[Q] The real question about Google + - General Questions and Answers

At least for me. Let me state that plz try to give honest replyes here. This is not a thread for saying who's better or not. With this said, i been wondering a question about this new service. And i really hope you can understand my ramblings and honest question what you and others think.
First of, i have not tryed Google +. That might be because im currently in the Microsoft swamp and all happy about there services.
But a question thats been nagging me is how well Google + will do in the end. I belive that Google made great on pushing there services out. All that they set there minds to have been big success.
But from what i now understand, Google is trying to create a new Facebook alternative, and while i can see those happy with what Google offers, and happy Android userd, is this really enough to compete with Facebook?
My thought are being this.
Facebook been around for years now and even the most sceptical about there service, has finally given up there muterings and joined the community. I read about a lot of people getting angry about how many users they acctully have, but i think it's safe to say there are MANY right? And now that mothers, fathers, friends, old friends etc have found each other. How likely is there that all just pick there bags and change service. While not saying people won't, the vast majority is not. Or do you belive me to be wrong?
Heres a idea why i am asking this question, and also a good example to give you a picture of what i mean.
Remember ICQ, AIM, Mirc and all these services? I was a die hard user of ICQ and AIM. But after using this services for a while, i realized something important. I had few friends on my list that i actully socialised with in real life. And i had no family etc. So i asked around, and it turned out most regular people, not geeks, just regular folks that wanted a chatt service had from the start allready signed up for MS service then named just Messenger.
So i loggd on this messenger that i always disliked back then, and wosh!! My friend list got healthy and correct. I then installed clients of various brands (cant remember there name atm) and could now use all 3 of my favorite services in one.
As time passed by, live messenger arrived and all services inproved, to a degree i started questioning why i should keep AIM or ICQ. All my really good friends used Live Messenger, and as it turned out when i asked my ICQ friends etc, they had a account in Live to. I asked them to add me, and now i had all in one place. So i took my bags and left the others and have never looked back since.
So, i hope you now understand where im getting at. There is of cause a lot diffrent market now then it was back then. But i still wonder. Can a new service really out shine the allready established Facebook? Remember, in the end, people you talk to, or share stuff may not like the idea of a new service. There comfy with what they got now and might feel its just extra work that in the end woun't use.
History for me seems to be repeating it self again also in the chatt softwares. New ones have come, but how well will they do in the end? Now i realize market for example in USA will differ from my experience here in Sweden. After all you guys have Blackberry and other services being pushed that will never se the day of any use over here. But are there really such a big market that Live Services arent used on a large scale.
Now i shared my question, i hope you get my point, and also really arent comparing whos the best. All im thinking of is the well established services that i know of.
And belive me, i want to hear what you think on this thoughts. Will google be able to outlive, take over Facebook? I am really poundering these thoughts.
Also sorry for bad spelling etc since English is not native, and i typed it all from my phone

Only time will tell.
I completely understand your point. Why should they use another service when all of their friends are already on Facebook?
I personally believe people will move on just because its new. No social site stays number one. MySpace got old, Facebook is getting old, Google+ will get old, then on to the next one.

You will also have people who will say "Google+ is free, facebook is going to be a paid service soon" to justify the reasoning behind trying it.

Thnx for reply, a good point i havent thought of. And i bwlive you, almost :-D
A good service is always a good service. Thats why i belive ao many come up emty handed in the end vs Live. And get enough people abord, its gona be one though nut to crack.
But in that perspective, is Facebook good enough to keep its users? While i agree, only time will tell, and also Google to have almost unlimited time, a large base is a large bas.
Thnx for the ideas Vetvito, it gives a nice perspective. Keep em coming folks, educate me, cus i think its a inttressting topic, and its easy to want to know what you all think when Androis fans and fan site is allready giving praise. And while we all have to accept change, have these people now rapping down on Facebook give this a thought? Im not saying there wrong, but maybe a bit over the top poaetive, maybe because its Google? So many loves that company nowadays.

Heyallo said:
You will also have people who will say "Google+ is free, facebook is going to be a paid service soon" to justify the reasoning behind trying it.
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Aha, another valid point. And if it's thrue, i give Google + a automatic win. Do you say this because its a fact, or just that Google fanatics will talk that way?

Another thing Google+ is integrated with Gmail. It doesn't require another sign up. I'm pretty sure they're going to bundle it with Android, and that should push Google+ forward.

vetvito said:
Another thing Google+ is integrated with Gmail. It doesn't require another sign up. I'm pretty sure they're going to bundle it with Android, and that should push Google+ forward.
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Yes thats thrue. Gmail is a big hit, so intergration would win them a lot of customers.
Is Gmail the service that will make Google + big then?

Nakazul said:
Yes thats thrue. Gmail is a big hit, so intergration would win them a lot of customers.
Is Gmail the service that will make Google + big then?
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Personally I got pretty annoyed when they automaticly added Buzz to my gmail accounts.
I have no doubt Google+ will get they're fair marketshare, but I don't see that happening untill they open it fully up to the general public and keep it less bloated/spammy like facebook has become.

Hi There!
I think you have a really valid point by saying the history is repeating itself. Let me give you one personal example...
A few years ago here in Guatemala there was this really big time fever for the "Hi5" webpage... EVERYBODY had an account on it, then just a few friends receive an invitation to join Facebook and it started to grow slowly but steady...
Bear in mind here in Guatemala we are not always up to date with technology and stuffs but in a matter of 6~8 months the Facebook took at least 90% of the HI5 users.. Nowadays i can tell you only a really tiny portion of people still visits their Hi5 profiles.
So all this Google+ buzz is also being herd in Guatemala and a few of my friends already are joining the network, why? Because Facebook is getting bored and it's becoming a site that people look into to see what you can get and gosip all the way, the reason why FB is still strong here is because two of the 3 cell phone companies have some "Media" plans in which for a really amount you can have "free" and "Unlimited" visist to FB, Messenger, GTalk, Yahoo Messenger etc... So i think if those companies include Google+ or switch from FB to Google+ into their Media Plans it will have the same destiny as facebook had against Hi5..
Well those are just my thoughts and my 2 cents in this matter, and of course only time will tell what's going to happen

Nice to hear your thoughts all. Sounds so far that your theory is the same as i have on Mobile OS's. iPhone came, in the end a big hit. Android came and it seems like a bigger hit. Now Windows Phone soon will be knocking on the door. New OS's that innovate on a large scale tend to be the next player.
A thought about Facebook getting boring for people sharing there everyday life. Isnt that what its all about? Am i missing something here? I can see the point of all these games and stuff, it annoys me real bad. But people seems to love it. All my friends play games on Facebook. Me loving "real" games would rather die then touch thouse =P
Another question rises if Google + will take over. Can they really? I as a Microsoft user, and fan like to have axess to social media also. But since Google systematicly seems to try to block us out from there service, with Gmail being the only one standing out that works great on my Windows Phone (Weee a MS lover using competitors services! =P ) were still blocked by Google on, for instance, youtube.
What will we do then, where will we go?

Nakazul said:
At least for me. Let me state that plz try to give honest replyes here. This is not a thread for saying who's better or not. With this said, i been wondering a question about this new service. And i really hope you can understand my ramblings and honest question what you and others think.
First of, i have not tryed Google +. That might be because im currently in the Microsoft swamp and all happy about there services.
But a question thats been nagging me is how well Google + will do in the end. I belive that Google made great on pushing there services out. All that they set there minds to have been big success.
But from what i now understand, Google is trying to create a new Facebook alternative, and while i can see those happy with what Google offers, and happy Android userd, is this really enough to compete with Facebook?
My thought are being this.
Facebook been around for years now and even the most sceptical about there service, has finally given up there muterings and joined the community. I read about a lot of people getting angry about how many users they acctully have, but i think it's safe to say there are MANY right? And now that mothers, fathers, friends, old friends etc have found each other. How likely is there that all just pick there bags and change service. While not saying people won't, the vast majority is not. Or do you belive me to be wrong?
Heres a idea why i am asking this question, and also a good example to give you a picture of what i mean.
Remember ICQ, AIM, Mirc and all these services? I was a die hard user of ICQ and AIM. But after using this services for a while, i realized something important. I had few friends on my list that i actully socialised with in real life. And i had no family etc. So i asked around, and it turned out most regular people, not geeks, just regular folks that wanted a chatt service had from the start allready signed up for MS service then named just Messenger.
So i loggd on this messenger that i always disliked back then, and wosh!! My friend list got healthy and correct. I then installed clients of various brands (cant remember there name atm) and could now use all 3 of my favorite services in one.
As time passed by, live messenger arrived and all services inproved, to a degree i started questioning why i should keep AIM or ICQ. All my really good friends used Live Messenger, and as it turned out when i asked my ICQ friends etc, they had a account in Live to. I asked them to add me, and now i had all in one place. So i took my bags and left the others and have never looked back since.
So, i hope you now understand where im getting at. There is of cause a lot diffrent market now then it was back then. But i still wonder. Can a new service really out shine the allready established Facebook? Remember, in the end, people you talk to, or share stuff may not like the idea of a new service. There comfy with what they got now and might feel its just extra work that in the end woun't use.
History for me seems to be repeating it self again also in the chatt softwares. New ones have come, but how well will they do in the end? Now i realize market for example in USA will differ from my experience here in Sweden. After all you guys have Blackberry and other services being pushed that will never se the day of any use over here. But are there really such a big market that Live Services arent used on a large scale.
Now i shared my question, i hope you get my point, and also really arent comparing whos the best. All im thinking of is the well established services that i know of.
And belive me, i want to hear what you think on this thoughts. Will google be able to outlive, take over Facebook? I am really poundering these thoughts.
Also sorry for bad spelling etc since English is not native, and i typed it all from my phone
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There a few different reasons as to why I'm switching. First of all, Facebook seems to be buggier and buggier every day (even on multiple computers) and they continue to come out with more features (video chatting). They should STOP, fix the bugs, and then continue with growing. And as someone else has said, no social networking site will stay #1. Facebook is old now, it's been overused and now it's time for something else. With my experience thus far with Google+, I can say that is works very smoothly online and on my phone, way better than Facebook does. How it will act after it goes public is another story though.

Well i believe that Google+ has a chance to a certain group of people.
I see google as a mixture of Twitter & Facebook. But in a simple skin.
It has the following like system with it's circles but has the structure as a facebook.
Unlike facebook it doesn't come with games,poke,other junk (YET)
So i believe what will happen is the following. People on facebook will be either kids for the games or just visitors to check up on gossip.
Then on Google+ you'll get the more serious groups which would consist out of communities like these, companies.
I personally use it already to group together my company contacts in case of system failure IT based. With a simple click i can huddle with everyone in that circle from all companies searching for a solution. And it being perfectly integrated with your phone gives it a +. Not that FB or Twitter arn't perfectly integrated but to some degree the app is perfect crystal clear. Probably also due to it's simple form.
So to sum it up the reason i believe Google+ has a chance is cause of their Simplicity without all the gadgets (yet).

A tentative overview
Well...... i say this having played with google plus for about a week now i strongly believe the platform that is still in beta will *EVOLVE* simply because google is trying to truly dominate the social market. The fact that google is (no tthat facebook is not) a truly innovative company, and are willing to actually incorporate a number of changes to suit the end user, simply because in the end google is for self, and we the end user are what power the 'self' or entity that is google.
Lets start with the beta structure; first the way the modem of communication is far more elaborate than FB. Their already starting out adding video chat (which puts them to head with skype) where you can create 'huddle' so u can interact with multiple user at the same time. In addition you can 'invite' people who are not even g+ users to the conversation whether they have a web/front facing camera or not, in addition you can still communicate with voice option. There will be bugs to work out with vocal overlap issues of course but we are still in beta, which is one of the reasons why it's still not too google (;p) scale as of yet. I would say the whole chat situation will cause a stir in it self since it's intergrating so much of jump. Although it's not new the way they are coupling all of them together is innovative in it self.
Then of course you have circles (FB has list) in which the time consumption of ordering is by far reduced. The good thing about those is you can truly control the end user feed, meaning you control which of your circles see what you are posting at all times. So if you do not want your family seeing your weekend hobbies, you 'do' have that ability (i for one will add family members to profile now). Also stream segmentation, we all have different groups we're more privy to touch bases with, with G+ you have that option as well by isolating the streams that are displayed (in lue of FB's 'scroll down a list of b.s looking for what you wanna see or gong to each page individually) which instantly sky rockets manageability of your page.
Seriously i can keep on going and break it all down even further but that would be far too time consuming this late at night. But all in all G+ will spurn FB to make several radical changes or be ripped to shreds by the ever growing jaws of google. G's youth makes it appealing and their teams are young so they can relate to us more than most, not that FB and MSFT but their not supplying the product that we desire as the big G is. Android platform justifying that claim, although windows is reinventing them selves and apples in the midst of a make over as well, we can just say..... Daddy Googles keeping them on their toes.
Thats just a piece of my mind being a junior member but my thoughts are my thoughts. Please let me know what you think!!!


New Market in Android?

Hey everyone,
Have you been annoyed lately with the maket? Like how alot of times when downloading apps just hangs? Or like how it takes down apps that are "against" carriers TOC? And takes 30% of the profits from devs for paid apps?
Well we just had this random idea yesterday and it was to make a new market...
This market will be for the community by the community.
Such as the ability to blacklist apps/devs..
And advanced searching...
Its called AppWire http://appwire.org (as you see the sites not made yet ;D )
We just had this idea yesterday so its still in its infant stage, so we still need all app dev's and web dev's we can get!
If you can't help with developement then feel free to post feature requests!
If you want help with development email me at aakashbpatel [at] gmail.com or look for us in the #appwire channel on freenode.
Thanks Everyone!
I think there's already something similar to this. Forgot its name though. But I do agree Google's policy of removing apps that violate *one* carrier's TOS is ridiculous.
So, lemme get this right - you complain that apps are being removed because they are against the carrier TOC, but one of the features you want to build into your market is the ability to blacklist apps/devs?
Sorry, but the Android market really isn't THAT bad. Sure, annoying at times, but 99% of the time it works, plus I don't think 30% is that excessive at all.
ScottC said:
So, lemme get this right - you complain that apps are being removed because they are against the carrier TOC, but one of the features you want to build into your market is the ability to blacklist apps/devs?
Sorry, but the Android market really isn't THAT bad. Sure, annoying at times, but 99% of the time it works, plus I don't think 30% is that excessive at all.
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Blacklist apps ONLY if people vote to take it off...
How many Markets do we really need? We already have the official Market, AndAppStore, SlideME, and several other places to purchase apps. The more Markets there are, the more difficult it is to distribute apps. And users simply need to go more places to find the same stuff. Maybe if we make a real effort with Google to get changes implemented everyone will be better off. Just my opinion.
nEx.Software said:
How many Markets do we really need? We already have the official Market, AndAppStore, SlideME, and several other places to purchase apps. The more Markets there are, the more difficult it is to distribute apps. And users simply need to go more places to find the same stuff. Maybe if we make a real effort with Google to get changes implemented everyone will be better off. Just my opinion.
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I agree with you also, and I was looking at slidme's TOC's and it pretty muc said that they own your app if you publish it....and I didn't think it was right that they have the ability to do that.
So I wanted to make a market that everyones opinion matters and one that respects the app developers also.
ScottC said:
So, lemme get this right - you complain that apps are being removed because they are against the carrier TOC, but one of the features you want to build into your market is the ability to blacklist apps/devs?
Sorry, but the Android market really isn't THAT bad. Sure, annoying at times, but 99% of the time it works, plus I don't think 30% is that excessive at all.
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the blacklist would be custom to each person not market wide, like if I didnt want to see apps by "DEV A" ONLY I wouldn't see apps by DEV A, alls "99%" of the time, i think thats pushing it i must not use market often or maybe you are on the lucky side.
Its not that bad of an idea, if anyone has experience with ipod touch or iphone, it could be set up something like cydia. A user customizable market in which apps that the normal market wont allow are easier available and such. Though, the blacklist should be just like on a personal basis or not there at all as it would defeat the purpose of the whole thing for more freedom. I think thats kinda what he was suggesting, if so not to bad.
Great idea, totally support!
More options is better. And right now I don't know any "markets" where I can easily download wifi-tether for example. Plus the original market luck of web-interface and (really) many other features. So, for me an alternative market seems like a good idea. It just doesn't look for me like an easy project
there is another one but that one sucks!
this seems like a cool idea for hardcore root access apps and apps that people dont want googles paws on in general
ScottC said:
So, lemme get this right - you complain that apps are being removed because they are against the carrier TOC, but one of the features you want to build into your market is the ability to blacklist apps/devs?
Sorry, but the Android market really isn't THAT bad. Sure, annoying at times, but 99% of the time it works, plus I don't think 30% is that excessive at all.
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Im kinda on the fence on the "blacklist" issue. On one hand, it is the right of the developer to develop applications for this platform, and to release his/her work on the market to be used/previewed/rated/commented/purchased by other users. It is also their right to be paid for their efforts. On the other hand, I certainly agree that assaulting the market with 10 different $5 slideshows a day, is verging on MALICIOUS. Seriously, ive never even DOWNLOADED anything put out by Khalid Shaik, yet im sure that none of these slideshows take more than 15 or 20 minutes to produce, i bet not even that long. And $4.99?!?!?!?!?!?!?! SINCE WHEN is a slideshow about Swine Flu worth $5 bucks?! This guy just wants to take advantage of people who havent caught onto him yet. His apps arent worth FREE, much less actual money...you couldnt pay me enough to download anything from him. It IS NOT the right of ANY developer to flood the market with apps of this nature. If you wanna make a slideshow and put it out on the market thats fine...if you worked harder on it than most, then charge a dollar for it...thats fine, too... But dont put out the same damn app 16 times, only with the sounds and images changed, and expect that you have the right to charge $5 bucks apiece again and again and again for the same lame crap.
i like this idea, possible features:
o a root/dev component where devs can post beta releases of apps for root phones to be tested and used by advanced g1 users without it being buried, which tends to happen in the android market.
o a tagging feature for apps in addition to categories for easier searching.
o maybe in addition to apps, this can be a place to download roms and stuff.
o a separate widget category or maybe have a section for categorized apps and a section for categorized widgets.
as far as actual implementation you can do it a couple of ways:
1)an actual market app, like the android market
2)maybe easier to pull off initially, a well organized, mobile ready website
3)i personally think a widget component would be cool, paired with either one of the earlier options. the widget could give people recently added apps, updates on existing apps or in preferred categories/tags, and people can use the widget to navigate to a website or a corresponding app.
i think this would be a good opportunity for a community of experienced users like xda to pool a lot of knowledge and resources together in one place.
anyways, i'm looking forward to what you guys come up with.
I have no need for a new market, per se.
what I'd love to see is the ability for anyone and everyone to host their own apk repository and a more robust package management system on the device
apt, yum, emerge, port, w/e
anyone working on something like that? can I help?
i like the idea there are a few devs that i would like to the ability to block seeing apps from, Khalid Shaik, and RSD themes, to name two. both "Developers" are just using the market as a money making scheme, and it's rdiculous to put out ten apps a day to try and milk money from unsespecting souls. i spoke to RSD personally about slowing down his output of "apps"(mostly ahome and openhome themes) and he said that he would do no such thing because he makes $1500 a month. he then offered to make me a theme and i was downright insulted. i like the idea the android market has of being able to email the devs whenever we look at the app, it makes asking question a whole lot easier.
and possibly a way to mark certain apps as spam if the dev is posting ten soundboard/fart apps a day and with enough users posting the dev/apps as spam the dev can recieve one warning to slow down on releasing his/her apps or be taken off the market
bmfc187 said:
Im kinda on the fence on the "blacklist" issue. On one hand, it is the right of the developer to develop applications for this platform, and to release his/her work on the market to be used/previewed/rated/commented/purchased by other users. It is also their right to be paid for their efforts. On the other hand, I certainly agree that assaulting the market with 10 different $5 slideshows a day, is verging on MALICIOUS. Seriously, ive never even DOWNLOADED anything put out by Khalid Shaik, yet im sure that none of these slideshows take more than 15 or 20 minutes to produce, i bet not even that long. And $4.99?!?!?!?!?!?!?! SINCE WHEN is a slideshow about Swine Flu worth $5 bucks?! This guy just wants to take advantage of people who havent caught onto him yet. His apps arent worth FREE, much less actual money...you couldnt pay me enough to download anything from him. It IS NOT the right of ANY developer to flood the market with apps of this nature. If you wanna make a slideshow and put it out on the market thats fine...if you worked harder on it than most, then charge a dollar for it...thats fine, too... But dont put out the same damn app 16 times, only with the sounds and images changed, and expect that you have the right to charge $5 bucks apiece again and again and again for the same lame crap.
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TruLuvNvrDies said:
i like this idea, possible features:
o a root/dev component where devs can post beta releases of apps for root phones to be tested and used by advanced g1 users without it being buried, which tends to happen in the android market.
o a tagging feature for apps in addition to categories for easier searching.
o maybe in addition to apps, this can be a place to download roms and stuff.
o a separate widget category or maybe have a section for categorized apps and a section for categorized widgets.
as far as actual implementation you can do it a couple of ways:
1)an actual market app, like the android market
2)maybe easier to pull off initially, a well organized, mobile ready website
3)i personally think a widget component would be cool, paired with either one of the earlier options. the widget could give people recently added apps, updates on existing apps or in preferred categories/tags, and people can use the widget to navigate to a website or a corresponding app.
i think this would be a good opportunity for a community of experienced users like xda to pool a lot of knowledge and resources together in one place.
anyways, i'm looking forward to what you guys come up with.
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tubaking182 said:
i like the idea there are a few devs that i would like to the ability to block seeing apps from, Khalid Shaik, and RSD themes, to name two. both "Developers" are just using the market as a money making scheme, and it's rdiculous to put out ten apps a day to try and milk money from unsespecting souls. i spoke to RSD personally about slowing down his output of "apps"(mostly ahome and openhome themes) and he said that he would do no such thing because he makes $1500 a month. he then offered to make me a theme and i was downright insulted. i like the idea the android market has of being able to email the devs whenever we look at the app, it makes asking question a whole lot easier.
and possibly a way to mark certain apps as spam if the dev is posting ten soundboard/fart apps a day and with enough users posting the dev/apps as spam the dev can recieve one warning to slow down on releasing his/her apps or be taken off the market
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I totally agree with you guys.
i like the idea there are a few devs that i would like to the ability to block seeing apps from, Khalid Shaik, and RSD themes, to name two. both "Developers" are just using the market as a money making scheme, and it's rdiculous to put out ten apps a day to try and milk money from unsespecting souls. i spoke to RSD personally about slowing down his output of "apps"(mostly ahome and openhome themes) and he said that he would do no such thing because he makes $1500 a month. he then offered to make me a theme and i was downright insulted. i like the idea the android market has of being able to email the devs whenever we look at the app, it makes asking question a whole lot easier.
and possibly a way to mark certain apps as spam if the dev is posting ten soundboard/fart apps a day and with enough users posting the dev/apps as spam the dev can recieve one warning to slow down on releasing his/her apps or be taken off the market
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1,500 bucks? I don't know why someone like these sound boards ? It's really suck. 1 buck for some sounds which I can get free from internet.
I agree. I would like to see Cydia ported to G1. I have been working on getting Apt running. The part I am not sure of is building a UI for it. This was easier on the iPhone because the apps like cydia were native and not in a vm like on Android.
Thanks for all the support guys....now all we need are some more developers...anyone wanna help us?
possibly available as web developer
I'm not sure where you need more help, phone vs. web development. I may be able to help out in either case though. you can contact me at [my.xda-devs.username]@gmail.com on google talk or by email.
As far as features/requests:
This should be 100% for non paid applications, IMO. I agree with other posters that it only hurts application distribution by adding a new paid app store. Especially because I think t-mobile's 30% is quite reasonable as a distribution cost.
Instead, this app should focus on delivering the type of software that people develop here on xda-devs.
I don't think you need to black list any developers. By only offering free applications through this market, you automatically get rid of most of that spam, and instead promote more sharing. Developers already have a good place to spam crappy applications for money. The purpose here should be for homebrew/expirimental applications and to promote more community hacking.
Keeping this application open source would definitely help with the "for the community by the community" mantra.
Just my two cents..
Best Regards,
I totally agree with the idea. But I think it would be difficult to implement paid apps because they are updated through the market.

Apps for the Hearing Impaired and Deaf

Hey all, this is my first new thread outside of my home, the CDMA Hero forum, lol. Be kind
I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations, reviews, or information on apps or utilities that help the deaf or hearing impaired on Android?
The reason I'm asking is I'm trying to write up a guide or editorial on the state of Android's disabled-friendliness. Hoping to generate some good buzz on it and inspire people to keep developing unique ways of helping the disabled use their handsets more easily.
Anyway, thanks in advance and all that.
Deafcyclist said:
P.S. would it be okay if i post suggestions as to what kind of apps or features that might be useful for the deaf or hearing impaired? i don't have many but what I do have, i would love to see. if only to see if there is already an apps for it.
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That would be fantastic. I'd really enjoy that kind of discussion.
I am not deaf myself but have a vested interest in any and all adaptation of Android to suit the disabled.
Recently an Android news site/community asked me to do some freelance op-ed writing for them and this is one of the topics I'd like to pursue, too.
If a discussion can start here and inspire some developers to create new apps/utilities to help the disabled then great! (=
phone fusion visual voice mail converts your voice mail to text message, if thats what kind of thing your looking for.
on the other side of that, handcent sms will read you your text message... neat thing when my girl checked the popup and accidently pressed that, we were both like wtf
Deafcyclist said:
the number one thing for the deaf with android phone that would be extremely useful is an android based ip-relay service. Currently Blackberry is on the top with this having 2 relay app for it (info linked below). Sidekick also have the same relay apps.
I've once had a Blackberry Pearl (8100) and this was absolutely essiental for the deaf person like me to be able to call for cab or order out or for any situation that would require me to be able to contact hearing.
Other than this for the deaf, accessibility to messages is absolutely essential. I'm still looking around at the IM apps for android seeing i've just installed XDANDROID 2 days ago. Essentially what i'm trying to say is that deaf peoples requires IM applications even more than anybody else that I've known. And sometimes (like for windows mobile), it's hard to figure out which one is the best and worth the price. The simple solution to this is a side by side comparison for all of the mobile IM app for the android here. (i'm only mentioning this despite it's not being an app or feature request but it would really help peoples in general figure out which to get for their need).
The default txting setup on android seem more than good enough for the deaf anyway so that's no real worry.
Thanks, I hope to see good result out of this especially the relay app!
Good luck, Is_907!
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I am an ASL terp. I can understand the need for visual awareness. In my opinion one of the better apps is Handcent. LOTS of options. Google Voice is another good option to change voice to text.
Let me know if I can help any other way \!,,!
I actually had been wondering if any hearing impaired Android-fans were using GV for the voicemail transcriptions. Good to know it's been thought of already!
Oddly enough, I've never used Handcent. I'm going to have to go through it and see what features it has now. It's just interesting to put myself in the mindset of a user who can not use some of the features that I take for granted.
- What would all of you say is the best thing Android has for deaf users? (We've already talked a bit about this.)
- More importantly, what do you think is the worst thing about using an Android device, as a deaf or hearing impaired person?
On AndroidAndMe.com someone started a thread asking how to remove a lot of the audio-related software from Android. I thought that was a really interesting idea, and something worth writing a guide on how to do.
This guy wanted to remove the Music app, Amazon MP3, Dialer, and a few other things that absolutely required the user to be hearing.
He wanted to clear these things out to leave storage space for more useful applications and utilities. Really got me thinking.
@Deafcyclist and @softwaretech:
Would you two mind if I PMed or emailed you some interview-type questions on this topic?
@Deafcyclist that's so awesome, I ran tech (sound, ironically) for the play version of The Miracle Worker in college and we had a whole team of ASL interpreters, one shadowing each actor. During that production we had a lot of talks about the deaf community and how to make the play accessible for them. Gallaudet was mentioned quite a bit.
If you wouldn't mind finding someone there who specializes in tech that would be fantastic. It wouldn't surprise me if the university's IT department had resources or people specialized in this area.
So far all I've been able to find about Android for deaf users is stuff about data-only plans from cell carriers. (Btw, Sprint has the cheapest and easiest option. Surprised me.)
I haven't really found anything about apps or utilities designed for deaf users yet.
I know I am kinda late but I found this thread searching for an IP-realy app for Android...anyways
First I don't think the music apps on the phone are useless. I go to Gallaudet and alot of people listen to music as well do I-- more so the beat then anything but yea.
Second, I contacted all the major IP relay companies: Sprint, i711/Purple Communications, IWrelay, etc about creating an Android App. I think if more people were to contact them then they would probably get to making an app much quicker.
AIM is ok to use but I have yet to find a stable, decent AIM app in the market. BeeJive finally released their beta version which is actually one of the better IM apps. I used it on my Blackberry and it never failed me.
I am actually rather suprised that Sprint hasn't released a major app for the Android Market yet since they have a few Android phones and they created SIPrelay for Blackberry. They are often on campus trying to sell us Sprint phones with only relay and data so why not release the app to all users?!?!
Fring or Qik have the possibility of working for deaf people but you need a phone like the Evo with a front facing camera first.
All in all i think relay is the only way that Android hasn't addressed the deaf/hoh community. I think most of the phone are pretty deaf friendly, when I use the phone it effortlessly connects to my hearing aid BT. Which is something I could never find in the million other phone makers I've had.
What about a TTY app
What a great thread. Thanks for posting the initial question. How does your article look? Do you have a link?
I know that everyone has mentioned ip relay as a valuable app but what about TTY for direct calls? Would this be valuable? Wouldn't it be nice to communicate directly with folks and organizations via text? I am asking because my company is considering creating this kind of tool for the Android OS.
Is_907 said:
Hey all, this is my first new thread outside of my home, the CDMA Hero forum, lol. Be kind
I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations, reviews, or information on apps or utilities that help the deaf or hearing impaired on Android?
The reason I'm asking is I'm trying to write up a guide or editorial on the state of Android's disabled-friendliness. Hoping to generate some good buzz on it and inspire people to keep developing unique ways of helping the disabled use their handsets more easily.
Anyway, thanks in advance and all that.
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HI i am hearing imparied.. using the samsung galaxy s..
accessibletele said:
What a great thread. Thanks for posting the initial question. How does your article look? Do you have a link?
I know that everyone has mentioned ip relay as a valuable app but what about TTY for direct calls? Would this be valuable? Wouldn't it be nice to communicate directly with folks and organizations via text? I am asking because my company is considering creating this kind of tool for the Android OS.
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TTY software would be fantastic. What company is this?
my girlfriend likes to be active as a deaf person, asin sports and adventuring.. i want to communicate better with her on the phone, and looked into Blackberry, but, she wants android (no iphone/blackberry ATALL), she is also a great coder, and, i can coder alittle c++/c also.
I am wondering why has no one made a ROM for Hearing Impaired, ie: incorporate some of the ideas posted here, into one phone rom ? I know this maybe hard between versions, she likes to ride BMX sports bikes,is very active, so am looking for something wich 'has it all for her.
I currently own HTC Dream G1a 3.5g phone, she currently is waiting for the best phone but, pssibly only need a customised rom? Any help would be great.Thanks.
I think that's a great idea xd- I'm not deaf but briefly dated a deaf guy and saw how important texting is on a phone. A customized ROM would be great. I think more people need to be coding for apps that would help the deaf and hoh. If I was a developer I'd certainly work on those kinds of apps.
Webcaptel App
Sprint's Webcaptel is my "relay" service of choice. I can speak but cannot hear at all- late deafened adult. I prefer to speak into the handset directly to the person I've called and read their reply on the computer screen. It would be great if they made an app like this. First of all because I wouldn't be mistaken for a telemarketer like I am when I use standard relay (IP Relay, etc) and most importantly because it would make calls twice as fast since I wouldn't have to type out my half of the conversation. Check out SpringCaptel.com and harrassthem until they have a SprintCaptelApp please!
VRS apps,
MainstreamVRS for HTC Evo 4G, SprintVRS for Epic, ZVRS for Epic & MT4G.
A friendly communications tool when a deaf user needs to communicate, he/she may simply type down and enlarge the text into any size comfortable enough for a reader to read.
Deafies, please expect more VRS apps coming out this year (other than the listed above), this should be beneficial to the deaf community with broader available services at their disposal.
mobile streaming tv for deaf/hoh
im working on this currently, if interested in giving it a test signup at forums.subtheworld.com to access

Google's True Purpose?

What pisses me off as mentioned is the fact that you have to install a software update WITH the skin intact and updated as well. I don't like how this delays the time the update takes to get pushed, I don't like how this oftentimes turns me off from using the damn skin, and I most definitely don't like the fact that I have to install it to get perks. It's a trap!! The whole update BS is what drove me (and many others) to root their Legends in the first place. This is absolute crap!
And yeah, I'm against a locked bootloader as with everybody here on XDA. It's not just the custom skins being reverted to plain stock or similar, it's the extra "feel-good" things you can do with it unlocked.
Thoughts on the rant?
Google's in it to make money? What a shock(!)
They're a company, not a charity.
Google is also about spreading it's monoply.
And they're better at it than At%t
Yeah Google is in it for money all company's are, money makes the world go around nowadays so that's what they do. As far as the ads part, that's how they make their money that's how they always have, but you don't see ads floating around when you use your phone just in apps that you download form the marketplace. However, the OS is open, like any other Linux base, allowing people to customize it and thus making Google sit back and see what devs can do with it and integrating what the devs are bringing to the table and seeing what people like (free user studys). Its genius on their part especially to push it to the masses that don't know what they're doing and have no idea what it even means when you say "root." I've always enjoyed Linux and its openness so I will continue to support Android.
Agree with rant.
Yeah, it's the nerds that want this, but the normals don't consider the why.
And the why is these devices are not phones.
They are tiny computers.
And it's pretty terrible that I can change the OS on my other, not-so-tiny computer whenever I want to, but I'm stuck with whatever the manufacturer of a given device forces upon me?
I'm not even sure I like the fact that my smartphone is limited to Android only.
I envision a day sometime in the future where smartphones are treated as tiny computers by everyone--including the manufacturers. Where you can buy barebones smartphones from the manufacturers without a preinstalled OS and pick your poison!
Of course Apple would never play ball with this--they don't even do so on their not-so-tiny computers--but wouldn't it be sweet to pick up the latest HTC superphone and then think to yourself...
... do I want Android, MeeGo, Windows Phone... or whatever other mobile OSes might exist at the time?
That's true openness now, but smartphones are in their infancy, and too many people still think of them as just very fancy phones.
Google's true purpose is to take over the world!
The main purpose of ANY company, is to MAKE MONEY, so the top-level execs can enjoy a huge cushy corner office, drive a company Mercedes S-class, own a Bentley for personal use, host extravagant parties on their yacht, visit France on weekends in the private jet, live in a house so big there are rooms they've never set foot in, and still have enough to pay for private security, butler, maid, and nanny for the rugrats. Accomplishing this goal for Google includes ads, and for manufacturers, includes customization for product differentiation and locked bootloaders to reduce losses from warranty/support claims.
In a way, it's the lax rules of "open" Android which has allowed manufacters to customize however they see fit.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the fact that this woman is interested enough in technology to even bother ranting about Google, Android, and secured bootloaders, is a total turn on?
All companies give something away then, start changing the game, the problem with All phone companies is soon we will have devices that will allow us to load whatever we want, (we do that with dual boot now) this will become the standard, probably take 3-5 years before it is mainstream. But, like everyone else said Google just wants to make money. and have secure market position.....
..... duh.....
google is a company ..... where the strangeness?
GnatGoSplat said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the fact that this woman is interested enough in technology to even bother ranting about Google, Android, and secured bootloaders, is a total turn on?
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... hey, not everyone here is a guy, you know!
... and yet I still agree!
Moral of the story- Companies like money to further themselves.
Step666 said:
Google's in it to make money? What a shock(!)
They're a company, not a charity.
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Agree.Google is a company,not a charity.
LOL GOogle wasnt made so people can happily search away
It was made with the purpose of making money... who would spend thousands of dollars doing otherwise.
PS. "Google is a company, not a charity" <---Egg-sactly.
I completely disagree with the whole "stock skin is awesome!" thing. I personally dislike the stock Android theme, and it was one of the reasons I disliked CM7 to begin with, until I found Honeybread.
The stock Galaxy S theme is my favorite theme I've seen so far.
I agree with synaesthetic's vision. Would be amazing if we could dual boot operating systems on any smartphone too.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
sales are UP
Google also gives all your personal data (contacts included, and all their data) to it's subsidiaries. thus bypassing Google's own privacy policies, and this is perfectly legal.
they then make a big tree showing your surfing habits, your friends and families. what u eat and drink and what movies you watch, what news you are interested in your political affiliation !
the more info they have on you the more you are worth to them.
both for their own adds and the more you are worth when they sell your info through their subsidiaries!
like i said this is all perfectly legal. because it's subsidiaries do not have the same privacy policies as the parent company! in this case Google!
why do u think they want to get into the internet service providing business (ISP)? More INFO!
now they have u using their OS, their web-browser, their app store, their email, google maps (to see where u go and what u eat) even down to what streets u use and how long u spend at each place!
the amount of info they have on u is mind blowing
why do u think they are trying to pass a bill in congress on how (and how much) these companies collect info on you!
it will never pass. but it shows you even members of congress are concerned about the points i made above!
so I'm not just talking out of my behind OR a conspiracy nut. it cant even be a conspiracy if it wanted to because the info i right out in the open for anyone who cares enough to look for it,
the companies even Google are not trying to hide anything
food for thought next time u turn on your Google
Ric H. (a1yet)
synaesthetic said:
... hey, not everyone here is a guy, you know!
... and yet I still agree!
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...there are girls here...!
QUOTE of the day is
deeking2 said:
...there are girls here...!
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QUOTE of the day is
...there are girls here...!
Nothing illegal is happening here. They're an American business. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
synaesthetic said:
smartphones are in their infancy, and too many people still think of them as just very fancy phones.
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So true...so very true.

[Q] The iphone is really tracking location?

So incase you haven't heard:
Like, wtf. This really rather freaks me out.
A. I have an iPhone 3gs (jailbroken)
B. What if my Xoom is doing the same thing?
Are there ways to make sure this is definately not going on for the more average consumer like me? I wouldn't know where to look in os files for this. I could find the os files, but I don't really go snooping in them because I don't know what I'm doing.
But I think all this is bull**** with Apple, and last month with samsung computers. I'm pissed.
What does this have to do with the Xoom?
Sent from a Limited Edition phone from a Premium app..
ggareis said:
What does this have to do with the Xoom?
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He asked if his xoom is doing the same thing.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
I would put money on it that the all Android devices keep track of location, Google lives off statistics, no way tehy don't know everything about everything you do with the thing.
I did some reading into this and the bit I don't get is that cell location isnt very accurate, so did the guy who "visualised" his data there just keep GPS on _all-the-time_? That's a colossal waste of battery.
I saw this article on many a site last night - and one of them I am sure said that 'android devices haven't found any similar file storing location' or words to that affect.
(think they mentioned WinPho too)
while google do live off stats - do they care that much? they already have a map of where activations happened - they did a map of the North US activations awhile back?
Lothaen said:
I saw this article on many a site last night - and one of them I am sure said that 'android devices haven't found any similar file storing location' or words to that affect.
(think they mentioned WinPho too)
while google do live off stats - do they care that much? they already have a map of where activations happened - they did a map of the North US activations awhile back?
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I wouldn't doubt it, I just bet they do it and store the information at their end rather than on the phone. What with all the wifi hotspot privacy problems that have been going on with them and eerything else. I'd expect nothing less from them really.
just more careful then
it doesnt bother me that much (at the moment) as I'm pretty sure my network will also keep track of me anyway
unless google/o2 are going to find my house and rob it while i am out - that doesn't bother me - it's only if someone else found a way to see live my location and then did the above that i'd start being more concerned... or is there something else I should worry about?
alias_neo said:
I would put money on it that the all Android devices keep track of location, Google lives off statistics, no way they don't know everything about everything you do with the thing.
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Quote of the day, bang on the money.
ggareis said:
What does this have to do with the Xoom?
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Oh, hey, sorry, listen.... I hadnt realized the Xoom police were out. Sorry this wasnt completely understandable for you.
I mean, I can see how some people think that if Google is logging our locations, it might not be a big deal. But this is all just a glimpse at whats coming. I mean I have no idea what that is. But a future where the biggest corporations are tracking people that use there products does not seem like a future I want to be apart of.
Apple gets their customers out of addiction, "the iphone is tracking me? who cares, its pretty." Like there is no logical reason I can think of to have that tracking software built into the nitty gritty of ios, and it being there is just a big slap to the consumers. We already have to worry about apps st but now the os?
Its not like I go or do anything suspicious that I should be worried. It's just that I spent damn near 900 dollars on this device, I don't want it to ****ing track me. Also, I'm sure that would use some sort of data to transfer the data, and with everyones love for only having tiered data plans for tablets, I am paying for them to do this.
Even if it is kilobytes, and I'm only paying a hay penny, thats one hey penny to much for my liking. Us as consumers get the **** end of every stick. They sell us items, bootlock them, track us, apps steal and sell our data, sue us if we post something they don't like (the ps3 guy), just an all around **** you.
I was reading this article the other day on how they're a step closer to building quantum computers. Now what happens when they have computers that can take all the data from every device, and compile it into useful information that will be more personal than your facebook?
They could potentially have what we posted on fb, next to a location we were at, along with the song we were hearing at the time. And in the iphones case, a picture takin from facetime to go right along with it, and for all I know, the xoom is taking pictures of me right now considering its on its stand and im sitting right in front of it typing.
I guess there would be no way for me to tell, since I'm pretty much just an end user, but I hope someone investigates this for us. Because if it turns out the Xoom does anything of the sort I will be getting rid of it. As I have already decided to do with my iphone. It's not about what theyre doing with it. Its about why they decided to do it in the first place, and the fact that they're all data whores.
RadDudeTommy said:
Oh, hey, sorry, listen.... I hadnt realized the Xoom police were out. Sorry this wasnt completely understandable for you.
I mean, I can see how some people think that if Google is logging our locations, it might not be a big deal. But this is all just a glimpse at whats coming. I mean I have no idea what that is. But a future where the biggest corporations are tracking people that use there products does not seem like a future I want to be apart of.
Apple gets their customers out of addiction, "the iphone is tracking me? who cares, its pretty." Like there is no logical reason I can think of to have that tracking software built into the nitty gritty of ios, and it being there is just a big slap to the consumers. We already have to worry about apps st but now the os?
Its not like I go or do anything suspicious that I should be worried. It's just that I spent damn near 900 dollars on this device, I don't want it to ****ing track me. Also, I'm sure that would use some sort of data to transfer the data, and with everyones love for only having tiered data plans for tablets, I am paying for them to do this.
Even if it is kilobytes, and I'm only paying a hay penny, thats one hey penny to much for my liking. Us as consumers get the **** end of every stick. They sell us items, bootlock them, track us, apps steal and sell our data, sue us if we post something they don't like (the ps3 guy), just an all around **** you.
I was reading this article the other day on how they're a step closer to building quantum computers. Now what happens when they have computers that can take all the data from every device, and compile it into useful information that will be more personal than your facebook?
They could potentially have what we posted on fb, next to a location we were at, along with the song we were hearing at the time. And in the iphones case, a picture takin from facetime to go right along with it, and for all I know, the xoom is taking pictures of me right now considering its on its stand and im sitting right in front of it typing.
I guess there would be no way for me to tell, since I'm pretty much just an end user, but I hope someone investigates this for us. Because if it turns out the Xoom does anything of the sort I will be getting rid of it. As I have already decided to do with my iphone. It's not about what theyre doing with it. Its about why they decided to do it in the first place, and the fact that they're all data whores.
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we better put on our tin hats!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I believe this is a valid question. Companies like google, apple, and facebook have a strong interest in tracking what we do, what we buy, etc to make their advertising more effective, which means they can charge more for it. Unfortunatly, I think this boat sailed long ago. Even on a PC they can track your IP address or Mac address. The minute you get on the internet you are sending information about yourself. Its that simple. The issue becomes whether companies are, can or should be storing that data. And why are they storing that data. Again most of it is advertising, but it could be used for other things that might not be so innocent. Even the government would have an interest in companies storing data so they can retrive that infor for criminal prosectutions, etc. Now if you want to prove where you were they can call your cell phone provider and just ask.
I think the shock is that it is happening all the time by even the most admired companies like apple. Short of a major rebellion by consumers or government regulation (like Europe has done) this will continue (see the case against Google for 'accidentally' collecting data from wifi networks while they did their street view stuff).
Sometimes technology can suck.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
For a second I thought I had made the horrible mistake of going into an iphone forum...
Anyway, I think Google is for sure collecting data on all of us! Personally I don't really care if they know where I am unless one day I rob a bank and need to go into hiding.....................
robbiev80 said:
For a second I thought I had made the horrible mistake of going into an iphone forum...
Anyway, I think Google is for sure collecting data on all of us! Personally I don't really care if they know where I am unless one day I rob a bank and need to go into hiding.....................
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In that case, when robbing a bank just leave your xoom and phone at home ?
Carrier IQ tracks Samsung Epics on sprint.
Uhm if u notice the first time u turn on any new android device it has something about sharing ur data with google servers.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
OneStepAhead said:
we better put on our tin hats!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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I understand the joke however I dont think its farfetched.
There is one difference though ...
Honeycomb will eventually be open source as well as many devices such as my Galaxy S now have the source made available. Openess gives you that ...
Apple for all we know logs our bank transactions, send favourable posts to Apple fanboy sites and SMSs our girlfriends on our behalf.
Don't get me wrong, Android devices are just as capable of doing all the wrong things, but an open device gives you a little more comfort.
it's confirmed, google is doing it too, but in an even more obtrusive way, **** this, i'm selling my Xoom.
RadDudeTommy said:
it's confirmed, google is doing it too, but in an even more obtrusive way, **** this, i'm selling my Xoom.
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I am selling my Captivate and Xoom and getting a Jitterbug.

Facebook Home coming to S4 - Will work Smart\Gestures Features?

Of course this only matters to facebook lovers.
Right now the official list of phones that'll support Facebook Home at launch is as follows: HTC One, HTC One X, HTC One X+, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note II, and of course the HTC First.
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FC_Home in a S3 on 1:30 Vid: http://www.androidcentral.com/hands-htc-first
Great Hands-on from verge:
But is very interesting to know if S4 smart\gestures will be well integrated with FC_Home.
Can you imagine being able to control FC_Home with known S4 movements of hands and eyes. Competition will be very jealous of that. :crying: ehehehehe
like i said, only for facebook lovers.
I know, I can't wait to try it when I get my S4
that's a very intrusive launcher though o.o
I doubt I'll keep it, but I'll definitely try it!
Here is a FULL Hans-On in a Galaxy Note 2.
Really smooth, i'm impressed.
I think this will be a something that many -who don't really use Facebook so much- will try and then dump. The majority of Facebook users are unaware or even scared to change their launcher so they are unlikely to adopt it. Another problem will be if it does not support the OEM's widgets that many are so fond of.
It going to be really interesting year ahead
If I had the money I would probably invest in some Facebook shares right now while they are still relatively low!!
just disable ur facebook account and forget this crap
Has just been released and already some people despise the launcher.
In my opinion has interesting aspects and i'm very curious to test. I think people will soon be talking more about this FB home than many would expect, we'll see.
Is just 1 version and more adds will come, FB is a $$$ machine, dont start this for MarkZucker play his phone.
Wait and watch......
Someone said on phonearena,
"Millions of android users will try it, only few will keep it and then mark will tell us see it has got millions of downloads, just like he says 900 million people use facebook, but the reality is that there are millions of those accounts which are never used"
sent from: The New S-Pen
sohebq said:
Someone said on phonearena,
"Millions of android users will try it, only few will keep it and then mark will tell us see it has got millions of downloads, just like he says 900 million people use facebook, but the reality is that there are millions of those accounts which are never used"
sent from: The New S-Pen
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I suspect these FB contradictory comes from someone who are scared and watching its potential.
In pair to gmail FB is the most used application all over the world from kids to old people, everyone has their account and visit it regularly, not to mention people who always connect FB when turn on their PC's..
Yesterday I shared on FB a video of the FBH, 5 minutes later a girl who can't distinguish the android from Ios ask me where she could buy one of these FBH phones, that says something.
I think FBH success will depend on 3 things;
- The ability to run on mid-range smartphones
- Technical capability of FBH devs to lower the data consumption.
- The ability to integrate ALL phone notifications.
If FBH become accessible to all pockets can quickly become a major consumer product. There are thousands FB fanatics that only lacking sleep with it, because many already eat with FB next.
Obviously if FBH will only available to consumers who have a Galaxy or a One will not have any success.
Always the great things have Lovers & Haters.
Yes no one can deny from popularity of facebook. What I best liked that I lost so many friends from school and college cz mobiles were not common then, I got them all back through facebook. I can easily keep myself updated to latest news. But yeah its the facebook app which makes it a terrible experience
sent from: The New S-Pen
I was thinking about HTC One, and then realized I couldn't have it and keep all my cool Apex customizations. Same for FB. Seems pretty primative, as far as launchers go. I would love to see more "blinkfeed" sort of competition though.
In my world, FB is dying a slow death. The only growth is among grandma's.

