Need App Developer for 1 of a kind app. - Android Apps and Games

First off, I apologize if this is being started in the wrong place..
I actually need some advice from some mods or long time members. I have an idea for an app that i've actually had in my head for a couple of years now. I know most of the details for it; how it should work, things it will need to do, and even how to market it once completed. What I don't have is sufficient enough programming knowledge or skill, in order to build it and test it.
This app has the potential to actually make, and be worth alot of money. So much so, that I'm willing to work with more than 1 developer on this, maybe a few. What I don't want, is to get burned. I don't want to give away specifics and details to just anyone, I need some type of agreement that is bonding. This app could slice into a very big market that has no competition, or anything like it anywhere for the average everyday person. It has to do with something medical, and the information that I have, I learned over several years while working for the US Airforce.
This absolutely would be a revenue sharing project. I may be able to pay for some needed things, but I'm actually in college right now, so I don't have a whole lot right now. But I am willing to spend what it will take to get this going and off the ground.
Please, I beg of you fine people... Help me.. Maybe help yourself as well.

What kind of app . U know specify there technologies and languages you want to
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Looking for a programmer for an amazing app idea.

Hi, I am looking for a programmer to help build an app for me. Profit and ownership will be split 60(me) ,40(you). It is a genius app idea and has bot been created so far, however, it is a little complicated. Email me for further info and instructions.
lol.. you'll be lucky to get a royalty for whatever idea it is, bro. Thankfully the Android community is pretty wicked, but that's a greedy percentage.
A more realistic offer is that you pitch your idea and someone comes along and actually brings it to fruition.
That's the most retarded idea ever. Let me just give away all my good ideas.
If someone is going to partner with you on a project ( and by the sounds of it be doing all the work), then they will want a higher (atleast even) share of the profits.
Otherwise,if you have an awesome app idea, but no idea how to program it, pay someone to make the app for you (professionally), then you can get 100% of the profits from ads/sales
whats the idea. Email me for more details: [email protected]
dont give your ideas away for free, but just cuz you have an idea, and no patent, doesnt stop anyone from emailing you about the idea and useing it as their own @[email protected]
and just because you have a patent, doesnt stop anyone from making as their own, what does stop them though, is if you have enough money to take them to court, good luck with your idea.
all innovations began as an idea that barley anyone believed in.
Thanks for the input guys. I guess i can pay someone to do the work, but how much do you pay someone to make an app?
Depends on a lot of things.
You should look for a developer that's willing to take on this kind of work. Look for somebody who knows what they're doing, and somebody trustworthy.
Where can i look for that? I should go check around my area huh?
Or you could look around on XDA, find someone who already has a good reputation for writing quality apps and contact them.
You will have to tell them what your idea is, though.

Just a Passing Thought on Devs

Just one of my thoughts on developers...
Developers of apps and such have brought us some really useful creations that allow us to personalize our Android devices in almost anyway we desire. They spend countless hours, months, or even years developing these things which they give to us for our use.
While we use these creations, we find a bug or think of a new implementation for it. Now a developer will get new feature requests and choose to not make those changes because they have no time, not enough demand, or there's just no plan for it. On the other hand, we find a bug in it. We bring it to their attention and there's a chance that it will be fixed, maybe soon or in a later update. Maybe it doesn't get fixed but it still runs fairly well.
But what the unresponsive developers who basically make their apps for a quick buck and then the project is dead? Or the ones who don't listen to the supporters of their app at all? I know there's no obligation to listen to thoughts of the consumer but shouldn't the developer at least pay attention and be somewhat responsive?
Any thoughts/comments/disagreements/criticisms/hate on this are welcome.
Jamin13 said:
Just one of my thoughts on developers...
Developers of apps and such have brought us some really useful creations that allow us to personalize our Android devices in almost anyway we desire. They spend countless hours, months, or even years developing these things which they give to us for our use.
While we use these creations, we find a bug or think of a new implementation for it. Now a developer will get new feature requests and choose to not make those changes because they have no time, not enough demand, or there's just no plan for it. On the other hand, we find a bug in it. We bring it to their attention and there's a chance that it will be fixed, maybe soon or in a later update. Maybe it doesn't get fixed but it still runs fairly well.
But what the unresponsive developers who basically make their apps for a quick buck and then the project is dead? Or the ones who don't listen to the supporters of their app at all? I know there's no obligation to listen to thoughts of the consumer but shouldn't the developer at least pay attention and be somewhat responsive?
Any thoughts/comments/disagreements/criticisms/hate on this are welcome.
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I guess we are lucky in that the majority of Developers in the community are not demanding of donations or the 'quick buck'. Most do it to tinker in their spare time, to prove that it can be done, and to feed their passion. They are then gracious enough to share their works with us, everyday Joes, for nil thought of monetary gain (again, mostly).
It disheartens me greatly that the overwhelming majority of users now make the most ridiculous demands of Developers, expect a full-blown 'retail (bug-less)' experience, then have the gall to call Developers out if they decide to move away from the project, hit a brick wall or even just go to sleep!
Unfortunately I have even seen the odd Developer involved in this sort of behaviour, and it's certainly not limited to Junior members either, not by a long shot
These guys don't get paid, they're (generally) doing the best they can with what they've got, and they share with us out of their own goodwill. We use and try these things at our own risk. It's printed in big red letters at the top of most ROM threads these days, for good reason
With the onset of the 'smartphone revolution', it's amazing to read through a 50-page thread and watch how many people ask for each and every feature in a 'CWM flashable zip' because they can't, or won't, read through a few pages, or even do a search. I'd wager a fair few wouldn't even know what a Command Prompt or Fastboot was. These kids are flashing whatever looks 'cool' to their devices without so much as a clue to what it does (other than OMG an extra 0.1GHz! - example only), then expecting everyone else to pull them out of the **** when it goes pear-shaped ('I need flashable zip for...'), and having a bit of a go if something doesn't work, rather than sitting back and waiting for it to get past version 0.1.
I have great sympathy for Developers today, as they don't have a hope in Hell of keeping on top of this, nor keeping up with the ridiculous demands.
Even if we make a donation, it does not entitle us to any more support than the regular user who just hits the 'Thanks' button, or even just silently downloads and uses. It's called a donation for a reason. This is a community based on goodwill and sharing, although some days it certainly doesn't look that way.
I've bored you long enough Thankyou for asking the question and giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts. Remember, the Developers are the lifeblood of this community, and (thankfully) bad eggs among them are quite rare.
Take care.
juzz86 said:
I guess we are lucky in that the majority of Developers in the community are not demanding of donations or the 'quick buck'. Most do it to tinker in their spare time, to prove that it can be done, and to feed their passion. They are then gracious enough to share their works with us, everyday Joes, for nil thought of monetary gain (again, mostly).
It disheartens me greatly that the overwhelming majority of users now make the most ridiculous demands of Developers, expect a full-blown 'retail (bug-less)' experience, then have the gall to call Developers out if they decide to move away from the project, hit a brick wall or even just go to sleep!
Unfortunately I have even seen the odd Developer involved in this sort of behaviour, and it's certainly not limited to Junior members either, not by a long shot
These guys don't get paid, they're (generally) doing the best they can with what they've got, and they share with us out of their own goodwill. We use and try these things at our own risk. It's printed in big red letters at the top of most ROM threads these days, for good reason
With the onset of the 'smartphone revolution', it's amazing to read through a 50-page thread and watch how many people ask for each and every feature in a 'CWM flashable zip' because they can't, or won't, read through a few pages, or even do a search. I'd wager a fair few wouldn't even know what a Command Prompt or Fastboot was. These kids are flashing whatever looks 'cool' to their devices without so much as a clue to what it does (other than OMG an extra 0.1GHz! - example only), then expecting everyone else to pull them out of the **** when it goes pear-shaped ('I need flashable zip for...'), and having a bit of a go if something doesn't work, rather than sitting back and waiting for it to get past version 0.1.
I have great sympathy for Developers today, as they don't have a hope in Hell of keeping on top of this, nor keeping up with the ridiculous demands.
Even if we make a donation, it does not entitle us to any more support than the regular user who just hits the 'Thanks' button, or even just silently downloads and uses. It's called a donation for a reason. This is a community based on goodwill and sharing, although some days it certainly doesn't look that way.
I've bored you long enough Thankyou for asking the question and giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts. Remember, the Developers are the lifeblood of this community, and (thankfully) bad eggs among them are quite rare.
Take care.
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No problem, always nice to know others thoughts on an idea.
There are the dedicated devs who do spend vast amounts of time on their work and everyone (most everyone anyway) are quite appreciative of it. I'm more concerned with devs, whether new or old, just maybe responding. Not just toward reasonable (or ludicrous) requests but just a general question. I wouldn't look for them to respond to everyone who does ask something though, they would be there for days.
I'm just trying to port a recovery for my phone and cannot get a response from any of those respected and revered devs that have done all the work on those recoveries. I've done my fair share of Googling and asking around here and still have not been able to make any progress on it. There was one member who has been lending a hand but other than him, I haven't gotten any other responses.
It sounded like the first post was more about app devs and the second was about rom devs...
I was just talking about devs in general, not any specific kind. Could be ROMs, could be Apps, people will still ask for more and more and pester until they get what they want or until the developer gets fed up and: makes the changes, stops responding, or gets run off.

How does one become an XDA Developer?

Or basically a developer in general.
I know XDA probably gets a helluva lot of these threads regularly, but bare with me.
No I am not a script kiddy. Rather, I'm looking for somewhat of a career advice.
So please don't simply say: Learn C and Java.
That is already an imperative for me.
Here's the deal.
I'm in my final year of my schooling life, Year 12, and next year I will probably begin University (or what the U.S call College).
Important decisions need to be made, like what courses I want to do, what subjects I should take.
Now my ultimate goal in life (not really but you get what I mean) is to be able to do anything to my device.
Like when I was following the PSP dev community, it was incredible. Custom firmwares, homebrew, plugins, exploits etc.
It was awesome. And I want to be able to help and give back to the community.
And I also want to be independent.
Like if theres a bug or something I don't have to rely on the developer to fix it.
For example, my current rom has a random reboot problem.
I want to be able to find and fix the problem myself and add new features and stuff.
That's my ultimate aim.
To be able to legitimately own my devices to such a degree.
Currently my skill resides in web-based javascript, which isn't even legitimate javascript (not in my eyes at least).
I've done some programming courses at school and one year I did Pascal which helped me to get a basic idea of programming functions, like loops and basic practice etc.
But it still doesn't really help me with the two big languages C (#/++) and Java that I have yet to start learning.
Anyways, there's a point to this I promise.
There are 3 courses that I'm interested in Software Engineering, Advanced Computing and Computer Science.
I've looked at the course descriptions and they still all sound the same to me. Although Advanced Computing seems to be more Mathematical based.
But yea, I'm not sure which one will help me achieve my said aim.
Do you guys have any basic career advice? Better yet, any career advice that could relate to my situation?
Are any of you in University/College right now? What courses are you studying?
Perhaps you've already graduated and you're currently an employed developer or something. What courses did you take to get there?
I'm sure XDA isn't one of the best places to ask this kinda thing; heck I bet the first comment will be someone saying how this is in the wrong section or something.
But yea. I just want to help and contribute back to the community.
Legitimate advice is more than welcome.
Trolls and attention ____s please exit to the left.
Wrong section

[PET] Help me out!

Hey guys!
I actually need to ask back from the community and ask for some help... Will you help me..?
What's going on?
So I got my schedule for this school year for my classes I am enrolled in at my High School and I've been placed into a class that I feel I don't deserve to be in!
What's the issue? Why can't I just deal with it?
I've talked with the counselor several times last year about clutching this course or testing out or skipping it altogether, however my requests for her to do something about it were put on the "back-burner" and never fully addressed. The class that I have been placed into is a Regular IT (Information Technology) course. I really wanted to skip this class as it's only a "root" class that, after being completed, allows you to go into other branches of IT courses at my school; I wanted to be in an advanced computers class. I don't normally complain about what I get, but I'd really like to take a more challenging class!
With that being said, my goal is to be put in to Advanced IT or maybe a different higher tiered computing class.
Will you help me?
Please Sign Here:
--and help me get in a course that will suit me the best!
Thank You.
talk to your counselor again. or principal or call the administration.
go to the class you want to be in, ask the teacher for a signature allowing you in one of the classes.
if you demonstrate the skills to skip the class theres no reason they should deny you admittance.
dont stop until you get into the class you fit best in. theres always exceptions made at schools.
ddurandSGS3 said:
talk to your counselor again. or principal or call the administration.
go to the class you want to be in, ask the teacher for a signature allowing you in one of the classes.
if you demonstrate the skills to skip the class theres no reason they should deny you admittance.
dont stop until you get into the class you fit best in. theres always exceptions made at schools.
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I've honestly been pursuing this since December; the counselor I have doesn't put much effort into anything. >.<.
I planned on talking to the teacher of the class that I'll be in as soon as school starts and then showing him a portfolio of my work and then this petition. I'm hoping he'll help me get this issue addressed!
StrumerJohn said:
I've honestly been pursuing this since December; the counselor I have doesn't put much effort into anything. >.<.
I planned on talking to the teacher of the class that I'll be in as soon as school starts and then showing him a portfolio of my work and then this petition. I'm hoping he'll help me get this issue addressed!
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email him today. why wait? most schools have a staff directory on their websites.
you should hound that counselor until you get what you want. dotn settle for no.
email her/him everyday. call everyday.
what do you think a petition with signatures from random people on a random forum will help you achieve? I don't really think that's going to change anything...
ddurandSGS3 said:
email him today. why wait? most schools have a staff directory on their websites.
you should hound that counselor until you get what you want. dotn settle for no.
email her/him everyday. call everyday.
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I have been, I don't want to start annoying the teacher yet though because it's not his fault and if I can't get a schedule change, I don't want to be known as the annoying student that wanted to leave his class!
thetestis said:
what do you think a petition with signatures from random people on a random forum will help you achieve? I don't really think that's going to change anything...
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Show that I have motive / determination and aren't going to settle with a regular class when I am capable of much more. You guys aren't random either. I know a lot of you on here, some even personally. You may not think that they're going to help, but what's the harm in signing it? I'm trying everything I can.
This also isn't a random forum, it's one of the biggest developer / tech forums out to date. The course is a technologic course, so having a petition signed by people off of a tech site of which I am a contributor to is going to look nice.
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I think there are better ways to show your tech proficiency than starting a petition. If you know people on here in real life then having them write a letter with their insight into you and some of their own credentials would be much more conving because- yes, this really is a random forum with random people. No matter how important it is to the android community, it's not going to convince administration that you should be in a more advanced class.
thetestis said:
I think there are better ways to show your tech proficiency than starting a petition. If you know people on here in real life then having them write a letter with their insight into you and some of their own credentials would be much more conving because- yes, this really is a random forum with random people. No matter how important it is to the android community, it's not going to convince administration that you should be in a more advanced class.
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The forum isn't. The petition is. The point be, I'm not trying to skip a class that teaches HTML or something, I'm trying to skip a class that shows the basic fundamentals of how to use a PC / Windows, how to type on a keyboard, and use Microsoft Office. I've also done more than just start a petition. This is just a last resort. I've sent them a several requests to clutch the course, explained my technical background and skulls, showed them a portfolio of computer programming work I've done, showed them my website with a portfolio of work on it, and how when I had a basic tech course like this in middle school, I made the assignments for the teacher (I have emails of us talking back and forth about what the criteria of an assignment). I don't know what else to do. I know I can just take the class and get the easy A, but I'd rather have it on the same weighing scale as my AP/Honors classes. Yeah this petition may seem dumb to you, but once school starts and I go to the principals office with this, a letter I've started, printed out copies of some of the source to some applications, and a flash drive of all of the assignments I've made in the past for an IT class, it will help.
I'm trying to get any asset I can that shows determination put together before the second week of the first semester.
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You never know. Good luck.
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If the other things you've done don't help, I don't think the petition will be the clincher. If showing them your portfolio doesn't help you then a random petition with random people's signatures really isn't going to help. Good luck, great that you're taking the initiative, and go ahead with the petition butttt it seems to be time wasted to me. Honestly, your best bet is a mixture of showing your portfolio and prior grades and having your parents put the pressure on. Those will be your biggest assets.
Good luck- I'm surprised there isn't a way you can clep out.. generally there is, I know when I was in high school you had an option of doing a class like this or doing an html class if you had already shown proficiency with basic computer skills in prior classes. It sucks to have useless guidance counselors/administrators. I've been there- in college and high school.
thetestis said:
If the other things you've done don't help, I don't think the petition will be the clincher. If showing them your portfolio doesn't help you then a random petition with random people's signatures really isn't going to help. Good luck, great that you're taking the initiative, and go ahead with the petition butttt it seems to be time wasted to me. Honestly, your best bet is a mixture of showing your portfolio and prior grades and having your parents put the pressure on. Those will be your biggest assets.
Good luck- I'm surprised there isn't a way you can clep out.. generally there is, I know when I was in high school you had an option of doing a class like this or doing an html class if you had already shown proficiency with basic computer skills in prior classes. It sucks to have useless guidance counselors/administrators. I've been there- in college and high school.
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I have a 4.5 GPA and they can see that. This isn't a waste of time either because the only time I'm putting into it is really just replying to you.
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My mother wrote me a letter telling me that replying to me would always be a waste of her time
thetestis said:
My mother wrote me a letter telling me that replying to me would always be a waste of her time
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Ahaha. It's not a waste of time, it's just rather irking. All I want is to have another asset for school and I'm not in a very scholastic mood right now so it's really not something I want to go back and forth over :3 .
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
as a teacher the last thing i would be is annoyed by a student trying to better himself and or challenge himself.
keep up with it. hound that counselor until you get what you want. if that doenst work, go higher up. its your education.
ddurandSGS3 said:
as a teacher the last thing i would be is annoyed by a student trying to better himself and or challenge himself.
keep up with it. hound that counselor until you get what you want. if that doenst work, go higher up. its your education.
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I'm trying my best!
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Good luck man.
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Skip the petition. Accept the fact that you are still a high school kid and rather than be angry about them not giving you what you want, look for an alternative route to it...
Rather than go to your counselor, who is not helping you at all, perhaps it's time to try to connect with the teacher for the course. Talk to him/her about the course itself, about what you already know (without being arrogant), about what you are looking to move on to, and ask if he/she feels that you would benefit from the course, or if you would be able to skip it and go on to one that you want to take. If the teacher feels the same way as you do, then he/she can & should talk with your counselor to get you moved into the proper course - assuming that it's not already full.
Talk shop with the teacher, but don't try to impress by dropping terminology or 'bragging' about your accomplishments. Just try to have a normal conversation with him/her around the topic of technology, and see how it goes. You should be able to ask your school office for the teacher's email address, and with that info, you can setup a time to meet. This is the time of the year that teachers are getting ready to get their classrooms setup so it's likely you could meet in the classroom. Be flexible and don't expect the teacher to meet you when you have time, but rather expect to make time in your schedule to meet with the teacher when he/she is available.
Good luck.
Thanks guys. I think I'll try again without a petition.
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[Q] 3 REALLY REALLY! good app ideas.. where to go from there?

Hey, I'm new to this forum so if I'm posting this question in the wrong section, go easy on me. So I have 3 extremely good ideas for mobile apps and I don't know what to do with them. I'm not an app developer or programmer, I don't have capital to pay other developers and programmers to put these apps into motion and I'm not sure what steps I could take to get these ideas off the ground. I have a feeling some people will say, that's nice, but without any of the things I listed in the previous sentence, it'll be just a pipe dream and until I have capital, I'd be better off to forget about my ideas. So I'm here to see if maybe there is a place to go or how to find the right people to talk to about giving out ideas and getting a small percentage from the apps success.
All three ideas are related to business operations and one, in my opinion would be easier to develop than the other two, and as far as I know, there isn't any apps right now that do what my idea for the 3 apps would be doing. I could teach myself how to develop the apps but that would take years and by then, they may already be developed by someone else. I will vaguely describe the 3 ideas as one would grab information from GPS locations to gather information from the user and would be extremely beneficial to any private or public sector's finances. The second one would use a persons location and SIRI. The third would mainly use location and video/audio.
Is there a website people with ideas can go to and send the idea to whoever there with clear terms mentioned before submission of how the ideas are dealt with so that the idea holder gets some recognition or stake in the idea development and then passes on the idea to a company that will make good use out of it. If there isn't anything like that, a website similar to that would also be a good idea. Businesses need to constantly evolve and come up with new ways to attract and retain customers, and my ideas would benefit business operations by saving time, minimizing costs, and staying ahead of the game by taking advantage of new technology.
Even if my app ideas don't come to fruition, I'm still happy that I came up with them and can come up with more, because without new ideas this world would be a sad and boring place to live.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and help in advance!

