Looking for a programmer for an amazing app idea. - Android Apps and Games

Hi, I am looking for a programmer to help build an app for me. Profit and ownership will be split 60(me) ,40(you). It is a genius app idea and has bot been created so far, however, it is a little complicated. Email me for further info and instructions.

lol.. you'll be lucky to get a royalty for whatever idea it is, bro. Thankfully the Android community is pretty wicked, but that's a greedy percentage.
A more realistic offer is that you pitch your idea and someone comes along and actually brings it to fruition.

That's the most retarded idea ever. Let me just give away all my good ideas.

If someone is going to partner with you on a project ( and by the sounds of it be doing all the work), then they will want a higher (atleast even) share of the profits.
Otherwise,if you have an awesome app idea, but no idea how to program it, pay someone to make the app for you (professionally), then you can get 100% of the profits from ads/sales

whats the idea. Email me for more details: [email protected]

dont give your ideas away for free, but just cuz you have an idea, and no patent, doesnt stop anyone from emailing you about the idea and useing it as their own @[email protected]
and just because you have a patent, doesnt stop anyone from making as their own, what does stop them though, is if you have enough money to take them to court, good luck with your idea.
all innovations began as an idea that barley anyone believed in.

Thanks for the input guys. I guess i can pay someone to do the work, but how much do you pay someone to make an app?

Depends on a lot of things.
You should look for a developer that's willing to take on this kind of work. Look for somebody who knows what they're doing, and somebody trustworthy.

Where can i look for that? I should go check around my area huh?

Or you could look around on XDA, find someone who already has a good reputation for writing quality apps and contact them.
You will have to tell them what your idea is, though.


android bounty - looking for input from devs

My brother and I came up with this idea to bribe devs into making cool little ideas we come up with. We "pledge" money to an idea and then when a working product is reviewed, the dev claims the bounty. pretty simple idea.
you can read more here http://tinyurl.com/aa5mgd
the idea it not fully fleshed out and we are trying to improve upon it. so please i would like to hear anyones thoughts on this. criticism is welcome
I'd say a pledge isn't going to do squat (check's in the mail) :/
Now if you were to have people donate $$ to a dedicated per app paypal account I think you've got something.
Another problem you might have is you need a dev with mad knowledge of android and the hardware of the G1 to tell if said app can even become a reality.
Just my 2 cents, I'm no dev but people aren't good at keeping promises over the internet...Dam u stacy29582..lol
Seems interesting enough. I'd do it if the right app came along.
Yes, we plan on setting up a dedicated paypal account soon. I am just using my personal one for now. For this first idea I guarantee the pledge will be paid in full.
oh cool, so the cash will exist during the time of the builds. I was a bit confused. I thought you were thinking more like a grade school jog-a-thon, where once the app 'has' been created you'd have to go around and try to get money out of all the folks that claimed they'd pledge.
Thanks for the feedback. A couple people responded and it looks like the first app idea might happen. We got a few other pledges as well. Just need to wait and see if any support builds up around the idea.
I hope the bounty idea itself will take off. Every day I wish some specific app existed and I'd be willing to pay for it to be developed. I don't know if other people think that way though. Seems everyone just wants stuff for free.
np, tho take my feedback with a grain of salt as I don't know much about development... hopefully your getting more 'developer' feedback elsewhere, Wish ya the best of luck with this
wimbet said:
Seems everyone just wants stuff for free.
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well we did root the phone.... we are used to free apps.... yea it sucks for developers i'll give you that. Nothings wrong with free, but people are to used to things being "free" nowadays
inpherno3 said:
well we did root the phone.... we are used to free apps.... yea it sucks for developers i'll give you that. Nothings wrong with free, but people are to used to things being "free" nowadays
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Yup look at JFs releases. They are "free" but several people have donated, including myself, to thank him for his work and encourage him to keep going.
Thats all we aim to do. Encourage devs to code ideas and then reward them for their hard work.
good idea, but as soon as paid apps get going properly and all the (hopefully) decent apps start arriving, i don't think this will be needed

App contest!

I've just updated my Payday Android app and I'd like to start a new project. As they say, necessity is the mother of all invention so I'm asking you guys. What kind of app would you most benefit from? What app have you longed for that just isn't out there yet, or if its out there and doesn't meet your needs. I want you guys to send me PM's or Email at [email protected]gmail.com with your ideas for an Android application. I'll take suggestions for the next week or so and pick several realistic ones. I'll then add those to a poll and let you guys vote on which one you want, or the one you would get the most use out of. The person who made the original suggestion will get a special prize and a free copy of the app once its finished.
In the case of more than one person suggests the Same winning App, the first person who contacted me with the idea will get the prize, however everyone who contacted me with the winning idea will get a copy of it free.
And please send me a PM or Email because I've read too many articles about forum lurkers on here snatching ideas, so this should help deter that somewhat. So let the suggestions roll. Thanks guys.
I think it's best idea
I know that people looking for call recording app on Froyo (Android 2.2).
There is idea that OS don't let this, but, maybe, you so good programmer that is not prolem for you.
Ill add it to the submit list, thanks.
So, what you are saying is you want a bunch of ideas on new apps from people and you want them all to your self, by offering up some free t-shirt or something?
Nice. Wish I'd thought of it.
I'm thinking a tax helper, for like tax season lol. And help with balancing your checkbook and junk. Sounds good.
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The Battle for $1: User vs Designer

So today I was greeted with a simple PM that quickly escalated to nonsense for no reason. I am putting it here because I wan't to hear the community's thoughts on this. I have erased the user's name and other information to avoid any humiliation. Please keep your discussion specific and don't flame. Blue color for my conversation and green color for the other party.
Hello, just love your Berry Black Keyboard Theme!
would like to download it, it's posted as free on xda - clicking on link you've provided - and it appears to be paid. maybe some kind of mistake.
can you please be so kind sharing?
and do you have webmoney accound so i can donate? we don't have / can't pay through paypal in ukraine.
thank you.
It's not for free sorry. I made a mistake in the thread, I have updated it now.
You can buy from slideme app store they allow world wide users to buy apps easily.
Berry white and ICS Froyo are the two free keyboards.
LOL first developer not sharing 1$ eight png images to the other person kindly asking. even if he asked by mistake and willing to donate for the app he thought was free.
checked slideme - same thing with my country, anyway the deal is not about the money.
maybe i think so because i do some serious stuff in real life.
but i will never understand how 1$ and some png images can beat kind words.
wish you all the best - so your life changes the way 1 bucks won't be such an issue.
Thats the whole point my friend. A bunch of images and random colors organized in a nice fashion is what makes it worth something. Just like mining gold. Have you ever asked the question why there is no berry black keyboard theme in the market in the first place ? Theres literally thousands of free keyboard theme apps and not one black berry styled keyboard ? Why ?
And as for sharing a $1 app, I've had users email me and they were kind enough to do a video for it as well. You are like the 100th person to ask me for free. If I gave all the other 100 people the theme for free then whats in it for me ? Like seriously ? In normal case scenario if a person has a life and other things to do why would he make and then do all the extra overhead work of creating icons and market listing and upload it and then give it out for free ? I would have given you the app anyways after you checked and told me what happened with slideme but like others you too had no patience and had to add your own smart comments.
Your right It's not about money, I give out free apps every week. People like you need to realize that $1 not because its worth $1 but because it will not sell at higher prices. It takes about 15 hours to finish a keyboard theme from start to finish and testing it on all resolutions. So if my rate of earning were to be even $10 per hour then its 10x15=$150. Which means until I sell 150 keyboard themes I have not earned enough. And then comes the 100+ people who want it for free. This is why developers quit in the middle of working on kernels and roms here in xda because when people want something they will make noise but not work on it themselves. When someone does it for them they got even more complains.
Unlike other designers here on xda I fight for designers. I don't care about your $1.
are all these people live somewhere where electronic money transactions are REALLY hard. ebay doesn't even accept transactions for random goods to anyone in ex-ussr. didn't know that, sure?
were all these people thinking it was free and willing to donate even more than you want for it (i didn't even notice it was 1$ until i started with slideme) but with webmoney which we have exchange for?
that's not a reason for you, you're thinking of other 100 free askers and all that pity math. you concerned about money more than you try to imply, believe me it's well seen.
now as for stuff you call desiiiign - a simple recent example of an app everyone uses WhatsApp modded
price was the same as you 8 png images but this person did MUCH more work, including photoshop, smali editing compiling etc etc etc. 15 hours for your skin? than how much for testing and drawing the whole app? it'll take a year with that productivity.
and concerning the marketing question, believe me, a lot more users would download themed whatsapp with extra features not implemented by developer itself, rather than one of thousand keyboard skins.
guess what, he is giving it out for free when it was paid and than made it donate version. yes he can sell thousand of copies of this skin but he doesn't.
he earns money for his work but he is not shaking for every bucks when situation doesn't worth it and stay a real man. you live not far from russia, hope you understand the meaning of being a man in our meaning. there are things men can not afford because they're too cheap for them. not literally of course.
and the xda full of those examples.
free apps, kernels, roms, mods! years of man work for free. all this stuff needs much more knowledge and work than those 8 images you call design. and all this app can be successfully sold! but they're not. how do you think why? as for berry keyboard and first places - there's just nothing special about it no one looks for it and no one downloads it that's why it's not on a first place LOL.
donations and earning money for any work is good.
but being such a principle person in such a simple situation - trading for such a mediocre work makes me smile.
believe me, if you were such a principle person with EVERYTHING in your life you won't think about 100xxxwhatever persons 150xxxwhatever dollars and all that funny numbers. so you're not that sharp. and you're telling me you don't care about 1$. that's a funny stuff showing me i was right from the beginning.
and for the keyboard we were talking about - already got that
Order date: March 4, 2012 11:47:50 AM PST
Berry Black Keyboard
- doesn't look as good as it was on a screenshot - won't use it, deserves a refund in my opinion, but i won't, just because i prefer to be principle in real life with some really worthy stuff and can afford a bunch of so-called "Designer_Stuff organized in nice fashion".
just to support person who says he doesn't care for 1$ and stands for designers, but writes a huge explanation with examples from 1$ math and doesn't have anything we call design on his deviantart. keep believing LOL
So first you message me that you love the theme and you want it for free because you cannot buy it. Next you buy from market somehow and now your complaining. I just proved my point. Your purchase has been refunded. I did not come knocking on your door you came to me trying to be cheap. You can say what you want about my deviantart I dont really care, I do things my way. You wrote an entire essay complaining maybe you could have used that time to design your own keyboard that will satisfy your needs.
you're funny little person.
i was trying to donate for free app. remember/no? how's your memory today?
needed to ask another person to download it for me, than send money to him through webmoney... a lot of actions to do. taken about an hour, ain't it too much for a couple of images?
that's why i asked it for free first.
but such a looser like you would better believe someone tried to cheat him for 1$. greedy piece of LOL can see nothing but money. you thought someone would even bother to write a message not to pay 1$? are you that retard to not understand how small that amount is for anybody in this world?
i buy "designers" with such "creativity" and way of thinking you just clearly demonstrated for a couple of hundreds per dosen. believe me i didn't mean to steal you dollar. LOOOOOOOOOL
you've made a refund? funny enough i've noticed your apk on some other forum. so doesn't really matter. if i'd find this leaked version earlier i wouldn't meet a man that don't deserve being a man. greedy pays twice, or loosing a lot of potential buyers one way or another.
first impression is the right one. cheap stuff smells in a special way and shows itself in everything related to a person.
now get lost, tired of your pathetic mind.
I told you before you would have got your theme for free but you had to be sarcastic from start thats why you didnt get it. If you were nice you could have avoided everything but you chose this course of action. As for the apk in another forum you just proved that you wanted to pirate it in the first place, thats why you were still looking for it in the other forums. You thought it would be nice if you could ask me directly for it so you dont feel guilty. I get many people like you every day and this is not support. I don't need nagging people like you to support me when I have the support of my designer friends in deviantart. They see something in me and you don't, go figure why. All the kernels and roms and free stuff I use from xda I have personally offered all those devs my apps for free. Some agreed others said they will buy it from the market. I don't need to explain anything to you but I'm being nice and explaining to you so your narrow one sided mind can understand that it was you who messed it up. Your the pathetic one with zero patience.
i didnt need your theme for free clown! i needed it with less possible actions to download. see the difference?
it would be nice to ask not to feel guilty? for what? i'd use it if i like it and so what? it wouldnt work if i dont buy it? why spending time sending message waiting for answer. why talk to some clerk thinking he is a designer?
are you retard tell me? or you think sun walks around you? that's getting funniest conversation ever. you live in interesting world where you believe in some idiotic stuff you wanna believe and proving it further. that youre designer, that someone will talk to you for 1$ hahaha too much for your pity self. telling you once again - no one writes message for 1$ believe me.
you don't need to explain? you were just offered to get lost but you still here smelling in my PM. why? because im right. zero are you and you can do nothing with it. you are angry because you understand that people see how pathetic everything you do and wanna call design. its worth 1$ nothing more you're right.
youre offering apps for free to devs stuff you use? how about others? or you're only a tradewhore offering 8 images for whole kernel rom etc?. think its equal? how convinient. its like nothing to 1$ even less, we are talking about.
do you understand how low are you telling this stuff as an argument. and who uses your great skins in their roms? never seen it anywhere even for free.
get lost you're plankton, prooved in three variations.
Moral of the story, no more PM's for me. No one is pointing a gun at your head and making you buy my apps.
Don't respond to the trolls, especially when they can't write in proper English.
Agreed, don't feed the trolls. They never are grateful for it.
Now I know what a troll is...
retareq said:
Now I know what a troll is...
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essentially if it is something that makes you angry or makes you want to write a long message in reply to explain yourself and rant about it, delete it.
Sent from my ICS SCH-i500
sageDieu said:
essentially if it is something that makes you angry or makes you want to write a long message in reply to explain yourself and rant about it, delete it.
Sent from my ICS SCH-i500
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Good advice. Its in effect right now.
spunker88 said:
Don't respond to the trolls, especially when they can't write in proper English.
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Wow that was serious stuff. And his English its understandable. People are crazy nowadays
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Don't let idiots get you down buddy. I'm sure this made you very upset - I myself would have been livid. But fortunately people like this don't make their opinion valid in too many ways that come across as reasonable or pointed. Them trolls are insignificant in the long run - you know how hard you work on your many projects and what they're worth, as does anyone else with half a brain
melissapugs said:
Don't let idiots get you down buddy. I'm sure this made you very upset - I myself would have been livid. But fortunately people like this don't make their opinion valid in too many ways that come across as reasonable or pointed. Them trolls are insignificant in the long run - you know how hard you work on your many projects and what they're worth, as does anyone else with half a brain
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Surprisingly I am not upset or livid. I was at first but I took this opportunity to train myself to be nice in stressful situations. I think I did well
Name & shame! Obviously wanted app for free, that's why they kept the focus on not wanting to pay "1$" and making personal insults.
sent from my legend, currently using extream legend fuse™
And this is why I just assume everyone who's not American is a Terrorist. And I do not negotiate with Terrorists.
we don't have / can't pay through paypal in ukraine.
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End of Conversation.
What a flapwit.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using Tapatalk
It's 2012 the sob story of any problem is now an alarm bell..... Especially when based on any value of of real $..
I lost my mind and faith in humanity in my last few sales jobs... Apparently too honest to survive... People would blatantly lie to me in the dumbest ways thinking it would save them a penny...
When will people learn that only your mom thinks your the best or smartest...
And to the people who believe that you could out canive everyone on survivor, is the reason why north america is about to fall under its own incapability to be efficient... all this weaseling is making it impossible to do anything right the first time.... Integrity is dead..
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
Sadly for him, you don't owe him anything. You are free to sell your work for any amount of money. You are free to be a slow designer and take plenty of time to do work that would apparently take shorter. It's not your fault he cannot buy your work. It's not your fault the economy is what it is. It's not your fault you're part of a bigger machine, as one of the billion cogwheels that actually needs to work to be able to afford their food and other items. Or just to buy your second multi million dollars yacht. None of anyone's business.
He never had the intention to buy in the first place, otherwise he would just have done so. He did it later on only to prove his point rather than to acknowledge of your work. If you were treated as his equal, he would have had no qualms about putting as much work as you did to buy it. Instead, he started diminishing your work, insulting your efficiency and your talent.
If you were to deliver software for free, then it would be because you wanted to. You're not instantly a better person because you give your work for free, and if someone does this to get a good reputation, then I believe you're not doing it for the good reason. I've gave work for free before. Plenty of time was spent with no remuneration other than a thank you and a smile and I've felt good about that. But on the other side, I've had plenty of remuneration, in the form of monetary compensation, for things I would do naturally without expecting anything in return. All in all, it balances.
polobunny said:
Sadly for him, you don't owe him anything. You are free to sell your work for any amount of money. You are free to be a slow designer and take plenty of time to do work that would apparently take shorter. It's not your fault he cannot buy your work. It's not your fault the economy is what it is. It's not your fault you're part of a bigger machine, as one of the billion cogwheels that actually needs to work to be able to afford their food and other items. Or just to buy your second multi million dollars yacht. None of anyone's business.
He never had the intention to buy in the first place, otherwise he would just have done so. He did it later on only to prove his point rather than to acknowledge of your work. If you were treated as his equal, he would have had no qualms about putting as much work as you did to buy it. Instead, he started diminishing your work, insulting your efficiency and your talent.
If you were to deliver software for free, then it would be because you wanted to. You're not instantly a better person because you give your work for free, and if someone does this to get a good reputation, then I believe you're not doing it for the good reason. I've gave work for free before. Plenty of time was spent with no remuneration other than a thank you and a smile and I've felt good about that. But on the other side, I've had plenty of remuneration, in the form of monetary compensation, for things I would do naturally without expecting anything in return. All in all, it balances.
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+1 Nicely said

[Q] 3 REALLY REALLY! good app ideas.. where to go from there?

Hey, I'm new to this forum so if I'm posting this question in the wrong section, go easy on me. So I have 3 extremely good ideas for mobile apps and I don't know what to do with them. I'm not an app developer or programmer, I don't have capital to pay other developers and programmers to put these apps into motion and I'm not sure what steps I could take to get these ideas off the ground. I have a feeling some people will say, that's nice, but without any of the things I listed in the previous sentence, it'll be just a pipe dream and until I have capital, I'd be better off to forget about my ideas. So I'm here to see if maybe there is a place to go or how to find the right people to talk to about giving out ideas and getting a small percentage from the apps success.
All three ideas are related to business operations and one, in my opinion would be easier to develop than the other two, and as far as I know, there isn't any apps right now that do what my idea for the 3 apps would be doing. I could teach myself how to develop the apps but that would take years and by then, they may already be developed by someone else. I will vaguely describe the 3 ideas as one would grab information from GPS locations to gather information from the user and would be extremely beneficial to any private or public sector's finances. The second one would use a persons location and SIRI. The third would mainly use location and video/audio.
Is there a website people with ideas can go to and send the idea to whoever there with clear terms mentioned before submission of how the ideas are dealt with so that the idea holder gets some recognition or stake in the idea development and then passes on the idea to a company that will make good use out of it. If there isn't anything like that, a website similar to that would also be a good idea. Businesses need to constantly evolve and come up with new ways to attract and retain customers, and my ideas would benefit business operations by saving time, minimizing costs, and staying ahead of the game by taking advantage of new technology.
Even if my app ideas don't come to fruition, I'm still happy that I came up with them and can come up with more, because without new ideas this world would be a sad and boring place to live.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and help in advance!

Need App Developer for 1 of a kind app.

First off, I apologize if this is being started in the wrong place..
I actually need some advice from some mods or long time members. I have an idea for an app that i've actually had in my head for a couple of years now. I know most of the details for it; how it should work, things it will need to do, and even how to market it once completed. What I don't have is sufficient enough programming knowledge or skill, in order to build it and test it.
This app has the potential to actually make, and be worth alot of money. So much so, that I'm willing to work with more than 1 developer on this, maybe a few. What I don't want, is to get burned. I don't want to give away specifics and details to just anyone, I need some type of agreement that is bonding. This app could slice into a very big market that has no competition, or anything like it anywhere for the average everyday person. It has to do with something medical, and the information that I have, I learned over several years while working for the US Airforce.
This absolutely would be a revenue sharing project. I may be able to pay for some needed things, but I'm actually in college right now, so I don't have a whole lot right now. But I am willing to spend what it will take to get this going and off the ground.
Please, I beg of you fine people... Help me.. Maybe help yourself as well.
What kind of app . U know specify there technologies and languages you want to
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