative result so if it will go negative it just displays 0:0:0 (time equivalent of zero).
back to the original posting:
Out of the desire to write an app for android finally, and one that hasn't been done yet (at least not free that I can find on the market currently), and out of a necessity for just this kind of app since I work in music often and calculators are useless for hh:mm:ss types of addition, I decided to write what I feel is a truly useful utility.
of course it's free - but no I'm not releasing the source code. It sucks, and I'm just learning android development, and I just want to get this out there on the market sometime soon (but don't have the required $25 to pay for that yet!)
so here it is. I hope people find this useful.
Name: TimeCalc
What it is: Time addition calculator (hh:mm:ss etc)
requirements: Android phone. I developed it on 1.5 devkit and it runs fine in 1.5 emulator. on my 2.1 hero phone (official 2.1 taiwan rom) it runs perfectly too.
What you can do:
type in a time as seconds, minutes:seconds, or hours:minutes:seconds.
now hit the + button (which is plus or equals depending on how you think about it LoL). It adds the time you just entered to the total time value displayed. If that was your first entry, it just makes the total time value equal to what you entered.
Do this again. new total time.
Now it also does subtraction.
times are always displayed in h:m:s format. you can mix and match entries - 5555:555 will be 5555 minutes and 555 seconds. if you had no total before and hit the + button it will now display 94:44:15 in the total box (I got that from running my app on my phone so I hope it's correct LoL...
Cheers, have fun people.
I've seen lots of requests for this all over the web.
filesize is all of 13.2 kb. no menu, nothing. just run the app. no custom icon yet. no versioned yet, but hell it's alpha code. however it DOES work and I just used it for cd track listing summing for one of my jobs.
I made the buttons sort of big so typing should be easy. it's go ZERO extra features. when I have more than 2 hours to write an entire app out of nothing I'll add more too it, so I welcome bug reports, feedback, ideas, and so on please!!
- I think it would be great to add multiplication. multiply a bizarre time value by 3 or something and it gets complicated to do in one's head, might as well use this calculator. For example: Manager has 7 human resources who can each dedicate 5 and a half hours to a project. How many hours will that give the manager? Stuff like that could be helpful.
- I am considering adding an additional spot for days. I suppose it could be useful. However it gets complex - days can be many things. 8 hour work days (which aren't always even really 8 hours), 24 hours, 16 hours (awake time), etc. So I have to think about this one.
- copy to clipboard (could be nice I guess)
- a custom icon (might as well)
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UPDATE: this bug is fixed in version 1.2 (at start of this thread)
I found a bug in my own app. When the screen rotates my app clears the total.
Will have to fix that!
Just be careful not to turn phone during a long sum or you'll be upset!
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[GAME][2.3.3+] Connect Four with assisted mode

What is this
A very simple implementation of the connect four game, probably far from optimal, using a minimax with alpha-beta-cutoff.
Devices/Systems tested
- HTC sensation (pyramid) with stock GB, ICS and several custom JB ROMs
- Xiaomi Mi3 (pisces) with MIUI5 JB 4.2
needs in the same eclipse workspace to compile
Why yet another boring connect four game? Well, a friend of mine had a very challenging assignment at university (for she is not studying computer sciences but something else): implement connect four including an AI on matlab. She asked me for help. So in order to get a grip on the subject, I first wrote it down in plain Java. This helped a lot for explaining her later what she had to do in matlab. Having a java version of this game lying around, nicely separated in gamelogic and gui package, I thought why not create an alternative android gui ... and here it is.
What's special
Assisted mode -- as this was originally meant for learning, I included a mode where the AI also runs for the human player and visualizes the scores. So you can always have the answer to "what would the computer do now, and why?". I found this actually helps understanding the game a little better and discovering threatening constellations on the board -- you can use it to train your connect-four skills
- Moved project to github
- Make it build with newest Android SDK Tools (22.3)
- Added Icon
- Lost keystore (*#!%!) so doesn't update from v1.0
- Initial version
Plain Java version
Assisted mode explained
(See attached screenshot)
The buttons marked with an "O" are the suggested moves. If there is more than one button marked, it means they have the exact same score (the AI player would choose one randomly in that case).
The color of the buttons indicates the score, on a continuous color scale reaching from:
Plain green -- a very clever or winning move
Yellow -- a neutral move
Red -- a very bad, directly losing or impossible move
Did a maintenance release, just ensuring it builds with recent tools -- and finally added an icon

[Q] OCR library/class for Android (2.6 or 4.0)

I have managed to create some basic Android apps for myself, and have development expericence, but would like to know if anyone knows of a (preferably free) OCR library/class for Android. I'm thinking 2.6+ but I don't mind if it's 4.0+. At this stage it's just for my own use.
Some background - I have a device which displays and controls the current temperature of my pottery kiln. A picture of it is attached. It displays the current temperature (in red) and set temperature (in green) of the kiln, and turns the kiln on/off via a contactor according to a temperature ramp I set.
What I want to do is to log the temperature of the kiln over the whole firing (8 to 10+ hours or so). I currently do this manually, but it's a pain to go out to the kiln every hour or so, plus the time resolution isn't that great.
I had the idea of doing a time lapse recording on my phone using LapseIt, but I'd have to manually look at each image captured and enter in the temperatures into a list or spreadsheet etc.
So, I'd like to be able to leave my phone (Samsung Galaxy S2) in front of the device, and photograph and OCR the display every 10 minutes or so. This can then be saved to a CSV or similar on the phone for later analysis.
I have the foundations for such an application, in that the graphing, CSV saving/editing, are all in place, but I'm stuck at the OCR point.
Ideally what I'd like to do is to just call an OCR function, and receive text back, e.g. it could return "1022 1080" and then I can easily grab the changing temperature.
I can't find any such library though - this is what I need help with. Does anyone know of suitable library, or at least one that will allow me to OCR the image somehow?
Hope I have explained this clearly,

