Wireless HDD - Seagate GO Flex - T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

Just picked up one of these an hour ago. Comes in 500 gigs worth of wireless happiness.
I'm dumping video clips I took with a digital camera, pictures, ebooks and my music onto it now.
The way you connect to it is it creates it's own wireless network that you connect to to access the drive. So looks like you lose wireless internet connectivity while accessing the drive.
Haven't tried to access it from the doubleshot yet, but i'm impatiently awaiting the transfer to finish.
I'm pretty sure this will alleviate the lack of decent storage space all phones and tablets suffer from.
I'll post back later today with how well it works and a link to the device's product page. Making links in posts is tedious on the Nook i'm typing from.
Product webpage
I bought mine from BestBuy for $199.99+tax. So far worth every penny.

I can't wait to hear the results. Carrying around a movie library in conjunction with the Doubleshot's TV Out function sounds pretty awesome!!

Okay, slept and took my lady out for dinner.
Now that i'm back, the info is fully copied over and the device is charged.
First impressions are pretty great.
Comes with a proprietary usb cord to connect to a computer with, supports up to usb 3.0 (sweet!)
Also comes with an AC adapter to usb, and a car charger to usb. The coolest tiny little car adapter i've seen on the market to date, btw.
The usb cord that plugs in for just power to the device connects to the device through the tiny, round power input and not a straight usb connection.
Connecting wirelessly to the device is done one of two ways:
-Any web browser
(mixed results with both opera mobile and the stock browser)
(web browser preferred for downloading content from the wireless HDD to the MT4GS)
-Through the Seagate GoFlex App (preferred for video or browsing content on the wireless HDD)
Browsing the contents of the drive is much, much preferred through the Seagate app, it works much better.
Yes, you can stream media directly from the device to the MT4GS and output to a television. ( As noted above by siani_8 - the whole reason I got the drive in the first place )
You can play video using QuickPic Which is my current and favorite gallery app, but it falls short on video due to one big failing: no option for soft decoding.
It doesn't matter playing video on the device itself, but as soon as you output to television ( from the MT4GS in general, not just the wireless HDD specifically ) you MUST default to soft decoding on any app you use or you will get skippy video on the television screen.
Can't help it, it's a limitation of the device. The hardware decoding (at least for an .avi file ) can't both output to television and keep up with decoding the video. It's okay, though, because with a dual-core Gen3 Snapdragon and a hefty amount of RAM the MT4GS is more then capable of soft-decoding without a loss of performance.
To this end, i'd love to point you in the direction of Mobo Player - my absolute favorite video player on any android device. Handles .avi and other file formats, is free, and works fantastically well.
So, quick recap so far:
Use the Seagate GoFlex app to access the wireless HDD, and when you tap on a video use Mobo Player to view it.
Enable soft-decoding by default in Mobo Player, and you'll be able to plug into a television and watch any movies you want streamed directly from the wireless HDD.
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You can view pictures from the wireless HDD using the GoFlex app.
Trying to download pictures to the MT4GS from the wireless HDD using the GoFlex app is not functional, but viewing is fine. Trying to download pictures or folders of pictures results in force close of the GoFlex app.
Recommend to use the web browser for downloading, but the GoFlex app for viewing.
That's what i've got so far.
This thing is pretty awesome, i'm happy with my purchase, and watching Hackers as I type this up.
With any new technology, i'm sure there will be hiccups (such as the app force closing when trying to download pictures) but so far it seems pretty solid.
The info is on the device and works on several computers tested on (win xp an win 7) so far through usb.
Tried accessing it from my MT4GS running my own custom ROM, a hacked up version of the stock OS, and also from my Nook Color running the latest CM7 stable.
From both android devices the wireless HDD was no problem to connect with and use, and works just as you would imagine it should when you buy it from the store.
I think this is the beginning of a new future in mobile storage, and honestly, streaming video straight from my pocket to a television couldn't be easier.
Definite win, more info to come over the next few days as I play with it more.

Thanks for the post. I was on the fence about picking this up for my droid tablet

My friend has one of those and loves it.
Sent from my HTC myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium

Sometimes I have trouble connecting to it, but not often.
I haven't tried to use the app for it in ages, which is probably a lot better by now.
I also haven't checked for firmware updates - ever - so it's likely some of those small hiccups are rectified.
Either way, it's way awesome, nothing like walking around with some 400 gigs of space just a button push away.
You can even just reach in a pocket or backpack and press the button then just do your thing walking around or whatever with access to whatever is on it.
Very handy, very nice despite it's small aggravations from time to time - for the prototype commercial product of what they will all be like in the future i'm thoroughly impressed.
Doesn't get hot when running from the battery, either, even in hard drive zipper case in my cargo pockets.
All in all, a solid win and definitely a quality offering for a new product type launch.
If I could go back to the store with the cash in my hand and stand in front of it to make the choice over, i'd get it in a heartbeat without hesitation.


Using Myvu with a Fuze - Could you do a bit of a VR thing?

At the risk of sounding like a wanna-be Borg, I'd like to use Myvu glasses with my new Fuze.
There's already a thread out there http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=417616 showing what the TV-out function can do, and the Myvu gogs will work fine with video and such.
But you have to run the TV out program, which only allows a limited set of programs to be used (Powerpoint, internet, photos and videos, and youtube).
I'd like to use Office programs on Myvu.
Using mobile Word or Excel with the glasses on would be like having a big computer screen.
Plus, no laptop to haul around (just a bunch of cables, adapters, and batteries - but you're already doing that, right?).
It'd be like a REDFLY application (http://www.celiocorp.com), but for video goggles, not as a laptop substitute.
You'd be totally VR then - if you had heading (compass) information you could do some really cool on-the-fly navigating too.
Does anyone know of a way (or if it's even possible) of porting ALL of the video output of a Fuze to TV-out?
possible, yes - I'm doing that now w/ my myvu - but it's bulky (lots of cables)
I'm trying to figure out how to get a shorter htc usb --> 1/16" cable (myvu's input..)

[Q] How far can I go in replacing my desktop with my Xoom?

I am looking to possibly go on an extended business trip (two months for a particular project), and was contemplating taking one of my desktops or possibly buying a laptop. But it occurred to me that I might be overlooking an obvious answer.
While I obviously won't be doing Photoshop work on my Xoom, it occurs to me that if I get the dock that I should be able to playback to the HDMI that is likely to be on the TV in my room. Already have a Bluetooth keyboard so doing some work even on documents and presentations isn't likely to be THAT difficult. So the remaining question is can I get the Xoom to talk to my 4TB external USB 2.0 drive for saving files and playing back video? Or is that taking things too far?
Thanks in advance!
From what I have seen, you will need to wait to install a custom kernel to get USB mass storage to work because HC 3.1 doesnt yet support that. So that means you will need root. But once you have done that it is doable
Now if your still using 3.0.1 then install timat 1.4.1 using kernel manager and check out this thread
Also you have to consider the limitations on the Tegra2 video playback, to put it in a simple way, won't play your hi quality mkv's without the need of re-encoding the video. And that you can't do on the xoom
For the other things its awesome, I also have a BT keyboard with pointer and was really nice sitting somewhat far from the xoom and browse the internet or watch youtube on the LCD. Also played some PSX games and some Game Cube to test for lag or anything, not bad at all.
as stated above if you get the 3.1 update you would be able to use your HDD

Using Remote Desktop for Wii/N64/GC Emulation

I've been trying for months to get this setup to run smoothly (I prolly put too much money into it anyway lol), hopefully somebody here can help me out.
I am trying to stream from my home PC Wii Dolphin Emulator, using Splashtop remote as the streamer. When this is done locally its of course smooth,it still has that millisecond delay in between the pc and tablet but you can only notice it if your looking at the pc monitor, so that shouldn't matter.
PC side
Latest Splashtop Streamer, on Windows 7 Ultimate
4GB DDR2 Ram, ATI 5570 1GB Ram Video Card, Phenom Black X4 965 3.8ghz
So I know its good enough to do heavy emulation with no problem
100MBps down and 5MBps upload with 10ms ping time
Tablet side:
TF101 with dock and wireless Xbox 360 controller
Revolver 3.2, stock 3.2 kernel
Running latest Splashtop HD app, and built in rebranded ASUS splashtop app.
Tethered to CM7 HTC EVO: 6MBps down and 1.07 up 122ms ping time
And work network gives 5.47Mbps down and .65 up 27ms ping time
(both give about the same results)
I have done everything I can think of, port forwarding,dmz mode, removed router all together, killed every program that didn't have to run, disabled antivirus.
But something tells me I'm missing something obvious. If I can get this running smoothly I'll make a video of how to set it up over the net, so more people can start doing it.
Some guy made a video yesterday, but I'm pretty sure it was local seeing as how he didn't even have the 360 controller connected to his tablet, he must have been in the same room as his pc, kinda defeating the purpose.
Anyways, I would love to hear any suggestions on how I can improve the streaming. Different client/app, different OS, anything.
The problem is not due to any configuration issues in your setup. The problem is that you're trying to pipe sound, video, input, and output through wifi. You're never going to get a smooth experience as if you were playing locally on the tablet because, on top of the latency of wifi, there is a ton of added overhead from Splashtop having to encode four different data streams down into one, and then having to decode it again once it gets to your tablet.
Not even big name business applications from Citrix and VMware offer the ability to reliably stream games over a network. The best performance ever achieved through a streaming solution for high-end gaming is OnLive, where they have massive data centers dedicated to the task, and even on Verizon FiOS you'll average around 150ms+ for latency. Smooth gameplay on Splashtop is not going to happen over wifi, or even direct connect.
... well thats not cool. What if i were to have everything wired? Would that help any? And use an ethernet cable for the tablet? Or is that what you meant by direct connected?maybe faster network cards or routers?
ThaDSman said:
... well thats not cool. What if i were to have everything wired? Would that help any? And use an ethernet cable for the tablet? Or is that what you meant by direct connected?maybe faster network cards or routers?
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When I say direct connect, I mean ethernet cables. To put it simply, there simply does not exist a cheap solution for playing games remotely between two computers, especially when you consider the amount of bandwidth required to drive the input and output locally on a PC. For just the monitor alone, DVI has a base signal bandwidth of 3.96 Gbit/s, which is essentially four times as fast as standard Category 5e cables. Furthermore, the Transformer will only support a maximum of 100 Mbit/s through USB to ethernet adapters, so you can only operate at about 2.5% of the signal bandwidth required for just the monitor of a gaming machine.
To achieve a smooth 60fps remotely between two computers, you need at least a 10 Gbit connection, which is currently only available for servers. Even then, a 10 Gbit PCI card costs at least $400, and a 10-foot cable to match will run about $100. It's just not feasible on the Transformer.
Thanks for the explanation, I've wasted months trying to get this going, its nice to know why it didn't work too well.
Why don't you start small. Start with no audio or inputs on the transformer side. Pair the controller to the PC directly with sound disabled. Just stream the graphics. Lower the resolution (if you can) and try to pipe it over.
You said you were doing Ad-Hoc Wireless? Ad-Hoc has a shorter range vs a Router. Plus various Wireless Signals (B,G,N) have different speeds at different distances. B has 11mpbs if you are within range. G and N will give you faster speeds the closer you are away, but will also trickle down to nothing. B also has a farther range. So B is my personal choice. Better Range and solid 11mbps.
Try using a router and setting it for 102.11b. Pick a good unused channel (no interference). Select a low resolution and only stream the Video. Also try lowering your colors down to 16-bit (not 16 colors) or 256-colors.
The goal is to get get a good solid base where streaming video is flawless. Then slowly add in stuff.
my friend, I have been doing this for many years now
5 years ago I made a video called wii on psp
1.5 years ago I made this video:
wii on ipod touch:
9 months ago I made this video:
playing wii on psp:
and now this video
wii on android:
I know everything you need to know and more to get a proper setup going on. I think alot of it has to do with wifi speed, however it is not the case most times. For example, my wii on psp video(9months ago),the lag was far less than the android and the ipod touch.
AND FYI, my xbox controller was connected to my transformer through the wireless dongle(not shown in video) and I mapped the controls to the emulator on my computer.
If you really wanted to, we could do a combined effort to get this lag free, however I think it is justified to say that I've been doing an great job to get it working better, year after year.
player911 said:
Why don't you start small. Start with no audio or inputs on the transformer side. Pair the controller to the PC directly with sound disabled. Just stream the graphics. Lower the resolution (if you can) and try to pipe it over.
You said you were doing Ad-Hoc Wireless? Ad-Hoc has a shorter range vs a Router. Plus various Wireless Signals (B,G,N) have different speeds at different distances. B has 11mpbs if you are within range. G and N will give you faster speeds the closer you are away, but will also trickle down to nothing. B also has a farther range. So B is my personal choice. Better Range and solid 11mbps.
Try using a router and setting it for 102.11b. Pick a good unused channel (no interference). Select a low resolution and only stream the Video. Also try lowering your colors down to 16-bit (not 16 colors) or 256-colors.
The goal is to get get a good solid base where streaming video is flawless. Then slowly add in stuff.
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Well, what I'm trying to do is not locally, it works smoothly locally. I'm trying to get it to work over the internet. I want to get it to run from where I am as long as I have a decent connection. So I already took my router out the picture, I plugged it directly to the modem, So I'm streaming like that now. And for my EVO I'm tethering to and my other test Access points, Im using Infrastructure modes not Ad-hoc.
And like you said Im going to start trying 1024*768 now to see if its smoother and im decreasing my colors from 32bit to 16bit.
but how do you disable audio?
obiwan22 said:
my friend, I have been doing this for many years now
5 years ago I made a video called wii on psp
1.5 years ago I made this video:
wii on ipod touch:
9 months ago I made this video:
playing wii on psp:
and now this video
wii on android:
I know everything you need to know and more to get a proper setup going on. I think alot of it has to do with wifi speed, however it is not the case most times. For example, my wii on psp video(9months ago),the lag was far less than the android and the ipod touch.
AND FYI, my xbox controller was connected to my transformer through the wireless dongle(not shown in video) and I mapped the controls to the emulator on my computer.
If you really wanted to, we could do a combined effort to get this lag free, however I think it is justified to say that I've been doing an great job to get it working better, year after year.
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My bad, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was dissing you, I know who you are, and that you did all those PSP videos years ago, it was the reason I bought a PSP and got into its homebrew scene, (I also tried contacting the developer who wrote the homebrew program you used to do a port to android or Windows Mobile before we got splashtop, but got no reply)
What did you use to load up the 360 receiver drivers on the transformer usb/bt joy?
And what rom and kernel combo are you using on the TF?
Getting it lag free would be awesome, even if we have to lower the quality considerably.
But understand I'm trying to get this to work over the internet, not locally or connected to the same network the pc is on. I want to be able to be at work or a friends house and still have this work.
It should be noted, too, that in addition to having massive data centers with ridiculously fast connections, OnLive has its own unique, high compression algorithm for encoding the data streams to allow for a better framerate over comparably slower home internet connections. Splashtop's compression, by comparison, is fairly minimal because it instead assumes that the client and server computers are connected to the same local network, and compensates for poor connection quality by buffering the data stream before outputting it. Obviously Splashtop's solution works beautifully for video because a 1 second delay has no effect on whether a video will play properly, but it's unacceptable for gaming.
Perhaps a better solution would be to make a request to the Splashtop developers, asking for a specialized gaming mode which compresses the stream to sacrifice some of the video quality for an improved response time. Aside from that, you could always just sign up for OnLive.
Ya, Onlive is pretty fresh, but the problem is there's no way to play it on android because all they have right now is a viewer for IOS and Android (whatever happened to that running in any browser idea?). Unless we use Splashtop or CrazyRemote Pro. Hopefully it'll be fast enough to do this too.
BTW I went and bought CrazyRemote Pro that $20 app (my pockets hurt) and it looks like it gives a smoother experience its considerably better than Splashtop, It lets you choose fps priority or a work mode were the video is sharper.
Maybe somebody else can try it out and see what kind of results they get?
Yea I can't see this happening over the internet. Most public wireless networks are designed to stop this sort of bandwidth hogging.
As long as you can stream it from the PC to the tablet reliably, I'd say this is a Win.
obiwan22 said:
my friend, I have been doing this for many years now
I know everything you need to know and more to get a proper setup going on. I think alot of it has to do with wifi speed, however it is not the case most times. For example, my wii on psp video(9months ago),the lag was far less than the android and the ipod touch.
AND FYI, my xbox controller was connected to my transformer through the wireless dongle(not shown in video) and I mapped the controls to the emulator on my computer.
If you really wanted to, we could do a combined effort to get this lag free, however I think it is justified to say that I've been doing an great job to get it working better, year after year.
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That's great. What software are you using for this? I have been thinking about writing an application for this. Windows to Windows (to keep it simple), 60 fps, FullHD, 32 bit colour, 1Gbps Ethernet.
Is this possible? The bandwidth required is about 4.4Gbps for uncompressed video, but is it not possible to use frame by frame lossless compression to reduce size by a mere factor of 5-8? If not, can I not use real time encoding using some relatively light codec? If all else fails, colour depth could also be reduced. Worst case, 30fps? C'mon that can't be hard.
Why does a high performance remote desktop not exist already?
Excitedly awaiting your response

Screencast to PC

I ended up with the note after replacing my tf101 with the tf300 and tested the note and loved it in every way.
I'm not really even missing the keyboard dock and finding many ways to use the spen on a regular basis.
What I'd love though is to basically use the note as a digital whiteboard for teaching. Essentially to be able to write in smote or quill while sending the screen display over wifi to the PC connected to the projector system. Is there any way to do this? To do a live screencast from the note to a PC?
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
jeggen said:
I ended up with the note after replacing my tf101 with the tf300 and tested the note and loved it in every way.
I'm not really even missing the keyboard dock and finding many ways to use the spen on a regular basis.
What I'd love though is to basically use the note as a digital whiteboard for teaching. Essentially to be able to write in smote or quill while sending the screen display over wifi to the PC connected to the projector system. Is there any way to do this? To do a live screencast from the note to a PC?
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
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ljcook said:
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Have had zero luck even getting it to connect. PC install didn't work at work, tried at home and apparently needed to let it restart and then install all over. Still cannot connect the device though, device always scans when I turn on AllShare cat in network and Allshare on the PC recognizes an "intel" device. Thought for sure the Note would appear there.
Any tips on how to use it?
Does it actually do this? I gave up on it because what I see on Samsung's website only talks about sharing music/video and I didn't see any mention of streaming the tablet display to the PC. (Except the idea that you could watch a game on the PC, but see nothing about this in the app itself.)
jeggen said:
Have had zero luck even getting it to connect. PC install didn't work at work, tried at home and apparently needed to let it restart and then install all over. Still cannot connect the device though, device always scans when I turn on AllShare cat in network and Allshare on the PC recognizes an "intel" device. Thought for sure the Note would appear there.
Any tips on how to use it?
Does it actually do this? I gave up on it because what I see on Samsung's website only talks about sharing music/video and I didn't see any mention of streaming the tablet display to the PC. (Except the idea that you could watch a game on the PC, but see nothing about this in the app itself.)
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Were you able to figure this out? I'm a teacher as well and do things with my HP tablet, but really want to with many Note.
You can execute AllShare through Samsung Kies, as well.
My suggestion would be to try and look at Remotes. You may be able to find drawing input ones. I use Unified Remote for using my phone/tablet as an input device. Although, the free version is limited to about 13 remotes or so. With the pro version you get it up in it's 50's. I'm not sure if this has what you're looking for but you can make your own custom remotes.
Or, alternatively, you can use a Remote Desktop client. Some of these may adjust your screen resolution on the PC so it fits well in the Note 10, but you can easily change it back. But it'll effect the view on the tablet. For this, I use Splashtop 2 HD.
zaslamel42 said:
You can execute AllShare through Samsung Kies, as well.
My suggestion would be to try and look at Remotes. You may be able to find drawing input ones. I use Unified Remote for using my phone/tablet as an input device. Although, the free version is limited to about 13 remotes or so. With the pro version you get it up in it's 50's. I'm not sure if this has what you're looking for but you can make your own custom remotes.
Or, alternatively, you can use a Remote Desktop client. Some of these may adjust your screen resolution on the PC so it fits well in the Note 10, but you can easily change it back. But it'll effect the view on the tablet. For this, I use Splashtop 2 HD.
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What is Samsung Kies and what is Remotes?
I've done some investigating and I think the only way that AllShare works to screencast to another device is to send it to an AllShare Play device. Unfortunately I don't think (but really hope I'm wrong) the PC software works this way.
I'm curious, has anyone tried the VNC Server for Android and tried connecting in a view mode on a PC?
perhaps this is what you are looking for?
Working Solution
jeggen said:
I ended up with the note after replacing my tf101 with the tf300 and tested the note and loved it in every way.
I'm not really even missing the keyboard dock and finding many ways to use the spen on a regular basis.
What I'd love though is to basically use the note as a digital whiteboard for teaching. Essentially to be able to write in smote or quill while sending the screen display over wifi to the PC connected to the projector system. Is there any way to do this? To do a live screencast from the note to a PC?
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
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This is the setup I use and would suggest to everone in need to present from Galaxy Note 10.1:
buy Allshare Cast dongle , search for it on Amazon
buy HDMI to VGA adapter
connect HDMI to VGA adapter to projector and Allshare to A/C
on Note 10.1, Settings/More Settings/AllShareCast, the dongle will be detected something like "Dongle-xxxxx", tap to connect
When connected, start to present, wireless, move in the room, take the S-Pen and highlight the important topics etc.
On that way, no hassles with connection to PC/laptop and then to projector. AND the coolness factor is priceless! Every time I present there is a WOW factor, the downturn is sometimes people are not listening to my presentation but wants to see the technology.
And the Apple fanboys in the meetings around with their iPads - can you imagine several of them told me "nah, that is PROPRIETARY technology" !? LOL! I was very respectful before to other people opinions and personally I am very thankful to the genius work of Steve Jobs but in recent time I simple shoot back very sharp - face it, Apple funboy!
wolfindersteppe said:
This is the setup I use and would suggest to everone in need to present from Galaxy Note 10.1:
buy Allshare Cast dongle , search for it on Amazon
buy HDMI to VGA adapter
connect HDMI to VGA adapter to projector and Allshare to A/C
on Note 10.1, Settings/More Settings/AllShareCast, the dongle will be detected something like "Dongle-xxxxx", tap to connect
When connected, start to present, wireless, move in the room, take the S-Pen and highlight the important topics etc.
On that way, no hassles with connection to PC/laptop and then to projector. AND the coolness factor is priceless! Every time I present there is a WOW factor, the downturn is sometimes people are not listening to my presentation but wants to see the technology.
And the Apple fanboys in the meetings around with their iPads - can you imagine several of them told me "nah, that is PROPRIETARY technology" !? LOL! I was very respectful before to other people opinions and personally I am very thankful to the genius work of Steve Jobs but in recent time I simple shoot back very sharp - face it, Apple funboy!
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Is thi similar to AppleTV and Airplay? Does it mirror everything at all times or only certain apps? Thanks for your help!!!
shrek4224 said:
Is thi similar to AppleTV and Airplay? Does it mirror everything at all times or only certain apps? Thanks for your help!!!
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I don not own any Apple product and cannot say anything about it.
Everything what you can see on your Note 10.1 screen you are seeing parallel on the second display. I have tested it with several projectors from Dell, Sony, signal to those devices over their VGA ports and the experience is exactly the same to one with the laptop connected to the projector. The best result is via HDMI port, majority of the business projectors do not have one but monitors and TV have them and the result is gorgeous, beside the screen the audio is transferred too.
The video player is optimized for the AllShare Cast, when playing you can see the video on the second screen and on Note 10.1 you have the control menu.
Polaris office works fine too, same experience, WYSIWYG on both screens. For slides (aka PowerPoint), when connected to AllShare Cast dongle, the slide show button clicked shows the selection of
Primary display
Dual monitor
Controller & Note
but only the Primary display selection switches to presenter mode. Even then, the pen modes is active so you can annotate with S-Pen direct on the slides during the presentation, the killing feature for me.
Small downturn - multiscreen is not working when connected to Allshare Cast dongle, only single screens, but the floating helicopter videos is working and that is impressive for entertaining the people after the work is done :fingers-crossed:.
wolfindersteppe said:
I don not own any Apple product and cannot say anything about it.
Everything what you can see on your Note 10.1 screen you are seeing parallel on the second display. I have tested it with several projectors from Dell, Sony, signal to those devices over their VGA ports and the experience is exactly the same to one with the laptop connected to the projector. The best result is via HDMI port, majority of the business projectors do not have one but monitors and TV have them and the result is gorgeous, beside the screen the audio is transferred too.
The video player is optimized for the AllShare Cast, when playing you can see the video on the second screen and on Note 10.1 you have the control menu.
Polaris office works fine too, same experience, WYSIWYG on both screens. For slides (aka PowerPoint), when connected to AllShare Cast dongle, the slide show button clicked shows the selection of
Primary display
Dual monitor
Controller & Note
but only the Primary display selection switches to presenter mode. Even then, the pen modes is active so you can annotate with S-Pen direct on the slides during the presentation, the killing feature for me.
Small downturn - multiscreen is not working when connected to Allshare Cast dongle, only single screens, but the floating helicopter videos is working and that is impressive for entertaining the people after the work is done :fingers-crossed:.
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That sounds amazing. I'd love to see a video of it all in action. Sounds great, especially being able to run a presentation and markup with the pen, but would like to see it before dropping about $100 on the setup.
I've been testing splashtop whiteboard but have had problems getting it to connect. Sometimes it will.... sometimes it won't. Would prefer to just screencast and run everything from the tablet anyway. The presentation mode sounds impressive and ability to swith into Sketchbook or snotes would be great.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
wolfindersteppe said:
I don not own any Apple product and cannot say anything about it.
Everything what you can see on your Note 10.1 screen you are seeing parallel on the second display. I have tested it with several projectors from Dell, Sony, signal to those devices over their VGA ports and the experience is exactly the same to one with the laptop connected to the projector. The best result is via HDMI port, majority of the business projectors do not have one but monitors and TV have them and the result is gorgeous, beside the screen the audio is transferred too.
The video player is optimized for the AllShare Cast, when playing you can see the video on the second screen and on Note 10.1 you have the control menu.
Polaris office works fine too, same experience, WYSIWYG on both screens. For slides (aka PowerPoint), when connected to AllShare Cast dongle, the slide show button clicked shows the selection of
Primary display
Dual monitor
Controller & Note
but only the Primary display selection switches to presenter mode. Even then, the pen modes is active so you can annotate with S-Pen direct on the slides during the presentation, the killing feature for me.
Small downturn - multiscreen is not working when connected to Allshare Cast dongle, only single screens, but the floating helicopter videos is working and that is impressive for entertaining the people after the work is done :fingers-crossed:.
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First off thank you for your help and input. My school is going to purchase this for me but I have one additional question. We do not have HDMI projectors in our building. I was wondering if an HDMI-VGA adapter would work? It will not provide true 1080P but that is a non-issue for me. I only want to be able to project the S-Note or any note app so my students can take notes on what I am writing. Again thank you for your help.
shrek4224 said:
First off thank you for your help and input. My school is going to purchase this for me but I have one additional question. We do not have HDMI projectors in our building. I was wondering if an HDMI-VGA adapter would work? It will not provide true 1080P but that is a non-issue for me. I only want to be able to project the S-Note or any note app so my students can take notes on what I am writing. Again thank you for your help.
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I use Gold Plated Premium HDMI to VGA Active M/F Adapter in White by Cable Matters (still cannot post links, just search for it on amazon) and it works, tested on several company's Dell and Sony projectors with VGA port.
FYI - I filed a support ticket with Polaris Office about not being able to use the different display modes. This was their response.
Dear customer,
Thank you for the inquiry.
We knew this issue already, we’re working on it now.
We’ll try hard to figure out the issue and let you know as soon as we’ve got the solution.
Please be patient and understand about it.
We will try hard to repay you for all your kindness.
Thanks for your interest.
Polaris Office CS Team
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Hopefully they have a solution soon. The only thing that would improve this setup is being able to use the Controller & Note presentation mode.
Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong? .I can project the screen when the dongle is connected with HDMI, but when I connect with an HDMI to VGA converter the Allshate Cast automatically shuts down and the Note restarts.
Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong? .I can project the screen when the dongle is connected with HDMI, but when I connect with an HDMI to VGA converter the Allshate Cast automatically shuts down and the Note restarts.
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Did you figure this out? I would not like to make the dongle purchase if this is bound to happen....
did anyone manage to solve the display mirroring to PC software?
I found another way to get very good results in mirroring wirelessly from Note to PC: Teamviewer. Download the free app from the play market, and also the free PC client from the Teamviewer website. A tad laggy, but works well for presentations.
[LIST said:
[*]buy HDMI to VGA adapter
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could tell me please the type of hdmi to vga adapter exactly with the manufacturing code, there is a lot of staff on the market and I am pretty sure not all of them are working, thanks
I just got the dongle. It works great!
A few comments:
(1) For rooted device (like mine), the app "triangle away" is needed. The dongle works after (but not before) I reset the counting using triangle away. For un-rooted devices (the device is un-rooted if you didn't root it yourself) it shouldn't be an issue.
(2) The dongle works with a hdmi-VGA converter. The one I bought is this:
I am sure lots of other converters should work as well. But there may be two things to note. It would be safer if
(a) "Active" converters should have more chance to work than "passive" converters. There is an IC chip in active converters. The passive ones are just data lines.
(b) Make sure the converter does not need too much power to work. The one I bought is raspberry PI compatible. This typically mean the converter the current it draws from the device is not too large. In some previous post it is mentioned the dongle could reset when connected to VGA converters. I doubt it may because of too much power required by the converter.
(3) I didn't notice any lag or instability issues with 30 minutes of use (I installed a firmware update before usage. The discovery of update and installation is automatic. I just clicked OK).
I didn't (and will not) use it to play games or watch movies anyway. I only want to use it to do presentations via projectors. Games and movies transfers much more data, in which case I haven't tested.
I will update if I got problems using the dongle for a longer time.
(4) The "multi-window app" feature goes away when the dongle is connected. (It re-appears after disconnection.)
After more test, there do exist a few problems:
(1) If I play a video in full screen (both youtube video online or downloaded videos using MXplayer), the video is only shown on external display. Even worse, when I exit the full screen mode of the video player, the allshare connection typically crashes. I need to go to settings to connect again (no reboot needed though).
On the other hand, for youtube without going to full screen, there is no problem. And when I compare the two displays, there is no lag between them.
(2) In polaris office, only the "primary display" mode works well. In other two modes, the external screen only update partially.
Both of them should be software problems. If I don't do (1) of the above, I never met crash or disconnections. I didn't test the device with games. There is no random disconnection so far (this is most important for me).
The connection is stable within 10 meters, while it breaks at about 30 meters (together with 2 doors blocking the space).
Finally, there is a drop of display quantity if the image is quickly changing, and I watch closely enough. But considering I only need to display static images, this is not a problem. The display quantity of static images is great. Compared with the TeamViewer + computer solution, the dongle uses less resources on the tablet and gives much better image quality. The usage of battery is not heavily affected either. I used in total 7% battery power per hour for light usage of the tablet with dongle connection (and among which the tablet screen still used most of battery as usual).

How to View HTC ONE X files on TV?

I have already noticed a detailed discussion related to the toic but unable .to find out the solution to it. I have downloaded stuff for my kids but unable to play tht on my TV.
Can anyone have a quick and simple way to guide me.for that.
Their is an optional extra HDMI device for wirelessly sending video and such from your device to your TV.
This is a fairly costly device and not many use it.
The other way is to use dlna/upnp. In the youtube apps and media streamer etc you can select your tv as the display device.
I find this does not function correctly for video with my Samsung tv's.
I use the app imediashare, but there is many to chose from such as bubbleupnp, twonky, sempervidlinks etc.
It would be good to know what your tv is capable of and how you can connect to it.
Eg HDMI device or UPNP via network?
And what type of files are you trying to view?
Eg games, videos, pictures, music, docs etc?
twistedddx said:
Their is an optional extra HDMI device for wirelessly sending video and such from your device to your TV.
This is a fairly costly device and not many use it.
The other way is to use dlna/upnp. In the youtube apps and media streamer etc you can select your tv as the display device.
I find this does not function correctly for video with my Samsung tv's.
I use the app imediashare, but there is many to chose from such as bubbleupnp, twonky, sempervidlinks etc.
It would be good to know what your tv is capable of and how you can connect to it.
Eg HDMI device or UPNP via network?
And what type of files are you trying to view?
Eg games, videos, pictures, music, docs etc?
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Building on what has already been said, I find that the general rule of identification for the living room is if a device has wifi capabilities, then the HOX can usually push media to it via dlna.
If you have a device that is network capable, usually dlna will work with it too.
If you have experience pulling media from the computers around the house and displaying them on your television, then you're absolutely on the right track.
Sometimes, SMART TVs and wired network media devices have a YouTube app that is capable with YouTube Leanback, a service that lets you view YouTube videos on the big screen and control it with your Android devices.
If you lack all of the hardware mentioned above, there are three options.
1) HTC Media Link HD
All it does is receive media sent by HTC devices, via HDMI to the television. Very, very basic. If you want to buy this, try to locate the 2012 (for One X and One S, it's variants, and the Butterfly) model, maybe 2011 (for Sensation and Amaze series). The reason for this is this accessory existed last year as the flagship connector to the television for our device. It might be cheaper to buy one made for last year's devices, which we own, for cheaper, than to buy one created for the HTC One, and the Butterfly S. If I recall correctly, it's pretty expensive for doing only a few tasks. Although, if you're running HTC Sense, you'd already have three finger gestures for it built into the OS.
2) New TV
Buy one with wifi, or if it's more convenient, one with network capabilities into the wall and connect to the home network. It wouldn't hurt to make sure to verify that it is dlna-capable before hauling home the massive display.
3) Any TV accessory with network capabilities
Like a TV, but not really. Sony Blu-Ray players with wifi run for about $79 here in Canada, and I use mine to send photos and music from the kitchen to entertain guests when they come over. You could probably google more dlna accessories that connect straight to the TV, but if you're ever in the need for a new Blu-Ray player, or a new home theatre set, keep dlna in mind.
It pains me a bit to say this, but Apple TV is an inexpensive option that is near perfect for these needs. After setting iTunes to identify all media libraries in the house, head down to the TV and have it pull your desired content. It's so simple, and surprisingly, only $99.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Today I learned that the HOX has HDMI out. Even better.
You can find super cheap cables or docks online, on ebay, from China, connect them to your phone, and go from there. Only downside is if you have your television two metres away from you, this might break your neck or knees.
Asovse1 said:
Building on what has already been said, I find that the general rule of identification for the living room is if a device has wifi capabilities, then the HOX can usually push media to it via dlna.
If you have a device that is network capable, usually dlna will work with it too.
If you have experience pulling media from the computers around the house and displaying them on your television, then you're absolutely on the right track.
Sometimes, SMART TVs and wired network media devices have a YouTube app that is capable with YouTube Leanback, a service that lets you view YouTube videos on the big screen and control it with your Android devices.
If you lack all of the hardware mentioned above, there are three options.
1) HTC Media Link HD
All it does is receive media sent by HTC devices, via HDMI to the television. Very, very basic. If you want to buy this, try to locate the 2012 (for One X and One S, it's variants, and the Butterfly) model, maybe 2011 (for Sensation and Amaze series). The reason for this is this accessory existed last year as the flagship connector to the television for our device. It might be cheaper to buy one made for last year's devices, which we own, for cheaper, than to buy one created for the HTC One, and the Butterfly S. If I recall correctly, it's pretty expensive for doing only a few tasks. Although, if you're running HTC Sense, you'd already have three finger gestures for it built into the OS.
2) New TV
Buy one with wifi, or if it's more convenient, one with network capabilities into the wall and connect to the home network. It wouldn't hurt to make sure to verify that it is dlna-capable before hauling home the massive display.
3) Any TV accessory with network capabilities
Like a TV, but not really. Sony Blu-Ray players with wifi run for about $79 here in Canada, and I use mine to send photos and music from the kitchen to entertain guests when they come over. You could probably google more dlna accessories that connect straight to the TV, but if you're ever in the need for a new Blu-Ray player, or a new home theatre set, keep dlna in mind.
It pains me a bit to say this, but Apple TV is an inexpensive option that is near perfect for these needs. After setting iTunes to identify all media libraries in the house, head down to the TV and have it pull your desired content. It's so simple, and surprisingly, only $99.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Today I learned that the HOX has HDMI out. Even better.
You can find super cheap cables or docks online, on ebay, from China, connect them to your phone, and go from there. Only downside is if you have your television two metres away from you, this might break your neck or knees.
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There are less expensive Android Smart TV devices that work well too.
fns1979 said:
I have already noticed a detailed discussion related to the toic but unable .to find out the solution to it. I have downloaded stuff for my kids but unable to play tht on my TV.
Can anyone have a quick and simple way to guide me.for that.
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i see an app on my hox but not tested yet, i hear about work with smart share app in the tv i have LG smart TV i will test just for fun and commet here.

