Changing Trackball Sensitivity? - myTouch 3G, Magic Android Development

Is there a way to do this? I find for scrolling through text to be very slow, but scrolling through menus or selection I am fine with.

I second that.

Fully agree man.. too slow yo be useful

I, too, would like to figure this out. I switched from my Blackberry and the only thing I miss is the fact that the BB had a much better sensitivity level with the scrolling ball. I could whiz the cursor around text like a madman, but with the Magic, it's like pulling teeth.
Edit: Sorry, item #2 that I miss is the amazing battery life with the BB...but that's a whole other enchilada.

I would bet top get the idea, that this will be changed in the final version of the donut update as with typing it is way too slow but web browsing and other functions it's fine. I also noticed that apps seem to have indivudual control over the sensitivity of the trackball so all that's really needed for a change is the keyboard apps like HTC_IME or the Android stock keyboard and problem solved!
Keeping my fingers crossed!


Are the touch cube, scrolling, today plugin actually useful?

Just interested in finding out how many people are using them just to show off, or if people are actually finding use for them?
These are my observations:
Cube- hard to master getting it to flip out with the finger, and sometimes gives a lot of false positives. And using it after pressing the softkey takes too long, I would rather use HButton or some other launcher.
Scrolling- again this is hard to master.. sometimes it would scroll up when i'm actually flicking downwards... works surprisingly well at times and i found myself flicking the screen on non-touch ROMs.
Today plugin- this is ofcourse useful. But it takes too much space, and i couldn't embed it within a tab in spb diary. Also, in landscape mode its too big and leaves very little room for other plugins.
i think the cube is a POS. i've never actually used it as its much easier to do the task without messing around with it. the today plugin gives pretty much all the functionality of the cube without having to flick up left and right. the only time i've used it is to show other people how much the iPhone sucks.
and i think scrolling is very helpful. makes one handed use even easier if used with smartskey. anything possible to not use the stylus is a huge time saver.
1. Cube - dont use it much - or maybe just to fidget around...
2. Scrolling - can't live without it now - takes a little while to master it, but have stopped using the scroll bars mostly now that i can flick and scroll.
3. Home Plugin - do use it quite a bit, mostly for shortcuts to programs, photo dialling, weather.
Is there a cab which just installs the scrolling on any wm6 rom? Installing the htc home plugin slows down the device if its not built into the rom..
Nah its a Pose... OK but thats the cube only.
The Today screen is ok, especially if you use ur fingernail.
Great to show off and then tell ppl that its running a 2 year old phone,
and then iMention that iMac's iPhone is a iCon and no big deal.(Ummm actually iPhone Sux but their Media side and Batt life is sweet.)
And to wait for iPhone
Let the .666 flame war begin. ;D
sometimes i end up playing around with the cube cause i admire how cool it is, although it's a little slow. I mostly use the top 9. I got too many contacts to scroll and I don't go on web much.
Can't live with out the touch scrolling and today plugin, but you need little mastering, but it's not a big deal.
Cube is pretty useless to me. I built a ROM without it, but with the touch scrolling and Home plugin. Trying to rebuild another ROM without it also. I don't use it and would rather use the space for Voice Command.
Currently rocking nbd 8.3. Can't live without the scroll and home screen but the cube is a novelty that quickly wears off, IMHO.
Would love to see a ROM with touch scroll and HTC home but without cube and missed calls bug. Any chefs out there listening?
yoda6 said:
Currently rocking nbd 8.3. Can't live without the scroll and home screen but the cube is a novelty that quickly wears off, IMHO.
Would love to see a ROM with touch scroll and HTC home but without cube and missed calls bug. Any chefs out there listening?
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You can try NBD 7.9 and just reassign the left softkey and you will have it
icezar said:
You can try NBD 7.9 and just reassign the left softkey and you will have it
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Almost, unless I'm mistaken all NBD ROMs (and most WM6 ROMs in general) have the missed calls bug. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
No problem of missed calls in NBD 8.3
I personally couldn't do withouth the HTC Home and the finger scrolling.
As many here, the cube is really beautiful to see in motion, but quite useless...
yoda6 said:
Almost, unless I'm mistaken all NBD ROMs (and most WM6 ROMs in general) have the missed calls bug. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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NBD 7.x does not have the 1,2 sec missed call bug.
Hi guys,
I agree with everyone... Htc home and touchflo rocks!!
The cube is a nice visual and for showing off, but not realy usefull.
Only if i havent set the IE launcher on the home plug i use the cube to launch it.
gr. bram
icezar said:
NBD 7.x does not have the 1,2 sec missed call bug.
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Really? I'm talking about the problem where the GPRS is connected and an incoming call that is not answered before the calling party hangs up does not register as a missed call. NBD 8.3 certainly does this, although I'm thinking of trying the 2.19 UK radio to see if that helps.
I use cube time to time, bt is very nice thing. iphone contacts are the best and i use them daily.No button activation is not for me.
I got the touch installed on my second MDA which I use just for GPS. It's good for showing off. No useful functionality.
What's this scrolling business? Are you guys talking about the volume side thing? Or is there another way?
where is this touch scrolling from? I've flashed a few touch roms in the past monthish but none with the ability to scroll with my finger outside of contacts
Changed my mind from an earlier post.
Touch scrolling is awesome. Now that there is a version of the Home plugin works on TMobile its great to get the weather. Also, now that the Cube can come up via a finger swipe, it is actually useful (not required). Also, changing the links on the app side of the cube is needed because most of the default ones are already mapped to a hardware button.

Very Strange Fuze Keyboard Troubles

My keyboard has been lagging and doing other strange things that has got me worried. I did a hard reset on it yesterday and before I even installed any software I was forced to use the on-screen board for a spell as the slide out was un-responsive. I chalked it up to some background process being a hog and moved on. Now I'm finding some consitencies.
On a fresh reboot if I open the notes app in landscape mode and start typing I can see the cursor moving but nothing else till I get about 75% across the screen and then there are some black artifacts that now look like a ton of characters all bunched up in the space of about 3 positions wide. If I keep typing till it does a return then the entire line of text shows up and the process repeats itself on the next line.
If I have a full page of text open in say Total commander's text editor in portrait mode and slide the keyboard out, it will make a pattern of those black artifacts diagonally down the screen toward the left side and it will not correct itself. If I go back to portrait mode all is well again. There is seriously something wrong here.
I can't find any information from searching on the problem but hoping one of the experts here could shed some light on it and let me know if it's time to think about a return. Will try to uncover more if I can.
Many Thanks,
I took some screens of the problem. Both pics on the bottom are the same document but left is with TC's editor and the right is Word. Upper right is word as well. Hopefullt the attachment makes it through, if not I can host and link to it.
If you are running a stock ROM without any customizations (you said you hard reset your device), then chances are you have a defective Fuze. You should exchange it through AT&T's 30 day return policy.
If you're not running a stock ROM, then maybe you have an unstable one. Flash Da_G's clean ROM and see if the issue still occurs. Since that ROM has very little installed by default, the chances of a software conflict are slim.
Please post back here with your status.
I was thinking the same thing but the one thing I can't reproduce is when the keyboard doesn't respond at all. Maybe the graphics and the responsiveness are 2 different things?? I'm wondering if clear-type might have something to do with the graphics but that shouldn't lag the keyboard.
Gonna disable Clear-type now and will report back.
Well if I would have done a search with cleartype I would have found my answer, sorry I didn't figure it out sooner. At least pople can see what cleartype looks like on the Fuze in landscape mode if they were wondering. Apparently there is no fix known other than to turn it off. Hopefully the laggy response clears up as well but not getting my hope up. Thanks for your response.
What an odd thing for ClearType to do in landscape mode... as for laggy response, flashing a clean ROM would give you a good gauge as to how preinstalled apps can affect such lag.
Same thing happens to me but in txt'in sometimes my keyboard dont work at all and i have to restart the device, but this has happen to me only 3 times and the keyboard still have life cuz when i hit the fn key or shift the light comes on indicating that i put them on. as for screen lag i bearly get screen lag, because i did some hack i saw in this thread and it seems to of help alittle
by the way am using the ROMeOS2, i was wondering if i was the only person with this problem but apperently not.
Yep I got the same problem. I installed the NullKb cab on my phone to keep the kb from popping up in Opera. It didn't work. I uninstalled NullKb, It still shows up as selectable under other input options. The lag got progressively worse and even resets will not get the keyboard to work.
I've got the same problem. It's really strange.
I used ROMeOS but now am back to Australian Three official rom.
It seems like, when ClearType is active, I can't see what I am writing with the keyboard in LandScape mode. Even stranger is that when you write an SMS, the keyboard writes fine as there is T9 active.
I really need a fix for this as this has started to frustrate me.
I found having "clear type" activated was my problem as well. I turn it off and my kb is back to usual normal. I have a euro stock unit. Very happy with the rest of it's performance. I can live without cleartype.
eidolen said:
My keyboard has been lagging and doing other strange things that has got me worried. I did a hard reset on it yesterday and before I even installed any software I was forced to use the on-screen board for a spell as the slide out was un-responsive. I chalked it up to some background process being a hog and moved on. Now I'm finding some consitencies.
On a fresh reboot if I open the notes app in landscape mode and start typing I can see the cursor moving but nothing else till I get about 75% across the screen and then there are some black artifacts that now look like a ton of characters all bunched up in the space of about 3 positions wide. If I keep typing till it does a return then the entire line of text shows up and the process repeats itself on the next line.
If I have a full page of text open in say Total commander's text editor in portrait mode and slide the keyboard out, it will make a pattern of those black artifacts diagonally down the screen toward the left side and it will not correct itself. If I go back to portrait mode all is well again. There is seriously something wrong here.
I can't find any information from searching on the problem but hoping one of the experts here could shed some light on it and let me know if it's time to think about a return. Will try to uncover more if I can.
Many Thanks,
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I had the same problems. I fixed it by disabling cleartype in landscape (using Diamond Tweaks), and then installing the Fuze Keyboard fix cab, which I am attaching here for you, in case you want to try it. I'm sorry I don't remember the original post I got it from. After doing these 2 things, everything seems to be working great for me.

JF1.41 Bug? changes the way the touchscreen works?

On my unrooted phone the "Steamy Window" application worked fine
If I pressed a little it would make a little line in the "steam", and if I were to push my thumb down on a large area, it would detect that and make a "thumb" sized print.
Now using JF1.41 no matter what I do it only makes a TINY TINY line, about a pixel or two in size.
Did the modification of the screen change an api that the Steamy Window app is using to work different?
Well, maybe you should go back to an unrooted phone so that you can play with your steamy window....
LPChris, I would expect a little more maturity from a "senior member"
I am trying to contribute to make JF the best it can be. Maybe your just having a bad night or something, but theres no need to be so childish.
Looking through your posts it seems like your just having a bad night
Back on topic:
While this may be a stupid little problem with one application. Should finger-area sensitive applications continue to be made this could isolate JF1.41 from the market. Naturally I dont care much for steamy window, but I would like to prevent other issues in more... useful... applications
I've seen some weirdness where my home screen has a jitter. I've also had accuracy issues with clicking menu items and buttons. I'm going to backup my phone and load JF 1.31 back on to see if it is the screen or the img.
Interesting...I just reflashed with 1.41 RC30 and the problem went away. I was using the fade to blue theme .99.
sjbayer3 said:
On my unrooted phone the "Steamy Window" application worked fine
If I pressed a little it would make a little line in the "steam", and if I were to push my thumb down on a large area, it would detect that and make a "thumb" sized print.
Now using JF1.41 no matter what I do it only makes a TINY TINY line, about a pixel or two in size.
Did the modification of the screen change an api that the Steamy Window app is using to work different?
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Ditto about LPChris lol, a lot of his posts sound like that, but yeah I noticed the same thing about the steamy window app before and after using JF 1.41.
Steamy window, LOL! sorry guys. anyway keep up the great work.
Yes, this is a trivial example, but it does identify a real issue.
I was reading through the various google android groups last night and I ran into some info that seems to addresses this issue. From what I was able to gather, the JF1.x implementation of multi-touch uses a community hack that reassigns the value that normally keeps track of the size of the touch input. This value is now used to keep track of the distance between two touches. (see:
your Steamy Window app seems to make use of the size value as it was originally designed. Now with the change, with only one finger input, this value is set to some minimum, producing a thin line.
To test this theory, see if when you touch the screen with two fingers the size of the mark gets bigger.
Why can't a capability bit or other mechanism be defined that could be used to indicate whether or not an application were multi-touch aware, so that the touch handling behavior at the lower levels would revert to "standard" behavior for normal (non-multi-touch) apps? Trying to make the multi-touch hack fully backwards compatible may not be practical.
I tested your idea about multituch possibly fixing steamy window
My only results are really strange.
If I touch with two fingers it will make a line about the width of my 2 fingers, but its located in the top left, no matter where my fingers actually are. Furthermore the line isnt straight its curved.
Now, after my first touch, it seems if I touch it again it just crashes.
ex-MN said:
From what I was able to gather, the JF1.x implementation of multi-touch uses a community hack that reassigns the value that normally keeps track of the size of the touch input. This value is now used to keep track of the distance between two touches. (see:
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Edit: Hmm... the x-y data of the second finger is stored in separate fields. I think the usage of the size field is just as a boolean to tell multitouch capable programs that second finger data is being sent.
themes and JF RC versions. be careful
TheDudeOfLife said:
I've seen some weirdness where my home screen has a jitter. I've also had accuracy issues with clicking menu items and buttons. I'm going to backup my phone and load JF 1.31 back on to see if it is the screen or the img.
Interesting...I just reflashed with 1.41 RC30 and the problem went away. I was using the fade to blue theme .99.
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it seems as tho themes have to be matched to the rom, a theme for 1,30 may flake out on 1.41, most of the themes I have seen and used so far were marked as to which rom the were intended to theme...
bhang said:
it seems as tho themes have to be matched to the rom, a theme for 1,30 may flake out on 1.41, most of the themes I have seen and used so far were marked as to which rom the were intended to theme...
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After some more testing I have this same issue on 2 1.41 compatible themes (rusty metal and fade to blue) I am going to go back to themeless 1.41 but I think it is more related to the multitouch 'hack' than the theme themselves. I find it hard to believe that a bunch of icons could mess this up. I watches my screen jitter between the left and right screen for 3 minutes today before I just performed a soft reset on my phone.
Note: I also applied each theme from a fresh flash of 1.41...not on top of each other.
this happens with screen crack also, but it doesnt affect me that much until i start not being able to select stuff. i know it may be important its just not to me... yet *knocks on wood*
Yeah Ive noticed it too..
I thought that it was just the app at first.
I might be switching back to .31 then at least til this gets fixed.
Steamy window def is NOT reading my fingers location or size properly.
I've also seen it affect touch paint found in the API Demos. Doesn't even register touch anymore.
It appears multi-touch is premature at this point and to implement multi-touch throughout the OS and not just the browser like everyone seems to think isnt good. It is definitely is throughout the OS and probably will affect any application that uses the second touch value to register touch size.
My other concern is that dev's won't take this hacked multi-touch into account so they will continue to write programs that won't be compatible since its not the "norm"
Taken from and android forum...this is my biggest concern
"Please think about soft keyboards when considering multi-touch APIs,
where the problem isn't detecting the distance between two finger, but
rather is allowing a 2nd finger (or thumb) to come down on a 2nd key
before the first finger (or thumb) has been released. The proposed
API to provide only a centroid and the distance between fingers won't
work at all for this sort of application.
I think you'd ultimately want to package this as additional
GestureDetector subclasses, depending on whether the type of gesture
detection wanted was pinch/zoom or multiple/overlapping taps.
Keyboards (and maybe games) would use one class, browsers another.
Providing the right information from a touch panel to drive either
detector might be challenging, especially if the panel provides
'unpaired' x and y coordinates rather than individual touch locations,
but I believe it could be done. "
Any thoughts on this?
Yeah lets hear what JF's got to say.
I originally thought that the multitouch was embedded in the browser, It's too soon to have it throughout the entire OS...
How about 1.41=with multitouch and 1.42=without
I've installed JF1.41 and I have an unusual bug....sometimes the screen behaves like it isn't calibrated..i press the screen on a button and it is pressed another one....have anyone encoutered this problem?
I invite everyone to do the following to find out how ur touch registers on ur screen. Open anycut. Get it if u don't have it.
Click activity and find raw image viewer. Click ok and then click on the shortcut.
Now start moving your finger around and see the results.
Let's all post our results here so we can figure this out.
Post in the same format as me:
ROM: JF1.41
1 finger - it surpisingly followed my finger perfectly. It only registered the very center point of my finger.
2 fingers - it appears that it made the same point as the 1 finger, however now the point was exactly in between my fingers and stayed there as I moved them around.
Ok so now we need ppl with stock rc30 and 1.31 so we can test this out!
You wanna have some real fun? Try it with 3 or 4 fingers.. It goes nuts..

[Q] Why are the home/back/taskbar icons part of the GUI rather than hardware?

You can't hide it (apparently you can in 3.1, but that's not for sure yet) and it takes up a good amount of the screen. It's especially annoying when trying to watch a video (although admittedly I didn't notice it until I read other people's gripes in these it bugs me!).
Why didn't they just make buttons or touch sensitive icons on the bezel?
Certain apps will darken out the home bar such as Kindle reader/youtube( i think) but yes I agree there should be an option to hide it while using certain apps such as Dolphin HD while in full screen.
This is the first time I'm hearing of 3.1 allowing us to hide the bar. I hope it happens otherwise we might have to wait for a custom rom to do it for us.
newtybar said:
You can't hide it (apparently you can in 3.1, but that's not for sure yet) and it takes up a good amount of the screen. It's especially annoying when trying to watch a video (although admittedly I didn't notice it until I read other people's gripes in these it bugs me!).
Why didn't they just make buttons or touch sensitive icons on the bezel?
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They wanted manufacturers to be able to do buttonless designs, so it has to be there or you have no way of navigating.
by the way in any properly made app the bar will fade away till theres just 3 faint dots left, is that really a huge issue?
this is one of the best new features of HoneyComb. now buttons will always be properly oriented with the screen orientation.
klau1 said:
this is one of the best new features of HoneyComb. now buttons will always be properly oriented with the screen orientation.
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this. But it will be nice with the dim the lights option if apps start using it.
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So it can be compatible for future os or app if google decided to chance their button functions in software regardless of hardware placement.

[GRIPE] Just me, or does 2-finger trackpad scrolling suck in 3.2?

Hey guys -
Posting this because apparently ASUS actually monitors this forum (which, by the way, I'm very pleased to know).
One thing I loved about the dock accessory was how seemless 2-finger scrolling was on the trackpad. It was beautifully implemented. However, since 3.2 (and the new pinch-to-zoom capability given to the trackpad), I find it very cumbersome to use:
For instance, when trying to scroll web pages, I have to keep my 2 fingers GLUED together in order for the trackpad to not mistake the gesture as a pinch-to-zoom. Before, I could keep my fingers at a comfortable position, but now, scrolling is uncomfortable and unreliable due to the touchpad's frequent mistaking my contact as a pinch. Anyone else find this? (By the way, my fingers are not large at all.)
This is driving me a little nuts. If I could somehow disable the pinch-to-zoom functionality on the touchpad just to fix this problem, I would. :s Honestly, I almost never want to zoom in on a web page - but too often, unless I'm making a very concious effort to keep my fingers pressed together in uncomfortable fashion, an unintended zoom gesture is the result.
A good model for how this functionality should work (as much as I hate to draw this comparison) - an Apple trackpad implements both of these gestures perfectly. No uncomfortable Spock-like finger positioning necessary to scroll OR zoom. Hoping this might be fixed / adjusted in the next update.
It sucks
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
The only thing I like about the new cursor is that it doesn't "click" automatically when scrolling - that was a huge pain and I'm glad it's out of the way.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I was going to bring up this issue as well. It would seem that it is now three finger scrolling.
Yeah i hate it too. It also sort of annoys me how the normal mouse cursor is now that circle thing.
curti.nogg said:
I was going to bring up this issue as well. It would seem that it is now three finger scrolling.
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Ha - except three finger scrolling doesn't work, of course. Actually, I'd probably find that easier than this current implementation!
pickles319 said:
Yeah i hate it too. It also sort of annoys me how the normal mouse cursor is now that circle thing.
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Personally, I can live with the circle - I don't find it horrible. What helps is that (as you've probably noticed) the mouse movement is much smoother, with some acceleration added as well. But what drives me bonkers is that in the process of smoothing those issues out, a new one was created with the botched 2-finger scrolling stuff...
Yeah, the scrolling sucks in 3.2
I hate seeing the cursor when I'm scrolling
the cursor also sucks now because it is round, now I can't select text easily
Keep one index finger on the left mouse button, and the other index finger on the pad. Bam! Perfect "two-finger" scrolling every time.
Seriously though, I've always had my fingers "glued" together when scrolling. That's just how I got used to it, and it has always worked great. Holding my fingers in a Spock-like position is perfectly comfortable. If you can't hold your fingers in that type of position for very long, you either need to work on your dexterity or use a USB/Bluetooth mouse. Personally I would very much miss having the pinch to zoom functionality, because without it you can't operate Google Maps/Earth on the trackpad alone.
I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned the fact that the direction of scrolling is now inverted, mimicking the touchscreen rather than every other trackpad on every other laptop/netbook I've ever used. Can I please just have vertical AND horizontal scrolling at the extreme edges of the pad, like I have everywhere else? It really works quite well.
And I agree that I don't need the zoom that often. When I do, it's sufficient to do it on the screen. They can disable that, too.
earlyberd: Though I personally agree with you, some people can't do the Vulcan thing with their fingers at all, much less hold them that way.
Perhaps Asus should just release an app that allows for custom configuration of the trackpad, maybe even give us the ability to change the cursor as well. That's a standard feature on most laptops these days, and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible here.
I find the main problem is when scrolling between screens, eithe homescreens or application screens. The physics seems to make getting to the next page via touchpad very difficult.
I have noticed when scrolling through web pages, the cursor will move back to the starting position when it starts a 2 finger scroll/grab.
I used to love the mouse, now i kind of hate it.
and here i thought the custom rom i was using broke the scrolling all together. maybe im just not doing it right.
hmmm ill have to test this today. seems like as we get closer and closer to laptop functionality, more and more options are needed to keep everyone happy.
as for the scroll direction, apple and MS are implementing this right now too.
Yeah I agree the two fingerr scrolling sucks, but, you can always just click and drag, what 3.2 really did was make the mouse slightly more like using it as a touchscreen. Personally I like it better, they just need to fine tune it so that two finger scrolling and pinch to zoom dont get mistaken as much
bethanensinger said:
Yeah I agree the two fingerr scrolling sucks, but, you can always just click and drag, what 3.2 really did was make the mouse slightly more like using it as a touchscreen. Personally I like it better, they just need to fine tune it so that two finger scrolling and pinch to zoom dont get mistaken as much
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What I'm doing in the meantime (in an effort to avoid throwing my tablet dock against the wall in frustration!) is 'click & drag' to scroll INSTEAD of 2-finger, as the latter is very difficult now. On the touchpad, 'click & drag' is possible by tapping first and immediately dragging to scroll. This will have to do until ASUS fixes the problem, or bundles in a configuration app (as was suggested above).
I really hate the scrolling in 3.2 as well. I don't mind the mouse pointer or the fact that scrolling direction has been reversed. The zoom vs scoll detection could use some tuning, but that's not even my biggest issue either. The thing I can't stand is how jerky the scrolling is now. If you scroll slowly it doesn't even respond until you're half way down the trackpad, and when it does you get notchy/jerky scrolling. If you swipe quickly you get the equivalent of a quick swipe of the screen and scroll quickly down the page farther than I'd prefer. The scrolling previously was smooth and the amount of scroll was a perfect ratio with the movement of your fingers. It's terrible now. I've just gone back to 3.1 for the time being.
I've gotten semi-use to the scrolling, but I can't get use to the big white circle. I'm double clicking on buttons or missing them all together because it's not precise enough - this is especially true when I have to select text while using an RDP app... pain in the rear!
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I find it really weird that one cannot customize the mouse for example speed, zoom direction etc.. This was done so well on my old asus eee netbooks. I also find the circle very confusing as it reminds one of the sign a mouse sometimes does when its loading the page, the old mouse cursor sign wasnt good either as often not visible but why can't they at least put a cross in the middle of the mouse so that one knows where one is clicking? I also dont like the new inverted 2-finger scrolling. I need an app to change this!!

