[Q] Weather showing country as "current location" instead of town - HTC Desire S

OK, this is really bugging me.
(and yes, I know that there are similar topics elsewhere but none of them actually seem to help me resolve the problem)
Until recently, my weather application would automatically and correctly identify and show my nearest TOWN as the "current location". This also appeared on the homescreen.
Now, for some reason, it's persistently only giving me the COUNTRY as current location, i.e. United Kingdom in my case.
The only thing I've changed recently was to remove one or two of the cities that I wasn't interested in from the list, and added a couple of other ones.
I've tried disabling and re-enabling "use wireless networks" for location setting, and also I've ensured that background data and auto sync are both ON.
Google maps evidently knows where I am from the cellphone data, so apparently the locations data is being received from the cell towers. Presently using THREE as service provider.
Is there a way to reset the weather settings? I'm reluctant to manually clear all the data from the associated apps in case it completely breaks it, and I don't really want to factory reset.
Ideas, anyone ? Thanks.
- Steve

fasty said:
OK, this is really bugging me.
(and yes, I know that there are similar topics elsewhere but none of them actually seem to help me resolve the problem)
Until recently, my weather application would automatically and correctly identify and show my nearest TOWN as the "current location". This also appeared on the homescreen.
Now, for some reason, it's persistently only giving me the COUNTRY as current location, i.e. United Kingdom in my case.
The only thing I've changed recently was to remove one or two of the cities that I wasn't interested in from the list, and added a couple of other ones.
I've tried disabling and re-enabling "use wireless networks" for location setting, and also I've ensured that background data and auto sync are both ON.
Google maps evidently knows where I am from the cellphone data, so apparently the locations data is being received from the cell towers. Presently using THREE as service provider.
Is there a way to reset the weather settings? I'm reluctant to manually clear all the data from the associated apps in case it completely breaks it, and I don't really want to factory reset.
Ideas, anyone ? Thanks.
- Steve
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my suggestion may be clear the weather data from applications find the weather app and clear all data!!
restart the app..might pick up ur town!!

Thanks Muru11.
Curiously though, a colleague's HTC phone (a Wildfire S) has started doing exactly the same thing. It just displays "United Kingdom" for weather.
He's on a different network too.
I'm wondering if the weather forecast provider or HTC have upset the database for our area. I'm going to sit back and wait for a while before taking any drastic measures!
- Steve

Update : A search through the HTC UK page on facebook suggests that this problem is affecting quite a few HTC UK users.
HTC proposed a solution to one person, which involved twiddling a lot of settings and apparently didn't work.
Hopefully the issue has been escalated.
- Steve


GPS - always wrong locations at beginning

Well, I've been using my Sensation for about a week now and so far everything is fine, EXCEPT one major bug i found:
Every time I turn in the GPS-Option, I get a completely wrong location (ie in weather, maps, places, etc) and have to wait and refresh a short time later to get my actual real position and even short time later, the signal goes back to the wrong place.
I enable GPS and refresh the weather, it goes to "Fürth" (some city in Bavaria, South Germany), but I'm actually located near Berlin (on the complete opposing end of Germany). Same goes for any other location based function.
I even disabled the "allow false locations" option, but don't know further, anyone experienced similar problems?
satani said:
Well, I've been using my Sensation for about a week now and so far everything is fine, EXCEPT one major bug i found:
Every time I turn in the GPS-Option, I get a completely wrong location (ie in weather, maps, places, etc) and have to wait and refresh a short time later to get my actual real position and even short time later, the signal goes back to the wrong place.
I enable GPS and refresh the weather, it goes to "Fürth" (some city in Bavaria, South Germany), but I'm actually located near Berlin (on the complete opposing end of Germany). Same goes for any other location based function.
I even disabled the "allow false locations" option, but don't know further, anyone experienced similar problems?
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I haven't seen this. I'll take a wild guess. Part of the A-GPS system can use cell towers and wifi to get a rough estimate of your location in order to speed up the GPS sat acquisition and lock. Perhaps the cell tower/wifi mapping in some parts of Germany is incorrect, so when it's using the local networks to find you it's flipping to another part of the country, the GPS kicks in and it locates you accurately. You could try a couple of things to test this. Turn off GPS and open Google Maps. It will normally locate you on the map within a few blocks of where you are and show a large blue circle due to the inaccuracy. Does it show you near where you are or in the other part of Germany? If it's way off then the local network mapping database is messed up. Not sure who to contact about that, but I guess you would start with your service provider.
As I recall Google has had a bunch of problems with the German authorities regarding the mapping they have done of wifi networks. Maybe that's a factor here, but who knows.
If this is the problem you could turn off the local network feature in Settings > Location. Problem is it will rely only on GPS then and take longer to get your location. But if my theory is right, right now the local network locator is hurting more than helping you.
If that's not the problem then install this app:
Turn off GPS, run the app, press the Menu button on the phone then Settings. At the top press "Clear AGPS" then "Update AGPS". Exit the app, turn on GPS and see if that helps. The initial lock after updating AGPS may take longer than normal, but that's expected. After that it will be back to normal.
samnada said:
I haven't seen this. I'll take a wild guess. Part of the A-GPS system can use cell towers and wifi to get a rough estimate of your location in order to speed up the GPS sat acquisition and lock. Perhaps the cell tower/wifi mapping in some parts of Germany is incorrect, so when it's using the local networks to find you it's flipping to another part of the country, the GPS kicks in and it locates you accurately. You could try a couple of things to test this. Turn off GPS and open Google Maps. It will normally locate you on the map within a few blocks of where you are and show a large blue circle due to the inaccuracy. Does it show you near where you are or in the other part of Germany? If it's way off then the local network mapping database is messed up. Not sure who to contact about that, but I guess you would start with your service provider.
As I recall Google has had a bunch of problems with the German authorities regarding the mapping they have done of wifi networks. Maybe that's a factor here, but who knows.
If this is the problem you could turn off the local network feature in Settings > Location. Problem is it will rely only on GPS then and take longer to get your location. But if my theory is right, right now the local network locator is hurting more than helping you.
If that's not the problem then install this app:
Turn off GPS, run the app, press the Menu button on the phone then Settings. At the top press "Clear AGPS" then "Update AGPS". Exit the app, turn on GPS and see if that helps. The initial lock after updating AGPS may take longer than normal, but that's expected. After that it will be back to normal.
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I have the exact same problem as the op. soon as I open google maps it shows me 10 miles away from my house. always the same spot 10 miles away. a few seconds later when it gets a lock on my location it pops me back to where I actually am. If I close google maps and open it again it jumps back to the wrong spot again, waits a few seconds and then jumps back to my true location at home.
I tried what you mentioned above but it did not help. wifi on or wifi off same difference. I read about some people saying it shows their old address and I did recently move and the wrong location it shows is about 1.5 miles from my old house. also the wrong location it shows me in is on the edge of this private reservoir that I have never been too.
Anyone else have this problem or read on how to fix it?

[Q] WP7.5 Bing Maps 3G error

Dear XDA-users,
I have an LG E900 in Sydney Australia on the Optus Network, which has been fully updated to Mango (and then the tethering update). (also chevron unlocked). Its set to Australian region and its an optus rom I think (or whatever comes with the phone...purchased in Australia).
I have a strange issue with my Bing Maps (standard one that comes with the OS).
When I try to "find directions" when I am using my 3G data it comes up with one of two error messages:
1) No Location Information: Bing Maps can't find your location at the moment. Try again later. (but it has found me correctly when I click the "me" button grrr)
2) Bing maps cannot reach the internet. Please check your 3g or wifi connection. (but I am completely connected to the internet).
So I have done some trouble shooting and both of these errors are illogical or incorrect.
first of all, when I click on the "me" circle it finds my location perfectly (scarily so).
Also I scroll around the map and zoom in and out and bing maps is clearly reaching the internet as it is constantly clearing up the resolution. Also I can go to use internet explorer just fine.
I have installed Nokia Drive and Bingle Maps and both of these applicaitons work perfectly for giving me directions on 3G.
Now the kicker, when I am at home and I connect to Wifi bing maps direction does work, but directions on Wifi is essentially useless for me, as its when I am out and about that I could really use it.
One last thing I tried finding directions on 3G data where I put both places as a fully written out address (as opposed to "My Location"), and it still doesn't work BUT if I go to search for an address (not directions), then it finds it straight away.
Is there something I can do to further trouble shoot or fix this error up in anyway? I really want this to work ...
I guess no one knows how to help me.... in that case does anyone know how I can "reset" or "re-install" the maps program or something to trigger it back to proper functionality.
also this is a bump to the first post haha.
Weirdly worked out what was wrong...but not why. In any case my issue is reolved now...
The APN from Optus was 'yesinternet' (as it should be). I had a friend who suggested changing it to just 'internet' like most carriers and see what happens. Did that, restarted the phone and instantly it was working. All other 3G dependant apps like email, explorer still works just fine.... so there you go...
Can anyone explain that?
Its fixed so mods you can put a resolved tag on this one if required.
Interesting. In the states, my 4g stopped working for like 1 whole day and i couldn't figure out why on att. what i did was manually put in the apn settings i found on the internet and it immediately started working. next day set back to auto everything was fine. Think my carrier was messing with settings but wouldn't admit to it.
Handy to keep those apn settings around in case of emergencies. maybe the original uses a proxy that filters out bing and the "internet" one does not?
Interesting. In the states, my 4g stopped working for like 1 whole day and i couldn't figure out why on att. what i did was manually put in the apn settings i found on the internet and it immediately started working. next day set back to auto everything was fine. Think my carrier was messing with settings but wouldn't admit to it.
Handy to keep those apn settings around in case of emergencies. maybe the original uses a proxy that filters out bing and the "internet" one does not?
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This makes sense I guess, but pretty poor choice for Optus as they are the official seller of this model of phone in Australia.

HTC Weather location incorrect

the weather location displays a generic United Kingdom, instead of the proper location like London.
If I connect to a WiFi network, the correct location is then displayed.
I tried clearing the GPS cache using GPS Status, but this does not work.
Any ideas ?
I think its something to do with google location service that the weather uses, mine has recently got slightly more accurate most of the time however it can be different be in different parts of my house and I sometimes get the generic UK showing, apart from trying a different weather app I dont think there is anything you can do
I certainly got the different locations in different parts of my house bit.
The strange thing is that my Desire works fine in this regard.
stubradley said:
I think its something to do with google location service that the weather uses, mine has recently got slightly more accurate most of the time however it can be different be in different parts of my house and I sometimes get the generic UK showing, apart from trying a different weather app I dont think there is anything you can do
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Me and my girlfriend get the same problem, even when the two phones are right next to each other!

[Q] Incorrect Weather Location; No prediction for hardware keyboard

Hey everyone,
I'm experiencing a couple minor issues with my MyTouch 4G Slide and wanted to see if anyone had any input.
First is the weather location... when I am at work my phone's weather location always gets all weird. It happened with my G2 (before this phone) as well. On the G2, it would show my location as in Japan. With the MT4GS, it shows as Denver CO. It updates when I leave the building, but it is still frustrating for numerous reasons. First, the time on my phone switches to Denver's time zone while at work. It throws me off whenever I look at my phone. Also, after I leave and the location updates, it doesn't update the time zone. I have to go to Settings -> Date and Time, and uncheck and recheck 'Automatic' for it to switch back to the correct time zone. Finally, while Maps will read my location just fine, other location-based apps seem to be thrown off as well.
One other question is about the hardware keyboard. I have Prediction turned on in settings but it never works. It's nice with the hardware keyboard because I can skip the alt+ keypresses for punctuation and it inserts automatically, and it will capitalize I, etc. If I'm not mistaken, this hasn't worked since the recent HTC update that moved us to Google Play Store.
If anyone has fixes and/or other info about these issues, I'd appreciate your input! Thanks so much.
Are you connecting to your work's wi-fi automatically when you are there? It could be that the location information (which would affect weather and time) is using your IP address info. I know when I connect to my wi-fi at home, it will alter my location to a nearby suburb.
Fuzi0719 said:
Are you connecting to your work's wi-fi automatically when you are there? It could be that the location information (which would affect weather and time) is using your IP address info. I know when I connect to my wi-fi at home, it will alter my location to a nearby suburb.
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I wish! Our WiFi doesn't even show up on my phone... they must have the SSID hidden. I think it's because the building is older, and it must have lots of concrete or something because radios, cell phones, etc don't work well in here. Mine only works because my desk is right by the main entry door and a few windows. I'm assuming that the GPS signal could get thrown off by that as well. I'm just hoping since Maps can locate me that maybe I could fix the rest of the location-based services.
retrokick said:
I wish! Our WiFi doesn't even show up on my phone... they must have the SSID hidden. I think it's because the building is older, and it must have lots of concrete or something because radios, cell phones, etc don't work well in here. Mine only works because my desk is right by the main entry door and a few windows. I'm assuming that the GPS signal could get thrown off by that as well. I'm just hoping since Maps can locate me that maybe I could fix the rest of the location-based services.
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It may not even be getting a GPS signal, instead relying upon the location data of the celltower you're linked with. I've seen the location info being off by neighborhoods, but not to the extreme you've mentioned.
Uncheck the automatic update, then it will stay in the right timezone.
Also, I use swiftkey x, it has the best word prediction, and works great with the hardware keyboard.
yellowjacket1981 said:
Uncheck the automatic update, then it will stay in the right timezone.
Also, I use swiftkey x, it has the best word prediction, and works great with the hardware keyboard.
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Thank you for the recommendation! The app is downloading now and I'm already excited because of the amazing reviews it got. I'm sure I'll love it. I was hesitant to uncheck the automatic setting because I want it to sync the time... but now that I think about it, once the time is set from the network... why would it need to sync? Unless I do a battery pull or something.

[Q] Location services not working properly after JB update

My stock AT&T HTC One X has developed a very annoying issue after the OTA update to JB.
Location services in the HTC weather widget constantly displays either "Current location" or else displays a city name that is within 10-20 miles of my actual location. Refreshing the widget either does nothing, or occasionally says "Unable to connect to location service..." Google Maps and Navigation nail my location exactly without any issues whatsoever, so I highly doubt I suddenly developed a hardware issue. Before the JB update, everything was working normally. And again, I'm running 100% stock unrooted One X.
I've done extensive searching, and have tried every bit of advice I could find: uncheck automatic time zone, uncheck fast boot, delete and reinstall the weather widget, clear Google framework cache, etc, etc, etc. In an act of desperation, I downloaded the official RUU last night and reflashed. After setting up my phone, I have the exact same problem.
To add insult to injury, my friend was here with his identical stock AT&T One X with the OTA JB update. Sitting right next to me, his phone displays the correct city and weather data.
Any other ideas?
I am desensed but it doesn't look to me like you went to apps, all apps, weather widget, clear data.
If you tried that already or that doesn't do it, I'd have no other ideas.
I forgot to add.. Can you not specify your location etc. within the widget settings? You must be able to, I hate depending on Geolocation for weather settings. It wastes battery by checking GPS every so often to see if you're still in the same location. I guess if you travel a lot this is useful...
In the weather app, go to Settings, and see if the option "My current location, Update my location in real time" is checked or not. Try it either way (mine seems to work right, whether its checked or not).
Also, try simply restarting the phone. I've had the Weather location be incorrect after flashing a new ROM, and restarting the phone fixed it.
The Weather widget reads the location info from the cell tower, not GPS. So the reading of the location is not related to Google Maps or Navigation.
redpoint73 said:
In the weather app, go to Settings, and see if the option "My current location, Update my location in real time" is checked or not. Try it either way (mine seems to work right, whether its checked or not).
Also, try simply restarting the phone. I've had the Weather location be incorrect after flashing a new ROM, and restarting the phone fixed it.
The Weather widget reads the location info from the cell tower, not GPS. So the reading of the location is not related to Google Maps or Navigation.
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Yes, I have checked and unchecked everything, and have restarted dozens of times before and after reflashing, and after trying different ideas. As to exad's suggestion: yes, I can specify a location, but I travel more or less constantly within the state as well as frequent trips.
Problem solved!
Turns out it wasn't a software issue after all.
In a final act of desperation, I did a warranty exchange at the local AT&T warranty center. By the time I got almost home with my new (refurb) phone, I realized the location services still weren't working properly as I drove through 4 different cities in the metro area, and my location stayed the same.
So... I had a flash of inspiration, detoured to my neighborhood AT&T store, asked them to change out my SIM card, and that fixed the problem!
jlmwrite said:
Turns out it wasn't a software issue after all.
In a final act of desperation, I did a warranty exchange at the local AT&T warranty center. By the time I got almost home with my new (refurb) phone, I realized the location services still weren't working properly as I drove through 4 different cities in the metro area, and my location stayed the same.
So... I had a flash of inspiration, detoured to my neighborhood AT&T store, asked them to change out my SIM card, and that fixed the problem!
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Thank you so much for posting your solution! This will be helpful to a few people I'm sure.

