[REQ] A Better Solution for Data Auto-Disconnect... with Peak Time/Push Mail - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

Hi folks
I've searched around the forums and have seen a couple of solutions out there for automatically terminating data connections (Bandswitch, WMLongLife, the registry tweak) but each seems to lack some of what I need and do a lot that I don't need.
Here's the lowdown:
- I've already tweaked the Comm Manager to add the 3G on/off switch so I don't need something that messes with that
- I use push email for business so I need the data connection to stay on during the "peak times" that I've set in Activesync (for me, that's 8am-11pm)
- Outside of peak times, I've got the phone checking email every hour. Right now, it seems to be leaving the connection on afterward.
- I want to keep the automatic updates for HTC Sense's weather and stock tabs. Not every 5 minutes, of course, but at least a couple of times a day. Also tends to leave the connection going when used outside peak hours.
As I understand it, the registry tweak won't work for the Sense tabs. Bandswitch and WMLongLife mess with the 3G radio and, as far as I can tell, don't let you set a timeframe (re: the latter - I suppose when you've got push mail going it pings the Exchange server regularly so in theory it shouldn't consider the connection idle, but why mess with it?)
So, in short, anyone got a solution that could switch off an idle data connection outside of the peak times set in Activesync?

If you just want to kill connections during certain times (ie, night time) try G-Profile. I have it set to kill data connections during the night, works fine for me although I am using a new beta version which is available from their site.

Looks interesting but reading through the manual it looks as if you can only set a profile to disable the data connection during certain hours. I'd like to leave the data available, just switch on auto-disconnect.
Plus, again, there's a lot of extra stuff in there that's really not necessary. I'm looking for something more lightweight...

I haven't tried it, but you might want to take a look at CommMgrPro.
It's also from the creator of Bandswitch.

PhoneAlarm can do this.

I had PhoneAlarm installed on my previous phone. True, it can do this.
But again, it's like using a tank to kill a fly. Sam with CommMgrPro.
Is there no lightweight solution?

+1 for this. It has to be possible, everyone just seems to lump the functionality in with a load of other stuff I'm not interested in.

Up, I'm looking for this also

This kind of app is missing...

SO.... last night I left my charging cable at the office and I only had around 20% of the battery left at 11:00pm. For some reason, the thing kept opening the data channel even though it was outside of "peak" hours for push! I had to reset and turn manually turn off all data... couldn't have the phone die overnight as it's my alarm clock!
Any ideas here?

DialUp Enabler Disabler v06
What about this one


Auto Disconnect GPRS while device is asleep

Hi, I know this topic has been covered many times, but I here's my issue.
I have phoneAlarm running on my Trinity and set phoneAlarm to cut my data connection after 1min of data inactivity and it all works fine. I can browse the web, check emails using the WM5 inbuilt email application. After 1 min of data inactivity, my connection is cut, brilliant, works like a treat.
However, once the device is asleep, and my email application polls, the data connection remains connected (if there are no emails, it won't wake up) and I have to switch on again and either let it disconnect when awake, or manually disconnect it.
The funny thing is, its just the email application thats causing this. If I was browsing using PIE and just press the power button whilst it was still connected, it times out and it gets disconnected, and the next time I wake up the device I can see there is no data connection.
it seems like the WM5 email application whilst asleep is either holding on to the connection or some data is being transferred, as I said it doesn't happen if the device is awake.
This really is bugging me, as the whole point of setting up "Auto disconnect" is so I can leave it and trust it to only connect when need be. Currently, if I don't use the phone and don't receive any emails, my GPRS connection is on all the time whilst the phone is asleep.
I have tried other programs, but generally, all of these applications perform the same registry tweak.
Sorry for long post.
I did a program (ConnectionManager) that wakes up the pda to Idle state (screen off, no sound and cpu to minimum level) each 3 minutes and check the states of connections. If there isnt traffic in 2 minutes the connection is closed.
Interesting. Do you have a link to that program? Tried to find it in the forum by searching for "ConnectionManager" and found nothing.
So when the device is in idle state, min CPU, screen off etc, there's no problem in accepting calls etc?
I was reading a thread regarding the other program you wrote that switches bands, was interested in that too.
Thanks for your help.
Don't worry, I've found it, and it WORKS. You're a star!!!
exactly what I was looking for. It did come across it before, but for some reason I thought you didn't check for data flows and close the connection full stop. Obviously i mis read
I've downloaded WM5 SDK, but didn't really know where to start, I am a developer, but don't know anything about the WM5 APIs. Cheeky question, but is it possible to let me have the source code?
I would love to enhance something like this, would love it to be a today plug in and let you enable it without opening a new form. Settings about how long before checking. Not sure how easy it would be.
Just a comment really, not sure if its just my device (Trinity) but the Close Program button seems to be out of shape, i.e. larger than the other 3 and goes right to the edge of the screen.
Oh, one more question, do you think having the device on idle will have much impact on battery life. Once the device is in idle, does it suspend again, or does it keep it in idle until you switch it on again?
Thanks again!
Hi, another thing. Having tried this program out for a little while now, it seems to not let the device time out into suspend state. For me, it seems to just lower the brightness of the screen. The program still works, but it won't let the device suspend automatically, i thought it would switch it to idle, and turn of the screen.
Once the machine is suspended manually by pressing the power button, then its fine. Do you have this issue?
Still works like a treat though, and better than anything I had before!
Thanks again!
Sorry, my mistake. It all works fine!
Hi. I was going to do other release (the user can modify connections check, etc) but i will post the source code, sure (but the source code is in my laptop). tomorrow i will post it.....
hongsit said:
Don't worry, I've found it, and it WORKS. You're a star!!!
exactly what I was looking for. It did come across it before, but for some reason I thought you didn't check for data flows and close the connection full stop. Obviously i mis read
I've downloaded WM5 SDK, but didn't really know where to start, I am a developer, but don't know anything about the WM5 APIs. Cheeky question, but is it possible to let me have the source code?
I would love to enhance something like this, would love it to be a today plug in and let you enable it without opening a new form. Settings about how long before checking. Not sure how easy it would be.
Just a comment really, not sure if its just my device (Trinity) but the Close Program button seems to be out of shape, i.e. larger than the other 3 and goes right to the edge of the screen.
Oh, one more question, do you think having the device on idle will have much impact on battery life. Once the device is in idle, does it suspend again, or does it keep it in idle until you switch it on again?
Thanks again!
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Idle is a state with minimum impact...but is bigger than suspended. When the device wakes up to idle state it is suspended again after a few seconds if the cpu isnt used too much. When the device is woke up by a app notification (Its our case) the system suspends very quickly. In my tests (using log method) the program does its stuff (1 seconds) and 10 seconds later the system is suspended again...
I ve used Visual Studio 2005 and the program was wrote using C (not MFC)...
Hi Daniel
Where can I download this app ?
Thanks and regards
I am curious if you gprs comes on for your push mail, can you still make outgoing call and also send text messages?. I have this issue for my atom exec and it's annoying me. Thanks
hongsit said:
Hi, I know this topic has been covered many times, but I here's my issue.
I have phoneAlarm running on my Trinity and set phoneAlarm to cut my data connection after 1min of data inactivity and it all works fine. I can browse the web, check emails using the WM5 inbuilt email application. After 1 min of data inactivity, my connection is cut, brilliant, works like a treat.
However, once the device is asleep, and my email application polls, the data connection remains connected (if there are no emails, it won't wake up) and I have to switch on again and either let it disconnect when awake, or manually disconnect it.
The funny thing is, its just the email application thats causing this. If I was browsing using PIE and just press the power button whilst it was still connected, it times out and it gets disconnected, and the next time I wake up the device I can see there is no data connection.
it seems like the WM5 email application whilst asleep is either holding on to the connection or some data is being transferred, as I said it doesn't happen if the device is awake.
This really is bugging me, as the whole point of setting up "Auto disconnect" is so I can leave it and trust it to only connect when need be. Currently, if I don't use the phone and don't receive any emails, my GPRS connection is on all the time whilst the phone is asleep.
I have tried other programs, but generally, all of these applications perform the same registry tweak.
Sorry for long post.
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where can I find this piece of software?

[REQ] "Sleep-Mode" App

I currently use push email every 20 minutes and while this is great, it's annoying being woken up at 4am in the morning by your phone vibrating because you've just got a text from Domino's Pizza.
I have no idea but I'd hope a "Sleep" toggler app would be pretty simple. Something similar to the Wifi/Bluetooth togglers I'm currently using, but whereby one press turns off all data, wifi, bluetooth, email pushes, syncs etc - basically everything that you don't need while you're asleep - and then pressing again puts them back as they were.
Or, even better, a tweak that allows you to schedule email pushes when to and not to run (ie. don't download emails between 11pm and 8am).
I could do it manually, but let's be honest, that's a faff to do every day, and it'd be nice to just have a quicklink for it all.
Thanks in advance .
Russinating said:
I currently use push email every 20 minutes and while this is great, it's annoying being woken up at 4am in the morning by your phone vibrating because you've just got a text from Domino's Pizza.
I have no idea but I'd hope a "Sleep" toggler app would be pretty simple. Something similar to the Wifi/Bluetooth togglers I'm currently using, but whereby one press turns off all data, wifi, bluetooth, email pushes, syncs etc - basically everything that you don't need while you're asleep - and then pressing again puts them back as they were.
Or, even better, a tweak that allows you to schedule email pushes when to and not to run (ie. don't download emails between 11pm and 8am).
I could do it manually, but let's be honest, that's a faff to do every day, and it'd be nice to just have a quicklink for it all.
Thanks in advance .
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Do you use push email for Hotmail? Google? Outlook?
I know with Hotmail, you can tell it to sync between certain times. Check around, there may already be options on sync times without needing a third party app.
I use Gmail and a private web server currently.
In G-Profile by ageye you can create time-based profiles with certain functions. I disabled all phone, bluetooth and data-connections over the night. Very useful program, but it costs.
I also use G-profile, it will do what you want and it's only 4.99 euros. A worth while investment.
There are a few free alternatives as well, try using search and I'm sure you'll find them.
Another vote for G-profile well worth the €4.99
And another vote for G-Profile.... i used to use phoneAlarm for my profiles at first but G-profile is AWESOME!
You can make a night profile and the phone wont do anything when an email comes in at night.
You might also consider chaning the value of peak times and non peak times and to not check as frequently during the night....
xavierdemon said:
I also use G-profile, it will do what you want and it's only 4.99 euros. A worth while investment.
There are a few free alternatives as well, try using search and I'm sure you'll find them.
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G-profil works fine for my HD2, but I have 1 problem. If I want to set some tel numbers to ring in night profile when all other calls should be rejected, how to do this? I think the exeption does not work on HD2. I used to use SPB profil with my Touch Pro and it was very good with it's white list and black list. But they say it does not work on HD((
I use SPB phone suite (not free). It has almost the same functions than G-Profile. It is completelyintegrate in Mobile Shell, and every night I disable Phone, Data, and all connections.
If you're looking for a free app, you can give a try to Wireless Time.
It's free, as far as I know, and it do the same things.
Hope it help.
PS: you can schedule your activeSync for not retrieving message at night, too...
It's a server setting in activeSync

Request: Scheduler for connection manager

I think this is a long shot but here goes:
I have an unlimited data plan so during peak times I've got Exchange email arriving 'as it arrives' and Gmail sending/receiving every 5 mins.
To help preserve the battery during off-peak times Exchange syncs only every 4 hours.
In addition to this I've also got Bluetooth and Wifi on pretty much 24/7.
Obviously this doesn't help the battery life, so I'd like to be able to configure when (i.e. what time of day) my connections are 'on' and when they are 'off'.
I'm aware of tweaks, mods and apps to cut the data connection after, say, 5mins. But that's not what I want. I want something which will schedule the data connection to turn off at a certain time, and reconnect at a certain time.
In addition it would be good to have the same thing for Bluetooth, Wifi ir any other item in Connection Manager for that matter.
Any bright young thing out there that can help?
Update: See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb416391.aspx for Connection Manager API description and architecture

Moving from Windows Mobile to Android (HTC Sensation)....Data connection

Having decided against moving to Win Mobile 7 I got a Sensation a couple of weeks ago (from a HD2) and hence my first Android device.
All is going well apart from the data connection. On Win Mob 6.5 I had 5 business emails which the phone checked every 15-30 minutes. The phone would connect, check the emails and then disconnect. If I wanted to browse then when I opened the browser, it connected and disconnected when I closed it.
On the Sensation I seem only to have the option of data connection on or off. I have set the email to sync every 30 minutes but I have to have the data connection on all the time to let it do this. The battery drain is crippling.
I download Juice Defender Ultimate after reading another thread but after setting it up it only allows data for so many minutes in the hour and when I say that the browser should overide Juice it just says I have no connection.
I love Android but losing 75% of your battery in 6 hours because of business emails is not quite good enough.
So is there a way of getting the data connection to go on and off as required (both on demand and for scheduled automatic email syncs)?
And if not what Juice defender settings do I need to get it to do what I want?
Any help much appreciated.
I'm looking for an answer to this to, for the exact same reason. A "Data Connection Timeout" setting or something similar.
Switch to pushmail, saves you quite some data transfers and is more effective in the end. I have two hotmail addresses plus oen gmail on pushmail and I don't notice any more battery drain with data connection permanently on.
Settings>Mobile Networks>untick "Enable always-on mobile data.
This usually helps the battery drain a lot, especially if you don't have things that are always using data, like pandora and the like. If you have things set to specific intervals, then it should work like your WinMo devices and connect then disconnect as needed.
Admittedly the droid likes to be more automated than WinMo, and you have much less control than 6.5. (Never used Phone7, so I can't comment on that.) But, once you learn the tricks to using it (just like the tricks to 6.5) its just as powerful as WinMo was for the business geared user, as far as I can tell. The battery is something that takes some finessing as well, so keep working with it and keep learning. There are some pretty good guides available that can tell you steps to take, even a few here on XDA for the searching.
Good luck with your new droid device, it will become second nature in time. It took me a month to quit tapping the icons in the task bar. LOL.
Thanks for the replies
I think the fact that the HD2 and the Sensation both use Sense helps and therefore it has been fairly easy to get to grips with Android.
I have already unchecked the 'always on' option but I never seem to get any emails unless I open the email program up...even when its running in the background. Win Mobile 6.5 used to check without the email being open.
I have had another play with JD and seem to have sort of got what I want but sometimes the data connection won't wake up after the unlock screen without a data toggle on and off.
Is there any better email apps from the market?
I have already unchecked the 'always on' option but I never seem to get any emails unless I open the email program up...even when its running in the background. Win Mobile 6.5 used to check without the email being open.
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Strange because when I do that I get a lot better battery life and my push Gmail arrives in 2-3 minutes instead of isntantly. also Google Talk won't stay connected with this setting. Other than that it seems to work really well for me doing exactly what you want.

[Q] Sudden massive data use

I recently used Windowbreak, and set up internet sharing on my Samsung Omnia 7, following the instructions here. It all seemed to work fine, but I've now had messages from my network (Orange UK) saying that I've gone way over my monthly data allowance. My allowance is 750MB, and I never usually use more than about 400. This month I went over 750 in the first two days!
Orange won't send me a full breakdown, but they did say that the phone is using huge amounts of data at apparently random times in the middle of the night. Not only was I not using it, but it was connected to my home wifi at the time, so shouldn't have been using any 3G data at all! I have only used internet sharing a couple of times, and it's always turned off when I'm not using it.
I'm on 7.10.7740.16. Can anyone help me? Sorry if this has been posted before, I've searched, but only found people with the opposite problem (i.e. no data at all, instead of too much!)
I'm no expert with this stuff, just following instructionhs really, so I'd be really grateful for any help.
Did you change any other settings when you used Windowbreak? Have you installed any apps that use frequently-updating Live Tiles? Do you have the user feedback option enabled? When you say the phone is on WiFi, is it actually plugged in? If not, it will turn off the WiFi when the screen is locked in order to conserve battery.
There have been some spikes of data usage in the past, but they were generally tracked down (having an auto-updating Yahoo mail account was a data hog for a few months, for example Some kind of breakdown would help, but You can always just try turning off as many data-using features (Find My Phone, email sync, Live and Facebook messaging, Live Tiles, etc.) as you can find. Then, re-enable them one or two at a time and try to find the culprit. Some people here in the US get by on 200MB or less of data limit (I have no idea how; I can use several times that in a day) so it should be possible.
Thanks for the reply. No, I don't think I changed anything at the same time as setting up Windowbreak and internet sharing, I just followed the instructions for each one. I haven't got any new apps either that would explain the sudden spike in data.
My phone is always plugged in overnight, so I don't understand why it didn't use wifi instead of 3G for whatever it was doing. It might be that it had always used that much data, but it had previously done it through wifi so I hadn't seen it.
The annoying thing is that Orange won't give me a breakdown of what data I'm using until after the end of the billing month, so I can't get real time information to show me what's working and what isn't. Is there any way to monitor data use, or to see which apps are using what?
Sadly, that's not currently possible. You could just turn off the cellular data connection (in Settings) at night, but that's awkward and you'd need to remember to re-enable it.

