[Q] Anyone else had a bad deal from Shenzhen Jienuoda Technology Co? - General Questions and Answers

Apologies if this is in the wrong place, if it needs moving then let me know - I just didn't know where else to put it.
I bought a Flytouch 5 (apparently) from Shenzhen Jienuoda Technology Co., Ltd. with extras like a capacitive screen... well, actually I bought it on behalf of my 9yo daughter who saved for quite a while to be able to afford it. Out of the box it was slow and painful to use... and the charger only works sometimes - the rest of the time it just makes a high-frequency pinging noise.
The screen died after about a week... so now you can change the volume to silent, but you can't unlock it - that doesn't work at all. If you use a mouse to unlock it (which does work) then go to try and calibrate the screen it freezes and you have to reset it.
I've been in constant contact with them, but they just keep telling me to uninstall some apps, or take a video of it not working (which I have done... I've sent them two videos, but they keep asking me to take more- I assume this is a stall tactic). My last communication got me so mad I called them some names... so I doubt they will bother stalling me any more - they probably just won't talk to me any more.
Also, on any given day the person you talk to (call them person A) will tell you the last person you talked to no longer works there (call them person B)... but a week later person B is back, and now person A no longer works there.
I think I've wasted my daughters money, but I want to make sure no-one else suffers like this - countless hours wasted chasing these useless idiots who have effectively stolen from a little girl... which is pretty low and disgusting in my book.
Anyone else had problems with Shenzhen Jienuoda Technology Co., Ltd?


im done with PDA's

Had enough,
sure i shall miss the stuff you can do but tbh for me most avg phones are closing in fast,on ability and im sick to death of crashes,bugs,reinstall's
it jusy aint worth the headache,im off to find a decent Phone
well the more normal "smart" phones catch up
the more advanced their software will be and
the more issues they will get
we're doomed if we do and doomed if we dont
yer your right just phone and msn n email will do me these days
If I would put the energy that I put into my PDA (to get it work properly to keep in touch with my mates), into the relationsships with my friends, they would like me more than now... Most of them don't care if I call then via VoIP or Skype if at least I DO call...
I had a few of things that bugged me about having a PDA ,but i compromised them in the belief that ,they it will be far more worthwhile to have one and live with the issues
but the faults list grows and the good point just arent enough
TBH I don't know what the fuss is about. I have an XDA mini which is fabulous. Never crashed in 6 months and I'm running Tom Tom aswell. The only problem is that it's not working properly now, but that's since it got soaked in my pocket riding from Newcastle to Edinburgh on the bike in the rain. It's still going and it handles everything I do and more without question. I'm sticking with my PDA phone to save me carrying two things around with me (I need all the stuff when I'm running a business).
I have had my last 3 HTC devices from a friend who has bought them, had problems, and bought the next one that comes along thinking things will get better.
I never have these unreliability issues he always has, and they are the exact same devices he has had.
I put it down to the type of person, and knowledge of the device.
Sure, you shouldn't need to be a technical person just to use a PDA, but it obviously makes a difference.
Maybe you just need to stick to a Palm or Blackberry
Jace - I'm interested to know which device you used.
I used the xda2s and the xda exec and got really fed up with both.
I'm not remotely technical and just wanted a good phone that does email and few other bits when needed.
Got the xda mini in July this year and have never looked back. It is a pure phone that does the few extra things I need without issue.
If possible I suggest you try it as you may be surprisingly pleased with it.
In a way, I could understand where the original poster is coming from. But don't get me wrong I love windows mobile devices, but if your like most people, we just want things to work. So when things don't work, your either the type that'll find ways to make it work, or the type that'll just find another device. We have to be honest, those of us that come in and out of these forums on a daily basis with hacks and solutions and those of us looking for hacks and solutions for our windows powered devices are among the few that'll actually take the time out to do so. If you think about it, It can literally take up to 3 months are more to actually get the device operating exactly the way you wanted it. Mabey that's just a little too long for the average person.
I too have felt like the OP, contemplating over and over again, after the countless amount of resets, whether or not I should just go get a fancy nokia n series or something, but I have grown found of my wizard, and its kinda of fun hacking away at its OS to see it become highly operational, kinda like the way M$ should of made it out the box. Just my two cents.
Here is a story about a friend of mine (no point posting my opinion as part of the reason I love my Jamin is the fact that I can tweak it and make little apps for it - so I don't care even if it does require reset on occasion).
Any way this friend has a company phone (a simple Nokia) and he gets a lot of calls on it (part of the job). Trouble is this phone doesn't have BT so my friend complained that at the end of the day his ear heart.
The thing is, this particular friend always told me that Phone edition Pocket PC devices are too unstable, too big and generally useless as phones.
One they he got a MIO a701. At first he told me he was just using it for the BT so he can speak through the hands-free.
Now he just won't give it up. Even when his headset broke he still refused to go back to the regular phone.
Once while on a lunch break 2 minutes walk outside the office, he wanted to log in to his account on our server but for some reason the device couldn't connect (faulty GPRS settings). He begged me to use my Jamin.
I wouldn't let him, arguing that his work station was just an elevator ride away.
Eventually he broke, and admitted that he just couldn't give up the convenience.
I have owned a MDA Compact,which was ok but when i up dated the ROM from the TMobile site it fried the unit,
I then got an Exec,i have found that ok for my needs,(being phone,email,msn,web browsing)
but i agree with the above comments for some one not so minded tech wise,then maybe an incorrect choice of device for me
Basically an out the box unit ,is ok,just ok
but to make it decent takes some effort to get the best from the device
Ok they cant make the device suit everyone out the box,i undertsand that
however freezing up and soft resets a plenty,they are just too unstable for me
beofre my job required me to be away for long periods and the Exec fitted my needs ,now i think ill just be happy with less abilitys and more stability
The smartphones and nokias are gaining ground fast,for my needs maye they are better
The upside for me is the way you can alter and personalise the devices
but to be used day in day out as also my main phone there are far to unstable
In my case i had a compact which went tits up after a simple ROM update,
then an Exec which would freeeze and be a bit moody but then when the shutdown.battery problem started ouccruing(got new battery now)i just said to myself
you know what aint worth the hassle
dodgy pics a cheap nokia can match and beng a brick etc etc
maybe id be more suited to a smartphone or just a humble phone but me and HTC Pda just dont work out
I suppose at this point in timei dont have the time to mess around too much with the units
So my ideal maybe my Exec for away from home times and other certain situs but day to day maybe a an all singing all dancing mobile
ntornics said:
its kinda of fun hacking away at its OS to see it become highly operational,
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You hit the nail on the head. You find it fun, and actually know how to get into the OS and mess around with it. There are plenty out there like me who haven't the faintest clue. We want our xda's to work out the box, and thats all. We come on this forum to 'take' information: get interesting apps, ask silly questions etc. I've very rarely ever actually contributed as such.
And then, when something doesn't work, we either continue to bang our heads against a wall trying to get a fix (from you guys, not from ourselves), or we move on.
Getting my xda mini s was my last attempt, and I am glad to say that it has never crashed; is never slow on answering a call; does not look like it belongs in a laptop case; and email works perfectly. The only thing I would like would be a today screen like I see so many screen shots of on here, but I haven't a clue and it would probably slow the thing down anyway :wink:
These devices are so young anyway it's no surprise they have problems. Can't wait to see what's gonna be around in 5 years time.....
good point mate
ive just read the hermes prob thread & ive had the exec battery problem
nothing is flawless in life,but it dont help that they release these products with faults
your mayor phone makers dont release units with big issues
i think id seen the light when having the exec battery problem came along and while a new battery arrived,i used a nokia 3250 it was such a nice change to have a device that preformed its functions
i just think we accpet a lot in PDA's that maybe we wouldnt put up with in a PC,Car or phone
we think its a trade of for there many functions for some problems but were do you draw the line
how many soft resets do we do?freezes?
anyone reading this do you feel ive just picked the wrong devices?,if so what do you think may have been with hindsight a better option?
Can't wait to see what's gonna be around in 5 years time.....
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what today hang around for 5years time?
apart from social deseases ?

Avoid iMate in the UK - Their customer service is crap

I posted the following message (which is all true btw!) to iMAtes offical forum yesterday, and they censored it (by removing the thread). Since then, the promised callback from sbe (their UK repair center) failed to materalize.
I think the WM community deserves to know what level of service they can expect if they are silly enough to purchase a iMate device.
I bought a 9502 on release day from Clove, for around £500. It lasted all of 2 and a half months, before the buttons stopped working. Clove recommended sending it to sbe limited for repair, which I did, 3 weeks ago.
Firstly, they tried to quote me £150 for the repair. I emailed them, and got no response after a week.
So I phoned them, and was told that it would be repaired for free, and be back within a week.
Ive now waited 3 weeks, during which I sent sbe 3 more emails, all of which have been completely ignored.
I phoned them up today, and after being on hold for 25 minutes, they finally answered, and said they are awaiting parts, and will call be back with more info... I will post here if they do, but I doubt they will!
They told me they have a massive backlog of emails to get through - thats a shame for them, but its not good enough for iMate to be successfull in this market.
Ive since bought a HTC Touch Pro, and, guess what? it works...
I will never buy another iMate device again, and i suggest noone else does either.
The device itself doesnt work very well at all (keeps hanging, slow, reminds me of the failed toshiba g900, but not QUITE as bad as the tosh). The Touch Pro, despite being practically the same chipset, works very very well in comparasion.
On the iMate ultiamte, the old Windows Mobile problem that it cannot keep up with my typing occurs. I have to literally tap one key, wait for it to respond, and then tap the next key and so on. The Touch Pro has the innovation of a keyboard buffer - if it cant keep up, it remembers what I typed, and processes the keys when it can.
We were also promised an official WM61 update in august... suprise suprise, that hasnt happened either.
The battery life is also crap compared to the Touch Pro (even though the iMate has a higher capacity battery). I put this down to lack of graphics accelleration on the iMate - you can literally see it struggle to redraw the home screen, whereas on the touch pro, it just happens instantly.
If you want any support at all on your phone DO NOT BUY IMATE. They are obviously too small a company to offer proper support (disclaimer - ive never had to use HTC's support, because their devices work, so I cannot comment on it, but I doubt the networks would let them get away with this poor level of support).
I will post an update tommorow (or before if SBE actually bother to ring back).
Does anyone have an email address for iMate themselves, so I can complain about sbe - surely iMate will want to know their reputation is being trashed be SBE??? their web page doesnt seem to offer any email address (a good way to keep pesky customers off their backs i guess), and their live support is only available for a couple of hours in the morning - i will try it tommorow).
A mobile phone is only valuable for 12 months IMHO (as I replace mine every year), so I have lost at least 1/12 of the value of the iMate, just by not having it for this time.
Even if the repair is slow, a good start would be to use a repair company that actually has the staff / resources to answer emails / phones. I dont feel like a valued customer.
ps. IMate - if you delete this forum message, I will make it my business to post it on as many mobile phone related forums as possible (modaco, xda developers etc).
that sounds a bit rubbish mate and i'm feeling your pain with you. Posting stuff like that here is definetley a good start as its read by a lot of people.
HTC stuff in my experience is just as poor build quality - so much so I avoided them for a while with my Tosh G900. My experience of my G900 has not been like your and mine was excellent... fast, responsive and built like a castle wall! My HTC devices have all failed at one point or another and i've yet to get 12months out of ANY HTC device I have ever owned. For example, my Touch Diamond feels like its made of paper, the paint is wearing off the back cover, the screen bezel/front cover has scratched, the screen is scratched and the buttons are scratched. This phone, like all my phones, is treated like a baby wrapped in cotton wool and has NEVER been dropped or banged, never put in a pocket with money or keys and always been treated like royalty. I have used HTC repairs and they are not actually that bad though.
Good luck with your Touch Pro and hope you get your Imate sorted
I agree with you 100% they provide the worst customer support I have ever seen
Our complains in thier forum and emails are always not answered
really I regret having one of thier ultimate 9502
and we don't kow how can we punish this company but at least new customers have to think twice before dealing with imate
I think everyone knows I agree. It's coming up to 5 weeks (+2 weeks the first time) and I still have no phone back thanks to a combination of I-Mate and Clove's incompetance. Been told to sit in today and wait for a replacement direct from iMate.
I bet:
a) It won't come today.
b) When it does arrive it'll have the same problems the old one was sent away for.
Terrible product, terrible support and terrible reseller.
I am really glad i found this fourm i was about to do the same thing. buy the 9502 from clove. haha. i dont know now though.
I guess i am still on the qwest to find the perfect phone for me.
it has to have atlest 128ram gps wifi and atleast vga
i am looking at the toshiba g910 but no the touch pro because there is no softkeys in landscape mode
Dont buy toshiba either
... i had a g900, and it sucked donkeys balls... for many reasons...
the touch pro is great - the lack of hardware soft buttons doesnt bother me at all..
Lack of scroll wheel / camera buttons etc does concern me about the Touch Pro.
Perhaps wait it out for the Sony Ericsson X1?
I thought that too, until I got it... the touch screen scrolls on finger movement (it seems to be able to tell the difference between a tap and a drag). It doesnt work on all programs, but it seems to work on mail, opera etc, which is where it matters IMHO
The camera button missing could be a PITA for some, but I rarely use the camera.
In fact, the hardware buttons are one of the most annoying features of previous phones ive owned, beacuse I was always pressing them by accident. I usually mapped them all to 'none'
Yeah. I think I'd probably end up mapping camera to the long press of 'end' key. Problem solved. My 9502 did that finger scrolling thing. SPB Pocket Plus enabled it. It's ok, but I preferred the wheel for being able to use the phone without having to poke the screen all the time.
I have heard though that it is possible to remap the volume buttons to scroll, and I think people are working on getting the zoom function to scroll instead like older HTC devices (which would be much more practical for me).
Oh, and my 9502 didn't arrive today. I'm not surprised.

File complaints against Samsung about GPS

It's time we band together to file some neccessary complaints against Samsung until they either:
1. Give us a full refund so we can buy an out-of-contract smart phone through our provider.
2. Provide us with the same phone or a software update IMMEDIATELY that makes GPS work
There are no other options. What Samsung is doing is fraudulent and illegal. You cannot advertise a product with a feature it does not have. We were lied to and charged for a device under false pretenses. It's completely illegal and there should be some sort of restitution. It's not like we're asking for something it didn't have or we're asking for better performance...we're simply asking for a major major feature that is on most/all high-end phones and, more importantly, a feature it's advertised to have...
So we ALL need to take 15 - 20 minutes out of day to file complaints until someone takes notice.
1. The Better Business Bureau - http://www.bbb.org/us/ Go through the process, choose the HQ in Texas with the COMPLAINT in the title.
2. Samsung directly - This seems to fall on deaf ears but I think if a few hundred or a thousand people keep complaining...someone will notice a pattern.
3. The FTC - https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/FTC_Wizard.aspx?Lang=en
4. The Attorney General of Texas (HQ for Samsung) - https://www.oag.state.tx.us/consumer/complain.shtml
5. AT&T or your provider - File on site and over the phone
6. Submit it to CNN - http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form11b.html and any other news site that will listen.
I'm not trying to be some complaining jerk but it's been months since this issue has been known about and we still have no fix. I am pissed because I use GPS all the time and I now have to carry a 2nd device...my 2-year old G1 or a dedicated device. LUDICROUS.
There is strength in numbers so please file some complaints...we paid for these phones and we deserve a fully functional device.
You might be ok getting ripped off. I'm not. And if you are ok with it, I've got a bunch of stuff I'd like to sell you. You can buy my Audi A8, it doesn't have an engine but I still want full asking price as if it had an engine. I've got a rolex I'll sell ya for $5k, except it's a fake and it doesn't keep the correct time...but I still want the price as if it worked.
I'm not ok with getting lied to, indirectly, or buying a broken product. It's not like it's $10 shirt I can return because it's missing a button (although, if you couldn't return a new shirt because it was damaged...I bet you'd be upset about that, no?)...it's a $400++ phone that does not work.
What functions would you be ok with not working? What if the wifi didn't work? Then complain? No?
It's a broken product, bottom line.
Did you do your research about the phone before you bought it? Did you not read that there were GPS issues? Did you buy it anyway?
Yes, you did buy it, and probaby didn't do the research. A company's worst nightmare is an educated consumer. Someone that they can't rip off. You fell into Samsungs trap and now you feel unhappy and lied to. When I got this phone I knew the GPS didn't work. I did my research. But it wasn't a deal breaker for me. I have GPS built in to my car, and I have a few other Garmin Nuvi's laying around the house.
Don't complain about the phone, just sell it, try and get some of your money back, and buy something that works for you. There are plenty of options out there. Just don't come in the forums and try to bash a phone that many of us love.
I just sent Samsung an e-mail through their web form. Jerks.
miztaken1312 said:
Did you do your research about the phone before you bought it? Did you not read that there were GPS issues? Did you buy it anyway?
Yes, you did buy it, and probaby didn't do the research. A company's worst nightmare is an educated consumer. Someone that they can't rip off. You fell into Samsungs trap and now you feel unhappy and lied to. When I got this phone I knew the GPS didn't work. I did my research. But it wasn't a deal breaker for me. I have GPS built in to my car, and I have a few other Garmin Nuvi's laying around the house.
Don't complain about the phone, just sell it, try and get some of your money back, and buy something that works for you. There are plenty of options out there. Just don't come in the forums and try to bash a phone that many of us love.
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lol. So wait, you paid full price for a phone with a "feature" that you knew didn't work? And that makes you educated? Wat.
I have NO CLUE why you're OK with a company advertising a feature that does not exist...yet you still bought it. http://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/cell-phones/SGH-I897ZKAATT-features Check the list...GPS...does it have GPS? No.
I did research on it, but, like everyone else, figured it would be fixed quickly with a software fix since I couldn't fathom a company as large as Samsung advertising something that blatantly didn't work.
Bottom line is the phone is great but it does NOT HAVE GPS...like it's advertised to have. Therefore, I cannot use MyTracks, GPS, Google Maps, Waze or any other feature that requires GPS. Therefore, I should get a refund for a full new phone out of contract.
I still can't believe you're OK with buying a separate device for something your phone is supposed to have...lol...yea corporate America...we're so insecure that we don't mind getting ripped off anymore.
USA! USA! USA! lulz.
I Agree
Drew489 said:
It's time we band together to file some neccessary complaints against Samsung until they either:
1. Give us a full refund so we can buy an out-of-contract smart phone through our provider.
2. Provide us with the same phone or a software update IMMEDIATELY that makes GPS work
There are no other options. What Samsung is doing is fraudulent and illegal. You cannot advertise a product with a feature it does not have. We were lied to and charged for a device under false pretenses. It's completely illegal and there should be some sort of restitution. It's not like we're asking for something it didn't have or we're asking for better performance...we're simply asking for a major major feature that is on most/all high-end phones and, more importantly, a feature it's advertised to have...
So we ALL need to take 15 - 20 minutes out of day to file complaints until someone takes notice.
1. The Better Business Bureau - http://www.bbb.org/us/ Go through the process, choose the HQ in Texas with the COMPLAINT in the title.
2. Samsung directly - This seems to fall on deaf ears but I think if a few hundred or a thousand people keep complaining...someone will notice a pattern.
3. The FTC - https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/FTC_Wizard.aspx?Lang=en
4. The Attorney General of Texas (HQ for Samsung) - https://www.oag.state.tx.us/consumer/complain.shtml
5. AT&T or your provider - File on site and over the phone
6. Submit it to CNN - http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form11b.html and any other news site that will listen.
I'm not trying to be some complaining jerk but it's been months since this issue has been known about and we still have no fix. I am pissed because I use GPS all the time and I now have to carry a 2nd device...my 2-year old G1 or a dedicated device. LUDICROUS.
There is strength in numbers so please file some complaints...we paid for these phones and we deserve a fully functional device.
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I agree and I will do "ALL" i can to help in this sure to be LONG TRUDGE - If you are not in agreement or satisfied with a half working product then play with your phone and STOP mouthing off about how satisfied you are or about what this forum is for or about because you are not in agreement _ Just Play With Your Phone and K.I.M.
Keep It Movin!
miztaken1312 said:
Did you do your research about the phone before you bought it? Did you not read that there were GPS issues? Did you buy it anyway?
Yes, you did buy it, and probaby didn't do the research. A company's worst nightmare is an educated consumer. Someone that they can't rip off. You fell into Samsungs trap and now you feel unhappy and lied to. When I got this phone I knew the GPS didn't work. I did my research. But it wasn't a deal breaker for me. I have GPS built in to my car, and I have a few other Garmin Nuvi's laying around the house.
Don't complain about the phone, just sell it, try and get some of your money back, and buy something that works for you. There are plenty of options out there. Just don't come in the forums and try to bash a phone that many of us love.
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I understand that we should all educate ourselves before buying a product. I bought my captivate on launch day and had done as much research until then about the phone, mostly because I had been long debating getting a N1. However, seeing as I did buy my phone on launch day I had no idea the GPS didnt work. Frustrating yes, dealbreaker no. Guess Ive learned not to buy first run products.
p4ranoid4ndroid said:
I understand that we should all educate ourselves before buying a product. I bought my captivate on launch day and had done as much research until then about the phone, mostly because I had been long debating getting a N1. However, seeing as I did buy my phone on launch day I had no idea the GPS didnt work. Frustrating yes, dealbreaker no. Guess Ive learned not to buy first run products.
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Yeah, I've never been one to buy something on launch day (aside from maybe an video game). iPhone4 users learned that the hard way. Educating yourself as much as you can before you buy something is the best thing you can do for yourself. It's not like you'd go out and buy a Ford Pinto these days without researching it first. Everyone knows they were crappy cars.
Drew489 said:
You might be ok getting ripped off. I'm not. And if you are ok with it, I've got a bunch of stuff I'd like to sell you. You can buy my Audi A8, it doesn't have an engine but I still want full asking price as if it had an engine. I've got a rolex I'll sell ya for $5k, except it's a fake and it doesn't keep the correct time...but I still want the price as if it worked.
I'm not ok with getting lied to, indirectly, or buying a broken product. It's not like it's $10 shirt I can return because it's missing a button (although, if you couldn't return a new shirt because it was damaged...I bet you'd be upset about that, no?)...it's a $400++ phone that does not work.
What functions would you be ok with not working? What if the wifi didn't work? Then complain? No?
It's a broken product, bottom line.
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My GPS has worked perfectly from day one. I bought my captivate on launch day and have nothing to complain about. Sorry to hear you have had issues with your device. Perhaps you should try to trade it in under your retailers return policy? Just a suggestion.
Shovelhead84 said:
My GPS has worked perfectly from day one. I bought my captivate on launch day and have nothing to complain about. Sorry to hear you have had issues with your device. Perhaps you should try to trade it in under your retailers return policy? Just a suggestion.
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No offense Shovelhead, but the GPS functionality for many of us is extremely spotty. Even after several returns. Usually the AT&T folks tried to discourage me by saying it is just a software problem that will soon be fixed. Experience has shown me that a working GPS is a rare beast (at least one that works after a few days/weeks of use).
I have had 3 phones with GPS, one Samsung Blackjack and two BB. All have performed admirably with quick (less than 10-20 s) locks and excellent accuracy as seen on Google Maps and GARMIN Windows mapping products. I KNOW that phones are very capable of decent GPS performance. So far this is a gaping hole in my Captivate experience.
My speculation is that this is a combination software/HW problem. I am guessing that there may have been a batch of sub par GPS chips as well as poor driver interaction with the OS.
Shovelhead84 said:
My GPS has worked perfectly from day one. I bought my captivate on launch day and have nothing to complain about. Sorry to hear you have had issues with your device. Perhaps you should try to trade it in under your retailers return policy? Just a suggestion.
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I thought my GPS was working fine as well. Until I tried My Tracks in the market. It's clearly wrong. It's got your general location, but on the highway, it's saying I cross over east/west bound highways. And veers me off the road.
stuff said:
I thought my GPS was working fine as well. Until I tried My Tracks in the market. It's clearly wrong. It's got your general location, but on the highway, it's saying I cross over east/west bound highways. And veers me off the road.
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I feel your pain but when your GPS locks what is the accuracy? Best mine gets is about 15m. That could easily put you on either side of the road.
stuff said:
I thought my GPS was working fine as well. Until I tried My Tracks in the market. It's clearly wrong. It's got your general location, but on the highway, it's saying I cross over east/west bound highways. And veers me off the road.
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Now I do have a working GPS on my phone since I upgraded to the leaked Froyo. But it is not by any means dead-on accurate. Now of course the day I tested it, it was sitting in my cup holder with a straight view of the sky via my sun roof, but it was also cloudy and rainy. For the most part, it followed me exactly, but there were some spots where it did go off. When I use it now I put it on my dashboard and it works better.
Now in my belief, a device like a phone which does multiple functions, does none of them well because you have to have some kind of compromise internally either with hardware, software, or coding. I would never use my phone as a GPS when I'm in dire need to go somewhere, for instance if I need to find my way to the nearest hospital ASAP. I'd use a real GPS like a Garmin or TomTom because that's what they are dedicated to doing. Now I realize that now they add other features to GPS devices like bluetooth and music players and whatever, but those are added after the GPS has been written, tested, guaranteed to work as advertised.
cappysw10 said:
I feel your pain but when your GPS locks what is the accuracy? Best mine gets is about 15m. That could easily put you on either side of the road.
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I believe mine is similar. If i'm walking, or just using GPS for the fun of it (not driving) it's got me. But when I'm moving, it's not the best. I still think it is a software problems, but meh... I really don't know.
I haven't tried tweaking with any settings though.
I agree totally and will be filing complaints, we should have a sticky how to jump throught all the paper work.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Also, I've got a buddy in europe with the i9000. He said the 2.2 update fixed the GPS. But, cog2.2/COE beta 4 "fixed" it as well. It just didn't give you the most accurate fix. It's 10-20meters in variance.
When I had my 3gs, I could turn on maps, and watch the little blue dot follow me whereever I went. I got rid of my first captivate bacause of the GPS and I got my second cause I love the phone...and 2.2 was leaked...lol
Anyway, I agree with the OP about Samsung being douches about GPS. It sucks. I've had 3 other Samsung phones and all worked without a hitch. I get this one, and GPS tells me to kiss its ass. My GPS hasent made a lock in 2 days. I don't want to take it back cause I really do love the phone, and I can live without GPS, but Samsung did advertise GPS and its not there. Wether we did research or not about the phone, it still doesn't change the fact that Samsung sold, and is still selling, a phone not as advertised and that is wrong.
What really makes people mad is that Samsung hasent addressed it yet. I think there hoping we forget about it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
mmarquis said:
No offense Shovelhead, but the GPS functionality for many of us is extremely spotty. Even after several returns. Usually the AT&T folks tried to discourage me by saying it is just a software problem that will soon be fixed. Experience has shown me that a working GPS is a rare beast (at least one that works after a few days/weeks of use).
I have had 3 phones with GPS, one Samsung Blackjack and two BB. All have performed admirably with quick (less than 10-20 s) locks and excellent accuracy as seen on Google Maps and GARMIN Windows mapping products. I KNOW that phones are very capable of decent GPS performance. So far this is a gaping hole in my Captivate experience.
My speculation is that this is a combination software/HW problem. I am guessing that there may have been a batch of sub par GPS chips as well as poor driver interaction with the OS.
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Yeah however their has been a fix for this for awhile now.
Here is a good thread for this
The GPS is there it just has a software issue right now however i did hear that 2.2 fixed this.
you work for samsung i bet...
lordstrife said:
Yeah however their has been a fix for this for awhile now.
Here is a good thread for this
The GPS is there it just has a software issue right now however i did hear that 2.2 fixed this.
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People we all know about the fixes and so called tweaks to date. No bueno.

[Q] Asus Worst Support Ever!!! What does it take to reach Lvl 2 or 3 support?

Ok, So I dont really start threads about complaining but I had to on this one. I had the most frustrating experience with Asus support today.
I'm having two issues one with audio and one with the dock both have been reported by MANY users.
Sound issue: The left speaker volume is much lower than the right
Dock Issue: Keeps diconnecting after a few seconds to a few minutes after using and has dropped wifi 3 times. turning off track pad has *SEEMED* to correct this.
So here we go. I call asus support and describe the issues I have and also tell the guy that a lot of other people I knew in user groups were having the same exact issue I had. His first question... "That's running windows 7 right? Are you Fu**ing kidding me???? The about the dock issue "Is the dock manufactured by Asus?" ARE YOU KIDDING????
So I tell him it's obvious he knows nothing about the product and I would like to speak to a supervisor or someone who actually knows the product. He puts me on hold coming back on the line every 2 minutes to tell me he is looking for a supervisor.. He transfers me.. it rings for like 10 minutes straight and disconnects me.. I call back ask for a supervisor right away, Same thing.. transfers me rings and rings and get cut off, call back a 3rd and 4th time. Same thing! Now mind you I have been doing this for about 2 hours now..
I finally get a supervisor on the phone after 5 calls and tell him the issues and he says they can only repair it.. Why should something brand new have to be repaired? you dont buy something brand new and expect that it needs to be repaired, if it does need to be repaired when it's brand new then it SHOULD just be replaced...
So fine, I ask about cross shipping, even offering my CC # as security, He says he cant do it. Fine.. I'm super pissed at this point. He tells me I would get an email with the RMA info in 3 minutes, it's been 15 and still no email.. Then I ask if they ship a prepaid box to send it back in.. Nope they dont even do that! Almost every company I have dealt with has at least sent as box to ship the unit back in.. In all my years I have NEVER had such a frustrating experience with support(and I have had many)
I love the TF, but because of the service I received and this issues I'm experiencing this will be the first and last asus product I buy again!
Great concept, great idea but major fail in QA and launch.. Like I said I usually dont start threads like this but I'm so frustrated!!
Please if you are experiencing the issue with your left speaker volume being lower than the right please call Asus and report it. if it is a sw issue like some suspect then then if a lot of people report it we might see a fix quicker.
If you are having an issue with the dock keep becoming unresponsive report that as well!!! They wont know there is a problem unless people complain about it. And these two issues I dont consider minor or nit picking..
US 1-888-678-3688
canada # 1-888-616-2787
I have the speaker issue you mention but it's not a dealbreaker for me. Hopefully a firmware update will correct it. If not, I can live with it. They already know about the dock issues and the next firmware is meant to address them.
While I'd hate to be kept waiting and have to chase up on a support line, that's the way it's been with all companies in my experience over the last 10 years or so. Usually outsourced to some place you can't understand what they are saying from their accent. The best way to get support nowadays is to go via their official forum because that way you air your issue in 'public' and usually that gets a response from the company.
Few things. First, they have 2 new tablet devices on the market, the Eee Pad (That's you) and the Eee Slate that runs Windows 7 so I can understand his confusion. He would also be required to ask if the dock is made by Asus due to third party products such as bluetooth keyboards as well as fakes.
Secondly, you would be surprised by just how many people try and return brand new products even though they fully function. By saying they will only repair it is a way to deter those who just want a new product because the box is slightly damaged or as a way to obtain a full refund if they dislike the product etc. It actually is an expensive process to pay for return shipping, restocking, refurbishing or even replacing a product.
I can understand your frustration but it's hard for any company to take on everyone's issues on a case by case basis. I do wish you good luck on getting your products fixed one way or another.
Calling low level techs wont do you any good with any company.
The sound issue is a known firmware issue (if you read the [info] thread on the firmware it list this as an open issue that will be resolved). There is nothing support can do until the software changes (surprise there isn't an equilizer that would allow you to set the shift manually).
The dock is mostly likely a software issue (no clue why it impacts wifi). This is the negative of being on the bleeding edge.
You have two choices - return it and wait for the technology to mature or live with it until it is fixed but chances are fixes will take a few weeks.
I guess there are a few other choices - gripe to your blue in the face - give it a few weeks till you reach the end of the return period and then make a decision.
From what I have read the dock issue is not hardware or at least specific to your instance of the dock.
It was like this with the P67 (read the threads on the various motherboards and bios isssues); it was like this with [pick your favorite bleeding edge technology].
In this specific case asus is fighting two levels of bugs/maturity. Their firmware/hardware AND honeycomb (which adds its own problem). While the speaker issue is likely asus issue it would not surprise me if the many of hte issues with the dock is honeycomb.
True story: Last week I cracked the face of my new Skagen watch being drunk and doing god-knows-what. I accidentally dropped it face down a couple of days later, and the weakened face completely shattered. I wrote Skagen asking them how much it'd cost to fix the watch, understanding it was non-warranty work and a result of my own idiocy. They wrote back and said they'd fix it for free, I just had to pay $9 S&H. I love their watches anyway, but now I'll never buy another brand.
Point is, I hate where customer service has gone these days. It's refreshing and shocking when a company goes out of its way to keep a customer rather than throwing up roadblocks to keep from helping them. I hope Asus gets it together on the tablet side. Simply rationalizing why they gave this guy a hard time is why it's gotten this way in the first place, no accountability.
*Old man-esque rant over*
jake21 said:
The sound issue is a known firmware issue (if you read the [info] thread on the firmware it list this as an open issue that will be resolved).
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I better correct you there before this gets quoted everywhere. It's in my list of "things NEEDING to be fixed". I don't know if it WILL be fixed. Caps for emphasis there. The list at the top of my thread are the things that should be out in the next update.
EDIT: I've now changed my thread around to make it clearer for people, as there have been a few others misquoting it too.
I purchased an Asus eeepc 1000HE when it launched about two years ago. It started making a terrible noise that I diagnosed as fan noise. A new fan was about $20 and I would have to void my warranty to replace it. I emailed Asus, telling them exactly what the problem was, etc. I had to pay to ship it to them, so I packaged it up and printed out a sheet with my name/info stating EXACTLY what the problem was. I also asked them to replace one of the rubber feet that had fallen off.
I got my netbook back about 10 days later with a note that said "technician heard grinding noise, replaced with (model number) refurbished hard drive". There was nothing wrong with my drive. I also noticed that the other rubber foot had fallen off/been ripped off, so the fool that was working on it just put a single foot in a bag and put it in the box. Didn't even bother to reattach it or fix the other one like I had asked. I ended up with a crappy refurb that is noisy, a still broken fan, and one less rubber foot. When I called to complain and inform them of their stupidity they told me I would have to pay to ship it back, and that I would get another refurb'd drive and hopefully a new fan. I ended up just replacing the fan myself, solving my problem. Should have done that in the first place :\
With all that being said, Asus customer service is TERRIBLE. The technician must have been an idiot, and as mentioned the outsourced phone support is annoying/time consuming to deal with. I have dealt with plenty of company's customer service in my time but Asus is tied with Philips (that's another story) for the worst.
I really hope that my TF doesn't have any problems because I would never want to deal with those idiots again.
Is any of the other companies better ? I've had great service from non-computer companies (similar to the guy's story about his watch). However, tech companies have been a crap shoot for me largely depending on the individual I manage to contact.
Two companies I've been very happy with (for service) have been g.skill and canon both of which have not only given excellent service but also detail technical information that demonstrate deep understanding of products (this is canon-usa; I've heard not so happy things about canon in some other markets).
Oh well can't help with asus; can't defend them as i've never required service from them; but they've never screwed me over either (though the shipping policy is harsh and I'd probably avoid them had i realize prior to purchase).
graffixnyc said:
So I tell him it's obvious he knows nothing about the product.
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You sounded kind of impatient here. He said the same thing about windows seven and pressing F7 to get to safe mode. I just patiently explained to him that we were talking about two different products.
Im coming on here to counter your experience: in dealing with my bricked transformer I've received awesome customer support including expedited shipping although still no cross shipping or prepaid but I wasn't worried about that.
In fact I even got a call from a technician (his personal cell #) and he told me about the progress they made in fixing the issue and he said if I ordered another TF and it experienced issues to call him back first thing.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
jake21 said:
The sound issue is a known firmware issue (if you read the [info] thread on the firmware it list this as an open issue that will be resolved). There is nothing support can do until the software changes (surprise there isn't an equilizer that would allow you to set the shift manually).
The dock is mostly likely a software issue (no clue why it impacts wifi). This is the negative of being on the bleeding edge.
You have two choices - return it and wait for the technology to mature or live with it until it is fixed but chances are fixes will take a few weeks.
I guess there are a few other choices - gripe to your blue in the face - give it a few weeks till you reach the end of the return period and then make a decision.
From what I have read the dock issue is not hardware or at least specific to your instance of the dock.
It was like this with the P67 (read the threads on the various motherboards and bios isssues); it was like this with [pick your favorite bleeding edge technology].
In this specific case asus is fighting two levels of bugs/maturity. Their firmware/hardware AND honeycomb (which adds its own problem). While the speaker issue is likely asus issue it would not surprise me if the many of hte issues with the dock is honeycomb.
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I too heard the sound issue was firmware related since so many people I know that have the tf are experiencing it, but there have been two people so far that have said the sound is the same level on both sides, running the same FW as I.
I'm not really upset about the issues, it's a first gen device so they are expected. What got me was the way I was dealt with by support. I work in it and have dealt with many vendors etc.. hell even moto sent me a prepaid box to ship the xoom back in. That's not really the big deal because it's only a few bucks, but it's the principle. I felt like I wasnt treated as a customer should be treated. I dont expect them to kiss my ass but be willing to work with me a little bit, dont make it impossible. I seriously got the run around by them. Every tech I got was a tech in training. When I was explaining the first call to either the 3rd or 4th guy(cant remember which) and saying that the 1st tech didnt know the product he said "I see" So then I asked the 3rd or 4th guy.. "So what OS is in the Asus eee pad transformer?" he was stumped and hesitated then heard him typing. And I then said "you see this is why I need to speak to level 2 or level 3 support or a supervisor, because I need to speak to someone who knows this product well and who can actually understand the product well enough to understand the issue I'm trying to report."
I love the product, I really do but at the same time the way I was given the run around today making 5 calls before I got a supervisor is not acceptable cs if you ask me.. that's what ticked me off the most..
oh well.. I finally got the rma email. Part of me wants to send it in asap and part of me wants to wait a couple of weeks to see if it is indeed a sw issue and will be fixed.
If it was a known sw issue by asus, wouldn't they have known about it when I called in? So I honestly was calling them with the hopes of getting confirmation that it was a sw issue, but the tech told me the opposite that it's a hw thing and that's why they are giving me an RMA..
I dont know. I dont nit pick about little things (creaking, a **little screen bleed etc...) but things like the dock keep disconnecting and sound coming more out of one channel to me are pretty big flaws
on a good note, when it's docked and closed it does feel nice in the hands and everything else except these two issues for me is great
I had some of the same issues with the L1 techs - lack of knowledge and escalation to a supervisor that just rang over and over for 10 minutes until I gave up and called back. I can understand L1 having issues with a brand new device like this -- I had to correct them repeatedly when they asked questions like "did you check the Windows services?". But I would think that, in the next few weeks, they should definitely be up to speed.
My own device is RMA'd and on it's way to California now (problematic touch screen and a smudge / bad pixel on the screen) and we'll see how it goes. If they at least fix my issues then I'll be satisfied. But if it comes back in the same shape it was in (or worse) then I will start yelling. So I have to wait and see what the outcome will be.
Not to defend Apple in any way, but one thing I have to say about them is that they do have very good customer support. But of course you pay a premium for that.
I actually also called today because my brand new transformer has pretty bad light bleed. The rep i talked to said he had never heard of that before in his life. I realized i was just talkin to a moron and hung up. I hope ill get a better rep next time i try calling. There will always be a some clueless people working customer service.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I worked for a hardware company doing technical support for several years.
Believe me, they put stuff out there and don't bother to train their support staff on it. Happens all the time. Or we'd know about it, but they would drag their feet for MONTHS before we got any real training. Of course, by then we had learned enough through supporting it that the training was only somewhat helpful.
Just throwing my own unrelated out there... bought an asus 26 inch monitor two years ago, it had a black speck of dirt trapped between the screen and plastic shielding.. anyways I called, sent it in. I got my unit back (I knew it was mine because of some surface scratches I had on my unit) with the dirt removed. I have to say i was impressed.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
Come to think of it.. I wonder if that "supervisor" I spoke to was really a supervisor at all.. Because when he was telling me they would do a RMA for me and I asked about cross shipping he put me on hold for a few minutes like he had to go find out if that was an option. If he was a supervisor wouldnt he have known if that was an option or not? Anyway, I have sent an email to two people in public relations and that Eric liu guy that was here on the forums. I also filed a complaint with the better business bureau. Not for the issues I have with the product but the terrible customer service I received and was given the run around. And when I asked for people's names they only gave me fist names, no badge numbers or last names. It was really just one of the worst tech support/cs issues I've ever had. those phone calls were like something out of a nightmare
graffixnyc said:
I also filed a complaint with the better business bureau.
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You (and anyone else who gets support run-around) should contact The Consumerist website. The BBB has no real teeth anymore but The Consumerist has a wide enough reach to publicly shame the company into fixing issues which is often the only way to get them to respond these days (unfortunately).
Well, I had many RMAs with Asus b4, my motherboards are all Asus. IMHO, the L1 Techs are just normal CSR without any knowledge abt their products. They just simply check your serial # and issue RMA. I always pushes them to give me a returns Fedex shipping label and sometimes I got it. Probably it's depend how many times the product had "RMAed" . So usually I 'll want to speak to the L3 Tech in CA, rather those @ Indiana. L3 are the one who can give u the replacement and fast shipping. Probably the TF don't have those premium warranty offers.
rogconnect said:
Well, I had many RMAs with Asus b4, my motherboards are all Asus. IMHO, the L1 Techs are just normal CSR without any knowledge abt their products. They just simply check your serial # and issue RMA. I always pushes them to give me a returns Fedex shipping label and sometimes I got it. Probably it's depend how many times the product had "RMAed" . So usually I 'll want to speak to the L3 Tech in CA, rather those @ Indiana. L3 are the one who can give u the replacement and fast shipping. Probably the TF don't have those premium warranty offers.
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How do you reach level 3 support? When I was talking to the L1 tech and asked for a supervisor or lever 2 or 3 support he never mentioned getting me a higher level agent
this is kinda typical for most tech companies.. L1 support is always crap..no surprise...
as an engineer works for Netgear myself (we occassionally fill in the role of L3 support), I totally understand your frustration as I always feel the same when talking to these guys.. they just have no idea what they're talking about..
however if you think about it again..it's not really their fault...they have to support hundreds of products so you can't really expect them to answer everything...and they don't really have any power to make decisions for refund, pre-paid delivery label, etc..
the best thing you can do is to ask for a L2/L3 support who really understands the product you are talking about

Prospects for smart watches

Do you think there is a market intelligence you watch in the future?Can you prospects for smart watches?
Fall Dection : Safety - Answer & Question - Sort of Urgent
abmin said:
Do you think there is a market intelligence you watch in the future?Can you prospects for smart watches?
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Hi, as a noob I apologise if I have posted this in the incorrect place, however, this is both a request for help and a reply to your question.
I have a medical issue causing me to leave the military. Without telling the whole story, in the space of 2 years after coming back from sea, I was wiped out twice on my first and second ZX-6 Ninja (idiot did right hand turn in front of me, second rammed me on my new one at a red light) then I was rammed from behind in my car by an idiot who decided to double the speed limit). Then I was rammed from behind at another red light by an idiot who hit the idiot behind me. Then I was ripped out of the passenger side of my wife's car after coming off the freeway, by another moron who then whacked me in the face twice with a piece of firewood, sending me unconscious. Total 13 surgeries, 2 broken hands, 1 broken arm, 2 broken shoulders, a broken neck, broken knee, broken nose and to top it off I have severe nerve pain in my dominant right hand, and due to meds I have collapsed multiple times and have dislocated my fingers diving off my balcony in my sleep. So to try and get some sort of safety device installed in my house that could detect if I fall DVA suggested a unit that relied on mercury switches, a transceiver, transponder and a physical connection to my home phone total $2000 and a waste of time as the thing goes off every five minutes when you lay down which I do due to constant headaches and migraines, so pretty useless. As a Military Communications Electronics Technician I could have built the thing myself using an arduino and some sensors. So having an iPhone 5 with every sensor under the sun I went searching the Apple App Store. Pointless nothing worked even with my jail broken phone that would run in the background and just activate when needed. So having had multiple android phones and I still have an Asus TF101 (rooted) so I did a search on Google Play and there are half a dozen apps that do exactly what I want (almost). So I grabbed a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, best I could find battery, sensor. Processor and Memory wise. It works a treat, except for 1. When its charging 2. In my backpack whilst I'm on the train (so no one nicks it from me) 3. When I'm driving 4. When I just don't feel like having a massive phone in my pocket and I want to put it down. Keeping in mind I have it in an Otterbox Defender ATM and I am considering getting a ZeroLemon case with 10000mAh battery. So I believe a secondary device wirelessly connected to my perfectly good phone (save for those examples above) which I can use to Stop Alarm Conditions (I am trialling an App called Fade and it is the best so far) when I have the phone away from me (in pocket, in car, backpack etc) now this App 1 Sends an SMS to my wife 2 sends an email to my Carer 3 Dials my wife, opens the circuit, she can hear what's going on if I am moaning or groaning or I'm making a cup of tea. My wife being a cop gets a pretty good response, the last time it was three cops and three ambos kicking me out into consciousness. Now with the selection of watches that are available now, I'm tossing up between the Sony SW2 and the Samsung Gear ( if someone can programme the thing to open a video feed from my wrist it would be awesome). Problem without having them I cannot try them out and figure out which is best.
Now I know there are pendants you can get (I doubt I'm going to have a heart attack and be awake to trigger it) . To me it just makes good sense to have a watch and a phone combination that can give me the security to know that if I collapse whilst looking after my daughter (she's not even 2) then my Carer or my wife can get to my home or have emergency services get here and secure my daughter. Then look after me if I'm still ticking. So that is my answer and question.
If this isn't a bad joke, Wow man ... My jaw is on the floor. What an unlucky streak you had. Well this might be the right time to acquire a new device in the form of a smart wrist device. This week at CES companies are announcing their new devices. LG already announced a wrist band type of a device which also doubles as a watch. The neat thing is with the special headphones it cones with it can monitor your hearth beats as well. http://www.engadget.com/2014/01/06/lg-lifeband-touch-heart-rate-monitor-earphones/ checkt it out. Also there will be more smartwatches announced this week. You can just pick one to your liking.
Samsung galaxy gear is nice with all the bells and the whistles but the problem is the battery life. SW2 has less but better battery life. But I believe there will be better devices hopefully very soon.
Sent from my HTC One SV using Tapatalk
DontCopIt said:
Hi, as a noob I apologise if I have posted this in the incorrect place, however, this is both a request for help and a reply to your question.
I have a medical issue causing me to leave the military. Without telling the whole story, in the space of 2 years after coming back from sea, I was wiped out twice on my first and second ZX-6 Ninja (idiot did right hand turn in front of me, second rammed me on my new one at a red light) then I was rammed from behind in my car by an idiot who decided to double the speed limit). Then I was rammed from behind at another red light by an idiot who hit the idiot behind me. Then I was ripped out of the passenger side of my wife's car after coming off the freeway, by another moron who then whacked me in the face twice with a piece of firewood, sending me unconscious. Total 13 surgeries, 2 broken hands, 1 broken arm, 2 broken shoulders, a broken neck, broken knee, broken nose and to top it off I have severe nerve pain in my dominant right hand, and due to meds I have collapsed multiple times and have dislocated my fingers diving off my balcony in my sleep. So to try and get some sort of safety device installed in my house that could detect if I fall DVA suggested a unit that relied on mercury switches, a transceiver, transponder and a physical connection to my home phone total $2000 and a waste of time as the thing goes off every five minutes when you lay down which I do due to constant headaches and migraines, so pretty useless. As a Military Communications Electronics Technician I could have built the thing myself using an arduino and some sensors. So having an iPhone 5 with every sensor under the sun I went searching the Apple App Store. Pointless nothing worked even with my jail broken phone that would run in the background and just activate when needed. So having had multiple android phones and I still have an Asus TF101 (rooted) so I did a search on Google Play and there are half a dozen apps that do exactly what I want (almost). So I grabbed a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, best I could find battery, sensor. Processor and Memory wise. It works a treat, except for 1. When its charging 2. In my backpack whilst I'm on the train (so no one nicks it from me) 3. When I'm driving 4. When I just don't feel like having a massive phone in my pocket and I want to put it down. Keeping in mind I have it in an Otterbox Defender ATM and I am considering getting a ZeroLemon case with 10000mAh battery. So I believe a secondary device wirelessly connected to my perfectly good phone (save for those examples above) which I can use to Stop Alarm Conditions (I am trialling an App called Fade and it is the best so far) when I have the phone away from me (in pocket, in car, backpack etc) now this App 1 Sends an SMS to my wife 2 sends an email to my Carer 3 Dials my wife, opens the circuit, she can hear what's going on if I am moaning or groaning or I'm making a cup of tea. My wife being a cop gets a pretty good response, the last time it was three cops and three ambos kicking me out into consciousness. Now with the selection of watches that are available now, I'm tossing up between the Sony SW2 and the Samsung Gear ( if someone can programme the thing to open a video feed from my wrist it would be awesome). Problem without having them I cannot try them out and figure out which is best.
Now I know there are pendants you can get (I doubt I'm going to have a heart attack and be awake to trigger it) . To me it just makes good sense to have a watch and a phone combination that can give me the security to know that if I collapse whilst looking after my daughter (she's not even 2) then my Carer or my wife can get to my home or have emergency services get here and secure my daughter. Then look after me if I'm still ticking. So that is my answer and question.
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Wow, i thought it was a joke first but then...wow i dont know what to say, hope you get better....
Sent from my HTC One SV using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
Cheers mate appreciate it. Your jaw is on the floor. I think mine is about the only thing I haven't broken. Having said that, I reckon I could write a book based on the last 5 almost 6 years. Trust me, I do not leave the house nowadays without good reason. I have also considered making a video on you tube so I don't have to continue to repeat the entire fiasco to every surgeon and specialist i hive to go to, not to mention lawyers.
Anyways, the Galaxy Gear, would suit my needs I think, that is if I can get "Fade" onto the watch itself. After doing a thorough analysis of everything out there at the moment, the Gear is the only watch I could find with its own accelerometer and gyroscope. Having said that, if that doesn't work it may be a pain to have to learn to code an app for the Gear to do it, firstly not sure if there is an SDK for it, secondly I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to replicate the algorithm that the designer of "Fade" has used.
Oh I also discovered , that the Gear actually does have a vibrate mode. Not one video I have seen or webpage I have been to has mentioned.it save one Youtube video I saw last night. Cannot point you to it because this form is telling me I have had to post 10 posts before it will let me quote URLs.
---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------
Pyromancer said:
Wow, i thought it was a joke first but then...wow i dont know what to say, hope you get better....
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Thank you. Found out yesterday I am probably having another neck surgery. Find out if I will have another surgery on my shoulder, in a couple of weeks.
And you are right, it does sound like a joke. In the first accident my wife who was pillion landed flat on her face with my Ninja on top of her. I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get the bike off of her to check her vitals. Turned out my right hand was practical sitting where my elbow was. I didn't notice til someone pointed it out. My wife ended up with a strained ankle. I ended up broken everywhere.

