[Q] I need help. - General Questions and Answers

Today, I acquired a infuse 4g, off contract. I wanted to mess around with android, as my current phone is an iphone, and maybe switch over.
One of the first things I tried to do was tether my iphone to my infuse using mywi. I soon discovered android doesn't work with ad hoc networks. I googled a couple fixes, and decided to try my hand. I have never touched android before. I found this thing that said I could. So I went for it. After reading a few guides, I decided the first step was to root it using superoneclick. That went fine. Then, I read the instructions and it told me to 'flash the zip file using a recovery rom' which was total gibberish to me. So I did some more googling and found a modified 3e recovery thing for the infuse. I used some file system app to put that where it was supposed to be, but then saw that I needed clockworkmod to be able to flash things. By this point I realized I was far, far over my head, but stupidly pressed on. At about the same time, I also extracted the zip file from exop.pro, and replaced the wpa file that existed already in system/bin with the one from the zip. I also booted into recovery mode, and tried to install clockwork mod, which failed even though as far as I can see. Now, when I turn my phone on, everything is ok except that it can't scan for wifi. I assume this is because I ****ed with the wifi file. I've basically decided to give up at this point, so please, just tell me how to made it work again and I'll promise to not **** with it anymore. Also, I neglected to make a backup. Stupid, but I didn't know how and didn't want to go through another huge thing.
I tried to make it so I could connect to ad hoc networks on my infuse 4g and ended up destroying my wda_supplicant file in system/bin (i think) and

Google the original file you replaced, ' wpa supplicant file download for infuse 4g'. Next time save a copy or backup of whatever your doing.

Thanks, but I really have no idea what is what. Could you link me the right one? I'm sorry that I'm so useless.

Itaer said:
Thanks, but I really have no idea what is what. Could you link me the right one? I'm sorry that I'm so useless.
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this was your problem the first time... you need to read and study before you just start flashing things to your phone man. haha... us linking you somewhere will not help you figure that part out... and its an important part of tinkering with these phones in the way you are trying to.
rid yourself of the apple mentality where everything is spoon fed.
moving on, however, do what the guy previous to me said... find that file you downloaded. and do some reading, watch some instructional videos, focus on just rooting the phone properly for now. do that, then read, watch, ask questions like you are doing when you need to, then proceed.
read comments and stuff in forums about the ROMs you are flashing, what kind of problems do they have, what recovery is recommended for that particular ROM, stuff like that. just READ everything and anything you can about what you are doing....
the company that made your newly found OS has a nice little search engine called google... and it works pretty well if you know how to use it i'll keep an eye on this thread for you as others are probably doing so we can provide you with whatever answers you might need. good luck!
a good rule of thumb when flashing hax0red software to these phones is when something ****s up, 9/10 times it's just a little tiny thing you missed or did during the install yourself... so back to square one, and pay close attention to detail. these phones can be a little touchy when flashing ROMs if you are not doing it exactly they way it is recommended.
perfect example of this: when i had my samsung moment... when i converted from 2.1 OS to 2.2... for some odd reason i would ALWAYS have to flash a little script zip to wipe the 2.1 data from the device before flashing the 2.2 zipped ROM to the phone... the 2.2 ROM was supposed to do this and take care of it completely for me, but even though it did, the only way it would work properly every time i was going from 2.1 to 2.2 was to flash that zip beforehand...
hope that long rant provided some useful insight

But I have read the instructions on the stuff I'm trying to do, several times, and like I said, I'm more confused that I was at first.
I'm just not willing to break it any further.
So basically what I'm wondering now is, how do I put everything back to how it should be. Is there a way? Like, is there a way to load the original software back? I don't think restoring it to factory settings would fix what I did, but tell me if I'm wrong.
I just want everything back to normal.
Edit: I know it seems like I'm not doing anything to help myself, but I have a lot on my plate in life right now, and I also have absolutely no idea where to even start. Half of the terms you use mean nothing to me, and I'm just so overwhelmed.
I just want to know if there is some way to put it back to how it came out of the box.

Turns out that once the new wda_supplicant thing is ACTUALLY GRANTED PERMISSION TO EXECUTE, that everything works fine. Thanks guys

see... Knew you would figure it out man
Sent from my EVO3D using XDA App


G Tablet coming tomorrow...would like to get some things set straight. Thanks.

Hey all,
I'm getting my G Tablet tomorrow and I'd just like to get some things clarified.
I know, the first thing some will say is USE SEARCH! Well, I did - and that's actually why I just want to get some things straight before I go down the path of modifying the device software. See, reading it all has managed to confuse me more than help me get a definitive instruction set for forging ahead.
I'm seeing the update "****s on CWM" according to a user...and then a 'fix' for that. Than I see that Gapps causes FCs for some, while it works for others. So...yeah, a little back and forth on what to do and who's instructions to follow.
Alright, so first thing's first....Should I flash the Clockwork Mod that I'm seeing available - 0.8? or is there something else I should consider or that I've missed? or maybe wait for a newer version? Should I even flash CWM if I get the newest (and I WILL be getting the newest) S/W version? Are there any downsides at all to flashing CWM on there in terms of messing with OTA updates, etc?
I read this:
"All the ROMS use a standard firmware updater that can be used by non-technical users. Here is an explanation on how it works:...."
Sooo, does that mean I can live without CWM? If an update doesn't work for some reason, will I be able to fix it or overwrite it somehow if I can't get into the tablet at all from the tablet itself? I read something about going into APX mode and putting things on through Windows, is this an infallible method?
Second of all, I read the FAQ thoroughly (I think and hope) but I'm still not 100% on what Gapps to DL or how to put a working Android Market on there especially with this new S/W update. I've seen how to 'fix' the Market to see missing apps, but not how to actually install it on the G Tablet. I may have missed that post somewhere on here.
I'm also unclear if I should get Gapps or not at all, as I've read that some have FCs on there while others do not - so what's the general consensus in light of this update that was just released as of Dec. 21, 2010?
Ultimately, here is what I'd like from my GTab:
I'd like to run the new official Tapn'Tap released recently first and foremost.
I'd like to have the official/unofficial (w/e) Google Market.
I'd like to run Google Apps (Gtalk, Gmail, etc.).
IF I don't like Tapn'Tap, and this is a worse case scenario situation, as in if I HATE TnT - I'd like to have the option to slap something else on there and I'd like to make sure I don't brick my Tablet. Whether that means storing an original official TnT ROM or whatever.
Point me in the right direction please, especially considering things may have changed as of the new S/W update.
Thanks much and sorry for all the questions. I assure you I used search and I attempted to put it together on my own. It's been a long time since I've modded (G1 was the last time) and I don't do it often. Also, apologies if I posted this in the wrong section....I considered posting it in Dev. section but this one seemed better suited.
Thanks again, XDA rocks.
Neoprimal said:
Hey all,
I'm getting my G Tablet tomorrow and I'd just like to get some things clarified.
I know, the first thing some will say is USE SEARCH! Well, I did - and that's actually why I just want to get some things straight before I go down the path of modifying the device software. See, reading it all has managed to confuse me more than help me get a definitive instruction set for forging ahead.
I'm seeing the update "****s on CWM" according to a user...and then a 'fix' for that. Than I see that Gapps causes FCs for some, while it works for others. So...yeah, a little back and forth on what to do and who's instructions to follow.
Alright, so first thing's first....Should I flash the Clockwork Mod that I'm seeing available - 0.8? or is there something else I should consider or that I've missed? or maybe wait for a newer version? Should I even flash CWM if I get the newest (and I WILL be getting the newest) S/W version? Are there any downsides at all to flashing CWM on there in terms of messing with OTA updates, etc?
I read this:
"All the ROMS use a standard firmware updater that can be used by non-technical users. Here is an explanation on how it works:...."
Sooo, does that mean I can live without CWM? If an update doesn't work for some reason, will I be able to fix it or overwrite it somehow if I can't get into the tablet at all from the tablet itself? I read something about going into APX mode and putting things on through Windows, is this an infallible method?
Second of all, I read the FAQ thoroughly (I think and hope) but I'm still not 100% on what Gapps to DL or how to put a working Android Market on there especially with this new S/W update. I've seen how to 'fix' the Market to see missing apps, but not how to actually install it on the G Tablet. I may have missed that post somewhere on here.
I'm also unclear if I should get Gapps or not at all, as I've read that some have FCs on there while others do not - so what's the general consensus in light of this update that was just released as of Dec. 21, 2010?
Ultimately, here is what I'd like from my GTab:
I'd like to run the new official Tapn'Tap released recently first and foremost.
I'd like to have the official/unofficial (w/e) Google Market.
I'd like to run Google Apps (Gtalk, Gmail, etc.).
IF I don't like Tapn'Tap, and this is a worse case scenario situation, as in if I HATE TnT - I'd like to have the option to slap something else on there and I'd like to make sure I don't brick my Tablet. Whether that means storing an original official TnT ROM or whatever.
Point me in the right direction please, especially considering things may have changed as of the new S/W update.
Thanks much and sorry for all the questions. I assure you I used search and I attempted to put it together on my own. It's been a long time since I've modded (G1 was the last time) and I don't do it often. Also, apologies if I posted this in the wrong section....I considered posting it in Dev. section but this one seemed better suited.
Thanks again, XDA rocks.
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I don't know how much direction pointing I can do but here goes..
Clockwork mod in my opinion is a necessity. Version 0.8 is the best one for most people because of how it deals with the memory locations. Yes, you can do things without it. The update process is as simple as putting an update.zip file, and a recovery folder with a command file in it on an sdcard and holding the vol + button while hitting power. It is easy. Clockwork has a lot of little features though that make life easier. You can make a complete system backup with it. You can install updates, and new firmware with it. You can completely lock up your tablet and using clockwork and your backup be back in business in about 3-4 minutes. You can load new roms and if you hate them you can go back to your old working stuff in minutes. Yes, there are ways to make one of these tablets work again when they get stuck. I don't think anyone has actually bricked one. Some may think they have, but I doubt it.
Unless you are dead set on wanting the stock TnT interface the easiest way to get what you want is to load one of the roms. Yes, there are ways to get most of it without loading a new rom. Most everyone that has gone the I have to stay stock but want all the mods has eventually just loaded a rom. TnT3.0 is based on the latest stock stuff. It has the market, flash, etc. already in it. VegaN is what I use mostly but they are both stable and fast.
Before you flash something brand new that just came out I would read about it and see what others have to say about issues. It usually only takes about 30 minutes until you can tell if it is going to be good or not.
All of the roms for this tablet have there own little quirks. The stock has gotten better with each update but it still is not as good as the ones I named.
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard.
With a little bit of searching almost everything you may want it to do can be done. I really love mine, and when I got it almost 2 months ago I hated it...
"Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard."
"Sigh" of relief. Then I'm not too worried. As I said I've dabbled in modifying my G1 and it is mostly cake. But I've just been seeing conflicting posts on whether cwm works with the newest official tnt release or not so I wasn't sure what to do.
Thanks for your advice. And when I said pointers, I meant like this as well as pointing me to any posts I may have missed on how to do whatever. Though I THINK I found most of them.
Neoprimal said:
"Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable. Anything you can possibly break one of us has probably already broken before and fixed. There are some people that seem to have problems doing every little thing. Most don't. So I wouldn't let any of it scare you off because none of it is that hard."
"Sigh" of relief. Then I'm not too worried. As I said I've dabbled in modifying my G1 and it is mostly cake. But I've just been seeing conflicting posts on whether cwm works with the newest official tnt release or not so I wasn't sure what to do.
Thanks for your advice. And when I said pointers, I meant like this as well as pointing me to any posts I may have missed on how to do whatever. Though I THINK I found most of them.
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The new release overwrites clockwork. But it is not hard to put back. Always a good idea to copy the clockwork backups folder to your pc, or somewhere they won't be lost. The custom roms typically leave the recovery image alone and can be installed with or without clockwork by either extracting the zip contents for stock recovery, or installing it as is in clockwork.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable.
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I can vouch for that. Erased system, boot, data and cache in preparation for a new ROM. Accidentally rebooted and couldn't get into recovery. Booted it into APX mode, flashed stock and was on my way.
I would just run ZRoot, then upload the TnTLite 3.0 recovery and update.zip and then do the recovery mode process. You should have a microsd handy just in case it doesn't work, but so far I haven't needed that.
This tablet is much easier to work with and very forgiving since VS never took the time to lock down the bootloader etc like Motorola did with my Droid X. You really shouldn't fear changing files out etc, provided you're getting a ROM from one of the people providing them here. If you can press and hold two buttons at once, you can make your gTab an awesome little tablet. It benchmarks about 1000 points higher than my Droid X on quadrant. Can't wait to see what these guys can do with Gingerbread.
Sprdtyf350 said:
The new release overwrites clockwork. But it is not hard to put back. Always a good idea to copy the clockwork backups folder to your pc, or somewhere they won't be lost. The custom roms typically leave the recovery image alone and can be installed with or without clockwork by either extracting the zip contents for stock recovery, or installing it as is in clockwork.
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It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
hogasswild said:
I would just run ZRoot, then upload the TnTLite 3.0 recovery and update.zip and then do the recovery mode process. You should have a microsd handy just in case it doesn't work, but so far I haven't needed that.
This tablet is much easier to work with and very forgiving since VS never took the time to lock down the bootloader etc like Motorola did with my Droid X. You really shouldn't fear changing files out etc, provided you're getting a ROM from one of the people providing them here. If you can press and hold two buttons at once, you can make your gTab an awesome little tablet. It benchmarks about 1000 points higher than my Droid X on quadrant. Can't wait to see what these guys can do with Gingerbread.
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with the new update however does the z4root still work? i heard it may not anymore. just curious also since im hopefully getting mine on sat for xmas
rothnic said:
It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
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Thanks for the info Rothnic! I had already flashed it before I figured out it removed Clockwork. Learning new stuff every day is good... Thanks..
dragonfly1113 said:
with the new update however does the z4root still work? i heard it may not anymore. just curious also since im hopefully getting mine on sat for xmas
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The very first time I rooted, I used ZRoot and installed 2.4.0. I didn't change anything and used the exact same process of simply copying over the 3.0.0 files over to the root directory of the internal memory and did the recovery procedure (vol+ and pwr keys). It worked like a charm.
hogasswild said:
The very first time I rooted, I used ZRoot and installed 2.4.0. I didn't change anything and used the exact same process of simply copying over the 3.0.0 files over to the root directory of the internal memory and did the recovery procedure (vol+ and pwr keys). It worked like a charm.
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Ok cool, thanks cant wait for my g tablet hopefully sat morning
I think you'll like it a lot. I also own an iPad. While they are similar they are also a little different. Merry Christmas!
hogasswild said:
I think you'll like it a lot. I also own an iPad. While they are similar they are also a little different. Merry Christmas!
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my mom has an ipad and my dad could only buy it while i was on my honeymoon bc he knew i wouldnt approve of an apple device in the house haha.
rothnic said:
It is also not hard to alter the update so that it does not overwrite clockwork.
Open update.zip
Find updater-script, Open in notepad++
Remove the line that references recovery.img
Flash update
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My device hasn't come yet (damn you FedEx!) but I'm eagerly awaiting it.
My plan:
Unbox, start it....do a factory reset from the getgo if it has enough juice.
Set it back up. Charge it to full. If whatever comes on it is as unbearable as I've seen in on Youtube - start modifications.
Will CWM install on it AFTER I do the update if it's available to me? I've seen that the update messes with it if it's already there - but noone's mentioned putting it on there after the fact. I may just go that route for simplicity sake.
Thanks for this!, and thank you all for chiming in with your experience. I feel much better about just getting my hands dirty in it all. I had wrote something to someone yesterday about jumping in and just doing it, but when it comes to dealing with it yourself it can be a daunting task - especially when it still has that new smell, lol. Anyway, thanks again. You guys really rock.
Will stop back later on after I've done my thing
I think they are both nice devices. There are trade off for both of them. I think the screen on the iPad is wonderful, where the gTab's is okay. But the gTab has a forward facing camera, you can print from it, and you can modify it fairly easily too.
Sprdtyf350 said:
Finally.. This tablet is very easy to play with. It is pretty much unbrickable.
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...famous last words...
Seriously though...trust the directions from the great devs like roebeet. Follow their instructions word for word. You can switch ROMs and then flash back if you want. No worries...
Off topic!
Well...disappointment! Fedex had my package out for delivery at 8am and at 8pm, they're not here. This is why I like UPS, they show up at my door on the day of delivery, no exceptions - they have shown up at almost 9pm before. The Archos 101 I got was sent out at 8am as well but got here at 1:30pm - I suppose that was before the holiday rush.
Checking the details of my tracking I'm seeing a "delivery exception" at 7:30pm (I guess it was time to get back to the facility so they can clock out by 8pm?) and upon calling them I get a somewhat stumbling but polite CS who tells me the delivery went out "late" - upon which I asked if 8am was considered late, especially from a distribution facility WITHIN the same zip code as I am, and all he could say was "Very sorry about this".
Aaaanyway....I guess it will be tomorrow before I can report my adventures.
Think I'll be able to get my $3.99 back from Amazon? I have Prime and with that the package would have come tomorrow anyway. Basically my $3.99 is wasted. Imagine if I didn't have Prime though? Whew.
ima_UNC_fan said:
...famous last words...
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If you can figure out how to brick it you will probably get an award.. It won't be a good award but probably one of those top ten dumb things people do awards. So far unless you plug the motherboard into a wall socket no one has bricked one. May think they have, but like I said before I doubt it..
And your right.. If it can be done, someone eventually will figure out how. And then we will all laugh at them.. At least I will
I finally got the G tablet tonight and...alright, don't flame me for this - but I don't see what all the complaints about the screen being horrendous or the device being molasses slow are about?
I don't know how people are trying to view it...but when looking at it or setting it on a stand to watch media, I'm not seeing any problem with the viewing angles. It's about the same as my laptop so I watch it the same way.
It's not even a 1/4 as slow as the stuff I've seen on Youtube or in some of the review videos I've seen around the net. I haven't gotten a single FC. Granted, I haven't put in a SD Card yet so maybe problems will start then?
I guess I should note, the very first thing I did was did a factory reset. Then I hooked it up to Wifi and got the 3053 update. I'm one of those who will be waiting for the 'official' update on the 24th.
I set up the time and date, restarted and everything works. I haven't installed flash yet (don't need it that much) and stuff that I DO want on there right now works fine (skype, pandora, fring, dropbox, evernote). I'm slowly figuring out a list of what I want/need from my Mytouch 4G to port to the VS GTab. Figure I don't really NEED Gtalk, Gmail on there because I have these on my phone AND PC - do I really want them making noises all around my home on 3 devices? I was concerned about getting the Google Apps on but now I'm finding I really don't need them. So it seems to me this will be a matter of learning to separate what I need on a tablet vs. my phone - I was of the mentality that I should just get whatever's on my phone on the tablet, this is something others apparently do as they seem to want everything that's on their phone, on their tablets as well.
I personally don't see the point in that. Had I had the Google Market, that would have escaped me as I'd have used Appbrain to just get my motherload of apps from the MT4G to the GTab. Not having it has slowed me, and now I get to re-evaluate before I do grab apps for it.
Now I just have to merge/convert my HTPC into a NAS device as well and find an app that will allow me to DLNA stream media from it and I'll be in mobile heaven.
I haven't had my wifi drop at all anywhere in my home and I've marched all over with it (I use full Wifi N, no G compat. so maybe my range is wider?). Tried email, etc. to replicate crashes and force closes but haven't so far. No surfing issues. I DID find that one app got 'stuck' being downloaded and I had to delete the file before the 'downloading' icon would go away, even after restart.
Maybe the trick to getting a workable GTab in the first place is to factory reset it before first use? Iunno. Things may change and issues may pop up the more I use it and as time passes - but so far, so good!
Again, I can't thank XDA enough for the advice and info. I've found and been given.
Sprdtyf350 said:
If you can figure out how to brick it you will probably get an award.. It won't be a good award but probably one of those top ten dumb things people do awards. So far unless you plug the motherboard into a wall socket no one has bricked one. May think they have, but like I said before I doubt it..
And your right.. If it can be done, someone eventually will figure out how. And then we will all laugh at them.. At least I will
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I figured it out. Accidentally hit one of the devkit nvflash .cabs and boom

Trying to install Rom

I have the T959v android phone, which I found out is a bit more complicated than my Samsung Vibrant.
I am running the gingerbread kernel after using Kies.
I have finally successfully flashed the T959v using Heimdoll following this guide. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=21953878&postcount=2
Super User has been installed using SuperOneClick.
After struggling with it and reading on some sites it's possible and some sites it's not possible, I've come to the conclusion that Rom Manager is not a good idea to use, to install a Rom on my particular phone.
I want to install this Rom here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1402966
However I reviewed the instructions and found I was lost on some parts.
I know how to get to recovery mode (with the phone turned off, hold down volume up and down and the power button)
However, here's where I get lost:
6. Perform Voodoo -> Disable Lagfix.
I do not have this option, likely because I'm missing voodoo or some sort of app. I've tried googling this and figuring out what it is, but I don't even know what a CWM is.
I haven't tried (since I'm atleast smart enough to review information before I start following them, lest I get myself stuck somewhere and unable to back out of). However I believe I can get as far as Step 5.
Unfortuantely I can't get any further.
The only apps I have installed (besides the annoying bloatware on the phone) are the ones I listed above.
This is my first time flashing a phone or doing any of the above, previously my friend did it for me.
So I apologize for whatever Incompetence I may have, however if you can simplify instructions I'm pretty good at following them.
The hard part is that I don't know how to do a lot of the instructions.
Is there a video? Perhaps a guide with pictures that includes all the software I need and how to install that software?
I'm sorry for the questions, I hope someone can help. This has been a long and frustrating process but I'm determined to finish it.
Thank you in advance.
Ah also this: "Must have pre-installed kernel with clockwork recovery!"
I cannot do this because when I try and use clockwork recovery it says it cannot support my phone.
It gives me a list of 4 devices, none of which are my phone.
Then I click on "My device is not listed" and it states the T959v is not supported.
I'm really sorry for all the questions.
Not only does this app look nice, and sound nice due to hardware acceleration. Above all it gets rid of that bloatware crap from T-mobile.
I look forward to giving this app a try.
Hello my friend i know how excited you are when it come's to flashing, installing, removing apps on your phone, but before you do any harm to your phone maybe
consider reading this http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_S_4G before going further. it save's you a lot of time and headache plus you can avoid
flaming from other people here. and also try to use the search bar just i case you have further question's..
I advice you to take some time to read first on what do you want to your phone before doing anything.. don't be in a hurry we have tons of great roms in here..
Do not use clockwork manager...it is not for this device!
If you have super user ur rooted and good to go ...i would suggest you play around with the gingerbread roms for a spell before going to icecream sandwich roms,just so you get a feel for flashing on this device.....i too came from the vibrant and dearly miss it.
This phone is far from a vibrant but is coming along.
Feel free to pm me.....I may be a bit slow on replies since I'm working 7/12's 3rd shift.
Thank you both so much for your replies.
Warren I am checking that link out right now. Thanks
Shortbus, I miss my Vibrant too.
Technically speaking my Vibrant is still usable, but ever since I dropped it and cracked the screen it seems to have drastically slowed down (and the screen is annoying with all the cracks too).
Sad day for me.
I still want to try and get that Rom I had posted above working, as I doubt I'll move to another rom anytime after that. But I'll try and learn more about it using the link you gave me Warren. It'll probably take me several days ~_~
Shortbus I may email you with questions I come across from time to time if that's ok
Squeezitgirdle said:
Thank you both so much for your replies.
Warren I am checking that link out right now. Thanks
Shortbus, I miss my Vibrant too.
Technically speaking my Vibrant is still usable, but ever since I dropped it and cracked the screen it seems to have drastically slowed down (and the screen is annoying with all the cracks too).
Sad day for me.
I still want to try and get that Rom I had posted above working, as I doubt I'll move to another rom anytime after that. But I'll try and learn more about it using the link you gave me Warren. It'll probably take me several days ~_~
Shortbus I may email you with questions I come across from time to time if that's ok
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If you want to install Valhalla Final - read the guide in the first link of my signature and begin where applicable.
I don't mind.
Flashing roms on this device is easy once you realize its not the vibrant lol.
Like the vibrant....this thing is near impossible to brick,....just a lil bit more complicated than the vib.....till you get to understand it.
lumin30 said:
If you want to install Valhalla Final - read the guide in the first link of my signature and begin where applicable.
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Ah, so I should switch to Froyo instead of Gingerbread from the looks of it.
I'll get right on that I'm going to try following your guide now
edit: I saw that you switched to Gingerbread, jumped too far ahead of myself.
I'm getting pretty far along in the guide, I'm now at the part where I am about to install the rom.
I love that you guys respond so quickly too.
In the process of using Heimdall I ran into so many issues but was (slowly) able to work through them and figure them out.
It's nice to know I can come here if I have a quick question.
I'm not much help with heimdall....I use gremlin remover,its a one click Odin program....serves the same purpose....to bring you to a rooted stock state.

[Q] Back to Stock

Please forgive me, as I have not searched the forum extensively for an answer, but I'm in a bit of a time crunch as I am leaving on a trip tonight and need to get back to some semblance of a working phone.
Some time ago I flashed some rom (I think Paranoid Android; I don't remember. I liked it enough to keep it, then I didn't worry about it again after that.) Little by little it started getting slower and buggier, but for the most part it worked fine, so I ignored it. For the last couple of weeks it started losing signal and data constantly, with no change to the phone. I kind of just lived with it because I could usually restart my phone and I would regain signal, but as of a couple of days ago, it would just drop off and not come back until it wants to.
I had the day off to prepare for my trip, so I decided I would try to go back to stock; there's almost nothing that I do that requires a custom ROM and I had no data issues on stock, nor does my wife on her Note. I looked around for a bit for instructions to restore my phone, and found some, but out of the handful of pages I went to, each one had at least one link that was dead, rendering the method useless, to me, a layman, at least.
I then decided I would just find a Stock Rom, thinking that might be the next best thing. I found Clean Rom on here and decided to try to flash that. I made a backup of my system, wiped everything, and then flashed it. Except something is wrong with the zip and keeps giving me an error message. I then tried to restore my back up that I had just made to try something else, but something happened to that, and it also wouldn't open. I tried the backup before then (quite old, as I haven't done any tinkering with my phone for quite some time) and it worked, but it tells me that my sim card is disconnected, so I have no data or signal. As it is an old restore, I'm not sure what the name of the ROM is, but I can provide all of the information needed, if someone needs that to figure it out.
Anyway, long story slightly shorter: I need to fix this today, and like as soon as possible. I will give ten dollars, count them TEN DOLLARS, to the first person who can provide a set of working links and very straightforward instructions as to how to get back to stock (or if there is a good working ROM that will give me FULL functionality with no flares that would be easier to do. Easy and fast are the key components to this request). I'm not dumb, but I am no longer immersed in the lingo of this community, as it has been a few phones back that I really cared about actually experimenting much with my phone, so non-technical language would be nice. I know what flashing and wiping means. Most of the rest, probably assume I don't.
Your best (easiest) option is probably to flash another stock ROM, or stock-ish ROM. There are quite a few options in the Android Development section. There are a couple of stock rooted at&t ROMs in the first couple pages, also a stock rooted Telstra ROM.
You didn't mention which carrier you're with, whether your phone is branded, or any of your important details, like your firmware/hboot details and whether you're s-on or not. If you wanted to go back to completely stock, I'd need to know those details. Going completely stock can/will be a longer process though.
Sent from my Evita
Okay, I'll try another one. I'm not sure why Clean Rom didn't work, but if another one or two don't work I'll come back here and I'll have you talk me through getting back to stock and I'll throw you a digital Hamilton.
Well, I tried another couple of ROMs. They installed correctly, but it says that I have no sim card, so I still have no signal. Maybe I some how deleted my radio when I did a system wipe while trying to install one of the ROMs? I'm not sure.
Anyway, for "more details" I'm on AT&T, I'm not sure what you mean by branded, but it's the HTC One X, the current ROM is 4.1.1. I haven't done S-On/S-Off, or anything like that other than unlocking the bootloader a long time ago. The kernel version says 304010-g240d4d5, the baseban version is The Build number is 3.17.707.1 CL134054 release-keys.
I'm not sure which of that information is relevant or not, but that's everything I can tell you.
Never mind that last post. When I said in the first post that I'm not dumb, apparently I lied. My phone fell off a table this morning, and I guess it knocked the sim card loose, but it coincided with doing the factory reset stuff, so I thought they were connected. I pushed it back in, restarted, and now the stock ROM I'm using works great.
Well, it turned out to be an easy solution (Occam's Razor FTW yet again).
But this thread made me think . . . why the heck does it seem so many people lately flash ROMs without doing a nandroid first? Its a no brainer to me. If you are trying new ROMs, and not sure how they will perform, why would you not give yourself an easy way to simply revert to your last known good config?
I couldn't agree more, but there's plenty of not-so-smart practices on here, so I'm not at all surprised.
Sent from my Evita
Yea. Nandroid ftw
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

My SK4G Story

Hi all,
I finally decided to add a custom rom to my SK4G. I had retired it for a year or so, not from getting a new phone, but rather my youngest child dropped it in a mud puddle. I had put it in rice and all that good stuff. I was able to get it to turn back on, but it has very very very low battery. So I put it on the charger, and it would briefly show the charging symbol and disappear. So I had assumed that it was totally shot, And while I was disappointed, because I love this phone, it still was not surprising. I mean it was in a mud puddle right. LoL
Well about 2 weeks ago I got bored, and figured what the smudge, I will ticker with it. I figured, I couldnt do any worse to it than what was already done. So I once again tried to see if it would charge. Tried by wall charger, by car charger, and by USB charging. But alas once again nothing. Well my husband also has a SK4G. So I ganked his battery for a little bit, and lo and behold, it worked. Turned on flawlessly, and not one issue in the operating system at all. Well at least as flawlessly as a stock SK4g could get. lol
So I was thinking maybe the charger slot had shorted out for whatever, from it being in the mud puddle. I put the battery from my SK4G in my husbands phone and agin tried all 3 charging methinds, and still nothing. So I pluged my phone in with his battery and it went to charing just fine. Okay so, new battery. Not that bad, but I dont order anything over the net. I hate waiting, I live in a big enough city, I figured I could go to one of the electronic stores and get one.
So I tried 5 different places, no one had a replacement for it, but once gain I was impatient and didnt want to wait. Did some googling and found out Batteries plus carries a replacement for it. Wasnt thrilled by the fact that they charge 2 to 3 times more for it that other places. But whatever, if it got my phone running again, okay. I had my oldest son pick me up one on his way home from work. Gave him the stock battery numbers and all that. He brings it home, and I go to put it in and..................It is not even close to being a compatible replacement for the samsung battery. Went back down there and returned it. Told the sales clerk that their website was completely wrong. Upon looking through their wall of replacement cell batteries, I did find another battery that was a perfect match. Only to have the "Battery Expert" argue with me about it being the right one. Finally got him to stop running his mouth and bought the battery.
I had just recently ended my contract with t-mobile, and wanted to take my SK4G with me to a new carrier. Well in order to do that, I needed to unlock the network. So it was research time. Googled and found XDA. Which from then on has ben invaluable to the process. Found Sidekick 4G Unlocking *Follow Directions Closely written by troby86 and SuperOneClick - Root/Unroot Your Samsung Sidekick 4G by Ayoteddy .Had a few problems with SOC. It kept freezing at step 7. Took me a few to find the reason why ( answer is in the forums here, just took some digging and reading to find. The culprit was the "Exploit setting needed to be set to "psneuter". Changed that and finshed rooting with out any more problems on that part.
Next had to unlock the network, following the above mentioned thread. Tried it 2 or 3 times to no avail. Then it dawned on me that I hadnt rebooted after I got it rooted. So rebooted and tried the terminal part of it again. And Bingo! It took the commands or whatever you would like to call them. SK4G was now unlocked. Yay!
SInce I had already been in the forum looking at the unlock and root guides. I decided why not go ahead and put a custom rom on it too. I loved my SK I just loathed the software on it. Constantly freezing while surfing the net or trying to use facebook. I spent a bunch of time browsing the forums, reading the comments on all the roms and trying to decide which rom I wanted to use. I had orginally choose CM6-Merged.
So read the thread on it, and even watched a youtube video by sinesolder. The next task was to chase down all the files I needed to install that, plus the CWM stuff too. I flashed CWM using the app "Root Manager" in the play store. Next was to swap out the "recovery" file. Took a few mins to find it, but did. Placed it in the root of the SDcard along with the update zip. Downloaded Astro file manager from the play store. Went to bottem of list and copied the recovery file, then pasted in system/bin folder. Rebooted, clicked reinstall packages on the stock (blue) recovery screen. But it was a no go. it would not give me the orange CWM. It just ket saying E :file invalid, or some such rubbish. So back to combing the forums again. Had stumbled upon a post some where here, that said something about MNT/SDcard. And sure enough, I copied the recovery file from the MNT/SDcard directory, then pasted in the system/bin. Reboot again, reinstall packages and BAM Orange CWM! But before I flashed my first rom, i wanted to get the red CWM/voodoo recovery. That way I didnt have to worry about mounts while flashing. After much reading again in the forum, I found that the red CWM was already included with the Bali Kernal. Reboot again, then install from SDcard, choose Bali Kernal and installed. Woo Hoo red CWM was up and going. phew.... lol or so I thought. Plugged phone in and put CM6 - Merged on the SD. Back to recovery, wipe factory, wipe cache, wipe dalvik. Then install from SDcard again, chose CM-6 Merged.
This is where I had a bit of a panic. As I was not paying atternion the what Kernal or Baseband the rom was made to run with. So that ended up soft-bricking my phone. But yet again, XDA to the rescue. Searched it out and found the "ODIN to stock" thread. Just had to track down the right TAR and PIT files. I was orginally on KJ2 stock before I did anything, but I could only find the KD1 TAR. No biggie tho, just used the ODIN to stock method and I was back in business again.
Since I am far from having any real knowledge about roms and their internal workings and what-nots. I went about just trying to find roms that would run off of the Bali Kernal and the KD1 baseband. I did find working links to a few of them, not exactly sure how many, but I had serval choices. I went with GingerClone v.2.
Back to reboot, wipe factory, wipe cache, wipe dalvik. Install from SDcard, chose GingerClone and installed. Booted up and everyhting was all hunky dory again. Ran that rom for a few days. And yes it was a really nice rom, and it was faster than stock. It just was quicte what I was looking for.
Back to looking for ROM files, seeing which links were still good and trying to figure out which one I thought would work best for me. Tried TouchMIUIwiz v3, and again very good rom, but still not quite right. Decided to spend a whole day just comparing roms that would work with Bali and KD1. There are only a few roms that are made with KD1. So I wanted to go back to KJ2. I was thinking the only way I could do that was if I wiped again and the hooked up to Kios (or whatever it is called), But no, I found a working like to a KJ2 file. After another set of wiping in recovery, then Flashed the KJ2, then Flashed Nexus CM. Been messing with in for fwe days, and have to say I really really like this one. It has been smooth as glass and quick as a rabbit. I am thinking as long as I dont run into any major problems or bugs with it, this wil be my daily driver.
But I do have a question, since most of you have been here for awhile, and have been able to try out alot of these roms when they were new. Whick rom, in your own opinion, would make web surfing fast and smooth, and also works awesome with facebook? have already rooted and unlocked my husbands SK4G, but he surfs the web and does his facebooking from his SK, and it loves to freeze up and lag out when using both of those things.
Now that I am at the bottom with this, very sorry if my post seemed to long or anything else. Thanks in advance!
That's quite the story there. Crazy to believe it still works.
As for the ROM question, really all of the ROMS for SK4G are outdated. Due to software available. The only ROMS that I would say are up to snuff now are the neXus GB and JB ROMS by RicAndroid. They are chock full of tweaks and scripts. But keep in mind, you're not going to be on the actual newer Android versions. So it may run better, and it may be faster, but only so much.
Hope this helps
Zydrate_blue said:
That's quite the story there. Crazy to believe it still works.
As for the ROM question, really all of the ROMS for SK4G are outdated. Due to software available. The only ROMS that I would say are up to snuff now are the neXus GB and JB ROMS by RicAndroid. They are chock full of tweaks and scripts. But keep in mind, you're not going to be on the actual newer Android versions. So it may run better, and it may be faster, but only so much.
Hope this helps
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I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be just a battery issue.
Thanks for the answer on the roms. I realized that these are older roms now, and its not the most crrrent version of android and all that, and I am totally fine with it. I am just looking for something that is better, smoother and faster than the stock stuff on the phone, for my husband. He still uses his SK4G as well. In fact I dont think I could get him to upgrade to a new smartphone phone/ android device anyways. So I was just looking for something to stop his constant frezzing issue while he is web surfing and things like that. You were very helpful tho, so thanks a bunch.
I agree with Zydrate_Blue; the Nexus JB ROM is about as good as it gets with this phone.
Thanks guys! I will have to d/l and flash it.
CupCakeBombardme said:
Thanks guys! I will have to d/l and flash it.
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For a smoother internet interface. Get yourself NakedBrowser. They've got a free version that works just lovely. I haven't tried the paid version myself, but if may very well be worth it for someone who uses it a lot!

My device was destroyed by something that I flashed here on the threads.

I can't say when it happed. Evidently, it has been on my phone for a long time. I can remember seeing some of this funny crap months ago when I first rooted my phone. One of the mods here has a surfaceflinger hack that will take over your entire system. Your accounts will get hacked. First it was my Google drive. There was a zip file in there that I did not place. It said it was a Metro PCS Note5 zip. It was shared to my drive by someone else, and I could not remove it. So any time I did a factory reset and logged into my Google account, it would be loaded onto my phone. I finally got that cleaned up, but they had moved to my OneDrive storage with the same thing under a different file name. This hack is so smooth, that your phone won't even hesitate. It is disguised as Android OS, but if you check the battery stats, it says surfaceflinger. It is located in your data partition. It is a add on script, and it will eventually infect about 20 more apps with add on scripts. It will load up tons of /data/data along with a recovery from boot script, and..... I just discovered a little too late that there is a script that will destroy your device if you remove it the wrong way. I think the name of it is sec_device_destroy but I can't be sure. I saw the code in a system log file, but I do not know what it is yet. I am 100% positive that some of you have the same problem, you just don't know it. I'm gonna start taking apart every singe file in the development threads until I find it. As for now.... My device is stuck in a infinite bootloop. It won't recover from ODIN, and I have a new LED llight that is white. I can answer any questions and provide screenshots, and system logs if anyone wants to help uncover this beast. It is super legit. Best Android hack I've ever seen. It does every thing. Who is gonna help me locate this b.s? My Note 5 is useless now. Somebody here has it, I assure you, and when you discover it, you should ask for help. If you don't remove every bit of it, the device will not boot again. I'm gonna keep playing with mine, but I'm pretty sure it is toast. ( EDIT---> I was able to get to boot again by flashing TWRP and using the wipe option to repair each partition. I had to change them to exFAT then back to EXT4 to get them to mount.)
Sounds like my boot loop of death. Where everything was Odin flashed and still wouldnt load. Quick question when you were on Odin did you select the band erase all option? And do you still have acesss to recovery? Was all this weird stuff going on when you firmware was load? Did anything strange happen while in recovery? And why didn't u send it back to sprint)
---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------
If I was in your shoes I would select the band erase all and repartition option. Re download stock firmware from sammobile, go back to Odin to root and add twrp, select the erase button again to flash moar ROM and see what happens. If it's a hack like u said then I'd use my insurance
The potential for having your personal security and financial disaster that something like this could cause is why i stopped rooting.
Rumning other none store apps is like letting a guy you dont know come over and say "hey, i have these cool mods i can do to your car's brakes! I take out a few parts, replace others with parts I made in my garage, and load my own software into your anti-lock brake system".
Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
You can't blame no one if your phone gets fried or blown up, you take the risk at your own discretion . No one force you to flash anything. To avoid any problems don't flash anything your not sure what's going to happen. If i see someone post a s7 edge port, I'm not gonna flash it until i get some good feedback or take one for the team and hope it don't destroy my phone. Goodluck fixing your phone don't seem like it's too hard to fix depending your experience . I would help but it's too time consuming helping fix a phone i can't even see or test out.
Sent from my SM-N920P using XDA-Developers mobile app
I'm really sorry that this happened to you. But @bonebeatz1234 is right. There is a disclaimer at the beginning of every rom, feature add-on, theme, kernel, etc. The whole point of Q&A & replys are so you can find out if something is "okay" to flash. There are so many known developers that have built stuff for so many devices. Its rare to find something on XDA that is "unsafe." I can't even remember ever finding anything that is "unsafe" or nearly as bad as you are describing. Especially for the Sprint Note 5. I'm assuming you have a SM-N920P do to the fact that you're posting it here. There have only been a few roms for this device & maybe a couple handfuls of add-ons. The one or two things I've seen that have caused problems with this device, they were removed with-in a few hours. You weren't very clear on where you got this hack at all. Are you saying it was something you downloaded from one of the Sprint Galaxy Note 5 threads? You are a Senior Member. So, I'm assuming you know what you are talking about. I believe that it is very possible you did get it from some place on here. But, in order for me to believe that, I have to also believe that it is just as possible that it could have came form anywhere else on the web via public WiFi connection, email, file download, text message, USB connection or at least 100 other ways. @DAvid_B made a point about the risk of rooting your device. Although the risk can go up for threats. The same rules apply for rooted device as they do for non-rooted devices. BE CAREFUL! Use software to protect yourself, read reviews, don't be the guinea pig. If you are like me & are addicted to putting yourself at some (if even the smallest) amount of risk, HAVE INSURANCE! Most if not all people have to agree that it's worth the $11 a months & $200 deductible to have as much fun as we all do. Its a hobby. People spend more money on model airplanes, playing golf & hunting. I haven't had to file a claim in over 6 years. I say all that to say this... Anyone that see's this thread & decides its too much of a risk to root, I promise you, IT ISN'T! The advantages out way the risk by about a 1000! The members of XDA are here to help with any issues you may have. There are VERY FEW things that are UNFIX-ABLE! And when I say "very few" I mean little to non! When I say little to non, I mean NONE! AT ALL! Even the problem he described IS FIXABLE! Like he stated, ask for help. @Sleepycloud, I pray you get this resolved. Even if you have to Odin back to stock & backup/wipe your Google Drive & OneDrive account, I know you can fix this. Please don't think that I meant any disrespect for posting this. I just want people to know this is extremely rare & only a one in a million chance it could happen.
Sleepycloud said:
I can't say when it happed. Evidently, it has been on my phone for a long time. I can remember seeing some of this funny crap months ago when I first rooted my phone. One of the mods here has a surfaceflinger hack that will take over your entire system. Your accounts will get hacked. First it was my Google drive. There was a zip file in there that I did not place. It said it was a Metro PCS Note5 zip. It was shared to my drive by someone else, and I could not remove it. So any time I did a factory reset and logged into my Google account, it would be loaded onto my phone. I finally got that cleaned up, but they had moved to my OneDrive storage with the same thing under a different file name. This hack is so smooth, that your phone won't even hesitate. It is disguised as Android OS, but if you check the battery stats, it says surfaceflinger. It is located in your data partition. It is a add on script, and it will eventually infect about 20 more apps with add on scripts. It will load up tons of /data/data along with a recovery from boot script, and..... I just discovered a little too late that there is a script that will destroy your device if you remove it the wrong way. I think the name of it is sec_device_destroy but I can't be sure. I saw the code in a system log file, but I do not know what it is yet. I am 100% positive that some of you have the same problem, you just don't know it. I'm gonna start taking apart every singe file in the development threads until I find it. As for now.... My device is stuck in a infinite bootloop. It won't recover from ODIN, and I have a new LED llight that is white. I can answer any questions and provide screenshots, and system logs if anyone wants to help uncover this beast. It is super legit. Best Android hack I've ever seen. It does every thing. Who is gonna help me locate this b.s? My Note 5 is useless now. Somebody here has it, I assure you, and when you discover it, you should ask for help. If you don't remove every bit of it, the device will not boot again. I'm gonna keep playing with mine, but I'm pretty sure it is toast.
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If you are willing to send me the phone, I could probably fix it for you and send it back. I know it's hard to trust people these days so it's totally up to you.
bonebeatz1234 said:
You can't blame no one if your phone gets fried or blown up, you take the risk at your own discretion . No one force you to flash anything. To avoid any problems don't flash anything your not sure what's going to happen. If i see someone post a s7 edge port, I'm not gonna flash it until i get some good feedback or take one for the team and hope it don't destroy my phone. Goodluck fixing your phone don't seem like it's too hard to fix depending your experience . I would help but it's too time consuming helping fix a phone i can't even see or test out.
Sent from my SM-N920P using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I'm not mad. Lol Not at all. I am a true geek to the heart. This is fun stuff to me. You learn more when you are challenged beyond your current skillset. I'm just putting everybody up to the fact that there is something malicious here in the threads. I have a strong feeling of where it came from. I already to apart the "Stock" .tar and found 3 extra files in it. A param.bin file, a carrier .img and a PIT file. I am one hundred percent sure that when I take that PIT file apart later that I will be able to confirm my suspicions. According to the thread here by @tdunham in this thread; http://forum.xda-developers.com/spr...sprint-galaxy-note-5-sm-n920p-partition-There are 19 partitions. I believe that I have 24 or 25. I'll have to get back with y'all on this one. Can anybody confirm that this partition table is still viable for Marshmallow? I'll post screenshots in about an hour or two for everyone to examine. I would love some help on this. I have never removed partitions before and my knowledge on how to go about it is limited. I'm reading, but most of it is unrelated garbage. If anyone has a link that will help me educate myself and remove these partitions, I would be super thankful.
MrMike2182 said:
If you are willing to send me the phone, I could probably fix it for you and send it back. I know it's hard to trust people these days so it's totally up to you.
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That is pretty awesome of you bro. I am pretty sure I have correctly identified the problem. I have 4 or 5 extra partitions. This is why it keeps coming back, and that is why ODIN and Smart Swithc does not fix it. They are only going to see the 19 partitions they are supposed to see and they will not even look anywhere else. I bought a root partition app on Google Play for $9.99 and that is how I saw the extra partitions. This has been on my phone for a long time. A very long time. Like 6 months, but I never knew it. I can remember seeing about 5 USB folders that I could not open. They are labeled as external usb storage. I'll post screen shots later. So now that I know what the problem is, I see a bright side coming soon. lol
Sleepycloud said:
That is pretty awesome of you bro. I am pretty sure I have correctly identified the problem. I have 4 or 5 extra partitions. This is why it keeps coming back, and that is why ODIN and Smart Swithc does not fix it. They are only going to see the 19 partitions they are supposed to see and they will not even look anywhere else. I bought a root partition app on Google Play for $9.99 and that is how I saw the extra partitions. This has been on my phone for a long time. A very long time. Like 6 months, but I never knew it. I can remember seeing about 5 USB folders that I could not open. They are labeled as external usb storage. I'll post screen shots later. So now that I know what the problem is, I see a bright side coming soon. lol
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Some times when a Samsung device gets bricked you need whats called a PIT that can reflash the partitions. It's on here somewhere or I have one.
MrMike2182 said:
Some times when a Samsung device gets bricked you need whats called a PIT that can reflash the partitions. It's on here somewhere or I have one.
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I have one. It doesnt work because a PIT file will only reset the factory image partitions. When there are additional partitions, it does not touch them. I have one extended partition after boot. Everything gets rearranged under /sys/dev/block/8:0 have you ever heard of that? Me neither. Lol I need to disect this and remove the script after a fresh flash before the first boot. Something tells me that it would be easier to deal with then. Ill post some pics from my computer here in a bit. I dont have the option on my phone
Here are some pics of the new extended partition and the logical partitions within.
Sleepycloud said:
I have one. It doesnt work because a PIT file will only reset the factory image partitions. When there are additional partitions, it does not touch them. Inhave one extended partition after boot. Everything gets rearranged under /sys/dev/block/8:0 have you ever heard of that? Me neither. Lol I need to disect b this and remove the script after a fresh flash before the firsy boot. Something tells me that it would be easier to deal with then. Ill post some pics from my computer here in a bit. I dont have the option on my phone
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I've seen some pretty crazy partition set ups the HTC Desire for instance has over 20 partitions and all of them have close to 200MB of free space on them that you can't even use! Talk about a waste of space lol.. But /sys/dev/block/8:0?!?! The fuuu... What kind of partition is that?!
Damn, your phones using almost all the ram/memory that you have.. Are you running a lot of apps or something else that's memory intensive?
So now the million dollar question is..... What is it gonna take to remove this b.s. from my phone. Removing the folders does not work. They get reinstalled upon every boot. I need to find the script(s) and where they are hidden, and delete them, then remove the partitions form the logical folder. I am tempted to just wipe the logical partition it its entirety then create a whole new partition table based on my unrooted Note 5. However, I am going to wait until I get some solid feedback from one of y'all. Who has an idea of what I need to do here. Repartitioning with a PIT file does not work. IT does not touch these extra partitions. I think they are labeled, sdb, sdc, and sdd.
I'm just gonna go ahead and let the world know who the piece of crap is. Here... go take a look for yourself. Download the "stock" tar and extract it, then extract the .tar itself. You'll find the extra files there. It contains a param.bin file, a carrier.img, and a modified PIT file that will give you the crap on my phone. If I could be my hands on this dude, I would choke him until he was purple. This has been a major pain in my ass for over 3 months now. My accounts were hacked, all of them, files were deleted, and I had no privacy what so ever. Here... This is where it came from. http://forum.xda-developers.com/note5/general/project-noble-firmware-pit-file-galaxy-t3179529
Sleepycloud said:
So now the million dollar question is..... What is it gonna take to remove this b.s. from my phone. Removing the folders does not work. They get reinstalled upon every boot. I need to find the script(s) and where they are hidden, and delete them, then remove the partitions form the logical folder. I am tempted to just wipe the logical partition it its entirety then create a whole new partition table based on my unrooted Note 5. However, I am going to wait until I get some solid feedback from one of y'all. Who has an idea of what I need to do here. Repartitioning with a PIT file does not work. IT does not touch these extra partitions. I think they are labeled, sdb, sdc, and sdd.
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Deleting them is not going to work no matter which way you remove them they'll come right back after a reboot and the only way to stop that from happening is to flash a custom kernel/boot that's got write protection off. If you don't have that they just keep coming back no matter what.. All the apps are usually always in these 2 places /system/apps and /system/priv-apps
---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------
Sleepycloud said:
I'm just gonna go ahead and let the world know who the piece of crap is. Here... go take a look for yourself. Download the "stock" tar and extract it, then extract the .tar itself. You'll find the extra files there. It contains a param.bin file, a carrier.img, and a modified PIT file that will give you the crap on my phone. If I could be my hands on this dude, I would choke him until he was purple. This has been a major pain in my ass for over 3 months now. My accounts were hacked, all of them, files were deleted, and I had no privacy what so ever. Here... This is where it came from. http://forum.xda-developers.com/note5/general/project-noble-firmware-pit-file-galaxy-t3179529
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I'd report this to one of the moderators if I was you so they can check it out and remove it if it's harmful to people's devices I don't think xda would be happy hosting that type of ****!
MrMike2182 said:
Deleting them is not going to work no matter which way you remove them they'll come right back after a reboot and the only way to stop that from happening is to flash a custom kernel/boot that's got write protection off. If you don't have that they just keep coming back no matter what.. All the apps are usually always in these 2 places /system/apps and /system/priv-apps
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I hava already tried that. These are add on scripts. They work on any kernel. I have to delete the partions themselves but I'm not exactly sure which ones or how to do it without bricking my phone. I'm gonna move slow on this one until I am sure that II have the right solution. I'm certain it is the sda, sdb, sdc, and sdd partitions that need to be deleted. First I need to know if this partition table is still valid for Marshmallow. http://forum.xda-developers.com/note5/general/sprint-galaxy-note-5-sm-n920p-partition-t3190326 Once I know that, I can proceed. Is this PIT still the same in marshmallow?
Sleepycloud said:
I hava already tried that. These are add on scripts. They work on any kernel. I have to delete the partions themselves but I'm not exactly sure which ones or how to do it without bricking my phone. I'm gonna move slow on this one until I am sure that II have the right solution. I'm certain it is the sda, sdb, sdc, and sdd partitions that need to be deleted. First I need to know if this partition table is still valid for Marshmallow. http://forum.xda-developers.com/note5/general/sprint-galaxy-note-5-sm-n920p-partition-t3190326 Once I know that, I can proceed. Is this PIT still the same in marshmallow?
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Yeah that PIT is fine but if I were you I'd try to flash a different kernel because I had the same problems with apps returning after a reboot and the only way to stop that from happening again was to flash the custom kernel. That stopped them from coming back. <----This was on an HTC device so maybe Samsung is different?
This b.s. has my ADB disabled somehow. Even when I open the IOT Menu and switch from MTP to MTP+ADB it still does not work. It does work upon a fresh flash if I let the stock recovery update the system image then immediately go back into download mode before it boots up. After that, I have no ADB capabilities. Would that be a build.prop issue?
So was my advice useless oo?
djhulk2 said:
So was my advice useless oo?
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No. It was pretty good, but I already have a good Note 5. I'm trying to learn more about Android bro. I wanna fix this one, not replace it. Give me some more solid ideas!!! I'm open to suggestion. Thank you.

