Finally got SPB weather to auto update... Kind of! - Touch Pro, Fuze General

After searching for hours trying to get this damn thing to update automatically, i decided to look into using SKSchema to emulate key presses. The problem I have is that my device is locked and powered off when not in use so I have emulated turning the phone on, unlocking the screen, holding down the stylus on the spb weather today pluging, clicking refresh all then re locking the phone after it has updated. The good news is it works although a very long winded way of going about it. I have it set to do these tasks at 5am so i dont notice it. If anyone is interested in the SKSchema scripts i can let you know.

or you can just change it in the settings...

Brendo said:
or you can just change it in the settings...
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It doesnt work as it doesn't auto connect to the Internet. I have never been able to get it to work.

Interesting idea… though surely it would be easier to use skschema to establish a data connection just before spb weather is due to auto-update?
Only question I have is, if you choose "every day", how do you set the time when it's supposed to update?

Davey101 said:
Interesting idea… though surely it would be easier to use skschema to establish a data connection just before spb weather is due to auto-update?
Only question I have is, if you choose "every day", how do you set the time when it's supposed to update?
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That was my first thought but could never get it to work as I never knew when it was updating. The data connection would go live perfectly with SKSchema but I would never know the time to do it. The other thing is I use bandswitch which closes idle connections after 60 seconds so if the update was late starting, the connection would have been terminated by that time.
Although a very long winded way of doing it, my method works flawlesly and i have updated weather every morning for when i wake up


Auto Disconnect GPRS while device is asleep

Hi, I know this topic has been covered many times, but I here's my issue.
I have phoneAlarm running on my Trinity and set phoneAlarm to cut my data connection after 1min of data inactivity and it all works fine. I can browse the web, check emails using the WM5 inbuilt email application. After 1 min of data inactivity, my connection is cut, brilliant, works like a treat.
However, once the device is asleep, and my email application polls, the data connection remains connected (if there are no emails, it won't wake up) and I have to switch on again and either let it disconnect when awake, or manually disconnect it.
The funny thing is, its just the email application thats causing this. If I was browsing using PIE and just press the power button whilst it was still connected, it times out and it gets disconnected, and the next time I wake up the device I can see there is no data connection.
it seems like the WM5 email application whilst asleep is either holding on to the connection or some data is being transferred, as I said it doesn't happen if the device is awake.
This really is bugging me, as the whole point of setting up "Auto disconnect" is so I can leave it and trust it to only connect when need be. Currently, if I don't use the phone and don't receive any emails, my GPRS connection is on all the time whilst the phone is asleep.
I have tried other programs, but generally, all of these applications perform the same registry tweak.
Sorry for long post.
I did a program (ConnectionManager) that wakes up the pda to Idle state (screen off, no sound and cpu to minimum level) each 3 minutes and check the states of connections. If there isnt traffic in 2 minutes the connection is closed.
Interesting. Do you have a link to that program? Tried to find it in the forum by searching for "ConnectionManager" and found nothing.
So when the device is in idle state, min CPU, screen off etc, there's no problem in accepting calls etc?
I was reading a thread regarding the other program you wrote that switches bands, was interested in that too.
Thanks for your help.
Don't worry, I've found it, and it WORKS. You're a star!!!
exactly what I was looking for. It did come across it before, but for some reason I thought you didn't check for data flows and close the connection full stop. Obviously i mis read
I've downloaded WM5 SDK, but didn't really know where to start, I am a developer, but don't know anything about the WM5 APIs. Cheeky question, but is it possible to let me have the source code?
I would love to enhance something like this, would love it to be a today plug in and let you enable it without opening a new form. Settings about how long before checking. Not sure how easy it would be.
Just a comment really, not sure if its just my device (Trinity) but the Close Program button seems to be out of shape, i.e. larger than the other 3 and goes right to the edge of the screen.
Oh, one more question, do you think having the device on idle will have much impact on battery life. Once the device is in idle, does it suspend again, or does it keep it in idle until you switch it on again?
Thanks again!
Hi, another thing. Having tried this program out for a little while now, it seems to not let the device time out into suspend state. For me, it seems to just lower the brightness of the screen. The program still works, but it won't let the device suspend automatically, i thought it would switch it to idle, and turn of the screen.
Once the machine is suspended manually by pressing the power button, then its fine. Do you have this issue?
Still works like a treat though, and better than anything I had before!
Thanks again!
Sorry, my mistake. It all works fine!
Hi. I was going to do other release (the user can modify connections check, etc) but i will post the source code, sure (but the source code is in my laptop). tomorrow i will post it.....
hongsit said:
Don't worry, I've found it, and it WORKS. You're a star!!!
exactly what I was looking for. It did come across it before, but for some reason I thought you didn't check for data flows and close the connection full stop. Obviously i mis read
I've downloaded WM5 SDK, but didn't really know where to start, I am a developer, but don't know anything about the WM5 APIs. Cheeky question, but is it possible to let me have the source code?
I would love to enhance something like this, would love it to be a today plug in and let you enable it without opening a new form. Settings about how long before checking. Not sure how easy it would be.
Just a comment really, not sure if its just my device (Trinity) but the Close Program button seems to be out of shape, i.e. larger than the other 3 and goes right to the edge of the screen.
Oh, one more question, do you think having the device on idle will have much impact on battery life. Once the device is in idle, does it suspend again, or does it keep it in idle until you switch it on again?
Thanks again!
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Idle is a state with minimum impact...but is bigger than suspended. When the device wakes up to idle state it is suspended again after a few seconds if the cpu isnt used too much. When the device is woke up by a app notification (Its our case) the system suspends very quickly. In my tests (using log method) the program does its stuff (1 seconds) and 10 seconds later the system is suspended again...
I ve used Visual Studio 2005 and the program was wrote using C (not MFC)...
Hi Daniel
Where can I download this app ?
Thanks and regards
I am curious if you gprs comes on for your push mail, can you still make outgoing call and also send text messages?. I have this issue for my atom exec and it's annoying me. Thanks
hongsit said:
Hi, I know this topic has been covered many times, but I here's my issue.
I have phoneAlarm running on my Trinity and set phoneAlarm to cut my data connection after 1min of data inactivity and it all works fine. I can browse the web, check emails using the WM5 inbuilt email application. After 1 min of data inactivity, my connection is cut, brilliant, works like a treat.
However, once the device is asleep, and my email application polls, the data connection remains connected (if there are no emails, it won't wake up) and I have to switch on again and either let it disconnect when awake, or manually disconnect it.
The funny thing is, its just the email application thats causing this. If I was browsing using PIE and just press the power button whilst it was still connected, it times out and it gets disconnected, and the next time I wake up the device I can see there is no data connection.
it seems like the WM5 email application whilst asleep is either holding on to the connection or some data is being transferred, as I said it doesn't happen if the device is awake.
This really is bugging me, as the whole point of setting up "Auto disconnect" is so I can leave it and trust it to only connect when need be. Currently, if I don't use the phone and don't receive any emails, my GPRS connection is on all the time whilst the phone is asleep.
I have tried other programs, but generally, all of these applications perform the same registry tweak.
Sorry for long post.
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where can I find this piece of software?

How to get mail for WinMo over WiFi without constant connection

I am not sure if this has been discussed before but searching didn't help much as I am not sure what keyword to use.
I have a Fuze (Touch Pro) without the data service and would like the phone to periodically get the mails over WiFi. I am posting it here assuming this would apply to all WinMo devices. If not, please enlighten me.
In default settings, the phone disconnects WiFi as soon as it goes to sleep. I used Advanced Config to enable WiFi even in sleep, but now it stays connected all the time even though Pocket Outlook is configured to run every 15 minutes. For last several months it has been working this way but it drains the battery very quickly unlike my iPhone, which lasts the more than a day because it connects only to check mails when inactive.
I know with 3G service I don't have worry about it but wondering if there is any utility or setting in registry that would connect periodically for a minute or two so that PO can check for new messages.
How to update at intervals
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
powersupplyzzzz said:
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
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Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
Wondering if I posted in the wrong forum or I am asking for something not possible on WM at the moment ...
rexian said:
Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
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AFAIK what you are asking is not possible, unless you ask someone to write you a script or there is an app that does this, but i havent come across one.
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
rexian said:
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
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What you need is a car battery that you can strap to your back which will boost your battery when required
I'll have a fish around for a real solution.

[REQ] A Better Solution for Data Auto-Disconnect... with Peak Time/Push Mail

Hi folks
I've searched around the forums and have seen a couple of solutions out there for automatically terminating data connections (Bandswitch, WMLongLife, the registry tweak) but each seems to lack some of what I need and do a lot that I don't need.
Here's the lowdown:
- I've already tweaked the Comm Manager to add the 3G on/off switch so I don't need something that messes with that
- I use push email for business so I need the data connection to stay on during the "peak times" that I've set in Activesync (for me, that's 8am-11pm)
- Outside of peak times, I've got the phone checking email every hour. Right now, it seems to be leaving the connection on afterward.
- I want to keep the automatic updates for HTC Sense's weather and stock tabs. Not every 5 minutes, of course, but at least a couple of times a day. Also tends to leave the connection going when used outside peak hours.
As I understand it, the registry tweak won't work for the Sense tabs. Bandswitch and WMLongLife mess with the 3G radio and, as far as I can tell, don't let you set a timeframe (re: the latter - I suppose when you've got push mail going it pings the Exchange server regularly so in theory it shouldn't consider the connection idle, but why mess with it?)
So, in short, anyone got a solution that could switch off an idle data connection outside of the peak times set in Activesync?
If you just want to kill connections during certain times (ie, night time) try G-Profile. I have it set to kill data connections during the night, works fine for me although I am using a new beta version which is available from their site.
Looks interesting but reading through the manual it looks as if you can only set a profile to disable the data connection during certain hours. I'd like to leave the data available, just switch on auto-disconnect.
Plus, again, there's a lot of extra stuff in there that's really not necessary. I'm looking for something more lightweight...
I haven't tried it, but you might want to take a look at CommMgrPro.
It's also from the creator of Bandswitch.
PhoneAlarm can do this.
I had PhoneAlarm installed on my previous phone. True, it can do this.
But again, it's like using a tank to kill a fly. Sam with CommMgrPro.
Is there no lightweight solution?
+1 for this. It has to be possible, everyone just seems to lump the functionality in with a load of other stuff I'm not interested in.
Up, I'm looking for this also
This kind of app is missing...
SO.... last night I left my charging cable at the office and I only had around 20% of the battery left at 11:00pm. For some reason, the thing kept opening the data channel even though it was outside of "peak" hours for push! I had to reset and turn manually turn off all data... couldn't have the phone die overnight as it's my alarm clock!
Any ideas here?
DialUp Enabler Disabler v06
What about this one

[Q] Syncronising time

Is there a way to syncronise the time on my HTC HD7. I notice it regularly loses a couple of minutes each day.
brian leach said:
Is there a way to syncronise the time on my HTC HD7. I notice it regularly loses a couple of minutes each day.
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In Settings, Date & Time, make sure you've got "Set Automatically" switched on.
This should keep your phone's clock in sync with Internet Time servers.
If it doesn't work, then there's either a bug, or the time servers can't be contacted for some reason.
But AFAIK there is no other way to sync the time.
Thanks for the response. It is already set that way. perhaps an app will appear in due course.
brian leach said:
Thanks for the response. It is already set that way. perhaps an app will appear in due course.
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I very much doubt it! For a start, as I understand it, apps can read the system time on the phone but they do not have the privilege to change it.
I may be wrong on that, but then you've got the fact that WP7 already does time synchronization, even if it doesn't seem to be working for you at the moment.
Looks like I shall just have to correct it manually periodically.
Still like the phone and wp 7 even with a few foibles.
Maybe a Microsoft update can fix it.. does Microsoft even know that their clock is faulty and needs manually fixing?
I don't have such a switch in date and time...
there is just a switch to make the time show 12 or 24 hour...
a selection field for time zone, selection field for time, selection field for date
No automatic update switch.
I have a HTC mozart, and I also noticed a slight delay (if I don't connect to the computer, but if I connect to computer then it seems OK...). BTW shouldn't work this automatic update also through Wlan?!?

My clock is 5-10 minutes late!

Hello everybody,
since I am not allowed to post in the official thread for ARHD until i have at least 10 post, i will do it here.
I flashed ARHD 6.51 a while ago and noticed, that my clock is couple of minutes late. So I decided to sync it with the internet. Nothing happened. I rebooted my device and the clock was showing the correct time - at least for a while. After a few hours, the clock was late again. So I set it to the right time manually. I guess you know what happens next... its late again.
So i superwiped my phone and flashed the latest version of ARHD v. 6.6.2.
At first the clock showed the correct time, but after a few hours it was late AGAIN!
I booted into the recovery and noticed that the time in the recovery was correct. I reseted my phone to factory defaults and still no change.
Does anyone of you know how to fix this?
Happened to me once while I was on college..
I turned of automatic clock sync and set it manually... When I got home (after 7-8 hours), I turned it on again and it was showing correct time.. Dunno what happened but now its ok for me... It was on older version of ARHD... 6.x.x
try downloading ClockSync from Google Play Store, that syncs your clock really accurately using the internet and you can get it to sync automatically bit of a botch but might do it
lifeisfaked said:
try downloading ClockSync from Google Play Store, that syncs your clock really accurately using the internet and you can get it to sync automatically bit of a botch but might do it
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Wow damn. If I could use all of today's thanks on this one post, I would. I had already accepted that my time would lose sync every couple of days, but ClockSync seems to be doing the trick after unchecking the HTC time sync. Thanks!
rawrfische said:
Wow damn. If I could use all of today's thanks on this one post, I would. I had already accepted that my time would lose sync every couple of days, but ClockSync seems to be doing the trick after unchecking the HTC time sync. Thanks!
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No problem could you do me a massive favour and vote for me in this competition I'm in? See my signature! Thanks
I already downloaded ClockSync. But that is only a way to bypass this problem and not to solve it. I want to know why the clock is always late. Espacially when WiFi is on. This is a 400 € phone. It should at least be able to show me the correct time.
elyts said:
I already downloaded ClockSync. But that is only a way to bypass this problem and not to solve it. I want to know why the clock is always late. Espacially when WiFi is on. This is a 400 € phone. It should at least be able to show me the correct time.
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I have the feeling that it is not the phone's fault, hear me out. Your phone does not keep the time, it reads it from your phone provider or wifi if it is connected. My guess is that your phone is reading the wrong time from some of those sources.
And by the way before continuing I would go to Greenwich and check the correct time!
I bookmarked a similar page to check the correct time. So you think my phone doesn't have an internal clock server or something that provides the time if its set manually? I have to correct my last statement. The time is late only when WiFi is enabled.
elyts said:
I bookmarked a similar page to check the correct time. So you think my phone doesn't have an internal clock server or something that provides the time if its set manually? I have to correct my last statement. The time is late only when WiFi is enabled.
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Of course, the phone has an internal clock, but it rather not use it, while there is internet connection. So setting up your time manually will only work until the phone syncs with the sources from your service provider/internet.
If you want to keep your own "manual" time my guess is you would have to disable a few sync options on your phone, one of them being Settings/Date&time/Automatic date&time.
rio911 said:
Of course, the phone has an internal clock, but it rather not use it, while there is internet connection. So setting up your time manually will only work until the phone syncs with the sources from your service provider/internet.
If you want to keep your own "manual" time my guess is you would have to disable a few sync options on your phone, one of them being Settings/Date&time/Automatic date&time.
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Automatic date&time is disabled... Everything i know is that if WiFi is enabled the clock will be late after a few hours. I disabled every possible option that could have something to do with wrong sync or something. And the lower my battery gets, the faster my clock gets slow.. Could it have something to do with WiFi and or battery?
Anybody there?

