Help with Windows Mobile SIP VOIP - General Topics

I honestly have NO idea where this should go, so I'll put it in this, the most relavent-looking place, and let the mods deal with it if I am proved to be wrong
Anyway. My friend owns a SIP VOIP server, allowing one to connect to it through teh internet and then dial out, recieve calls, or join conference calls. I am using a SCH-i760 with WinMo 6.1, so the built-in VOIP is non-functional/ not present, and I downloaded some cabs that failed to enable the integrated SIP client. No, Fring does not work on my phone for some reason. The only client I have been able to get working is SJPhone, but it is AMAZINGLY clunky, does not save my password/autologin, and I would like to be able to use the built-in Windows Mobile dialpad/answerer, and missed-call functionality.
Grateful to anyone who can help me here. The reason I'm wanting this is because I'm a money-strapped teen who can't afford Verizons high data services (and i can't find out an easy way to unlock this phone) but still wants to be able to have a 'cell number'.


Blue Angel (MDA III, T-Mobile UK) - Email

Just purchased this device on the advice from the shop that it performs push email. Of course, when I call Customer Services they deny this; SMS text messaging at best. Have I been sold a pup? :evil:
push-email? what would that be like? someone writes you a message and you get it instatly as with ICQ without your device checking emails every second?
AFAIK non of the comon email protocols incorporate such a thing. email is a asynchronous way of communication.
you might want to try msn messenger or any other IM instead.. but don't forget you have to be connected to the internet all the time (which of course is a must, if you want to use any ip-based service at all..)
even if your provider (and the phone) supported wap-push (as in WAP 2.0), you'd have to be connected..
AFAIK, SMS is usually the only "connectionless" push-messenger for mobile phones
It can have the Blackberry client installed on it, which is push email, but as far as I know, T-Mob only supply this for corporate users that have a Blackberry server, they don't do the desktop pop/imap client that runs on your PC from what I have been told.
ah, didn't know about that.... but i guess the blackberry has to either still be connected all the time to the internet or the service provider hast do add some new services on his side too?...
maybe your guy at the store mixed it up with the Motorola MPx, which according to a press release will have that feature (using the blackberry technology) ... and the MPx 220 or something like that should have it too..
I think I remember hearing somewhere that the latest version of MS Exchange can do push e-mail... it works something like the exchange server sends an sms when you get an e-mail and that causes the device (whether it's a XDAIIs or whatever else that is running WM) to connect and download the new e-mail.... never seen it working or anything tho so that could be rubbish...
Perhaps they were simply referring to POP3 through GPRS?? Or maybe just something that they once heard someone say and thought they could repeat to sound knowledgeable!!

Push Email

Hi all
Its been a while since i have been here ( as i switched to the iphone), while i think the phone is really cool, i miss some of the features of windows mobile ( calender, and productivity functions), i have got used to having my emails with me.
My question is can you do push email on windows mobile and if so how do i go getting more info on this (i tired to search but could not find what i was looking for). on thing i can do on my iphone is get all my work email forwarded to a gmail account this is then shown on my phone, but when i send a reply i shows the address as my orginal work email address, can this be done on windows mobile.
any help would be great as i want to get a tytn II.
cheers guys
no one knows
I sure if you do some searching on this site you will surely find what you are looking for.
ummm, push email functionality has been available since windows mobile 5.0... talk to your IT guys if you want your work email sent to a windows mobile phone, pretty much all of them have push capability, slower than black berries but still gets the job done MUCH better than polling...
if you're interested in it, theres a java based program called funambol that is/was open source and is still in development i think, not sure... if you run your computer and have experience with ftp file programs and such with a dedicated broadband internet service (nowadays what internet forum user doesn't) this would be a good solution for you... you'll download all your stuff to your own computer, OTA contacts and PIM sync without having to have an enterprise server
it works very well at this point, but i believe its still open source on some platforms, give it a try
more specifically, you want myfunambol, the free personal service, here is the link for that
May be this can help :

Using MSN on T-Mobile and The Best Web-Based Messenger

Hey guys,
I use a Touch HD on T-Mobile basic web'n'walk, now I've heard many times that you can't use MSN or Skype or even FTPs. However the windows live on the phone functions perfectly, this is not the case though when I use it as a modem for my laptop.
So Basically I was wondering if there is a work around to get it to work on a laptop or computer as it works on the phone. Maybe a proxy or tunnel could do it?
Lastly if the above isn't possible what is the best web-based msn client? At the moment I use meebo and MSN web-messenger but I'm looking for something more developed than that.
Thanks in advance.
Bump - someonemust have an idea on this.

voip for windows mobile?

is there any good voip apps for winmo 6.1? i talk internationally alot and need something that i can use to call that maybe just uses data. also anything cheap for international messaging?
nimbuzz got a VoIP client integrated. you can use their account, or your own...
Moved as not software release.
I believe Skype also has a winmo client, though it was recently discontinued, but it should still work with their prepaid international long-d service.

Mulitmessenger for: Skype (with voice support), StudiVZ/MeinVZ, ICQ, Facebook, MSN?

I always used Nimbuzz but they cut StudiVZ and dropped the development of the WM app.
Their JAVA version is annyoing because its not signed and there is no voice support in java.
So is there any software out there wich meets my requierements?
BTW: MeinVZ/StudiVZ would work with the Jabber protocol, i would only need to enter a diffrent server (wich nimbuzz doest support either of course).
try palringo! sometimes it's a bit laggy (depending on your device, i tested on touch diamond and hd2, worked fine on both), but i recommend it. StudiVZ isn't supported 'cause german networks didn't figure out yet, that WinMo is way older than the iPhone xD
you could try and ask the admins of StudiVZ, they may know another app
Vz has their own app..but i really want all in one program. Can i setup a custom jabber account with palringo? Then VZ would work too.
seems skype is removing itself out of all other apps than their own, so any decent mutlimessenger with VZ networks (or costum jabber server) and file and photo transfer out there?skype doesnt matter anymore..
Thread moved to Q&A.

