[Q] Weather issue - HTC Sensation

I have just recieved my Sensation yesterday and it is an awsome phone. So far I have tried the stock rom and a couple of custom roms.
One issue I have noticed is on the home screen it looses the weather frequently. It keeps my location with out any problems but I have to keep going to the weather widget and update again. This seems to happen randomly. The phone was in standby for 2 hours came back and it had gone again.
I use option use wireles networks to get location over wifi / data. Any ideas?

Any idea why this is happening? It is very odd.

Thats really strange...I'd be curious to know a solution. What are your current settings for HTC accounts/sync? I have found that there are two settings for the weather sync - one via the widget the other in the accounts/sync. What is your update schedule for weather? Also, might be that your location is changing to pick up different wifi signals but if you dont connect just refreshes your location and not the actual weather?

You know that could be it. I have sync set to manual so maybe that is it. I am stting in the house but my signal can change rapidly. So I might change everything to automatic and see what happens. So far I have:
Account and sync
Background data on
Auto sync off
Weather sync to update when opened.
I am wondering if I change auto sync to on should it pull through when it needs to rather than relying on the schedule? At the minute I only have a 500mb data plan that I cant change until April so I am keeping an eye on my data. I will then be changing to giffgaff which is truly unlimited so wont have to worry about that!


[REQ] A Better Solution for Data Auto-Disconnect... with Peak Time/Push Mail

Hi folks
I've searched around the forums and have seen a couple of solutions out there for automatically terminating data connections (Bandswitch, WMLongLife, the registry tweak) but each seems to lack some of what I need and do a lot that I don't need.
Here's the lowdown:
- I've already tweaked the Comm Manager to add the 3G on/off switch so I don't need something that messes with that
- I use push email for business so I need the data connection to stay on during the "peak times" that I've set in Activesync (for me, that's 8am-11pm)
- Outside of peak times, I've got the phone checking email every hour. Right now, it seems to be leaving the connection on afterward.
- I want to keep the automatic updates for HTC Sense's weather and stock tabs. Not every 5 minutes, of course, but at least a couple of times a day. Also tends to leave the connection going when used outside peak hours.
As I understand it, the registry tweak won't work for the Sense tabs. Bandswitch and WMLongLife mess with the 3G radio and, as far as I can tell, don't let you set a timeframe (re: the latter - I suppose when you've got push mail going it pings the Exchange server regularly so in theory it shouldn't consider the connection idle, but why mess with it?)
So, in short, anyone got a solution that could switch off an idle data connection outside of the peak times set in Activesync?
If you just want to kill connections during certain times (ie, night time) try G-Profile. I have it set to kill data connections during the night, works fine for me although I am using a new beta version which is available from their site.
Looks interesting but reading through the manual it looks as if you can only set a profile to disable the data connection during certain hours. I'd like to leave the data available, just switch on auto-disconnect.
Plus, again, there's a lot of extra stuff in there that's really not necessary. I'm looking for something more lightweight...
I haven't tried it, but you might want to take a look at CommMgrPro.
It's also from the creator of Bandswitch.
PhoneAlarm can do this.
I had PhoneAlarm installed on my previous phone. True, it can do this.
But again, it's like using a tank to kill a fly. Sam with CommMgrPro.
Is there no lightweight solution?
+1 for this. It has to be possible, everyone just seems to lump the functionality in with a load of other stuff I'm not interested in.
Up, I'm looking for this also
This kind of app is missing...
SO.... last night I left my charging cable at the office and I only had around 20% of the battery left at 11:00pm. For some reason, the thing kept opening the data channel even though it was outside of "peak" hours for push! I had to reset and turn manually turn off all data... couldn't have the phone die overnight as it's my alarm clock!
Any ideas here?
DialUp Enabler Disabler v06
What about this one

Nexus S Gmail App Push Problem - WIND Mobile

Well the title says it. I have had my Nexus S for over a week now and I have yet to have consistent Gmail notifications being pushed to my phone. They are always delayed...sometimes by 2 minutes, sometimes by 20 minutes and sometimes by over an hour. All of this while being in a 3G zone and having my APN settings in order.
Has anyone else been experiencing these issues? I never had these issues with my Nexus One (Tmobile) which I had since it was available for shipping in Canada.
Something to note, when I'm on WIFI. I instantly get all my push notifications within 5 seconds.
So obviously my phone is turning its 3G radio off for some unknown period , how do I change this so it never turns off 3G band?
I went into *#*#info#*#*...but before I mess around with the settings there, I'll get some advice from you guys.
I'm guessing this is software related and not hardware?
factory format reset?
It works fine on mine, no problem
i did not do anything special
just plug in my the normal Wind Mobile APN
and everything else is just dandy
the only bug i found is with the notifications / alerts
because i check the email from at least 5 different sources
if the email gets moved to archive (All Mail)
then the SNS will not notify me that a new email has arrived, even though it is there
when i was using the SGS, it still alerted me even when another mail application already downloaded the mail and archived it
The mail that I want instantly pushed to my phone is all in my Inbox which is set to already set to sync.
I don't know why this is happening to my phone...let me show you something from Google's blog:
"Notification bar icons (Wi-Fi, network coverage bars, etc.): Turn green when you have an uninhibited connection to Google, white when you don't. Hint: if you're in a hotel or airport using Wi-Fi, the bars won't turn green until you launch the browser and get past the captive portal."
I want to know how stay in this captive portal...is there a file I can substitute that's found on the /system/ folders or something....maybe a sync file or whatever that can determine that this phone constantly syncs instead of having the 3g radio going off whenever it feels like.
there is a existing discussion about this here
if we are able to google's attention, they might fix it.
mean time, you are not alone.

[Q] Weird wireless problem with location

Im currently having a problem which i reckon no one else has....When im conected to wireless at home on either of my 2 routers the location changes to Tianjin HK.Problem is i'm in Cornwall UK.It can be pretty annoying if i install a fresh rom and et my alarm before changing time zones!Here is my phone screen...
Here is my Routers time zone settings (i use 2 tenda routers both have the same settings)
If ANYONE has ANY ideas i would love and cherish them.
Hello mate you got really wierd problem. Try to clear cache for htc sense and weather and clock application. let me know if it work>>>>>>>
will keep finger cross
---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------
WiFi location determination is done automatically, so there's no way to manually update a location, but it does help to expedite the process if you connect with your sensation to your router while your GPS is turned on (and has a clear view of the sky) - over time, the WiFI location should be more accurate as google update their location database.
wrong locations could happen for several reasons. If a location is accurate but named incorrectly, Google may not have been able to correctly identify the location by its latitude and longitude. If you use cell ID (cell tower) or WiFi (wireless) location detection on your phone or computer, Google may have wrong or outdated location data for that particular cell tower or WiFi access point in location databases. Please keep in mind that coverage for both Google's cell ID (cell tower) and WiFi (wireless network) location databases varies by location and is not complete. They are always working to improve both coverage and accuracy over time. You may also delete any individual wrong locations from your history at any time by selecting the location and deleting it from the google dashbord.
bonesy said:
Im currently having a problem which i reckon no one else has....When im conected to wireless at home on either of my 2 routers the location changes to Tianjin HK.Problem is i'm in Cornwall UK.It can be pretty annoying if i install a fresh rom and et my alarm before changing time zones!Here is my phone screen...
Here is my Routers time zone settings (i use 2 tenda routers both have the same settings)
If ANYONE has ANY ideas i would love and cherish them.
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Only thing I could think of is that your ISP has their DNS server there? I don't think that there would be anyway to fix that though.
That could be a possibility but i dodnt have the problem with my hero or magic? Wifes Wildfire S does the same :/ ill try gettign gps lock but we have thunder atm so will try tomorrow.Thanks or the answers guys
Similar Problem?
I've maybe a similar/related problem; my clock is getting out of sync. During the day it's not happening. I coudn't determine the reason yet, but it happens every time my wireless and GPS locating is enabled. I'm getting wrong location information almost always. But if I disable GPS location and leave only wireless enabled I get correct location information. Now I try to figure out why this is effecting my system clock if in anyway possible. I don't think this
is a insertcoin bug, because I had this on ARHD 6.x as well. I already cleared clock app cache, deleted the alarm and created a new one. Does anyone else have/had something similar?
The stupid thing is I'm getting late to work and need to use another
method to wake up on time.
I'm on ICS 4.0.3 (insertcoin 4.5.4) base Sensation with Ultrasmooth Rosie applied.
I am currently using Insertcoin 4.5.4 also but i happens with every sense rom i use.And its not just my ISP, Happens with any Internet connection i use "WIFI" and annoyingly changes my timezone.Only way i have found around this is to set my location manually.Weather in London is a tad different to here in cornwall
Strange that you are on Insertcoin as well, maybe we should post this question in the ROM post of insertcoin and ask others. Unfortunately I can't as I have not enough posts yet
As i said in my last post it happens with all roms and i am ALWAYS in Tianjin
Try changing the name of your Wireless SSID. I have a wireless router that I use for travel, everytime I connect to it, it says I am in Colorado as I used it over there for a week.
This will force it to make a new entry in the Location DB and associate it with your current location, it could be that it is matching your SSID with someone in China
Tried everything, Finally my solution was to take
Edit it in a SQL Editor and add my current location! Didnt like me renaming the United Kingdom to Bonesville though

[Q] Android (HTC) Sync'ing Inconvenience

Morning all.
I am refering to the accounts and sync on the phone itself. Not the HTC Sync application.
The model is irrelevant, but I have an HTC Incredible S
It has done this since day one, so does my GF's
Basically it always seems to start to Sync (Gmail, FBook etc) when I am doing something internet related. If I am texting, or going though menus , or on a call, or gaming the sync icon never appears.
As soon as I try to browse a webpage or go on youtube or tune in radio it decides now is the best time to sync all my account and jam up my internet. (Wifi or Mobile)
Why on Earth does it do this, it always always waits for me to use the internet, then slows it to a hault by trying to sync everything. Surely it makes more sense to restrict sync when using data-intensive apps.
I'm sick of cancelling sync to the point where I may set it to manual, but I don't want to.
So...... Why does my phone always choose an inconvenient time to try and sync, Would it not make sense to do it when the screen is locked, or when you walk into a wifi zone and the screen is locked, or if you have a decent mobile connection, and your not using it!
Anybody else notice this?

[Q] Location services not working properly after JB update

My stock AT&T HTC One X has developed a very annoying issue after the OTA update to JB.
Location services in the HTC weather widget constantly displays either "Current location" or else displays a city name that is within 10-20 miles of my actual location. Refreshing the widget either does nothing, or occasionally says "Unable to connect to location service..." Google Maps and Navigation nail my location exactly without any issues whatsoever, so I highly doubt I suddenly developed a hardware issue. Before the JB update, everything was working normally. And again, I'm running 100% stock unrooted One X.
I've done extensive searching, and have tried every bit of advice I could find: uncheck automatic time zone, uncheck fast boot, delete and reinstall the weather widget, clear Google framework cache, etc, etc, etc. In an act of desperation, I downloaded the official RUU last night and reflashed. After setting up my phone, I have the exact same problem.
To add insult to injury, my friend was here with his identical stock AT&T One X with the OTA JB update. Sitting right next to me, his phone displays the correct city and weather data.
Any other ideas?
I am desensed but it doesn't look to me like you went to apps, all apps, weather widget, clear data.
If you tried that already or that doesn't do it, I'd have no other ideas.
I forgot to add.. Can you not specify your location etc. within the widget settings? You must be able to, I hate depending on Geolocation for weather settings. It wastes battery by checking GPS every so often to see if you're still in the same location. I guess if you travel a lot this is useful...
In the weather app, go to Settings, and see if the option "My current location, Update my location in real time" is checked or not. Try it either way (mine seems to work right, whether its checked or not).
Also, try simply restarting the phone. I've had the Weather location be incorrect after flashing a new ROM, and restarting the phone fixed it.
The Weather widget reads the location info from the cell tower, not GPS. So the reading of the location is not related to Google Maps or Navigation.
redpoint73 said:
In the weather app, go to Settings, and see if the option "My current location, Update my location in real time" is checked or not. Try it either way (mine seems to work right, whether its checked or not).
Also, try simply restarting the phone. I've had the Weather location be incorrect after flashing a new ROM, and restarting the phone fixed it.
The Weather widget reads the location info from the cell tower, not GPS. So the reading of the location is not related to Google Maps or Navigation.
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Yes, I have checked and unchecked everything, and have restarted dozens of times before and after reflashing, and after trying different ideas. As to exad's suggestion: yes, I can specify a location, but I travel more or less constantly within the state as well as frequent trips.
Problem solved!
Turns out it wasn't a software issue after all.
In a final act of desperation, I did a warranty exchange at the local AT&T warranty center. By the time I got almost home with my new (refurb) phone, I realized the location services still weren't working properly as I drove through 4 different cities in the metro area, and my location stayed the same.
So... I had a flash of inspiration, detoured to my neighborhood AT&T store, asked them to change out my SIM card, and that fixed the problem!
jlmwrite said:
Turns out it wasn't a software issue after all.
In a final act of desperation, I did a warranty exchange at the local AT&T warranty center. By the time I got almost home with my new (refurb) phone, I realized the location services still weren't working properly as I drove through 4 different cities in the metro area, and my location stayed the same.
So... I had a flash of inspiration, detoured to my neighborhood AT&T store, asked them to change out my SIM card, and that fixed the problem!
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Thank you so much for posting your solution! This will be helpful to a few people I'm sure.

