[REQ] "Sleep-Mode" App - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

I currently use push email every 20 minutes and while this is great, it's annoying being woken up at 4am in the morning by your phone vibrating because you've just got a text from Domino's Pizza.
I have no idea but I'd hope a "Sleep" toggler app would be pretty simple. Something similar to the Wifi/Bluetooth togglers I'm currently using, but whereby one press turns off all data, wifi, bluetooth, email pushes, syncs etc - basically everything that you don't need while you're asleep - and then pressing again puts them back as they were.
Or, even better, a tweak that allows you to schedule email pushes when to and not to run (ie. don't download emails between 11pm and 8am).
I could do it manually, but let's be honest, that's a faff to do every day, and it'd be nice to just have a quicklink for it all.
Thanks in advance .

Russinating said:
I currently use push email every 20 minutes and while this is great, it's annoying being woken up at 4am in the morning by your phone vibrating because you've just got a text from Domino's Pizza.
I have no idea but I'd hope a "Sleep" toggler app would be pretty simple. Something similar to the Wifi/Bluetooth togglers I'm currently using, but whereby one press turns off all data, wifi, bluetooth, email pushes, syncs etc - basically everything that you don't need while you're asleep - and then pressing again puts them back as they were.
Or, even better, a tweak that allows you to schedule email pushes when to and not to run (ie. don't download emails between 11pm and 8am).
I could do it manually, but let's be honest, that's a faff to do every day, and it'd be nice to just have a quicklink for it all.
Thanks in advance .
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Do you use push email for Hotmail? Google? Outlook?
I know with Hotmail, you can tell it to sync between certain times. Check around, there may already be options on sync times without needing a third party app.

I use Gmail and a private web server currently.

In G-Profile by ageye you can create time-based profiles with certain functions. I disabled all phone, bluetooth and data-connections over the night. Very useful program, but it costs.

I also use G-profile, it will do what you want and it's only 4.99 euros. A worth while investment.
There are a few free alternatives as well, try using search and I'm sure you'll find them.

Another vote for G-profile well worth the €4.99

And another vote for G-Profile.... i used to use phoneAlarm for my profiles at first but G-profile is AWESOME!
You can make a night profile and the phone wont do anything when an email comes in at night.
You might also consider chaning the value of peak times and non peak times and to not check as frequently during the night....

xavierdemon said:
I also use G-profile, it will do what you want and it's only 4.99 euros. A worth while investment.
There are a few free alternatives as well, try using search and I'm sure you'll find them.
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G-profil works fine for my HD2, but I have 1 problem. If I want to set some tel numbers to ring in night profile when all other calls should be rejected, how to do this? I think the exeption does not work on HD2. I used to use SPB profil with my Touch Pro and it was very good with it's white list and black list. But they say it does not work on HD((

I use SPB phone suite (not free). It has almost the same functions than G-Profile. It is completelyintegrate in Mobile Shell, and every night I disable Phone, Data, and all connections.
If you're looking for a free app, you can give a try to Wireless Time.
It's free, as far as I know, and it do the same things.
Hope it help.
PS: you can schedule your activeSync for not retrieving message at night, too...
It's a server setting in activeSync


Push Email - FREE (for 3 months) and available to all !

For Blackberry type mail/service - check out
You can demo the service and help them iron out any bugs. The 'licence' on my service (installed today) expires the end of March 2005, so looks like we get a full 3 months to have a play.
Activation is as simple as
1. Download the client onto your XDA (CAB file)
2. Register the handheld (takes no more than 2 minutes)
3. Setup your email accounts
4. You're finished !!
Very customisable - allows filters etc.
I've no connection with the company, and don't know what they're going to charge when the 3 months are up, but it looks good !!!
mark.peters said:
For Blackberry type mail/service - check out
You can demo the service and help them iron out any bugs. The 'licence' on my service (installed today) expires the end of March 2005, so looks like we get a full 3 months to have a play.
Activation is as simple as
1. Download the client onto your XDA (CAB file)
2. Register the handheld (takes no more than 2 minutes)
3. Setup your email accounts
4. You're finished !!
Very customisable - allows filters etc.
I've no connection with the company, and don't know what they're going to charge when the 3 months are up, but it looks good !!!
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Just downloaded and tried to installed 4 times, reboots my XDA everytime at start of install.
I have installed it and it works ok. When setting it up I'm not sure about the connection screen where you tell it how often to connect. I thought the idea of this software was for it to be connected all the time, and "push" the email to you as soon as its delivered.
At the moment it just seems like it connects every few mins to see if I have any new mail.
Can anyone explain it to me - Im sure Im missing something.
i've just set this up on mine, and it appears to be doing push, but i have a problem that when i switch the phone off, it disconnects, i was hopeing that like blackberry it would work without needing the pda to be on.
is it just me thats getting this ?
I got it to work as well, but found that setting my email account to check every minute\or 5mins produced the same effect.
I did have one problem that Smartner is currently checking into and that is to uninstall the d... program. It would not let me uninstall, the second it starts to uninstall it rebootes the XDA.
So I moved the folder and removed the icons and registry settings. Tried to reinstall to see if I could maybe do a proper uninstall and when it starts the installation it reboots my XDA (justice for the rude uninstall i suppose).
welby said:
i've just set this up on mine, and it appears to be doing push, but i have a problem that when i switch the phone off, it disconnects, i was hopeing that like blackberry it would work without needing the pda to be on.
is it just me thats getting this ?
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Im new to "push" email, but I thought it sends email to my PDA as it arrives on the server. But this Smartner software just seems to connect/check for email every 5 mins - is this true push emeil?
I used it for 8 hours one day and did not have any email sent to be, but the gprs cost/data seems to be alot.
Any comments on the above?
Smartner? What does it really provide?
I agree with last comment, it is great, works well, but what is the dfifference with seting my mail to check via GPRS every ten minutes?? I don't quite get it? Can someone enlighten me? SO far, it's free, and I like not having to pay 15GBP permonth for Blackberry...
I tried Smartner a few months ago, prior to the 1.72.181 ROM upgrade, when I switched over to using the Blackberry client.
Smartner does indeed provide true push e-mail, but I found that the XDA has to be on (e.g. the screen active) for it to receive the mail when its pushed. Unlike Blackberry, Smartner does not seem to be able to switch the device "on" when mail is sent. When the screen is on, I was receiving e-mail via smartner actually FASTER than it received it on my RIM device!
You can get around the "asleep" problem by also having your e-mail messages autoforward from your e-mail account to your xda, as an SMS message. This forwards the first 160 charatcters of the e-mail as an SMS message, which in turn "wakes up" the xda and lets it receive the Smartner pushed message in full, including any attachments.
So what are the advantages over Blackberry or just having your e-mail client poll every few minutes?
I have found the Blackberry client to be very reliable, but it has one or two annoying problems... First is that the way Blackberry has been implemented on the XDA, means that the "Blackberry Web Client" does not show up in the "sounds and notifications" menu. This makes it impossible to set any kind of custom alert for when a Blackberry pushed message arrives. Second is that I have been unable to get any attachments using the Blackberry Web Client (BWC) software. On both these areas, Smartner performed much better. Could set notifications and get attachments no problem.
So what's the advantage over frequent polling? Well Smartner does really pust messages to the device as the arrive, so you can use it as a substitute to the RIM pager. In my experience, I have not been able to set anything less than every 15 mins for polling and have it work reliably. Either misses a connection or stops trying to connect regularly.
So if you want true push e-mail, that also lets you receive and read all your attachements, then the Smartner/SMS combo probably works the best. If you can do without the attachments, then I would go with 1.72.181 ROM with the Blackberry client. Cant't beat the push on that one.... There is also a Sybase product called Pylon Anywhere that has a bit more functionality in terms of allowing access to contacts, tasks, calendar etc. that might be worth a look.
Hope that's helpful
Very Informative
But I am on O2 uk, and using the Blackberry option cost 15GBP per month +5GBP per DAY if roaming.., whereas Smartner is free for now. Given the big cost differnce, which would you suggest?
Hi Mickey
Ouch! , that's a hefty tarrif... I would definiately go with Smartner then and use the SMS notification method I mentioned in last post to wake the device up automatically when a new e-mail arrives in your POP3 mailbox. This will allow the Smartner pushed mail to download automatically. Not sure what you pay for SMS messages, but that should be a cheaper way to go. You can also simply just turn the XDA on to start the push too... If Smartner inc. can figure out a way to wake the device up when pushing mail, I think it would beat Blackberry hands down, because the Smartner client application so much better intergrated with the XDA than the Blackberry application is.
cbrow51 said:
Smartner does indeed provide true push e-mail, but I found that the XDA has to be on (e.g. the screen active) for it to receive the mail when its pushed.
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I have a PDA2K and it seems to get emails via gprs while the screen (pda) has been turned off.
(There is a setting which can be set between 15 and 120 mins (I think) which will connect via gprs to Smartner if the gprs/pda is off)
Why does it connect to Smartner every 5 mins, is costing lots more then I expected it would. I thought it would use as much data as something like messenger would.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Not sure about the cost/data size issue. I am fortuante in that TMo US has a great "Allyou can eat" data plan for $19.99 per month, so I have never watched the data charges that much. I believe the function your are referring to in Smartner is built into it to somewhat overcome its inability to wake the device up. So when the device is off for a period of time, it polls the server to look for messages . I was using regular client version that I ran on a separate pc connected to the internet this effectivly has been replaced with the web client now being offerred. Its possible that the web client works in a slightly different way to the regular PC client in thsi regard. That said, I do not remember being able to get it to poll regularly. It may have been something to do with the XDA 2 ROM I am tempted to experiemnet with it again, but my current 1.72.181 ROM has the Blackberry software, but as a biproduct of that, does not have a permanent internet connection. I would have to go to 1.72.187 I think...
I am thinking of upgrading my device to the PDA2K, which currently does not have the blackberry software. If you are having success with Smartner, then I might be tempted, as I need the push e-mail more that pretty much anything else. Have you found the Polling to be reliable? What is the highest frequency you can set it at? 5 mins?
Hi Chris.
I have just tried a few things out on my PDA2K.
If I have my PDA turned off and the GPRS also off you can set Smartner to turn on PDA, connect the GPRS (a message shows telling you whats its doing), get email, turn off GPRS, turn off PDA.
You can set it to do the above from every 15 mins to 120 mins or never. You can set it how you like for the weekend or night time for example.
If you turn off the PDA, GPRS will still be connected and Smartner will collect your emails etc. I take it that polling is when it checks for emails on their server? If you look it its activity it seems to do this every 5 mins - this you cant change.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Many thanks for trying this. Sounds as though the PDA2K and Smartner are working a little better than my XDAII / Smartner combo. One question. If the device is off (screen off) and an e-mail arrives in one of your POP3 mailboxes, does it go straight to the PDA2K and wake it up, or does it wait on the server until the PDA2K polling occurs?
cbrow51 said:
Hi Ian
If the device is off (screen off) and an e-mail arrives in one of your POP3 mailboxes, does it go straight to the PDA2K and wake it up, or does it wait on the server until the PDA2K polling occurs?
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Am I correct in saying that polling is when the PDA connects with Smartner to check for mail etc.?
Ok.... The device is off (screen off) I get a email to my POP3, around 5 mins later my PDA sounds and LED flashes red. I turn it on and my email is ready to read.
Im not 100% sure what you mean in your last post? But it goes from my POP3 to the Smartner server, then to my PDA.
If you PM me I can send you the instructions.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Many thanks! Yes, that sounds like polling is taking place. When the XDA is swiched on and a message arrives in your POP3 mailbox, I have found that its almost instantly relayed to the XDA. The fact that you are waiting about 5mins, suggests that the XDA is going out to check. This in effect wakes the device up and allows Smartner to send the mail to the XDA. Never the less, the fact that you can set it up like that and have it work reliably, and notify you of incoming messages with a selecteable notification, is a big improvement over my previous experienec with the Smartner on the XDA 2. Polling was never reliable and I would often only get messages if I turned the device on.
I don't have the right ROM on my device right now to try this, as the 1.72.181 ROM (incds Blackberry client) does not support an "always on" GPRS connection. I'll need to swich to the 1.72.187 ROM. I'll PM you after I have done that if that's ok.
Many Thanks

[REQ] A Better Solution for Data Auto-Disconnect... with Peak Time/Push Mail

Hi folks
I've searched around the forums and have seen a couple of solutions out there for automatically terminating data connections (Bandswitch, WMLongLife, the registry tweak) but each seems to lack some of what I need and do a lot that I don't need.
Here's the lowdown:
- I've already tweaked the Comm Manager to add the 3G on/off switch so I don't need something that messes with that
- I use push email for business so I need the data connection to stay on during the "peak times" that I've set in Activesync (for me, that's 8am-11pm)
- Outside of peak times, I've got the phone checking email every hour. Right now, it seems to be leaving the connection on afterward.
- I want to keep the automatic updates for HTC Sense's weather and stock tabs. Not every 5 minutes, of course, but at least a couple of times a day. Also tends to leave the connection going when used outside peak hours.
As I understand it, the registry tweak won't work for the Sense tabs. Bandswitch and WMLongLife mess with the 3G radio and, as far as I can tell, don't let you set a timeframe (re: the latter - I suppose when you've got push mail going it pings the Exchange server regularly so in theory it shouldn't consider the connection idle, but why mess with it?)
So, in short, anyone got a solution that could switch off an idle data connection outside of the peak times set in Activesync?
If you just want to kill connections during certain times (ie, night time) try G-Profile. I have it set to kill data connections during the night, works fine for me although I am using a new beta version which is available from their site.
Looks interesting but reading through the manual it looks as if you can only set a profile to disable the data connection during certain hours. I'd like to leave the data available, just switch on auto-disconnect.
Plus, again, there's a lot of extra stuff in there that's really not necessary. I'm looking for something more lightweight...
I haven't tried it, but you might want to take a look at CommMgrPro.
It's also from the creator of Bandswitch.
PhoneAlarm can do this.
I had PhoneAlarm installed on my previous phone. True, it can do this.
But again, it's like using a tank to kill a fly. Sam with CommMgrPro.
Is there no lightweight solution?
+1 for this. It has to be possible, everyone just seems to lump the functionality in with a load of other stuff I'm not interested in.
Up, I'm looking for this also
This kind of app is missing...
SO.... last night I left my charging cable at the office and I only had around 20% of the battery left at 11:00pm. For some reason, the thing kept opening the data channel even though it was outside of "peak" hours for push! I had to reset and turn manually turn off all data... couldn't have the phone die overnight as it's my alarm clock!
Any ideas here?
DialUp Enabler Disabler v06
What about this one

Having troube getting Juice Defender to play nice with my POP mail.

I think I know the answer, but just want someone to confirm for me it before I upgrade to the paid version.
I have my POP email set to download every 30 minutes. I have Juice Defender set to allow connections every 30 minutes but do not get all my mail each time.
Can I set my email to override the settings in Juice Defender and force it to connect with the paid version?
Thanks for any feedback.
Yes, I believe the paid version allows for configurable apps.
I just wanted to confirm the stock email is compatible with the override in Juice. It is really causing me issues. Have you used it for that purpose?
jcbofkc said:
I just wanted to confirm the stock email is compatible with the override in Juice. It is really causing me issues. Have you used it for that purpose?
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Just a quick question... why not setup your email as exchange? most servers support it now (I know gmail, hotmail, etc do) That way you can use push.
Othewrwise, you can set it to allow the email application data access whenever it requests it (even when the screen is off) and to not disable data until the traffic has dropped to a certain level. I'm still tinkering with it to get maximum battery whil receiving email and sms/mms whenever it comes across... It would be nice if we could tell the app do enable specific radios based on application (if you open the wifi calling app then turn on wifi, if you're not at a known wifi spot and you open the browser turn on mobile data but leave wifi off, turn wifi on but leave other radios off for data at home, etc.) The app has a lot of options and it takes a bit to figure it all out.

Xoom - various questions

I've had my Xoom for about a week now (UK WiFi only) and I have a number of questions that I don't think have been covered:
Anyone know how to browse my work network over a VPN? I can set up the VPN and connect, but then what, it doesn't show up in any of the file managers I have?
I can't for the life of me see where to set the mail delivery 'peak time' like I can on my Desire. I like to read books on my Xoom, and then go to sleep without it pinging every time someone sends me an email about 'male enhancement products'...
I have checked for updates, of which it tells me one is available, but it just fails and does nothing. Is it me, or have Motorola not really done enough testing with this tablet? It's good, but flawed in some really simple ways.
Thanks for reading!
Not sure about the VPN stuff but you change notification under sounds in settings to be silent.
Thanks lordao, but I don't want to keep messing with my settings every night and again the next morning. I just want to schedule my email sync times like I can on my HTC Desire. Why is Android going backwards in terms of features?
I don't know of a way to do it within the Android OS, so I'm using Sound Manager:
I'm very happy with it - I have schedules set up so that at 8pm all notifications go to silent and at 7am it brings the volumes up again. It's never failed me, once I set it up and hit the "apply all schedules" button.

Moving from Windows Mobile to Android (HTC Sensation)....Data connection

Having decided against moving to Win Mobile 7 I got a Sensation a couple of weeks ago (from a HD2) and hence my first Android device.
All is going well apart from the data connection. On Win Mob 6.5 I had 5 business emails which the phone checked every 15-30 minutes. The phone would connect, check the emails and then disconnect. If I wanted to browse then when I opened the browser, it connected and disconnected when I closed it.
On the Sensation I seem only to have the option of data connection on or off. I have set the email to sync every 30 minutes but I have to have the data connection on all the time to let it do this. The battery drain is crippling.
I download Juice Defender Ultimate after reading another thread but after setting it up it only allows data for so many minutes in the hour and when I say that the browser should overide Juice it just says I have no connection.
I love Android but losing 75% of your battery in 6 hours because of business emails is not quite good enough.
So is there a way of getting the data connection to go on and off as required (both on demand and for scheduled automatic email syncs)?
And if not what Juice defender settings do I need to get it to do what I want?
Any help much appreciated.
I'm looking for an answer to this to, for the exact same reason. A "Data Connection Timeout" setting or something similar.
Switch to pushmail, saves you quite some data transfers and is more effective in the end. I have two hotmail addresses plus oen gmail on pushmail and I don't notice any more battery drain with data connection permanently on.
Settings>Mobile Networks>untick "Enable always-on mobile data.
This usually helps the battery drain a lot, especially if you don't have things that are always using data, like pandora and the like. If you have things set to specific intervals, then it should work like your WinMo devices and connect then disconnect as needed.
Admittedly the droid likes to be more automated than WinMo, and you have much less control than 6.5. (Never used Phone7, so I can't comment on that.) But, once you learn the tricks to using it (just like the tricks to 6.5) its just as powerful as WinMo was for the business geared user, as far as I can tell. The battery is something that takes some finessing as well, so keep working with it and keep learning. There are some pretty good guides available that can tell you steps to take, even a few here on XDA for the searching.
Good luck with your new droid device, it will become second nature in time. It took me a month to quit tapping the icons in the task bar. LOL.
Thanks for the replies
I think the fact that the HD2 and the Sensation both use Sense helps and therefore it has been fairly easy to get to grips with Android.
I have already unchecked the 'always on' option but I never seem to get any emails unless I open the email program up...even when its running in the background. Win Mobile 6.5 used to check without the email being open.
I have had another play with JD and seem to have sort of got what I want but sometimes the data connection won't wake up after the unlock screen without a data toggle on and off.
Is there any better email apps from the market?
I have already unchecked the 'always on' option but I never seem to get any emails unless I open the email program up...even when its running in the background. Win Mobile 6.5 used to check without the email being open.
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Strange because when I do that I get a lot better battery life and my push Gmail arrives in 2-3 minutes instead of isntantly. also Google Talk won't stay connected with this setting. Other than that it seems to work really well for me doing exactly what you want.

