have any one hook up a usb dvd drive to their transformer to play dvd directly? if so, do you have to do anything special? or it just works?
I have external hard drive connected to my router. I have music and videos in this drive. How do I connect to it using Windows Phone? I can't seem to find any any app for this.
Other DLNA clients are usually able to automatically discover and play media from that drive. But not sure how to get Windows Phone to access it and play media.
I tried TVersity, it kind of works but it does not seem to play all format (my .avi files aren't playing)
I tried OnePlayer - it discovers the drive, but it only plays music.
Guys I have a Android phone and Android tablet. I want to plug my tablet into the HDTV with the Micro HDMI play a movie and be able to remote control it with my phone. Is this possible? From my experience I have found I can only use VLC Direct Pro with a PC involved. If you know a way please share
any app that allows to play all the videos or songs from a usb read by otg?
i have the hisense sero 7 pro tablet
i can use otg and plug a usb
but when i see my music i hit play in a song..and i can listen to that song but not the whole folder
i want to play complete folders..anyone can teach me? with what program i can do that?
As my iPod classic's dead and my music collection's around 200GB - are there any cheap Android MP3 players that support OTG so I can just attach an external drive? (Portability's not an issue)
Hello everybody,
With my LG television, I use WebOS to access internet. I have tried to download an .avi file fom internet but I got a message similar to "Downloading file is not supported" from the browser.
I would like to find a way (via another app, via an external device or whatever) to download a media file into my TV or into an USB drive already plugged-in. Then, I would like the TV to play/read the downloaded file.
Any idea how to do this ?
In other words, today, what I do:
- download a media file from the web with my computer (file of 700mo)
- copy the media into an USB drive
- unplug the usb drive from my computer
- plug the usb drive into my TV
- play the media to watch it with my TV
I would like to avoid those steps (using my computer) for watching my downloaded media on my TV.
My TV : OLED65C2