No flash - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

OK so I'm on the latest vzw cyanogen build. Unlicked boot loader and everything is good. However when I install flash it just shows blue blocks where content should be playing. What am I doing wrong. FYI it also did this for me on stock.

deadfrog82 said:
OK so I'm on the latest vzw cyanogen build. Unlicked boot loader and everything is good. However when I install flash it just shows blue blocks where content should be playing. What am I doing wrong. FYI it also did this for me on stock.
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Can anyone help me out

Android Flash has been discontinued and may not work properly on Jelly Bean. Consider moving to sites/servers using HTML5.

WildZontar said:
Android Flash has been discontinued and may not work properly on Jelly Bean. Consider moving to sites/servers using HTML5.
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yes, this is something we will probably have to deal with in 4.1 and all 4.1 roms as we were so used to flash being available and just having it work.


[Q] Samsung Update stopped by ClockworkMod

Hello Everyone,
I'm fairly new to rooting phones and ROMs so if this question dosn't make sense please destroy my inner child I have a rooted sgs3 using odin and factory verizon build but the problem I am having is with ClockwordMod I think. The samsung update restarts the phone but ClockworkMod starts up right away and won't let the update go through. Is there a setting I need to change to allow all updates to bypass ClockworkMod or is there another way for me to get the update?
Any help is much appreciated.
Sounds to me like cwm just saved you from an auto ota update.
I use twrp so i dont know the answer to your question but if you're rooted, why would you want an ota?
maniac2k said:
Sounds to me like cwm just saved you from an auto ota update.
I use twrp so i dont know the answer to your question but if you're rooted, why would you want an ota?
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Hello and thank you for the reply. I'm not sure that I need/want it though it continues to ask me to update so it's either keep saying defer or just let it update.
Of you download and flash one of the latest and greatest roms, you wont get asked to update. There is a way you can stop the ota but i dont remember off the top of my head. Im sure google knows. I would just flash a newer rom that includes the update.
maniac2k said:
Of you download and flash one of the latest and greatest roms, you wont get asked to update. There is a way you can stop the ota but i dont remember off the top of my head. Im sure google knows. I would just flash a newer rom that includes the update.
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What would you say is the latest and greatest ROM and can I use odin to flash it? Also, if I flash a new ROM I lose everything that is on my phone right??
ndjustin20 said:
What would you say is the latest and greatest ROM and can I use odin to flash it? Also, if I flash a new ROM I lose everything that is on my phone right??
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Well I have beans 12 and woke up and my phone also was booted into recovery and stopped the update.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
ndjustin20 said:
What would you say is the latest and greatest ROM and can I use odin to flash it? Also, if I flash a new ROM I lose everything that is on my phone right??
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It is going to keep rebooting into CWM if you don't tell it to until you tell it to stop rebooting to recovery, which is an option in the menu system after flashing. If the OTA update installation is being intercepted by CWM's presence on your phone, then I'm not sure if there is a way around it other than flashing a ROM. Someone with more experience will have to chime in.
With that said, should you choose to install a new ROM, there are a plethora of ROM options on XDA, at least some of which have OTA updates disabled. See the following link for a guide (I'm assuming you are on Verizon):
You can flash the stock, rooted ROM back on with ODIN, and then download EZ-Recovery (which has CWM) and load a custom ROM that way.
I use aokp but jellywiz is a nice stock like rom. Just download a rom and flash in cwm.
ndjustin20 said:
Hello Everyone,
I'm fairly new to rooting phones and ROMs so if this question dosn't make sense please destroy my inner child I have a rooted sgs3 using odin and factory verizon build but the problem I am having is with ClockwordMod I think. The samsung update restarts the phone but ClockworkMod starts up right away and won't let the update go through. Is there a setting I need to change to allow all updates to bypass ClockworkMod or is there another way for me to get the update?
Any help is much appreciated.
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If you want the update you should flash back to stock and restore the stock recovery. You can reroot and unlock the boot loader after you update.
Im having same issue. Verizion trying to force my phone to have less features. I was able to ignore it 2 weeks ago but now it keeps trying to force the update and I can keep delaying it. Any good tools you all know of to just block ota updates all together? Pretty happy with stock rom as is no need to fix it minus the copy and paste bug.
You can use Titanium Backup to freeze SDM 1.0 and the update will quit downloading. I'm not sure if freezing apps is supported in the free version but the paid version is well worth it of you plan on switching ROMs.
You could also flash Scotts stock rooted Rom with the latest update, then your phone status will say up to date. I flashed the zip right on my phone through cwm but I'm sure you can use Odin too
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
I was in the exact same situation as you. The phone will not update with Clockwork Recovery installed. I simply flashed back to the stock ROM via ODIN (stock.vzw_root66 which a quick search should locate), accepted the OTA update, and then used the beginner's guide in the Android Development forum to get back root.
I use Titanium Backup to freeze SDM 1.0. Like JBO1018 wrote, the PRO version is well worth the price, if only to freeze bloatware. Everything else it offers is gravy.
Questions go in Q&A
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[Q] Cannot get Verizon update to work

Over the past month or so I have tried several times to update my S3 with the Jelly Bean update from Verizon. Each time I try it I get a message that the software failed to install.
O I need to unroot the phone and lock the bootloader in order to update? Anyone else had this problem? Right now I am on Android version 4.0.4 and I think the update is 4.1.2.
I believe for the official update you have to be unrooted and have a locked bootloader unless you do it from kies where it can revert it complete to stock and unroot it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
djteotancolis said:
I believe for the official update you have to be unrooted and have a locked bootloader unless you do it from kies where it can revert it complete to stock and unroot it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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You are 100% correct. Update will fail due to custom recovery. OP, why not download one of the many JB ROMS from the development section and flash it? Not only will it update your phone, it will be much better than stock as well as easier to install.
HHF2 said:
You are 100% correct. Update will fail due to custom recovery. OP, why not download one of the many JB ROMS from the development section and flash it? Not only will it update your phone, it will be much better than stock as well as easier to install.
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I have not yet ventured into flashing other ROMS but am certainly willing to give it a try. I know there are many available but can you suggest one or two that i can try.
Really tough to suggest a ROM, there are a lot of different options depending on what you are looking for. Clean ROM is pretty much stock that has been optimized, I would probably start there since you have only done stock. You can then make a nandroid and flash other ROMS and see which one you like the best.
Just remember, read all of the stickies so that you have everything backed up in case something goes wrong. It takes less time to read and learn it before you have a problem and then don't have what you need to fix it nor the know-how.
Okay, so I download a ROM zip file. I copy it to me microSD card. I have TWRP on my phone. I assume I just go into recovery mode, wipe the cache and Dalvik cache and then just install the zip via TWRP. Is that all I need to do?
Never mind. I just flashed the Jelly_Beans10 ROM and it works fine.

The [GT-I9505][Leaked firmware] I9505XXUFNA1 (Android 4.4) - Open Europe (OXA) [10-01

The gt-i9005 has a leaked fireware of 4.4. I hope that we get in the next two or there months!
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda premium
killer5000 said:
The gt-i9005 has a leaked fireware of 4.4. I hope that we get in the next two or there months!
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda premium
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I just downloaded
Has anyone tried unzipping it and rezipping without the bootloader, etc and tried flashing it rather than using odin and replacing the bootloader everything? I am working on that as we speak, just wondering if someone has done it already and what their experience was as far as what worked. I imagine there will be some issues with wifi or what not.
neo4uo said:
I just downloaded
Has anyone tried unzipping it and rezipping without the bootloader, etc and tried flashing it rather than using odin and replacing the bootloader everything? I am working on that as we speak, just wondering if someone has done it already and what their experience was as far as what worked. I imagine there will be some issues with wifi or what not.
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If you're on i337 you cannot flash it through Odin, not authorized... I have been tinkering with putting together a zip to flash via recovery...but I'm a novice and couldn't get past the boot animation with sound...
ZPaul2Fresh8 said:
If you're on i337 you cannot flash it through Odin, not authorized... I have been tinkering with putting together a zip to flash via recovery...but I'm a novice and couldn't get past the boot animation with sound...
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I was working on it the other day and just got to busy. There is a rom already in the I9505 thread...
The only catch is from what I have read that the Wifi will not work unless you odin the leak first. For some reason it seems that you have to have the new leaked bootloader. I have talked to a couple of the people that made a zip flash keeping the bootloader we are on, but no wifi. I stopped working on making a zip after I found that out. I have thought about using odin to flash the leak then flashing the Rom from the link above, but am not sure if I would be able to go back to the roms that I am running on the old bootloader. I am just going to wait until some people that knows what they are are doing picks the leak apart more. Anywho if you are interested goto that thread above and do some reading. I personally am just going to stay away until we know more about the new bootloader. I know that the leak can be rooted though because chainfire released an update specifically for the 4.4.2 leak.
neo4uo said:
I was working on it the other day and just got to busy. There is a rom already in the I9505 thread...
The only catch is from what I have read that the Wifi will not work unless you odin the leak first. For some reason it seems that you have to have the new leaked bootloader. I have talked to a couple of the people that made a zip flash keeping the bootloader we are on, but no wifi. I stopped working on making a zip after I found that out. I have thought about using odin to flash the leak then flashing the Rom from the link above, but am not sure if I would be able to go back to the roms that I am running on the old bootloader. I am just going to wait until some people that knows what they are are doing picks the leak apart more. Anywho if you are interested goto that thread above and do some reading. I personally am just going to stay away until we know more about the new bootloader. I know that the leak can be rooted though because chainfire released an update specifically for the 4.4.2 leak.
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I did try flashing with Odin a day ago, I'm assuming since the Download Mode has "No authorization" it's due to the locked bootloader we have. About 10% into the flash it fails with an authorization error... I'm going to look into that thread to see if I can learn more...trial and error is a great learning tool for me
Downloading now to try it out. The updated link for that referenced rom is
ZPaul2Fresh8 said:
I did try flashing with Odin a day ago, I'm assuming since the Download Mode has "No authorization" it's due to the locked bootloader we have. About 10% into the flash it fails with an authorization error... I'm going to look into that thread to see if I can learn more...trial and error is a great learning tool for me
Downloading now to try it out. The updated link for that referenced rom is
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Let us know, or pm and let me know how it goes
known bugs
Hi so far after using for the last two days I notice when holding the home button for open apps what ever you press will always open the last app used and not what you have selected!
Andy the native Samsung e mail app continuously tells me about e mails I've viewed
That is all so far!
what kernel are you using?
neo4uo said:
Let us know, or pm and let me know how it goes
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Well after hours of farting around with their build and mine, I pretty much lost interest with the ROM now. Their build definitely has WiFi broken. I'm not sure if it's kernel related or not.
I think I'm with you on waiting for this to improve before using. Besides CM11 with Google Experience Launcher is looking and feeling great this past month...
Here is a like to it works but you need to loki patch it and wifi don't work.
hello my friends somebody have one solution for the problem of wifi in rom stock o custom deodex of echoe in 4.4.2... And please can explainme what is the loky patch...? tks for your help and sorry for my english..!
Loki only has to be flashed on the At&t variant of the S4 after installing a zip that was not an At&t rom. The WiFi issue I believe is from not updating the bootloader via OTA and possibly kernel tweaks as well but it will get there. We have great devs for this device.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
scalamusical said:
hello my friends somebody have one solution for the problem of wifi in rom stock o custom deodex of echoe in 4.4.2... And please can explainme what is the loky patch...? tks for your help and sorry for my english..!
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You need a kernel made from the 4.4.2 source code which has not been released yet for the wifi.
For loki patch on att, download loki-doki, put it on your SD, go to recovery, flash rom,flash loki doki. If you are using a rom made for att chances are the kernel will already be patched.
C13v3r0n3 said:
You need a kernel made from the 4.4.2 source code which has not been released yet for the wifi.
For loki patch on att, download loki-doki, put it on your SD, go to recovery, flash rom,flash loki doki. If you are using a rom made for att chances are the kernel will already be patched.
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what kernel were you guys using on the echoe roms? I couldn't get past the boot screen and it hung using the i337m Canadian variant which should be the same as their TMO version minus the leaked bootloader.
There is a new NA5 leak out. I am in the I337 and have tried the NA1 leak Roms Indies Omega and Echoe and I always hang up on the boot menu. Guess we will have to wait for the official and the Kernel info for it to work for us.
rfb813 said:
There is a new NA5 leak out. I am in the I337 and have tried the NA1 leak Roms Indies Omega and Echoe and I always hang up on the boot menu. Guess we will have to wait for the official and the Kernel info for it to work for us.
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You give me a few hrs, at work right now. I will have this running for att the NA5 stay tuned....
TheAxman said:
You give me a few hrs, at work right now. I will have this running for att the NA5 stay tuned....
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I didn't know there was a nlthread on this on my native device. I Have been posting on the Tmobile thread since the leak first came out.
I also unpacked both Leaks and repacked only their respective boot, system and cache files and successfully flashed via Odin. the cool part was that I didn't lose root and only needed to add the new supersu. I had a titanium backup zip which I also flashed.
the problems are as follows
1. No WiFi. attempting to flash KT kernel bricked it. had to start all over
2. Security settings caused a FC. so couldn't enable installation from unknown sources.
3. Restoring user apps using Titanium backup (after freezing all Knox apps) worked. but adding any system apps caused a bad series of forced closures
so unless u have got an unlimited data plan, this is just something to play around with for now it would seem
AFAIK I337M devices share the same hardware with I9505 ones; so can I flash I9505XXUFNA5 onto my I337m?
guerouig said:
AFAIK I337M devices share the same hardware with I9505 ones; so can I flash I9505XXUFNA5 onto my I337m?
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The bootloader would block odin from accepting the full package. The best u can do is pick n choose parts to flas like i did. And you'll end up with a similar scenario
But you could use this modified version and search for Magical unicorn kernel and see
@gangsta101: so what bits did you chose to flash? is AP and CP and exclude BL and CSC for instance?

Questions about flashing 4.4 ROM. Coming from 4.1 Please help!

So like the title says I have been out of the ROM game for a little bit. Every couple of months I check in and see whats new and flash something else.
I was on the Jelly Beans ROM (Build 16 I think) and Android 4.1. I did some searching last night as was going to try flashing Gummy ROM…bad idea. I am guessing I needed something prior to jumping up to a 4.4 base. I booted to recovery and wiped everything and tried to flash with no luck. So the phone would not boot and I could only get into recovery and download mode. I did not have my micro SD adapter in order to get jelly beans back on it to flash so I ended up having to use odin to flash a stock rooted 4.1 image. Finally got everything back up and running but I still want to try some of the 4.4 ROMs. So what exactly do I need first in order to flash one? (Modem maybe)…if you know for sure why that happened and what I need to do please let me know. Thanks!
My Current "About Phone" Info...
Android Version - 4.1.2
Baseband version - I535VRBMB1
Jelly Beans - Build 20
P.S. I have tried doing the research and nothing I have found has been clear but one thing I came across is the official 4.3 update was bad news and broke the root methods? So should I stay away from 4.3 ROMs and is the old root method blocked in 4.4 as well or is that a different case since it wasn't actually released for our phone. If that makes sense lol
aholeinthewor1d said:
So like the title says I have been out of the ROM game for a little bit. Every couple of months I check in and see whats new and flash something else.
I was on the Jelly Beans ROM (Build 16 I think) and Android 4.1. I did some searching last night as was going to try flashing Gummy ROM…bad idea. I am guessing I needed something prior to jumping up to a 4.4 base. I booted to recovery and wiped everything and tried to flash with no luck. So the phone would not boot and I could only get into recovery and download mode. I did not have my micro SD adapter in order to get jelly beans back on it to flash so I ended up having to use odin to flash a stock rooted 4.1 image. Finally got everything back up and running but I still want to try some of the 4.4 ROMs. So what exactly do I need first in order to flash one? (Modem maybe)…if you know for sure why that happened and what I need to do please let me know. Thanks!
P.S. I have tried doing the research and nothing I have found has been clear but one thing I came across is the official 4.3 update was bad news and broke the root methods? So should I stay away from 4.3 ROMs and is the old root method blocked in 4.4 as well or is that a different case since it wasn't actually released for our phone. If that makes sense lol
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Can't tell you exactly why that happened, but it shouldve worked.
You're right though, stay away from the stock Ota 4.3 update. I'm happy you read first because so many people don't. My guess is your firmware was a little too old. Try to flash the mf1 firmware aio and then try gummy.
To be clear, you can still use any custom rom, even the 4.3 ones, just stay away from the stock rom or anything having to do with 4.3 ML1 firmware
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Can't tell you exactly why that happened, but it shouldve worked.
You're right though, stay away from the stock Ota 4.3 update. I'm happy you read first because so many people don't. My guess is your firmware was a little too old. Try to flash the mf1 firmware aio and then try gummy.
To be clear, you can still use any custom rom, even the 4.3 ones, just stay away from the stock rom or anything having to do with 4.3 ML1 firmware
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for the quick reply. What do you mean try to flash the MF1 firmware...does that mean a 4.2 ROM?
I think I saw the new jellyBeans/alliance ROM was 4.3...or maybe it was something else..either way it would be ok to flash the 4.3 ROM? and if I wanted I could go back to a 4.1 Rom then..
aholeinthewor1d said:
Thanks for the quick reply. What do you mean try to flash the MF1 firmware...does that mean a 4.2 ROM?
I think I saw the new jellyBeans/alliance ROM was 4.3...or maybe it was something else..either way it would be ok to flash the 4.3 ROM? and if I wanted I could go back to a 4.1 Rom then..
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Yes you can interchange between both of them if you want to.
So go here, read all of the details, and just follow his recommendation:
Also don't double post, modify your post in the development section and put "wrong section, mod please delete".
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Yes you can interchange between both of them if you want to.
So go here, read all of the details, and just follow his recommendation:
Also don't double post, modify your post in the development section and put "wrong section, mod please delete".
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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The reason I have so confused is cause of the link you sent. I read that before and it says..
"You should NOT flash the I535VRUCML1 firmware (or any subsequent releases for that matter). You will brick. This is what vzw/samsung did on the first OTA for the Galaxy S4. They changed the keys they sign the firmware with. This prevents us from 'mis-matching' our firmware like we've been doing all along. We've been leaving aboot (VRUAME6, the african-canadian sock-monkey leaked bootloader) alone and updating everything else. Since they're signing with different keys now, doing this will brick your device. If you update the ENTIRE bootchain (including aboot) you shouldn't brick, but will be stuck with a locked bootloader and any attempt to downgrade (via dd, etc) will brick you as well."
Like i said I have been out for a while and lost track of what firmwares came out and the order of them and which I need to be on to flash a 4.4 ROM. Someone else told me the only reason my first flash failed was because my recovery was older
Ignore that entire thing I just realized you said to stay away from ML1 and that MF1 is ok..opps
aholeinthewor1d said:
The reason I have so confused is cause of the link you sent. I read that before and it says..
"You should NOT flash the I535VRUCML1 firmware (or any subsequent releases for that matter). You will brick. This is what vzw/samsung did on the first OTA for the Galaxy S4. They changed the keys they sign the firmware with. This prevents us from 'mis-matching' our firmware like we've been doing all along. We've been leaving aboot (VRUAME6, the african-canadian sock-monkey leaked bootloader) alone and updating everything else. Since they're signing with different keys now, doing this will brick your device. If you update the ENTIRE bootchain (including aboot) you shouldn't brick, but will be stuck with a locked bootloader and any attempt to downgrade (via dd, etc) will brick you as well."
Like i said I have been out for a while and lost track of what firmwares came out and the order of them and which I need to be on to flash a 4.4 ROM. Someone else told me the only reason my first flash failed was because my recovery was older
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I see, that actually makes perfect sense.
I think I read you were on the mb1 firmware, that's new enough to not cause problems.
Basically you can't get the ml1 firmware from that thread I linked you. The only ml1 file available is the modem, and that's perfectly safe to flash.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
I see, that actually makes perfect sense.
I think I read you were on the mb1 firmware, that's new enough to not cause problems.
Basically you can't get the ml1 firmware from that thread I linked you. The only ml1 file available is the modem, and that's perfectly safe to flash.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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I think I am getting it... I am on was MF1....and then ML1. As long as I have a new recovery I can flash any MF1 based ROM right over MB1...and then I can flash the ML1 modem ONLY. If that is correct let me know..also does it matter if I do MF1 ROM or ML1 modem first?
again just wanted to say thanks for the help I appreciate it
aholeinthewor1d said:
I think I am getting it... I am on was MF1....and then ML1. As long as I have a new recovery I can flash any MF1 based ROM right over MB1...and then I can flash the ML1 modem ONLY. If that is correct let me know..also does it matter if I do MF1 ROM or ML1 modem first?
again just wanted to say thanks for the help I appreciate it
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You're close, firmware is completely independent from rom. You can flash any 4.3, 4.4, or 4.1 rom without changing your firmware.
Right now you can flash mf1 aio package, then ml1 modem, or just flash the ml1 modem over your current mb1 firmware.
Basically you aren't required to be on a specific rom build in order to use a specific modem.
Edit: I think you have the right idea, flash any rom you want, then the mf1 aio package, then the ml1 modem. Your firmware sequence is correct.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
You're close, firmware is completely independent from rom. You can flash any 4.3, 4.4, or 4.1 rom without changing your firmware.
Right now you can flash mf1 aio package, then ml1 modem, or just flash the ml1 modem over your current mb1 firmware.
Basically you aren't required to be on a specific rom build in order to use a specific modem.
Edit: I think you have the right idea, flash any rom you want, then the mf1 aio package, then the ml1 modem. Your firmware sequence is correct.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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ah ok...idk why I was thinking the firmware was what the ROMs were based either way ML1 firmware sucks and I stay away...I guess my last questions are...what would be an advantage of going to the MF1 firmware...
and I always used clockworkmod you know the option available now? and maybe some features of each

need DROID RAZR HD Utility 1.10

i'm playing a little around with my xt926, that i have upgraded to 4.4.2 and custom rom from Gummy..
no offense its a great rom but i feel the battery life is getting shorter tneh im used to when i had Batakang..
i know i can go back to 4.1.2 and install Batakang, well so far i only had the luck of going back to 4.1.2 not getting Batakang on it ( just reboots saying no operating system installed ( or something simular ) )
so question is, does anyone out there have that old DROID RAZR HD Utility 1.10 or a link to where i can find it ???
kalliffen said:
i'm playing a little around with my xt926, that i have upgraded to 4.4.2 and custom rom from Gummy..
no offense its a great rom but i feel the battery life is getting shorter tneh im used to when i had Batakang..
i know i can go back to 4.1.2 and install Batakang, well so far i only had the luck of going back to 4.1.2 not getting Batakang on it ( just reboots saying no operating system installed ( or something simular ) )
so question is, does anyone out there have that old DROID RAZR HD Utility 1.10 or a link to where i can find it ???
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Custom JB ROMs will no longer work once you have upgraded to the official KK release. There is no way to go back and make it work. The only thing you can do is flash back to stock JB and that's it. Any JB custom ROMs are now null and void once upgrading to KK.
You'll have to wait for Batakang to update it's ROM to use the new KK bootloader and kernel.
iBolski said:
Custom JB ROMs will no longer work once you have upgraded to the official KK release. There is no way to go back and make it work. The only thing you can do is flash back to stock JB and that's it. Any JB custom ROMs are now null and void once upgrading to KK.
You'll have to wait for Batakang to update it's ROM to use the new KK bootloader and kernel.
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Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't able to get custom KK ROMs on JB bootloader to boot, and I thought it was something I was doing wrong.
ok, i see...
but i would still like to get my hands on the utillity if anyone still got it
kalliffen said:
ok, i see...
but i would still like to get my hands on the utillity if anyone still got it
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Are you trying to get back to stock JB? If so, there's also SamuriHL's House of Moto that does the same thing. He's made it simpler to use in the last day or so. Or, for Windows users, you can use use RSD Flasher util.
House of Moto is script-based and uses fastboot to flash FXZ images. You can get it here:
RSD Flasher uses the RSDLite tool to flash FXZ images. You can get it here:
i know how to get back to JB..
all i want is the droid-razr-hd-utility-1-10
kalliffen said:
i know how to get back to JB..
all i want is the droid-razr-hd-utility-1-10
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you can not use the utility to go back. it does not contain all the necessary files.
you have to use rsd or @SamuriHL's script.

