[GAME][2.3.3+] Connect Four with assisted mode - Android Apps and Games

What is this
A very simple implementation of the connect four game, probably far from optimal, using a minimax with alpha-beta-cutoff.
Devices/Systems tested
- HTC sensation (pyramid) with stock GB, ICS and several custom JB ROMs
- Xiaomi Mi3 (pisces) with MIUI5 JB 4.2
needs https://github.com/Zirias/java_game_p4j in the same eclipse workspace to compile
Why yet another boring connect four game? Well, a friend of mine had a very challenging assignment at university (for she is not studying computer sciences but something else): implement connect four including an AI on matlab. She asked me for help. So in order to get a grip on the subject, I first wrote it down in plain Java. This helped a lot for explaining her later what she had to do in matlab. Having a java version of this game lying around, nicely separated in gamelogic and gui package, I thought why not create an alternative android gui ... and here it is.
What's special
Assisted mode -- as this was originally meant for learning, I included a mode where the AI also runs for the human player and visualizes the scores. So you can always have the answer to "what would the computer do now, and why?". I found this actually helps understanding the game a little better and discovering threatening constellations on the board -- you can use it to train your connect-four skills
- Moved project to github
- Make it build with newest Android SDK Tools (22.3)
- Added Icon
- Lost keystore (*#!%!) so doesn't update from v1.0
- Initial version
Plain Java version
Here: http://home.palmen-it.de/~felix/stuff/p4j.jar

Assisted mode explained
(See attached screenshot)
The buttons marked with an "O" are the suggested moves. If there is more than one button marked, it means they have the exact same score (the AI player would choose one randomly in that case).
The color of the buttons indicates the score, on a continuous color scale reaching from:
Plain green -- a very clever or winning move
Yellow -- a neutral move
Red -- a very bad, directly losing or impossible move

Did a maintenance release, just ensuring it builds with recent tools -- and finally added an icon


Mathematic Algebra Software (cas)

I' m looking for a mathimatical software for my HTC S620. It's pretty hard to find something for wm5 smartphone edition.
I could't install qdCAS, because it's for ppc the same as TI Emulator.
I've also found some j2me apps jasymca (compatibel to maxima) and FnattLabME (compatbile to Matlab). But I could not get it to run. there is just a blanc screen. other java apps are working just fine, so my java engine isn't messed up. Here's the homepage with the documentation
I tried also MobileMath, but I cant set up the keys properly.
Any help or hint would be great
Hi again,
I've found two programs that are native for windows mobile ppc.
qdcas - a frontend for the well known xcas. the desktop version can also execute texas instruments ti-98 and ti-200 voyage programs, may be the ppc version too. an other (better) frontend for xcas is "math table", but it's not for free. xcas is working on wm5 smartphone (S620), But it has no gui. the input/output works through text files. very unconvinient on smartphone. i believe qdcas is open source.
YacasCE - PPC port from yacas. works whith gnuplotCE and you can switch to xcas as the backend. the gui is better than qdcas, because you can point on the function instead typing the commands. further more it has a console with pocketconsole like MSDOS. it doesn't start on s620 at all. the developer doesnt have time for making a sp editon, but he would give the source code for developing it. unfortunatly I don't have programming skills in c++, eVC, visual studio 2005.
can some one port one of these apps to wm5 sp, please?
regards Joeboy
I wrote simple program for constractions of graphics (Now it is beta version). It includes some functions for analysing graphics (Root, Max, Min, integral...)
Requares Compact Framework 2.0
SGregory said:
I wrote simple program for constractions of graphics (Now it is beta version). It includes some functions for analysing graphics (Root, Max, Min, integral...)
Requares Compact Framework 2.0
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i'll try it out, but it's actually not what I need.
It seems you've programmer skills. maybe you wanna port qdcas or yacasCE to wm smartphone?
Smart Algebra
I wrote new version of my Qraf program. Now it is Smart Algebra. This program is for construction of schedules and symbolical calculations (i.e. to some extent analogue of desktop mathematical systems like MathCad, MatLab).
Possibilities Smart Algebra (Old name Qraf):
Mode of construction of schedules:
- Works in modes 240*320 and 320*240.
- Construction simultaneously to nine schedules (at each schedule it is possible to choose colour).
- Trace - tracking function allows to move the index under the schedule and to read out values functions.
- Box - will draw a framework round the necessary area, then this area will be increased
- Automatic change of scale
- Out/In scale change according to factors set in Factor.
- QUICK - fast change of scale (Some the set scales).
- Calculator - the unpretentious calculator.
- Graphical solve - a finding of roots, function extrema, and integrals graphically. Also it is possible to find crossings of 2 functions.
- Picture - removal of a screenshot of the screen (Keeps the image in a folder \My Documents).
- Support of construction of schedules in polar co-ordinates.
- construction of schedules set in a parametrical kind. (For this purpose in the field of input it is necessary to enter two functions through a semicolon (";")).
- Supported functions: sin, cos, tg, ln, log, sh, ch, th, exp, acos, asin, atg, int, frac, abs.
Mode of symbolical calculations:
Heap (!) Functions, among the other:
- integration
- differentiation
- decomposition Taylor
- decomposition on a multiplier
- solve of the equations, including transcendental
- calculation of limits
- work with matrixes, vectors-...
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For work it is necessary Compact Framework 2.0
Program reflected as analogue of the program of construction of schedules of calculator Casio Algebra FX2.0. At present it beta the version, also is realised not all. At the heart of a symbolical part system xcas. A minus of the given realisation - slow work... As Help I apply a file aide_cas in which there are examples of use and the description of all functions (to Open a notebook). May be in the future I will make normal help in the program.
I will be glad if Smart Algebra to somebody it will be useful.
Download - http://rapidshare.com/files/144661869/Smart_Algebra.cab.html

FUN APP: HD2 Pilot Flight Display using GPS

For all those flight-sim enthusiasts out there: I have created this PFD (primary flight display) which shows the speed, the altitude the coards and the attitude similar to a real PFD display in an airplane cockpit.
Although the application has been created and tested on an HTC HD2, it might work on other devices as well. Internel or external GPS and the HTC G-Sensor are required. It is planned to add a serial communication channel to a PC server component which allows to use this little proggy with MS Flight Simulator displaying the flight parameters so you can get rid of the cockpit panel on your primary display.
Just keep in mind that this is the first version of the program, so there might be *some* improvement potential.
A screenshot of the program is also attached.
Pls let me know what you think about it.
As a pilot I cannot find any sense in this, sorry m8.
Useless for aviation.
Useful might be an HSI-App, an RAIM-availability-check-App, a NOTAM-APP and so on. An artificial horizon on a handheld device... No, not good...
Title correction...
It is just for fun, not intended for real world aviation.
I will change the title so that it becomes more clear.
As an airbus pilot I like it! Lots of scope for further development, keep up the good work !
when I read your discrip, I had something totaly dif pictured in my mind. guess Im falling back on my sail plane lesson days.
I had round face dial and a yaw bubble pictured.
While this is cool, I would prefer to see the old analog style with an altimeter that you can set your start altitude and a yaw bubble, rather than the HUD style. just IMO.
And yes this is just for fun.
Keep it up, I will follow your project with intrest.
Good Work mate
While some are critical in their opinion I'm pleased with your app.
Keep up the good work mate and for all others who are not so encouraging ...... what do you want for an app a full blown flight simulator, the guys making an effort to develop something and sharing it for a free with us so to help him out at least .... I mean at least encourage him and make some constructive criticisms.
It doesn't cost to be nice and help to motivate others...........
Customize it
Just as a hint for those of you, who would want to use other bitmaps. I have designed the application in a way which allows you to modify or extend it. If you look into the applications program folder, you will find an XML file describing the layout of the display. You may also change or add bitmaps. The bitmaps are all located in the
subfolder. If you change the size of the offset of bitmaps, you will have to adjust some values in the XML file as well.
As you can see there all items are drawn in 3d space.
However, I am working on a HSI as suggested before. I will post it later this week.
Known issue:
- After running the application 3 or 4 times, OpenGL is not working properly anymore (not able to create rendering context). This is an issue of OpenGL. You have to restart your device for OpenGL to work again. If anyone has a solution, please let me know.
leihen said:
It is planned to add a serial communication channel to a PC server component which allows to use this little proggy with MS Flight Simulator displaying the flight parameters so you can get rid of the cockpit panel on your primary display.
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That would be awesome!
Cool app
Certainly would be better than no attitude information in the event of a vacuum and/or elec failure.Even if just to make flying the performance instruments a bit easier.
I would defintely like to see a HSI app possibly with an open (editable)waypoint database.Anyone interested!?
Keep up the good work!
I love it. Thanks so much...
I just wonder if settings could be made permanent until being changed again so as to start the application without my having to select REAL and AVERAGE everytime.
And as a proud HTC HD2 owner, the display could me made much
larger indeed...
Congratulations and thanks again.
This is a fine app with a lot of potential esp. for UL-pilots as an emergency backup if UL-airplane-pfd fails.
Would be nice if indicators are bigger and the layout equals to Flymap, Skymap or MGL-layout
There is enough place for a nice big yaw indicator. Maybe You can get some code from GPS-tracker V2.0 (MooNah) in this forum, it already has a full working PFD incorporated.
Good luck with further devs., when next version is online I will try it in my gyroplane.
I think it's fun!!!!!
next step: build a flightsim for wm where we could use this
You will be in real danger....if you do so.
troed said:
This is a fine app with a lot of potential esp. for UL-pilots as an emergency backup if UL-airplane-pfd fails.
Would be nice if indicators are bigger and the layout equals to Flymap, Skymap or MGL-layout
There is enough place for a nice big yaw indicator. Maybe You can get some code from GPS-tracker V2.0 (MooNah) in this forum, it already has a full working PFD incorporated.
Good luck with further devs., when next version is online I will try it in my gyroplane.
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As you will easily see, this PFD horizon responds to gravity, that is, to the accelerometers installed in the phone.
It has no gyros, no way to provide PITCH ATTITUDE, WHATSOEVER.
If you keep the phone perfectly vertical and quickly move forward (accelerate) it will SURELY show a pitch up...pretty much the same effects that a stand-by compass shows when changing speed (remember that?...accelerate-north, decelerate-south).
You will have the very same pitch information as the one given by a bottle full
af water suspended from a string, or a can of Coke : and it will KILL YOU as well as your passengers (if any), not to mention people on the ground.
The only usable parts of this FUN APP (as named by the author himself ) in aviation are:
1. True track (not magnetic heading).
2. Altitude (neither QNH, nor QFE related, but of course; unless your flying field happens to be at sea level and actual atmosphere matches the ISA atmosphere parameters exactly). Remember that QNH variations as well as heat will make the GPS readings very different to that of your altimeter, as height of the air column will vary a +/-4% every +/-10 degrees Celsius.
Example. Airplane flying at Flight Level 300. QNH in the area 1023. Terrain at 2000 feet. Atmosphere is ISA+15.
Therefore if we move the 1013.25 setting to 1023 there will be a reading increase from 30.000 feet to 30300 (calibrated altitude, QNH related).
That is 28.300 feet above ground (we start with this as the air column height for the calculation). Since ISA is +15 we add 15/10 times 4% and we have 28300*15/10*4/100= 1698. True altitude is 30300+1698=31988
So we are cruising at FL300, 30.000 feet pressure altitude, 30.300 feet calibrated altitude (QNH related), 31988 above sea level, 29988 feet above ground level.
3. Ground speed ( neither IAS nor CAS nor EAS nor TAS), as provided by GPS system. Remember that your airplane aerodynamics are related to calibrated speeds....you will stall if too slow ore destroy the airframe if to quick !!!! But you can navigate and make good your track, of course.
Hope I have made myself understood....and that you read this at the earlier !!!
It quite very good if the second part under we have the route. I am using the Oziexplore program, it can creates the route, and apear on screen. if this soft applied to that once, could be perfected!
great app mate..just for fun...
Nice work thank you. On future can you make like pilot cocpit with all dash boards like in Flith simulator game if this possible. Thank you
leihen said:
For all those flight-sim enthusiasts out there: I have created this PFD (primary flight display) which shows the speed, the altitude the coards and the attitude similar to a real PFD display in an airplane cockpit.
Although the application has been created and tested on an HTC HD2, it might work on other devices as well. Internel or external GPS and the HTC G-Sensor are required. It is planned to add a serial communication channel to a PC server component which allows to use this little proggy with MS Flight Simulator displaying the flight parameters so you can get rid of the cockpit panel on your primary display.
Just keep in mind that this is the first version of the program, so there might be *some* improvement potential.
A screenshot of the program is also attached.
Pls let me know what you think about it.
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Indeed as an Ultralight-Gyroplane-Pilot I like this app and since the Horizon-tab in GPS-Tracker by MooNah doesn´t work right now this could be alternative as a a last resort-backup if glass-cockpit instruments (MGL-Avionics) fail ...... (better to have this than nothing at all and I also have Flymap PPC on my HD2 if main Moving map Nav. fails)
This app has great potential since it reads the infos from G-sensor and GPS.
For the future dev. if I might add my wishlist:
1. Add to screen: slide-indicator and compass, Altitude
2. slightly more refined graphics
As a start: BRAVO, hope You have the patience to go on developing this nice app ( like Dunc001, that made in 100s of hours of work a professional weather app - Duncans Weather Panel - see there - that is more reliable than many professional aviation weather briefings).
I bookmarked this thread and hope for further developments by U
like the Android solution ixGyro:
JHimmelbauer said:
like the Android solution ixGyro:
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Jepp, EXACTLY THIS would be cool on the HD2 on WinMo (Android not running on mine) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
troed said:
Jepp, EXACTLY THIS would be cool on the HD2 on WinMo (Android not running on mine) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a other solution for Windows Mobile is "Inclinometer77" -
visit http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6677074
This App goes in the right direction, but unfortunately not to use without Gyro in a Plane, but a nice game for pilots ;-)
Happy Landings

[Q] REQ Darts App

Hey Folks,
I love playing darts but I´m really tired of counting the scores the whole time...
Does anyone of you know an app that can do this for me and my mates? It would be great if this app offers different gametypes such as 501, 301, cricket and so on.
Hmmm, it shouldn't be too hard to create an app that can do this (if you've got Visual Studio, maybe an express edition might be enough). After all isn't scoring in darts just multiple rounds of subtraction (with... a "logic" step at the end to prevent a negative score)?
Heh, correct me if I'm wrong since my only exposure to darts has been GTAIV
Although it'd be awesome if the background was an image of a blackboard and the numbers written in chalk (been playing too much GTAIV I spose).
EDIT: When you say "501, 301, cricket" do you mean different dart game types or different sports altogether since I know that cricket is a different sport but not what 501 and 301 are.
EDIT2: Nevermind, good old google revealed that 501, 301 and cricket are indeed all dart game types.
EDIT3: Heh, kinda forgot to answer your original question - there are actually quite a few however they are mostly paid apps and I'm not sure about compatability with WM6.5, but this is what I've found (I bascially just googled for "dart score WM"):
Someone said (http://www.modaco.com/content/pocket-pc-software/264953/darts-scorer-program/#entry0) that this one crashed (though its free): http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-the-count-v1-0.html but the link appears broken.
This seems to be an online scoring system: http://uniscore.unicorn-darts.com/
Another one here (paid): http://download.cnet.com/Dart-Scorekeeper/3000-2056_4-10955810.html
I'd like a app like this . I've got visual studio but not sure where to start . I'll give it ago .
iainbp said:
I'd like a app like this . I've got visual studio but not sure where to start . I'll give it ago .
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Heh, was supposed to give it a go myself but I've become a bit too busy recently.
Anyways what you'll have to do is to install the Windows Mobile 6.5 SDK then you'll be able to build applications for it. Ummm, not sure where I found the instructions I used but this should do: http://www.smartmobiledevice.co.uk/HowTo/DeployToWM65
I assume you know how to use Visual Studio to make VB.net/C# applications. Its pretty much the same process, except you'll have to be smart about how much space you use (mobile phones have small screens )
You'll need to have VS2008 or VS2005 since VS2010 apparently doesn't support anything other than WP OS 7 (when it comes to mobile OS development, AFAIK).
I actually wanted to try making a nice "graphical" app, say use an image of a blackboard and have the letters drawn on with chalk (just like in GTA4). But from googling around it doesn't seem possible to do (at least not without building to WP7 since you can use silverlight/expression blend there to make all sorts of pretty things).
EDIT: Finally decided to give it a good bash. Still have to work out how I'm going to code the 'meat' of it i.e. the game scoring bit. Probably going to use a loop to constantly subtract - not sure if this will work for the cricket game type.
I must say feature creep is a big problem. At first I was not going to bother having customisable "names" but for some reason I went ahead and coded it (and it sure was a pain to do so).
Now I'm thinking of having a save/load feature so that you can save a game halfway through or load a previously completed game... but I really don't think I will, so make sure you finish your games (I might add a "custom starting score" feature so that if you remember who had what score, you could resume).
Ok, decided to make a new post (bump!) since I've got something reasonably stable to release.
So here it is, along with a screenshot. I've removed the options screen from the previous version since it really wasn't doing that much. Oh and I haven't programmed the "Cricket" game type yet since it seems alot more complicated than simply substracting scores.
I've also gone and changed the application icon from the previous version.
Heres some other things which I've picked up during my testing:
Known Issue 05: If you press the Windows button while running 'Dart A Score', it will take you out of the app. Press the "X" to return/bring Dart A Score back into focus.
Known Issue 06: If you press the Home or Back buttons while running 'Dart A Score' it will take you out of the app. Use task manager to "swtich" back.
Known Issue 09: If you close 'Dart A Score' via the task manager, you may not be able to relaunch it. Softreset your phone [not sure why, anyone?]
Known Issue 11: After selecting who starts the game, you cannot easily go back since the game asks you to enter the score for the first turn immediatley. Either enter a turn or enter nothing (get an error) to see Form 3/Main game and then press the "Back" softkey. Done by design. [may reimplement the options screen with a toggle for this]
Known Issue 12: The game does not detect a winner immediatey (score of 0). When a player reaches the score of 0 you press the "Next turn" button for the game to detect it. [will have to fix this in a later version, maybe]
Known Issue 13: The buttons on the dialouge box, that pops up after the game has detected a winner, do nothing. These controls are yet to be programmed. Press "OK" or "Cancel" on the dialouge box then press the "Back" softkey to start a new game. [yep, gonna have to implement this too]
Known Issue X: The keyboard does not automatically switch to numeric mode when the user is asked to input a score. [don't think I can fix this as it requires the use of "native code" (I think)]
Possible future features:
00: Implement a check so that only valid dart scores are possible. Probably not.
00: Implement custom names with persistant storage (i.e. write out/read in from a text file). [Going to be alot of work]

[GAME][UPDATED][25-11-2010] Pokemon Game for android V3.7 (wvga,hvga and qvga)

Hello friends,
This is my second app for android. So i decided to do a simple game. Its a pokemon battle game. Its still under developmental stage. But the basic concept has been designed. I need your feedbacks to work more on this..
And currently i dont have a device to test it. but it works fine on a emulator.So please test it.
Now its available in market place too. so please try it and RATE IT
-elite 4 is built
-added some more pokemons
-potions heal stamina too
Download link
-no more bugs
-all cities have different colour now
-all 8 cities are built
-new pokemons
-50+ pokemons
-pc box to store pokemons
-zapdos added
-added new cities
-added new pokmons
-added stamina bar
-bugs fixed
-now you can buy potions
v3.0.1(MAJOR update)
-works on all screens
-added map
-save and load function
-pokemart added
-added many pokemons
-health bar added
How to install:
1)download the PokemonGmaeWVGAv1.2.apk file
2)put the file in Android\AndroidApps
1)Copy the file to storage card
2)Install it using your file explorer
Coolio. Just some quick comments.
-Installs fine on my Vibrant running Fusion 1.1 and Jacs kernel.
-Placement is unclear of which hp points belong to which Pokemon.
-the "You lose" box pops up after the select a poke ball box.
Hope that helps.
Mobility... www.MemosWorld.com
memorito said:
Coolio. Just some quick comments.
-Installs fine on my Vibrant running Fusion 1.1 and Jacs kernel.
-Placement is unclear of which hp points belong to which Pokemon.
-the "You lose" box pops up after the select a poke ball box.
Hope that helps.
Mobility... www.MemosWorld.com
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Thanks for your Quick Reply.
Fixed !!!! just check now
Installing on my Vibrant running Bionix Fusion 1.1
Works perfect, well done! Dell Streak running 2.1
Be ready for Nintendo to slap this with a cease and desist. They are notorious for killing fan-made Pokemon projects.
I just downloaded it, but I installed it simply with an filemanager without rebooting.
It works fine on my Samsung Galaxy S I9000, keep on working
I tried it on my MyTouch 3G loads fine however it seems my phone dont work with it well. I only see part of the screen, nice work though.
Nice game app & works fine on N1. Good Job!
Downloading, will report back
Works fine on Droid Incredible. Needs to be more interaction though. Looks like a good start.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Just downloaded and installed it as I would've done with any other app and it works fine.
Bit boring though
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Downloaded and installed through default app manager with no reboot. Works well, the only issue I saw was when you 'win the tournament' theres a typo.
Galaxy S Captivate running cognition
Just want to say, it's spelled "Vine whip"
Just installed on my SGS, seems like everythings working.
1) As stated above its spelled "Vine Whip" not "vine wipe"
2) The layout is hideous. I mean your Pokemon's HP and your pokemon should be on the left side VS the opponent's stats and opponents picture on the right. Right now its too cluttered and confusing.
3) "YOU WON and Dou you want to continue" - self explanatory
4) All moves names should be in capital or first letter in capitol
5) Game has no icon/picture (when installed you just have the vanilla android box and "Pokemon" written beneath)
6) Quite plain/boring ... there is nothing going for it at the moment
7) I have some ideas on how to make this very cool, stay tuned for my reply
very nice concept, but watch out for copyright infringements!
ekin said:
Just installed on my SGS, seems like everythings working.
1) As stated above its spelled "Vine Whip" not "vine wipe"
2) The layout is hideous. I mean your Pokemon's HP and your pokemon should be on the left side VS the opponent's stats and opponents picture on the right. Right now its too cluttered and confusing.
3) "YOU WON and Dou you want to continue" - self explanatory
4) All moves names should be in capital or first letter in capitol
5) Game has no icon/picture (when installed you just have the vanilla android box and "Pokemon" written beneath)
6) Quite plain/boring ... there is nothing going for it at the moment
7) I have some ideas on how to make this very cool, stay tuned for my reply
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Also, while it did run on my Hero, it did start off slow and with a FC message, but I told it to wait. Obv because the Hero is not WVGA (at least I don't think it is) the display was cropped in very odd ways. I had about 1/2 of the Tackle command. Anyway.
Especially since you are using licensed images, Nintendo is going to tell you to stop. My suggestion? Keep trying to do what you're doing, but change the names and pictures. Draw stick figures if you have to. Rename Squirtle to Squortle or something. Call it Pokepon. Better though to change course now while you don't have much and you haven't been C&D'd yet.
Good luck
I dont own an android device but isnt there a gba emulator? and wouldn't it be better playing it on that?
Thanks, gonna try this on my Evo!
Not as interactive as I thought, but it's headed in the right direction.
nathanielray said:
Also, while it did run on my Hero, it did start off slow and with a FC message, but I told it to wait. Obv because the Hero is not WVGA (at least I don't think it is) the display was cropped in very odd ways. I had about 1/2 of the Tackle command. Anyway.
Especially since you are using licensed images, Nintendo is going to tell you to stop. My suggestion? Keep trying to do what you're doing, but change the names and pictures. Draw stick figures if you have to. Rename Squirtle to Squortle or something. Call it Pokepon. Better though to change course now while you don't have much and you haven't been C&D'd yet.
Good luck
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Yeah you should take that advice.
1) Change the name to PockeMon
2) Keep the pokemons' names original (Squirtle, Bulbasaur etc) ... Nintendo cannot do anything about this
3) Change the pictures of every pokemon to fan made ones (obviously Nintendo cannot own fan made illustrations or intellectual property) and you can find heaps on the internet just Google for it.
4) Now that we've established this, also do not use anything Nintendo owns (you can find alternatives on the internet) ... with these modifications you wont get a C&D warning.
5) Food for thought; if this is all that your game is going to do it will be a let down. You can scrap the project OR go ahead with just these gameplay = dissapointment OR expand!
6) Expand to make your game an action-strategy Pockemon game!
Make it a 2.5D game based on an isometric view.
+The player controls the movement of the animal/monster with the Trackball/keyboard(GameGripper)
+The player has 4 available moves that are on-screen buttons
+1 button is to evade attacks; jump OR fly (birds) OR dig (certain pockemons like diglet)
+3 buttons are customizable for attacks (eg tackle, ember, sandattack)
+There is a stamina bar (instead of attack limits) and each attack costs differed stamina from your bar but your bar slowly increases when used
+Hitting the trackball/defined key pauses the arena and goes into your inventory where you can choose (Change Pet, Rations, Retreat match)
And what you have is a strategic game that forces you (action) to control your pet, which gives the game a totally different experience from Pokemon games (Red, Blue, Silver etc) but one that is also quite fun!
To illustrate what I mean have a look at this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qumqqJfIJzI @6:30
....now imagine that type of graphics (ie sprites) on an isometric-scroller view instead of side-scroller
eg/ like this but doesn't have to be fancy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssbty-EWrGY&feature=related
but more like this in a 2.5D sprite (so it would run smoothly on most devices) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzR9llkD_bg&feature=related @4:40
Such an App would be sweet especially if you have a Nexus One (trackball), GameGripper device, or the HTC Dream (trackball and keys)
And if anyone is interested, such a Pockemon arena game could be expanded further
1) Let the each Action button glow depending if your pet has enough stamina for that move (hence why the evade/jump button will always be lit)
2) Allow an "arcade mode" where you battle enemies that constantly come unto your screen (eg like the SNES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game)
3) Allow the player to win money (to buy new pets/rations from the PockeStore) and win experience points and show off your pet within the App
4) Allow a multiplayer mode where you battle against people that are online (your friend/strangers) via 3G/wifi
And expand further?
1) Now make this game into an RPG like the originals but using the isometric-view (eg like the PSX Digimon game) and add in all the elements from the original.
2) Include "Pockeballs" in the PockeStore
3) Include accessories in the PockeStore (ie armour, weapons, customisations etc)
And a way to "go beyond"
1) Open up the "Trading Post" where you can put your stuff/pets for sale... and conversely browse and buy stuff/pets from other members that made a listing.
2) Link the entire game to Facebook so that your achievements are loaded on your Wall, add your Friends, gift money/stuff/pets to other members, view your Friends pets and achievements (but not their stuff), Send "Challenges" where you define a time where you both must be online and battle (hard to explain in words)
3) Constantly increase the PockeWorld by adding new places to go/dominate, new Pets to catch and buy, new stuff to buy ... but still keeping everything simple
4) Never allow other players to be in the PockeWorld (ie all other MMORFs/RPG's like WoW). Keep it a fun (but long) Singleplayer game with a Multiplayer ability that is quite complimentary. So this would keep things less like other RPG's and more fun (compared to them) but also stupidly simple that anyone can play eg/ Granparent vs Granchild = fight!
... this would be like FarmVille for Android only better XD
And there is nothing to do beyond this


TheXSample - SXELROM v2.0 for JXD S7300B
This is a summary of the original article (in Spanish) is in my blog .
For updates on this article, I suggest visiting one of the links above.
04/02/2013: Patch_Xsample_2.1.rar
Mirror Mega
Change log:
Tincore KeyMapper
AutoProfiles. By enabling this option, the KeyMapper automatically load profiles, depending on the application that is running in the foreground.
AXIS Investment Selection
Dialogos selection list of options
Elimination of unnecessary controls
UI Enhancements (simpler interface)
Better integration Holo
Scalable Icons
Component Selection pressing physical controls
Renaming profiles
Exporting profiles *
Importing profiles *
* With these options opens the possibility to share applications among users profiles.
Driver Tincore
Acceleration of the driver
Investment AXES
Accelerometer support *
Fixed some bugs
Support for specific calibration D-PAD **
Added hot-key [VOL-] & [L2] to reset current profile ***
* Now you can assign horizontal or vertical tilt to one of the axes of the sticks. With this option, you can play many N64 or PSX titles (preferably on emulators that support analog), and the inclination to use the console to control the action in games. Example: Mario Kart 64 may play a "Wiimote Style" or Forsaken, can be controlled by tilting the tablet.
The D-PAD ** console, as already explained is analog, but which behaves as digital.
There is a problem with the D-PAD and their center (neutral position) is shifted to the right, so the analog calibration can influence the response of the D-PAD, for example, that in some games and emulators respond correctly to one side, usually to the left.
To avoid this, in games / emulators that specifically use a d-pad instead of analog, recalibrate the driver is suggested to use the D-pad as the main entrance. To do this, simply open the tool and select "Calibrate" in the Stick 0, and use the D-PAD to calibrate the device.
Note: The calibration is stored in the profile of the game, so it will not affect other profiles created with KeyMapper.
*** This combo is useful if you experiment problems or get stucked with your current keymapper layout. You can use in any time to reset profile to <RESET TO DEFAULT> values.
Having installed the rom-SXELROM TheXSample v2.0 before installing this patch.
Unzip the zip in the root of the microSD
Start the console with [Vol +] and [POWER] and select "Apply upadte from EXT".
Select the patch you want to apply:
- Patch1200
- Patch1320
- Patch1500
App is installed in the data, that is, as user application, and eliminates the above.
List of changes
Here is a short list of changes included in this version of firmware.
Later in this article, there is a section with extended information about these changes.
New kernel changes allowing more CPU settings and more conservative values ??(donation version includes SetCPU)
This includes new governors set for the console hardware
Minor changes in memory management.
NTFS writing enabled.
Speed ??1.2GHz default rom
All changes to the stock rom v1.7, as the inclusion of the new Full Screen option
Tincore Driver
Support for multi-directional swipes.
All controls can be swipe-type (Support up to 20 swipes configured simultaneously)
Establishment of standard joystick driver for the device. It works and is recognized by the system as analog joystick 4 axes and 16 buttons
Improvements and optimizations in the driver code, to get even less lag.
New algorithm for pointer modes sensitivities
Support for remapping keys
(Dead Trigger mode driver with Joystick)
(Temple Run using the full interface with console controls)
Tincore KeyMapper
Changes and improvements in the user interface of the tool
Improved display rotation tool wing pair.
Self adjusting menus always leave visible objects / widgets on screen
Defining swipes using drag & drop, to start and end points
Simplification in the definition of areas for pointer modes
Highlighting groups of objects / widgets
Calibration Sticks in two modes: Auto and Manual
Basic implementation for remapping controls for mode "Key"
(Modern Combat 4 Touch mode, with Swipes activated to switch weapons)
(Nova 3 Touch mode, with Swipes activated to switch weapons. You can see that there are no breaks in the 360 ??º turns, and changing weapon swipe too fast)
Download Links
TheXSample - SXELROM v2.0
Rom - Google Docs Mirror (GDrive)
Patch speeds and Swap
Patch - Mega Mirror
Patch - Mediafire Mirror
Many people involved directly and indirectly in the development of this Rom: Christian Troy, fun_, Lomax, fuser-invent, Tincore, Namco69, Yoshi41, Skelton, Deen0X and who stay to name.
Special mention of Durruti, inspiration especially for TheXSample and Tincore
I hope this rom will please and utility of those who wish to try.
=============================== Older Versions ===============================
TheXSample - SXELROM v1.0 para JXD S7300B
Usage of this article
Usage of this article is alowed by copy or link reference to anyone with the only condition of keeping original author and a reference to the original source of this review. The mentioned reference is the following:
Source and Updates of the info from this article.
Original (in Spanish) is in my blog.
For updates I suggest to visit any of the mentioned links.
About this article
This article is a summarized version and only contains the most relevant features..
To read the full article check the previous link
(SXELROM beta, showing some features)
Only features present
at the time of the writing of this review are listed.
(Separate external and internal mount points)
Based on Skelrom v1.0 for JXDS7300B, private 1.4stock firmware sources and JXD 1.5. Includes all Skelrom and last official firmware fixes.
Clean code. Official sources only. No alien code.
New mount points. Now internal and external mount points are at the same level in the filesystem and not one inside the other. Swap is easier.
Deep sleep improvements. WiFi disable when sleep saves a lot of battery.
New Kernel features by Skelton andTincore (check Kernel chapter)
New specific governors tailored to device hardware. Specially new "ondemand" scores more than 10000 Antutu points with console processor running at 1.3GHz (No cpu stress needed)
New "ondemand" governor allows cooler execution.
50Hz to 60Hz screen fix, The same that we suggested JXD to incorporate in his 1.5 firmware (Check screen refresh note)
New Tincore input kernel driver. It provides lower input lag and lots of extra configuration options to support new sticks and buttons operation modes.
"Tincore Keymapper", UI Mapping tool to configure specific input kernel driver options (check Tincore Keymapper chapter)
About new Kernel
This firmware's kernel has been created using JXD 1.4 sources. Those sources, whith some small chanes, have been released as JXD 1.5 firmware.
(new governors added)
More important kernel feautres:
Chanes in CPU and voltage to improve temperature and stability.
Support CIFS/NFS for seamless net shares filesystem mount.
I/O schedulers and NAND optimizations. Improve read/write operations and memory access.
Mali driver optimizations to speed up 2D and increase graphical memory cache buffer.
(Antutu Benchmark result with new firmware improvements, governor “ondemand” and 1.32GHz. Reaching 10000 points which is a bit better than 1.5GHz with performance governor)
About new input kernel driver: Tincore Driver
Tincore provided a new kernel driver to improve latency and support many missing features in original drivers.
(Keymapper, with new features like pointer mode)
Driver improves response times because it is more optimal and faster than the original. This reduces input lag
New driver enables key events for all sticks when mapping tool is disabled, This allows to use right stick as a key pressing digital stick. Because of this it can be used by emulators and games that can be controlled with keyboard.
(Showing some of the new features of the Tincore's Driver)
Keymapper tool features
(Keymapper using original JXD driver)
The new mapping tool supports both JXD driver and, naturally, the new Tincore driver.
The tool supports multiple stick modes (split/combined/pointer...) and allows to define where is the screen pressed when a button or stick is operated.
The tool supports profile save and restore and portrait mode.
Because of its backwards compatibility the tool by itself is a good replacement for the JXD mapping tool. Ley profile support is already a great addition.
Download links
TheXSample - SXELROM v1.0
Rom - Mirror Mega
The patch includes a file folder with different kernels at different speeds (1200, 1320 or 1500 MHz) as well as the possibility of exchanging the SWAP and the external memory and return to conventional partition system JXD. Within each folder is how to install and that is what.
Patch - Mirror Mega
For more updates check original article.
How to install:
Download the file and extract the contents of "TheXSample-SXelrom v1.0 for JXD s7300B.rar" to your sdcard root
With the deviced tunerd off, insert the microsd with the files, press and keep pressed the button [VOL+] and, without releasing, turn on your device with [POWER] button
Keep [VOL+] pressed until you see an android image with a progress bar. The firmware will be installed automatically and at the end of the process the device will reboot.
Your device is updated!
Thanks to:
This firmware has been possible thanks to the work of several persons. All valuable contributions have been in the form of coding, suggestions, testing...
Thanks go to Tincore, Skelton, Christian Troy, fun_, fuser-invent, LomaX, Namco69, Yoshi41, Deen0X and more.
Also thanks to web shops Willgoo y Zococity that provided testing devices that allowed tetst and feedback for the team.
(Because I have more than one console, I was able to perform a series of tests in parallel to obtain useful information that was used in the development of some of the features of the firmware)
I also want to give special thanks to the couples (wives, etc) several of whom have been working on this project, that it takes patience and an understanding that we do this because we love, and we want to share it with more people.
I hope this project is the starting point for more projects of the same type, which are extremely rich in both technical knowledge in general, but especially on a personal level, because in my case I meet interesting people, who always is rewarding and I hope to keep in touch. ^_^
Deen0X / TheXSample
Update, check the first post...
Update, check the first post...

