Customize SIP list. - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Are there any tools that can customize the Software Input list so that it's not such a mess choosing what input I want to use?
I love having all the options the Fuze gives for inputs, but I personally like using about three different types of input depending on the situation the rest are mostly in the way 99% of the time. I mostly use Block recognizer, Japanese input, and Full QWERTY, in that order. The problem is that two are in a sub menu, and if I go into landscape mode the issue is compounded by not enough room and up and down arrows.
As it stands my list of inputs are:
Touch input settings
English *w/ sub menu
Phone Keypad
Compact QWERTY
Block Recognizer
Other *a sub menu leading to:
Block Recognizer *again*
Japanese Input (added by .cab)
Letter Recognizer
I'm not sure if it's a "smart" menu because I don't remember Block Recognizer being on the front page at first.
It would be great if there was a program to re-order this, or a reg edit we could make to rearrange things.
For one, why is the language option at the top of the list, do the majority of users need to change back and forth between languages that much? I don't even really know what it does, different spell check I assume?
Options and settings are great but they can be in the back, one they're set right I don't change them anymore.
And for marketing purposes I can see why the legacy inputs are shuffled to the back in favor of the latest and greatest, but for those of us old school users who started out on Handspring Visors and Palm III's we want out familiar inputs without having to hop through hoops.
And the Japanese input isn't something that can be duplicated in other ways, you can't lookup unknown Kanji with a keyboard. Meanwhile the front screen has 3 of it's 4 input methods taken up by keyboard inputs that are really just variations on the same thing, on a phone that has a real slideout keyboard to boot.
I'd really like a way to fix this so that the most diverse inputs that go beyong the physical keyboard are on top, in front. And the multiple redundancies for the real keyboard are in the submenu or on the bottom.

It takes just a few reg edits to customize the SIP list.
{198D503A-...} = Phone Keypad
{36BC8FF6-...} = Full QWERTY
{62B00599-...} = Compact QWERTY
(MS Default SIPs)
{42429667-...} = Keyboard
{42429690-...} = Letter Recognizer
{42429691-...} = Block Recognizer
{F0034DD0-...} = Transcriber
(Japanese IME SIPs)
{0CBEA010-...} = Tegaki
{1D07E4B2-...} = Kana
{BB6E8371-...} = Kensaku
{BDE4F120-...} = Romaji
Under each, you will find a key IsSIPInputMethod with string (Default) = 1. Change any of them to 0 to disable the SIP.
However there are some annoying caveats. Stock and most cooked ROMs use HTC's eT9 IME by default which gives you the fancy Diamond-themed pull-up list (to match TF3d). The eT9 IME reserves 2 spots in the list for HTC SIPs (as noted above), so if you disable all three HTC SIPs you will get 2 blank/black rows in the menu. I don't think there's a way to customize the exact order of the SIPs either, they simply appear based on which ones you previously selected. And I also don't think you can remove the Language selection sub-menu. You can change which options are available (ie: remove English, French, German, Italian, and/or Spanish), but you can't remove the submenu entirely.
There is one cooked ROM (can't recall which) that has the eT9 IME and all HTC SIPs removed completely, leaving you with the standard MS IME list (just a simple popup list, no fancy TF3d-themed list), but it also removes almost all extra HTC software leaving you with a barebones ROM.
Fortunately, PQzII makes life a little bit easier by letting you choose separate default SIPs for portrait and landscape modes (which also overrides the default SIP after a soft-reset). You will still probably need to dive through the list once in a while, but at least PQzII coupled with removing any SIPs you don't use will clean up the list and make it a little easier to find and switch between SIPs.

since I have WWE ROM with European languages that I don't need, I would like to remove the keyboard layout for Czech, German exc'
do you know which registry values I have to change in order to achieve that?

I just did that a week ago. Use the "Input Methods" feature in SKTools to remove what you don't want to use. When removing the SIPs be sure to specify one of the remain SIPs as default. Also, be sure to select "remove from registary" also. This will make sure that it does not show up again.
The registary edit that is listed above does the same thing SKTools does. Also, as listed above, if you delete one of the HTC SIPs, like Compact QWERTY or Full QWERTY, you will end up with a blank spot in the selection screen. I am still trying to figure out how to get rid of that...


Best soft keyboard: TouchPal v2 released!

Copied from
Up to 300 chars/min
Excellent word prediction
Mistyping correction new!
Innovative word association
In-place case switching
Input punctuations and digits without view switching new!
Multi-language Support new!
English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch (and more coming...)
Comprehensive dictionaries (40,000 English words, 140,000 French words...)
Dynamic language switching
Innovative word association
Accent letter prediction (e.g. press "a" for "á")
Highly Customizable
Dynamic resizable layout (enlarged/normal/reduced) new!
"My sentences" with parameters (e.g., "See you in X mins") new!
"My commands" (e.g., Undo, Select All+Copy, ...) new!
Customizable emotion symbols (e.g. :-o, ^_^) new!
Drag'n drop SPACE button
Optimized Resource new!
<1M installation size
Install to Storage Card
You can see how big step forward from its V1.
The resizable layout and mistyping correction seems really cool. And still can see a lot of innovations like "parameterized sentence".
Yes I have been using this since version 1 and no doubt it is the best SIP I have ever used. I have a TyTn II and ever since I started using TouchPal I rarely find myself using the slide out mechanical keyboard of the TyTn II.
However presently the version 2 is available only through PayPal and PayPal does not operate in all countries like my place, Pakistan. I have requested them to release this excellent program simultaneously on the regular software sites such as Handango and PocketGear from where we can purchase using the regular credit card. They say they are [email protected] already working on this.
They offer a free version as well. One of my friend tried the free one and found it is also very powerful. But I still bought the pro edition right after i saw the video how you can resize the sip dynamically. very smart approach...
another thing i love is the dynamic language switching. i use two langs and touchpal offers a perfect way to switch between them without penalty. love it...
I spent alot of effort trying to find the perfect on screen keyboard.
(since coming from the treo)
I really liked the one that came with the touch, but I like TouchPal even more.
2 major things that caused me to settle on TouchPal;
1. Two letters per key,
(I just can't get the speed out of small, individual letter keys.)
2. It doesn't interfer with the predictive text like xt9 does with the touch keyboards (20, 40, or Keypad)
What's the difference between 20key and TouchPal?
What's the difference between 20key and TouchPal? They look pretty similiar.
TouchPal seems pretty cool, but I've hit a snag. I notice this when typing in the TO field of a text message. With the default Touch Keypard (that ships with the HTC Touch) in line names from the address book pop up. Say I put the letter T in there, my friend Tom will show up as an auto completion with the phone number.
Is this feature possible with TouchPal?
gocloudy said:
What's the difference between 20key and TouchPal? They look pretty similiar.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There's a thread dedicated to that topic here in case anyone wants to weigh in:
There's a much better choice, an innovative software keyboard that seems to be the best available, and I did try many, I've attached the cab here.

WM6 5.2.1623 Black bar above keyboard

Situation is:
Phone One: HTC Touch running Danish O/S Windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1238 (Build 17745.0.2.3)
Phone Two: HTC Cruise running English O/S Windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1623 (build 18129.0.4.5)
Word completion on #1 appears as a list of words above the keyboard (much nicer - not least because it works!)
Word completion on #2 appears as a black bar above the keyboard.
On #1 word completion works and it stores and suggests my words (except words containing any of the Danish letters, but that's ok).
On #2 I have tried to un-check all options concerning auto completion but I have not managed to get rid of the black bar - it appears no matter the settings. Actually, I'm not even sure this black bar is a word completion tool. I don't know what it is cause it does not seem to serve any useful purpose (apart from taking up space on the screen). It never suggests any words, but only copies whatever I'm writing, sometimes in two versions: one with a small starting letter and one with a capital starting letter. If I tap the x I get a label "Add My Word". If I enter something I don't see that it's added anywhere, cause it never suggests this word if I start typing it again. I have conducted all these little tests with both English and Danish words (without the special characters, though) cause I have no idea in which language the dictionary is.
But... I could live without any word-completion. Thing is, the black bar has another and worse problem that I can't live with: It does not recognize one of the Danish characters "å". The other two "æø" work fine.
When entering a word with the unrecognized letter - like "håb" (Hope) - the Danish character is not appearing in the black bar and the resulting word in the application in which I'm writing is "åHb". The Danish character is always placed at the beginning of the word it is a part of.
That was the background info. Questions are:
Does anyone know to turn off this annoying black bar?
Does anyone recognize the letter-switching-"feature" and know of a solution?
Late breaking news
Ok, so I'm talking to myself ... but who knows - if someone else experience something like or is equally confused about input settings, perhaps this might help them, too.
I have tried to find out more about the "black bar" and come to realize these "late breaking news":
Options/Settings relating to the Keyboard (Keyboard/Word Completion tab) has no effect on anything.
The black bar is related to the Touch Keyboard and appears even if the Touch keyboard is not the selected input method and even if word completion (and all other "typing assistance" functions) is turned off for the Touch Keyboard.
Turning on Word Completion in Options/XT9 Settings for the Touch Keyboard also affects typing with the Keyboard.
Thus, turning on Word Completion for the Touch Keyboard and using the Keyboard as input method, word completion actually works and it is possible to add words - even words containing the two (out of three) Danish characters that work.
So, word completion as such works (allthough it seems that the settings and effects of these settings are kind of mixed up and criss-crossing between the various input methods) but the one Danish character still does not work - it is still placed at the beginning of the word it is in, as described in the first post.
To remove the annoying BLACK BAR...
To Get rid of word prediction window Edit Following Registry:
Change Default Ime File : \windows\xt9ime.dll --> \windows\compime.dll
Layout Text : eT9 IME change to Layout Text : XT9 IME --> COMP IME
speedtest test
oops wrong post.
worked perfectly, i might have lost my mind with that bar, it's so pointless.

S730 Keyboard Layout onto S710

Does anyone know how to change the keyboard layout on the Vox/S710 to match the S730.
E.g. Shift the top row of letters (QWERTYUIOP.) to (.QWERTYUIOP) so that typing is more natural?
Hope that makes sense! Any help greatly appreciated.
Hmm... My Vox comes with .QWERTY layout. Anyway, I think you should change the locale in system registry. Try this key (make sure you've created a registry backup first):
Set the value "CurLang" to 0x409 (1049) and reboot the phone. That will probably shift your layout.
wont this just complicate things as ur keys will be messed up. so the letters will be:
but the buttons on the actual keyboard will say:
way more trouble than its worth
Maybe... but I keep making mistakes when typing, as I'm assuming that the keyboard layout is as per a normal keyboard (or Hermes, which is what I used before).
The fix works nicely - for the top row.
Now the number keys are not 'aligned', as per the layout on the keyboard. Is there a way to move these - bearing in mind that the numbers are used using the 'fn' lock?
You might want to try creating your custom layout. With AEKMap you can do most anything with hardware keys. Here it is.
It would take a lot of time to create a layout from scratch, so I suggest using my (Roan) or other people's layouts as templates.
Hope this helps.
Sounds like it's more trouble than it's worth. Depends on how much your personal (or work?) time is valued at I guess..
Just deal with it and get used to the keys. I'd expect it to be different to your Hermes, it's a different phone!

[REQ] Looking for a better keyboard software

I'm looking for an alternative keyboard with a similar layout to that of the default windows keyboard.
To be specific:
- Standard QWERTY keyboard with keys arranged like a normal keyboard (not aligned vertically; ie must be zig-zag)
- Vertical height should similar to the default keyboard
- *Must* have numbers and punctuations visible on the default layout (ie, I shouldn't have to change to a different layout just for pressing a friggin "." like I have to do in PCM)
- Should have Ctrl, Shift/Caps keys on the default layout
- Should support gestures (like for backspace, space, caps etc)
Of course, all the above are the features of the standard keyboard. But the reason why I'm looking for an alternative keyboard is due to the lack of:
- Skins
- Word/Phrase Prediction
In case no such keyboard exists, I'm willing to settle for a T9 keyboard which works exactly like that of a mobile, where it's easy to switch between numbers/alpha/custom words at the press of a button. So for eg, if I want to enter "dexter", I should be able to press the keys in the sequence "def", "def" (twice), "wxyz" (twice), "tuv" , "def" (twice), "pqrs" (thrice). The word should then be automatically added to the dictionary (or prompted to). (All the T9 keyboards I've tried, like TouchPal, are inconvenient to use for typing non-dictionary words ). Oh, and once again, the vertical height of the keyboard should be as small as possible.
My OS is WM6 on a 201Mhz/48MiB PPCPE.
Thanks for your time.
if you use a different layout to the default pcm keyboard then you can see the full stop aswell as the qwerty and as for having numbers and qwerty at the same time with them being a good size is a bit mental. id recomend getting pcm and getting the theme skin called 2many iclone. the is a layout called 2many., this makes the comma and period visible. and its skinnable. and fyi if you hold down on the 123 button itll pop up with the numbers for you
try the htc keyboards (such as the opal ones)

Extra characters in on-screen keyboard

Is it somehow possible to add extra characters to on-screen keyboard of FouchFlo 3D? When you press and hold a button, list of extra characters pop up, but it does not contain characters specific to my language.
I am hoping that there is a configuration file somewhere or maybe some registry entrie. Wouldn't make sense to hard-code these characters.
Unfortunately HTC support was of no help. It's a pity that there is a specific version of Diamond 2 for Eastern Europe, but E-European languages are not supported.
Bumping in hope that somebody could help...
You may want to give some other 3rd party keyboards a try..there's a really great one I'm drawing a blank on, but search around a bit and you will find it.

