Using Microsoft Direct Push Email will cause data connection to auto-connect? - Touch Diamond2, Pure Themes and Apps

Anyone experienced that problem? Whenever there is no email coming in but the data connections keep trying to get connected even though i have terminate it using the long end key button. Any solution? Thank you in advance.

this is the way it works. in order to receive an email when arrives yu must be connected to internet.
if you dont want to be connected all the time, you can set up sync e ery a certain time and disconnect the push, or manual sync.

ypsmav said:
this is the way it works. in order to receive an email when arrives yu must be connected to internet.
if you dont want to be connected all the time, you can set up sync e ery a certain time and disconnect the push, or manual sync.
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Thanks. I will know what to do then.

change the schedule
in activesync on your pda you can also go to menu>schedule and change the settings as you want them
if you change the peak times from 10 am till 11am your phone will only be connected during this time and if you dc after that time it won't connect
but you won't be able to get the mail if you disconnect
hope this is a good answer


Any problem using Mail2Web lately?

Just to check anyone facing problem using Mail2Web lately especially this week?
On my side I'm having problem synching my set to Mail2Web
Sorry, I mean using 3G/GPRS?
possibly check yr settings in Active Sync, sometimes the schedule gets mixed up by synciing with yr PC,....btw, is the 'heartbeat' interval with Mail2Web still at 30 seconds, in other words is your phone sending and receiving data every 30 secs ? Mine was getting data 'heartbeats' continuously which was killing my battery and my data usage was 6kb/minute, just for the heartbeat, regardless of my registry settings. I've switched to another exchange server, and it uses 4kb per HOUR, and battery life not affected at all !!!!
I am glad it is not only me. Mine started working again 5 minutes ago, but I don't know if it is something I did, or a host file I made with the ip address in it. I was always able to sync over wifi though. Maybe cingular DNS lost them.
FOSA said:
Just to check anyone facing problem using Mail2Web lately especially this week?
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Yes, since yesterday no sync via GPRS is possible (o2 Germany).
With wifi via my home cable connection syncing is possible.
When using in Pocket IE via GPRS I get a certificate warning and after that a login page with a cisco logo, http-connections work fine.
Unfortunately I need a secure connection for active sync :-(
That makes sense, that is what the error code points to. Anyone else up and running? What ever it was, I am glad it is fixed.
there is a problem.....I confirm...tried syncing with 4 differrent operators..every time got the error message " Sync cannot be com,pleted.Try again Later" :shock:
I can't sync via gprs either.
I'm on T-Mobile's network in the USA. I can surf the web via GPRS, but syncing via activesync and mail2web is not working via GPRS. Certificate error, which means its an issue on their end...
It IS working via any WiFi connection though...
I submitted a trouble ticket at
I used "mail2web exchange email" in the subject drop down box.
They replied w/n 10 minutes...!!! Thats better than my Verizon, T-Mobile and Direct TV customer service...and I PAY for those...!
The message:
Please try doing a hard reboot of your device, by powering your device
off and then on again.
If you are using SSL with your account, please try then turning off your
SSL in your device and sync with the severs, then turn SSL back on and
try to sync again.
If this does not help, please verify that the time and date settings on
your device are correct, as this can also cause an issue when using SSL.
If you continue to experience difficulties syncing your device with your
account, please let me know and I will look in to the issue further.
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
our 24/7 support team at [email protected].
Thank you for choosing!
Customer Support"
...and worked...!
Try turning OFF the SSL option in your Active Sync Exchange options. Then hit the sync button.
I feel bad, like I should be paying for a rare thing that a CRS over email can INSTANTLY solve a tech issue for me...!
Gotta give em credit for this one...
I am still having an SSL email issue and they are looking into it...but I dont have an issue w/ sending non-ssl email for a few days...
Give it a try...
Specific Steps:
Go to your Active Sync Screen, then:
-- Menu
-- Configure Server
-- UN-CHECK the "this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection" box
-- dismiss the password warning if you get one
-- Next, then re-enter your password (removing the SSL kills your password)
-- Keep hitting "next" then "finish"
-- Hit the "sync" button
This worked for me. I got my full gprs syncing back...
Again, hats off to them...
Doesn't work for me. Do you use GPRS?
Sync without SSL doesnt work either
Hi, urksaddy
Are you using SSL to synconize? Because, if I swith to Sync without SSL, the active sync shows that the sync couldn't reach the Server and an error code of 80072f78 is given. What server and Domain did you use for the sync without SSL?
thanks in advance.
Mine is working without SSL only, switching it back on does not let it sync.
Doesn't work for me either, because my O2-Wap-Flatrate in Germany needs SSL-Connection!
The MS-Support-Code is 0x80072F17
Re: Mail2Web
kashortie said:
possibly check yr settings in Active Sync, sometimes the schedule gets mixed up by synciing with yr PC,....btw, is the 'heartbeat' interval with Mail2Web still at 30 seconds, in other words is your phone sending and receiving data every 30 secs ? Mine was getting data 'heartbeats' continuously which was killing my battery and my data usage was 6kb/minute, just for the heartbeat, regardless of my registry settings. I've switched to another exchange server, and it uses 4kb per HOUR, and battery life not affected at all !!!!
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What exchange server did you switch to? always looking for an alternative.
Direct Push mail
I eventually unwillingly switched from Mail2Web because of the heartbeat interval ( possibly to do with the firewall settings at their server ) the device/server connection was pulsing every 30 secs, using data in ídle'mode and draining my battery. Ï mailed them often and they couldn't/wouldn't resolve it ( but I agree, they always reply fast, !! ) 4Smartphone is an alternative, althought there is a U$ 3.99 per month fee, I calculated it to be cheaper than the "ïdle"data cost per month with Mail2Web. (2kb every 30 secs adds up if you're connected 24/7 !! ) and i'm not on an unlimited plan ! Battery life is also a big issue for me when i'm "on the road". Interesting off topic, for anyone using a non-windows device, push mail is coming to 'normal' mobile phones. Search net for Tricastmedia and/or "Alwayssend" due July 06
thanks for the info, I keep hoping Mail2web will resolve the heartbeat issue, however they seem happy the way it is.
i have mail2web and got no problems connecting.
HOWEVER, my battery life has decreased dramatically once I started using the service. How do I know the pulse interval?
Also, i really dont know if this is an issue with activesync or with mail2web, but sometimes it takes FOREVER to get an email. Sometimes more than FIVE minutes. this way its even more effective to turn on automatic check every five minutes on outlook. Its really not push at all!
I used to have "chatter mail" on my treo 650, and any account that supports IMAP idle (a LOT of providers support it, many of them free) makes it true push. It would take, on everage, 2 to 6 seconds to receive an email. Now THATS push!
urksaddy said:
Specific Steps:
Go to your Active Sync Screen, then:
-- Menu
-- Configure Server
-- UN-CHECK the "this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection" box
-- dismiss the password warning if you get one
-- Next, then re-enter your password (removing the SSL kills your password)
-- Keep hitting "next" then "finish"
-- Hit the "sync" button
This worked for me. I got my full gprs syncing back...
Again, hats off to them...
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Thanks your information , when I took off SSL it work fine.

Activesync connects every 5 mins and disconnects.. help plz..

Ever since I installed phonealarm, ActiveSync has been a problem. Either it does not connect or auto-matically connects after every 4 to 5 mins, syncs calender and contacts for one minute and then disconnects.. Problem is if I am transferring a file to storage card, it disconnects before transfer is complete and then reconnects and then disconnects...
Somebody plz help me....
Have you tried this from the WiKi?
How can I stop Active Sync from always turning-on even when it is not connected to my PC?
Go to menu->add server source->write down any server address (fake)->complete procedure then menu->schedule->switch to manually (at the top of the list)
You have to give us more details. Was it working OK before phonealarm? How are you connected? Have you checked phonealarm's settings?
On my experience, the latest version of phonealarm causes problems, so I still am using version 1.58.
cktlcmd said:
Have you tried this from the WiKi?
How can I stop Active Sync from always turning-on even when it is not connected to my PC?
Go to menu->add server source->write down any server address (fake)->complete procedure then menu->schedule->switch to manually (at the top
You have to give us more details. Was it working OK before phonealarm? How are you connected? Have you checked phonealarm's settings?
On my experience, the latest version of phonealarm causes problems, so I still am using version 1.58.
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of the list)
After you've done all this, un-check the boxes on the programs being sync'd. This should stop active sync, and creating a control log in windows. Here's a screen shot of un-checking boxes so you understand what I'm talking about.

WM6: Automatically sync on WiFi connect?

Is there a way to configure WM6 to automatically sync with my Exchange server as soon as a WiFi connection is established? My ActiveSync schedule is set to manual, and I would like to be able to power the device on and have it sync as soon as my WiFi connection is restored.
Taking it one step further, if there was a utility that could automatically turn on WiFi, wait for connect, perfrom a sync, then optionally turn off WiFi each time I turned the device on, that may be desireable as well, as it would conserve battery.
only way i can think of is mortscript... im assuming you dont have it set to push or every 5 min because of the data plan?
Consider to set your activesync-schadule to 'as items arrive.' In this way, a secure connection with your exchange server is created (if you got direct push-service, like in 2003 sp2 or 2007). This will be done when it has an Internet connection.
Nevertheless, it can take up to at least 4 min until the first sync is done. In my case it works perfect.

DirectPush: how to turn off activesync and connection?

Hi people,
this must be a stupid noob question, but I couldn't find an answer in this forum.
I just wanted to try DirectPush service, so I set a Mail2Web Exchange account to have emails pushed right to my Diamond. I put all provided info in ActiveSync, and set it to sync "as items arrive".
Everything's working fine, emails sent to my Mail2Web account were pushed to my Diamond.
But... well, it doesn't work as I expected.
I thought that DirectPush worked like this:
- A new email arrives at Mail2Web account;
- Mail2Web Exchange server warns my device that there's a new email;
- ActiveSync starts up on my device;
- The connection (GPRS, EDGE or HSDPA) is opened;
- ActiveSync begins sync, the new email is received in my device;
- ActiveSync ends sync;
- The connection is closed;
- ActiveSync is turned off on my device.
This process would start for every new email arriving in my Mail2Web account.
In fact, this is what happens:
- ActiveSync starts periodically, even if there's no new email in Mail2Web, and even if I manually close it;
- Same thing for the connection;
- ActiveSync does not close automatically, my device keeps it always opened.
The problem with that is the battery drain. Since ActiveSync is always opened, and also the connection, battery is being drained faster than I would like.
Is this how DirectPush is supposed to work? Always with ActiveSync on and opening connections even without new emails? Is there a way to configure it in a different way?
Hey there,
Direct push needs a constant data/wifi connection for it to work, it does not work they way you described in that it wont establish a connection when a new mail arrives.
How ever, you can set times for on peak and off peak times for mail delivery so that the data connection is not open 24/7.
I have mine set mon-fri 730 - 5pm, the data connection is automatically terminated after this time.
Hope this helps you.
But still, besides the connection, ActiveSync must be on all the time for DirectPush to work? And with DirectPush on, the connection will be opened all the time if I don't define peak times?
I ask that because it's ActiveSync that keeps the connection alive. If I manually close it, the connection is closed as well. But minutes later, ActiveSync will start again... and open the connection.
I guess that push email drains more battery than a common mail account set to pull email once per hour.
Phantom1275 said:
But still, besides the connection, ActiveSync must be on all the time for DirectPush to work? And with DirectPush on, the connection will be opened all the time if I don't define peak times?
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Correct Yes. You can always set it to manual sync if you dont want it to automatically sync email. It is supposed to be like that so any changes you make on your device are automatically synced to the server, keeping it upto date.
I ask that because it's ActiveSync that keeps the connection alive. If I manually close it, the connection is closed as well. But minutes later, ActiveSync will start again... and open the connection.
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Again, this is how it is supposed to work.
I guess that push email drains more battery than a common mail account set to pull email once per hour.
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You have to decide how you want it to work. i use mine during office hours and my usage is heavy. My battery lasts 24hrs before needing to charge. Obviously battery lasts longer if not using push email.
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Im running into the problem of even though I have the e-mail set to check every 15 minutes, the data connection is always on. Any ideas?
(otherwise I love my energyrom)
ADHurt said:
Im running into the problem of even though I have the e-mail set to check every 15 minutes, the data connection is always on. Any ideas?
(otherwise I love my energyrom)
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Are you using an exchange email? If so data connection will remain open even it is set for checking every 15 mins.
If you use gmail or pop mail, then that is different kettle of fish.

How to get mail for WinMo over WiFi without constant connection

I am not sure if this has been discussed before but searching didn't help much as I am not sure what keyword to use.
I have a Fuze (Touch Pro) without the data service and would like the phone to periodically get the mails over WiFi. I am posting it here assuming this would apply to all WinMo devices. If not, please enlighten me.
In default settings, the phone disconnects WiFi as soon as it goes to sleep. I used Advanced Config to enable WiFi even in sleep, but now it stays connected all the time even though Pocket Outlook is configured to run every 15 minutes. For last several months it has been working this way but it drains the battery very quickly unlike my iPhone, which lasts the more than a day because it connects only to check mails when inactive.
I know with 3G service I don't have worry about it but wondering if there is any utility or setting in registry that would connect periodically for a minute or two so that PO can check for new messages.
How to update at intervals
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
powersupplyzzzz said:
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
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Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
Wondering if I posted in the wrong forum or I am asking for something not possible on WM at the moment ...
rexian said:
Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
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AFAIK what you are asking is not possible, unless you ask someone to write you a script or there is an app that does this, but i havent come across one.
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
rexian said:
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
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What you need is a car battery that you can strap to your back which will boost your battery when required
I'll have a fish around for a real solution.

