I posted this a while ago in the dell streak forum, but now owning a galaxy S3 and a Galaxy Tab 10.1 , I feel they would more than cope with this.. So I'm putting it to the field again..
One of my old time favourite pastimes as a teenager.. Basically defender in 3D..
I noticed someone has done a linux remake of it..
But how, if at all, can I install a .tar file to my Streak?? or how could it be modified to run??
Quoted as " maybe better known as "Virus" on the Commodore Amiga. Linux Zarch is one of the very few freely available 3D graphics games available for UNIX/Linux that offer a very decent performance without needing 3D hardware support. "
Hmm, NO 3D support required?? Sounds like a winner.... The archimedes was an ARM based Acorn machine..
Is there an emulator anywhere?? we could run frontier and tempest 2000 maybe too if there was...
Our massive screen would be a great home for this title!!
Does anyone have any constructive advice here please??
"Zarch" was written in three months in 1987 by David Braben as a launch title on Acorn's Archimedes series of computers. Another game, "Lander" was bundled with the machine, which used a cut down version of the landscape from Zarch as a demonstration of the machine's power. It became synonymous with the Archimedes, since it was featured in almost every review of the machine, and is apparently still the best selling title of all time on the Archimedes. The game consisted of a weird craft flying over a rolling patchwork quilt landscape, and many other games since (Zeewolf etc) have copied this technique.
Zarch was exceedingly well reviewed at the time, as most other games were either 2D platformers, or wire-frame 3D - hence the now seemingly amazing tag line on the cover of ACE magazine (now Edge) SOLID 3D - the future of games? Zarch was reviewed with a score of 979 - the highest rating ACE had given at that time (and only subsequently bettered by Virus at 981)
"Virus" built on Zarch and was published by British Telecom (under the Firebird name) for the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, and IBM PC in 1988. It was an instant success as many people had seen "Zarch" on the Archimedes but had not been able to play it on the more popular computers of the time. "Virus" won "16 bit Game of the Year" at the Computer Industry's InDin awards of 1988 and was later (incredibly) ported to the Spectrum in the following year by Steve Dunn. Most magazines gave it their top rating, and it got the highest ever score of 981 in the industry's leading magazine "ACE".
Chris Sawyer (now of Rollercoaster Tycoon fame) did the PC port, and later went on to work on PC "Elite+" and PC "Frontier: Elite II".
Zarch and Virus very much raised the ante for games on the 16 bit platform. It was one of the first solid 3D games. It was the first to have 3D lighting effects and shadowing. In fact it generated the shadow silhouettes on the fly - also a first.
"V2000" is the sequel to Virus. It was published by Grolier Interactive on PC and Playstation in October 1998 and was very well reviewed (PC Zone Classic 90%, and five full pages in Edge magazine). It then went on to be one of only three nominees for best game of the preceding few years in the first BAFTA Awards in 1998.
In V2000 the player has to save 30 worlds from a virus menace that has infected them, and from the creatures that brought this virus. The game very much shows it's traditional gaming heritage in that the later worlds are very difficult to complete, but contain a feast of novel game play features. There has been some criticism of the difficulty, but also huge praise from hard-core gamers.
And for those that forgot....
That's the original archimedes footage
and this is the Linux tar
I truly hope this inspires someone to get involved in converting this
I have the code for a working prototype in DBpro
as follows..
`on LHS of screen, draw objects in dword space.
`on RHS, draw them with positions relative to "player" position
`check that player position loops around right.
sync on
sync rate 60:skipsyncmode=0:set display mode desktop width(),desktop height(),32,1 `STANDARD MODE
`sync rate 30:skipsyncmode=1:set display mode 848,480,32,1 `FOR YOUTUBE VID CAPTURE
autocam off
hide mouse
backdrop on:color backdrop 0
set camera aspect 1.66667
dim thing_posx(100) as dword
dim thing_posz(100) as dword
dim thing_color(100) as dword
for t=1 to 100
thing_posx(t)=rnd(255)<<24 `256=2^8 , 8+24=32
`thing_color(t)=0xFF000000 OR rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255))
next t
thing_color(0)=0xFFFFFF00 `make sure "player" is visible!
`now add terrain array (ground heights)
dim map_height(1023,1023) `whole map is 1024 square
dim map_tile(1023,1023) as byte `only need 4 values
for a=0 to 1023
for b=0 to 1023
`map_height(a,b)=rnd(255) `used rnd(255) so can easily get colour out if want to draw heightmap
map_height(a,b)=0.3* (rnd(50) +100*cos(50*a) +50*cos(40*a +50*b))
map_tile(a,b)=1+rnd(3) `tiles are numbered from 1-4
map_tile(a,b)=1+rnd(2) `no red
next b
next a
`make a square "launchpad", virus style.
for a=0 to 7:for b=0 to 7: map_tile(a,b)=2: next b:next a
for a=1 to 7:for b=1 to 7: map_height(a,b)=100.0: next b:next a
mat_divs=13 `13 squares - means that after cropping with box, 12x12 will be visible
mat_square_size=1<<22 `2^32 / 2^10, since whole world is dword (2^32) and divided into 1024x1024 squares.
subtract_factor=6*mat_square_size `(matrix size - mat square size)/2 =`6*mat square size
`subtract factor is taken from player position in order to find where from map array to take beginning corner of matrix from.
conversion_factor#=mat_view_size#/(mat_square_size*12) `to convert from dword positions to float for positioning in DBP
`"real world" and rendering
make matrix 1,mat_actual_size#,mat_actual_size#,13,13
`position matrix centrally.
position matrix 1,-0.5*mat_actual_size#,0.0,-0.5*mat_actual_size#
`load image "test2.bmp",1repare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
draw_mat_tex() `for no media
`load image "test3a.bmp",1
prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2 `2 by 2 mat tex.
`set matrix trim 1,0.01,0.01 `prevent tex bleeding due to filtering
set matrix texture 1,2,0 `no mipmap. stops adjacent matrix tiles (on tile map) bleeding into eachother
`downside is that lines look ugly
set matrix 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
`position camera above it so can see it. will be repositioning camera every frame anyway.
`position camera 0,1000,0oint camera 0,0,0
`fill mat with info to check it's viewable
for a=0 to 13
for b=0 to 13
set matrix height 1,a,b,map_height(a,b)
next b
next a
update matrix 1
`box object to disguise edges moving
make object box 100,mat_view_size#,-10.0*mat_view_size#,mat_view_size#
texture object 100,100
set object 100,1,3,1,0,0,0,0
`player (red ball on ground)
make object sphere 1,20
texture object 1,2
`make some other objects positioned near to the player.
for t=1 to 20
thing_posx(t)=rnd(10*mat_square_size) + 10*mat_square_size
`make object box 50+t,10,100,10
make object sphere 50+t,100
offset limb 50+t,0,0,50,0
texture object 50+t,101
next t
`make a skyscraper
delete object 50+t
make object box 50+t,wide#,500,wide#
offset limb 50+t,0,0,200,0
texture object 50+t,101
`make a "virus" style ship object!
make object box 200,50,20,80
make object box 201,10,2,150
make mesh from object 201,201
add limb 201,1,201
delete mesh 201
rotate limb 201,1,0,90,0
make mesh from object 201,201
delete object 201
add limb 200,1,201
delete mesh 201
offset limb 200,1,0,25,0
if keystate(35):helimode=1:totalthr#=thr# * defaultthrust#:endif `h for heli
`added line to set thrust is not really necessary.
`stops heli crashing when switch to heli mode.
if keystate(31):helimode=0:endif `s for ship
if helimode
defaultthrust#=0.35 `should make this vary - increase when get close to ground => auto terrain following
show limb 200,1 `show helicopter blades
text 0,100,"HELICOPTER MODE (press S for spaceship)"
hide limb 200,1
text 0,100,"SPACESHIP MODE (press H for helicopter)"
`text 0,100,str$(helimode)
text 0,120,"THRUST="+str$(totalthr#)
`MOUSE TO TILT SHIP `t denotes target (am adding smoothing to get mx,mz from these)
if m#>100.0
`get length of this vector
`draw circle with cursor in
circle 50,50,48
dot 50+(50.0/100.0)*mx#, 50-(50.0/100.0)*mz#
dot 50+(50.0/100.0)*tmx#, 50-(50.0/100.0)*tmz# ,0xFFFF0000 `red dot for target
rotate object 200,m#,ya#,0.0
`want to 1st rotate to get "spin"
`then rotate to tilt to thrust angle (from horizontal)
`then rotate to "point" in thrust direction (viewed from above)
`for obj on ground this is
`1st "spin"
`then ground slope elevation
`then slope direction.
`this works!!
rotate limb 200,0,0,wrapvalue(tu#-ya#),0
`helicopter blades
br#=wrapvalue(br#+10.0) `blade rotation
rotate limb 200,1,0,wrapvalue(br#-ya#),0
`movespeed=1<<23 `bitshift<< makes bigger! (this number can be anything)
inc thing_posx(0), -movespeed*(leftkey()-rightkey())
inc thing_posz(0), movespeed*(upkey()-downkey())
`speedx#=0.95*speedx#+thr#*mx#*mc `small angle approximation!
targetthrust#=thr# * ( clickthrust#*mc + defaultthrust#)
totalthr#=curvevalue( targetthrust# , totalthr# , thrustsmooth# )
speedx#=0.95*speedx#+ totalthr# *mx#*(sin(m#)/m#)*(180.0/3.14) `NOTE THAT CAN INCORPORATE (180/PI) INTO THRUST CONSTANT
speedz#=0.95*speedz#+ totalthr# *mz#*(sin(m#)/m#)*(180.0/3.14) `FOR FEWER CALCULATIONS. ALSO SIN NEED ONLY CALC ONCE.
inc thing_posx(0),speedx#
inc thing_posz(0),speedz#
`speedy#=0.95*speedy# + conversion_factor#*thr#*mc*(180.0/3.14) - 1.0 `should use proper trig! last part is gravity
speedy#=0.95*speedy# + conversion_factor#*totalthr# *cos(m#)*(180.0/3.14) - 1.0
inc hi#,speedy#
`gridx=(thing_posx(0)-subtract_factor)>>22 `not player grid, but grid where want to start reading landscape info to matrix
`can also achieve this by using (playergrid-6) &&1023
`using bitshift to right 22, grid goes from 0-1023.
`1024=2^10 22+10=32 (bits in a dword!)
`should only update when grid square changes.
`after that maybe use shifting- maybe faster.
if last_gridx<>gridx or last_gridz<>gridz
for a=0 to 13
for b=0 to 13
set matrix height 1,a,b,map_height((a+gridx)&&1023,(b+gridz)&&1023)
next b
next a
for a=0 to 12
for b=0 to 12
set matrix tile 1,a,b,map_tile((a+gridx)&&1023,(b+gridz)&&1023)
next b
next a
update matrix 1
`cx=-2097152+ ( (thing_posx(0)-subtract_factor) && 4194303 ) `2^22 -1 . =0x4FFFFF ?!
`cz=-2097152+ ( (thing_posz(0)-subtract_factor) && 4194303 )
cx=-2097152+ ( thing_posx(0) && 4194303 ) `dur! subtract factor && ... =0
cz=-2097152+ ( thing_posz(0) && 4194303 )
camx#=conversion_factor#*cx `bit lame that are getting +ve and -ve values. perhaps should have mat corner at origin.
`position camera camx#,1000,camz#-400oint camera camx#,0,camz# `down looking. with this no need for clip plane
position object 100,camx#,0,camz#
position object 1, camx#,ground_height(thing_posx(0),thing_posz(0) ),camz#
`position object 200, camx#,100,camz#
gh#=50.0+ground_height(thing_posx(0),thing_posz(0) )
if hi#<gh#:hi#=gh#:speedy#=0.0:endif `really should be some other speed if moving horizontally..
position object 200, camx#,hi#,camz#
position camera camx#,hi#,camz#-995oint camera camx#,hi#,camz# `horiz looking. AT PLAYER
set camera clip 0,1,0,0,camz#-0.5*mat_view_size#,0,0,1
`POSITION OTHER OBJECTS! should decide whether to show (are on visible matrix)
`do that later.
for t=1 to 20
`tx#=(conversion_factor#*dx) +camx#
`tz#=(conversion_factor#*dz) +camz#
tx#=conversion_factor#*(dx+cx) `equivalent to above
position object 50+t,tx#,ground_height(thing_posx(t),thing_posz(t) ),tz#
next t
text 0,140,"DWORD CO-ORDS="+str$(thing_posx(0))+","+str$(thing_posz(0))
text 0,150,"GRID CO-ORDS="+str$(gridx)+","+str$(gridz)
text 0,170,str$(screen fps())+" FPS"
`text 100,20,str$(conversion_factor#)
`OLD TEST THING ===========================================
box 0,50,256,50+256,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080
for t=0 to 10
spx=thing_posx(t)>>24 `gets 0-255 (2^8)
dot spx,spz,thing_color(t)
next y
box 300,50,300+256,50+256,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080
for t=0 to 10
spx=300+((thing_posx(t)-thing_posx(0))>>24) `gets 0-255 (2^8)
`put player in middle
spx=300+((thing_posx(t)-thing_posx(0)-(1<<31))>>24) `gets 0-255 (2^8)
dot spx,spz,thing_color(t)
next y
if skipsyncmode
if skipsync then sync
function ground_height(x as dword, z as dword)
rx=x && 4194303
rz=z && 4194303
fx#=rx / (1.0*4194304)
fz#=rz / (1.0*4194304)
`text 100,100,str$(fx#)+","+str$(fz#)
height#=(map_height(xg,zg)*(1.0-fx#)*(1.0-fz#) + map_height(xgp,zg)*fx#*(1.0-fz#) +map_height(xg,zgp)*(1.0-fx#)*fz# +map_height(xgp,zgp)*fx#*fz#)
`^^ simplified version : mat square is treated as surface formed by straight lines in x, and z direction when viewed from above,
`connecting the square polygon grid. that there are actually 2 flat triangles is ignored.
endfunction height#
function single_pixel_image(imagenum,red,green,blue,alpha)
#constant temp_memblocknum 1
make memblock temp_memblocknum,16
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,0,1
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,4,1
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,8,32
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,12,rgba(red,green,blue,alpha)
make image from memblock imagenum,temp_memblocknum
delete memblock temp_memblocknum
`RGBA function by Aaron Miller
function rgba(r,g,b,a)
c = (a and 0xff) << 24 or ((r and 0xff) << 16) or ((g and 0xff) << 8) or (b and 0xff)
endfunction c
function draw_mat_tex()
create bitmap 1,256,256
box 0,128,128,256,0xFF808080,0xFF808080,0xFF707070,0xFF808080
box 128,0,256,128,0xFF484848,0xFF606060,0xFF505050,0xFF606060
box 128,128,256,256,0xFFFF4040,0xFFFF4040,0xFFFF4040,0xFFFF4040 `red tile. not currently used.
`graduated boxes. means can see seam between tiles even if same type
`should play with graduations for best effect. should i have opposite corners same colour?
`should all corners be different?
ink 0xFF606060,0
box 0,0,w,256
box 0,0,256,w
box 0,128-w,256,128+w
box 128-w,0,128+w,256
box 0,256-w,256,256
box 256-w,0,256,256
ink 0xFFFFFFFF,0
get image 1,0,0,256,256
`save image "testx.bmp",1
delete bitmap 1
At Axiomworks, Inc. we are a team of 2 people - a developer and 3D artist / art designer. We make 3D live wallpapers for Android. All our wallpapers present fully 3D experience, unlike numerous 'fake 3D' apps with simple parallax scrolling of backgrounds.
You can find a full list of our live wallpapers on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Axiomworks,+Inc.. Average rating of our apps on Google Play is above 4.0.
Here is a list of some of our apps:
3D Car Live Wallpaper
Free / Full
With 3D Car Live Wallpaper you can feel a freedom of driving a highway in a legendary sports car. Mostly straight road slightly twists between hills, and you can watch as car passes by trees and bushes. There are plenty of customization options: car color, rims color, camera rotation settings. You can change even license plate number of a car to any custom text.
Free version has one car and one landscape type, and full live wallpaper offers more great cars and landscapes for any season with weather effects.
Bamboo Forest 3D Wallpaper
Free / Full
This live wallpaper brings a scene of serene bamboo forest to your Android devices. Wind runs in the top of bamboo trees and gently sways ground vegetation. Occasional butterflies fly through warm sun rays, casting flickering shadows on the ground. The view rotates reacting to your gestures and home screen changes, revealing the different angles of beautiful forest.
In full version you can customize a whole lot of objects in live wallpaper, like ground and grass, color of bamboo plants, butterflies or fireflies, path and railings, stone lanterns, falling leaves, sun rays, dust particles etc. Free version has less customization options.
3D Jelly Bean Live Wallpaper
Free and Ad-Free
All Android fans will be glad to watch a symbol of the latest Android version on home screens of their phones and tablets. As usual, this live wallpaper is in full 3D. And it is not only adorably cute but also very useful - it shows battery level of your device. The lower the battery level is the less jelly beans are in Android jar.
This live wallpaper is absolutely free. You can watch a video of 3D Jelly Bean live wallpaper on YouTube and download it from Google Play.
3D Lotus Live Wallpaper
Free / Full
This live wallpaper will bring you to beautiful and calming lotus pond. Such ponds are always associated with relaxation, rest and calmness. It depicts the scenery of soothing, calming water surface covered with lotus plants and their blooming flowers. Koi fish peacefully swims beneath green lotus leaves, and air is full of life and movement of fussy dragonflies and butterflies.
This live wallpaper has full day-night cycle change; users can choose between different times of day or let the wallpaper follow current time of day. Also, you can customize flowers colors, duckweed and insects.
As usual, it comes in two versions: full version with all customization options and more basic free version.
3D Tulip Live Wallpaper
Free / Full
This live wallpaper presents you a view of tulip flower surrounded by neighbors in the field. The flowers gracefully sway on the wind and the view slowly rotates giving you a fully 3D overview of the scene. Live wallpaper reacts to gestures, rotating the scene in the direction of your swipes and homepage changes.
Full version of live wallpaper offers you a choice of 8 flower colors, including two-colored ones. Free version is limited to one color, it has only wind configuration.
3D Rose Live Wallpaper
Free / Full
3D Rose Live Wallpaper is a fully 3D live wallpaper depicting rose flower reacting to gestures. You can rotate flower by swiping through your home screens. It will change it's rotation on any change of home screen. Recently updated version of this wallpaper has an option to add a photographic vignette as an extra eye-candy. You can change color of rose and background the way you like.
Free version of wallpaper is somewhat limited in configuration options but still it's good enough to decorate your phone's home screen.
Lantern Festival 3D
Free / Full
Lantern Festival 3D brings typical Chinese scene to home screen of your phone. Full moon in calm summer night spreads its gentle light over this serene landscape. Water reflects trees which are covered by dense fog coming down from ancient mountains and further to the river, hiding fisherman's boats resting on waves. Lanterns with flickering flames of candles inside them are left adrift and slowly float down the river. And people in castle are celebrating holiday by launching floating lanterns up to the sky. As usual application comes in two versions: full with all options available and free with somewhat limited customization possibilities.
3D Melting Candle
Free / Full
3D Melting Candle live wallpaper brings antique table to your home screen. Enjoy the serenity of this evening scene. Flickering light of candle casts shadows from all object on the table. The candle melts according to battery level of your device. You can customize this wallpaper the way you want. You can disable certain objects, and change the look of almost all things, from large book and quill to small coins scattered around the candle holder.
Free version doesn't have all objects you will see in full version, and doesn't provide a lot of options to customize the look of wallpaper, but it still have the melting candle to check your battery level.
3D Guns Live Wallpaper
Paid version
Put a 3D scene of military weapons to your homescreen with this live wallpaper! It represents fully 3D view of modern military weapons, customized by your choice. Selected loadout can be watched from all angles, and camera movement will react to your finger gestures and homescreen changes.
There is a lot of customization options:
- plenty of pistol and rifle models to choose from;
- weapons have customizable attachments, decorations, and colors;
- customizable additional objects, including knives, grenades, binoculars etc;
- environment and effects settings;
- different camera modes.
So....XDA is an advertising platform these days?
Thanks nice work
Just installed the new "Bamboo Forest 3D Wallpaper" On my Sg3, Unbelievable, looks like you could walk right into the Phone…
:good: As far as advertising go’s, XDA could never be accused of being some hotbed of altruisms. :silly:
Nexus 4 bug
Installed the Jelly Bean 3d wallpaper but brightness of reflexes seems a little messed up...It is just me? I have a stock Android Nexus 4... Attached screenshot...
kenkiller said:
So....XDA is an advertising platform these days?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is that so..........
No, XDA promotes developers. These wallpapers are beautiful and deserve recognition. Thank you for the post and for supporting devs XDA.
kenkiller said:
So....XDA is an advertising platform these days?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh come on....
I dunno, it just seems too clean to be a Dev thread. I mean, if such posts are OK, what's stopping any Dev with a free/trial version from opening such threads all over XDA?
Nice work! Little beauty on my screen.
This is really impressive!
Is this compatible with Xperia Z and how can I use it? Does it require root/sueruser?
Fabowski said:
This is really impressive!
Is this compatible with Xperia Z and how can I use it? Does it require root/sueruser?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
These live wallpapers work on any device with OpenGL|ES 2.0, Xperia Z included. And they do not require any root.
just curious, what did you use to capture the screen for the jellybean video?
I love the candle one, thanks XDA for the promoting and thanks developers for theses animations
Very nice work indeed! :good:
Love the car one!
P.S. No rules are being broken here so no more OT nonsense.
Latern festival isla amazing!! Great works guys!
Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk 2
These wallpapers are awesome... It's such a pity that I can't try them... I ain't got no playstore :crying:
alicarbovader said:
These wallpapers are awesome... It's such a pity that I can't try them... I ain't got no playstore :crying:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why not?
the_scotsman said:
Why not?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Because I'm no fan of External SD Card and all the apps 2 sd thing cuz my country ain't got class 10 sd cards. So the only option I have is to change hboot to small system and bigger data partitions just for extra 100 mb. That's why I remove all the apps that are huge in size(including the google things) to spueeze extra space from any ROM. Its a real dilemma to remove apps from the ROM's zip file and then copy it to my card so as to install them. And I'm a flash- and ROM-aholic
Force close
The free 3D car force closes every time I go to my home screen, on note 2 t-mobile...
Jelly-bean-man said:
The free 3D car force closes every time I go to my home screen, on note 2 t-mobile...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please PM me log with crash info. Thank you for reporting this bug.