DirectPush: how to turn off activesync and connection? - General Questions and Answers

Hi people,
this must be a stupid noob question, but I couldn't find an answer in this forum.
I just wanted to try DirectPush service, so I set a Mail2Web Exchange account to have emails pushed right to my Diamond. I put all provided info in ActiveSync, and set it to sync "as items arrive".
Everything's working fine, emails sent to my Mail2Web account were pushed to my Diamond.
But... well, it doesn't work as I expected.
I thought that DirectPush worked like this:
- A new email arrives at Mail2Web account;
- Mail2Web Exchange server warns my device that there's a new email;
- ActiveSync starts up on my device;
- The connection (GPRS, EDGE or HSDPA) is opened;
- ActiveSync begins sync, the new email is received in my device;
- ActiveSync ends sync;
- The connection is closed;
- ActiveSync is turned off on my device.
This process would start for every new email arriving in my Mail2Web account.
In fact, this is what happens:
- ActiveSync starts periodically, even if there's no new email in Mail2Web, and even if I manually close it;
- Same thing for the connection;
- ActiveSync does not close automatically, my device keeps it always opened.
The problem with that is the battery drain. Since ActiveSync is always opened, and also the connection, battery is being drained faster than I would like.
Is this how DirectPush is supposed to work? Always with ActiveSync on and opening connections even without new emails? Is there a way to configure it in a different way?

Hey there,
Direct push needs a constant data/wifi connection for it to work, it does not work they way you described in that it wont establish a connection when a new mail arrives.
How ever, you can set times for on peak and off peak times for mail delivery so that the data connection is not open 24/7.
I have mine set mon-fri 730 - 5pm, the data connection is automatically terminated after this time.
Hope this helps you.

But still, besides the connection, ActiveSync must be on all the time for DirectPush to work? And with DirectPush on, the connection will be opened all the time if I don't define peak times?
I ask that because it's ActiveSync that keeps the connection alive. If I manually close it, the connection is closed as well. But minutes later, ActiveSync will start again... and open the connection.
I guess that push email drains more battery than a common mail account set to pull email once per hour.

Phantom1275 said:
But still, besides the connection, ActiveSync must be on all the time for DirectPush to work? And with DirectPush on, the connection will be opened all the time if I don't define peak times?
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Correct Yes. You can always set it to manual sync if you dont want it to automatically sync email. It is supposed to be like that so any changes you make on your device are automatically synced to the server, keeping it upto date.
I ask that because it's ActiveSync that keeps the connection alive. If I manually close it, the connection is closed as well. But minutes later, ActiveSync will start again... and open the connection.
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Again, this is how it is supposed to work.
I guess that push email drains more battery than a common mail account set to pull email once per hour.
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You have to decide how you want it to work. i use mine during office hours and my usage is heavy. My battery lasts 24hrs before needing to charge. Obviously battery lasts longer if not using push email.
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Im running into the problem of even though I have the e-mail set to check every 15 minutes, the data connection is always on. Any ideas?
(otherwise I love my energyrom)

ADHurt said:
Im running into the problem of even though I have the e-mail set to check every 15 minutes, the data connection is always on. Any ideas?
(otherwise I love my energyrom)
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Are you using an exchange email? If so data connection will remain open even it is set for checking every 15 mins.
If you use gmail or pop mail, then that is different kettle of fish.


Push Email - FREE (for 3 months) and available to all !

For Blackberry type mail/service - check out
You can demo the service and help them iron out any bugs. The 'licence' on my service (installed today) expires the end of March 2005, so looks like we get a full 3 months to have a play.
Activation is as simple as
1. Download the client onto your XDA (CAB file)
2. Register the handheld (takes no more than 2 minutes)
3. Setup your email accounts
4. You're finished !!
Very customisable - allows filters etc.
I've no connection with the company, and don't know what they're going to charge when the 3 months are up, but it looks good !!!
mark.peters said:
For Blackberry type mail/service - check out
You can demo the service and help them iron out any bugs. The 'licence' on my service (installed today) expires the end of March 2005, so looks like we get a full 3 months to have a play.
Activation is as simple as
1. Download the client onto your XDA (CAB file)
2. Register the handheld (takes no more than 2 minutes)
3. Setup your email accounts
4. You're finished !!
Very customisable - allows filters etc.
I've no connection with the company, and don't know what they're going to charge when the 3 months are up, but it looks good !!!
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Just downloaded and tried to installed 4 times, reboots my XDA everytime at start of install.
I have installed it and it works ok. When setting it up I'm not sure about the connection screen where you tell it how often to connect. I thought the idea of this software was for it to be connected all the time, and "push" the email to you as soon as its delivered.
At the moment it just seems like it connects every few mins to see if I have any new mail.
Can anyone explain it to me - Im sure Im missing something.
i've just set this up on mine, and it appears to be doing push, but i have a problem that when i switch the phone off, it disconnects, i was hopeing that like blackberry it would work without needing the pda to be on.
is it just me thats getting this ?
I got it to work as well, but found that setting my email account to check every minute\or 5mins produced the same effect.
I did have one problem that Smartner is currently checking into and that is to uninstall the d... program. It would not let me uninstall, the second it starts to uninstall it rebootes the XDA.
So I moved the folder and removed the icons and registry settings. Tried to reinstall to see if I could maybe do a proper uninstall and when it starts the installation it reboots my XDA (justice for the rude uninstall i suppose).
welby said:
i've just set this up on mine, and it appears to be doing push, but i have a problem that when i switch the phone off, it disconnects, i was hopeing that like blackberry it would work without needing the pda to be on.
is it just me thats getting this ?
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Im new to "push" email, but I thought it sends email to my PDA as it arrives on the server. But this Smartner software just seems to connect/check for email every 5 mins - is this true push emeil?
I used it for 8 hours one day and did not have any email sent to be, but the gprs cost/data seems to be alot.
Any comments on the above?
Smartner? What does it really provide?
I agree with last comment, it is great, works well, but what is the dfifference with seting my mail to check via GPRS every ten minutes?? I don't quite get it? Can someone enlighten me? SO far, it's free, and I like not having to pay 15GBP permonth for Blackberry...
I tried Smartner a few months ago, prior to the 1.72.181 ROM upgrade, when I switched over to using the Blackberry client.
Smartner does indeed provide true push e-mail, but I found that the XDA has to be on (e.g. the screen active) for it to receive the mail when its pushed. Unlike Blackberry, Smartner does not seem to be able to switch the device "on" when mail is sent. When the screen is on, I was receiving e-mail via smartner actually FASTER than it received it on my RIM device!
You can get around the "asleep" problem by also having your e-mail messages autoforward from your e-mail account to your xda, as an SMS message. This forwards the first 160 charatcters of the e-mail as an SMS message, which in turn "wakes up" the xda and lets it receive the Smartner pushed message in full, including any attachments.
So what are the advantages over Blackberry or just having your e-mail client poll every few minutes?
I have found the Blackberry client to be very reliable, but it has one or two annoying problems... First is that the way Blackberry has been implemented on the XDA, means that the "Blackberry Web Client" does not show up in the "sounds and notifications" menu. This makes it impossible to set any kind of custom alert for when a Blackberry pushed message arrives. Second is that I have been unable to get any attachments using the Blackberry Web Client (BWC) software. On both these areas, Smartner performed much better. Could set notifications and get attachments no problem.
So what's the advantage over frequent polling? Well Smartner does really pust messages to the device as the arrive, so you can use it as a substitute to the RIM pager. In my experience, I have not been able to set anything less than every 15 mins for polling and have it work reliably. Either misses a connection or stops trying to connect regularly.
So if you want true push e-mail, that also lets you receive and read all your attachements, then the Smartner/SMS combo probably works the best. If you can do without the attachments, then I would go with 1.72.181 ROM with the Blackberry client. Cant't beat the push on that one.... There is also a Sybase product called Pylon Anywhere that has a bit more functionality in terms of allowing access to contacts, tasks, calendar etc. that might be worth a look.
Hope that's helpful
Very Informative
But I am on O2 uk, and using the Blackberry option cost 15GBP per month +5GBP per DAY if roaming.., whereas Smartner is free for now. Given the big cost differnce, which would you suggest?
Hi Mickey
Ouch! , that's a hefty tarrif... I would definiately go with Smartner then and use the SMS notification method I mentioned in last post to wake the device up automatically when a new e-mail arrives in your POP3 mailbox. This will allow the Smartner pushed mail to download automatically. Not sure what you pay for SMS messages, but that should be a cheaper way to go. You can also simply just turn the XDA on to start the push too... If Smartner inc. can figure out a way to wake the device up when pushing mail, I think it would beat Blackberry hands down, because the Smartner client application so much better intergrated with the XDA than the Blackberry application is.
cbrow51 said:
Smartner does indeed provide true push e-mail, but I found that the XDA has to be on (e.g. the screen active) for it to receive the mail when its pushed.
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I have a PDA2K and it seems to get emails via gprs while the screen (pda) has been turned off.
(There is a setting which can be set between 15 and 120 mins (I think) which will connect via gprs to Smartner if the gprs/pda is off)
Why does it connect to Smartner every 5 mins, is costing lots more then I expected it would. I thought it would use as much data as something like messenger would.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Not sure about the cost/data size issue. I am fortuante in that TMo US has a great "Allyou can eat" data plan for $19.99 per month, so I have never watched the data charges that much. I believe the function your are referring to in Smartner is built into it to somewhat overcome its inability to wake the device up. So when the device is off for a period of time, it polls the server to look for messages . I was using regular client version that I ran on a separate pc connected to the internet this effectivly has been replaced with the web client now being offerred. Its possible that the web client works in a slightly different way to the regular PC client in thsi regard. That said, I do not remember being able to get it to poll regularly. It may have been something to do with the XDA 2 ROM I am tempted to experiemnet with it again, but my current 1.72.181 ROM has the Blackberry software, but as a biproduct of that, does not have a permanent internet connection. I would have to go to 1.72.187 I think...
I am thinking of upgrading my device to the PDA2K, which currently does not have the blackberry software. If you are having success with Smartner, then I might be tempted, as I need the push e-mail more that pretty much anything else. Have you found the Polling to be reliable? What is the highest frequency you can set it at? 5 mins?
Hi Chris.
I have just tried a few things out on my PDA2K.
If I have my PDA turned off and the GPRS also off you can set Smartner to turn on PDA, connect the GPRS (a message shows telling you whats its doing), get email, turn off GPRS, turn off PDA.
You can set it to do the above from every 15 mins to 120 mins or never. You can set it how you like for the weekend or night time for example.
If you turn off the PDA, GPRS will still be connected and Smartner will collect your emails etc. I take it that polling is when it checks for emails on their server? If you look it its activity it seems to do this every 5 mins - this you cant change.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Many thanks for trying this. Sounds as though the PDA2K and Smartner are working a little better than my XDAII / Smartner combo. One question. If the device is off (screen off) and an e-mail arrives in one of your POP3 mailboxes, does it go straight to the PDA2K and wake it up, or does it wait on the server until the PDA2K polling occurs?
cbrow51 said:
Hi Ian
If the device is off (screen off) and an e-mail arrives in one of your POP3 mailboxes, does it go straight to the PDA2K and wake it up, or does it wait on the server until the PDA2K polling occurs?
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Am I correct in saying that polling is when the PDA connects with Smartner to check for mail etc.?
Ok.... The device is off (screen off) I get a email to my POP3, around 5 mins later my PDA sounds and LED flashes red. I turn it on and my email is ready to read.
Im not 100% sure what you mean in your last post? But it goes from my POP3 to the Smartner server, then to my PDA.
If you PM me I can send you the instructions.
Ian Watson
Hi Ian
Many thanks! Yes, that sounds like polling is taking place. When the XDA is swiched on and a message arrives in your POP3 mailbox, I have found that its almost instantly relayed to the XDA. The fact that you are waiting about 5mins, suggests that the XDA is going out to check. This in effect wakes the device up and allows Smartner to send the mail to the XDA. Never the less, the fact that you can set it up like that and have it work reliably, and notify you of incoming messages with a selecteable notification, is a big improvement over my previous experienec with the Smartner on the XDA 2. Polling was never reliable and I would often only get messages if I turned the device on.
I don't have the right ROM on my device right now to try this, as the 1.72.181 ROM (incds Blackberry client) does not support an "always on" GPRS connection. I'll need to swich to the 1.72.187 ROM. I'll PM you after I have done that if that's ok.
Many Thanks

Push email and GPRS

I now have the push email working through, but the phone wants to be constantly connected to GPRS and seams to sychronise 4 or 5 times an hour even though no new emails have been recieved.
Is this normal behaviour as i'd rather it just dial GPRS and synchronise when a new email arrives.
With the push email, the GPRS session will stay open.
As far as sync'ing when there is nothing new, that is NOT normal. I have gone hours without sync'ing (due to no mail, contact changes, or Calendar changes), then when a new mail comes in it still gets it right away.
There was a good explaination of how the push email works via a technet blog... I think this is the link, but can't get to it right now for some reason. It's a good read...
That's right - for Direct Push the GPRS connection will be permanently up, so that the server can flag to the handheld when a new message comes in. If the connection is dropped (ie. passing through a no coverage area), then it's up to the handset to re-establish it, and it does this with a timeout of 15 mins. Maybe this is what you're seeing. The other explanation is that the router/firewall at the server end is killing SSL sessions after too short a timeout. I believe the Microsoft recommended timeout is 30 mins. Hope this helps. br
Thanks for that guys, i suppose GPRS doesnt run the battery down too much. It still seems to be syching a couple of times an hour with no change to my exchange contents.
have you got your settings on "when items arrive" or do you have it set to periodically check? particularly in off peak times.
open activesync on the device and check the schedule.
Direct Push 'Heartbeat interval'
Using Direct Push on Tornado/imate sp5, the gprs 'heartbeat interval' can be set in the registryHKCU/Software/Microsoft/ActiveSync/Interval, as well as MinHeartbeat and Max Heartbeat. I've got mine set to 1800(30mins) for Min and Interval and 2700 (45 mins) as Max.
Most Servers run between min8mins and max 45mins, so your device should 'ping'or be 'pinged' by the server within this time frame.
I'm using 4Smartphone. Works like a dream. Heartbeat is about 3kb/hour, ie 2 beats an hour
I tested Mail2Web, and the heartbeats from the server come at a rate of 1 kb per minute 60kb/hour ! ouch! regardless of my device settings, i mailed them and they're looking into it !
good luck
I've done a bit of reading on the mail2web service and it seams that is the problem. Some users have been finding that the download costs have been huge because the heartbeats have been coming so rapidly. I've stopped using push on mail2web on the phone. I'll have to wait until work gets its certificate sorted and i can use my exchange box there.
Thanks for the replies

Any problem using Mail2Web lately?

Just to check anyone facing problem using Mail2Web lately especially this week?
On my side I'm having problem synching my set to Mail2Web
Sorry, I mean using 3G/GPRS?
possibly check yr settings in Active Sync, sometimes the schedule gets mixed up by synciing with yr PC,....btw, is the 'heartbeat' interval with Mail2Web still at 30 seconds, in other words is your phone sending and receiving data every 30 secs ? Mine was getting data 'heartbeats' continuously which was killing my battery and my data usage was 6kb/minute, just for the heartbeat, regardless of my registry settings. I've switched to another exchange server, and it uses 4kb per HOUR, and battery life not affected at all !!!!
I am glad it is not only me. Mine started working again 5 minutes ago, but I don't know if it is something I did, or a host file I made with the ip address in it. I was always able to sync over wifi though. Maybe cingular DNS lost them.
FOSA said:
Just to check anyone facing problem using Mail2Web lately especially this week?
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Yes, since yesterday no sync via GPRS is possible (o2 Germany).
With wifi via my home cable connection syncing is possible.
When using in Pocket IE via GPRS I get a certificate warning and after that a login page with a cisco logo, http-connections work fine.
Unfortunately I need a secure connection for active sync :-(
That makes sense, that is what the error code points to. Anyone else up and running? What ever it was, I am glad it is fixed.
there is a problem.....I confirm...tried syncing with 4 differrent operators..every time got the error message " Sync cannot be com,pleted.Try again Later" :shock:
I can't sync via gprs either.
I'm on T-Mobile's network in the USA. I can surf the web via GPRS, but syncing via activesync and mail2web is not working via GPRS. Certificate error, which means its an issue on their end...
It IS working via any WiFi connection though...
I submitted a trouble ticket at
I used "mail2web exchange email" in the subject drop down box.
They replied w/n 10 minutes...!!! Thats better than my Verizon, T-Mobile and Direct TV customer service...and I PAY for those...!
The message:
Please try doing a hard reboot of your device, by powering your device
off and then on again.
If you are using SSL with your account, please try then turning off your
SSL in your device and sync with the severs, then turn SSL back on and
try to sync again.
If this does not help, please verify that the time and date settings on
your device are correct, as this can also cause an issue when using SSL.
If you continue to experience difficulties syncing your device with your
account, please let me know and I will look in to the issue further.
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
our 24/7 support team at [email protected].
Thank you for choosing!
Customer Support"
...and worked...!
Try turning OFF the SSL option in your Active Sync Exchange options. Then hit the sync button.
I feel bad, like I should be paying for a rare thing that a CRS over email can INSTANTLY solve a tech issue for me...!
Gotta give em credit for this one...
I am still having an SSL email issue and they are looking into it...but I dont have an issue w/ sending non-ssl email for a few days...
Give it a try...
Specific Steps:
Go to your Active Sync Screen, then:
-- Menu
-- Configure Server
-- UN-CHECK the "this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection" box
-- dismiss the password warning if you get one
-- Next, then re-enter your password (removing the SSL kills your password)
-- Keep hitting "next" then "finish"
-- Hit the "sync" button
This worked for me. I got my full gprs syncing back...
Again, hats off to them...
Doesn't work for me. Do you use GPRS?
Sync without SSL doesnt work either
Hi, urksaddy
Are you using SSL to synconize? Because, if I swith to Sync without SSL, the active sync shows that the sync couldn't reach the Server and an error code of 80072f78 is given. What server and Domain did you use for the sync without SSL?
thanks in advance.
Mine is working without SSL only, switching it back on does not let it sync.
Doesn't work for me either, because my O2-Wap-Flatrate in Germany needs SSL-Connection!
The MS-Support-Code is 0x80072F17
Re: Mail2Web
kashortie said:
possibly check yr settings in Active Sync, sometimes the schedule gets mixed up by synciing with yr PC,....btw, is the 'heartbeat' interval with Mail2Web still at 30 seconds, in other words is your phone sending and receiving data every 30 secs ? Mine was getting data 'heartbeats' continuously which was killing my battery and my data usage was 6kb/minute, just for the heartbeat, regardless of my registry settings. I've switched to another exchange server, and it uses 4kb per HOUR, and battery life not affected at all !!!!
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What exchange server did you switch to? always looking for an alternative.
Direct Push mail
I eventually unwillingly switched from Mail2Web because of the heartbeat interval ( possibly to do with the firewall settings at their server ) the device/server connection was pulsing every 30 secs, using data in ídle'mode and draining my battery. Ï mailed them often and they couldn't/wouldn't resolve it ( but I agree, they always reply fast, !! ) 4Smartphone is an alternative, althought there is a U$ 3.99 per month fee, I calculated it to be cheaper than the "ïdle"data cost per month with Mail2Web. (2kb every 30 secs adds up if you're connected 24/7 !! ) and i'm not on an unlimited plan ! Battery life is also a big issue for me when i'm "on the road". Interesting off topic, for anyone using a non-windows device, push mail is coming to 'normal' mobile phones. Search net for Tricastmedia and/or "Alwayssend" due July 06
thanks for the info, I keep hoping Mail2web will resolve the heartbeat issue, however they seem happy the way it is.
i have mail2web and got no problems connecting.
HOWEVER, my battery life has decreased dramatically once I started using the service. How do I know the pulse interval?
Also, i really dont know if this is an issue with activesync or with mail2web, but sometimes it takes FOREVER to get an email. Sometimes more than FIVE minutes. this way its even more effective to turn on automatic check every five minutes on outlook. Its really not push at all!
I used to have "chatter mail" on my treo 650, and any account that supports IMAP idle (a LOT of providers support it, many of them free) makes it true push. It would take, on everage, 2 to 6 seconds to receive an email. Now THATS push!
urksaddy said:
Specific Steps:
Go to your Active Sync Screen, then:
-- Menu
-- Configure Server
-- UN-CHECK the "this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection" box
-- dismiss the password warning if you get one
-- Next, then re-enter your password (removing the SSL kills your password)
-- Keep hitting "next" then "finish"
-- Hit the "sync" button
This worked for me. I got my full gprs syncing back...
Again, hats off to them...
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Thanks your information , when I took off SSL it work fine.

WM6: Automatically sync on WiFi connect?

Is there a way to configure WM6 to automatically sync with my Exchange server as soon as a WiFi connection is established? My ActiveSync schedule is set to manual, and I would like to be able to power the device on and have it sync as soon as my WiFi connection is restored.
Taking it one step further, if there was a utility that could automatically turn on WiFi, wait for connect, perfrom a sync, then optionally turn off WiFi each time I turned the device on, that may be desireable as well, as it would conserve battery.
only way i can think of is mortscript... im assuming you dont have it set to push or every 5 min because of the data plan?
Consider to set your activesync-schadule to 'as items arrive.' In this way, a secure connection with your exchange server is created (if you got direct push-service, like in 2003 sp2 or 2007). This will be done when it has an Internet connection.
Nevertheless, it can take up to at least 4 min until the first sync is done. In my case it works perfect.

Using Microsoft Direct Push Email will cause data connection to auto-connect?

Anyone experienced that problem? Whenever there is no email coming in but the data connections keep trying to get connected even though i have terminate it using the long end key button. Any solution? Thank you in advance.
this is the way it works. in order to receive an email when arrives yu must be connected to internet.
if you dont want to be connected all the time, you can set up sync e ery a certain time and disconnect the push, or manual sync.
ypsmav said:
this is the way it works. in order to receive an email when arrives yu must be connected to internet.
if you dont want to be connected all the time, you can set up sync e ery a certain time and disconnect the push, or manual sync.
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Thanks. I will know what to do then.
change the schedule
in activesync on your pda you can also go to menu>schedule and change the settings as you want them
if you change the peak times from 10 am till 11am your phone will only be connected during this time and if you dc after that time it won't connect
but you won't be able to get the mail if you disconnect
hope this is a good answer

