possible explanation for screen issues? - T-Mobile Sidekick 4G

this may not explain all screen issues, but it may explain the issue of the screen freezing and also the issue of it reacting on its own. i believe that this screen is highly sensitive. my current theory is that dirtiness and dullness cause screen lag. this can result in freezing, but i think more commonly what happens is for it to cause a delay in the screens responsiveness. so lets say you touch the screen and it doesnt respond right away. so you tap the screen again, and it does respond. but maybe its responding to the first time you touched it, and then you exit out of that screen or do something else, and forget that you touched the screen again. but the phone remembers and responds, and the phone does something odd, seemingly on its own. now remember this is just a theory of mine, and i am no expert on touchscreens. it just occurred to me that this could be a possibility, because i cleaned my screen really good and the screen seemed a good bit more responsive than usual. feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this.

There are times when a greasy/wet touchscreen will misbehave, but I think the majority of our touchscreen problems stem from a buggy driver which tends to crash during low memory conditions.

yea i definitely think its just a buggy phone. wish it was as simple as keeping it clean, but i have these problems even when clean sometimes. its not a deal breaker though, at least not for me.
i just wish we could have custom lock screens or AOSP lock screen that wouldn't break the damn auto-rotate.

i know this is a different subject than my op, but i have a question. i converted several apps to system apps. two browsers, opera mobile and dolphin mini, dolphin to replace my stock browser and opera for desktop browsing, as well as a volume control app and a few others. i use an app called optimize android toolbox to clean my cache. before converting these apps to system, they all stored a cache. now, opera and dolphin dont. the volume control app still does though. i dont think its a problem, it just perplexes me. any possible explanation for this?

JonathanBarca10 said:
yea i definitely think its just a buggy phone. wish it was as simple as keeping it clean, but i have these problems even when clean sometimes. its not a deal breaker though, at least not for me.
i just wish we could have custom lock screens or AOSP lock screen that wouldn't break the damn auto-rotate.
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Ayoteddy got us the aosp lock and the puzzle lock, using it right now no prob.
sent from my....WAIT THIS ISNT MY PHONE?

When it's cold mine never responds.
I put a screen protector on my phone and I haven't had any touch screen problems since. Might just be a coincidence, though.

before i got this phone, i read a review that said only one android phone has a more functional lock screen than the sidekick. of course, that statement is based on phones with stock roms, but still, thats definitely saying something. i like the stock lockscreen a lot. i like the media room lockscreen widget. tried other music players with lockscreen widgets, but they take up the whole screen. then you have to exit the widget to unlock the screen. plus you can slide down to unlock or slide up to launch an app. thats pretty tight.

I'm not saying the stock lock screen isn't clever. It's really is quite cool... when it works.
So often I've had to struggle to unlock the phone because the screen was lagging badly. Or the home screen has come up for a second before the lock screen. This is especially a problem when text messages come in, and often result in my phone doing crazy crap in my pocket. Next time I pull it out I discover that it's gone to CNN, changed my brightness, turned on bluetooth, etc.


Screen problem when locking/ unlocking *not usual touchscreen issue*

Hi All,
I have looked around for a similar problem but could not find anything.
I have a problem with my screen on my HTC Sensation. I was using Virtuous ROM but when this started happening, I wiped with superscript and switched to Insertcoin ROM and the problem actually became worse.
When I lock my phone with the Power button, instead of the screen turning black instantly, the bottom and top of the screen slide up and meet in the middle (like a transition that you put inbetween chapters in a home made movie).
The same happens when I unlock the phone.. and it's very annoying and of course very slow.
I can't work out if it's hardware or not. I just recently edited the build.prop file (only removed the '#' from the screen capture line- which worked, didn't touch anything else)... and now when I unlock, the font and app icons seem a little enlarged and blurry.. then once I slide between screens and back it goes to normal.
I'm a noobie and would appreciate the help.
I always thought is was on purpose
No, this is very exaggerated and slow. Usually the phones screen goes off reasonably quick when you lock the phone (and vice versa with unlocking).
It sounds like you are describing the CRT animation for locking and unlocking, like an old TV turning on/off. Some ROMs include this by default. If the phone is running slow/sluggish it can look poor and cause other issues like the funky looking icons.
Hmm, it doesn't seem like that kind of problem... my phone runs reasonable fast.
Here's a video of it:
Can't direct link, please copy and paste.
Yup, thats the CRT animation, that's what its supposed to do. It must have been included with a ROM you installed by default. Like I said, its meant to look like you are turning on or off and old tube type television or computer monitor. Someone might have a flashable file out there for you to remove it, I don't know. At least now you can search "remove CRT animation" or something and see what you can get.
Oh really, thats interesting as I was pretty sure it done something similar on the previous Virtuous Rom.
Does anyone else out there have this feature on their Insertcoin ROM? (I've only ever had stock, Virtuous and Insertcoin).
I will have a search but if anyone knows the fix, please let me know

[Q] Touch issues when using pen-enabled apps, anyone?

So, I really really wanted to love this tablet. The disappointments have been many, but this focuses on the most severe and frustrating one.
Whenever I am using Dabbler, Skecthbook Pro, ArtFlow, or any other pen-enabled apps, the weirdest things start to happen. It works OK for a while, but then the tablet only starts receiving input from the stylus. Not even UI elements are usable with my fingers. PLEASE NOTE: I do know the tablet has a stylus-only mode, and this is NOT enabled. PLEASE ALSO NOTE: No, the stylus-only mode in the apps is not enabled either.
After a fresh reboot, I open the drawing app and everything works. Palm-rejection is gorgeous, pen accuracy is spot-on, multitouch gestures as pinch to zoom and panning work flawlessly. But after a while, or after I exit the app and return, it starts progressively degrading performance. At first it only accepts pinch to zoom like 50% of the time. Then it gets worse, until I can't do a thing without the stylus - not even the back, home and multitasking buttons.
I spoke with an nvidia tech support rep, and after a back and forth of emails (mostly me giving him info about the proof of purchase, serial number, etc) he told me to contact the seller (Amazon) and ask for a replacement.
I was about to go ahead and replace it, but I wanted to know if any of you are getting the same issues. On the latest official ROM, can everybody use Dabbler, Autodesk Skechbook, etc. for PROLONGED periods of time, and with a high tablet up time, without issues? Is this issue device-specific?
THANKS so much for any help and sorry for long post.

Weird mate 7 screen problem

Hey Guys...
I have this problem week or so, dont knot what causes it. I saw it ONLY while i use wats app and viber.
I thought maybe swift key could be reason because its extremly lagy after recent updates, but it happened with other keyboards too.
Second reason it comes to my mind is changes in developer options i made so phone could run a bit smoother and faster. I changed animation scales to .5x
Thats all i could think of.
When problem ocurs, some time it just stays, top of screen is ok /you can see name of chat partner/ but the rest is flickering. Sometimes its ok then bad again, and it changes in seconds. Sometimes it just stays like that for a seconds...But it always fixes when i touch screen.
This is example, pic is bad but i dont have better, sorry.
What you guys think? I just hope its not hardware issue, but considering it happens only in those 2 apps i hope its not.

EMUI quirks and annoyances

I’ve used stock or (virtually stock) Android phones for years. My last properly skinned phone was a Samsung Galaxy s II. So using EMUI on this phone has been interesting. There is a lot that I like, but here I’ll describe a few annoying quirks I’ve noticed, plus any partial-solutions I use. Hopefully this will inform perspective and current P20 owners, but also, if you have a solution to any of these problems, do let me know!
- The settings menu is terrible. They have messed with it so much, and added so many settings, that it is often impossible to find what you’re looking for. The solution is to search, which, thankfully, works well.
- The lock screen wallpaper changes every time you unlock the phone. I feel like an idiot, but I can’t work out how to set my own (single!) wallpaper. There are these collections which you can choose between, and then from the lock screen itself you can favourite wallpapers from the collection (not sure what this does) and pause on a wallpaper from the collection, and it looks like you can add your own collections, but this doesn’t seem to work. There MUST be a work around. All I want is the same wallpaper on my lock and home screen!
- Notification content (including media controls) is always hidden on the lockscreen until you authenticate, regardless of the app setting. This seems to be a bug. Setting up face unlock (and swipe to unlock) at least means you can see your lock screen with notification content when at a face-unlock-friendly angle.
- The double tap vol down to launch camera works fine, except when I’m listening to music, when it just turns down the music. No idea why they don’t give this functionality to the lock button like most OEMs.
- Unlock by voice for Google Assistant doesn’t seem to work. I’ve had this problem on other phones so don’t know if I’d blame Huawei. It responds to ‘OK Google’ from screen off (which is better than my OnePlus) but won’t actually unlock.
- The always on display is a bit weak. It doesn’t even properly show notifications.
Anything to add? What EMUI quirks have you found?
Try this for always on display and notifications
The settings menu is terrible. They have messed with it so much, and added so many settings, that it is often impossible to find what you’re looking for. The solution is to search, which, thankfully, works well.
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I find the settings menu perfect compared to samsung or other brands.
The lock screen wallpaper changes every time you unlock the phone. I feel like an idiot, but I can’t work out how to set my own (single!) wallpaper. There are these collections which you can choose between, and then from the lock screen itself you can favourite wallpapers from the collection (not sure what this does) and pause on a wallpaper from the collection, and it looks like you can add your own collections, but this doesn’t seem to work. There MUST be a work around. All I want is the same wallpaper on my lock and home screen!
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Just open gallery, open any picture you want, set as background for home- and lockscreen, thats it
Notification content (including media controls) is always hidden on the lockscreen until you authenticate, regardless of the app setting. This seems to be a bug. Setting up face unlock (and swipe to unlock) at least means you can see your lock screen with notification content when at a face-unlock-friendly angle.
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You can set to show always full content, even if not authenticated.
The always on display is a bit weak. It doesn’t even properly show notifications.
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I´m sure there will be more options with further firmware updates
Anything to add? What EMUI quirks have you found?
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I have sometimes problems with starting my spotify automatically when connecting a bluetooth device, I think a sleep mode problem. Another bug is the one with updating widgets. My calendar widget f.e. crashes after a time. found a workaround with "your calendar widget".
But I think all in all its a great phone with great features
lobr1 said:
The lock screen wallpaper changes every time you unlock the phone. I feel like an idiot, but I can’t work out how to set my own (single!) wallpaper. There are these collections which you can choose between, and then from the lock screen itself you can favourite wallpapers from the collection (not sure what this does) and pause on a wallpaper from the collection, and it looks like you can add your own collections, but this doesn’t seem to work. There MUST be a work around. All I want is the same wallpaper on my lock and home screen!
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You can find this setting in 'Security & privacy' - 'Screen lock & passwords'
=> 'Update covers' to enable and disable it and 'Covers' to choose the pictures to show
EMUI has made me fall back in love with OxygenOS - the way EMUI treats notifications and the lock screen is diabolical. If I unlock my Oneplus 3 but don't read a notification, I can lock it again and the notification remains on the lock screen. The notifications span the whole screen, and work perfectly.
Also, Spotify on OxygenOS uses album cover art as lock screen wallpaper when playing, similar to how EMUI treats the local Music app.
This gonna be a debate for eternity.
People who come from xiaomi or samsung wont feel too awkward with emui,
Different case if you come from AOSP, or Oxygen or LOS.
Best solution is slapping NOVA launcher as soon as you use the phone.
I've used several Huawei phones now, in fact since the Mate 8 they've tended to be my main phones through most of the year (I still try others, but tend to come back for the battery life and cameras, granted the cameras have not been as good as competitors but the camera systems are more fun to me as a person with an amateur interest in photography and I've taken a lot of shots I don't think I could have got from the others). The P8Max was my first, and the UI/OS was a bit of a dogs breakfast - so many things were broken (many due to trying to increase battery longevity) and many other things required complex workarounds beyond installing Nova which I've had on each of them. It's pretty well fine now, but if you're coming from Samsung or others it's very different and will take a bit of time to adjust to - particularly the level of granular control you have on things affecting battery life. Once you get a handle on it you'll probably end up appreciating a lot of what it offers.
Google Assistant works fine but it makes conflict with Huawei voice control (so turn off one of them)
Double tap volume down to launch camera is a great idea but why the hell it does not work when players or different apps are in the background.....
Hi there!
Setting your own lockscreen carousel:
Settings>security & privacy>screen lock & passwords>magazine unlock>subscriptions>added by me>add>choose image
You can create your own cycle of wallpapers.
In themes App make sure you set me>customize>lock screen style>magazine unlock
I wish adjusting the volume on Bluetooth headphones adjusted the master volume like on all previous phones I've had instead of acting like an in-line control.
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
Hi how do you get rid of double tap on home screen it's do annoying it's a short cut to access latest apps that have used I have Nova Which is excellent and I'm coming from a Samsung S7 to a P20 pro please help !!
To enable or stop scrolling wallaper just swype from the bottom on the lockscreen and you will see Pause button at the left. if you press that, the scrolling will be disabled and a "play" icon will remain.
I've debloating quite a lot from emui.
Installed swap torpedo
Runs faster now and battery lasts longer.
Huawei should offer a vanilla update.
Last time I saw so much bloat was on Samsung.
EMUI was one of the reasons I ditched my P10 after 6 months, went back to an iPhone, then to a Nokia 5...
Have any of the roms developed for the P20 done away with EMUI otherwise this device will be another one i'll have to remove from the list of potential upgrades.
Killing foreground apps
Hi, just bought the p20 pro after years with Samsung. I have noticed that it often kills apps that I am currently using, sending me back to the home screen (reminds me of a crash to desktop in windows computers).
After some googling similar problems I adjusted the app auto start and ignore battery optimization settings and it did get better, although it is still killing apps which I presume is using a lot of memory or battery (or both?), for example posting stuff on Instagram (Instagram is whitelisted from optimization and managed manually).
This is really bugging me, anyone else with the same problem? I'm running android 8.1.0, EMUI 8.1.0 and memory always stays between 2,5 and 3 GB.
vmaxx82 said:
Hi, just bought the p20 pro after years with Samsung. I have noticed that it often kills apps that I am currently using, sending me back to the home screen (reminds me of a crash to desktop in windows computers).
After some googling similar problems I adjusted the app auto start and ignore battery optimization settings and it did get better, although it is still killing apps which I presume is using a lot of memory or battery (or both?), for example posting stuff on Instagram (Instagram is whitelisted from optimization and managed manually).
This is really bugging me, anyone else with the same problem? I'm running android 8.1.0, EMUI 8.1.0 and memory always stays between 2,5 and 3 GB.
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This is one of the biggest problems I have with this phone. It keeps killing Skype and I miss calls due to it...
rajeshr said:
This is one of the biggest problems I have with this phone. It keeps killing Skype and I miss calls due to it...
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Yeah, it's turning out to be a deal breaker for me.. Too bad since I really like the phone. Just hope it's a bug ?
Something seems to be happening to spotify when it is running in the background using my bluetooth headphones. I get stuttering and odd pauses, its basically unusable.
I have found if I use andriod auto to run spotify or use the wake lock program to keep the phone in a higher power mode it seems to help. If I have the charger plugged in it works fine as well. It appears to be some sort of power saving issue (yes I have told the phone to ignore spotify's power usage) or something to do with bluetooth power saving. But it works fine in a car.
Thats my only real complaint, and had I known I would have this issue I would have probably grabbed a onePlus device. Using Sure 215's
One thing I did notice, and I also fixed the problem quite simply.
I turned the display Resolution to HD from FHD my thinking was with a lower resolution I'd have better battery and better performance.
What I got was worse.
60fps lagged so badly it was unusable.
Transitions especially to the Google feed lagged and was annoying.
Asphalt 9 lagged and was extremely crap.
Turned FHD back on, all went back to silky smoothes??
Logic didn't exactly prevail here but it works.
So in short if you've turned on adaptive resolution or HD.
Turn it off
I'm facing this weird problem with my p20 pro. In. 128 and 131 and 152 firmware versions whenever in have an incoming call my screen doesn't wake up to show my who is calling me, unless I press the power button or the fingerprint sensor. If the call is missed my screen wakes up normally to show me the missed call notification. Any solution?? I have no fingerprint lock or pass code lock. Just swipe.
Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk

Oneplus 6 - Unresponsive Screen (Video Included)

I've had the phone since the day it came out. It took me a while to notice but the screen is definitely unresponsive at times. It is actually difficult to notice because, if you are like me and spend hours on your phone every day, if every so often if a touch doesn't register, your brain automatically make you repeat the gesture and you don't even think about it. And, it's OK if it happens like once a day. But with this phone, it's hundred times a day. I thought I was crazy so I recorded a video with my OP5.
See here: https://imgur.com/a/lZS4eVP
OK so this is kind of a very bad occurrence. Usually, it's not always like that. Sometimes it works perfectly fine. I also wonder if this could be the reason why the double tap to wake is also inconsistent, when the screen is off.
Also, yes, I do have a screen protector, but I've had them on all my phones and never had an issue.
Looks like this is happening only with you, is this problem occurring only in specific apps? or globally..
The touch here works snappy and very responsive. Maybe a faulty device? report to service center, I guess.
I also noted unresponsive screen once in a while while trying to click some hyperlinks or items with small clickable icons. But it's not anywhere close to what your video showed. Best and fair thing to do would be: Fresh flash the stock rom, don't install any additional apps then see if the problem persists. If it does, time to call customer service for a replacement unit. Good luck!
I've had similiar issues with my Essential PH-1, turns out it was a defect in the digitizer and I was RMA'd on it.
Nope working great here.
Do I get a new phone if I rma it? Or refurbished?
No I get this sometimes as well. Not nearly as bad as shown in your video, but sometimes it just doesn't register the touch properly and you have to touch it harder for it to register. Or when scrolling it only registers the scrolling partially
i have same problem in the same position
It happens to me sometimes when I tap the screen (for example tapping on a contact in whatsapp) that the screen doensn't respond good. When I tap a few times more and with a little more pressure it's going well. (I didn't test without the factory applyed screen protector)
Do people who have this problem use gestures? For me, the problem also occurs (no reaction when I tap the hyperlink or a small icon) but I noticed that it only occurs when the gestures are on. Maybe there is a problem.

