Gboard key borders randomly changed shape? - General Questions and Answers

Something really weird happened with the shape of the key borders on Gboard, and I can't figure out what caused it. I noticed last week that all of a sudden the key borders on Gboard changed shape. They went from the normal rectangles to circles, which looked much better in my opinion. I really wish I had taken a screenshot so I could show an example. But anyways, all of a sudden the key borders reverted back to rectangles. I can't figure out why this happened. I don't think it's due to substratum, as I tried reapplying a theme to Gboard and nothing changed. Does anyone else have any idea what could have caused this and how I can get the circles back? I did a Google search and I could only find one example of this happening to someone in 2014, and they weren't circles. Anyone have any ideas?

Just wanted to bump this. Anyone have any experience with this?

Yes yes

Still no one else with any thoughts on this?

Gboard key borders randomly changed shape??

Same happened to me too
Same thing happened to me too on my s6 edge device. Even fonts changed to some other weird format

Was it a permanent change or did it randomly revert back?

It just happened again! The keys randomly changed shape, but this time I got proof! Here are the screenshots:

As far as I can remember I haven't changed any settings for the keyboard or anything else recently. They look so much better this way, I hope it stays like this. Anyone have any ideas as to what caused this sudden change?

I really thought people would be more interested in this oddity than they have been...

Me too!
Happens to me as well, mine are completely square right now. They were rounded earlier today. S7 edge.

Im still fascinated by this. Does anyone else have any more input or theories on where this glitch may be coming from?

Happened. How do get the circles to come back?

It happens when I switch battery saving mode on and off. (Galaxy s8)

I have been trying to figure this out myself and consequently landed on this post. Still no solution found. I liked the rounded keys better.
Yesterday however, I noticed that the keys changed shape as per the changes they had to make to accommodate additional bar on the keyboard (e.g. numbers row) or while opening and closing something on screen that forced the keyboard expand or contract.
The smaller the keyboard had to get, the more rounded the keys were. Larger, more square.
May be try changing the size of the keyboard?

Okay, so, very oddly, I have found out that the keys go into the rounded version when the Medium Power saving mode is switched ON (samsung galaxy S9). And back into square shape when power saving is turned OFF. Tried and tested several times.
I fail to understand the logic behind this !


Very Strange Fuze Keyboard Troubles

My keyboard has been lagging and doing other strange things that has got me worried. I did a hard reset on it yesterday and before I even installed any software I was forced to use the on-screen board for a spell as the slide out was un-responsive. I chalked it up to some background process being a hog and moved on. Now I'm finding some consitencies.
On a fresh reboot if I open the notes app in landscape mode and start typing I can see the cursor moving but nothing else till I get about 75% across the screen and then there are some black artifacts that now look like a ton of characters all bunched up in the space of about 3 positions wide. If I keep typing till it does a return then the entire line of text shows up and the process repeats itself on the next line.
If I have a full page of text open in say Total commander's text editor in portrait mode and slide the keyboard out, it will make a pattern of those black artifacts diagonally down the screen toward the left side and it will not correct itself. If I go back to portrait mode all is well again. There is seriously something wrong here.
I can't find any information from searching on the problem but hoping one of the experts here could shed some light on it and let me know if it's time to think about a return. Will try to uncover more if I can.
Many Thanks,
I took some screens of the problem. Both pics on the bottom are the same document but left is with TC's editor and the right is Word. Upper right is word as well. Hopefullt the attachment makes it through, if not I can host and link to it.
If you are running a stock ROM without any customizations (you said you hard reset your device), then chances are you have a defective Fuze. You should exchange it through AT&T's 30 day return policy.
If you're not running a stock ROM, then maybe you have an unstable one. Flash Da_G's clean ROM and see if the issue still occurs. Since that ROM has very little installed by default, the chances of a software conflict are slim.
Please post back here with your status.
I was thinking the same thing but the one thing I can't reproduce is when the keyboard doesn't respond at all. Maybe the graphics and the responsiveness are 2 different things?? I'm wondering if clear-type might have something to do with the graphics but that shouldn't lag the keyboard.
Gonna disable Clear-type now and will report back.
Well if I would have done a search with cleartype I would have found my answer, sorry I didn't figure it out sooner. At least pople can see what cleartype looks like on the Fuze in landscape mode if they were wondering. Apparently there is no fix known other than to turn it off. Hopefully the laggy response clears up as well but not getting my hope up. Thanks for your response.
What an odd thing for ClearType to do in landscape mode... as for laggy response, flashing a clean ROM would give you a good gauge as to how preinstalled apps can affect such lag.
Same thing happens to me but in txt'in sometimes my keyboard dont work at all and i have to restart the device, but this has happen to me only 3 times and the keyboard still have life cuz when i hit the fn key or shift the light comes on indicating that i put them on. as for screen lag i bearly get screen lag, because i did some hack i saw in this thread and it seems to of help alittle
by the way am using the ROMeOS2, i was wondering if i was the only person with this problem but apperently not.
Yep I got the same problem. I installed the NullKb cab on my phone to keep the kb from popping up in Opera. It didn't work. I uninstalled NullKb, It still shows up as selectable under other input options. The lag got progressively worse and even resets will not get the keyboard to work.
I've got the same problem. It's really strange.
I used ROMeOS but now am back to Australian Three official rom.
It seems like, when ClearType is active, I can't see what I am writing with the keyboard in LandScape mode. Even stranger is that when you write an SMS, the keyboard writes fine as there is T9 active.
I really need a fix for this as this has started to frustrate me.
I found having "clear type" activated was my problem as well. I turn it off and my kb is back to usual normal. I have a euro stock unit. Very happy with the rest of it's performance. I can live without cleartype.
eidolen said:
My keyboard has been lagging and doing other strange things that has got me worried. I did a hard reset on it yesterday and before I even installed any software I was forced to use the on-screen board for a spell as the slide out was un-responsive. I chalked it up to some background process being a hog and moved on. Now I'm finding some consitencies.
On a fresh reboot if I open the notes app in landscape mode and start typing I can see the cursor moving but nothing else till I get about 75% across the screen and then there are some black artifacts that now look like a ton of characters all bunched up in the space of about 3 positions wide. If I keep typing till it does a return then the entire line of text shows up and the process repeats itself on the next line.
If I have a full page of text open in say Total commander's text editor in portrait mode and slide the keyboard out, it will make a pattern of those black artifacts diagonally down the screen toward the left side and it will not correct itself. If I go back to portrait mode all is well again. There is seriously something wrong here.
I can't find any information from searching on the problem but hoping one of the experts here could shed some light on it and let me know if it's time to think about a return. Will try to uncover more if I can.
Many Thanks,
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I had the same problems. I fixed it by disabling cleartype in landscape (using Diamond Tweaks), and then installing the Fuze Keyboard fix cab, which I am attaching here for you, in case you want to try it. I'm sorry I don't remember the original post I got it from. After doing these 2 things, everything seems to be working great for me.

Google Maps recent problem?

Recently, I'd say about a week or so now, I've noticed an odd glitch in Google Maps that was never present before. It is not consolidated to any phone/rom/kernel/setting as I have tested it on 3 totally different phones now all running variant roms and setups, one not even rooted. So I can easily cross that out as a possibility.
The problem here is that when I used to zoom in close enough that you could see the borders for land plots, there would be a dark black line for the borders. Now it's an extremely faint white thats near impossible to see over the pinkish-white background.
Anyone else have this problem besides me and my family?
Bumping. I'd appreciate ANYONE on Android opening up Maps and zooming in to test this for me please. It takes <60 seconds and will be great to know if others are experiencing this.
I just updated to the recent version of Maps and now this seems to be happening to me, if I understand your description correctly. There are thousands of white boxes superimposed over everything, and they don't correctly line up with property borders if that's what they are supposed to be doing. It ruins the view.
I uninstalled the update and things went back to normal. This happened on my phone and my Galaxy tablet. Not sure what's going on. Never happened before.

[Q]Text Area Troubles ICS-EOS-V1

Hello All,
I am not a developer and wouldn't know where to look for a sign of or a problem but I have one and wonder if I'm alone, and more importantly if there's a fix. Problem is this, when typing either using the stock android keyboard, thumb keyboard, or a Motorola bluetooth keyboard in a text area such as the one I'm typing this post into the cursor loses sync with the current position it should be in. The problem becomes most evident after backspacing to correct a spelling error for me. Also related is that after stabbing the screen and correcting a word and moving on, the word will just disappear. This phenomenon will also occur after selecting a suggested replacement and then stabbing the screen at the end of where I left off.It is extremely frustrating and very counter productive. I know that it would be a better solution to not have to correct errors, but hey... Sometimes it seems like I'm writing on paper and to correct an error I take a pair of scissors and fold the paper up, cut a snow flake out of it and then try to put the pieces all together again.
Anyone experiencing similar things and as I siad before, more importantly, is there a fix for it?

S8 - How I CAUSED red tint.

So I was completely worried about the red tint -- like everyone else -- and didn't notice any problems. All was happy in my world. YES, I didn't get a broken one! Then, while in display settings, I went into the color management and changed the option. BOOM red tint. When I went back to the default option with all the sliders to the right it was insanely red. Like the horrible ones you see on the google red. Sliding the red slider to the left mostly fixed it, but I swear I could still see it.
I did a complete factory reset and now I'm 100% good again and there's no way I'm touching display options. And as someone who disabled updates as I like having a remaped bixby button, I'm happy now as I don't want to software update until I know there's a fix for that garbage, too.
Anyway. If you're like me and don't see a problem, don't go messing with the color settings trying to fix something that isn't broken. You'll freak out Samsung's, as always, solid software and give your s8 a sunburn.
could it have been the Bluelight filter that turned on?

Bottom of screen (navbar zone) becomes unresponsive.

This is a very strange behavior.
After yesterday working under the rain (and the phone got wet, but its not the first time) I cant do any gesture on bottom because there is no tactile response. Showing back the classic buttons doesnt work.
So I changed to different firmwares and roms and the problem persists.
Also did a factory reset through fastboot with no sucess.
So at this point I could think its a hardware problem (why? If almost full screen is working well but not the f***king navbar)
Trying a TEST APP to see which part of screen works or not, effectively bottom part doesnt work (about 6millimeters)
If I flip the screen to inverted portrait, the navbar works (but cant pull down the notification panel)
If I pull down the notification panel, THEN the navbar works while panel is pulled down (altough its not all the responsive it must be)
So I post this to have some help or to ear similar behavior on yours.
And if somebody has technical knowns and explain if is possible this behavior in a tactile panel.
I think maybe when you pull down notifications panel, the navbar input layer moves up a little bit, enough to place in a screen zone with working touch interface.
So yes, the panel has broken maybe due to humidity/water.
The strange thing is that only a 2% of screen was affected.
I only have one thing left to do: replace the whole panel. It shall to fix it.
Update: Today is working well sometimes. Maybe is getting dry?...
Even if you have to replace the screen, it's not that big of a deal. A replacement for our mix 2s is about $35, which is much cheaper than other brands. I replaced mine myself.
Hi, i have exactly the same problem.
My screen is fine and not wet.
Is there any solution dir this?
TommyUE said:
Hi, i have exactly the same problem.
My screen is fine and not wet.
Is there any solution dir this?
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Click to collapse
No. My solution until a new display arrived was to use any edge gestures to replace HOME, RECENTS and PULL NOTIFICATIONS PANEL (from left and right edges wich was working).
So you will have to replace the display (about 50€ in AliExpress with full frame)

