calendar reminder - General Questions and Answers

dear friends, i have had this problem previously on other winmobile devices and now on the THD. simply & suddenly i stop getting reminders for my calendar appointments, even though they still do appear on my today screen( i use the windows mobile standard today screen). no change in my notification or sounds settings, and despite a softreset. on my old phone imate ultimate 6150, this problem used to disappear after syncing with outlook on my pc, and this time it worked too. but honestly it's beyond me why this happens. yes the problem has been solved, but until one realises what has happened u could miss out on an important appointment. thanks


Pocket Outlook broken!

I tried to install Microsoft's Outlook SMS add-in recently, which is meant to make desktop outlook work with text messages as well as emails, via your pocket pc. However, once installed it told me that I needed service pack 1 for windows XP which I dont have, so it wouldnt work. SO I uninstalled it...
It came off the computer fine but it left my Pocket Outlook in a mess and I cant sort it out. At first, my inboxes (for sms and email) were replaced with a new folder call 'IPM:root'. This folder contained all usual items such as inbox, outbox etc except they were all permanently empty. I got around this by restoring to a backup from the pervious day which was fine, but now the IPM:root folder has randomly reappeared!
The odd thing is that when I have new emails or texts, they show up on the today screen, but when I press them it takes me to an empty inbox.
Any help would be hugely appreciated, or I will have to do a hard reset, my last one was only about a week ago!!
i have the same problem .. and nobody has an solution for this ?? ;/
I found no solution.. I did a 'hard-reset' and didnt try to use that software again as it is very broken. This is annoying but necessary.
I posted request for solution weeks ago and never heard anything. Couple people also had same problem but only way to fix it hard reset.
I noticed the help in all my programs are also blank now. Which leads me to believe outlook and help uses some display program which got corrupted.
I had the same problem and the only way I found to fix it was to delete the exchange server from ActiveSync while connected to the PC and then I reconfigured it by unplugging and plugging the device from my machine.

Calendar reminders don't work

For some reason my calendar reminder don't work anymore. If I set up a new reminder (sound is chosen in settings etc and not on silent), nothing happens when the time comes, no pop-up, no sound, nothing. When I then go back to the calendar the bell icon has disappeared, as if the reminder rang and was dismissed. Any clue what the problem could be?
Did you try clearing your notifications? I think memmaid or a similiar tool might help you.
seems to be working today... I opened outlook on my pc and it said that some file had not closed properly and was bring scanned for errors, then it said scan complete, then I performed a sync, and it seems to have snapped out of it. Either way, I'm sick of windows mobile, so I ordered a Nokia E71. Anyone interested in buying a 6-month old xda Orbit 2?

Active sync issue (change made on server require re-sync)

Heya, This is my first winmo device (HTC Raphael [aka HTC Fuze for At&T]) ever and I'm having an abominably annoying time with active sync for wm6.1
every once in a while when I plug my phone in for syncing, I get this error that says:
There has been a change made on your server that requires you to re-synchronize all items on your device. Please perform a manual sync.
Support Code: 0x80883001
Last synchronized:
Today 11:49 PM
Last attempt:
Today 11:49 PM
I don't know what in the hell is wrong with active sync, but I do know that everytime it does this re-synchronization, I end up having to re-add all my contacts on the People tab on my TF3D interface AND I lose all the custom ring tone assignments for everyone. Is there a way I can make this stop. It's obscenely annoying and I hate active sync with a passion of a million burning suns.
help please?
The only times I've seen this message or a similar one, is when I try to sync with my laptop when I travel and it has a different time than my phone. For example, my laptop is one hour behind the phone time or the other way arround. Fixing the time settings has solved this for me in the past. Though I don't know how would this impact your contacts...
I hate it too...
The odd thing is, it happens very randomly and I have no idea why the change is there and why it screws with tf3d's favorite ppl tab and assigned ringtones, but it's annoying as all hell.
do you sync outlook calendar items?
I believe I do. I'll try changing something on the computer then sync it and see if the message comes up. otherwise I'll do the opposite and see if that's the issue.
I found out that after adding an event into my calendar via the fuze, active sync will display the above mentioned message and proceed to erase all my contacts in the "People" tab as well as all ringtones associated to all the callers on my contact list.
Help please?
Who do I have to make love to here to get some help?
p.s I'm a very kinky person irl
lol. we're trying to help everyone...
alright, which operating system are you using?
(are you female?)
I'm using Windows Vista
(I can be any gender you like, I don't do S&M though)XD
Here is some more info for you. Says something creating outlook subfolders on the desktop w/o syncing first. Anyway, seems like this is the problem you are describing.
I was actually browsing that exact thread. The problem is that I haven't made any folders under outlook. The only thing I did was to add an event into the calendar. Suppose I have an appointment next week say, Monday February 2nd. I go to my fuze and set the appointment via the calenda soft tab. From there, I later sync the fuze to my computer (Vista) and then the error message comes up.
Any attempts to delete the partnership and then recreate a new one will simply just erase all the people I have under the "Peoples" tab on my TF3d Interface. I'd also like to note that all the ringtones that I have assigned for specific contacts also get erased.
honestly, i can't think of anything...
I'd hard reset if i were you
and if you're using vista, you should try to use WMDC 6.1 instead of activesync
WMDC? is it an alternative to syncing?
Sorry, This is indeed my first windows mobile phone so I have very little grasp on various WM softwares and such.
That microsoft forum thread mentions some suggestions to compact your Outlook pst file and check it for errors. If you are syncing to an Outlook pst file, then I would disable the cache mode option in Outlook, make a backup of the pst file, check it for error / repair and compact it to see if that helps.
i have this error...
htc touch diamond2
If it was my type of problem as in everything gets wiped out and replaced back in (therefore screwing up the tf3d peoples tab.. then I found the answer..
when sync your phone, you are asked what to do if there are conflicts. I misread it and chose replace on device... It should be replace on desktop. Basically I told it that if there was a conflict, to replace everything on my device rather than on my desktop.. now that I changed that, i haven't had that problem.. at all.
hi guys,
i m facing the problem when i connect mobile via sync it shows error
''can not exute repllog.exe''
plz help me.

Email not syncing,...

This is a curious one,... I came back to Europe from the US on Friday morning, turned on my htc touch pro, and my email synced up fine, emails, calender, tasks,, but since Friday morning, will not sync emails,...
I changed nothing, and I've checked everything, but I cannot get the damn device to sync emails again,...!
Any thoughts on this are appreciated,...
Are you OTA syncing mail?
If so and you probably have checked it but i'll mention it any way as it caught me out recently, check your ActiveSync schedule settings are not set to "Manual". Mine switched to manual recently and it took me a while to work out why i wasn't receiveing mail.
thanks deedee, and yes, this is the first thing i checked and in the activesync program on the device, it's set to, 'as items arrive' so, no problem there,...
what's stranger though, is activesync is showing that i am 'connected' to ms exchange, and my calender sync's,... i can also get on the internet via gprs and ie,...
this is making me crazy, but in any case thanks for the reply,...
i thought it probably was the first thing you had checked, but i posted it as much so that a new face will find it as a solution as anything else. Having only recently gone to push email it took me a while to find it the first time my email stopped being pushed.
o.k., now i am really confused, since i did this test,...
i went to my pc and put in to the 'tasks' a new task called 'test task,' waited a few minutes, and then synced the htc touch pro through activesync and my french orange sim card,... then went to 'tasks' on the htc, and the 'test task' was there,...
i then deleted it on the htc, hit 'sync' in activesync, then went to my pc, and the 'test task' was deleted,...
so, why are my tasks, calender items and contacts syncing and not my emails,...? and especially since they synced fine, once, on Friday morning,...?
and further to all this, i just dropped my sim card in to my old htc tytn II, which i have not synced since oct08, and all emails, contacts, calender and task items synced perfectly in about 2-minutes, so, not my ms exchange server,... must be the htc touch pro, a setting or something,...
thanks for your thoughts and help on this, but still not resolved,...
just for info, what i had to do is delete all sync relationships and re-install them, and then re-sync,...
all is working now, but still a mystery why this happened after returning from the US,...
thanks for the reply again deedee,...

Outlook Mobile messages problem

Hello everybody!
Hope someone can help me, as this is a troublesome issue:
First of all, I'm on a Touch Pro with a Stock WWE ROM. The one that was provided with the phone.
Since yesterday, and without any apparent cause (haven't installed/changed a thing), the Pocket Outlook refuses to open my email messages.
I get the email in the inbox, but when trying to load a message, it just flashes the taskbar, changing the 'X' closing button to 'ok', marks the message as read, but doesn't load it.
The weird thing is it does open the SMS messages. I'm guessing that works because of the threaded view being enabled, so the viewer program is different.
I've tried to erase the account (GMail) and recreate it, didn't help at all.
Any ideas?
Can I reinstall the Outlook in any way without Hard-resetting the device?
Thanks a lot!
no you cant reinstall outlook, its integrated into the rom so cant be uninstalled.
Never seen that problem with out look before. Do you sync ur phone via active sync by anychance?
Yes, I sync by ActiveSync. Everything was working fine until a few days ago, and it's been about 3-4 months since my last hard reset...
I've ended up hard-resetting again... No choise when it comes to email. I need it working...
Thanks for the help anyway.
I am having the same issue with my touch pro runnnig mighty rom 4 with manila 2.1. I am using hotmail (via windows live) for email and nuevasync for calendar sync.
Anyone have any ideas?

