Weird mate 7 screen problem - Ascend Mate 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey Guys...
I have this problem week or so, dont knot what causes it. I saw it ONLY while i use wats app and viber.
I thought maybe swift key could be reason because its extremly lagy after recent updates, but it happened with other keyboards too.
Second reason it comes to my mind is changes in developer options i made so phone could run a bit smoother and faster. I changed animation scales to .5x
Thats all i could think of.
When problem ocurs, some time it just stays, top of screen is ok /you can see name of chat partner/ but the rest is flickering. Sometimes its ok then bad again, and it changes in seconds. Sometimes it just stays like that for a seconds...But it always fixes when i touch screen.
This is example, pic is bad but i dont have better, sorry.
What you guys think? I just hope its not hardware issue, but considering it happens only in those 2 apps i hope its not.


HTC Touch HD, problem with the display

Hey whats up,
I've got my HD for about a half a year and recently I noticed that its display doesn't display stuff properly. When I display some color transition, it's just not smooth. I'd describe it more like 3mm thick lines of cumulatively dark color next to each other. Therefore, the transition works, in the end the stripes make the picture look like some sort of a transition.
My problem is, that the final picture looks like a crappy GIF image. I'd like to ask you other guys with HTCs, is it normal that the display shows things this bad?
I can't remember if it had been like that before I bought it. I believe it might have something to do with one incident where I tried to take a photo while shaking the phone, resulting in an automatic soft reset leaving the display damaged for some reason. What do you guys think?
Maybe another Softreset could help.
If not try a Hardreset.
Are you setting this picture as the wallpaper, is this what u mean?
Im not sure what u are trying to do, is it only this picture that looks crap?
Did you solved problem with your HD display?
I have same problem with my Touch Cruise. But, not always, only sometimes. Clicking power-on button multiple times helps in temporary problem solving, but it repeats again and again.
i feel u can not care

[Q] Lock Screen Lag

I updated to the latest version of the Mango beta (7712 i think) the other day and now whenever I turn on the screen it takes about half a second for the clock and date etc to appear. Anyone else have this issue or a solution?
A lot of people are noticing that behavior.
I think it's a bug.. but it doesn't happen all the time to me.
It's amazing how annoying just a little bit of lag is in this OS, isn't it?
Good to know im not alone. Ill put up with it as this is a beta. Everything else works perfectly
When I first "upgraded" from last month's mango to this months updated version, I noticed this too, but I also noticed that the homescreen "flash" was gone, which for me was a very acceptable trade off. I reset my phone to get my twitter and linkedin contacts to load, and since then my screen has reverted to the old form; that is, flashes the homescreen for a second before going to the lockscreen. Awful.
I thought that was just the new behaviour
It was one of the first thing I noticed after updating. I didn't think it was a bug, I just thought for some reason that was the new behaviour.
It definitely doesn't look as clean as the old way.
Yeah, I wasnt sure if it was a bug or a new feature as it seems to fade in after about half a second kind of like a transition effect.
Whatever it is I much prefered it the way it was before this second update as like people have said it just looks like really bad lag.
Mine seems to have sorted itself out. All ive done is turn it off for the night. Couldnt hurt to give it a go if its annoying you
after updating to mango on my omnia 7, I have this strange situation with my lockscreen. is this a bug? anyone else noticed this too?
phobius87 said:
after updating to mango on my omnia 7, I have this strange situation with my lockscreen. is this a bug? anyone else noticed this too?
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it used to happen to me quite often when i was on 7712. Doesn't happen anymore on mango.. but there's still a buggy animation sometimes when i unlock too quickly, appears as a repeated top 1/4 of the lockscreen i think
i don't know why, but it's still happening. i tried to power of and on, but it didn't help. i don't want to do a hard reset. it seems that the problem is gone if the music is playing (when the mini player is displayed in lockscreen).
so, i figured out, when that locksreen lag is happening. if you have mini player shown, when you press volume buttons, that means there will be no lockscreen lag, and everything will be like it should.
but, if you go and play a video, and then go back to homescreen, there will be no mini player shown, when you press the volume button, and if you then turn off the screen, and then on again, the clock and calendar will display with some lag (about half a second). this will continue to happen until the next time you run audio player. then, if there is mini player in the dropdown volume menu, there will be no more lag in the lockscreen.
please, try this and see if this will happen to you too. i know it's a small bug, but it's really annoying!

possible explanation for screen issues?

this may not explain all screen issues, but it may explain the issue of the screen freezing and also the issue of it reacting on its own. i believe that this screen is highly sensitive. my current theory is that dirtiness and dullness cause screen lag. this can result in freezing, but i think more commonly what happens is for it to cause a delay in the screens responsiveness. so lets say you touch the screen and it doesnt respond right away. so you tap the screen again, and it does respond. but maybe its responding to the first time you touched it, and then you exit out of that screen or do something else, and forget that you touched the screen again. but the phone remembers and responds, and the phone does something odd, seemingly on its own. now remember this is just a theory of mine, and i am no expert on touchscreens. it just occurred to me that this could be a possibility, because i cleaned my screen really good and the screen seemed a good bit more responsive than usual. feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this.
There are times when a greasy/wet touchscreen will misbehave, but I think the majority of our touchscreen problems stem from a buggy driver which tends to crash during low memory conditions.
yea i definitely think its just a buggy phone. wish it was as simple as keeping it clean, but i have these problems even when clean sometimes. its not a deal breaker though, at least not for me.
i just wish we could have custom lock screens or AOSP lock screen that wouldn't break the damn auto-rotate.
i know this is a different subject than my op, but i have a question. i converted several apps to system apps. two browsers, opera mobile and dolphin mini, dolphin to replace my stock browser and opera for desktop browsing, as well as a volume control app and a few others. i use an app called optimize android toolbox to clean my cache. before converting these apps to system, they all stored a cache. now, opera and dolphin dont. the volume control app still does though. i dont think its a problem, it just perplexes me. any possible explanation for this?
JonathanBarca10 said:
yea i definitely think its just a buggy phone. wish it was as simple as keeping it clean, but i have these problems even when clean sometimes. its not a deal breaker though, at least not for me.
i just wish we could have custom lock screens or AOSP lock screen that wouldn't break the damn auto-rotate.
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Ayoteddy got us the aosp lock and the puzzle lock, using it right now no prob.
sent from my....WAIT THIS ISNT MY PHONE?
When it's cold mine never responds.
I put a screen protector on my phone and I haven't had any touch screen problems since. Might just be a coincidence, though.
before i got this phone, i read a review that said only one android phone has a more functional lock screen than the sidekick. of course, that statement is based on phones with stock roms, but still, thats definitely saying something. i like the stock lockscreen a lot. i like the media room lockscreen widget. tried other music players with lockscreen widgets, but they take up the whole screen. then you have to exit the widget to unlock the screen. plus you can slide down to unlock or slide up to launch an app. thats pretty tight.
I'm not saying the stock lock screen isn't clever. It's really is quite cool... when it works.
So often I've had to struggle to unlock the phone because the screen was lagging badly. Or the home screen has come up for a second before the lock screen. This is especially a problem when text messages come in, and often result in my phone doing crazy crap in my pocket. Next time I pull it out I discover that it's gone to CNN, changed my brightness, turned on bluetooth, etc.

Acer A510 help

Hi All,
I recently got the acer A510 overall i am happy with it except i have a few problems and wanted to know if anyone else is having the same.
I noticed a fair few apps are unstable. The store shows the apps are compatable etc but they crash a fair bit.
While i am not too fussed by it 1 does really annoy me.
It happens in both the built in web browser and on chrome.
Basically i can be on 1 tab and go back to another tab, but then it can't remember and starts to reload the tab (this is all in a matter of minutes)
Then after doing this a few times it stops loading. if i exit out and go back in all i get is a messed up black screen with bits of the app showing.
I have to reboot to resolve.
I have tried factory resetting and it's the same issue, all i did was sign up gmail and only download chrome. They both do the same thing.
Any comments on being a common issue or what i should try would be great.
Other than that the tab runs great plays movies great and is smooth very smooth.
I have the AUS version updated and theres only the 1 firmware. BTW acer are pretty useless in tech support area lol
Hi malos1984,
I have also issues with Chrome. Sometimes Chrome just freezes from time to time and the tab reboots. More often the page gets white and blinks (seems it tries to refresh but i gets white again). In this case I am able the restart Chrome.
It was so annoying – so now I am using Dolphin and I am quite happy. No freeze no reboots. Everything works fine.
It seems that more people have the same issue with Chrome on the A510. At least if you go through some of the play store comments…
Perhaps there will be a fix coming. Not sure if this needs to be fixed on the Acer side or on the Chrome side.
I tried Chrome, didn't like it and just switched back to stock. That browser has all my needs in it.
But I totally agree with the OP, Acer doesn't have the sharpest tech support. lol.
salisbury_steak said:
I tried Chrome, didn't like it and just switched back to stock. That browser has all my needs in it.
But I totally agree with the OP, Acer doesn't have the sharpest tech support. lol.
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Lol no they do not they don't even have an email contact here in aus pretty bad for a tech company.
Back on topic.
The strange thing is the default one is buggy too very similar issue.
On top of that embedded YouTube videos on sites and forums show the videos overlapping each other in the top left hand of page in both orientations and a black box where they should be displaying on the page.
I hope we get 4.0.4 and jelly bean later on as a update.
Another question I had is why doesn't shadow gun work I stupidly paid for it but its delayed in responsiveness.
I.e. i press a menu button and about a minute later the menu opens, then in game I tell it to do something and it takes about 3 secs to do that.
malos1984 said:
Lol no they do not they don't even have an email contact here in aus pretty bad for a tech company.
Back on topic.
The strange thing is the default one is buggy too very similar issue.
On top of that embedded YouTube videos on sites and forums show the videos overlapping each other in the top left hand of page in both orientations and a black box where they should be displaying on the page.
I hope we get 4.0.4 and jelly bean later on as a update.
Another question I had is why doesn't shadow gun work I stupidly paid for it but its delayed in responsiveness.
I.e. i press a menu button and about a minute later the menu opens, then in game I tell it to do something and it takes about 3 secs to do that.
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Ya I hope we get JB soon. I could use with the tab being a little slicker. Overall things are very smooth compared to HC but pale in comparison to the iPad.
Btw, SHadowgun on the A510 sucks. See a threa here in Madfinger's forum. Lotsa people facing it yet they're not gonna do anything about it. That sucks! Link:
I agree with the stock browser stability.. It seems to refresh whenever I change tab n back to the previous tab.. and sometimes when I am multi tasking, switching back to browser gives me a white blank page. I have to scroll back to the top then the page shows back.. WEIRD.
himmatsj said:
Ya I hope we get JB soon. I could use with the tab being a little slicker. Overall things are very smooth compared to HC but pale in comparison to the iPad.
Btw, SHadowgun on the A510 sucks. See a threa here in Madfinger's forum. Lotsa people facing it yet they're not gonna do anything about it. That sucks! Link:
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I faced the same issue on my tab playing shadowgun. however, after switching from 1.044 to 1.073, the problem have disappeared, but now I'm facing with problem of screen responsiveness while putting it on a table. they said its grounding issue and can be fixed from the settings, which have to be done every restart.(which I did not face it on 1.044).
azreen91 said:
I faced the same issue on my tab playing shadowgun. however, after switching from 1.044 to 1.073, the problem have disappeared, but now I'm facing with problem of screen responsiveness while putting it on a table. they said its grounding issue and can be fixed from the settings, which have to be done every restart.(which I did not face it on 1.044).
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Ok, I'm a noob at this but what's 1.044 and 1.073? I'm unrooted btw. Anyways, yeah the tab has got pretty bad responsiveness all around and you're right, when you put it on a table (flat surface) its totally unusable. Why is this so?
Chrome Problem
elendiir said:
Hi malos1984,
I have also issues with Chrome. Sometimes Chrome just freezes from time to time and the tab reboots. More often the page gets white and blinks (seems it tries to refresh but i gets white again). In this case I am able the restart Chrome.
It was so annoying – so now I am using Dolphin and I am quite happy. No freeze no reboots. Everything works fine.
It seems that more people have the same issue with Chrome on the A510. At least if you go through some of the play store comments…
Perhaps there will be a fix coming. Not sure if this needs to be fixed on the Acer side or on the Chrome side.
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I do have problems with Chrome on the A510....I will probably try dolphin to see how it goes.. I hope acer releases an update soon cause I hate having that bloatware, including the AcerNidus app, which is supposed to collect information about bugs....well what for if they don't release updates to fix them?
himmatsj said:
Ok, I'm a noob at this but what's 1.044 and 1.073? I'm unrooted btw. Anyways, yeah the tab has got pretty bad responsiveness all around and you're right, when you put it on a table (flat surface) its totally unusable. Why is this so?
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If you go to about tablet, you should see a "software version" field. 1.073 is the latest.
I actually have my tablet sent back to warranty service since the gyroscope is miscalibrated. I'm supposed to get it back after a week.
As for the non-responsiveness, it is a bug that was introduced in the latest firmware updated. To fix it, you'll need to go to display >> screen responsiveness >> toggle it to low/medium, then high again. You need to do this right after every restart.

S7 Strange Screen Flickering

So I bought my used S7 recently, the device seems to be totally clean not even a scratch on the frame, looks like brand new and even the software status is OFFICIAL not even the Knox is tripped.
I found a thread on XDA about using an updated version of TouchWiz Home of the S8 for the S7 by installing the APK.
it worked like a charm until I started to change my wallpapers and notice something strange.
im using an application to change the wallpapers auto every 5 minutes, the problem is whenever the wallpaper i use has some bright colors like bright purple or bright red and i press the app button to access the app drawer those colors (ONLY) flicker , they flicker just before the screen get blurred and take u to the app drawer, and also when u go back to the main screen from the app drawer also right after the blur disappear.
i got scared so i uninstalled that Touchwiz Update and came back to stock, to notice that the problem is still there, but its not as noticeable as the s8 TW
i wanted to know if the screen is dying or this is something normal, and also wanted to know if its a software related problem or hardware one, and finally if someone is having the same issue ( i can share a wallpaper if anyone is willing to try wit it )
NB: the screen flicker ONLY ON THE BRIGHT COLOR before the blur effect happens and After it.
Thank you all in advance & i apologize for my English
I made this video If you focus on the second time especially ( when going to the home screen from the app drawer ) you can see clearly the red rose flicker. Sometimes the flickering is harder depending on how bright is the color.
This can only be a software problem, because its also visible in the Video. Your screen is not damaged, and it will not be damaged. This issue is not a problem, maybe only a bit annoying.
profi_fahrer said:
This can only be a software problem, because its also visible in the Video. Your screen is not damaged, and it will not be damaged. This issue is not a problem, maybe only a bit annoying.
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It is so annoying for me cuz i had an old S5 plus that ended up with the screen flickering so whenever i see it flickering i got a heart attack.
Is there anyway to fix it i tried factory reset but nothing changed..
Thank you anyway for replying
I think thats a Problem with the Launcher. I've tried it on my Phone, and it is also flickering. You can try to speed up the Animation-Speed in the Developer-Settings. Maybe then you wont see the flickering.
You can see it here, that it is also on my phone:
profi_fahrer said:
I think thats a Problem with the Launcher. I've tried it on my Phone, and it is also flickering. You can try to speed up the Animation-Speed in the Developer-Settings. Maybe then you wont see the flickering.
You can see it here, that it is also on my phone:
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Thank you very much !!!! You have no idea how much its relieving to know that this problem is not only present in my device.
For now ill just stay away from bright wallpapers until hopefully Samsung will make fix for this issue.
Thank you again !
EDIT : after i came to the pc and i saw the GIF u made i noticed that we dont have the same flickering , maybe the quality of the GIF wasnt high enough but for me it didnt seem to be te same, so i will ask you one last time when you tried that wallpaper did it show the SAME result as my video for u ?
thank you in advance

