google new look - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Not sure if anyone noticed this but Google Has a new look, but using the xoom tablet you're unable to see the new look. What I did was use the "about:debug in the browser and the new look Google appears. This works until reboot. I do have the custom flash installed.
Is it just me or are you guys able to see the new look in the xoom browser?

Its the new Google + look. And yes we see it


Stock Live Wallpapers

I've done some searching on XDA and a broader google search for the set of stock nexus live wallpapers. I'm really just looking for the grass one, but the whole set wouldn't be bad. I just recently flashed over to darchs newest and the only LWP it had was the google maps one.
I've found .apk and .zip sets but I can't get any of them to load. I've tried loading the .apk through the app manager as well as trying to push the zip through recovery with no luck (I think the reason for failure is that it's unsigned). Can anyone give me some advice on how to get this loaded on my Hero?

[REQ] Stock Google Apps

I'm looking for some stock google apps apks to work on 2.2. I'd prefer the newest versions (i.e. found on 2.3) but obviously only if those work on 2.2.
Looking for:
1) Camera
2) Dialer (but only if it's the 2.3 one)
3) Stock SMS app
4) Voice Dialer
5) Car Home (doesn't show up in market for some reason)
Anyone have these?
Why don u update to 2.3.3? Ur not happy satisfied whit it or?
kvaju said:
Why don u update to 2.3.3? Ur not happy satisfied whit it or?
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I'd love to!
I have a locked bootloader though and devs on my phone have not yet been able to get CM7 or any 2.3 on it. Hoping for progress soon.
Anyways, still looking for those apps.
Oh, also looking for the google Car Home apk. Doesn't show up in the market for me.

Tiamat 2.1 Desktop Browser issue

Ok so I was all about using the Tiamat Hammerhead 2.1 rom on my Honeycomb 3.2 Xoom mostly because I wanted the desktop UA string for the native browser. I had a modded framework-res file for 3.1 that took care of it for me when I was on 3.1. After updating to 3.2 I had lost that (obviously) and was rather annoyed with using the about:debug trick again. After searching for a while to find something similar for a 3.2 build the only hope I had was the Tiamat 2.1 rom. I have no problems with 99.9% of this rom, the one thing I am having trouble with though is the very thing I was looking for. My Google homepage has a nice picture as a background instead of the classic white page with multicolored Google logo. It wouldn't show up on the mobile version of the site but, do the debug trick and there it is! Since installing this rom however, when the desktop version of the site loads, the background image is distorted. It doesn't fill the page and is shoved to one corner of the screen. I'll attach a screenshot so you can see. I don't know if it's a rom thing, a google thing, or a 3.2 thing but if anyone else has this problem or HAD this problem, I'd like to know how to fix it, if possible.

Root, ICS Keyboard and Emojin??

I just got the phone 2 days ago and have been browsing around for answers and come up with very little....
First off, if I were to do the root, unlock bootloader, etc., am I still only limited to ROMs specificially for the AT&T phone or can I use ARHD for example from the other forum?
Second, is there any way to use the real ICS keyboard instead of HTC's or one off the market? I had a galaxy nexus and really like that one. I am currently using a copy from a while ago from the market and its not as good.
Third, I like the revamped messaging app, but doesn't have the emojin support. Was wondering if there was anything on the market besides GOSMS or Handcent, etc. that could allow that with the stock messaging app.
Appreciate your time and thanks in advance
Cerebro22 said:
Second, is there any way to use the real ICS keyboard instead of HTC's or one off the market? I had a galaxy nexus and really like that one. I am currently using a copy from a while ago from the market and its not as good.
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I also came from a gnex, and love the stock ICS keyboard. The easiest way to safely get it for free is to download one of the latest CM9 nightlies from
Then open the zip, go to system/app, and copy LatinIME.apk out. Put it on your one x and install it. You'll then have to go into settings->language/keyboard, and enable the keyboard.
After that, go to any text field on your phone (like your browser's URL bar), make the HTC keyboard pop up, then drag down your notification bar and you'll see the switch keyboard notification.
No root required, nice and safe.
That is an awesome trick lol...Do you have any other apk suggestions I can use from the CM build?
It works perfectly! Thanks again
Cerebro22 said:
That is an awesome trick lol...Do you have any other apk suggestions I can use from the CM build?
It works perfectly! Thanks again
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I haven't felt the need for anything else from my gnex, so I didn't attempt to use any other apks. I know a few people were requesting the stock sms and dialer, but you really need to be careful pulling system/app apks out, since there could be dependencies.
slippers67 said:
I also came from a gnex, and love the stock ICS keyboard. The easiest way to safely get it for free is to download one of the latest CM9 nightlies from
Then open the zip, go to system/app, and copy LatinIME.apk out. Put it on your one x and install it. You'll then have to go into settings->language/keyboard, and enable the keyboard.
After that, go to any text field on your phone (like your browser's URL bar), make the HTC keyboard pop up, then drag down your notification bar and you'll see the switch keyboard notification.
No root required, nice and safe.
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NICE So much better to type on now!
Anyone else for the emojin question? I found the answer to the first one.

[Q] cyanogenmod

hi, sorry if i am a begginer, but i have few questions: (i have cm10.1 on galaxy tab 2 10.1 - p5110)
1. i have to periodically update gapps (to flash them), or they update from play store?
2. i understand that cm is deodexed, the apps installed from store will be odexed? i will have both odexed & deoexed apps?
3. cm for my device is created specially for it, with the right drivers?
(because sound seems a little low and luminosity the same, compared to stock)
4. is there a possibility to have softkeys in left of screen?
5. it seems to me that the resolution is different than stock? because the screen looks a little bit condensed...
6. i can, for example, to disable apolo and install stock player?
7. how about the dialer, i have wifi version and it's missing, i want it for those service codes (imei, service menu, etc..)
8. how can i make my own flashable apps package? to not install them one by one from store. i have to deoex them?
9. how about wallpapers, they appear zoomed on homescreen ...
10. where i can learn how cm works, about deoex and all those things? on their site are not much things explained for begginers
Thank you for understanding
no one?
geo741 said:
hi, sorry if i am a begginer, but i have few questions: (i have cm10.1 on galaxy tab 2 10.1 - p5110)
1. i have to periodically update gapps (to flash them), or they update from play store?
2. i understand that cm is deodexed, the apps installed from store will be odexed? i will have both odexed & deoexed apps?
3. cm for my device is created specially for it, with the right drivers?
(because sound seems a little low and luminosity the same, compared to stock)
4. is there a possibility to have softkeys in left of screen?
5. it seems to me that the resolution is different than stock? because the screen looks a little bit condensed...
6. i can, for example, to disable apolo and install stock player?
7. how about the dialer, i have wifi version and it's missing, i want it for those service codes (imei, service menu, etc..)
8. how can i make my own flashable apps package? to not install them one by one from store. i have to deoex them?
9. how about wallpapers, they appear zoomed on homescreen ...
10. where i can learn how cm works, about deoex and all those things? on their site are not much things explained for begginers
Thank you for understanding
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do not post twice! just wait someone will read it!
anyway i will try and help you.
1) no they update via play store if update is present.
2)all your apps are deodexed now.
3)yes it is, but kernel is different and so are drivers because it is compiled from source and not by modding samsung rom. so it differs in few aspect, but it will become better and better with the developing. nightlies are not the top notch version of any rom, just wait!
4)that i do not know hope some dev will answer you.
5)it could be due to different kernel and gpu drivers. like said before wait for RC and stable version to see good things in that aspect.
6)you can do that. but i suggest not to remove apollo, just install the music player that you want and set it as default player so you do not mess with system files.
7)wifi verion=nodialer! if there is a mod for that search or ask a dev to do it for you or study and do it yourself!(for the study thing read down)
8)long thing to do, just patiently wait them to install from play OR install titanium back up, do a back up of the app you want, then you just need to install titanium back up and restore those app from there!
9)don't know what you mean. sorry post screenshot!
10) to learn everything you need check in xda forum under android general! AND go to XDA-UNIVERSITY and learn what you need!
i'm not a dev so just give me a thx and i'm happy
9. Use quickpic
sent from MY BAD A$$ ET4G
dagothe9 said:
do not post twice! just wait someone will read it!
anyway i will try and help you.
1) no they update via play store if update is present.
2)all your apps are deodexed now.
3)yes it is, but kernel is different and so are drivers because it is compiled from source and not by modding samsung rom. so it differs in few aspect, but it will become better and better with the developing. nightlies are not the top notch version of any rom, just wait!
4)that i do not know hope some dev will answer you.
5)it could be due to different kernel and gpu drivers. like said before wait for RC and stable version to see good things in that aspect.
6)you can do that. but i suggest not to remove apollo, just install the music player that you want and set it as default player so you do not mess with system files.
7)wifi verion=nodialer! if there is a mod for that search or ask a dev to do it for you or study and do it yourself!(for the study thing read down)
8)long thing to do, just patiently wait them to install from play OR install titanium back up, do a back up of the app you want, then you just need to install titanium back up and restore those app from there!
9)don't know what you mean. sorry post screenshot!
10) to learn everything you need check in xda forum under android general! AND go to XDA-UNIVERSITY and learn what you need!
i'm not a dev so just give me a thx and i'm happy
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Thank you !
At 9, the problem is when i set the wallpaper, it is set directly, without to open croping tool first, and in landscape mode, it appears zoomed in.
And, at settings----apps--all i see many apps, like google ears, dialer apk's, but i dont find them to use them.
geo741 said:
Thank you !
At 9, the problem is when i set the wallpaper, it is set directly, without to open croping tool first, and in landscape mode, it appears zoomed in.
And, at settings----apps--all i see many apps, like google ears, dialer apk's, but i dont find them to use them.
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Ok for the wp problem check some app.. i do not know how to fix that sorry.
For the second one, well dialer apk is the one for the phone dialer you do not need to find it directly, the same goes for a lot of other apps. For anyone those search Google or xda to discover what they are and why they are there
I use quickpic and still have the same problem with wallpaper. i'm hoping there is a better answer but the way i got wallpaper to fit is by extending the border.. exp wallpaper has black background and is 100x100 create picture thats 200x200 paint it black then c&p your wallpaper and center it.
complicated? thats what i'm saying lol. again i'm sure theres a simpler way.. and no ... just resizing the wallpaper so its smaller wont work

