Zarch android conversion from linux - Android Apps and Games
I posted this a while ago in the dell streak forum, but now owning a galaxy S3 and a Galaxy Tab 10.1 , I feel they would more than cope with this.. So I'm putting it to the field again..
One of my old time favourite pastimes as a teenager.. Basically defender in 3D..
I noticed someone has done a linux remake of it..
But how, if at all, can I install a .tar file to my Streak?? or how could it be modified to run??
Quoted as " maybe better known as "Virus" on the Commodore Amiga. Linux Zarch is one of the very few freely available 3D graphics games available for UNIX/Linux that offer a very decent performance without needing 3D hardware support. "
Hmm, NO 3D support required?? Sounds like a winner.... The archimedes was an ARM based Acorn machine..
Is there an emulator anywhere?? we could run frontier and tempest 2000 maybe too if there was...
Our massive screen would be a great home for this title!!
Does anyone have any constructive advice here please??
"Zarch" was written in three months in 1987 by David Braben as a launch title on Acorn's Archimedes series of computers. Another game, "Lander" was bundled with the machine, which used a cut down version of the landscape from Zarch as a demonstration of the machine's power. It became synonymous with the Archimedes, since it was featured in almost every review of the machine, and is apparently still the best selling title of all time on the Archimedes. The game consisted of a weird craft flying over a rolling patchwork quilt landscape, and many other games since (Zeewolf etc) have copied this technique.
Zarch was exceedingly well reviewed at the time, as most other games were either 2D platformers, or wire-frame 3D - hence the now seemingly amazing tag line on the cover of ACE magazine (now Edge) SOLID 3D - the future of games? Zarch was reviewed with a score of 979 - the highest rating ACE had given at that time (and only subsequently bettered by Virus at 981)
"Virus" built on Zarch and was published by British Telecom (under the Firebird name) for the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, and IBM PC in 1988. It was an instant success as many people had seen "Zarch" on the Archimedes but had not been able to play it on the more popular computers of the time. "Virus" won "16 bit Game of the Year" at the Computer Industry's InDin awards of 1988 and was later (incredibly) ported to the Spectrum in the following year by Steve Dunn. Most magazines gave it their top rating, and it got the highest ever score of 981 in the industry's leading magazine "ACE".
Chris Sawyer (now of Rollercoaster Tycoon fame) did the PC port, and later went on to work on PC "Elite+" and PC "Frontier: Elite II".
Zarch and Virus very much raised the ante for games on the 16 bit platform. It was one of the first solid 3D games. It was the first to have 3D lighting effects and shadowing. In fact it generated the shadow silhouettes on the fly - also a first.
"V2000" is the sequel to Virus. It was published by Grolier Interactive on PC and Playstation in October 1998 and was very well reviewed (PC Zone Classic 90%, and five full pages in Edge magazine). It then went on to be one of only three nominees for best game of the preceding few years in the first BAFTA Awards in 1998.
In V2000 the player has to save 30 worlds from a virus menace that has infected them, and from the creatures that brought this virus. The game very much shows it's traditional gaming heritage in that the later worlds are very difficult to complete, but contain a feast of novel game play features. There has been some criticism of the difficulty, but also huge praise from hard-core gamers.
And for those that forgot....
That's the original archimedes footage
and this is the Linux tar
I truly hope this inspires someone to get involved in converting this
I have the code for a working prototype in DBpro
as follows..
`on LHS of screen, draw objects in dword space.
`on RHS, draw them with positions relative to "player" position
`check that player position loops around right.
sync on
sync rate 60:skipsyncmode=0:set display mode desktop width(),desktop height(),32,1 `STANDARD MODE
`sync rate 30:skipsyncmode=1:set display mode 848,480,32,1 `FOR YOUTUBE VID CAPTURE
autocam off
hide mouse
backdrop on:color backdrop 0
set camera aspect 1.66667
dim thing_posx(100) as dword
dim thing_posz(100) as dword
dim thing_color(100) as dword
for t=1 to 100
thing_posx(t)=rnd(255)<<24 `256=2^8 , 8+24=32
`thing_color(t)=0xFF000000 OR rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255))
next t
thing_color(0)=0xFFFFFF00 `make sure "player" is visible!
`now add terrain array (ground heights)
dim map_height(1023,1023) `whole map is 1024 square
dim map_tile(1023,1023) as byte `only need 4 values
for a=0 to 1023
for b=0 to 1023
`map_height(a,b)=rnd(255) `used rnd(255) so can easily get colour out if want to draw heightmap
map_height(a,b)=0.3* (rnd(50) +100*cos(50*a) +50*cos(40*a +50*b))
map_tile(a,b)=1+rnd(3) `tiles are numbered from 1-4
map_tile(a,b)=1+rnd(2) `no red
next b
next a
`make a square "launchpad", virus style.
for a=0 to 7:for b=0 to 7: map_tile(a,b)=2: next b:next a
for a=1 to 7:for b=1 to 7: map_height(a,b)=100.0: next b:next a
mat_divs=13 `13 squares - means that after cropping with box, 12x12 will be visible
mat_square_size=1<<22 `2^32 / 2^10, since whole world is dword (2^32) and divided into 1024x1024 squares.
subtract_factor=6*mat_square_size `(matrix size - mat square size)/2 =`6*mat square size
`subtract factor is taken from player position in order to find where from map array to take beginning corner of matrix from.
conversion_factor#=mat_view_size#/(mat_square_size*12) `to convert from dword positions to float for positioning in DBP
`"real world" and rendering
make matrix 1,mat_actual_size#,mat_actual_size#,13,13
`position matrix centrally.
position matrix 1,-0.5*mat_actual_size#,0.0,-0.5*mat_actual_size#
`load image "test2.bmp",1repare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
draw_mat_tex() `for no media
`load image "test3a.bmp",1
prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2 `2 by 2 mat tex.
`set matrix trim 1,0.01,0.01 `prevent tex bleeding due to filtering
set matrix texture 1,2,0 `no mipmap. stops adjacent matrix tiles (on tile map) bleeding into eachother
`downside is that lines look ugly
set matrix 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
`position camera above it so can see it. will be repositioning camera every frame anyway.
`position camera 0,1000,0oint camera 0,0,0
`fill mat with info to check it's viewable
for a=0 to 13
for b=0 to 13
set matrix height 1,a,b,map_height(a,b)
next b
next a
update matrix 1
`box object to disguise edges moving
make object box 100,mat_view_size#,-10.0*mat_view_size#,mat_view_size#
texture object 100,100
set object 100,1,3,1,0,0,0,0
`player (red ball on ground)
make object sphere 1,20
texture object 1,2
`make some other objects positioned near to the player.
for t=1 to 20
thing_posx(t)=rnd(10*mat_square_size) + 10*mat_square_size
`make object box 50+t,10,100,10
make object sphere 50+t,100
offset limb 50+t,0,0,50,0
texture object 50+t,101
next t
`make a skyscraper
delete object 50+t
make object box 50+t,wide#,500,wide#
offset limb 50+t,0,0,200,0
texture object 50+t,101
`make a "virus" style ship object!
make object box 200,50,20,80
make object box 201,10,2,150
make mesh from object 201,201
add limb 201,1,201
delete mesh 201
rotate limb 201,1,0,90,0
make mesh from object 201,201
delete object 201
add limb 200,1,201
delete mesh 201
offset limb 200,1,0,25,0
if keystate(35):helimode=1:totalthr#=thr# * defaultthrust#:endif `h for heli
`added line to set thrust is not really necessary.
`stops heli crashing when switch to heli mode.
if keystate(31):helimode=0:endif `s for ship
if helimode
defaultthrust#=0.35 `should make this vary - increase when get close to ground => auto terrain following
show limb 200,1 `show helicopter blades
text 0,100,"HELICOPTER MODE (press S for spaceship)"
hide limb 200,1
text 0,100,"SPACESHIP MODE (press H for helicopter)"
`text 0,100,str$(helimode)
text 0,120,"THRUST="+str$(totalthr#)
`MOUSE TO TILT SHIP `t denotes target (am adding smoothing to get mx,mz from these)
if m#>100.0
`get length of this vector
`draw circle with cursor in
circle 50,50,48
dot 50+(50.0/100.0)*mx#, 50-(50.0/100.0)*mz#
dot 50+(50.0/100.0)*tmx#, 50-(50.0/100.0)*tmz# ,0xFFFF0000 `red dot for target
rotate object 200,m#,ya#,0.0
`want to 1st rotate to get "spin"
`then rotate to tilt to thrust angle (from horizontal)
`then rotate to "point" in thrust direction (viewed from above)
`for obj on ground this is
`1st "spin"
`then ground slope elevation
`then slope direction.
`this works!!
rotate limb 200,0,0,wrapvalue(tu#-ya#),0
`helicopter blades
br#=wrapvalue(br#+10.0) `blade rotation
rotate limb 200,1,0,wrapvalue(br#-ya#),0
`movespeed=1<<23 `bitshift<< makes bigger! (this number can be anything)
inc thing_posx(0), -movespeed*(leftkey()-rightkey())
inc thing_posz(0), movespeed*(upkey()-downkey())
`speedx#=0.95*speedx#+thr#*mx#*mc `small angle approximation!
targetthrust#=thr# * ( clickthrust#*mc + defaultthrust#)
totalthr#=curvevalue( targetthrust# , totalthr# , thrustsmooth# )
speedx#=0.95*speedx#+ totalthr# *mx#*(sin(m#)/m#)*(180.0/3.14) `NOTE THAT CAN INCORPORATE (180/PI) INTO THRUST CONSTANT
speedz#=0.95*speedz#+ totalthr# *mz#*(sin(m#)/m#)*(180.0/3.14) `FOR FEWER CALCULATIONS. ALSO SIN NEED ONLY CALC ONCE.
inc thing_posx(0),speedx#
inc thing_posz(0),speedz#
`speedy#=0.95*speedy# + conversion_factor#*thr#*mc*(180.0/3.14) - 1.0 `should use proper trig! last part is gravity
speedy#=0.95*speedy# + conversion_factor#*totalthr# *cos(m#)*(180.0/3.14) - 1.0
inc hi#,speedy#
`gridx=(thing_posx(0)-subtract_factor)>>22 `not player grid, but grid where want to start reading landscape info to matrix
`can also achieve this by using (playergrid-6) &&1023
`using bitshift to right 22, grid goes from 0-1023.
`1024=2^10 22+10=32 (bits in a dword!)
`should only update when grid square changes.
`after that maybe use shifting- maybe faster.
if last_gridx<>gridx or last_gridz<>gridz
for a=0 to 13
for b=0 to 13
set matrix height 1,a,b,map_height((a+gridx)&&1023,(b+gridz)&&1023)
next b
next a
for a=0 to 12
for b=0 to 12
set matrix tile 1,a,b,map_tile((a+gridx)&&1023,(b+gridz)&&1023)
next b
next a
update matrix 1
`cx=-2097152+ ( (thing_posx(0)-subtract_factor) && 4194303 ) `2^22 -1 . =0x4FFFFF ?!
`cz=-2097152+ ( (thing_posz(0)-subtract_factor) && 4194303 )
cx=-2097152+ ( thing_posx(0) && 4194303 ) `dur! subtract factor && ... =0
cz=-2097152+ ( thing_posz(0) && 4194303 )
camx#=conversion_factor#*cx `bit lame that are getting +ve and -ve values. perhaps should have mat corner at origin.
`position camera camx#,1000,camz#-400oint camera camx#,0,camz# `down looking. with this no need for clip plane
position object 100,camx#,0,camz#
position object 1, camx#,ground_height(thing_posx(0),thing_posz(0) ),camz#
`position object 200, camx#,100,camz#
gh#=50.0+ground_height(thing_posx(0),thing_posz(0) )
if hi#<gh#:hi#=gh#:speedy#=0.0:endif `really should be some other speed if moving horizontally..
position object 200, camx#,hi#,camz#
position camera camx#,hi#,camz#-995oint camera camx#,hi#,camz# `horiz looking. AT PLAYER
set camera clip 0,1,0,0,camz#-0.5*mat_view_size#,0,0,1
`POSITION OTHER OBJECTS! should decide whether to show (are on visible matrix)
`do that later.
for t=1 to 20
`tx#=(conversion_factor#*dx) +camx#
`tz#=(conversion_factor#*dz) +camz#
tx#=conversion_factor#*(dx+cx) `equivalent to above
position object 50+t,tx#,ground_height(thing_posx(t),thing_posz(t) ),tz#
next t
text 0,140,"DWORD CO-ORDS="+str$(thing_posx(0))+","+str$(thing_posz(0))
text 0,150,"GRID CO-ORDS="+str$(gridx)+","+str$(gridz)
text 0,170,str$(screen fps())+" FPS"
`text 100,20,str$(conversion_factor#)
`OLD TEST THING ===========================================
box 0,50,256,50+256,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080
for t=0 to 10
spx=thing_posx(t)>>24 `gets 0-255 (2^8)
dot spx,spz,thing_color(t)
next y
box 300,50,300+256,50+256,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080,0xFF000080
for t=0 to 10
spx=300+((thing_posx(t)-thing_posx(0))>>24) `gets 0-255 (2^8)
`put player in middle
spx=300+((thing_posx(t)-thing_posx(0)-(1<<31))>>24) `gets 0-255 (2^8)
dot spx,spz,thing_color(t)
next y
if skipsyncmode
if skipsync then sync
function ground_height(x as dword, z as dword)
rx=x && 4194303
rz=z && 4194303
fx#=rx / (1.0*4194304)
fz#=rz / (1.0*4194304)
`text 100,100,str$(fx#)+","+str$(fz#)
height#=(map_height(xg,zg)*(1.0-fx#)*(1.0-fz#) + map_height(xgp,zg)*fx#*(1.0-fz#) +map_height(xg,zgp)*(1.0-fx#)*fz# +map_height(xgp,zgp)*fx#*fz#)
`^^ simplified version : mat square is treated as surface formed by straight lines in x, and z direction when viewed from above,
`connecting the square polygon grid. that there are actually 2 flat triangles is ignored.
endfunction height#
function single_pixel_image(imagenum,red,green,blue,alpha)
#constant temp_memblocknum 1
make memblock temp_memblocknum,16
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,0,1
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,4,1
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,8,32
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,12,rgba(red,green,blue,alpha)
make image from memblock imagenum,temp_memblocknum
delete memblock temp_memblocknum
`RGBA function by Aaron Miller
function rgba(r,g,b,a)
c = (a and 0xff) << 24 or ((r and 0xff) << 16) or ((g and 0xff) << 8) or (b and 0xff)
endfunction c
function draw_mat_tex()
create bitmap 1,256,256
box 0,128,128,256,0xFF808080,0xFF808080,0xFF707070,0xFF808080
box 128,0,256,128,0xFF484848,0xFF606060,0xFF505050,0xFF606060
box 128,128,256,256,0xFFFF4040,0xFFFF4040,0xFFFF4040,0xFFFF4040 `red tile. not currently used.
`graduated boxes. means can see seam between tiles even if same type
`should play with graduations for best effect. should i have opposite corners same colour?
`should all corners be different?
ink 0xFF606060,0
box 0,0,w,256
box 0,0,256,w
box 0,128-w,256,128+w
box 128-w,0,128+w,256
box 0,256-w,256,256
box 256-w,0,256,256
ink 0xFFFFFFFF,0
get image 1,0,0,256,256
`save image "testx.bmp",1
delete bitmap 1
[CLOCK]rat_2665's special clocks (Tourbillon, moonphase, ...) second time clock
Special modded clocks by rat_2665 Co0kies Home Tab is an excellent basis for analog clocks. At first I tried some historical clocks. One of these has a separated dial for the seconds. So I looked further into modifications (thanks to Co0kie for some crucial tips) - and the possibilities are enormous. Clocks with complications are very expensive (ca. 100000 €), so I decided to make my own clock for CHT with a Tourbillon and some other modifications like date, continuously moving (not jumping) second and minute hand and a separated second hand. But that was not the last. Look in the first post for the clocks, in the second post for deeper information and in post 3 - 5 for a tutorial for modding the analog clock manila files. EDIT: In CHT 2.0 all these clocks can be used as before. There is a new element - the widgets - but these are independent of the standard analog and digital clock. If you want to look at some new clock widgets look in my new widget thread. Click to expand... Click to collapse NEWs - [30/08/2010] New clock with second (home) time. { "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } - [07/08/2010] Some transparent clocks - [19/07/2010] New LT HD2 Concept clock with switching visibility added to the Lüm Tec - [16/07/2010] New Templates Updated the descriptions in post 2 -5 and added some Templates in post 6. - [15/07/2010] exceptional modification of the reference clocks by musezicos - [13/07/2010] switching visibility reference clocks: Because of requests I've made versions of my carbon clocks with switching visibility and described the Tourbillon clock in post 2. - [29/06/2010] Lüm-Tec clocks: The Combat B9 and the M24 are "switching" clocks which will change design between daylight and maxlumen in the morning and the evening. Edit [02/06/10]: Now with a new corrected version for 12h use. The first fix caused heavy CPU load. - [23/06/2010] Hero clock: Added version with date. - "day of week" version: It shows the day of the week like in the date on the homescreen in an extra display at the clock. There is only a version for the carbon clock with moon phase. Download and description - [19/06/10] CHT 1.8.5: I made new versions for the clocks made by me and deleted the 1.8 versions (look at the attached files or the download links). For people who'd like to use CHT 1.7 I let the old versions stay. Descriptions will be updated in the next future. Announcement: I will post templates for the animations for other clock modders. Don't let disturb you if sometimes CHT 1.8.1 is mentioned. It is all good for CHT 1.8.5. - "only seconds" version: Because of the heavy power use of the Tourbillon I made some versions without. For these the power use is acceptable. - carbon style: Because of requests I made a darker alternative carbon design for the new versions. - Moonphase: Some of these clocks have a fully functional moonphase display. - Cookie Mod For people who are very fond of co0kie there is a mod for the moonphase clocks. - [04/06/10] Lüm-Tec clocks Combat B 11 with 24 h and new date by tictac0566 and rat_2665 (description). This is a new date version useful for all clocks. Click to expand... Click to collapse Deinstallation CHT 1.8.5 changes the structure of the manila files for the analog clock mods. Animations and object description are regulated in special separated manila files: 1E1A6CCD_manila (mode9 file for the objects) and 1EC5924B_manila (lua script for the animations). That's good for all future changes in CHT and for the independence of other mods, but it is a new step.So you can't use "advanced" clock mods for older versions of CHT because they will damage your Sense/Manila. If you've already done so try this solution or reinstall CHT 1.8.5. Do not use the Windows mobile deinstallation routine, only install the attached original analog clock cab. Then make a manila restart. The use of the WM routine will crash your manila because it deletes the used CHT files, which are necessary, and doesn't substitute them with the original files. If you done so and manila hangs at the start, try to deactivate manila in "settings, today", install the original clock cab and reactivate manila. It works with my stock ROM, but no guaranty for other ROMS. If you still have problems at deinstallation try the solution by jaguaralani copy the files in the added zip file in the windows directory of your device. Use Total Commander or Resco Explorer for this. Both cab and files in zip restore the original CHT files. Click to expand... Click to collapse Clocks For clarity I put the clocks with the same design in one zip (download at the end). The original analog clock for deinstallation (for CHT 1.8.5 and the older versions) is as cab in every clock zip and also as cab and zip attached at the end of this post. Golden versions with Tourbillon These clocks have a functional image of a tourbillon a so called "complication" by watchmakers. A tourbillon counters the effects of gravity by mounting the escapement and balance wheel in a rotating cage, ostensibly in order to negate the effect of gravity when the timepiece (and thus the escapement) is rotated. For further information read the article in wikipedia There are two versions, one with the seconds in the upper dial and one with moon phase instead. Both clocks have a AMPM version. Only difference is the special field for AMPM in the background (and changed position). For the special case of no AMPM in the analog clock although using AMPM generally I made a new version . Instructions and download for this version are here. Golden versions without Tourbillon These clocks are not so power consuming. They have still complications like date, continously moving minute and second hand and in one version the moonphase. Carbon Versions Because of requests for darker background and not so golden clocks I made a alternative carbon design for the new versions. In the basic versions it is only a layout change, the functionality of these clocks is the same as in the golden versions. Only exception is the "day of week" clock, which exists only as carbon version. Reference clocks for switching visibility Because of requests I've made two versions of my carbon clocks with switching visibility like in the Lüm-Tec clocks. In the zip are also the images and the lua scripts. Lüm-Tec clocks The Lüm-Tec clocks are made by TicTac0566 and me together . The Combat B11 has a 24h display, the Combat B9, the M24 and the LT HD2 Concept are "switching" clocks which will change design between daylight and maxlumen at 8:00 and 20:00. The B9 has versions both for CHT 1.7 and 1.8.5, the others only for 1.8.5. Look for more of TicTac's exciting clocks in his thread. Hero clock This is my version of Lechu's magnificent Hero clock (with overlapping case, AMPM and date) versions by others For all who like black text poyensa made a version. You can download it in this post. Ancola66's contribution is a version with big second hand. Poyensa's clock is not modified for CHT 1.8 but text color is adjustable in CHT 1.8. Ancola66 has now a CHT 1.8.5 version. And Jaguaralani made two more nice black versions of the Tourbillon . Download is for the CHT 1.7 version here and for the CHT 1.8.5 version here. Thanks to all. exceptional modifications of the reference clocks by musezicos here and here Click to expand... Click to collapse In the next posts I will describe how I made it so that all interested can do it themselves.
form and function of the reference clocks Tourbillon clock form For the mechanical description of a Tourbillon please read the article in Wikipedia. There is also a little video with a moving Tourbillon. The clock consists of the following parts (in order of the layers in 1E1A6CCD_manila with the Sense names, cursiv are the standard ones): 4B55E014_manila DateDayTens (calendar date) 4DDA6CCF_manila DateDayOnes (calendar date) 20F62884_manila analogclock (normal clock background) Here comes in 1E1A6CCD_manila the "ShowAMPM" text object. 7BA5E044_manila secondHand2 (balance wheel of the Tourbillon) 2A87D392_manila secondHand (cage of the Tourbillon) 3FDED376_manila analogclock2 (fixture of the Tourbillon) 7BB7F8C5_manila secondHand3 (real second hand) 0AB9C3F4_manila hourHand 4BDFBA48_manila minuteHand 0D505BB2_manila scaleButton 7126E342_manila clockdot The secondHand was used for the Tourbillon cage because sometimes the Tourbillon is used as second hand (it turns once in a minute ). The date display is made like in real clocks. Two disks, the date is to be seen by the rotation of the disk. There are two other manila files, the mode9 file for the objects 1E1A6CCD_manila (in versions before CHT 1.8.5 7c60907d_manila) and the lua script for the animations 1EC5924B_manila (former 461d3306_manila). function A Tourbillon cage jumps every fifth of a second, a balance wheel rotates 180 ° back and forth five times a second. Sense/Manila shows an actual image of the elements and checks for an established period if there are changes. So if you want to get a picture like the real behavior you have to get 25 frames per second for the moving parts - especially the balance wheel. So the lua script in 1EC5924B_manila checks 25 times per second for changes instead of the original one time per second of co0kies home tab (which you can disable because of power consuming). You see this clock is nice to look at, but still expensive, not so much like the real but it costs in power consuming (but it seems only if the clock is to be seen). Also it is very depending of other processes, for example at the start at the calendar opening or at the weather animations. The HD2 has borders too . Tourbillon clock with moonphase and switching visibility form Here are the parts (with manila name and object name in the lua script and the mode9 file in the order of the layers): 4B55E014_manila DateDayTens 4DDA6CCF_manila DateDayOnes 2056A60D_manila DateDayTensnight 09DE9308_manila DateDayOnesnight 2C2AA9E8_manila moonphase 09187EE1_manila moonphasenight 20F62884_manila analogclock 3C87827D_manila analogclocknight ShowAMPM 7BA5E044_manila secondHand2 3B920A3D_manila secondHand2night 2A87D392_manila secondHand (dummy with blank picture) 596B8F02_manila secondHand1 4B1CC00B_manila secondHandnight 3FDED376_manila analogclock2 5A551AEF_manila analogclock2night 0AB9C3F4_manila hourHand 5CCDF1ED_manila hourHandnight 4BDFBA48_manila minuteHand 5E305741_manila minuteHandnight 0D505BB2_manila scaleButton 7126E342_manila ClockDot 6294D3BB_manila ClockDotnight In the attached pdf document is a list of all this objects together with their "location folder" in the mode9 file. function moonphase Moon phase is another so called "complication". It shows the phases of the moon in an extra display. Because in modern watches the clock maker tried to show the 3D-movement of the Moon with a 2D dial, you can't compare the image on the clock with the image in the night sky. You can see full and new moon and if it is waning or waxing moon. The moon phase movement is very slow. It is not the moon movement on the dayly night sky, but the movement of the phases of the moon. So the moon in the dial needs 14 days from left to right (in Northern hemisphere). It describes the lunar month (full moon - new moon - full moon, 29 days). At the development I read that the big clock makers who were all in the Northern Hemisphere made only clocks where you can see the phases of the moon only like at the Northern Hemisphere (NH). The Southern Hemisphere will see each phase rotated through 180°. So I made at some clocks an AddOn for all who are living there (named SH). It changes the the movement of the Moon (against clockwise). switching visibility As you can see above the visibility change needs the duplication of every changing object. The night version of every object is layed over the day version (only exception the date). In the lua script the switching is realised by changing the opacity of the night objects at definite points (8:00 AM and 8:00 PM). In the next posts I'll describe the modification of the manila files.
Modifications to qtc files and manila hash names modding the manila files For analog clock modding there are three file types relevant: the image files (*.qtc), the mode9 file 1E1A6CCD_manila (former 7c60907d_manila) and the lua script 1EC5924B_manila (former 461d3306_manila). syntax of HTC mode9 files and lua scripts are not documented. The lua version of HTC is not the original version. Some original functions don't exist, some new functions are used. So it is trial and error and reverse engineering. Here is a link for starting All this files are named by a hashed version of the original name. For this name you can use this tool by NisseDILLIGAF. For further information read Co0kies Name Guide. QTC-files First of all you have to create your files with a better image editing program (GIMP is for free). It should have layers function. That's good for later saving the individual images and for working at the images together. CHT uses 256x256 pixel images for the background. Greater dimensions are possible, but they crash with Co0kies design for the different versions of clock/weather. So I don't advice this. For the hands the standard dimension is 16x256, for clockdot 32x32. You can use greater values (best 32, 64, 128, 256), but then you have to change the values in the mode9 file (see there). If you use a picture with different layers, align the hands with the background like in the normal clock (the hands should be in the "12" position ), then change the dimensions of the "canvas" to the necessary values and save the different layers as individual images . Only exception are hands which are not in the centre of the clock (like my second hand). These should also be positioned in the centre. The different position is realized in the 1E1A6CCD_manila file. Now you have to turn these images in manila files. Franwella made a little guide for the clock background. The steps for the other standard pictures (hands and ClockDot) are the same. As an alternative you can use CFC GUI. Scan the selected folder, you should see all the qtc-manila-files in the left row. Select the manila file, replace (button bar in the right down corner) the image with your PNG image. That's all. For new manila objects you should create a self-documenting name (f. e. DateDayTens). You have to use this name at all positions, where this object is used (in the mode9 file and the lua script). Use the manilahash program with this string : \windows\htc\home\assets\images\Home\VGA\Your_Name.qtc The pdf file in post 2 contains these strings for all the objects I used. Don't let you disturb by the folders. All manila files are in the windows directory. Take another manila file, copy it in your temporary working directory, rename it with the new hash name, change the picture like above.
Modifications of the mode9 file mode9 file 1E1A6CCD_manila (former 7c60907d_manila) The mode9 files regulates the type, size, position, location and some times color . Thanks to poyensa there is already a guide for changing colors in text objects. Here we look at the analog clock objects. I use m9editor . After some clicking you find this In this Group there are several "GLESSprite2D" objects and one "GLESText" object. This are the description for the analog clock objects and the AMPM field. I opened the secondHand for a moving object and the analogclock for an unmoved object. The difference is the <Property> line for Center Value which unmoved objects didn't have. Notice that moving means also rotate in a constant position. new objects and order of objects For adding of new objects simply point to an object with nearly the same properties (so you have not much to change), click right, select copy, then go to the object before the position of your new object, click right and select paste below. The order of the objects determines how they are "layered" at the clock (thanks to pchronos). If you have a clock with moving objects which are covered by the casing (f. e. the second hand in the Hero clock by Lechu), add the covering parts as a new layer/object (f. e. "analogclock2") after the moving parts. For my clock you can see that the order of the objects is the same as the layers in post 2. In the picture you can see an added text object DayDatenight with luminous colour and an added hour hand for the night version. properties Click on the line. You can see at the lower border of the editor a line for changing the values. Don't forget after changing to click "Ok" Name Instance Is the name of the variable of the object in lua scripts. I used for my new objects for simplification the same name as for the qtc-image in second line (only with added _). That's not necessary.Name Texture Path Thats the location of the image file. Use this name (only the last part before .qtc! instead of the fat letters) for the hash manila name as described above. Name Position/Name Center/Name Size These values are corresponding with each other. For standard values (normal size, rotating in centre) change nothing. If you want to change the size so 3lixir found a formula for the changed width of hands: Change the width of hand image (best to a multiple of 16). The "centre value" for the x-axis is half the new width of the hand minus 0.5 The "position value" for the x-axis is 128 minus half the width of the hand. If you want to change the position of a hand then (after you applied the formula above) try different values of x- and y-axis in Position until they meet your intented place. For the color look into poyensa's guide. For rotation to a constant position see under lua script. These are only tips. Most of the time they are working, sometimes you have to do it by trial and error.
Modifications of the lua script/functions lua script 1EC5924B_manila (former 461d3306_manila) This file is responsible for the animations of the analog clock. It's a HTC lua script. HTC's version of lua is not documented. So if you want to mod manila lua scripts you should have some basic knowledge in coding. I'm at best clumsy. I didn't find for example a solution to bring the numerical value of the calendar day to a string on the screen (EDIT: Problem solved with the help of co0kie). So I went around to the classical mechanical approach with two disks. So there is still room for some useful inventions. For start look at this general lua programming guide . Another good resource ist the source code of Co0kies Home Tab. It's published at the end of this post. For compiling and decompiling I used m9editor. If you in the lower part of the editor click right at the lua script manila file, you can decompile the file and save it in the lua script subfolder of the editor. There you can change it with Notepad2 (by Florian Balmer, compiled by Co0kiemonster). It is part of this kitchen. But because m9editor sometimes had problems with decompiling I used essentially the homealarmclock.lua from co0kie's source. After that once more click right on the 1EC5924B_manila file in the m9editor and compile the manila file. functions For every function in lua there are three essential parts: the definition of the function, the calling of the function and the update of the calling. In the HTC lua scripts these parts are typically not in sucession for each function but combined in blocks for all functions (at first all definitions and so on). Tourbillon Cage/ second hand In the original file by co0kie the query of the position of minute and hour hand was triggered by a change of the value of the minute. So the minute hand jumps every minute, the hour hand moves continously. The position of the second hand was determind by an own function triggered by a timer every second. For the Tourbillon it was necessary to use milliseconds. HTC ROMs don't work with milliseconds (although windows mobile provides it). So this has to be made by a timer function. Here a tip by Co0kie: Code: MyTimerName = timer(time_in_seconds) -- the time can be 0.1 seconds for example -- after the timer is created it immediately starts ticking MyTimerName.OnElapsed:connect(some_function) -- the name of the function that should be called after timeout - the timer runs in a loop so the function will be called every 0.1 seconds MyTimerName:Stop() -- stops the timer MyTimerName:Start() -- starts it again In the new function "ClockSecond" the cage (secondHand) makes five steps every second. This factor five I defined as FinenessFactor, so it can be changed very simple. The distance is every step 12° (really depending on the FinenessFactor), so the Cage turns once every minute and can be used as second hand. The ClockSecondTimer = timer(0.2) in line 192 determines the period between two steps. The function starts every second with the new position, so the timer value should be 1 second / FinenessFactor for continous moving rotation is realized with the function XXX.Rotation.z = 360 - myHandsPosition in clockwise direction myHandsPosition against clockwise direction The value of myHandsPosition is the numerical value of the ° position Code: SecondsCheck = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Second Counter = 1 ClockSecond = function() if secondHand._visible == true then local FinenessFactor = 5 local globalsecond = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Second local myHandsPosition0 = globalsecond * FinenessFactor if SecondsCheck == globalsecond then myHandsPosition0 = globalsecond * FinenessFactor + Counter Counter = Counter + 1 else Counter = 1 end local myHandsPosition = (myHandsPosition0 - (2 * FinenessFactor) + 1) / (60 * FinenessFactor) * 360 secondHand.Rotation.z = 360 - myHandsPosition secondHand1.Rotation.z = 360 - myHandsPosition secondHandnight.Rotation.z = 360 - myHandsPosition SecondsCheck = globalsecond minuteHand.Rotation.z = -((machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Minute / 60 * 360) + ((machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Second - 5) / 10)) minuteHandnight.Rotation.z = -((machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Minute / 60 * 360) + ((machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Second - 5) / 10)) else ClockSecondTimer:Stop() end end balance wheel (secondhand2) function "ClockSecond2". The balance wheel has not the same behavior as the other "hands". It swings with 5 (= FinenessFactor2) frames 180° back and forth. Crucial for the speed (and the frequency of queries) is the ClockSecond2Timer = timer(0.04) in line 194. At present it realizes 25 frames per second, a value 0.1 is only 10 fps (I attached a 1EC5924B_manila/461d3306_manila with this value in post 30) . This is the most CPU power and energy consuming process in the clock, but also the most visible. Code: Counter2 = 0 turn2 = 0 ClockSecond2 = function() if secondHand._visible == true then local FinenessFactor2 = 5 local myHandsPosition2 = 360 if turn2 == 0 then myHandsPosition2 = 360 - ((360 / FinenessFactor2) * Counter2) if Counter2 == FinenessFactor2 then turn2 = 1 Counter2 = 0 end else myHandsPosition2 = (360 / FinenessFactor2) * Counter2 if Counter2 == FinenessFactor2 then turn2 = 0 Counter2 = 0 end end Counter2 = Counter2 + 1 secondHand2.Rotation.z = 360 - myHandsPosition2 secondHand2night.Rotation.z = 360 - myHandsPosition2 else ClockSecond2Timer:Stop() end end The calling of both functions for the tourbillon with update: Code: if ShowSecondHand then secondHand._visible = true ClockSecondTimer = timer(0.2) ClockSecondTimer.OnElapsed:connect(ClockSecond) ClockSecond2Timer = timer(0.04) ClockSecond2Timer.OnElapsed:connect(ClockSecond2) else secondHand._visible = false secondHand1._visible = false secondHandnight._visible = false secondHand2night._visible = false end second hand (secondHand3) It is bound to the movement of the Tourbillon cage. See code above minute hand function "ClockMinute". For continous moving every second a 1/60 of a minute step is added. Code: minuteHand.Rotation.z = -((machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Minute / 60 * 360) + ((machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Second - 5) / 10)) calendar day by disks The disk for the tens (DateDayTens) turns every ten days for 90°, the disk for the ones (DateDayOnes) every day for 36°. (Don't be afraid for month with days lower than 30, it is in the formula). It checks at the change of the current time value of windows mobile. Code: CalendarDate1 = function() local locday = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Day local DayTens = 0 local DayOnes = 1 if locday < 10 then DayTens = 0 else if locday < 20 then DayTens = 1 else if locday < 30 then DayTens = 2 else DayTens = 3 end end end DayOnes = locday - (DayTens * 10) DateDayTens.Rotation.z = DayTens * 90 DateDayOnes.Rotation.z = DayOnes * 36 DateDayTensnight.Rotation.z = DayTens * 90 DateDayOnesnight.Rotation.z = DayOnes * 36 end Code: CalendarDate1() Code: machineStatus.CurrentTime.OnValueChanged:connect(CalendarDate1) calendar day by text object Code: CalendarDate1 = function() local locday = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Day DayDate.String = tostring(locday) DayDate.Rotation.z = 330 local val = (AnalogAMPMColor / 10) * 255 DayDate.Color = Color(val, val, val, 255) DayDatenight.String = tostring(locday) DayDatenight.Rotation.z = 330 end In this example the color of DayDate is bound to the color of AMPM. So you can set in CHT Editor also the color of the Date. The calling and the update is the same as above. If you want a constant rotated position for an object simply add the line XXX.Rotation.z = 360 - y where XXX is the name of your object in the mode9 file and y the ° value ot the incline of your object (example for AMPM in the above mentioned Hero clock "ShowAMPM.Rotation.z = 330") moonphase The mathematical formula for the moonphases is described at various astronomical websites. I took it from this Swiss site (at Berechnungen). The formula takes a date of a full moon and then counts the difference to the present day and divides this through the lunar month. The not integer part of the result describes the position of the moon. Code: local lochour = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Hour local locday = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Day local locmonth = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Month local locyear = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Year local valueYear = 365 * (locyear - 2010) if locyear > 2011 then if locyear > 2016 then valueYear = valueYear + 2 else valueYear = valueYear + 1 end end local valueMonth = 0 if locmonth == 2 then valueMonth = 31 end if locmonth == 3 then valueMonth = 59 end if locmonth == 4 then valueMonth = 90 end if locmonth == 5 then valueMonth = 120 end if locmonth == 6 then valueMonth = 151 end if locmonth == 7 then valueMonth = 181 end if locmonth == 8 then valueMonth = 212 end if locmonth == 9 then valueMonth = 243 end if locmonth == 10 then valueMonth = 273 end if locmonth == 11 then valueMonth = 304 end if locmonth == 12 then valueMonth = 334 end if locyear == 2012 then if locmonth > 2 then valueMonth = valueMonth + 1 end end if locyear == 2016 then if locmonth > 2 then valueMonth = valueMonth + 1 end end local presentday = (lochour / 24) + locday + valueMonth + valueYear local moonposition1 = (presentday - 30.25) / 29.530588 moonphase.Rotation.z = - ((moonposition1 - math.floor(moonposition1)) * 180) moonphasenight.Rotation.z = - ((moonposition1 - math.floor(moonposition1)) * 180) end Code: moonposition() Code: machineStatus.CurrentTime.OnValueChanged:connect(moonposition) day of week This function takes the first (here two letters) of your date string. Code: DayOfWeek1 = function() local weekday1 weekday1 = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value:GetDateString(Locale:GetString("IDS_DATEFORMAT")) weekday1 = string.sub(weekday1, 1, 2) weekday.String = tostring(weekday1) weekdaynight.String = tostring(weekday1) end Code: DayOfWeek1() Code: machineStatus.CurrentTime.OnValueChanged:connect(DayOfWeek1) For another approach with three letters you have to subtitute the lines Code: weekday1 = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value:GetDateString(Locale:GetString("IDS_DATEFORMAT")) weekday1 = string.sub(weekday1, 1, 2) with Code: weekday1 = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value:GetDateString(Locale:GetString("dddd")) weekday1 = string.sub(weekday1, 1, 3) visibility Visibility depends on the hour value of the clock. That's a problem with the 12h use in AMPM Regions. So you have to transform all values to 24h. This happends in the first part of the function. In the second part the opacity of the "night objects" is determined in a definite time intervall. A special case in this code example are objects which can be made unvisible by settings in CHT or Windows Mobile. For the animation functions I found some tips in the attached animation toolkit for CHT 1.6.1 by Co0kie. Code: switchvisibility = function() local locAMPM = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value:GetTimeString("tt") local lochour = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Hour if locAMPM == "AM" then ShowAMPMnight.String = "AM" else ShowAMPMnight.String = "PM" end if machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.IsTwentyFourHour then local lochour = machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.Hour else if locAMPM == "AM" then if lochour == 12 then lochour = 0 end else if lochour ~= 12 then lochour = lochour + 12 end end end if lochour > 7 then if lochour < 20 then minuteHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(0,200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) hourHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) analogclocknight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) moonphasenight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) if secondHand._visible == true then secondHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) secondHand2night.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end if machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.IsTwentyFourHour then ShowAMPMnight._visible = false else ShowAMPMnight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end weekdaynight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) DayDatenight.Opacity:Interpolate(0, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) else minuteHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100,200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) hourHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) analogclocknight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) moonphasenight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) if secondHand._visible == true then secondHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) secondHand2night.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end if machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.IsTwentyFourHour then ShowAMPMnight._visible = false else ShowAMPMnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end weekdaynight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) DayDatenight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end else minuteHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100,200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) hourHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) analogclocknight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) moonphasenight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) if secondHand._visible == true then secondHandnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) secondHand2night.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end if machineStatus.CurrentTime.Value.IsTwentyFourHour then ShowAMPMnight._visible = false else ShowAMPMnight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end weekdaynight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) DayDatenight.Opacity:Interpolate(100, 200, 0, Interpolate_Linear) end end Code: switchvisibility() Code: machineStatus.CurrentTime.OnValueChanged:connect(switchvisibility) I hope this description will help you to understand a little bit the modifications and maybe to make yourself some examples. You can also mod or delete the indivual modifications. I'm open for improvements and simplifications.
files and templates I hope the description in the above posts will help you to understand the modifications. I add the manila lua script, the manila files and the png files as zip. The Reference clock can be found in post 1. For all who are about to despair because of compiling I made some templates. The first zip contains various versions of the compiled lua script and if necessary the mode9 file. You can get: jumping minute/continous minute, jumping second/continous second, without date/ with date (as text object) not inclined, inclined 15°, inclined 30°, 12h/24h (the 24h modus works only with 24h settings). The position and the colour of the objects can be changed in the mode9 file like described above. The second Template zip contains a new reference clock with some basic modifications - continous minute and second, date as text object - and changing visibility for all objects (including AMPM). For the pictures I took my carbon clock but they can be changed by you as you like. Tip: If you wouldn't change some objects, take the same picture for day and night object. The text object DayDate could be "hidden" behind the clock background by repositioning in the mode9 file. So you have only to change the mode9 file.
Really nice job!
installed orig cab over orig CHT clock reset and all I got was a second hand added to CHT orig but quite abstact ?
really nice!
Really nice clock and you also made the second hand, date and AM/PM working which is something nobody had made yet. Great job
great work you are the best man
11calcal said: installed orig cab over orig CHT clock reset and all I got was a second hand added to CHT orig but quite abstact ? Click to expand... Click to collapse In this cab are the original CHT manila files. Can you post a screenshot?
THANKs for the Good WRK
11calcal said: installed orig cab over orig CHT clock reset and all I got was a second hand added to CHT orig but quite abstact ? Click to expand... Click to collapse Sorry, didn't saw the edit. You used a modificated 7c60907d_manila file (thats why the changed position of the second hand). Sometimes if you installed a cab without deactivating HTC Sense and a file is in use, then this file is not copied. Try this: Deactivate Sense and install the original cab once more, than activate Sense. Or install the attached cab for the original file.
WOW, this is getting real awesome man. Thanks
The BEST CLOCK MADE FOR COOKIE HT SO FAR And the first clock which forced me to enable the SECOND HAND Well Done Mate.........
Steve0007 said: Really nice clock and you also made the second hand, date and AM/PM working which is something nobody had made yet. Great job Click to expand... Click to collapse I agree.... +1 ---------------------- EDIT: After testing the clock, the second hand and the lower gear still get stuck and still after waking the phone up ................
jaguaralani said: I agree.... +1 ---------------------- EDIT: After testing the clock, the second hand and the lower gear still get stuck and still after waking the phone up ................ Click to expand... Click to collapse Thats right. The clock is very depending of other processes. Especially till the calendar is fully open there is a delay. Other point are the turning of the minute (with all the animations) or activesync. Sorry I tried to minimize this but thats the best solution I found.
CPU load. Wonderfull clock. But it takes 70% of my HD2 CPU when i am on "Home". I check this using BattClock v2.1.2. I am afraid that it will drain battery. I'll monitor and let you know. Congratulation for this.
emottier said: Wonderfull clock. But it takes 70% of my HD2 CPU when i am on "Home". I check this using BattClock v2.1.2. I am afraid that it will drain battery. I'll monitor and let you know. Congratulation for this. Click to expand... Click to collapse That's the second disadvantage. It is power consuming because of the necessary processes in the background (please see later post 2). I noticed the same. But I think it is only when you use the home screen (f. e. for watching the clock), not in standby or at the use of other programs or functions. Can you please post your experiences? Thanks
[Game] Fractions
Hello, I post this thread to present you my game Fractions available on market to the following place : // Fractions is an addictive game combining mental calculation and speed. Game has a grid containing squares having each 4 values that can take several different forms (fraction, percentage, integer, decimal, subtraction, addition). For example, value 0.6 can be represented like that in the game : 6/10, 3/5, 12/20, 9-8.4, 60%, ... And all these forms are equals. Game grid can have 2x2, 3x3 or 4x4 dimensions. Fractions’ goal is to find all equalities between each squares’ values that are in contact on the game grid. For that, player can roll values of square clockwise by clicking on square and moving squares via drag & drop in hard levels. For these hard levels, Fractions has a help menu that can be displayed during game and in which player can choose to show squares well placed thanks to a little orange square and to show squares well placed with values in good order thanks to a little green square. But, use of these helps increase game resolution time of 50 or 100 seconds. Grid resolution time and number of moves realized are counted during game. When game is ended, you can compare your score with other players around the world and try to make the high scores. Players can configure their login used to share scores thanks to menu preferences. A records screen lets you to visualize best high scores list for Fractions. Each grid is randomly generated which lets you to play an infinite of different game grids with always the same goal : solve grid faster than you can with the smallest number of moves. An elegant help menu lets you to see how to play to Fractions. Changes between screens are realized thanks to edges that are in bottom of the screen or by flip on screen right to left or left to right respectively to go to previous screen or next screen. I made a little video to show how to play to Fractions available here : I wish people will like Fractions which is an original game . Thanks by advance for your feedbacks. Sylvain.
You should post the link to the game on the market as well so we don't have to go looking for it. In going to download it tonight and report back later. Edit: I played it. I really like the concept of the game but there are a few bugs that have to change. One is pressing the back button doesn't allow you to exit the app. The command to exit pops up but it just takes you back to the last played game. Second is the fractions turning red when they are in the correct order. Its too easy to just click through and wait for everything to line up and turn red. A better option would be for the player to line the grid up without the red fractions and to submit their answer. If its wrong they keep going and submit again with another try. I like the game but it needs a few tweeks. Sent from my Samsung Captivate running Andromeda³
For market link, I hadn't enough posts on forum to have right to put link in my threads. First, thanks for your feedbacks. For the back button, you have reason. You think I must remove confirmation exit dialog also or just keep confirmation exit dialog and when user click to yes quit the game ? (while actually the user returns to home screen). For the levels 1, 2 and 3, I think it's good idea to remove red color for equalities to avoid people that click randomly until they find all equalities and they win the game. I'm going to add a way to valid grid when user think he found all equalities and the gris is solved. Perhaps, take in count in the ranking the fact that player has submitted grid too much time before win also. Have you tried the levels 4, 5 and 6 ? I think for that levels red color is necessary because it becomes very hard. Indeed, squares are shuffled to the start of the game. So, it is necessary to drag an drop squares also to solve grid. Without red color for that levels, It will be too hard perhaps no ?
The aim of the game to place the figures in the field of 10 to 10, so that the sum of the numbers on all elements of figures caught in a horizontal or vertical line was equal to 50. ****Summing elements may not lie in a row and take no horizontal or vertical whole. ****The data elements are removed from the field and increase your rating. ***** ****View the current sum of the digits in a particular horizontally and vertically by tapping their intersection. ****Over the field shows the shapes that you can use. The selected figure, before you put on the field, you can move, rotate, replaced by another, or to return back. ****Once you put a figure on the field, instead of it will be given next and your rating will decrease.
[game][free][arcade]40 The purpose of the game figures placed on the 8 by 8, so that the sum of numbers in all figures of elements belonging to a single horizontal or vertical equals 40. ****Summing elements may not lie in a row and take no horizontal or vertical whole. ****The data elements are removed from the field and increase your rating. ****Over the field shows the shapes that you can use. The selected figure, before you put on the field, you can move, rotate, replaced by another, or to return back. ****Once you put a figure on the field, instead of it will be given next and your rating will decrease.
A different style of guitar tuner app
I've got a guitar tuner app that's a bit of a concept. It shows all the strings on a phase plot. The speed that the numbers move is proportional to the ratio that the string is off (not the absolute frequency offset). A number whizzing around once a second is off by about 10 cents, i.e. 1/10 of a semitone. You can strum the open strings to get a quick check which string is off or you can pluck a single string to see more clearly. If you switch on "2nd" it will show you in red the 2X harmonic. You'll see that the fundamental and the harmonic are not in tune. For some strings the blue and red drift together. On my D string the 2nd partial is almost 10 cent sharp! (I'll see when I change my strings if this still holds). Switch on "440" to enable display of a 440 tuning fork (if you have one). Yup, this is about an alpha app. There were no endangered woods used to create the display. There are no analytics or anything. Heck, it's only 20kB. Any comments, feedback or thoughts on inharmonicity are appreciated. Have fun. Note: Currently this is only set up for guitar EADGBE tuning in 440 Hz.