[Q] Syncronising time - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a way to syncronise the time on my HTC HD7. I notice it regularly loses a couple of minutes each day.

brian leach said:
Is there a way to syncronise the time on my HTC HD7. I notice it regularly loses a couple of minutes each day.
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In Settings, Date & Time, make sure you've got "Set Automatically" switched on.
This should keep your phone's clock in sync with Internet Time servers.
If it doesn't work, then there's either a bug, or the time servers can't be contacted for some reason.
But AFAIK there is no other way to sync the time.

Thanks for the response. It is already set that way. perhaps an app will appear in due course.

brian leach said:
Thanks for the response. It is already set that way. perhaps an app will appear in due course.
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I very much doubt it! For a start, as I understand it, apps can read the system time on the phone but they do not have the privilege to change it.
I may be wrong on that, but then you've got the fact that WP7 already does time synchronization, even if it doesn't seem to be working for you at the moment.

Looks like I shall just have to correct it manually periodically.
Still like the phone and wp 7 even with a few foibles.

Maybe a Microsoft update can fix it.. does Microsoft even know that their clock is faulty and needs manually fixing?

I don't have such a switch in date and time...
there is just a switch to make the time show 12 or 24 hour...
a selection field for time zone, selection field for time, selection field for date
No automatic update switch.
I have a HTC mozart, and I also noticed a slight delay (if I don't connect to the computer, but if I connect to computer then it seems OK...). BTW shouldn't work this automatic update also through Wlan?!?


Finally got SPB weather to auto update... Kind of!

After searching for hours trying to get this damn thing to update automatically, i decided to look into using SKSchema to emulate key presses. The problem I have is that my device is locked and powered off when not in use so I have emulated turning the phone on, unlocking the screen, holding down the stylus on the spb weather today pluging, clicking refresh all then re locking the phone after it has updated. The good news is it works although a very long winded way of going about it. I have it set to do these tasks at 5am so i dont notice it. If anyone is interested in the SKSchema scripts i can let you know.
or you can just change it in the settings...
Brendo said:
or you can just change it in the settings...
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It doesnt work as it doesn't auto connect to the Internet. I have never been able to get it to work.
Interesting idea… though surely it would be easier to use skschema to establish a data connection just before spb weather is due to auto-update?
Only question I have is, if you choose "every day", how do you set the time when it's supposed to update?
Davey101 said:
Interesting idea… though surely it would be easier to use skschema to establish a data connection just before spb weather is due to auto-update?
Only question I have is, if you choose "every day", how do you set the time when it's supposed to update?
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That was my first thought but could never get it to work as I never knew when it was updating. The data connection would go live perfectly with SKSchema but I would never know the time to do it. The other thing is I use bandswitch which closes idle connections after 60 seconds so if the update was late starting, the connection would have been terminated by that time.
Although a very long winded way of doing it, my method works flawlesly and i have updated weather every morning for when i wake up

How to get mail for WinMo over WiFi without constant connection

I am not sure if this has been discussed before but searching didn't help much as I am not sure what keyword to use.
I have a Fuze (Touch Pro) without the data service and would like the phone to periodically get the mails over WiFi. I am posting it here assuming this would apply to all WinMo devices. If not, please enlighten me.
In default settings, the phone disconnects WiFi as soon as it goes to sleep. I used Advanced Config to enable WiFi even in sleep, but now it stays connected all the time even though Pocket Outlook is configured to run every 15 minutes. For last several months it has been working this way but it drains the battery very quickly unlike my iPhone, which lasts the more than a day because it connects only to check mails when inactive.
I know with 3G service I don't have worry about it but wondering if there is any utility or setting in registry that would connect periodically for a minute or two so that PO can check for new messages.
How to update at intervals
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
powersupplyzzzz said:
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
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Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
Wondering if I posted in the wrong forum or I am asking for something not possible on WM at the moment ...
rexian said:
Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
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AFAIK what you are asking is not possible, unless you ask someone to write you a script or there is an app that does this, but i havent come across one.
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
rexian said:
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
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What you need is a car battery that you can strap to your back which will boost your battery when required
I'll have a fish around for a real solution.

Does WiFi remain on in Mango update?

In pre-mango WP7 phones the WiFi would automatically turn off if your phone was on battery and screen was off. Is this stupid feature still present in Mango or can we make WiFi run ALL THE TIME on battery power?
Yes, it is. But it reconnect looooot faster.
Wow thank God I actually remembered to ask this before wasting money on a WP7. I don't care how fast it reconnects when it wont be connected in standby. Which means I wont be notified of emails, IMs, social network updates etc etc. Brilliant decision MS.
I think you're missing the point, it recconects every so often in standby to download messages/emails/notifications etc it just doesn't stay constantly on.
ammarmalik said:
Wow thank God I actually remembered to ask this before wasting money on a WP7. I don't care how fast it reconnects when it wont be connected in standby. Which means I wont be notified of emails, IMs, social network updates etc etc. Brilliant decision MS.
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Don't know if this is a troll or just a lack of understanding.
You can determine in the options how often you want to to check your various email accounts. For example, one of my accounts I only need checked every hour, while another one I have check ever 15 minutes.
Social network updates are pushed to the phone in real time. I just got a FB notification and the comment had only happened 30 seconds prior.
IM works real time like text.
MS knows what they're doing.
ammarmalik said:
In pre-mango WP7 phones the WiFi would automatically turn off if your phone was on battery and screen was off. Is this stupid feature still present in Mango or can we make WiFi run ALL THE TIME on battery power?
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I guess your machine will juiced out within 6 hours if your run WiFi all the time, which is simply no point. I don't think you will charge your phone every 4-5 hours or bring 5-6 batteries along with you.
Phone will turn on WiFi only when you are going to use the internet (while screen on) or when receiving the mails/messages as scheduled (while screen off), so you can still receive your mails and messages when it is idling.
tiny17 said:
Don't know if this is a troll or just a lack of understanding.
You can determine in the options how often you want to to check your various email accounts. For example, one of my accounts I only need checked every hour, while another one I have check ever 15 minutes.
Social network updates are pushed to the phone in real time. I just got a FB notification and the comment had only happened 30 seconds prior.
IM works real time like text.
MS knows what they're doing.
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I think his problem is that he's lacking a data contract(?) In that case he can't get any real time updates, but it should still connect to Wi-Fi for the periodic checks.
Yeah, it will still connect for email. I ran wifi only for a few months.
ammarmalik said:
In pre-mango WP7 phones the WiFi would automatically turn off if your phone was on battery and screen was off. Is this stupid feature still present in Mango or can we make WiFi run ALL THE TIME on battery power?
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It is still connected on WIFI. I use it since using Mango Dev.
WiFi is a little different in mango. If I am using last.fm and turn off the screen, WiFi stays on instead of switching to 3g. Nodo would turn off WiFi.
Few things to note:
Wifi will drop at screen lock if its not utilized. It will sign you out from your messenger and stop receiving emails etc.
If you have DATA (edge or 3G) that will keep the connection alive.
If you have plugged in your phone to a electric socket then and ONLY then the wifi will stay alive at screen lock.
Wifi drops in about 30sec at screen lock.
Android drops wifi at screenlock by default, BUT you have an option under settings to keep it alive. iPhone prior to iOS4 used to drop wifi at screenlock but not anymore and has no impact on battery life what so ever. 3G consumes more battery than Wifi.
wp7 mango is amazingly fast, but no OS is perfect. Probably in future it will be much better. For now if you are dependent on chat, email and other notification then wp7 and Data package work gr8.
All radios im the RTM are sinked, the system will use WiFi if available, and does real time updates. Aging WiFi, GPS, 3G, BT all on when not needed it is plain stupid and will kill your battery in no time. If anyone desires this get Android, there you can turn everything on till your device stops responding altogether... Embrace the way WP works, lots of taught has gone in for someone to simply criticize it like so... I think ur a perfect android customer....
Sent from my HD7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
hdfanatic said:
All radios im the RTM are sinked, the system will use WiFi if available, and does real time updates. Aging WiFi, GPS, 3G, BT all on when not needed it is plain stupid and will kill your battery in no time. If anyone desires this get Android, there you can turn everything on till your device stops responding altogether... Embrace the way WP works, lots of taught has gone in for someone to simply criticize it like so... I think ur a perfect android customer....
Sent from my HD7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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If my Android can last one whole day with Wifi on 24 hours(Galaxy S2) then WP7 should last longer. WiFi radio DOES NOT consume a lot of battery. Please get these retarded Android thoughts out of your mind. I'm not exactly aiming for the moon here. All I want is to get my push notifications AS THEY HAPPEN.
Someone mentioned in this thread that it periodically reconnects even with screen off to check for updates. Well if that's the case then I can forget about push notifications right? Because for those to work I'll need internet access on my phone constantly and not on periodic intervals.
I'm not trolling here. This was a genuine problem for me on my old WP7 device. The phone would disconnect WiFi when in standby. I have a perfectly fine working internet connection at home and I'm not about to sign up for an expensive data plan from my cellular network provider.
What I need to know is will I get IM push notifications, email push notifications
on WiFi when my screen has been off for a longer period of time? If I'm not then what exactly is the reason behind this? Does MS except everyone to have a data plan?
ammarmalik said:
Does MS except everyone to have a data plan?
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The simple answer is yes. It's Windows Phone. It's intended to work with a data, voice, and text plan.
thesecondsfade said:
The simple answer is yes. It's Windows Phone. It's intended to work with a data, voice, and text plan.
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well if that's the case then is there any app that I use to limit what app can use how much data and what app can use what kind of data (wifi or cellular?) Because if there isn't then its just a ticking time bomb before I get a bloated bill at the end of the month
ammarmalik said:
Does MS except everyone to have a data plan?
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It's a smartphone so... yes. That's why smartphones are usually sold with data plans and that's why Microsoft implemented cloud services like Skydrive and Zune Pass.
ammarmalik said:
well if that's the case then is there any app that I use to limit what app can use how much data and what app can use what kind of data (wifi or cellular?) Because if there isn't then its just a ticking time bomb before I get a bloated bill at the end of the month
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Let me make this easy for you... WP7 is not for you and you should stick with your Galaxy S2 which is a great phone anyway.

My clock is 5-10 minutes late!

Hello everybody,
since I am not allowed to post in the official thread for ARHD until i have at least 10 post, i will do it here.
I flashed ARHD 6.51 a while ago and noticed, that my clock is couple of minutes late. So I decided to sync it with the internet. Nothing happened. I rebooted my device and the clock was showing the correct time - at least for a while. After a few hours, the clock was late again. So I set it to the right time manually. I guess you know what happens next... its late again.
So i superwiped my phone and flashed the latest version of ARHD v. 6.6.2.
At first the clock showed the correct time, but after a few hours it was late AGAIN!
I booted into the recovery and noticed that the time in the recovery was correct. I reseted my phone to factory defaults and still no change.
Does anyone of you know how to fix this?
Happened to me once while I was on college..
I turned of automatic clock sync and set it manually... When I got home (after 7-8 hours), I turned it on again and it was showing correct time.. Dunno what happened but now its ok for me... It was on older version of ARHD... 6.x.x
try downloading ClockSync from Google Play Store, that syncs your clock really accurately using the internet and you can get it to sync automatically bit of a botch but might do it
lifeisfaked said:
try downloading ClockSync from Google Play Store, that syncs your clock really accurately using the internet and you can get it to sync automatically bit of a botch but might do it
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Wow damn. If I could use all of today's thanks on this one post, I would. I had already accepted that my time would lose sync every couple of days, but ClockSync seems to be doing the trick after unchecking the HTC time sync. Thanks!
rawrfische said:
Wow damn. If I could use all of today's thanks on this one post, I would. I had already accepted that my time would lose sync every couple of days, but ClockSync seems to be doing the trick after unchecking the HTC time sync. Thanks!
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No problem could you do me a massive favour and vote for me in this competition I'm in? See my signature! Thanks
I already downloaded ClockSync. But that is only a way to bypass this problem and not to solve it. I want to know why the clock is always late. Espacially when WiFi is on. This is a 400 € phone. It should at least be able to show me the correct time.
elyts said:
I already downloaded ClockSync. But that is only a way to bypass this problem and not to solve it. I want to know why the clock is always late. Espacially when WiFi is on. This is a 400 € phone. It should at least be able to show me the correct time.
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I have the feeling that it is not the phone's fault, hear me out. Your phone does not keep the time, it reads it from your phone provider or wifi if it is connected. My guess is that your phone is reading the wrong time from some of those sources.
And by the way before continuing I would go to Greenwich and check the correct time!
I bookmarked a similar page to check the correct time. So you think my phone doesn't have an internal clock server or something that provides the time if its set manually? I have to correct my last statement. The time is late only when WiFi is enabled.
elyts said:
I bookmarked a similar page to check the correct time. So you think my phone doesn't have an internal clock server or something that provides the time if its set manually? I have to correct my last statement. The time is late only when WiFi is enabled.
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Of course, the phone has an internal clock, but it rather not use it, while there is internet connection. So setting up your time manually will only work until the phone syncs with the sources from your service provider/internet.
If you want to keep your own "manual" time my guess is you would have to disable a few sync options on your phone, one of them being Settings/Date&time/Automatic date&time.
rio911 said:
Of course, the phone has an internal clock, but it rather not use it, while there is internet connection. So setting up your time manually will only work until the phone syncs with the sources from your service provider/internet.
If you want to keep your own "manual" time my guess is you would have to disable a few sync options on your phone, one of them being Settings/Date&time/Automatic date&time.
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Automatic date&time is disabled... Everything i know is that if WiFi is enabled the clock will be late after a few hours. I disabled every possible option that could have something to do with wrong sync or something. And the lower my battery gets, the faster my clock gets slow.. Could it have something to do with WiFi and or battery?
Anybody there?

Time and Date keep resetting.

So, not rom specific, but the time and date keep resetting on the G2x after a reboot. I gave it to my fiancee as a wifi toy, but it's starting to get frustrating as it starts to create issues with certificate errors and the like as well. Doesn't matter whether it is set to auto or manual time/date set either. Is there some kind of internal battery / capacitator that has seen some better days that is causing this? Thanks for any help / suggestions in advance.
es0tericcha0s said:
So, not rom specific, but the time and date keep resetting on the G2x after a reboot. I gave it to my fiancee as a wifi toy, but it's starting to get frustrating as it starts to create issues with certificate errors and the like as well. Doesn't matter whether it is set to auto or manual time/date set either. Is there some kind of internal battery / capacitator that has seen some better days that is causing this? Thanks for any help / suggestions in advance.
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Is the phone still on an account. Usually the time and date is set by the towers when connected.
Nope. No longer use the phone I gave up on it because it had too many signal issues that were phone related - not service related. That's why it is a wifi toy now. However, that shouldn't matter because the time/date didn't have this trouble till the past month or 2 and other android devices like tablets, which generally don't have service, don't have this trouble either.

