android bounty - looking for input from devs - G1 Android Development

My brother and I came up with this idea to bribe devs into making cool little ideas we come up with. We "pledge" money to an idea and then when a working product is reviewed, the dev claims the bounty. pretty simple idea.
you can read more here
the idea it not fully fleshed out and we are trying to improve upon it. so please i would like to hear anyones thoughts on this. criticism is welcome

I'd say a pledge isn't going to do squat (check's in the mail) :/
Now if you were to have people donate $$ to a dedicated per app paypal account I think you've got something.
Another problem you might have is you need a dev with mad knowledge of android and the hardware of the G1 to tell if said app can even become a reality.
Just my 2 cents, I'm no dev but people aren't good at keeping promises over the internet...Dam u

Seems interesting enough. I'd do it if the right app came along.

Yes, we plan on setting up a dedicated paypal account soon. I am just using my personal one for now. For this first idea I guarantee the pledge will be paid in full.

oh cool, so the cash will exist during the time of the builds. I was a bit confused. I thought you were thinking more like a grade school jog-a-thon, where once the app 'has' been created you'd have to go around and try to get money out of all the folks that claimed they'd pledge.

Thanks for the feedback. A couple people responded and it looks like the first app idea might happen. We got a few other pledges as well. Just need to wait and see if any support builds up around the idea.
I hope the bounty idea itself will take off. Every day I wish some specific app existed and I'd be willing to pay for it to be developed. I don't know if other people think that way though. Seems everyone just wants stuff for free.

np, tho take my feedback with a grain of salt as I don't know much about development... hopefully your getting more 'developer' feedback elsewhere, Wish ya the best of luck with this

wimbet said:
Seems everyone just wants stuff for free.
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well we did root the phone.... we are used to free apps.... yea it sucks for developers i'll give you that. Nothings wrong with free, but people are to used to things being "free" nowadays

inpherno3 said:
well we did root the phone.... we are used to free apps.... yea it sucks for developers i'll give you that. Nothings wrong with free, but people are to used to things being "free" nowadays
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Yup look at JFs releases. They are "free" but several people have donated, including myself, to thank him for his work and encourage him to keep going.
Thats all we aim to do. Encourage devs to code ideas and then reward them for their hard work.

good idea, but as soon as paid apps get going properly and all the (hopefully) decent apps start arriving, i don't think this will be needed


Ebay Roms and Developers work abused

Hi all,
I've posted about this trash before but now it is really annoying me.
We all do our work here for free and for the better good of the community and those who use these PDA's.
I am so sick of people abusing our work and selling it on Ebay without even a thank you let alone any form of re-imbursement for the hard work we do.
I know it's not piracy, and what we do here is pretty much open-source if you like, but this stuff is really getting on my nerves.
Everytime I go on Ebay and search for PDAs the same trash pops up, some idiot making a fast buck off the back of hard working Developers like us.
The guy is selling a Uni with Laurentius's and mine Rom on it and trying to make an extra £50- £70 for our hard work, since the Uni is normally going for between £160- £200 these days.
I have no idea what we can do about it, I am reporting him to Ebay and would be gratefull for the support of the community in doing the same with this guy and others like him.
It ruins this community and really winds me up to the point that I wonder if should even bother any more.
A very p....ssd off Beasty
I am more surprised that people actually paying to buy ROMs which are available for free. Beasty maybe you should be listing the ROMs since people don’t really want to hit the donation icon here. And I will give you a good feedback to get you started.
beast0898 said:
Hi all,
I've posted about this trash before but now it is really annoying me.
We all do our work here for free and for the better good of the community and those who use these PDA's.
I am so sick of people abusing our work and selling it on Ebay without even a thank you let alone any form of re-imbursement for the hard work we do.
I know it's not piracy, and what we do here is pretty much open-source if you like, but this stuff is really getting on my nerves.
Everytime I go on Ebay and search for PDAs the same trash pops up, some idiot making a fast buck off the back of hard working Developers like us.
The guy is selling a Uni with Laurentius's and mine Rom on it and trying to make an extra £50- £70 for our hard work, since the Uni is normally going for between £160- £200 these days.
I have no idea what we can do about it, I am reporting him to Ebay and would be gratefull for the support of the community in doing the same with this guy and others like him.
It ruins this community and really winds me up to the point that I wonder if should even bother any more.
A very p....ssd off Beasty
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I don't wish to sell them, and besides that it would be illegal to do so.
My point is that we do this for free and scum bags try to make money for nothing from others contributions to this community.
I know how stupid Microsoft will look if people start selling their modified ROMs. But I did discover one thing when you are pissed you do lose your sense of humor.
beast0898 said:
I don't wish to sell them, and besides that it would be illegal to do so.
My point is that we do this for free and scum bags try to make money for nothing from others contributions to this community.
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Yes... a lot of time goes in cooking\developing rom's and we are offering this ROM's for free here. How would you feel if we stop doing this!
I have no good words for people who are selling our ROM's on Ebay.
I might have to think about that if you stop making ROM how will I feel? I think then I will have no good words for you. Just kidding I guess then I will be disappointed because I keep coming back to your ROMs and you don’t even appreciate that I go through all that trouble and flash your ROMs. A little bit of appreciation will be nice from you people. No, seriously I do appreciate all the time you spend her and then even let people criticize you. If I was you I would just say “MAKE YOUR OWN BLOODY ROMs IF YOU CAN DO a BETTER JOB”.
Laurentius26 said:
Yes... a lot of time goes in cooking\developing rom's and we are offering this ROM's for free here. How would you feel if we stop doing this!
I have no good words for people who are selling our ROM's on Ebay.
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And I do appriciate you flash our ROM's my friend
Thank you!
faraz.riaz said:
I might have to think about that if you stop making ROM how will I feel? I think then I will have no good words for you. Just kidding I guess then I will be disappointed because I keep coming back to your ROMs and you don’t even appreciate that I go through all that trouble and flash your ROMs. A little bit of appreciation will be nice from you people. No, seriously I do appreciate all the time you spend her and then even let people criticize you. If I was you I would just say “MAKE YOUR OWN BLOODY ROMs IF YOU CAN DO a BETTER JOB”.
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Hi Beasty,
I'm behind you guys 100% on this one, if you come up with a way we can all help then let us know. I guess this arse wipe is a member of this group, can we have him or them removed from it to start with. It might not be illegal to sell it on eBay, but it must be some kind of fraud. As a paramedic I am (when given permission) able to use a persons medical history to further my knowledge, but I've no right to sell it in a book on EBAY if you see my point!!!
Kind regards
i would be very pissed off too if i'd work my butt off to get nothing some times not even a "thank you" and other motHer%$$·$% is getting the money for my hard-work. if anyone can come up with some good ideas to avoid this type of persons here in this wonderful comunity would be great (maybe get his IP address somehow and ban him/her for good)
i have no words for all you people that spend many hours cooking and developing, hours that maybe your wife, husband or kids would need or deserve but just think about the 1000s of happy faces we have everytime we flash you piece of artworks or all the countless hours we wait for a new ROM to come out or just the big smile we have in our faces everytime the flash is finished and we see the new ROM for the first time. Just think that he/she migth be making a few bucks, but you have the appreciation, respect, knowledge and the love of many (maybe thousands) of people every single day with every new ROM . To all this you may have notice that english is not my maiden language(im from mexico) but i do want to show you my respects, i wish i could donate but in the country i is not easy and all i can do is say...... !!!!!GRACIAS!!!!!!
Although I do agree with Beast on this issue - I don't think anyone (other that a Developer) can really comment on it.
Consider, most developers for the Universal have been using my hosting - which I welcome them to do. However, not a single person who has downloaded a ROM from my hosting has donated a cent to me to help pay the hosting cost.
Don't get me wrong - I don't want the developers to pay (they're already contributing a huge amount to the community). But, when was the last time you (being a random forum member) have donated to a developer for their work or to me for my hosting? Truly, unless you have put something back into the community, you are being a hypocrite by posting in this thread!
Anyway, thats my 2 cents (Australian Cents ) on the issue - and I apologise to no one that I may have offended
So Disgusting
This is very disgusting if anyone is doing a members of this community we should really stop this .This forum is for us and we should appriciate our developers for giving us such ROM's........which they develope by contributing their valuable time for us.
I really feel very sad about it.
Hi all,
I have no desire to make money from my work here, or demand donations for anything I contribute, all I request is the common decency from fellow human beings not to ruin this community by exploiting others.
TehPenguin does have a point though, his hosting does cost him money and adds great value to this community, the FTP Server and BugTracker are invaluable (when used correctly) and TehPenguin and this site could really use donations to help them keep running costs down.
TehPenguin said:
Although I do agree with Beast on this issue - I don't think anyone (other that a Developer) can really comment on it.
Consider, most developers for the Universal have been using my hosting - which I welcome them to do. However, not a single person who has downloaded a ROM from my hosting has donated a cent to me to help pay the hosting cost.
Don't get me wrong - I don't want the developers to pay (they're already contributing a huge amount to the community). But, when was the last time you (being a random forum member) have donated to a developer for their work or to me for my hosting? Truly, unless you have put something back into the community, you are being a hypocrite by posting in this thread!
Anyway, thats my 2 cents (Australian Cents ) on the issue - and I apologise to no one that I may have offended
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I feel so ashamed of myself that I have decided not to download any ROM from your domain for one week. Seriously, did people have a bad weekend because everyone seemed to be pissed off? I am disappointed that you called me a hypocrite because I have been accused of this before and I’m anxiously waiting for someone to come up with something new. Everyone whom posted in this thread will have to send a handsome amount of donation to the “hosting dude” starting with Beasty who started this thread. Honestly, I do agree people should pay a little back to help those who are trying to help others. I think even if everyone pays as little as US $1 it will make a huge difference. I am surprised myself people come up with so many ideas how to change the ROM (Whisper: Most of them are lame) and they are more like demanding. I really don’t get why developers put up with that and I told Beasty that why he’s apologetic.
I do agree that we should do a little something to help. So what you need me to do?
TehPenguin said:
Although I do agree with Beast on this issue - I don't think anyone (other that a Developer) can really comment on it.
Consider, most developers for the Universal have been using my hosting - which I welcome them to do. However, not a single person who has downloaded a ROM from my hosting has donated a cent to me to help pay the hosting cost.
Don't get me wrong - I don't want the developers to pay (they're already contributing a huge amount to the community). But, when was the last time you (being a random forum member) have donated to a developer for their work or to me for my hosting? Truly, unless you have put something back into the community, you are being a hypocrite by posting in this thread!
Anyway, thats my 2 cents (Australian Cents ) on the issue - and I apologise to no one that I may have offended
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Why don't you guys make a solution
Hey beast,
Why don't you developer make a credits section in your roms that is listing your names and all your comments.
I'm not a developer, but let me give an idea, why don't you create a program, that makes a watermark comment on the todays screen, which makes it clear to everyone that this rom is free and nmt for sale, and calling everyone that purchase this rom to contact you guys through the xda-developers web site.
it is just an idea, and I'm sure that most of the guys here is supporting you and the other developers for the great work
TehPenguin said:
However, not a single person who has downloaded a ROM from my hosting has donated a cent to me to help pay the hosting cost.
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Ive found the same when i set up (when the ftp was wiped of m$ files)
TehPenguin said:
Don't get me wrong - I don't want the developers to pay (they're already contributing a huge amount to the community). But, when was the last time you (being a random forum member) have donated to a developer for their work or to me for my hosting? Truly, unless you have put something back into the community, you are being a hypocrite by posting in this thread!
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I concur, In since i started developing my total donations are barely double digits (<£50) people think that things should be handed to them on a golden platter, and when they are not 100% to thier satisfaction that you shoudl put it right, immediately, but they would never consider donating
my 2p
I am not a developer too..or not considering me in that sort of group,because of the amount of time I spend in this (about 1-2hrs a week).
Just customized a Rom to my needs and I will be glad to share if someone wants it,freely!
Every person needs to find a good balance to Private life and Rom Developement,etc.. If this development is such time consuming,calm your time!
Don't pretend donations (they are always appreciated but not to be Pretended or cast something up)
Development (and programming in general) in this forum are passions that we share together..
TehPenguin said:
Although I do agree with Beast on this issue - I don't think anyone (other that a Developer) can really comment on it.
Consider, most developers for the Universal have been using my hosting - which I welcome them to do. However, not a single person who has downloaded a ROM from my hosting has donated a cent to me to help pay the hosting cost.
Don't get me wrong - I don't want the developers to pay (they're already contributing a huge amount to the community). But, when was the last time you (being a random forum member) have donated to a developer for their work or to me for my hosting? Truly, unless you have put something back into the community, you are being a hypocrite by posting in this thread!
Anyway, that's my 2 cents (Australian Cents ) on the issue - and I apologise to no one that I may have offended
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I don't think ANYONE is being a hypocrite on this thread, we are just supporting developers who have had their work abused and used by another party. I have the greatest admiration for the clever people who develop the amazing Rom's for our chosen PDA, without them our universals would now be an out of date device. I personally provide files and work to the LIMIT of my own abilities, and any rom I feel worth using, then I donate to the developer. I feel thats what this forum is all about. Yes I am guilty of not supporting ANY host of download sites, and was not aware that this puts you out of pocket till now. without the hosts support to this forum it would be useless but it is not unreasonable for people to express their OWN opinion.
responderman said:
I don't think ANYONE is being a hypocrite on this thread, we are just supporting developers who have had their work abused and used by another party. I have the greatest admiration for the clever people who develop the amazing Rom's for our chosen PDA, without them our universals would now be an out of date device. I personally provide files and work to the LIMIT of my own abilities, and any rom I feel worth using, then I donate to the developer. I feel thats what this forum is all about. Yes I am guilty of not supporting ANY host of download sites, and was not aware that this puts you out of pocket till now. without the hosts support to this forum it would be useless but it is not unreasonable for people to express their OWN opinion.
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Thats a good point to note as well - Hosting cost me money, but it also costs the people who host this forum money. So, I wonder how many people have noticed the Donate link at the top of this page (near the Wiki link)...
Disagree with Beastie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally disagree with Beastie on this matter! If you take a look at the installed software on that Uni it has SPB Finance, Weather and Pocket Plus retailing at 70$ as well as a quite long list of other appz. More than that what we do here isn't fully legal either or at least moral. For example in our ROMs we include software that we do not have a licence or any right to use like MSVoiceCommand, MSOffice, HTC Stuff etc, etc, if you compare this to a PC it would be like buying a PC with Win98 then taking a copy(image) of a friend WinXP(with Office, and other apps) and loading it on your one. Do you thing this is right? And also if someone would do the same and sell this "New" PC complain about it. You develop for your own fun and hobby. If you decided to share something not very moral with others, don't complain when someone does something that is not fully moral by your judgement. Morality or legality of this matter is a subjective matter. And do understand the concept of open source. I'm coming from a Mozilla exdeveloper background. And Mozilla is used in numerous commercial applications with proper credits. You have no right to claim that someone used your work to make money on it, as you are using someone else work in your own interests (name, hobby, any reason). You have your reasons to make just what that guy did for his reasons(in his case money). One thief is judjung another!!! How moral is that??? Of course you do develop your own tools and enchacements, BUT on top of a STOLEN OS!!! Microsoft, HTC,etc invested money and time in their developers, designers, markeing depts. to bring this OS to life, and if they decide they don't want to give it for free it is their choice as a business model. You do not have the right to steal this OS tweak it and claim that it is YOUR and someone should pay you for this. Look a the whole picture not that just some guy used the ROM you dont own but tweaked it and claim it is yours.
PS. Last night i posted my 1st ever ROM on this forum wich is as vanilla as possible(for me), the reasons behind postin it here was exactly that. Anyone can download it and tweak it to his own use, or install new soft one it, new soft keybd, new media player, fast GPS soft etc, etc. I didn't own that OS, I took it of Thingonasping wich took it from someone else. You spend a some time and money in "developing" "your" ROMs, corporations spend billions on that, and someone comes along and steals it. Now that person do not have the need to upgrade his device anymore as "his" new OS will keep him happy for a while. How much damage do you do then to even HTC themselves who didn't sell another unit as their potential customer didn't buy it cos he's got his old device new features(without permision from legal developer).
PS. And how do you know or are so sure that he used "Your" ROM? Maybe he took your kitchen and compiled it, (wich in your view and interpretation), makes it "His" ROM now, isn't it?
I feel sorry for the poor sod who will buy this Universal:
1. As far as legality is concerned, any stolen goods doesn't pass the title of ownership to the buyer. Even though the buyer is unaware of this theft and he/she is innocent, the ownership title doesn't pass to him/her. A case in point about Spb software on the phone, which we are assuming installed on the phone illegally.
2. To add to this the poor sod's nightmare, he/she will be lumbered with Windows Mobile 6 with full of bugs. For sure it won't have video calling.

Settle once and for All

I would like to talk sit down and talk via gtalk or something to a board of mods to handle this once and for all
This whole thing is ridiculous as I said I was updating the OP and changelog later that night and NEVER claimed it was ALL 100% mine.
I Pmed a couple mods but have gotten no response. I am sure they are busy I just want to get this rollin.
thank you
kingklick said:
I would like to talk sit down and talk via gtalk or something to a board of mods to handle this once and for all
This whole thing is ridiculous as I said I was updating the OP and changelog later that night and NEVER claimed it was ALL 100% mine.
I Pmed a couple mods but have gotten no response. I am sure they are busy I just want to get this rollin.
thank you
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omg he surfaced someone spray him with the hose.
Thats big of you King. I agree nothing good comes out of arguments, and childish actions. Its best to just discuss it, and hopefully move on. And most importantly get this community back to a happy one!
ionic7 said:
omg he surfaced someone spray him with the hose.
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Layoff, respect yo fellow members. I'm sure what he has to say will be quite interesting. Sure people may hate him still but he'll still also have those "fans".
I am neutral about this whole dispute now, sure he did something wrong but it's common for humans to make mistakes. What he did was wrong, and I think he understand this. Even if he did take money from others to get new phones and beers.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't.
protomanez said:
Layoff, respect yo fellow members. I'm sure what he has to say will be quite interesting. Sure people may hate him still but he'll still also have those "fans".
I am neutral about this whole dispute now, sure he did something wrong but it's common for humans to make mistakes. What he did was wrong, and I think he understand this. Even if he did take money from others to get new phones and beers.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't.
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I think you'll find I stole nothing, nor money........ I was donted far less then a nexus is worth and I did what I said I'd do - buy a nexus for development
The one dispute that I understand is this latest one with my froyo - that I totally understand the confusion.
the main thing is I said I needed to update my op and i was running out for the night..
I never claimed that to be 100% me......... EVER
I dont do this for the money....................Its no where near worth the 20 bucks a month
I just really want to get this straightned out
protomanez said:
Layoff, respect yo fellow members. I'm sure what he has to say will be quite interesting. Sure people may hate him still but he'll still also have those "fans".
I am neutral about this whole dispute now, sure he did something wrong but it's common for humans to make mistakes. What he did was wrong, and I think he understand this. Even if he did take money from others to get new phones and beers.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't.
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I am not a fan boy for either side as well, just do not have respect for his side of the issue he was laughing about it on twitter, i hardly think he has any care of what he did.
ionic7 said:
I am not a fan boy for either side as well, just do not have respect for his side of the issue he was laughing about it on twitter, i hardly think he has any care of what he did.
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Yes, true I saw it all, as I said before I think he's realized that he's f'd up and is trying to clean it up now. I don't think King is the type to kneel down and beg for forgiveness. MEN HAS PRIDEZ
I say let Bigons be Bigons... (or how ever you spell it ) I got nothing with King,,
I say, if you have a problem with anyone last thing you do Is flame them in a thread,, take it to PM's, Although people maybe right to flame, nobody is going to respect you if you do, you just make yourself look like an ass (No offence to anyone)
"No one cares about who pissed you off, But how you dealt with the situation..."
And flaming people isn't going to help resolve anything
So yeah haha That's my $0.02 needed or not
protomanez said:
Yes, true I saw it all, as I said before I think he's realized that he's f'd up and is trying to clean it up now. I don't think King is the type to kneel down and beg for forgiveness. MEN HAS PRIDEZ
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It is not a matter of pride it is a matter of arrogance and his overly high pedestal he has erected and placed himself upon.
crunkcory said:
And most importantly get this Community back to a happy one!
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In my Oppinion that´s the Fact. We are an OPENSOURCE-Community, which should get the best out of our Devices, regardless if you cook up a ROM using this and that...
Were not at the Kindergarden!
Opensource is, and should always be, free to use for everybody in every Way.
Ugh. Really? Why is there drama in the development thread. We are all so irritated by the newbies that create new threads in this subforum just to ask a question, but I think it's worse to do that, when you have been here long enough to know better, just to argue about pointless drama. Maybe King copied and pasted an entire ROM, maybe not. Whatever. We should fight about it amongst ourselves... not all over a section designated for getting work done.
This whole argument about him taking money is ridiculous.
Stop being so damn jealous.
*NOTE* I'm not saying this is all about the money, i'm just saying this for the people that bring it up.
protomanez said:
Yes, true I saw it all, as I said before I think he's realized that he's f'd up and is trying to clean it up now. I don't think King is the type to kneel down and beg for forgiveness. MEN HAS PRIDEZ
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yes and no
See here is where my problem with the issue I am being accused for
* it is being made seem like I just renamed someones rom and released it...
I released a froyo ROM that did have alot of someones work yes, but its not like I claimed it as mine...EVER
thats the issue.
I made a handful of IMPORTANT changes and also said I was implementing all my usual changes the NEXT day....
If you look at my post it doesnt even look like any of my other ROMs....I WAS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO UPDATE THE VERBAGE LATER THAT NIGHT.
i just want this to be over with already, its 95% a misunderstanding
carnegie0107 said:
Ugh. Really? Why is there drama in the development thread. We are all so irritated by the newbies that create new threads in this subforum just to ask a question, but I think it's worse to do that, when you have been here long enough to know better, just to argue about pointless drama. Maybe King copied and pasted an entire ROM, maybe not. Whatever. We should fight about it amongst ourselves... not all over a section designated for getting work done.
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Totaly agree with you, this isnt the place for all this nonsense.
Made it right before the lock.
@KiNgKLicK92 - Shut the hell up. =P
Made it right before the lock.
@KiNgKLicK92 - Shut the hell up. =P
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Really he is apologizing and trying to fix the situation and you guys want to chew him up and spit him out. Wow!!! King has done a lot for the Android Community. And I will be willing to sit down in a Gtalk or whatever to get down to the bottom of this so this community can get back to the way it was. I have been around a while and have seen what this community can do, just like anything there are good times and there are bad times. You get over the bad times so you can start having good times again.
Everybody just needs to Build A Bridge And Get Over It!!!!!
Just in case anybody needed a reminder:
Open-source software (OSS) is computer software that is available in source code form for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that permits users to study, change, and improve the software. Open source licenses often meet the requirements of the Open Source Definition. Some open source software is available within the public domain. Open source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. Open-source software is the most prominent example of open-source development and often compared to (technically defined) user-generated content or (legally defined) open content movements. The term open-source software originated as part of a marketing campaign for free software. A report by Standish Group states that adoption of open-source software models has resulted in savings of about $60 billion per year to consumers.
But I do agree give credit where credit is do. Ok that is all I am going to say on this. King I am willing to sit in and hear your side of the story.
Royalknight6190 said:
Really he is apologizing and trying to fix the situation and you guys want to chew him up and spit him out. Wow!!! King has done a lot for the Android Community. And I will be willing to sit down in a Gtalk or whatever to get down to the bottom of this so this community can get back to the way it was. I have been around a while and have seen what this community can do, just like anything there are good times and there are bad times. You get over the bad times so you can start having good times again.
Everybody just needs to Build A Bridge And Get Over It!!!!!
Just in case anybody needed a reminder:
Open-source software (OSS) is computer software that is available in source code form for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that permits users to study, change, and improve the software. Open source licenses often meet the requirements of the Open Source Definition. Some open source software is available within the public domain. Open source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. Open-source software is the most prominent example of open-source development and often compared to (technically defined) user-generated content or (legally defined) open content movements. The term open-source software originated as part of a marketing campaign for free software. A report by Standish Group states that adoption of open-source software models has resulted in savings of about $60 billion per year to consumers.
But I do agree give credit where credit is do. Ok that is all I am going to say on this. King I am willing to sit in and hear your side of the story.
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Its great to see someone understands my point of view and why I feel ok sharing work with many.
I would appreciate the opportunity and would love to sit down with you and other mods to get this settled via gtalk or anything
ALSO - Id like to explain the whole credit where credit is due - there IS an explanation
cheers !
Who gives a ****?
Some people make roms, others use roms. It's all open source. Quit getting your panties in a bunch. There is nothing imature about an argument, however arguing with people on the internet...get over it. To everyone, everyone sounds like some ****** 10 year old.
Grow up, and stop posting in this thread like anyone gives a ****. Now go ahead, call me a ****, child, loser, idiot, moron, nin-come-poop, whatever helps you get over the fact this is a useless thread, and you're all wasting your time here. Don't even bother to respond to me, I won't read it. Just stop bringing up stupid drama. This isn't high school....
Long live Android.
This whole battle has been played out Haykuro....king has learned what others before him have also. Just has writers value giving credit where written words are concerned, so too do developers value the credited code. People, perhaps rightly so, are very sensitive to this phenomenon. Just be very careful and double cite if you have to...
Peace be amongst us...
kingklick said:
I dont do this for the money....................Its no where near worth the 20 bucks a month
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I don't get it, hes not holding a shotgun to your heads and saying give me money. It is your choice to "donate" to King or any other person you one to. None of his post say pay up or else. There shouldnt be so much drama with grown or close to grown men, especially on the internet. One thing I don't like are those cyber bullies with nothing better to do.Also King isn't stealing cause you cant steal whats free
Im starting to think some are a bit jealous of the money he got....just saying

My somber state of Axura :(

I never flashed this ROM, though I must admit that it did look interesting feature/graphic wise.
It's sad to cease development on an open source compilation of code.. that's why even the renowned Design Gears is happily posting his source to his github
I do admit that with the push of android to the young populous, there's a lot of *young* android adopters.. consequence being the immaturity and inconsideration of spreading pirated software, leaking releases, and the lost of respect instilled in the media today towards the youngsters.
Respect is what parents should be raising their children with, not some TVs and Gameboys.
Bowsa2511 said:
I never flashed this ROM, though I must admit that it did look interesting feature/graphic wise.
It's sad to cease development on an open source compilation of code.. that's why even the renowned Design Gears is happily posting his source to his github
I do admit that with the push of android to the young populous, there's a lot of *young* android adopters.. consequence being the immaturity and inconsideration of spreading pirated software, leaking releases, and the lost of respect instilled in the media today towards the youngsters.
Respect is what parents should be raising their children with, not some TVs and Gameboys.
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sigh, I really liked Axura ROM and their dedication. I think I'm done with flashing since this amount of drama detracts from all the collegial spirit that should be present in this type of activity.
yeah i have axura and i'm happy with it at this point. i am going to live in denial for a while and keep checking back hoping they change their tune and start dev'ing again
It was the best
I loved this ROM and not to be too harsh, but whoever thought that would ever be okay is just a......ill keep it G rated, but yea! Seriously, its not your work and you have been asked not to post it or use it w/o express permission! I am glad to hear that they have been banned from the forums (via Master's Twitter) but seriously let this be a lesson to all of XDA, respect peoples work. Especially the people who are taking our phones from okay to the best out there! This is just rude and I am really hoping the XDA community learns from this and from here on out keeps flaming and crap like this to a minimum. Dev's can disagree and people can have their differences but that does not trump respect, and on that note if your not a Dev(which I am not) then lay off the devs a little, give them ideas/feedback but dont piss all over their work if something isnt exactly right. For the love they are building these ROMs from scraps and leaked incomplete releases! If you cant fix it yourself.....don't complain just let the Dev know and HOLD YOUR HAPPY .... ON UNTIL THEY FIX IT!
P.S. Dont know if hansmrtn will read this but if you do then thank you for standing up for us and trying to let Master agree to release the newest version to us! You rock, you didnt have to try but you did anyway. Thanks!
hey sorry guys i know this is like a super noob question and i may get flamed for this but im willing to accept that lol but from reading all this i have one main question: does this mean i cant get Axura anymore from anywhere? i dont even have my Captivate yet but i should be getting it on Monday but im planning to go straight to a ROM from the get go and i was planning to use Axura but now after reading all this im pretty sad. i know i could go with Perception v7 but id still much rather get Axura, is there any way i can still get it?
hey man
Yea as of now all Auxra Roms are gone. People probably have them on their computer but no one should, esp after this post them or give them up. Sorry man!
ice3186 said:
Yea as of now all Auxra Roms are gone. People probably have them on their computer but no one should
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love the axura rom..glad i was able to hop on the bandwagon while i could
There are a lot of people who get rubbed the wrong way on here. I have to admit sometimes it gets pretty bad. But I also find it refreshing that the mods don't really step in to often to clean things up.
One thing i don't get is the mindset of a rom dev. I was under the impression that they have the device and have the abilities to make it better then what it is. I always thought them sharing it was a gift. With that being said i would think they would listen to suggestions but ultimately they make what they want, we are along for the ride.
I know if i were making something for myself and then sharing it to the world, I wouldn't give two poops what anyone has to say because it was made for me and to each his own.
As per releasing betas or alphas... your always going to have pirates, jerks and people who want some fame. It happens. That is why companies have nda's. Just find yourself 4 or 5 trustworthy chaps and dev dev dev!
These roms should be made for self gratification, not for kudos from xda members. You will always get crap for your hard work.
that is my piece, you may not agree.
This is a kick in the nuts to those who donated to hansmrtn, this whole fiasco had nothing to do with the captivate rom, so for him to seize development makes no sense.
This my friends....has made me so much more cautious in my donation.
I donate because I feel that it is important to show those people that do this on their free spare time, should feel like they are being appreciated for their time and work.
But their is a catch to this, if you are willing to ask for donation to a community that your a member of, I believe YOU are obligated to show some sort "code of ethics". I want to feel that I have donated to a cause of future development and support.
News: D4A is closing at the end of the month due to the disrespect from several XDA members
I will not post the link to the website. Deserves NO recognition.
Really...? This is what your gonna give me for an explanation for why my donation on good faith was wasted! Childish.
Bad business, shows that your maturity level for this community has showed it's true colors, selfish and lack of respect for one self.
Am I asking for a refund, by all means, no. Seems like you need the money more than I do.
Am I being a little harsh, no. You have to understand, you have to look at this more on a business stand point. You advertise the donation button, which basically asking for peoples hard earn money, and you take it away just like that (doesn't matter if it is for 1 cent, still wasn't your money to begin with), ...and you feel disrespected...? Come back and ask the community the same please.
Just note that you let a lot more people down than people that you feel that disrespected you. But we'll still call the kettle black...
That's my 2 cents, back to seeing whats new.
Tried following the excuses given for pulling development on this rom. I get it that things happen and are said on this forum that are not respectful, but the greater good of the commity should out way a couple bad apples. Still using the rom. Will do so till I am bored. Allot of drama in the last couple of days
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
As far as the reasons goes some people are dicks, life sucks, get over it.
The reaction is a slap in the face to all the donators and hansmrtn.
In the open source world, when this **** happens the way forward is to fork and move on.
All too often I've seen the devs at XDA get disrespected. And I see it way too much, these folks put countless hours into what we reap the benefits of. It's not their jobs, and if it was their jobs, then the disrespect becomes a bit more "tolerable". But it's on their free time they make our devices better than anything the manufacturers could produce.
As far as Axura and the devs involved in it. I felt they did some truly amazing stuff. It was brilliant work, and as it moved along it was getting really exciting to see it get better and better. I was thrilled at where it was going, it made me want to contribute to it, not in money, but in my own abilities.
The thread was a really great place. After the dev change, I can say I only saw 1 person get a bit out of line. There wasn't the bashing and BS from people coming down on noobs. It was refreshing to see for a change. Hopefully the people moving from Axura to the other ROM threads out there will carry on this to their new ROMS
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this ROM. Both in the development and in the feed back to the devs, who could then make it better for all of us
Can someone explain me in a short what exactly happened. I have red the convo with but I don't get what exactly happened. Since I switched to nexus one this forum is going nuts!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
mac208x said:
Can someone explain me in a short what exactly happened. I have red the convo with but I don't get what exactly happened. Since I switched to nexus one this forum is going nuts!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I'll let Urban Dictionary do the talking:
"I'm going to take my ball and go home!"
"I want to be in control of the situation and if I can't then no one is going to be allowed to be happy about the outcome."
The expression comes from the playground where one kid, the one who owns the soccer ball or basket ball, doesn't get his way in the game. If he doesn't get his way then he gets mad and punishes those who are unwilling to accept his mandate. He does this my taking his ball and going home thus ending the game and any fun the participants were having.
The expression "I'm going to take my ball and go home" when directed at an individual is used to illustrate the individual's immaturity when that person can't get his way and no longer wants to be a participant in the conversation or a contributor to solving a problem.
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^^ I agree, it seemed like the issue was more about removing axura from XDA as the one individual wanted it to be exclusive to his website.
Also, it appears it is closing up because of sheer frustration. As a web host you cant be so quick to quit!
A ROM will be leaked, do you see AT&T stopping the development of FROYO because we are all spreading it around like wild fire? No.
Good thing I downloaded the rom a day before it was taken down.
After reading the convo, I was just like WTF, really?
Yeah, devs deserve respect. No one can argue otherwise. They make these roms in their free time, hoping to please themselves and other people by sharing it here. They don't have to do it, yet they still do even though other members give em **** for it.
Now, as to what Master did.
Let me ask you this question. (If you read this.)
Did you REALLY expect nobody to give you **** for your work? Were you really so NAIVE to believe that there would be no piraters, leakers, etc.? Do you REALLY think it's fair to punish YOURSELF and EVERYBODY ELSE around you just because one or two people disrespected your work?
Unfortunately, this life can be unfair. Deal with it. There will be immature douchebags that will disrespect you. That's just how life is.
What you have done is highly immature. Now hans can't develop the CE Axura anymore even AFTER he put so much work into it. Is that not disrespect? What about all those who donated to you, you just leave them in the dust just because one or two people disrespected you?
Anyways, that was my 2 cents.
Of course, being the dev, he can do whatever he wants with his rom. Remove it, put it up, it's all up to him, and, like I said, devs do this on their free time and we have no right to be disrespectful to them or to demand anything from them.
I think it was due to how it was handled which is why Master wanted it removed from XDA. However, that's not fair to Hans as he put alot of time and effort into it and he didn't want to shut it down. If anything, I think Hans should be able to release it here because it had little to nothing to do with this fiasco.
I understand why Master pulled it but sheltering it won't don't anything but hurt the rom due to very little exposure. I hope that Hans continues to dev whether it be Axura or something else.
MikeyMike01 said:
I'll let Urban Dictionary do the talking:
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I spent all day trying to get a PC to flash Odin finally get it load up this ROM and what happens? It gets removed in a manner that even my kid thinks is hella immature. I feel bad for Hans because of all of the hardwork he put into it after the last feet stomping tantrum....or so I've heard. I'm just disappointed in the whole thing..

The Battle for $1: User vs Designer

So today I was greeted with a simple PM that quickly escalated to nonsense for no reason. I am putting it here because I wan't to hear the community's thoughts on this. I have erased the user's name and other information to avoid any humiliation. Please keep your discussion specific and don't flame. Blue color for my conversation and green color for the other party.
Hello, just love your Berry Black Keyboard Theme!
would like to download it, it's posted as free on xda - clicking on link you've provided - and it appears to be paid. maybe some kind of mistake.
can you please be so kind sharing?
and do you have webmoney accound so i can donate? we don't have / can't pay through paypal in ukraine.
thank you.
It's not for free sorry. I made a mistake in the thread, I have updated it now.
You can buy from slideme app store they allow world wide users to buy apps easily.
Berry white and ICS Froyo are the two free keyboards.
LOL first developer not sharing 1$ eight png images to the other person kindly asking. even if he asked by mistake and willing to donate for the app he thought was free.
checked slideme - same thing with my country, anyway the deal is not about the money.
maybe i think so because i do some serious stuff in real life.
but i will never understand how 1$ and some png images can beat kind words.
wish you all the best - so your life changes the way 1 bucks won't be such an issue.
Thats the whole point my friend. A bunch of images and random colors organized in a nice fashion is what makes it worth something. Just like mining gold. Have you ever asked the question why there is no berry black keyboard theme in the market in the first place ? Theres literally thousands of free keyboard theme apps and not one black berry styled keyboard ? Why ?
And as for sharing a $1 app, I've had users email me and they were kind enough to do a video for it as well. You are like the 100th person to ask me for free. If I gave all the other 100 people the theme for free then whats in it for me ? Like seriously ? In normal case scenario if a person has a life and other things to do why would he make and then do all the extra overhead work of creating icons and market listing and upload it and then give it out for free ? I would have given you the app anyways after you checked and told me what happened with slideme but like others you too had no patience and had to add your own smart comments.
Your right It's not about money, I give out free apps every week. People like you need to realize that $1 not because its worth $1 but because it will not sell at higher prices. It takes about 15 hours to finish a keyboard theme from start to finish and testing it on all resolutions. So if my rate of earning were to be even $10 per hour then its 10x15=$150. Which means until I sell 150 keyboard themes I have not earned enough. And then comes the 100+ people who want it for free. This is why developers quit in the middle of working on kernels and roms here in xda because when people want something they will make noise but not work on it themselves. When someone does it for them they got even more complains.
Unlike other designers here on xda I fight for designers. I don't care about your $1.
are all these people live somewhere where electronic money transactions are REALLY hard. ebay doesn't even accept transactions for random goods to anyone in ex-ussr. didn't know that, sure?
were all these people thinking it was free and willing to donate even more than you want for it (i didn't even notice it was 1$ until i started with slideme) but with webmoney which we have exchange for?
that's not a reason for you, you're thinking of other 100 free askers and all that pity math. you concerned about money more than you try to imply, believe me it's well seen.
now as for stuff you call desiiiign - a simple recent example of an app everyone uses WhatsApp modded
price was the same as you 8 png images but this person did MUCH more work, including photoshop, smali editing compiling etc etc etc. 15 hours for your skin? than how much for testing and drawing the whole app? it'll take a year with that productivity.
and concerning the marketing question, believe me, a lot more users would download themed whatsapp with extra features not implemented by developer itself, rather than one of thousand keyboard skins.
guess what, he is giving it out for free when it was paid and than made it donate version. yes he can sell thousand of copies of this skin but he doesn't.
he earns money for his work but he is not shaking for every bucks when situation doesn't worth it and stay a real man. you live not far from russia, hope you understand the meaning of being a man in our meaning. there are things men can not afford because they're too cheap for them. not literally of course.
and the xda full of those examples.
free apps, kernels, roms, mods! years of man work for free. all this stuff needs much more knowledge and work than those 8 images you call design. and all this app can be successfully sold! but they're not. how do you think why? as for berry keyboard and first places - there's just nothing special about it no one looks for it and no one downloads it that's why it's not on a first place LOL.
donations and earning money for any work is good.
but being such a principle person in such a simple situation - trading for such a mediocre work makes me smile.
believe me, if you were such a principle person with EVERYTHING in your life you won't think about 100xxxwhatever persons 150xxxwhatever dollars and all that funny numbers. so you're not that sharp. and you're telling me you don't care about 1$. that's a funny stuff showing me i was right from the beginning.
and for the keyboard we were talking about - already got that
Order date: March 4, 2012 11:47:50 AM PST
Berry Black Keyboard
- doesn't look as good as it was on a screenshot - won't use it, deserves a refund in my opinion, but i won't, just because i prefer to be principle in real life with some really worthy stuff and can afford a bunch of so-called "Designer_Stuff organized in nice fashion".
just to support person who says he doesn't care for 1$ and stands for designers, but writes a huge explanation with examples from 1$ math and doesn't have anything we call design on his deviantart. keep believing LOL
So first you message me that you love the theme and you want it for free because you cannot buy it. Next you buy from market somehow and now your complaining. I just proved my point. Your purchase has been refunded. I did not come knocking on your door you came to me trying to be cheap. You can say what you want about my deviantart I dont really care, I do things my way. You wrote an entire essay complaining maybe you could have used that time to design your own keyboard that will satisfy your needs.
you're funny little person.
i was trying to donate for free app. remember/no? how's your memory today?
needed to ask another person to download it for me, than send money to him through webmoney... a lot of actions to do. taken about an hour, ain't it too much for a couple of images?
that's why i asked it for free first.
but such a looser like you would better believe someone tried to cheat him for 1$. greedy piece of LOL can see nothing but money. you thought someone would even bother to write a message not to pay 1$? are you that retard to not understand how small that amount is for anybody in this world?
i buy "designers" with such "creativity" and way of thinking you just clearly demonstrated for a couple of hundreds per dosen. believe me i didn't mean to steal you dollar. LOOOOOOOOOL
you've made a refund? funny enough i've noticed your apk on some other forum. so doesn't really matter. if i'd find this leaked version earlier i wouldn't meet a man that don't deserve being a man. greedy pays twice, or loosing a lot of potential buyers one way or another.
first impression is the right one. cheap stuff smells in a special way and shows itself in everything related to a person.
now get lost, tired of your pathetic mind.
I told you before you would have got your theme for free but you had to be sarcastic from start thats why you didnt get it. If you were nice you could have avoided everything but you chose this course of action. As for the apk in another forum you just proved that you wanted to pirate it in the first place, thats why you were still looking for it in the other forums. You thought it would be nice if you could ask me directly for it so you dont feel guilty. I get many people like you every day and this is not support. I don't need nagging people like you to support me when I have the support of my designer friends in deviantart. They see something in me and you don't, go figure why. All the kernels and roms and free stuff I use from xda I have personally offered all those devs my apps for free. Some agreed others said they will buy it from the market. I don't need to explain anything to you but I'm being nice and explaining to you so your narrow one sided mind can understand that it was you who messed it up. Your the pathetic one with zero patience.
i didnt need your theme for free clown! i needed it with less possible actions to download. see the difference?
it would be nice to ask not to feel guilty? for what? i'd use it if i like it and so what? it wouldnt work if i dont buy it? why spending time sending message waiting for answer. why talk to some clerk thinking he is a designer?
are you retard tell me? or you think sun walks around you? that's getting funniest conversation ever. you live in interesting world where you believe in some idiotic stuff you wanna believe and proving it further. that youre designer, that someone will talk to you for 1$ hahaha too much for your pity self. telling you once again - no one writes message for 1$ believe me.
you don't need to explain? you were just offered to get lost but you still here smelling in my PM. why? because im right. zero are you and you can do nothing with it. you are angry because you understand that people see how pathetic everything you do and wanna call design. its worth 1$ nothing more you're right.
youre offering apps for free to devs stuff you use? how about others? or you're only a tradewhore offering 8 images for whole kernel rom etc?. think its equal? how convinient. its like nothing to 1$ even less, we are talking about.
do you understand how low are you telling this stuff as an argument. and who uses your great skins in their roms? never seen it anywhere even for free.
get lost you're plankton, prooved in three variations.
Moral of the story, no more PM's for me. No one is pointing a gun at your head and making you buy my apps.
Don't respond to the trolls, especially when they can't write in proper English.
Agreed, don't feed the trolls. They never are grateful for it.
Now I know what a troll is...
retareq said:
Now I know what a troll is...
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essentially if it is something that makes you angry or makes you want to write a long message in reply to explain yourself and rant about it, delete it.
Sent from my ICS SCH-i500
sageDieu said:
essentially if it is something that makes you angry or makes you want to write a long message in reply to explain yourself and rant about it, delete it.
Sent from my ICS SCH-i500
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Good advice. Its in effect right now.
spunker88 said:
Don't respond to the trolls, especially when they can't write in proper English.
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Wow that was serious stuff. And his English its understandable. People are crazy nowadays
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Don't let idiots get you down buddy. I'm sure this made you very upset - I myself would have been livid. But fortunately people like this don't make their opinion valid in too many ways that come across as reasonable or pointed. Them trolls are insignificant in the long run - you know how hard you work on your many projects and what they're worth, as does anyone else with half a brain
melissapugs said:
Don't let idiots get you down buddy. I'm sure this made you very upset - I myself would have been livid. But fortunately people like this don't make their opinion valid in too many ways that come across as reasonable or pointed. Them trolls are insignificant in the long run - you know how hard you work on your many projects and what they're worth, as does anyone else with half a brain
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Surprisingly I am not upset or livid. I was at first but I took this opportunity to train myself to be nice in stressful situations. I think I did well
Name & shame! Obviously wanted app for free, that's why they kept the focus on not wanting to pay "1$" and making personal insults.
sent from my legend, currently using extream legend fuse™
And this is why I just assume everyone who's not American is a Terrorist. And I do not negotiate with Terrorists.
we don't have / can't pay through paypal in ukraine.
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End of Conversation.
What a flapwit.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using Tapatalk
It's 2012 the sob story of any problem is now an alarm bell..... Especially when based on any value of of real $..
I lost my mind and faith in humanity in my last few sales jobs... Apparently too honest to survive... People would blatantly lie to me in the dumbest ways thinking it would save them a penny...
When will people learn that only your mom thinks your the best or smartest...
And to the people who believe that you could out canive everyone on survivor, is the reason why north america is about to fall under its own incapability to be efficient... all this weaseling is making it impossible to do anything right the first time.... Integrity is dead..
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
Sadly for him, you don't owe him anything. You are free to sell your work for any amount of money. You are free to be a slow designer and take plenty of time to do work that would apparently take shorter. It's not your fault he cannot buy your work. It's not your fault the economy is what it is. It's not your fault you're part of a bigger machine, as one of the billion cogwheels that actually needs to work to be able to afford their food and other items. Or just to buy your second multi million dollars yacht. None of anyone's business.
He never had the intention to buy in the first place, otherwise he would just have done so. He did it later on only to prove his point rather than to acknowledge of your work. If you were treated as his equal, he would have had no qualms about putting as much work as you did to buy it. Instead, he started diminishing your work, insulting your efficiency and your talent.
If you were to deliver software for free, then it would be because you wanted to. You're not instantly a better person because you give your work for free, and if someone does this to get a good reputation, then I believe you're not doing it for the good reason. I've gave work for free before. Plenty of time was spent with no remuneration other than a thank you and a smile and I've felt good about that. But on the other side, I've had plenty of remuneration, in the form of monetary compensation, for things I would do naturally without expecting anything in return. All in all, it balances.
polobunny said:
Sadly for him, you don't owe him anything. You are free to sell your work for any amount of money. You are free to be a slow designer and take plenty of time to do work that would apparently take shorter. It's not your fault he cannot buy your work. It's not your fault the economy is what it is. It's not your fault you're part of a bigger machine, as one of the billion cogwheels that actually needs to work to be able to afford their food and other items. Or just to buy your second multi million dollars yacht. None of anyone's business.
He never had the intention to buy in the first place, otherwise he would just have done so. He did it later on only to prove his point rather than to acknowledge of your work. If you were treated as his equal, he would have had no qualms about putting as much work as you did to buy it. Instead, he started diminishing your work, insulting your efficiency and your talent.
If you were to deliver software for free, then it would be because you wanted to. You're not instantly a better person because you give your work for free, and if someone does this to get a good reputation, then I believe you're not doing it for the good reason. I've gave work for free before. Plenty of time was spent with no remuneration other than a thank you and a smile and I've felt good about that. But on the other side, I've had plenty of remuneration, in the form of monetary compensation, for things I would do naturally without expecting anything in return. All in all, it balances.
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+1 Nicely said

[IDEA] Bounty for AOSP build of ICS

Should we pool in for an AOSP ICS build for the skyrocket? Whichever dev comes up with it, gets the cash.
To Developers : PM me and i'll give you the details on how it's going to be ran. I've got a rough draft of a guideline that I think will get a lot of people to donate for the cause.
Update : If I get this up and running, there are going to be some pretty cool, exclusive and interactive things that only backers of this program will experience while the developer works on the roms!
Few facts :
I will not have access to the money raised
If the goal is not met, you will get your money back
The community will choose the winner
Exclusive early access for users who donate
Would that be the first AOSP that works 100% without bugs or the one that is full of little bugs or the one that is delivered half working.
Or maybe the first one that is promised days before it's delivered?
I'd pitch in $5-10 for this. (no idea what a normal contribution would be)
ojx said:
Should we pool in for an AOSP ICS build for the skyrocket? Whichever dev comes up with it, gets the cash.
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Your to new to know this bountys are frownd upon donations are fine and all but bountys are bad juju
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
CZ Eddie said:
Would that be the first AOSP that works 100% without bugs or the one that is full of little bugs or the one that is delivered half working.
Or maybe the first one that is promised days before it's delivered?
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Works 100%. Minor bugs are okay. The community will decide which dev will get the lump-sum based on best functionality and fluidity of the AOSP rom
edgex said:
I'd pitch in $5-10 for this. (no idea what a normal contribution would be)
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That would be great.
nrm5110 said:
Your to new to know this bountys are frownd upon donations are fine and all but bountys are bad juju
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I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time comprehending you. I'm not new to this board, just never made an account until January. Previous bounties might've gone bad due to bad management. But as long as it's managed properly and have a well thought-out guidelines, I can guarantee it will work.
ojx said:
Works 100%. Minor bugs are okay. The community will decide which dev will get the lump-sum based on best functionality and fluidity of the AOSP rom
That would be great.
I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time comprehending you. I'm not new to this board, just never made an account until January. Previous bounties might've gone bad due to bad management. But as long as it's managed properly and have a well thought-out guidelines, I can guarantee it will work.
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ok guy if you think your the first evil genius and gods gift to the human mind why rush something that's actively being worked on mostly by a group how about patience I know you noobs are bad with that concept but whatever kid waste your money as you see fit me I'll stick to using my money not on the first but the best
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nrm5110 said:
ok guy if you think your the first evil genius and gods gift to the human mind why rush something that's actively being worked on mostly by a group how about patience I know you noobs are bad with that concept but whatever kid waste your money as you see fit me I'll stick to using my money not on the first but the best
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I'm not saying I'm some genius trying to take over the game. I know it requires quality time to make something perfect and I'm not trying to change that. You do have to agree if there is a great reward in the end, people will try their best to get it. If you're here to shed some negativity, that's your free-will, I'm not here to stop you. As for money being wasted, there will be none. This fundraiser will only generate interest with the developers and boost productivity thus creating the final piece of work in a timely manner. All the proceeds will go to the winning developer and I will not take ANY cut from it. Say what you will, but I'm only trying for the best of the Skyrocket community.
ojx said:
I'm not saying I'm some genius trying to take over the game. I know it requires quality time to make something perfect and I'm not trying to change that. You do have to agree if there is a great reward in the end, people will try their best to get it. If you're here to shed some negativity, that's your free-will, I'm not here to stop you. As for money being wasted, there will be none. This fundraiser will only generate interest with the developers and boost productivity thus creating the final piece of work in a timely manner. All the proceeds will go to the winning developer and I will not take ANY cut from it. Say what you will, but I'm only trying for the best of the Skyrocket community.
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I'm not trying to shoot you down bro just saying in the past these things have gone bad at one point mods were squashing these before they could start. The problem is that these guys already do this on their own time on top of having familys, scool, jobs, etc. If you really wanna bolster development buy the guys doing this a beer a bounty never improves quality while speeding things up it just speeds things up with a bare minimum quality I know you have provisions and such but still id say find a dev you trust throw a few his way and watch I don't speak from ignorance good sir only from experience
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
Good thought!
But I feel like you clearly do not know the purpose or the theme of XDA Community! Most of the devs and themers work on their project part time and do not ask for money its their hobby! And most of the devs hate when they are being asked for ETAS! So Good Luck On Your thought!
appdroid said:
Good thought!
But I feel like you clearly do not know the purpose or the theme of XDA Community! Most of the devs and themers work on their project part time and do not ask for money its their hobby! And most of the devs hate when they are being asked for ETAS! So Good Luck On Your thought!
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Appdroid you sir always pop in at wonderful moments
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appdroid said:
Good thought!
But I feel like you clearly do not know the purpose or the theme of XDA Community! Most of the devs and themers work on their project part time and do not ask for money its their hobby! And most of the devs hate when they are being asked for ETAS! So Good Luck On Your thought!
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I understand this. I understand that they have busy lives and this is something they do on a part time. This will only happen during a short period of time and they will be rewarded for their hard work. I'm only here to try gather the reward for their hard work. It's not everyday that you get paid for something you love doing on your own time. While I understand some devs hate questions regarding ETAs but something in this case, they surely will be rewarded and have fun in the process. I have some very interesting plans for this and only want nothing but the best outcome for the Skyrocket community.
The way I'm going to run this should be a fun experience for people who are donating to this cause!
I have messaged 5 developers about this idea. Depending on their feedback, I will either go forth or scrap the idea altogether. No harm done. I do appreciate nrm5110 and your concerns though.
ojx said:
I understand this. I understand that they have busy lives and this is something they do on a part time. This will only happen during a short period of time and they will be rewarded for their hard work. I'm only here to try gather the reward for their hard work. It's not everyday that you get paid for something you love doing on your own time. While I understand some devs hate questions regarding ETAs but something in this case, they surely will be rewarded and have fun in the process. I have some very interesting plans for this and only want nothing but the best outcome for the Skyrocket community.
The way I'm going to run this should be a fun experience for people who are donating to this cause!
I have messaged 5 developers about this idea. Depending on their feedback, I will either go forth or scrap the idea altogether. No harm done. I do appreciate nrm5110 and your concerns though.
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I appologize if I insulted you but I just wanted you to be aware man you know what your doing if the devs are cool then by all means
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
It's okay. The end goal (I hope) is that we, Skyrocket users, will have a smooth running AOSP ICS build! It's a win-win for both devs and the community!
As long as the community has the same desire for an AOSP build as much as I do then there isn't any doubt that this will work out. You don't know how much I HATE TouchWiz. The hate has been refueled ever since I flashed the leaked ICS build. There's no way out for us ICS users right now.
How about this, just an idea. Get a dev who is willing to make Aosp for Skyrocket and get him a skyrocket! Just like what we did for other two devs! Like t989 ppl got raver a t989 and now he is working on aosp. Let's get a dev from other section!
i also would chip in, but i wouldnt trust someone with 53 posts...sorry, i just need someone with a little more rep, unless you set something up that wouldnt involve you having the money
He was one of the 5 dev I've contacted. Since giving the devs a skyrocket in previous cases (as you have stated) has not really worked, this program will get a final build within a month and a half of time with (hopefully) a bigger payout in the end.
polish_pat said:
i also would chip in, but i wouldnt trust someone with 53 posts...sorry, i just need someone with a little more rep, unless you set something up that would involve you having the money
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I will have something set up where I won't have access to the money (no paypal or other shady outlets). I understand your concerns and I already have devised a strategy to give the users who donate confidence that this program is not a scam. Like I've stated before in this thread, participating users who donate will get interactive exclusive access throughout the process. If for some reason that this programs goal is not met, everyone will get their donations back. It's a win-win-win situation. It will be an experience you'd most enjoy! (if it launches)
If you haven't noticed by now, I have started a Skyrocket section over at reddit and manage it with the most up-to-date information about the device (link in my signature). I only care about our community having the best that there is.
Couldn't help but notice you had this posted in your "skyrocket" subreddit...
Now, how are we to trust you again?
thisguy2431 said:
Couldn't help but notice you had this posted in your "skyrocket" subreddit...
Now, how are we to trust you again?
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Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Take it with a grain of salt. That link was an opinion about how a "Forum" system is outdated for advancements in the Android platform. Some threads are bombarded with irrelevant information about the original post that the conversations gets so diluted that it confuses the users.
If I gain interest with the developers I've contacted, I'm pretty sure we can all make this work and will have backers to support the cause.
thisguy2431 said:
Couldn't help but notice you had this posted in your "skyrocket" subreddit...
Now, how are we to trust you again?
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Oh, that's nice! Bashing the whole community, outstanding!
ojx said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Take it with a grain of salt. That link was an opinion about how a "Forum" system is outdated for advancements in the Android platform. Some threads are bombarded with irrelevant information about the original post that the conversations gets so diluted that it confuses the users.
If I gain interest with the developers I've contacted, I'm pretty sure we can all make this work and will have backers to support the cause.
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Well the poster of that comment clearly doesn't understand what XDA is. It is a community of hobbyists that do this in their spare time. They are free to do it however they please and condemning them for sharing their work that they could very well just keep to themselves is just arrogant and obtuse. If you truly appreciated XDA for what it was then that wouldn't have been there.
You are most definitely right that everyone is entitled to their opinions but if your opinion is that XDA is a 90's style development community then by all means, go elsewhere.
Thats just MY opinion

