Very Strange Fuze Keyboard Troubles - Touch Pro, Fuze General

My keyboard has been lagging and doing other strange things that has got me worried. I did a hard reset on it yesterday and before I even installed any software I was forced to use the on-screen board for a spell as the slide out was un-responsive. I chalked it up to some background process being a hog and moved on. Now I'm finding some consitencies.
On a fresh reboot if I open the notes app in landscape mode and start typing I can see the cursor moving but nothing else till I get about 75% across the screen and then there are some black artifacts that now look like a ton of characters all bunched up in the space of about 3 positions wide. If I keep typing till it does a return then the entire line of text shows up and the process repeats itself on the next line.
If I have a full page of text open in say Total commander's text editor in portrait mode and slide the keyboard out, it will make a pattern of those black artifacts diagonally down the screen toward the left side and it will not correct itself. If I go back to portrait mode all is well again. There is seriously something wrong here.
I can't find any information from searching on the problem but hoping one of the experts here could shed some light on it and let me know if it's time to think about a return. Will try to uncover more if I can.
Many Thanks,
I took some screens of the problem. Both pics on the bottom are the same document but left is with TC's editor and the right is Word. Upper right is word as well. Hopefullt the attachment makes it through, if not I can host and link to it.

If you are running a stock ROM without any customizations (you said you hard reset your device), then chances are you have a defective Fuze. You should exchange it through AT&T's 30 day return policy.
If you're not running a stock ROM, then maybe you have an unstable one. Flash Da_G's clean ROM and see if the issue still occurs. Since that ROM has very little installed by default, the chances of a software conflict are slim.
Please post back here with your status.

I was thinking the same thing but the one thing I can't reproduce is when the keyboard doesn't respond at all. Maybe the graphics and the responsiveness are 2 different things?? I'm wondering if clear-type might have something to do with the graphics but that shouldn't lag the keyboard.
Gonna disable Clear-type now and will report back.
Well if I would have done a search with cleartype I would have found my answer, sorry I didn't figure it out sooner. At least pople can see what cleartype looks like on the Fuze in landscape mode if they were wondering. Apparently there is no fix known other than to turn it off. Hopefully the laggy response clears up as well but not getting my hope up. Thanks for your response.

What an odd thing for ClearType to do in landscape mode... as for laggy response, flashing a clean ROM would give you a good gauge as to how preinstalled apps can affect such lag.

Same thing happens to me but in txt'in sometimes my keyboard dont work at all and i have to restart the device, but this has happen to me only 3 times and the keyboard still have life cuz when i hit the fn key or shift the light comes on indicating that i put them on. as for screen lag i bearly get screen lag, because i did some hack i saw in this thread and it seems to of help alittle
by the way am using the ROMeOS2, i was wondering if i was the only person with this problem but apperently not.

Yep I got the same problem. I installed the NullKb cab on my phone to keep the kb from popping up in Opera. It didn't work. I uninstalled NullKb, It still shows up as selectable under other input options. The lag got progressively worse and even resets will not get the keyboard to work.

I've got the same problem. It's really strange.
I used ROMeOS but now am back to Australian Three official rom.
It seems like, when ClearType is active, I can't see what I am writing with the keyboard in LandScape mode. Even stranger is that when you write an SMS, the keyboard writes fine as there is T9 active.
I really need a fix for this as this has started to frustrate me.

I found having "clear type" activated was my problem as well. I turn it off and my kb is back to usual normal. I have a euro stock unit. Very happy with the rest of it's performance. I can live without cleartype.

eidolen said:
My keyboard has been lagging and doing other strange things that has got me worried. I did a hard reset on it yesterday and before I even installed any software I was forced to use the on-screen board for a spell as the slide out was un-responsive. I chalked it up to some background process being a hog and moved on. Now I'm finding some consitencies.
On a fresh reboot if I open the notes app in landscape mode and start typing I can see the cursor moving but nothing else till I get about 75% across the screen and then there are some black artifacts that now look like a ton of characters all bunched up in the space of about 3 positions wide. If I keep typing till it does a return then the entire line of text shows up and the process repeats itself on the next line.
If I have a full page of text open in say Total commander's text editor in portrait mode and slide the keyboard out, it will make a pattern of those black artifacts diagonally down the screen toward the left side and it will not correct itself. If I go back to portrait mode all is well again. There is seriously something wrong here.
I can't find any information from searching on the problem but hoping one of the experts here could shed some light on it and let me know if it's time to think about a return. Will try to uncover more if I can.
Many Thanks,
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I had the same problems. I fixed it by disabling cleartype in landscape (using Diamond Tweaks), and then installing the Fuze Keyboard fix cab, which I am attaching here for you, in case you want to try it. I'm sorry I don't remember the original post I got it from. After doing these 2 things, everything seems to be working great for me.


*The* TyTN v1605 problems post...

Hi all,
Figured I should start a post with problems (in the quest for solutions).
I have had my v1605 from Vodafon for 3 days now and have found a few problems already. I have a replacement coming on Tue so will see what is fixed...
So far:
- keyboard back lights not working, matters not if the sensor is active or not. Vodafone replacing the unit as a result.
- some keys on the far right seem unsensitive - I keep missing O, P and L from my typing. The keys do work though...maybe it is just me.
- screen alignment wanders and as such I usually need to re-align the screen once a day or more. Seems always to drift left and slight lower than I am pressing.
- today screen items are locked and 'vodafoned', very annoying as I cannot show task list, owner info or lock status on the today screen. I hard reset the unit and reset it before the customisation happened and voila - the usual today screen items were back - but as a result I lost the vodafone dialer skin and the 3G symbol. I presume someone can ROM-hack to get rid of this restriction and look forward to it In fact, it would be perfect if the ONLY Vodafone customisations were the dialler skin, 3G symbol and theme.
- If you have a password set and hard-reset the unit it crashes when you are prompted for the password. Soft resetting it then skips the vodafone customisation.
- left softkey set to phone instead of calendar and no way to change it.
- no easy way to access Vodafone Live!
- camera quality pretty poor for a 2MP, no where near as good as the K750i for example. However, the K750i on its first firmware was pretty aweful too!
- when plugged into USB on computer - if you turn it off (so as just to charge) it will turn itself back on again shortly and commence another sync.
Other than these niggles, of which the today screen is the biggest for me, I love the TyTN. By far the best PDA/Phone I have owned to date!
So - over to you guys, does your v1605 have these issues or others, or none????
My slide out keyboard down't click into place on the left side the way the right does (and also the way the wizard does). It may not be a problem now but in the future, it may begin to wear and then it might affect the function of the keys??
Are they just swapping a unit for you or exchanging the whole package? How will you know if you get a brand new set? When I switched mine on, the call timers showed outgoing 40 seconds and incoming 45 seconds. I'm not sure if this is vodafone testing the units or it's not new.
Am told I am getting a brand new unit - will check call timers as they *should* be 0-0.
Just had a play with mine and I only feel a click on the right side of the keyboard too. Feels nice and solid once it is out though - not like the xda-mini-s which feels flimsy in comparison.
I do not see the "E" icon even in EDGE enabled areas. I even tried the HTC Wizard icon hack hack with no success:
'E' appears on my v1605
3G is awesome.
rakh1 said:
Just had a play with mine and I only feel a click on the right side of the keyboard too. Feels nice and solid once it is out though - not like the xda-mini-s which feels flimsy in comparison.
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Thats great! was a bit worried that mine was a faulty unit. It does feel solid when sliding. It was just the lack of the "click" that bugged me.
Anyone else who received their unit had timers showing calls made and received from it? Its probably vodafone testing it. The unit is too new for any refunds/refurbs to have been made.
- some keys on the far right seem unsensitive - I keep missing O, P and L from my typing. The keys do work though...maybe it is just me.
My unit has this issue and I hope my next unit which is a brand new replacement that comes on Tuesday doesn't have this issue. My unit it is only the O that has problem which is getting better over time. I called them and they was more than happy to get a brand new unit to get sent out just want a perfect working one in my 14 day period so fingers crossed will keep you updated.
xxnoelziexx said:
- some keys on the far right seem unsensitive - I keep missing O, P and L from my typing. The keys do work though...maybe it is just me.
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Do you also feel a click only on the right when you slide open the keyboard? Let us know how you get on with the new unit.
Don't feel no click at all. Will keep you all updated.
New unit turned up - keyboard lights now work as expected.
Still only a right side click on the keybard - so it must just be the way it is.
Today items:
Fix posted here:
Hope that helps - Rich
Hi guys
Peter .. the guy that got his VPA Compact III two days after me as sent it back on the 14 day returns .... He was concerned about stability. He's always struggled to come to terms with WM stability which I can understand ... so he's off back to palm and blackberry.
From my point of view - I've had one hang during operations which still worries me (I left it at the today screen fine ... and 30 mins later I noticed backlight was completely off and it was utterly un responsive - wouldn't respond to incoming calls). It also hangs occassionally of soft reset or power on (from a complete power off). It usually comes up fine on a subsequent soft reset.
I'm waiting for HTC to call me back so I can raise this as a call. It seems to happen regardless of today plugins being active (I disabled all) - I have also rebuilt with 4 phases of Sprite Backup to restore from - and the problem hasn't gone away.
I suspect it is firmware / software as opposed to hardware .... fingers crossed.
Aside from that I love it as a device .... I just wish one of you guys that has one will let me know if you have had any hangs at all and where you see them.
My keyboard light works fine. It has to be in low light and you have to press a button before it activates - just opening the keyboard in low light doesn't activate it.
Occasionally I turn the device on and it starts in landscape mode and then switches to portrait ... odd .. because I didn't switch it off in landscape.
There is an odd moulding mark where the stylus comes out on the curved recessed part of the body (right hand side). I thought it may be a crack but I'm pretty sure it's just where the plastic moulding was finished before painting. If it's not cracked I'm not bothered.
You can change the WM5 softkeys with Tweaks2k2.
One thing to remember is that rather than use the phone executable, the device originally used a :MSC call. Once removed you can't put it back with Tweaks2k2. It's not an issue because a normal link to phone is fine. If you want Calendar ... then use Tweaks2k2 to change it.
My keyboard works fine ... no sticky keys. Peter had one or two on his.
I just wish one of you guys that has one will let me know if you have had any hangs at all and where you see them.
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No hangs here yet.....using it a lot with skype, camera, etc...
My keyboard light works fine. It has to be in low light and you have to press a button before it activates - just opening the keyboard in low light doesn't activate it.
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Yes - same here...
Occasionally I turn the device on and it starts in landscape mode and then switches to portrait ... odd .. because I didn't switch it off in landscape.
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I've not had this happen...
There is an odd moulding mark where the stylus comes out on the curved recessed part of the body
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Same here - but very feint....
Hi Rich
What are you running at the moment ?
I'm try to find out what is different between my build and yours so I can narrow down possible cause of hang.
By the way ... my build is :
So far I have SBSH iLauncher, HandyMenu, HandSwitcher, Legato Mahjong, Billiard Master 3, Bubbleshooter, PDA Mill GameBox Classics, BeJewelled 2, 1-Calc, Phatnotes, PIEPlus, Avantgo, CO2005, Clearvue Office Pro, CPL6, FW2006, imov Messenger, NewsBreak, Resco Explorer (without the Resco Today Plugin) 5.40, Resco PhotoViewer, SBSH Pocket Breeze and Pocket Weather, Skype 2, Sprite 5.1, Tweaks2k2, PI2005, FlexMail 2.2, FlexWallet, Cabinstall, Cruxview - all installed on the MicroSD.
Aside from an apparent hang on startup last night which scared me .... I thought I'd need to hard reset but it eventually sorted itself out ... hopefully it is s/w related .... it's all going well. Did a video call with Peter last night which was fine ... first I've done and picture quality not great but usable.
3G is active and working very well. Switches mid call to 2.5g if signal drops to much, but you don't get a chattering issue (i.e. where it regularly switches between the two).
Drove from Hook to Kent with CPL6 and BT GPS yesterday and that was flawless.
Have four phases of Sprite Backup - Different levels of build - so I can decide how far back to go in the event of problems.
Circa 28 mg of program memory following sof reset
Circa 31 mg of storage memory
PB is loading PI Calendar / Tasks / Messaging / Phatnotes / Pocket Weather.
Can someone help me with my wifi problem please. I can get connected to my network ok but IE will not show any pages, it just says wrong settings. I am connected with good signal strengh and thought that i would be able to surf when on my own home network. Most of the time it serches gprs and 3g then shows the error. An idiots step through guide would be helpful. I have searched for hours but came up blank. I also need a walkthrough on how to configue vodafone MMS settings as I cant get that to work either. Customer services isnt much good as the dont really know this device yet. Thanks in advance.
Hey Paul,
I have only the followinig intalled over the base v1605:
PHM Registry Editor
Microsoft .NET CF 2.0
Aspecto Software WiFiFoFum
Handmark Monopoly
That's it......
new unit arrived and the sticking key issue is gone thank god. I hve a few things installed now and the phone is running great. I installed agile messenger beta a few minutes ago as no msn client is in the vodaphone rom and the phone looked like it crashed then a few moments later it signed into msn.
1 thing I have noticed is if I mute the volume so I get a x sign near the volune if I click around I.e start menu and click around the operating system I can hear a clicking noise. could someone else test this 4 me I am currently in a quiet room.
also noticed when using pie with keyboard slid out my view will sometimes change from landscape to portrait view and then back to normal which is strange. I am sure my faulty device did this whilst just using the operating system in general use. shed a bit of light to what I have just found is that I just put the phone down open on the case it comes with and the same thing happened it must have something to do with the magnetic metal in the case effecting the phone causing it to rotate lol well that's what I think.
No clicking sound when I mute mine. Haven't really played around with mine yet. Will install everything once I get my microsd card.
Does your phone's keyboard click into place when you slide it open and is it right side only or both? Also did you check your call timers? Are they zero or has calls been made before receiving it?
Just got my TyTN
and all i got was a lousy keyboard..
got the bad keys on my unit. Waiting for response from HTC distributor, but they halted all sales of it until resolved. There are a lot of phones with bad keyboard.
But apart from that it seems to work fine - like the Jasjar in a smaller package.
But I liked the keyboard on my I-mate k-jam a lot better.
My first one had a few keys that weren't great, t, del and spacebar. This one is good for the keyboard. screen is loosing calibration all the time again which is why I was given a replacement. Moves so that it is totaly unusable! Is anyone else experiencing it? If you are not is it a Voadafone one or something else. I've told Vodafone that I'd like another one out of a different batch and they said that they will extend my exchange period for a couple of weeks until some new ones come in. Might call HTC to see if it is a known "feature". Other than that I'm still totally happy with the device and it is much better at memory handling thn the Exec ever was, It never seems to drop below 22mb of program memory after having opened and closed programs for a clouple of days. The exec would have dropped to 17 by the end of the first.

Touch Pro in landscape

Hello Touch Pro owners,
I'm sure this question has been asked, and I'm sorry if it has, but...
one of the things that drives me crazy with the Hermes is the glitchy landscape view. Sometimes while in landscape, it decides to switch back to portrait, and sometimes doesn't go into landscape at all. If you were a Hermes user, you know what i'm talking about. I was hoping 6.1 would fix that, but is hasn't.
Do any of you have issues with the Touch Pro?
I surely didn't, when the keyboard was open it went to landscape and stayed there, and when it slid closed it popped back to portrait and stayed there as well. Same for applications, turn the device sideways it flips, turn it back it flips back.. Not 1 issue.
fuybjeans said:
one of the things that drives me crazy with the Hermes is the glitchy landscape view. Sometimes while in landscape, it decides to switch back to portrait, and sometimes doesn't go into landscape at all. If you were a Hermes user, you know what i'm talking about.
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Actually, I don't; I'm still using my 8525, waiting for the "Fuze," and I don't recall ever seeing anything like that in the 19 months I've had it. I think you have a bum unit.
Have you applied new themes and customization tools (like Diamond Config)? Mine was perfect until I started applying a lot of the themes and tweaks. Now I'm having that issue. I plan on loading a cooked ROM once my travel is done. In the mean time, I have found it easier to use the virtual keyboard.
Don't think it's a bum unit, I've had a few and it's the same. I think it's most likely the shells I load. (spb and now the TF2d). I usually don't tweak and never OC the unit. But I do occassionaly load a cooked Rom, and I see the same things.
For example: I'll be emailing or texting in landscape, if I get any kind of alert, it switches to portrait and sticks there until I close it then open it again.
It's not a big deal, I've been dealing with it for awhile and still love the 8525, but Im upgrading to the Pro in a few weeks and I'm hoping I wont see this. I just expect the unit to be locked in landscape when the keyboard is pulled out no matter what shell I'm using, especially tf2d or 3d.

JF1.41 Bug? changes the way the touchscreen works?

On my unrooted phone the "Steamy Window" application worked fine
If I pressed a little it would make a little line in the "steam", and if I were to push my thumb down on a large area, it would detect that and make a "thumb" sized print.
Now using JF1.41 no matter what I do it only makes a TINY TINY line, about a pixel or two in size.
Did the modification of the screen change an api that the Steamy Window app is using to work different?
Well, maybe you should go back to an unrooted phone so that you can play with your steamy window....
LPChris, I would expect a little more maturity from a "senior member"
I am trying to contribute to make JF the best it can be. Maybe your just having a bad night or something, but theres no need to be so childish.
Looking through your posts it seems like your just having a bad night
Back on topic:
While this may be a stupid little problem with one application. Should finger-area sensitive applications continue to be made this could isolate JF1.41 from the market. Naturally I dont care much for steamy window, but I would like to prevent other issues in more... useful... applications
I've seen some weirdness where my home screen has a jitter. I've also had accuracy issues with clicking menu items and buttons. I'm going to backup my phone and load JF 1.31 back on to see if it is the screen or the img.
Interesting...I just reflashed with 1.41 RC30 and the problem went away. I was using the fade to blue theme .99.
sjbayer3 said:
On my unrooted phone the "Steamy Window" application worked fine
If I pressed a little it would make a little line in the "steam", and if I were to push my thumb down on a large area, it would detect that and make a "thumb" sized print.
Now using JF1.41 no matter what I do it only makes a TINY TINY line, about a pixel or two in size.
Did the modification of the screen change an api that the Steamy Window app is using to work different?
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Ditto about LPChris lol, a lot of his posts sound like that, but yeah I noticed the same thing about the steamy window app before and after using JF 1.41.
Steamy window, LOL! sorry guys. anyway keep up the great work.
Yes, this is a trivial example, but it does identify a real issue.
I was reading through the various google android groups last night and I ran into some info that seems to addresses this issue. From what I was able to gather, the JF1.x implementation of multi-touch uses a community hack that reassigns the value that normally keeps track of the size of the touch input. This value is now used to keep track of the distance between two touches. (see:
your Steamy Window app seems to make use of the size value as it was originally designed. Now with the change, with only one finger input, this value is set to some minimum, producing a thin line.
To test this theory, see if when you touch the screen with two fingers the size of the mark gets bigger.
Why can't a capability bit or other mechanism be defined that could be used to indicate whether or not an application were multi-touch aware, so that the touch handling behavior at the lower levels would revert to "standard" behavior for normal (non-multi-touch) apps? Trying to make the multi-touch hack fully backwards compatible may not be practical.
I tested your idea about multituch possibly fixing steamy window
My only results are really strange.
If I touch with two fingers it will make a line about the width of my 2 fingers, but its located in the top left, no matter where my fingers actually are. Furthermore the line isnt straight its curved.
Now, after my first touch, it seems if I touch it again it just crashes.
ex-MN said:
From what I was able to gather, the JF1.x implementation of multi-touch uses a community hack that reassigns the value that normally keeps track of the size of the touch input. This value is now used to keep track of the distance between two touches. (see:
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Edit: Hmm... the x-y data of the second finger is stored in separate fields. I think the usage of the size field is just as a boolean to tell multitouch capable programs that second finger data is being sent.
themes and JF RC versions. be careful
TheDudeOfLife said:
I've seen some weirdness where my home screen has a jitter. I've also had accuracy issues with clicking menu items and buttons. I'm going to backup my phone and load JF 1.31 back on to see if it is the screen or the img.
Interesting...I just reflashed with 1.41 RC30 and the problem went away. I was using the fade to blue theme .99.
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it seems as tho themes have to be matched to the rom, a theme for 1,30 may flake out on 1.41, most of the themes I have seen and used so far were marked as to which rom the were intended to theme...
bhang said:
it seems as tho themes have to be matched to the rom, a theme for 1,30 may flake out on 1.41, most of the themes I have seen and used so far were marked as to which rom the were intended to theme...
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After some more testing I have this same issue on 2 1.41 compatible themes (rusty metal and fade to blue) I am going to go back to themeless 1.41 but I think it is more related to the multitouch 'hack' than the theme themselves. I find it hard to believe that a bunch of icons could mess this up. I watches my screen jitter between the left and right screen for 3 minutes today before I just performed a soft reset on my phone.
Note: I also applied each theme from a fresh flash of 1.41...not on top of each other.
this happens with screen crack also, but it doesnt affect me that much until i start not being able to select stuff. i know it may be important its just not to me... yet *knocks on wood*
Yeah Ive noticed it too..
I thought that it was just the app at first.
I might be switching back to .31 then at least til this gets fixed.
Steamy window def is NOT reading my fingers location or size properly.
I've also seen it affect touch paint found in the API Demos. Doesn't even register touch anymore.
It appears multi-touch is premature at this point and to implement multi-touch throughout the OS and not just the browser like everyone seems to think isnt good. It is definitely is throughout the OS and probably will affect any application that uses the second touch value to register touch size.
My other concern is that dev's won't take this hacked multi-touch into account so they will continue to write programs that won't be compatible since its not the "norm"
Taken from and android forum...this is my biggest concern
"Please think about soft keyboards when considering multi-touch APIs,
where the problem isn't detecting the distance between two finger, but
rather is allowing a 2nd finger (or thumb) to come down on a 2nd key
before the first finger (or thumb) has been released. The proposed
API to provide only a centroid and the distance between fingers won't
work at all for this sort of application.
I think you'd ultimately want to package this as additional
GestureDetector subclasses, depending on whether the type of gesture
detection wanted was pinch/zoom or multiple/overlapping taps.
Keyboards (and maybe games) would use one class, browsers another.
Providing the right information from a touch panel to drive either
detector might be challenging, especially if the panel provides
'unpaired' x and y coordinates rather than individual touch locations,
but I believe it could be done. "
Any thoughts on this?
Yeah lets hear what JF's got to say.
I originally thought that the multitouch was embedded in the browser, It's too soon to have it throughout the entire OS...
How about 1.41=with multitouch and 1.42=without
I've installed JF1.41 and I have an unusual bug....sometimes the screen behaves like it isn't calibrated..i press the screen on a button and it is pressed another one....have anyone encoutered this problem?
I invite everyone to do the following to find out how ur touch registers on ur screen. Open anycut. Get it if u don't have it.
Click activity and find raw image viewer. Click ok and then click on the shortcut.
Now start moving your finger around and see the results.
Let's all post our results here so we can figure this out.
Post in the same format as me:
ROM: JF1.41
1 finger - it surpisingly followed my finger perfectly. It only registered the very center point of my finger.
2 fingers - it appears that it made the same point as the 1 finger, however now the point was exactly in between my fingers and stayed there as I moved them around.
Ok so now we need ppl with stock rc30 and 1.31 so we can test this out!
You wanna have some real fun? Try it with 3 or 4 fingers.. It goes nuts..

Rotation issue

I switched roms to cog 4 and I didnt notice anything weird and then a few hours later I noticed that my auto rotate was not working. when I say not working I mean relly not working, when I open any app it will only open in landscape mode and the home screen is only viewable in portrait mode.
I have flashed back to stock, done a master clear, reflashed cog 4. I am at a loss now. Any help would really be appreciated.
I don't know if it will work for you, but......go to settings; display; scroll down to horizontal calibration and lay your phone on its back....follow directions.....and hopefully all is better.
I definitely was overthinking the problem and getting NO help from those in the know. I UTFSE (nice acronym) for hours and assumed that one of the ROMs had an I9000 kernel and corrupted the accelerometer.
I was probably too tired from nicely suggested (UsingTheF......SearchEngine) and assumed horizontal was from Upright Y axis, X side axis, but not Z (face up).
My own fault and probably one of the reasons no one chose to answer my requests.
Holy hell I must have tried this 5 times before I wiped and then loaded a new rom. everytime I did it it would callibrate it was just stuck dead in the center. I did it now and it worked.
Thank you for getting me to retry the simple things (now I seem like a moron, but I swear I really did try it haha)

Gboard key borders randomly changed shape?

Something really weird happened with the shape of the key borders on Gboard, and I can't figure out what caused it. I noticed last week that all of a sudden the key borders on Gboard changed shape. They went from the normal rectangles to circles, which looked much better in my opinion. I really wish I had taken a screenshot so I could show an example. But anyways, all of a sudden the key borders reverted back to rectangles. I can't figure out why this happened. I don't think it's due to substratum, as I tried reapplying a theme to Gboard and nothing changed. Does anyone else have any idea what could have caused this and how I can get the circles back? I did a Google search and I could only find one example of this happening to someone in 2014, and they weren't circles. Anyone have any ideas?
Just wanted to bump this. Anyone have any experience with this?
Yes yes
Still no one else with any thoughts on this?
Gboard key borders randomly changed shape??
Same happened to me too
Same thing happened to me too on my s6 edge device. Even fonts changed to some other weird format
Was it a permanent change or did it randomly revert back?
It just happened again! The keys randomly changed shape, but this time I got proof! Here are the screenshots:
As far as I can remember I haven't changed any settings for the keyboard or anything else recently. They look so much better this way, I hope it stays like this. Anyone have any ideas as to what caused this sudden change?
I really thought people would be more interested in this oddity than they have been...
Me too!
Happens to me as well, mine are completely square right now. They were rounded earlier today. S7 edge.
Im still fascinated by this. Does anyone else have any more input or theories on where this glitch may be coming from?
Happened. How do get the circles to come back?
It happens when I switch battery saving mode on and off. (Galaxy s8)
I have been trying to figure this out myself and consequently landed on this post. Still no solution found. I liked the rounded keys better.
Yesterday however, I noticed that the keys changed shape as per the changes they had to make to accommodate additional bar on the keyboard (e.g. numbers row) or while opening and closing something on screen that forced the keyboard expand or contract.
The smaller the keyboard had to get, the more rounded the keys were. Larger, more square.
May be try changing the size of the keyboard?
Okay, so, very oddly, I have found out that the keys go into the rounded version when the Medium Power saving mode is switched ON (samsung galaxy S9). And back into square shape when power saving is turned OFF. Tried and tested several times.
I fail to understand the logic behind this !

