Disable autocheck for updates for weather? - Touch Pro, Fuze General

I am not always connected to the internet with my HTC. Every time i hit the weather tab by accident the HTC manages to really annoy me! It just have to give me like 20 windows with the following text: There is a plroblem connectin to the GPRS service in your registered home network. Every time i hit OK it comes back. My question is how to disable the autocheck for updates! Somebody else have this issue too?


Not sure if maybe my settings are different than the European version, but here's what I have. Go to the Settings tab, and instead of "Communications" like that other thread talked about, there's an option right below it saying "Data: Download Weather". When I click on that it gives me 2 check boxes: Download weather automatically, and download weather when roaming. If I keep both unchecked, it never checks for weather until I manually go into "update" in the weather tab.

Thanks you both! It works. After I disabled the autoupdate, I saw there was actually the same option in the wheater tab... Can't beleive I haven't thought about that :' )!


Finally got SPB weather to auto update... Kind of!

After searching for hours trying to get this damn thing to update automatically, i decided to look into using SKSchema to emulate key presses. The problem I have is that my device is locked and powered off when not in use so I have emulated turning the phone on, unlocking the screen, holding down the stylus on the spb weather today pluging, clicking refresh all then re locking the phone after it has updated. The good news is it works although a very long winded way of going about it. I have it set to do these tasks at 5am so i dont notice it. If anyone is interested in the SKSchema scripts i can let you know.
or you can just change it in the settings...
Brendo said:
or you can just change it in the settings...
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It doesnt work as it doesn't auto connect to the Internet. I have never been able to get it to work.
Interesting idea… though surely it would be easier to use skschema to establish a data connection just before spb weather is due to auto-update?
Only question I have is, if you choose "every day", how do you set the time when it's supposed to update?
Davey101 said:
Interesting idea… though surely it would be easier to use skschema to establish a data connection just before spb weather is due to auto-update?
Only question I have is, if you choose "every day", how do you set the time when it's supposed to update?
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That was my first thought but could never get it to work as I never knew when it was updating. The data connection would go live perfectly with SKSchema but I would never know the time to do it. The other thing is I use bandswitch which closes idle connections after 60 seconds so if the update was late starting, the connection would have been terminated by that time.
Although a very long winded way of doing it, my method works flawlesly and i have updated weather every morning for when i wake up

(Solved) Auto disconnect data whilst in sleep mode

I have been experiencing major problems with my email checking. Most of the time it doesnt follow the schedule I have set up and if it does, it never disconnects the data connection.
I had tried everything, changing the battery and ac resume from suspend time to every option, setting the auto disconnect after x time feature in advance config and whatever I did I could not get a reliable solution......
Until now.
Its a bit long winded but it works, I have been testing for the last couple of days.
What I have done is
1. Install SKSchema (You do need to buy this software but it is well worth it) http://www.s-k-tools.com/index.html?m_downloads.html#sc
2. Install rk-OSR (Thank you tytnguy) http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54284&d=1192440286
3.Install Advance Config (Thank you schaps) http://www.touc...anced-configuration-tool-33-cab-install.html
4. In advance config, under power management, set battery resume and ac resume from standby to 90 seconds, save and soft reset.
5. In SKSchema, go to settings and turn watch mode on. Then go to tools, press watch and then new. Under 'watch for', select 'any connection', under 'any connection' select 'connected', under 'execute', select 'device' and 'screen on'. Under 'with parameters' where it says #p() in betwen the brackets put in the name of your internet connection that is used to get your email for example mine is contract internet so it looks like #p(contract internet). Press OK.
6. Still in SKSchema go to tools again, press watch then new. Under watch for, select 'any connection', under 'any connection' select 'disconnected', under 'execute' slect 'device' and 'screen off'. Under 'with parameters' do the same as above and put your internet connection in between the brackets. Press OK.
7.Open up rk-OSR. Under 'accounts' make sure outlook email accounts and the email accounts you want to check are selected then tick the enable box.
Under schedules, add the scheduled times you want.
Under 'outlook', tick auto close outlook
The wait time to sync is the time it takes to check your accounts so select a time you think it will take to carry out these tasks. I have mine set to 20 seconds, you may want longer if you are checking multiple accounts.
Under 'internet' I have mine set to default connection which uses 3G/GPRS but you can set it to use wifi if you are in a available network. It will turn the wifi on, sync and then turn it off. If you select the option to use wifi or default this will look for wifi and if it cant connect will use 3G/GPRS.
Make sure you tick the switch off GPRS/3G box. This turns teh data connection off after sync.
The connection wait time is set to 20 secs
Under 'options' sync only if device is sleeping means that if you are say using tomtom, it wont sync whilst its doing this. I have this un selected.
Silent sync means it wont wake up the device. I have this selected
Notify of unread emails does exactly that as does notify failure to connect. I dont have wither of these selected.
Sleep device after sync i have ticked.
Press save and then ok
8. In the device sounds and notification settings under new email message, make sure you dont have the show message on screen ticked other wise the application wont close properly if you get a message.
Thats it, you are done.
Basically the reason for the SKSchema part is that when my device ws locked and in standby, the email sync would happen but it would get stuck on the messaging app and not go back to the today screen. The scripts basically turns the screen on when it has connected to the internet and then off when it is disconnected allowing the app to close properly.
I know it is a bit long winded but it is the only thing i have found that works flawlessly.
I hope it helps someone else.
I just realised how long this post is so i am sorry.
thankyou very much for thisssssssss
yea I hate my data connection staying open, but this seems a little much. I wonder if someone could make a little app that basically does what all these do for the fix to work. or maybe MS should just fix it.
You could just use DiamondTweaks and enable "DisconnectAfter" it will disconnect your internet connection after the specified time of no activity.
Hmmm... the diamondtweak is in fact an Option but the Problem with this method is, that the Connection wont disconnect while in Standby, because (i think) the Tweak isnt active during sleep mode (just like any other app/method). You will recognize that when you establish a connection, go to sleep mode immediately and wake up the phone after lets say 20 minutes. The Connection-Bubble will tell you, that the data connection has been active during the whole sleep-time...
So still no solution here apart from the quiet complicated one in the first post, huh...? (Thanks anyway
rk-OSR works for me
i had the same problem when auto syncing my hotmail account. i downloaded every auto disconnect program i could find and it worked most of the time.
it was mainly when i auto synced hotmail that the data connection would just stay open. however when i auto synced my google mail account it would close, whether it was in sleep mode or not.
so after searching for more solutions i came across this thread. i didnt follow all the instructions. i just downloaded the rk-OSR program and set my schedule and other preferences.
now the syncing of both my accounrs happens automatically through this program and my data disconnects as it should.
Disable all data connections
I had a huge problem with a few applications auto starting a data connection in my pocket and never shutting off. I wouldn't have a problem with it if I pay for unlimited data(which I don't). My solution to this was going into the connections settings and change the "select which networks are automatically used" to "my ISP" which I never set one up. This way, anytime it tries to connect using data from the cell provider, it pops up an error message and yea, no pocket data transmitions. I guess you could set up a false "my ISP" if you have already set up one.
There is an option somewhere in WM6.5 to turn off data connection when in sleep mode, i enabled it, but now it does not turn the data back on to check email. I spent 3 hours searching through the options to disable this feature and put it back to the default but it appears to be gone or I can no longer find it. Does anyone know where this option is supposed to be hiding so I can confirm if it in fact disappeared?
getmp3s said:
There is an option somewhere in WM6.5 to turn off data connection when in sleep mode, i enabled it, but now it does not turn the data back on to check email. I spent 3 hours searching through the options to disable this feature and put it back to the default but it appears to be gone or I can no longer find it. Does anyone know where this option is supposed to be hiding so I can confirm if it in fact disappeared?
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Anyone know which menu has the setting? Been drivign me crazy the last few weeks
Yes, i figured it out and posted the solution here:
I konw a fix called "GPRS-Tweak.cpl" can help you to disconnect the network when you shut down you app which must connnet the network.
I just have a chinese version, unzipped the attachment the copy into the window folder then, you will find it your startmenu>setting>system .
but is a chinese version ,if you want english version you'd better search on google.
sorry for my poor english
Found an easier way:
Settings > phone
then go to one of the last 'tabs' and the option to turn on/off GPRS etc when in standby is there...

Xoom - various questions

I've had my Xoom for about a week now (UK WiFi only) and I have a number of questions that I don't think have been covered:
Anyone know how to browse my work network over a VPN? I can set up the VPN and connect, but then what, it doesn't show up in any of the file managers I have?
I can't for the life of me see where to set the mail delivery 'peak time' like I can on my Desire. I like to read books on my Xoom, and then go to sleep without it pinging every time someone sends me an email about 'male enhancement products'...
I have checked for updates, of which it tells me one is available, but it just fails and does nothing. Is it me, or have Motorola not really done enough testing with this tablet? It's good, but flawed in some really simple ways.
Thanks for reading!
Not sure about the VPN stuff but you change notification under sounds in settings to be silent.
Thanks lordao, but I don't want to keep messing with my settings every night and again the next morning. I just want to schedule my email sync times like I can on my HTC Desire. Why is Android going backwards in terms of features?
I don't know of a way to do it within the Android OS, so I'm using Sound Manager:
I'm very happy with it - I have schedules set up so that at 8pm all notifications go to silent and at 7am it brings the volumes up again. It's never failed me, once I set it up and hit the "apply all schedules" button.

[Q] Weather showing country as "current location" instead of town

OK, this is really bugging me.
(and yes, I know that there are similar topics elsewhere but none of them actually seem to help me resolve the problem)
Until recently, my weather application would automatically and correctly identify and show my nearest TOWN as the "current location". This also appeared on the homescreen.
Now, for some reason, it's persistently only giving me the COUNTRY as current location, i.e. United Kingdom in my case.
The only thing I've changed recently was to remove one or two of the cities that I wasn't interested in from the list, and added a couple of other ones.
I've tried disabling and re-enabling "use wireless networks" for location setting, and also I've ensured that background data and auto sync are both ON.
Google maps evidently knows where I am from the cellphone data, so apparently the locations data is being received from the cell towers. Presently using THREE as service provider.
Is there a way to reset the weather settings? I'm reluctant to manually clear all the data from the associated apps in case it completely breaks it, and I don't really want to factory reset.
Ideas, anyone ? Thanks.
- Steve
fasty said:
OK, this is really bugging me.
(and yes, I know that there are similar topics elsewhere but none of them actually seem to help me resolve the problem)
Until recently, my weather application would automatically and correctly identify and show my nearest TOWN as the "current location". This also appeared on the homescreen.
Now, for some reason, it's persistently only giving me the COUNTRY as current location, i.e. United Kingdom in my case.
The only thing I've changed recently was to remove one or two of the cities that I wasn't interested in from the list, and added a couple of other ones.
I've tried disabling and re-enabling "use wireless networks" for location setting, and also I've ensured that background data and auto sync are both ON.
Google maps evidently knows where I am from the cellphone data, so apparently the locations data is being received from the cell towers. Presently using THREE as service provider.
Is there a way to reset the weather settings? I'm reluctant to manually clear all the data from the associated apps in case it completely breaks it, and I don't really want to factory reset.
Ideas, anyone ? Thanks.
- Steve
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my suggestion may be clear the weather data from applications find the weather app and clear all data!!
restart the app..might pick up ur town!!
Thanks Muru11.
Curiously though, a colleague's HTC phone (a Wildfire S) has started doing exactly the same thing. It just displays "United Kingdom" for weather.
He's on a different network too.
I'm wondering if the weather forecast provider or HTC have upset the database for our area. I'm going to sit back and wait for a while before taking any drastic measures!
- Steve
Update : A search through the HTC UK page on facebook suggests that this problem is affecting quite a few HTC UK users.
HTC proposed a solution to one person, which involved twiddling a lot of settings and apparently didn't work.
Hopefully the issue has been escalated.
- Steve

[Q] Location services not working properly after JB update

My stock AT&T HTC One X has developed a very annoying issue after the OTA update to JB.
Location services in the HTC weather widget constantly displays either "Current location" or else displays a city name that is within 10-20 miles of my actual location. Refreshing the widget either does nothing, or occasionally says "Unable to connect to location service..." Google Maps and Navigation nail my location exactly without any issues whatsoever, so I highly doubt I suddenly developed a hardware issue. Before the JB update, everything was working normally. And again, I'm running 100% stock unrooted One X.
I've done extensive searching, and have tried every bit of advice I could find: uncheck automatic time zone, uncheck fast boot, delete and reinstall the weather widget, clear Google framework cache, etc, etc, etc. In an act of desperation, I downloaded the official RUU last night and reflashed. After setting up my phone, I have the exact same problem.
To add insult to injury, my friend was here with his identical stock AT&T One X with the OTA JB update. Sitting right next to me, his phone displays the correct city and weather data.
Any other ideas?
I am desensed but it doesn't look to me like you went to apps, all apps, weather widget, clear data.
If you tried that already or that doesn't do it, I'd have no other ideas.
I forgot to add.. Can you not specify your location etc. within the widget settings? You must be able to, I hate depending on Geolocation for weather settings. It wastes battery by checking GPS every so often to see if you're still in the same location. I guess if you travel a lot this is useful...
In the weather app, go to Settings, and see if the option "My current location, Update my location in real time" is checked or not. Try it either way (mine seems to work right, whether its checked or not).
Also, try simply restarting the phone. I've had the Weather location be incorrect after flashing a new ROM, and restarting the phone fixed it.
The Weather widget reads the location info from the cell tower, not GPS. So the reading of the location is not related to Google Maps or Navigation.
redpoint73 said:
In the weather app, go to Settings, and see if the option "My current location, Update my location in real time" is checked or not. Try it either way (mine seems to work right, whether its checked or not).
Also, try simply restarting the phone. I've had the Weather location be incorrect after flashing a new ROM, and restarting the phone fixed it.
The Weather widget reads the location info from the cell tower, not GPS. So the reading of the location is not related to Google Maps or Navigation.
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Yes, I have checked and unchecked everything, and have restarted dozens of times before and after reflashing, and after trying different ideas. As to exad's suggestion: yes, I can specify a location, but I travel more or less constantly within the state as well as frequent trips.
Problem solved!
Turns out it wasn't a software issue after all.
In a final act of desperation, I did a warranty exchange at the local AT&T warranty center. By the time I got almost home with my new (refurb) phone, I realized the location services still weren't working properly as I drove through 4 different cities in the metro area, and my location stayed the same.
So... I had a flash of inspiration, detoured to my neighborhood AT&T store, asked them to change out my SIM card, and that fixed the problem!
jlmwrite said:
Turns out it wasn't a software issue after all.
In a final act of desperation, I did a warranty exchange at the local AT&T warranty center. By the time I got almost home with my new (refurb) phone, I realized the location services still weren't working properly as I drove through 4 different cities in the metro area, and my location stayed the same.
So... I had a flash of inspiration, detoured to my neighborhood AT&T store, asked them to change out my SIM card, and that fixed the problem!
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Thank you so much for posting your solution! This will be helpful to a few people I'm sure.

