Disable 3G, Edge etc; Use WIFI only - Touch Pro, Fuze General

I dont have a data package for my fuze so i want to disable it from connecting when i load an app that uses internet. I wish to have wifi as my default connection.
Is there a simple way to do this?

Search for the nodata app. It will allow you to disable all data connections other than wifi. I am in the same situation as you and it works out fine for me so far.

or you could just go to your connection settings and under advanced select My work network in both drop down boxes...

um you could just go to the connection settings and delete the dial up profile

Or you could just go to Comm Manager and turn off Data Connection.

go to settings, then Communications and turn off your data connection.

yeah but he doesnt have a data connection that wouldnt stop it from dialing up would it?

If there's no wifi - it will automagically turn the data connection back on (when it needs one - weather/email/etc.). Why there's even a switch.... i dunno.

Well i did disable so it didnt even come up so i dont get charged even the smallest amount. However youtube doesnt work with wifi, everything else does.

xboxhaxorz said:
Well i did disable so it didnt even come up so i dont get charged even the smallest amount. However youtube doesnt work with wifi, everything else does.
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I have disabled data connection and Youtube works great for me over wifi, so don't worry, it's not a software limitation.

I cant figure it out then, it doesnt seem to work over wifi. Perhaps your just a lucky fuze user.
Edit:WOW JUST POSTED THIS, Tried it and now its working lol

You can always ask your service provider to put a data block on your account, just to be on the safe side

euphoria47 said:
You can always ask your service provider to put a data block on your account, just to be on the safe side
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Oh thanks, will do that in the future

just go to the network settings and create a fake / none network and set that as the default.
thats what i did worked perfectly
hope this helps

call at&T to have them put the internet block code on that phone number

thillypickle said:
just go to the network settings and create a fake / none network and set that as the default.
thats what i did worked perfectly
hope this helps
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This might sound noobish, but do you have a step by step?? Is it on Settings>Connections>Advanced>Select Netwoks>....?? Thanks in advance.

Search and dowload NOGPRS cab. It should be a zipfile with a cab in it. Run the cab on yout phone. You should now have an icon that says Nodata. This allows you to toggle the connection so it can come on freely when needed by an app, or not come on at all even if an app needs it. Pretty self explanatory. No need to create fake accounts, or delete anything. If you delete stuff, then when you need to use it if ever, you have to re-enter everything. This eliminates that.


Can not delete GPRS/3G connections

Because I have to travel abroad and do not want to user roaming for data I installed the Modaco-nodata program. When I run it, it finds 2 connections for GPRS/G3 installed. When checking in the settings-tab for connections, I had only one. Then I deleted the connection from the settings-tab.
According the connection-setting in the WM6 settings-menu, I have no installed connections. Also when I want to check email, there is an error-message that I cannot get my mail because there is no connection available.
So far, so good.... but....
There are still 2 connections available, because the HTC-Home weather can still connect to GPRS/G3 and also QuickGPS will also make a connection via GPRS/G3. I see the popup that a connection is made with the connection-names programmed before, but they are not in the settings anymore. Also Modaco-nodata sees them, and Spb GPRS monitor too.
It seems that some programs use a different setting to make a connection than others.
Is there a registry-setting where the connections are stored and how can I delete the connections there ???
settings->connections->connections-Advanced-select network
and choose both non isp in the dropdownboxs and it cant use phone network....
Rudegar said:
settings->connections->connections-Advanced-select network
and choose both non isp in the dropdownboxs and it cant use phone network....
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OK, thanks for that. That solved one problem, there were also GPRS-WAP and GPRS-MMS settings there ! I block both now too and no unwanted connections anymore after using modaco-nodata.
But I have still have 2 "old" connections which I can see in some programs, but they do not show up in the connections mentioned above. However if I try to make a new connection with the same name, there is an error message saying that there is a connection with the same name already.... Not a very big problem because I know that I can not use them, but I like to remove both. Are those stored in registry somewhere ?
CeesT said:
OK, thanks for that. That solved one problem, there were also GPRS-WAP and GPRS-MMS settings there ! I block both now too and no unwanted connections anymore after using modaco-nodata.
But I have still have 2 "old" connections which I can see in some programs, but they do not show up in the connections mentioned above. However if I try to make a new connection with the same name, there is an error message saying that there is a connection with the same name already.... Not a very big problem because I know that I can not use them, but I like to remove both. Are those stored in registry somewhere ?
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I've got the same problem and looking to start from scratch and recreate these on my own since I have dead profiles and renaming doesnt seem to work. i'm still searching in the registry and if i find anything i'll let you know or you can let me know if you find a way to delete these profiles before i do
dyetheskin said:
I've got the same problem and looking to start from scratch and recreate these on my own since I have dead profiles and renaming doesnt seem to work. i'm still searching in the registry and if i find anything i'll let you know or you can let me know if you find a way to delete these profiles before i do
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Hi guys,
I've been looking around quite some time because I had the same problem.
Here is the registry key where you can find the connection list:
After removing the "old" connections that were appearing in some programs, it's now fine.
dve1313 said:
Here is the registry key where you can find the connection list:
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To completely remove the connections you also have to delete these connections under
Just delete the complete key named like the connection you want to delete.
Then softreset and their gone.
wilriker said:
To completely remove the connections you also have to delete these connections under
Just delete the complete key named like the connection you want to delete.
Then softreset and their gone.
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Both "dve1313" and "wilriker" thanks !
That worked.
However HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A37-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections was empty here, but I had another entry named:
HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections which contains my connections and removed the obsolete ones there worked fine.
my phone was working perfectly on the internet using 3g, o had configured all the settings (vodafone, access point pp.vodafone.co.uk and user and password WAP, until i tried to set up mms, i installed a few cabs, deleted them now, put the connections back to EXACTLY how they were, tried the networks auto configure again and just says somethign like disconnected or lots of "g.00"''" all in some random order, sometimes it says if changing settings fails to fix reset according to manufacturers instructions, although i do not want to do a hard reset as i will lose too much!! anyone got anyyy ideas what i have done wrong?
please can someone tell me how to get to
"HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A37-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections was empty here, but I had another entry named:
as i have a couple ofblank connections, ideally i would like to reset just the connection side of the device leaving the rest...but can't!!
thanks in advance!!

Setting Data Connection on by default - any way to do it?

I have Windows Live Mobile installed so after a soft reset, the program automatically attempts to make a data connection. However, the data connection tab in the comm manager is set to off by default, so a connection can't be established.
Is there any way on the AT&T Fuze to set the data connection on by default?
Thanks....and yes I searched "data connection default" but didn't see anything related to this problem.
Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.3 or Diamond Tweak 0.5.3 have an option to have data always ON. However, this will kill your battery in no time
thanks for your help. i have those programs, but i'll look them over again.
EDIT: i looked at both and don't see an option to always have a data connection enabled. under data, you can obviously enable various connections and i already have those set. but i don't see the option to always have the connection on.
DiamondTweak > 6 Data > 6.2 Always On: MEdia Net
MrSlacker said:
DiamondTweak > 6 Data > 6.2 Always On: MEdia Net
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thanks. i'm an idiot. i didn't have diamond tweak. i had diamond tf3d config....duh.
diar said:
I have Windows Live Mobile installed so after a soft reset, the program automatically attempts to make a data connection. However, the data connection tab in the comm manager is set to off by default, so a connection can't be established.
Is there any way on the AT&T Fuze to set the data connection on by default?
Thanks....and yes I searched "data connection default" but didn't see anything related to this problem.
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Funny how I'm trying to do the opposite. For some reason my data turns on by itself. I turn it off and a few minutes later it turns itself on again. It's really a battery drainer.
If anybody knows how to change it so it will default to off, please post. Thanx.
RallyPunx said:
Funny how I'm trying to do the opposite. For some reason my data turns on by itself. I turn it off and a few minutes later it turns itself on again. It's really a battery drainer.
If anybody knows how to change it so it will default to off, please post. Thanx.
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Certain apps/functions will need data access depending on their polling settings. Email and weather, for example. I disabled the auto updates for those and am hoping to see the data connection stay OFF when I set it.
Hope this does the trick.
I had to configure a bogus network so the device wouldn't get anywhere even if it tried... because it would seemingly reactivate at will.

Disabling 3G & Edge on the Touch Pro NAM

I would like to know if anyone knows how to disable the internet access on the Touch Pro for i do not have a Data Plan for my phone yet, and i do not want to be billed for unnecessary data being used unkowingly.
Thanks in advance
i really haven't seen such a tool, but the safest way that i could think of is to change ur network setting to fake ones like random numbers and address, so in case of some app connecting on its own u wont be charged!!
ditto that. just remove the settings for media net.
thanks i shall try it out =]
I changed my "connections>advanced" settings to point to "My Work Network" rather than "Medianet" and disabled data in the wireless manager. I can still connect to my wireless network and use the internet but if I'm not on that it just times out. I'm checking my online billing every day since doing that as I'm still not 100% trusting of it but it seems good so far.
Just install this freeware app http://www.modaco.com/content/pocket-pc-software/246171/new-free-utility/
Works great.

My Data Connections Cotinually Turns Itself On

When I leave the house, I usually turn off Wifi. Then, the phone turns on Data Connections. I have no data plan. How do I shut it up for good?
Secondly, if I turn my phone to sleep mode with that bop on the top of it's head, will it look for Wifi signals? Or does it shut that off too? I'll just leave it on Wifi the whole time if thats the case I guess.
Install Advance Config 3.3 if you haven't already. There's a section for Connections where you can disable all data connections. This way the phone will not try to connect through any of the data connections.
There's also an option in there for wireless.
keeping your wifi on all the time will drain your battery fast!
my suggestion is if you dont have a data plan is go to start-settings-connections, connections. advanced on the bottom then select networks. There you have 2 drop down boxes, set each to "My Work Network" then click edit on one of them and make sure in the modem tab that its empty (nothing there). Your device should now stop attempting to establish a data connection.
Perhaps you are running some software,that forces internet connection. Are you sure you have disabled all of them(maybe auto-update of weather,RSS,etc...)?
Auto-update of weather will do that? Man thats dumb. I'll turn it off but once I am smart enough I'm going to install that commander program. But right now I am too scared to even plug the USB in to my computer.
Anyone care to help me over GMail chat or something?
this thread and this thread should be merged because they're dealing with the same thing.
thehyecircus said:
Auto-update of weather will do that? Man thats dumb. I'll turn it off but once I am smart enough I'm going to install that commander program. But right now I am too scared to even plug the USB in to my computer.
Anyone care to help me over GMail chat or something?
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I am using SBSH PocketWeather and I have options there to Enable autoupdate and Force connection(when the connection is deactivated,it activates it). This is very dangerous while roaming,espc.here in EU.

help ASAP

my problem is my webbroswers *both IE and Opera* does not connect to my cellar internet but only wifi
every other internet app works, Youtue, google map, etc Myphone seems to partly work but i think get stuck when sync'ing my contacts could be a bug with myphone so am discussing this with they expert team
so can anyone expalin why my web broswers is not working?
P.S Skyfire Beta works
Device = ATT Fuze
Rom = NATF v4.4 Fuze Edition
I've never had this problem, but then again never flashed one of NATF's roms. Try posting this question in the NATF rom thread. Good luck
every rom i tried this happen, atomic, NATF, Monex, etc
go to connection settings turn off the proxy check box
proxy is off, i dont like using proxy i live NYC by the way
What have you tried to solve the problem?
A soft reset?
Maybe you have nodata running, or forgot to activate the GPRS/3G connection before uninstalling it.
i tried 3 different rom, soft and hard reset, i tried the hidden proxy cab and remove proxy cab, tried manually setting the proxy, changing the default connection in the connection setting and all seem to not work
I must say this is a problem I haven't really read about yet (new to posting on the forum but not from reading)
If you do install nodata (cab on request), maybe you can check if the phone's data connection is enabled?
Maybe there are other factors then the forementioned program that can affect that setting.
It is a weird problem however, since other apps do have internet...
What if you start GoogleMaps to get the connection going, then open the browser. Does that let the browser connect?
it is very strange and what is this no data cab u mention
i have also used skype and it works, it kinda sucks that am limited to one broswer and thats skyfire, since its a beta also its not the greatest, my only other option is to turn on the wifi, connect to a access point and then it works, other than that i get opera nor IE to work which is very puzzling
also when i tap my h icon in the task bar it says am connected to medianet but it doesnt load
MrMoustache said:
I must say this is a problem I haven't really read about yet (new to posting on the forum but not from reading)
If you do install nodata (cab on request), maybe you can check if the phone's data connection is enabled?
Maybe there are other factors then the forementioned program that can affect that setting.
It is a weird problem however, since other apps do have internet...
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thedocrn said:
What if you start GoogleMaps to get the connection going, then open the browser. Does that let the browser connect?
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no broswer dont work at all only skyfire detects my connection and connects
i am gonna make a video and show u guys real quick
uploading vid on youtube.
allthatinny said:
it is very strange and what is this no data cab u mention
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Nodata is an application that detects (GPRS/3G) dataconnections on your telephone and can switc them on or off.
Because the other apps on your telephone do have internet, the chance of this thing working is very slim.
Good luck tough...
youtube is processing my vid, i will post the link a lil bit later
and i dont think that nodata stuff will work due to the fact that it might actually detect a internet connection like the rest of my applications but wont be able to figure out why just IE and Opera dont work.
ok as promise here is the link to the vid
look to the end of the vid where u see i put the wifi on and try to load opera and it works
allthatinny said:
ok as promise here is the link to the vid
look to the end of the vid where u see i put the wifi on and try to load opera and it works
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Ok, I didnt see a connection setup wizard on your phone? Did you run that on setup during the initial boot over your phone. I would recommend running that again....I really didnt see it, which is odd did you do something with it?
Second, when you went into connections...then when you see media net click on proxy settings, make sure there is a check box on this network connects to the internet. and make sure the next box is not checked and there is nothing in the box....
this is a fuze edition rom so i guess thats why NATF left it out since fuze is orginally att. and is proxy a must cuz i tried using proxy before but it didnt work.
cant someone help me?
try going to your comm manager and disabling your data connection. This should disconnect you. After that, re-enable it and see what happens.
variablex said:
try going to your comm manager and disabling your data connection. This should disconnect you. After that, re-enable it and see what happens.
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did that still didnt work, i also used the no data and disable my connection and re enable it and still didnt work.

