WM 6.1 Push eMail with Hotmail a fake? - General Topics

Hi Group,
WM 6.1 standard (non-touch) has apparently got Push capabilities together with a Hotmail account.
I tested it, setup was a breeze, set to "get eMail as they arrive" and you have got Push Mail on your smartphone...
Although receiving only a few small eMails a day, I got next month a HUGE invoice from my provider, detailing thousands of separate connections to GPRS every 4-5 minutes all day long.
Indeed the option "get eMail as they arrive" appears to be more or less a Microsoft fake, WM just polls the mailbox frequently enough to give the feeling of a push.
So if you haven't got a flat data plan with your provider, avoid that setting.
By the way: even if you have got one: the permanent polling will drain your battery, more than the rest of your smartphone usage.
Be aware!

I am using the Blackberry Connect software on my HTC Fuze (on T-Mobile, with the $20 unlimited Blackberry plan). This gives me push-mail capabilities that are somewhat easy on the battery, as the Blackberry push-mail implementation is different from other solutions. Not that I would actually know the specifics, but in my tests it works a lot better and preserves battery life longer than IMAP-Idle or email polling every ten minutes or so.


Exchange 2003 Always-Up-To-Date Notification

I have the server stuff set up (as far as I know) correctly. I have synced on a schedule just fine, but I want it to sync "when new items arrive". The option is there, but O2 can't help supply the device SMS address.
I've tried [myphonenumber]@o2.co.uk but it didn't work. This is probably an O2 specific problem, but O2 customer services couldn't help.
Any advice greatly appreciated
i have SBS2003 at work and we never got this to work
we just the the phone to sync ever 5 mins over gprs and we have never had a problem.
Wait for Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 due out later this year. That will do push-mail like Blackberry does.
yea O2 don't do do that.
WIN offer that service. They call it Textmail: www.winplc.com/products/textmail.aspx
Bit costly though. You pay for an SMS for every email poll. Much better to wait for Exchange SP2 as that will poll via gprs - like Blackberry.

pushmail/exchange confusion... driving me nuts. arrr

Hi. I've been using mail2web services for a while. They were great until the last couple of weeks, now their service goes down like a pro.
So.. I started to look at alternatives.
fastmail -- nice account, IMAP.. but for the life of me I couldn't get it to "push" email to my phone. It supposedly supports IDLE, but I couldn't figure this out. Am I missing a setting somewhere? The thing never pushed mail to my phone at all.
1and1.com -- slightly more expensive exchange2003 account. No .CAB for the activesynch settings, they have to be input manually. No problem, until I set "as arrives" in scheduling and it asks me for an SMS gateway. Uh-oh. Im on Softbank and I know nothing about any gateway.
this post:
explains that Exchange works by sending a header SMS to instruct the phone to synch. However, mail2web never asked me for my provider or any SMS gateway.. so if this is how it works how did mail2web do it?
If anyone can shed some light on how to get this working properly, or where to find more technical details on how this stuff works I'd be a lot happier. As it is I'm having to check gmail periodically.
Thanks for your help!
I think your getting mixed up a bit sir, mail2web uses the push feature because it uses your GPRS connection to talk to it. If you ran a netstat program to see what the device is currently connected to you will see an active connection to mobile.exchange.mail2web.com, as soon as an email arrives it signals activsync on your device to synchronise your emails, the device simply tells you that there is an unread message. The connection is always on. If you have GSM signal but no active data connection you wont get your push emails.
The connection is always on but stuff is sent to and fro only when there is a change on one end (for example if you add a new contact.....it will sync with the mail2web server and the new contact will be on there aswell).
and FYI...mail2web has been a bit unreliable lately but its ok at the moment!?
Thanks for the info.
So..... do you have any advice as to how I would set up activesynch the same way to connect to 1and1?
When I set it up it asks me for the gateway, otherwise won't let me choose "when arrives" for scheduling, could this be a setting on my side, or a setting on their servers?
mail2web may be OK now, but for a non-free service 1 whole week of unreliability is enough for me. Who knows how long it'll be up before problems start again.
mrvanx said:
I think your getting mixed up a bit sir, mail2web uses the push feature because it uses your GPRS connection to talk to it. If you ran a netstat program to see what the device is currently connected to you will see an active connection to mobile.exchange.mail2web.com, as soon as an email arrives it signals activsync on your device to synchronise your emails, the device simply tells you that there is an unread message. The connection is always on. If you have GSM signal but no active data connection you wont get your push emails.
The connection is always on but stuff is sent to and fro only when there is a change on one end (for example if you add a new contact.....it will sync with the mail2web server and the new contact will be on there aswell).
and FYI...mail2web has been a bit unreliable lately but its ok at the moment!?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
mail2web seems back to normal service today... Nearly
But yes one week without push... including sometimes when your email just do not even reach your acount and bounce (ie they're just lost...) it's not really what we need
I hope in the future more and more providers will propose Exchange 2007 accounts by default...
I am also a former m2w user. canceled my account in fury after indeed more than three weeks of problems, topped with a week off.
Fortunately my school's email supports ActiveSync so I moved there.
I cannot recommend any particular commercial replacement.
I've heard a few folks using Goodlink, but I am not convinced.
Push email is no joke, once you have it and rely on it, and it goes bananas, the harm is real.
Do we know when mail2web is planning on using exchange 2007??

pocket outlook pullfrequency

The minimum interval for pulling mail form the server in WM6 seems to be fifteen minutes.
Is there a possibility to decrease this interval to, let's say, 1 minute?
I can't find a registry key or initiation file for this value.
I don't know if there's a registry key, but other mail applications can be changed to 1 minute or more, but...
Why not use http://live.mail2web.com or http://www.port88.org and get a free push mail account.
Uses less data than constantly checking a mail account, and you will get an email almost instantly.
Just forward your existing mail account to either of those accounts, and cinfigure your device for that.
Then you also have the advantage of all your contacts, mail, calendar events, and notes being backed up on a server.
i have some doubts about the push using less data...
for example: with push my battery will last 1 day with 5min check it will last 2 days. GPRS is always on on both cases
pushmail has already been tried, but tends to be slow compaired to the outlook 15 minute-interval.

Is My Battery Defective or too many email clients??

I have a Touch Pro with Sprint that I bought October 30th. I currently have it checking my Gmail, Hotmail, Work email (Exchange), and side job email (POP3). I don't use applications a whole lot but I'll occassionally use the GPS in the Windows Live app every so often to find something but not for more than 5 minutes. I do text maybe 10-20 messages a day. So I'm not doing anything that should drain the battery too horribly. When I first had Gmail and Hotmail working, battery life was decent, but i still had to charge it every night. I have Hotmail set to get email "as it arrives". Which I'm under the impression that they have it working with Push for Hotmail/Windows Live mail, correct? My Gmail is set through IMAP and checks every 60 minutes. I added my POP3 email to check "once a day". Battery life wasn't really effected. Then I added my Exchange email and set it to Push. My battery life plummetted. I couldn't get through half the day without having to charge my battery, even when I wasn't receiving emails. I don't receive too many emails with my work and even during my off hours when I'm not receiving any, it kills my battery life. I was under the impression that with Push, basically when I get an email on my server, my phone gets sent a little message telling it to check for email on the server. So its only checking email when told. I could be completely wrong, but does anyone have suggestions. I can barely make it through the day without having to charge the phone and that's using JUST email. If I try to use GPS or internet, I'm afraid my phone will die when I most need it. Thanks for any suggestions!!
Push email requires a data connection to be maintained open 24/7 - the only way to lessen the impact of this on your battery life is to force the phone into EDGE mode rather than UMTS/HSPA, it will use less power on EDGE and give you longer life, but you'll lose the various advantages of HSPA.
Your other choice is using a service that is not true push email, but their service checks your email account every so often and sends you notification through SMS to check it.. I believe "Seven" does this.. this way you don't have to maintain a data connection open 24/7.
Have you tried turning push mail off for a day or two and see if thats the real culprit here>
Having a data connection open doesn't use up much battery life. Only when its active does it chew through the battery.
AT&T Fuze - Battery Life
I had the same problem with Outlook Direct Push on my AT&T Fuze. When I changed activesync to every 10 minutes for my Outlook account, it improved my battery performance immensely!

VZW TP2 Exchange Sync Issues

I have VZW TP2 and I use an exchange server to sync my email, contacts, calendars and tasks across my mobile phone, desktop and laptop.
For some reason, on this phone, it doesn't update certain things that I've done of my desktop or laptop for a while. I even manually go into active sync and click "sync now" and it doesn't update.
For example, if I'm on my desktop or laptop and I delete a message in my inbox, it won't update on my phone until it receives another message. Even if I click "send & recieve" in Outlook on my desktop/laptop and then manually click sync on my TP2, the email won't dissapear until another message is received. Also, today I deleted a calendar appointment on my laptop (which was for today) and even after many syncs on both my laptop outlook and on my TP2 via active sync/send recieve etc, the appointment is still showing up on the homepage screen and in my calender.
Anyone ideas?
I am having trouble with mine syncing as well. In Activesync, I get an error saying something about the server not being able to be reached. It may be an intermittent connection problem. It was working fine up until a few days ago. Also, make sure in your Schedule in Activesync is set to 'As Items Arrive'.
I had a problem with syncing then realized from some dumb reason the default option on off hours was manual sync and not "push", after making that change my issue stopped.
this is not a question of configurationi...
i have activesync set up for as items arrive in peak AND off peak. all days are checked, and for safe measure - peak time is from 12a to 11:59pm. so i'm covered there.
BUT i have the same delay issue. i can sent a test email from another email account on my deskto TO the exchange inbox on my device. i will watch it arrive almost instantly to the web portal of that same exchange inbox...but wait 10, 15, sometimes 20 minutes for the device's activesync to "wake up" and decide to sync on its own to retrieve that test message.
totally ridiculous.
yes, it is "push", but it's CLEARLY not instand (or even "immediate") push. certainly not comparable to a blackberry (which i despise and refuse to use).
so far, htc, verizon, and my hosted exchange company have been unable to offer a solution. i'm told, "a 5 to 10 minute delay is totally acceptable when using activesync exchange".
that is totally UNACCEPTABLE in the professional world.
i would go back to using goodlink (as i did with my old xv6800, befoe upgrading to the tp2), but it doesn't work well with touchflo 3d. and to be honest, what's the sense of using the tp2 if you can't enjoy the the new interface?
anyone have any suggestions? can this be fixed??????
The delay in syncing emails getting deleted is common. I don't know this for sure, but I'm pretty sure I read that receiving a new email is the trigger to sync all changes in the mail folders.
As far as it taking 10 - 20 minutes to get new mail, that does not seem normal. I get new mail on my TP2 before they show up in my inbox on my desk and I have on all the "direct push" phones that I've had. Are there other users on your Exchange server you can compare to? That way you'd know if it were just you or the server.
here's a solution!
after speaking with trusted friends and valued forum members (thanks guys for your input), i've decided to ditch "the message center" (the aforementioned exchange hosting company that gave me that "acceptable email delivery" crap). i opened a newa account with another company that advertises IMMEDIATE email delivery via activesync. wish me luck!
I've been syncing mine with an Exchange 2007 Environment that I setup personally and I have had no problems with my Touch Pro 2. Everything has synced just fine. Make sure you double check all of your settings on your phone and if need be on the Exchange Server itself.
my company uses exchangemymail.com for our email hosting. We have a ton of mailboxes using all sorts of devices. blackberry, wm, iphones. I use tp2 via echange active sync. I get emails near instant. calendar updates are near instant. deleted items needs a new email to trigger syncing as I believe that is the way it just works.

