First impressions and suggestions for making our phone better :) - HTC Sensation

Sorry if this is too broad a topic for one post, but I thought I'd just keep everything together. Here goes:
How do I update to the new google talk that allows voice chat?
Also, didn't I hear something about video on Skype on the sensation?
One rather big issue is that I would love to turn this phone sideways to type so its easier (nice and wide), but I would also love to see the last line or two in the chat box as well. The screen is plenty big to have the sideways keyboard on screen as well as the line youre typing on, and also the last line or two of chat. That way, you can just hold the phone sideways to chat. Specifically, I'd love to be able to do this in gtalk and skype, but obviously it has other implications as well.
My phone volume overall is too low, both on speaker and off.
I bought my Sensation just a few hours after the unlocked bootloader was released and I read that a few people had successfully used it. I'm now s-off and rooted Can't wait to see how great this phone gets in the near future
So far, the wifi and 3g have been awesome. The phone runs cool, even when using the screen/wifi a lot and taking videos and pictures. It's super snappy too. The light sensor for when you hold it to your ear seems to function wonderfully as well.

The only keyboard I know of that allows you to control hits height in both landscape and portrait is Smart Keyboard. Its also the best keyboard available in my opinion with a ton of cool skins. It has very accurate auto complete and tons of options. I love having the option to make my long presses for the number row activate in milliseconds rather than waiting a couple of seconds. Its also faster than the HTC keyboard. There's a trial in the market. Check it out.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App

thanks, i will check out the keyboard you suggested! any way we can have htc keyboard behave like this in the future through modding?

jrwingate6 said:
The only keyboard I know of that allows you to control hits height in both landscape and portrait is Smart Keyboard. Its also the best keyboard available in my opinion with a ton of cool skins. It has very accurate auto complete and tons of options. I love having the option to make my long presses for the number row activate in milliseconds rather than waiting a couple of seconds. Its also faster than the HTC keyboard. There's a trial in the market. Check it out.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
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wow what an awesome keyboard! i have it installed. the only issue seems to be that when in landscape mode after sending a message, the keyboard automatically closes itself. you have to tap the text input field again each time after you send a message if you want to send another one. i dont see a setting to change this. other than that, its perfect! exactly what i was looking for.

greves1 said:
Sorry if this is too broad a topic for one post, but I thought I'd just keep everything together. Here goes:
How do I update to the new google talk that allows voice chat?
Also, didn't I hear something about video on Skype on the sensation?
My phone volume overall is too low, both on speaker and off.
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1. Wait for the update
3. Headphones or Speakers?

try Ultra keyboard. You can adjust the height of keys, add arrows and a host of other goodies.


Fuze Questions

I'm an iPhone 2g user looking to upgrade. I had a Tilt that I had to return because of some soft-reset bug it had. I called HTC and they said it was hardware related, so I sent it back for the iPhone.
I love my iPhone. It does everything I need it to do very well. I love safari (although flash would be nice), I love the Music player, and I love the quickness of the interface. That being said, however, I'm a pharmacy student, and I need certain software for class and internships. The iPhone does have epocrates, but it's limited in what it can do...
I played with the Fuze today, but it couldn't connect to the network (The employee told me the manager messed something up???) I didn't get to try out some of the key features I wanted to.
Some questions I have:
1: Touchflow. when is started using the phone, touchflow was SLOOOW. I was able to pan my way over the the Photos tab, but once there, there was no more scrolling. I could tap icons to move to the next menu, but it was very very sluggish??? I found there were a couple of programs running in the background, and once I closed them out, it was responsive again. But, how many programs can be running before it is unusable???
2: Touch screen: The touch screen had some selective response at times. I noticed that when using the stylus, it sometimes didn't pick up my input. This was especially evident in the upper right portion of the screen (when I wanted to X out of programs). Is this a common issue, or is it something wrong with the device? Or is it just me not knowing how to use a stylus?!
3: Hardware question: I wasn't able to make, or even pretend to make a call because it couldn't connect to the network, and because it had the security wires on it. But, how usable is the volume rocker switch mid-call? are there issues using it because of the sliding keyboard? Also, is there a proximity sensor on the phone, to dim the screen in a call???
4: SMS/MMS: The 2nd main reason I'm considering the fuze over the iphone 3g is the MMS. Anybody have any pictures or description of how the Text messages are handled by the fuze? I'm not familiar with how windows mobile manages them!
5: Email: I'm no power email user, but I do read them on the road. How does WM6 handle emails???? I have a gmail account...
6: Opera: I've heard good things about the browser, but again, no network = no opera use. how is opera? Does it support flash?
7: Malware??? Are windows phones prone to malware???
8: One handed operation? I love how the iPhone is mostly 1 handed. I take the trolly to school daily, and sometimes i only have 1 hand free. does touchflow allow me to operate the phone completely 1 handed??? Can I type up a text message using the screen and no stylus???
9: Media player: Will I need to buy a new iPod to listen to my media? Or does the Fuze's onboard stuff allow me to play my music well enough???
10: FM radio? The Sony Xperia has an onboard FM radio program. Is this something the HTC can do as well???
I have more questions as well, but I'll start with this. Thanks for all your help!
gizzygone said:
1: Touchflow. when is started using the phone, touchflow was SLOOOW. I was able to pan my way over the the Photos tab, but once there, there was no more scrolling. I could tap icons to move to the next menu, but it was very very sluggish??? I found there were a couple of programs running in the background, and once I closed them out, it was responsive again. But, how many programs can be running before it is unusable???
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Need to flash a cooked ROM. All the ROMs I've tried so far has better response time for Touchflow and actually makes it usable. I would say this is just the stock ROM with all the bloated "stuff" making it unusable.
2: Touch screen: The touch screen had some selective response at times. I noticed that when using the stylus, it sometimes didn't pick up my input. This was especially evident in the upper right portion of the screen (when I wanted to X out of programs). Is this a common issue, or is it something wrong with the device? Or is it just me not knowing how to use a stylus?!
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Same as above. Mine is very responsive.
3: Hardware question: I wasn't able to make, or even pretend to make a call because it couldn't connect to the network, and because it had the security wires on it. But, how usable is the volume rocker switch mid-call? are there issues using it because of the sliding keyboard? Also, is there a proximity sensor on the phone, to dim the screen in a call???
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The screen can be dimmed while in a call or you can disable it. The volume keys at the side works well... don't use them much.
4: SMS/MMS: The 2nd main reason I'm considering the fuze over the iphone 3g is the MMS. Anybody have any pictures or description of how the Text messages are handled by the fuze? I'm not familiar with how windows mobile manages them!
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Not sure about this. I just use SMS, no MMS, although I have tested it and it works fine.
5: Email: I'm no power email user, but I do read them on the road. How does WM6 handle emails???? I have a gmail account...
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It has several ways of configuring emails. I am checking my emails via IMAP, including GMAIL and it works fine. I have 3 email accounts I check via IMAP and I have no issues with it.
6: Opera: I've heard good things about the browser, but again, no network = no opera use. how is opera? Does it support flash?
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Works fine and does support flash.
7: Malware??? Are windows phones prone to malware???
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Never ran into this or thought of looking.
8: One handed operation? I love how the iPhone is mostly 1 handed. I take the trolly to school daily, and sometimes i only have 1 hand free. does touchflow allow me to operate the phone completely 1 handed??? Can I type up a text message using the screen and no stylus???
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You can use it 1 handed but not sure coming from the iPhone how it would compare.
The best thing I can recommend to you is to order the Fuze and test it out. You have 30 days to return it. If you don't like it and it doesn't meet your requirements then no need to keep it. I don't have any experience with the iPhone so I can't offer you any comparison. I had the Tilt before and liked it a lot. I had it to a point where it did everything I needed and VERY quickly. I also have the Fuze setup the same way and I'm happy with it.
Good luck.
9) Yes, handles media well. You can get 16GB memory card for about $30 to have as much storage as your old iPhone (and no need to mess with ITunes). The only gripe about media I have is that the unit doesn't have a 3.5 audio jack (though it comes with an adapter)
10) The stock FUZE rom doesn't have the radio app, but it's an easy .cab to find. The headphones have to be connected for radio to work, as it uses the headphones as an antenna've found a 16gb microsd for $30? If this is true, and you're not confusing it with regular SD, i'm sure myself and several others on the forum would love to know where!
Fuze Complaints?
I was curious as to what to expect before ordering my Fuze.
What kinds of issues / complaints are Fuze/Raphael users having???
(For example, on my Tilt, there was a soft-reset issue. On my iPhone 2g, there's a sub-par earpiece speaker, recessed headphone jack, no copy/paste/MMS, etc).
Questions for fuze owners
2 Questions:
1: Music: Is there a way to skip songs while the phone is in "standby mode" (or whatever the blacked out screen shows)? On my iPhone 2g, I can either use the headphone's mic as a button, or I can double click the main button, and guestimate where the Skip forward button would appear on the touchscreen. (Both tricky things to do when walking)...
2: Syncing: How many computers can you sync a windows mobile device with? My main computing machine is a Mac, which I love. However, I'm aware I may need to use a PC for syncing some things (like software). Can I have the phone sync to two machines? (The iPhone only likes one...)
I really have no complaints about the Fuze other than the stock at&t ROM. If you really wanna enjoy your phone, your gonna have to flash a cooked ROM; the AT&T one is just way to slow to use. Besides that the phone is great. You MAY have problems with the GPS, but if you do flash the .28 radio you should be fine.
Hope that helps
being able to control music while in standbye depends on whether you use third party software or not. i use conduits pocket player and it allows control via headset and avrcp while in standby.
you can sync the device with two comps at the same time so you should be fine
gizzygone said:
2 Questions:
1: Music: Is there a way to skip songs while the phone is in "standby mode" (or whatever the blacked out screen shows)? On my iPhone 2g, I can either use the headphone's mic as a button, or I can double click the main button, and guestimate where the Skip forward button would appear on the touchscreen. (Both tricky things to do when walking)...
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if i remember correctly u can still use the D-PAD when the phone is in standby to skip, FF, rewind and pause ur music
like right for skip, hold it for FF, left for backo and if u press it in it will pause
gizzygone said:
2: Syncing: How many computers can you sync a windows mobile device with? My main computing machine is a Mac, which I love. However, I'm aware I may need to use a PC for syncing some things (like software). Can I have the phone sync to two machines? (The iPhone only likes one...)
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i used to have an old desktop that i used as a media center with all my mp3s on there
so i used to sync everything on my laptop, contacts, calender... but on my desktop when i setup my device with active sync, i olny chose to sync music.
now on the fuze has an extra option, i believe you can connect the fuze to any pc or mac and have it show up as a mass storage device!!! like a flash drive, so u dont need any software (activesyc, iTunes) or any drivers to transfer files!!! (very office friendly)
the phone has some issues, but i think all of them have been addressed, including new 3d drivers!
look around here, this is why we have this website ( to solve problems)
mkalbouneh said:
the phone has some issues, but i think all of them have been addressed, including new 3d drivers!
look around here, this is why we have this website ( to solve problems)
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I realize it's to fix problems, and I'm aware all phones (or electronics for that matter) are prone to issues. I was kind of hoping, though, that people would chime in and make a list of the biggest known issues with the Fuze.
For example, I heard rumors that fresh out of the package, there's an issue with the speaker being too quiet.
mkalbouneh said:
if i remember correctly u can still use the D-PAD when the phone is in standby to skip, FF, rewind and pause ur music
like right for skip, hold it for FF, left for backo and if u press it in it will pause
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Can anybody confirm this???!!! In my eyes this would make the media app on the fuze more powerful than my iPhone.
I frequently skip through songs, but having the lack of buttons on the iPhone means I need to reach for my neck, to use the headphone button...take the phone out of my pocket (not good in the rain...).... or double click the home button in my pocket, and tap around on the screen until i discover the SKIP button...
Also, while you're confirming the D-pad, can you tell me if the volume toggle works to manage the music volume as well??? (For directly connected headphones (Wired) or bluetooth headphones (Wireless))
gizzygone said:
Can anybody confirm this???!!! In my eyes this would make the media app on the fuze more powerful than my iPhone.
I frequently skip through songs, but having the lack of buttons on the iPhone means I need to reach for my neck, to use the headphone button...take the phone out of my pocket (not good in the rain...).... or double click the home button in my pocket, and tap around on the screen until i discover the SKIP button...
Also, while you're confirming the D-pad, can you tell me if the volume toggle works to manage the music volume as well??? (For directly connected headphones (Wired) or bluetooth headphones (Wireless))
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1. For just using the phone, in Windows Media, in it's settings>buttons there is a toggle screen (I set it to hold left since I don't use previous) and I can use all the buttons after I toggle screen (Turns screen off).
2. For wired and wireless headsets, do the same as #1 or buy a headset that has music buttons and is an A2DP headset, those can change songs and volume and everything even when the pphone is in standby.
Syncing with multiple computers is no problem, but you can only sync mail/outlook with one computer. Had a WM device synched with with 3 machines before. Active sync will have different profiles/names to each computer you sync it with. Not sure what the limit is.
Syncing with exchange server is pretty awesome though. Too bad my companies security cert expired though... active sync doesn't like that. Need to have net admin get that updated cert
as for music I have an a2dp stereo bluetooth headset with controls and it works great, with the screen on or off. It does cause the youtube app to lag though, not sure why...
Well autocorrect/autocomplete seems to be broken but this is prolly rom related. Still looking for a way to nix out that xt9 junk... voice command also seems to be partially broken, but again rom/software related.
I miss having a tab button on the keyboard seems to be the only key/button that I really miss having, it was nice having a mail button but mail is easy enough to get to with TF3d. Left and right on the dpad seem to have a sweet spot.
Of course it is a fingerprint disaster, really wish that the back wasn't glossy it looks great when its clean.
All in all no major complaints.
gizzygone said:
I was curious as to what to expect before ordering my Fuze.
What kinds of issues / complaints are Fuze/Raphael users having???
(For example, on my Tilt, there was a soft-reset issue. On my iPhone 2g, there's a sub-par earpiece speaker, recessed headphone jack, no copy/paste/MMS, etc).
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I think the D-Pad or whatever you refer to the directional controls at the bottom of the Fuze only reliably work for up and down. Left seems to work better for me than right (probably because I'm right handed). But overall, using the D-Pad is irritating.
Trying to use the D-Pad around the middle button for playing games sucks.
Also, with some older apps, I'm running into a situation where if I switch from the old app (for example, PocketAtari) to the main screen TF3D or accidently hit the key that brings up the main screen, I can't switch back to pocketatari, and I can't really use the main screen either, it's like they switch back and forth and I can't really get either application to become the focus or active window.
Anyway, as usual, the stock ROM with the FUZE is meh. Best bet is to replace it with either the NATF ROM or romeos. I'm using romeos 1.40.1 right now, looking to flash to 1.50 when that stabilizes.
overall, I miss my tilt in a lot of ways. Even the gimmicky tilt feature is better to have than not to have. The bottom buttons on the front of the kaiser/tilt are way better in my opinion that those on the Fuze.
I don't understand what HTC was thinking. Change to a VGA screen and add a G-Sensor to the kaiser, and you've got a sweet device. Oh and use the newer MSM7200 series chip running at 528MHz and keep that FM radio feature turned on too... pretty sweet kaiser/tilt that would be. Keep it simple, stick to what worked...
To sum up:
D-Pad: crap. only good for up and down. not good for games.
MicroSD slot requires taking the back plate off to access. Not a huge deal, but I liked the kaiser's little cover at the bottom.
Fingerprints- yeah. get a screenprotector for sure. even with a protector, fingerprints all over the device (not just screen).
It slides the other way (for those of you with 8525s I guess it slides the "right" way?) Personally I like the kaiser slide direction and am used to it.
the cool:
it's faster than the kaiser. seems noticably faster than the kaiser when compared side by side. (both using custom roms)
video with you-tube pretty cool, smooth.
G-sensor is sorta neat, not always that responsive, but the Teeter game is great in my opinion. lotta people find it really addicting for awhile.
hTorch is awesome. the LED light on the FUZE/Touch Pro is really actually very useful with that hTorch app.
battery life is meh. Kaiser seemed better and seemed like it has a bigger battery, the battery on the fuze is freaking tiny.
True VGA screen is probably the main reason I went with the fuze... it's better than QVGA.
Hope that helps.
At least you know what you are getting into. It's the next step in the evoluton of HTC/Windows Mobile devices.
When I turn the screen off on my Pro it shuts the music off for some reason!? Any clues how to change this?
As an aside question: If you reflash to somebody else's rom, Is it possible to go back to the factory rom easily???
I'm just a little wary about modifying something to that extent! I don't have the $$$ to replace it if I brick it!
Off the bat, plan on running HardSPL and getting a new ROM. I'd suggest going with the one in my sig. If you start from scratch, you will like the phone a lot more. It is stable and awesome without TouchBlo. It SUCKS with TouchBlo.
Other than that, it's a fingerprint magnet. You can revert to factory SPL and ROM easily.
The Fuze's D-Pad sucks. If you liked to play emulators on your Tilt, you might as well get the Fuse on a second line and keep it around as a Game Boy, or get used to watching movies on your phone instead.
This thread has some good, honest feeback:
Fundamental flaw - TF3D couldn't mask WM's 'touch unfriendliness' heh... WM just depends on the stylus too much to get the job done, in it's current iteration.

(REQ) Two finger roatate

How hard would it be to make a app that runs in the back round that works like the new ipod's touch screen rotation feature,
For those who don't known you place a finger and thumb at opposite ends in the corners so top left, bottom right, and twist right or left, and the screen rotates that direction in which you twist, i and im sure others will find this great to have, i normally have screen rotation off, but sometimes need it for messaging and internet etc.
as you can see in this little apple video here.
Depends on the phone hardware...
But, in my opinion a useless feature. But then again a normally use the double tap to zoom on the browser.
Im not on about zooming, im on about rotating the screen, with out having to go back and turn it on and off from the home screen lol.
evilkorn said:
Depends on the phone hardware...
But, in my opinion a useless feature. But then again a normally use the double tap to zoom on the browser.
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Did you even bother to read the OP or even the the thread's topic? He's talking about screen rotation not zooming.
I love how people declare ideas and apps as "useless" just because *they* wouldn't use it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I'd like this feature too. I dont like switching rotation on and off, but i sometimes need too. Having it off, and use fingers to rotate would be a good solution.
Trouble in programming this is prolly that it is hard to not let it collide with other apps. (what if another app uses this multi-touch-gesture?) whitelisting apps is an option at this point in time, cause i dont know of very much apps that use this gesture, but they could become more popular with all the new multitouch devices out there
nolageek said:
Did you even bother to read the OP or even the the thread's topic? He's talking about screen rotation not zooming.
I love how people declare ideas and apps as "useless" just because *they* wouldn't use it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Maybe you misunderstood what he meant. The way I understand it, he only mentioned the zooming with double-tap to signal that he doesn't even use multi-touch to zoom within the browser; henceforth, he finds the idea of multi-touch rotation useless.
And to be totally honest, I find it useless too. The only reason the ipod nano has multi-touch rotation, that I can guess, is because they couldn't fit an accelerometer in such a small space and refused to change the dimensions. Either that, or just something else to cut their costs and make more of a profit.
Id love to see something like this. I too keep auto rotation off, but being able to rotate with a simple gesture would be awesome!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I would also like this very much.
overthinkingme said:
I would also like this very much.
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Me too ....
nolageek said:
Did you even bother to read the OP or even the the thread's topic? He's talking about screen rotation not zooming.
I love how people declare ideas and apps as "useless" just because *they* wouldn't use it.
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Did YOU even read my post?! I said why it might not work, then proceeded to post MY OPINION!
I could have said it worse like: Don't be lazy and leave it on and rotate the damn phone with your hand.
That ipod touch probably just does rotate by touch because it doesn't have an accelerometer to know when you've physically rotated the device.
Now a way of disabling accelerometer auto rotation would be nice for when I want to do something like read an eBook while laying on my side.
Actually, the iPod Touch DOES have an accelerometer, as does the new nano. The new nano uses its accelerometer to detect when you shake it for "shuffle on shake." WHy they couldn't use it to detect orientation of the iPod, I have no clue. But the iPod touch DOES do auto-rotate. I know this b/c my 1st gen touch does this for many of its apps (which I hardly use.... it's a glorified mac and apple tv remote now).
I think this could be a useful app. I don't like certain apps to rotate and as such turn auto-rotate on and off, but with auto-rotate off I sometimes wish I COULD rotate the screen in certain instances. Something like this would be pretty nice. It'd have to be light on the cpu though and not collide with other gestures (the only gesture I have seen on my Droid X that are multi-touch is the pinch-zoom.... all the other gestures are single touch ones) that are multi-touch.
I'd say go for developing this app. I'd be pretty cool PLUS you'd learn alot about how android handles gestures and such.
I would really like such a feature, iam actually working on an app/widget that turns the screen manually, because just sometimes you need it landscape but dont want to activate the auto-orientation...
I am with this idea 100%. I find the auto-rotate waaaay too sensitive & it rotates constantly when I don't want it to. So I turned mine off. But there are rare occasions when you want to rotate (like looking at pictures) and I have to go into a widget to turn it on & turn it back off after.
A manual rotate would be nice.
PS - A sensitivity thing for rotation would be nice too - ie, only rotate when you're 85 degrees + sideways instead of rotating with like a 15 degree tilt.
Mine will auto rotate at times (my g1 and iPod touch do this too btw) when I pull minor G's while driving (like hairpin u-turns or simply having fun in the curves ). Then again, these maneuvers are ones that can't be pulled in your generic automatic or road boat.
Wrx's & STi's: fooling accelerometers daily
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
add my name to the list of people that would love to see this!
Hmm.. Would be a fun project to start learning android programming...
Now if only I had some time to spare...
This feature would be very useful, why?
- Auto-rotate : since it's called "auto", that means you can not control your screen with rotation. I usually lie on the bed and use the phone for reading, web browsing and I really don't want my screen from keeping rotating. You would say I should distable the auto-rotation, right? But I don't wanna keep doing that.
A manual gesture would be really nice and very USEFUL!
I think the sensitivity option would really be the best. Not saying I wouldn't use the finger way but I think the "auto" rotation should just work better.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
My problems are that it is to slow and that when i am lying on my side surfing it auto rotates.
I am actually trying to find a way to switch it manually but all ways i try wont work

Rotating to Landscape for Incoming Call & Dialler

Hi everyone,
I'm really new to this so go easy! Also, I'm sorry if this type of question has been posted already. I have looked around and can't find anything that fits the topic.
I'm using the HTC Desire HD and use this a lot for navigation whilst driving. I use the navigation app in landscape mode and my in car holder is landscape. I have recently posted on here to get my Spotify to work in landscape as well so it is really easy to use in the dock.
However, I receive phone calls and the incoming call screen then flips to portrait. This means I have to tilt my head to the side to view the call! This is also a problem whilst using the dialler.
I use Launcher Pro and the home screen rotates to landscape so I thought the dialler and incoming call screen would do the same. Seems not.
I have seen apps where the dialler uses landscape modes, this solves a part of the issue. I am really wanting to be able to set the phone up so everything is landscape when tilted this way. I want the dialler and incoming call screen to do the same as the rest of my phone does when tilted in this direction.
Any help would be much appreciated, I am willing to learn and look into the coding if this is what is required.
I search the same solution for it. I have a dockstation in landscape and i search how rotate the screen when I receive a incoming call.
Thanks ^^
I had the landscape call working for me in my Desire HD with Android Revolution ROM, but somehow i lost this function and i can't figure out how to get it back to work. It was very handy to use when driving, and has also the option on a button to has someone else to the cal.
Hope we find the solution soon !!

[Q] Any way to keep brightness down in camera?

Right, I've got a black One S with android 4.0.3 and sense 4, all like new (as it is). I don't fancy rooting it and don't really want to change from the HTC Rom, but the backlight in the camera annoys me. On the touch pro2 with the HTC stuff, I'm certain there was an option in settings to keep the screen backlight down when in the camera. On the Trophy that followed, I couldn't control it, because, let's face it, you can't control much in WP7. however, switching to the one S and android, I expected being able to keep the backlight down.
Why is this frustrating me? I don't like.being blinded by the viewfinder, and I don't want to kill the battery any more than I have to. So, is there a way to keep the phone's backlight down while in the HTC camera app?
Okay, now I know everyone has ignored this thread but I think I've discovered a way. So here's the setup:
System brightness set to lowest
A 4 digit screen-lock password
So I have the passcode set on the 15 minute max timeout, so, the phone locked itself, and I dragged the camera icon on the lockscreen into the ring. Naturally, despite being locked, it still allows use of the camera. Now, it may just be my eyes, but I'm certain I noticed a distance difference in brightness. That is, the screen seemed a lot dimmer when the camera app was being accessed from behind the lock rather than unlocked.
I think the brightness is ok lol
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
AMOLED displays as the one in One S doesnt have backlights. But there is a mod that lowers the values when using auto brightness since the defaults are a bit high, not especially made for in-camera though. Check for it in Tweak Machine thread in apps and themes forums.
k1llacanon said:
I think the brightness is ok lol
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
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I guess most people aren't that fussed about the brightness, but the battery did seem to last a lot longer when recording 1080p video with the lower brightness.
frdd said:
AMOLED displays as the one in One S doesnt have backlights. But there is a mod that lowers the values when using auto brightness since the defaults are a bit high, not especially made for in-camera though. Check for it in Tweak Machine thread in apps and themes forums.
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Does that require root access? From what I can see it does, and I guess that too would be helpful for the majority, but my phone isn't rooted. Mainly because I like the HTC Sense camera interface so much
Yeah you must flash it from custom recovery so at least unlocked boot loader required. Why not try a sense based ROM? They all keep the awesome HTC camera and its snappiness
Unfortunately with the One S update I finally received last night bringing it up from Android 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 and Sense 4.1, HTC have now removed the incredibly helpful 'bug' of the brightness staying down in the camera if it is launched from the lockscreen with a password set. Thanks a lot HTC, you excell yourselves with stupidity once again.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
Bump. Recording lectures is impossible due to HTC's stupidity. The 100% screen brightness not only kills the battery before lecture ends, but it's extremely distracting for people behind me (especially if room is dark during powerpoint presentations).
This has to be turned down. Ideally, once set up, the phone should be able to record video with the screen OFF. Or at least with brightness on min. Surely there's a mod or a hack for this?
curiousGeorge said:
Bump. Recording lectures is impossible due to HTC's stupidity. The 100% screen brightness not only kills the battery before lecture ends, but it's extremely distracting for people behind me (especially if room is dark during powerpoint presentations).
This has to be turned down. Ideally, once set up, the phone should be able to record video with the screen OFF. Or at least with brightness on min. Surely there's a mod or a hack for this?
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Firstly, I'm glad that I'm not alone in this. As you said, it is extremely frustrating as not only is the bright screen distracting for others and makes you look foolish, the battery hardly lasts any time at all. I contacted HTC to see if they could add a brightness slider, their customer support rep said the technical team would get in touch with me - they haven't.
However, on the positive side, I have found two apps which don't allow you to record with lower brightness, they up the ante to your other suggestion, having the screen off. I'd always assumed that cameras on phones couldn't work with the screen off because I thought the phone went into proper sleep. Turns out that the camera can stay active. There are many poor apps on Play, but I found two which offer free (very limited functionality, but allows you to check that the app works with your phone) versions and rather expensive pro versions. I tried both the free versions and liked the second one I tried so much that I bought it.
The first one I found was (I don't know why they assume people are using their cameras solely for nefarious purposes - some of us do have legitimate reasons and battery life concerns) 'Hidden Camera Spy Camera', Play link (Lite version link is in their description). This one worked ok, but took a while to configure and doesn't have the nicest interface. So I continued hunting and came across an even better app:
Secret Video Recorder Pro (Lite version listed at the side in the More by this Developer panel): This app is even more elegant. I tried the lite version and found that it worked well, so I then decided to buy the full version (apparently it's currently 50% off, but still pretty expensive - well worth it though). After going through the settings, I set it to use the rear camera and force HD recording. I then tapped the icon on the homescreen, it notified me and then just ran in the notification area. I then turned the screen off, whirled the phone around my room, turned the phone back on and tapped on the notification to stop it. I then checked the video and to my amazement, it had worked! (on an unrooted, still carrier locked, black One S running the latest official updated OS (Android 4.0.4 and Sense 4.1))
When I dragged the app into the fixed Sense homescreen dock, originally it displayed nothing, even after rebooting the phone. However, after Sense crashed and showed me a message saying Sense had crashed, it even worked from the lockscreen. If you have the 'Show icon' enabled in the SVR Preferences, you can then tell from the lockscreen that it is actually recording as you can see the icon in the notification bar.
I'm sorry for rambling on and on, but I think SVR just got into my top 5 apps of all time list as it is unbelievably flawless (apart from the price )
biggles1000 said:
Firstly, I'm glad that I'm not alone in this. As you said, it is extremely frustrating as not only is the bright screen distracting for others and makes you look foolish, the battery hardly lasts any time at all. I contacted HTC to see if they could add a brightness slider, their customer support rep said the technical team would get in touch with me - they haven't.
However, on the positive side, I have found two apps which don't allow you to record with lower brightness, they up the ante to your other suggestion, having the screen off. I'd always assumed that cameras on phones couldn't work with the screen off because I thought the phone went into proper sleep. Turns out that the camera can stay active. There are many poor apps on Play, but I found two which offer free (very limited functionality, but allows you to check that the app works with your phone) versions and rather expensive pro versions. I tried both the free versions and liked the second one I tried so much that I bought it.
The first one I found was (I don't know why they assume people are using their cameras solely for nefarious purposes - some of us do have legitimate reasons and battery life concerns) 'Hidden Camera Spy Camera', Play link (Lite version link is in their description). This one worked ok, but took a while to configure and doesn't have the nicest interface. So I continued hunting and came across an even better app:
Secret Video Recorder Pro (Lite version listed at the side in the More by this Developer panel): This app is even more elegant. I tried the lite version and found that it worked well, so I then decided to buy the full version (apparently it's currently 50% off, but still pretty expensive - well worth it though). After going through the settings, I set it to use the rear camera and force HD recording. I then tapped the icon on the homescreen, it notified me and then just ran in the notification area. I then turned the screen off, whirled the phone around my room, turned the phone back on and tapped on the notification to stop it. I then checked the video and to my amazement, it had worked! (on an unrooted, still carrier locked, black One S running the latest official updated OS (Android 4.0.4 and Sense 4.1))
When I dragged the app into the fixed Sense homescreen dock, originally it displayed nothing, even after rebooting the phone. However, after Sense crashed and showed me a message saying Sense had crashed, it even worked from the lockscreen. If you have the 'Show icon' enabled in the SVR Preferences, you can then tell from the lockscreen that it is actually recording as you can see the icon in the notification bar.
I'm sorry for rambling on and on, but I think SVR just got into my top 5 apps of all time list as it is unbelievably flawless (apart from the price )
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Doesn't using SVR defeat your original purpose? It's not using the Sense camera, it's using it's own implementation? At that rate, any aftermarket camera should work and allow you to use default screen brightness.
el_smurfo said:
Doesn't using SVR defeat your original purpose? It's not using the Sense camera, it's using it's own implementation? At that rate, any aftermarket camera should work and allow you to use default screen brightness.
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Unfortunately, yes, it does. SVR is sort of a compromise for me at the moment as I can save battery life but I do miss out on all the Sense camera features. It would be great if HTC do actually listen to my request and implement it, given how simple a request it is, but they appear to be constantly so far ahead with all their development process that I doubt they'd include it in the the Android 4.1 release scheduled for this month
SVR is on one end of the scale of what I'd like to do with the camera (save the battery) and the Sense camera is on the other end (use the camera). Where I'd like HTC to place us is in the middle of those two, with the ability to use the Sense camera but in a power-efficient manner (such as being able to record a video but take stills at the same time, with the battery outlasting the meager storage space).

Android 10 [Q] Features Report/Feedback

So I know there are other android 10 threads out there but I felt like y'all should get a list of whats new in front of your eyes instead of looking around:
**Improved night camera quality - Yes I have felt and improvement it is slight however, but it did get somewhat better.
**Google's new navigation gestures (I felt like I should write this because last updates, Sony phones did not get the nav gestures) however the new gestures seem just a tiny bit laggy -rarely though- and when in landscape mode, the slide down bar drops not in a symmetric way but rather drops right sided which makes things look out of place
**New CinemaPro app features - the app now has the levels of both phone microphones like on the v50 and also has aspect ratio check lines (if you want to shoot a video on cinema pro it only shoots 21/9 but you can have check lines to see whats being viewed in any other aspect ratio you choose and you also have a meter inside the camera to show you if youre in the frame or not)
**Dark mode - works on most apps, but I can't seem to activate it on my phone app, any suggestions?
**UI click sounds changed - yup! I love the new ones they sound more like Android rather than Sony and I do love Android!
**FINGERPRINT!!!! - Yes!! finally fingerprint scanner is way more responsive now!! before it was sooo strict about the cleanness and the angle, I registered 3 fingers and it only could recognize one of them because of the angle it provides, but now every finger on any angle with less cleanness is verry responsive! (could still be worked on, but im so happy with it at this moment)
**Sadly no more face unlock, even though I never used it but it worked surprisingly fast when I had the option available, but now it doesnt exist, good thing they improved the fingerprint scanner XD
**Slightly improved battery life - I only noticed it when I tested it, but if youre not a detailed tester you wont be able to recognize throughout the day, maybe if youre a slight user, yes you will notice the phone lasting 2/3 hours longer (overall usage and not screen on time) because I can tell they worked greatly on improving the idle drain.
**Speaker loudness - I think the phone got louder? I am not sure but defiantly notice something that didnt exist, not necessarily higher quality but I do notice something increasing in volume I cant tell if its volume or distortion lol but when I go to max volume there is something that makes you think, a little lower than max sounded like max on previous android but I cant tell if max here is actually louder or just more noisy especially with dolby atmos
**Some people reported signal drops? or bad signal? I havent noticed a difference here so thats good news
**Performance - the phone was fast enough to almost be the king of speed and smoothness so yah even if its better on android 10 I cant even feel the difference but it is VERY smooth even on a new android which means its pretty sick!
**Recent apps button (in old school 3 button nav bar) doesnt seem to do anything if you have custom launcher, but works on default sony launcher.
**one handed mode, which I use alot when im in bed, cant seem to be activated in the new navigation gestures, because you have to double tap home button but u dont have it in new gestures, so heres what i did:
Enabled side sense, i know it doesn't work properly, but now you have an option of controlling how to access it, You can actually enable the inside the screen tap rather than from the side (if you have a case on, this will really help you) , adjust sensitivity, position, transparency of the slide activators, and change the gestures of how it works, now i changed the double tap side sense from opening the side sense menu, to activate one handed mode, and now side sense works smoothly with gestures and i can activate one handed mode in new android nav gestures, youre welcome
Thx u for this thread
UI seems a lot smoother. I'm liking the android 10 gestures which adds to the "smoothness".
Can't really say about photo quality, haven't been using the camera much. I can definitely notice a better battery life compared to before.
Basically no issues just yet! Aside from me getting used to the new gestures (+ side sense)
Im using the google dialer app in play store. It has a way better ui, better icons and dark mode compatible. Set it as default and it's all good. I don't understand why sony have decided to use the "stock" google messenger app but not dialer... the dialer seems customized in some way idk
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
Someone can make a full review of android 10 and post it on youtube ?
Sugarcube8th said:
Im using the google dialer app in play store. It has a way better ui, better icons and dark mode compatible. Set it as default and it's all good. I don't understand why sony have decided to use the "stock" google messenger app but not dialer... the dialer seems customized in some way idk
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
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Yah you just reminded me to add that bug, also if you on landscape mode the slide down bar is off place slides from the right rather than the middle of the screen
Pandemic said:
Someone can make a full review of android 10 and post it on youtube ?
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I will try to do so soon, when I have free time from work
Agree with you.
- about the signal, i notice less signals bar (1-2 signal bars most of the time), but no connection drop (yet)
- wifi Mac address new option, set by default at "random Mac address"
Here's a preview of the swipe up animation bug?
Does anyone else have a weird audio bug where when you pause music or a video the sound spikes up for a second before it pauses. I've only tested it on the native music app and YouTube. I don't use any music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora. I think I've concluded that this is a software bug since I when I flashed back to the previous firmware and didn't have the same problem. Maybe my device is just strange. Any opinion?
Arsyian said:
Does anyone else have a weird audio bug where when you pause music or a video the sound spikes up for a second before it pauses. I've only tested it on the native music app and YouTube. I don't use any music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora. I think I've concluded that this is a software bug since I when I flashed back to the previous firmware and didn't have the same problem. Maybe my device is just strange. Any opinion?
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Yes,I have the same issue, but as I remember this issue also existing on Pie.
t238z said:
Yes,I have the same issue, but as I remember this issue also existing on Pie.
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That's strange cause I never had the problem till updating to Android 10.
I think i have a bug i have notification from album that i cant remove it. Even though i have restar my phone
It always check the update
blegs said:
I think i have a bug i have notification from album that i cant remove it. Even though i have restar my phone
It always check the update
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this happens with me with BG player.. I simply turned off its notifications
Sugarcube8th said:
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
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Precisely, IDK if that happens with pixel or one plus devices, but I know that it happens with Xperia 1. When you go back to the app, let's just say it's inside a folder, app shows in the dock then the folder pops back. Then if you open an app let's just say dialer then you switch to camera with recent menu and you go back to home screen it shows dialer app on where the camera icon then you get the camera icon back in the dock. Am I right?
[Bug report] Recent key not working in Android 10.
Screenshot as below:
When you press Recent button, there is just nothing.
Remember people more updates will vome of android 10, this is the 1st release so except some tiny bugs. Sony/google will fix that
just added some more updates about bugs and updates in main post check it out
kevinkoo said:
[Bug report] Recent key not working in Android 10.
Screenshot as below:
When you press Recent button, there is just nothing.
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whats that launcher?
Just got mine an hour ago. Hoping that I don't experience those bugs.

