Orange upgrades??? - General Topics

Orange Upgrades...
what do they offer on top (e.g. extra minutes), or am I better off looking in Carphone Warehouse or other networks etc.
I have had a £35/month contact (with a £50 SPV M3100) and just realised I'm 5 weeks from the end. My dad's been using the SIM as I have a better contract with 3 and will let him carry on using it but keep any new phone, I also do not want to change number (it will be inconvenient porting from contract to contract across networks).
Never upgraded before-always had 12 month contracts, moved on before the chance to upgrade came.
Any advice?
Initially I chose Orange over T-Mobile as I was at a new house and their Broadband was free/£5 with a good contract, but I grew tired as it was not actually 'unlimited' and was too slow and now use Be Broadband.
I don't really like any of their current phones though, I have a Viewty and K850i (plan to sell one of them) and don't like the Touch Diamond. Nothing they have is truly better than even the K850i (which I use with a 8gb microSD).
Has anyone had any positive encounters with them in the past?

i managed to get a trinity on upgrade last year on dolphin 35 with a 10 pound discount, so i get 600 mins, unlimited texts and now with the new data package i get 'unlimited' data, plus 3 magic numbers all for 25 squid a month. although thats a 18 month contract.
im looking to get a diamond on the same tarrif soon


Best way to break my contract with O2?

No idea if anyone can help, but I would really like to break my contract with O2 - I spend between £70-120 a month on my phone bill, half of that on data.
It just seems so unreasonable, they cannot offer me any decent alternative price plans on O2; while both T-mobile, and Orange are taunting me with web'n'walk, and some sort of bizarre animal deal.
How should I approach O2, I have had no success in the past with getting discounts, so I'm really hoping somebody can outline a strategy for escape - preferably with my phone number.
Got 5 months left on a 12 month contract, prior to that was with them a couple of years, if that helps at all.
Unlock your current phone. Stick the O2 sim in any old handset. Use the inclusive O2 voice minutes on this handset to setup diverts to your new number. At the end of the O2 contract get a PAC number and port to the new contract. This way you keep your original phone number for people to call and calls go to your new number without them knowing. I have never been able to exit a contract early without paying the remaining balance.
you can opt out but like wizzzard says you have to py the balance off ,it might be in your interest to phone them and ask first how much this will be and weigh out your options
It'll be a lot. Companies love it when a customer reneges on a contract because they get a nice lump sum and they can basically ream them :/
A less viable alternative is to cancel your credit card, just after you move out of the country. Find a country which the UK doesn't have an extradition treaty with, then there's no danger of you being brought back to the country at Her Majesty's Pleasure. Wait ten years, after which time any debts you owe become null and void, and recommence your life as a British citizen.
Of course, getting past Immigration might prove a little problematic, but that's the least of your problems. I'd go nuts without a decent Internet connection after three days. Five, max.
LMAO That is the funniest thing ive read in ages! Really cheered up my day!
Forget about cancelling standing orders, this will affect your credit rating.
By the sounds of it you already have a PDA, so if your priority is saving money then your first action should be to knock your O2 price plan down to the bare bones. If you've been in the contract 6 months this shouldn't be a problem (with some networks its only 3 months).
Next, hurl your unwanted USIM in the bin (if you hate O2 enough).
Now - do you REALLY need to keep your number?
Is it a business number?
Have you lost contact with an ex and harbour a vain hope that they'll still have your contact details, and one day the call will arrive telling you they made a mistake?
Or are you a stickler who can't bear changing things?
If the answer to all these is a resounding 'No' then get online and take out a Flext 35 + wnw tarif with a Vario II - this gives you unlimited internet access and 180 pounds credit for 37.50 (30 quid for the first 3 months) but you probably already know this.
It will cost you 70 quid for the handset i think.
Now if you have more than 1800 contacts you're screwed and may end up forking out an extra 40p, but you ought to have more than enough credit here to send all your buddies and all your family members a text informing them of your new moby number.
If you'd still rather keep your number then sell your Vario II on Ebay. You'll get AT LEAST 320 quid for it (less 70 quid = 250) this should be more than enough to pay off your O2 contract, and request a number migration.
With either of these scenarios you're saving money.
You can't really lose my friend.
In relation to paying off your contract early, if O2 operates on similar lines to T-mobile or Orange then you'll simply be paying off the total remaining months' line rental (not including any discounts on the account). If you've knocked down your tarif to 20 quid then you'll pay somewhere in the region of 100 quid to cancel it based on your remaining 5 months. Most phone companies aren't actually that unreasonable with early cancellation charges, and you certainly won't incur any ridiculous fines. Fones 4 U pay off contracts early for customers all the time without any problems.
i've recently disconnected my vodafone contract which was on 18 months but i was in the 12th month.
all i did was drop the tariff to the lowest one, then i paid the remaining line rental to make up the 18 months and there was no extra charge.
and i managed to get a pac code off them to port my number to another network aswell
Cheers guys, some good suggestions.
Probably just try putting it on the lowest contract.
I guess I might wait till an interesting new phone arrives at t-mobile. Anyone know when and what that might be?
the new 8800 sirocco will be out on t mobile near the end of this month

Polaris / Touch Cruise on T-Mobile UK

I popped into T-Mobile in Derby today and asked if they'll be getting the TC (I'm assuming it'll probably rebranded as the MDA Compact IV) anytime soon. The lady said they definitely will be getting it but didn't know when. When I asked her to hazard a guess she guesstimated end of Feb.
Just thought you might like to know
thanks not too long....
No way. I'm leaving T-mobile for the Polaris and 02 and the sales guy is trying to keep me on by offering all sorts of stuff including a free Touch Phone with accessories and a really good contract. If they were getting one soon he would have been in a better position to judge and tell me to hang on, instead he is offering me newer phones for free that haven't been released by T-mobile yet. If they are getting their version it will probably be in April or May. They are always 3 - 4 months behind o2.
Spoke to T-Mobile and they said they would not be selling the TC or a rebadged version of it.
Sounds like t-mobile dont know whats going on
I don't know what to believe to be honest. From experience, the guys and gals on the shop floor haven't got a clue what's coming until about a week before it arrives. That's why I said guesstimate not estimate
Really, o2 isn't an option for me. Nobody can compete with T-Mobile's web-n-walk at the moment. Yes, o2 offer an 'unlimited' plan but it's 200MB plus loads of fair usage restrictions. I'm away from home a lot so I use Internet Sharing for my laptop in the hotel rooms - I'd use 200MB up in about 2 hours! Plus I much prefer their Flext plan over fixed x mins and x texts plans of the other providers.
I also can't justify £300+ on buying an htc branded one.
I hope T-Mobile pull their finger out and get the TC sharpish! I have the Vario II (Hermes) at the moment and my battery's screwed - it barely lasts a day even without actually using it. I've just bought a new battery but I want some TouchFLO action!
Even if they eventually do TC, I guess you will be disappointed when they tell you the upgrade price...
I love my T-Mobile too, but I will have to switch to O2 to get a good deal on the phone.
i would love to have it on TMob but i need something by the end of Jan or I will lose my number. pretty sure im gonna go with O2.
Well, technically I have to wait 'til May before I can upgrade - that might be long enough for TMob to catch up!
My new battery has arrived as I type this it's a 1500mAh - It's lighter than the stock 1350mAh and the pack has a 'cheap' look to it - "Cameron Sino" branded (never heard of 'em!). It this doesn't improve the life I get out of it then I may claim on the insurance. My bank covers it on new for old so I may be able to convince them to replace it with htc branded polaris (probably wishful thinking).
I'm running a TC on T-Mobile (bought phone simm free which is expensive I know) but unless O2 have improved their data charges I'd never switch to them. I was with them until last year and it was a complete rip-off. T-Mobile's web'n'walk is unlimited (ok 1Gb fair-usage) and perfect for the TC.
If any UK T-Mobile user runs out of patience and wants to go the unbranded route then I can report that my unbranded UK HTC Touch Cruise works perfectly with my UK T-Mobile PAYG SIM card for both GSM and 3G.
When I first turned my TC on it offered to auto-configure the network for me; I let it and it set up both GSM and 3G and then defaulted to 3G for the connection. I'm paranoid about battery life so I went into phone settings and set the band manually to GSM but I have since switched it to 3G temporarily to try some browsing.
- Julian

Purchased Through Expansys

Hi all,
Couldn't wait any longer for touch pro to be available through the neworks. Took the plung and ordered today through Expansys with T-Mobile Flext 35 with W n W. My only concern it the reports of bad recieption on t-mobile. What are my rights of return with on-line sellers if my signal is bad. In my home there is no 3g and my GSM signal is between 1 and 2 bars. Always when out and about will I get the H or just 3G I seem to remember some comments on Expansys not including H with their sim cards.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to read and responding.
I bought exactally the same deal and I have no worries with the signal, I get HSPDA at work, home and my GF's (3 quite spaced out locations, and I also live in the bottom of a valley).
As for returning, your problems lie with T-Mobile as you have entered an 18 month contract with them. I don't think you have many rights with regards to canceling that contract, certainly no more than about 10 days I think. But if you are having problems with reception, I'd say it was down to your area rather than the network or the phone.
l0st.prophet said:
I bought exactally the same deal and I have no worries with the signal, I get HSPDA at work, home and my GF (3 quite spaced out locations, and I also live in a valley).
As for returning, your problems lie with T-Mobile as you have entered an 18 month contract with them. I don't think you have many rights with regards to canceling that contract
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You should have a cooling off period - usually 14 days to return the product contract or not. Vodafone offer this, so i dont see why tmobile wont. You will have to pay for calls made etc.
ardsar said:
You should have a cooling off period - usually 14 days to return the product contract or not. Vodafone offer this, so i dont see why tmobile wont. You will have to pay for calls made etc.
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Sounds reasonable, I'm sure if you were to phone them up they would tell you where you stand.
I believe that the law in the UK states that on any mobile contract, you must have a 14 day period within which you can return it for ANY reason.
if expansys refuse to allow you to do this, they are breaking the law!
Hows your phone and T-Mobile ???
I'm toying with the idea of getting the same deal you went for , but i'm just unsure about t-mobile , so hows it all going ????
I went through expansys but with the t-mobile combi 30, no problems as of yet
Actually there is no law that states there is a 14 day cooling off period, this somewhat changed when the major networks got a significantly high percentage of coverage, if you purchase a phone from a shop you do not have a right to return it unless it is faulty, ie orange will not allow a return when a phone has been purchased from a shop and advise you or should advise you of this at the time, as it was costing them so much money to deal with the returned phones.
however, seen as all purchases from the internet are govered under distance selling rules, you will always have 7 days in which to return the phone to the dealer if you do not want to keep it.
And of course you still have statute law which coveres faulty goods ect.
bagg1234bagg said:
Actually there is no law that states there is a 14 day cooling off period, this somewhat changed when the major networks got a significantly high percentage of coverage, if you purchase a phone from a shop you do not have a right to return it unless it is faulty, ie orange will not allow a return when a phone has been purchased from a shop and advise you or should advise you of this at the time, as it was costing them so much money to deal with the returned phones.
however, seen as all purchases from the internet are govered under distance selling rules, you will always have 7 days in which to return the phone to the dealer if you do not want to keep it.
And of course you still have statute law which coveres faulty goods ect.
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The Distance selling regulations are actually 7 working days btw....
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum, although I've been lurking a few weeks.
Anyway, I too got a Touch Pro through Expansys with the T-Mobile Combi 30+WnW contract.
I noticed a problem with it (the contract) yesterday, which was the billing date, which was set to the 20th (had to sign up to the T-Mobile website to find this info out), and I had only got the contract on the 1st! I thought it was a little unreasonable to want me to pay over a week before the end of the month and it was also a couple of days before I get reimbursed for my time at work (and I don't want to eat cereal for a week ). I read the FAQ and billing info which said I could change it if it was in 14 days of the billing date, which it was just! So I battled with 150, robot voice of annoyance, and after managing to confuse it twice, it dropping my call twice while waiting for a reply from tech support, and giving up waiting after 10 minutes, I used their contact form to email them. A guy called me back 5 minutes later, brilliant! He moved the billing date to the 26th, for some reason the 25th which I would have preferred was a problem, but never mind.
So far though I really like the phone, which is my first windows mobile and at least the buttons work, unlike those on my hate inducing K800i.
BTW I'm pretty sure Expansys website says you have 10 days to notify them that you are going to return the phone.
do somebody can work it??
herrajohny said:
do somebody can work it??
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Do you speak English?
As for T-Mobile, I have had my phone for a few week now and no problems at all. I get great HSPDA signal for web browsing, after some faffing about I get YouTube streaming, calls are clear (1 dropped call in 2 1/2 weeks)and no problems with messaging either. T-mobile has by far one of the best Mobile Werb plans in the UK (Orange has 250mb limit and vodafone has 500MB fair useage, T-Mobile has 1GB Fair useage).
All in all I am very glad took the plunge!
I certainly think t-mobile offer a good service (unless abroad! - made my wallet somewhat lighter) but they have no business sense at all, as an existing customer with a month and a half left on my contract I can't use the same method to upgrade to the Touch Pro. I have a feeling it's going to be cheaper with vodafone etc when it launches though I dunno but I think I may hold out (Also for their faster HSPDA).
I wouldn't worry about fair usage policies, when I moved house with my t-mobile 1gb fair usage I didn't have the internet for a month so I plugged my n95 in and was able to get 1.5mbps to my pc. I think I must have used at least 10gb that month using it as my usenet client etc. All that happened was they sent me a letter two months down the line. I think unless you always use lots of BW, you really can see it as unlimited on any fair usage policy.

Are vodafone doing any special offers on Touch Pro?

Looks like I'm going to have to pay myself out of my T-mobile contract and go vodafone.
I see on their website that they are throwing in a bluetooth headset + in car holder. Am I likely to be able to get anything else if I phone up or go to Vodafone shop such as in car charger etc ?
Only paying £30 for the Flext35 with web and walk and looks like it'll be around £38 for the Vodafone deal with free phone.
Hi Andy, Make sure you sign up with first. Clear all your cookies from your browser and them go through them. Should be able to make 90 or 100 quid from signing up.
Any reasons to not go Vodafone?
I've been waiting for T-Mobile to bring out the Touch Pro for what seems like so long I've nearly had enough!
Even though I'm on a good deal with T-Mobile, might go Vodafone with this.....................
Anyone got any ideas why I shouldn't??
Charging over 500mb data a month??
Any other downsides??
I think coverage is better than T-Mobile in Scotland?
JamieMag: Legend, hadn't even thought of that. £90 quid pays for almost half of buying out my T-Mobile Contract, top work fella!
/Edit: Just had a look at the T+C's and they don't cover business purchases of which the Touch Pro is one. Any ideas on how to get round this issue?
/Edit2: Should really read more closely, according to Quidco, a business purchase is worth £100!!! Awesome.
Roblpm: I've not found any downsides with vodafone. Of every network I've come across they have the best coverage down south / in London. Perhaps this will encourage T-mobile to get their testing expedited or treat customers better.
One further thing, if I want to sign up online for this phone online with Quidco cashback you have to go to via the business site. Is this ok?
Voda is terrible. Coverage around here (Nr Manchester) is awful. Flat out doesn't work around Manchester Oxford Road, didn't work for me when I worked in East-Central London and signal varies a lot in Lytham - even in areas where the website says I should get full 3G.
I only have one other friend stupid enough to be on voda and we joke that we can never get hold of each other because one of us is bound to have either no signal or 'network busy'.
I get 'network busy, try again?' about 1 in 5 calls I make. We joke that 'the other person on voda in Lytham must be trying to make a call'
Can anyone comment on coverage in south east? Everyone at work seems happy with them. Cheers
andyfield said:
Can anyone comment on coverage in south east? Everyone at work seems happy with them. Cheers
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From London, Maidstone and Ramsgate/Margate I've always had good signal and usually HSDPA. I'm going to upgrade to the Touch Pro tomorrow
Hopefully £35 for 600 minutes, Unlimites Texts and Unlimited Data. The phone better be free too! (I believe it will be!)
I live in the South East and work in London and the reception is brilliant. There are black spots for every network and this seems to get greater the further out into Kent you go, but this is probably level in comparison with other operators.
Never had an issue with Vodafone myself and have had service where others haven't (of course this works in vice versa).
At the end of the day I feel it is just personal preference and I am happy to have been with Vodafone for 10-12 years or so.
Great stuff, thanks for the feedback. As you say all networks will have their strong and weaker areas.
Just wanted to double check that this quidco thing worked for you guys ? and also what deals did you get with voda there are 2 almost identical deals which appeal to me
1= £40 per month for 750 mins 250 texts and unlimited data (phone = £150)
2= £45 per month for 750 mins 250 texts and unlimited data (phone = £ free)
deal 2 is cheaper over the 18 month period
PS all prices are after VAT
To those that have a voda TP, does the phones shell have Vodafone branding on it, or is it a standard HTC phone case (no voda logo)?
I got a vodafone touch pro a week ago.
Has discreet branding at bottom of screen in white font and on back case.
Phone comes with vodafone rom with red/white touchflo interface and only omission from HTC advertised spec is youtube prog is missing! However using coreplayer instead.
I got a better deal by going direct to vodafone than by using Quidco and the standard internet offer. On £35 for 500 mins / 100 texts and unlimited internet. Phone was free. Got 2 months line rental free and a bluetooth headset thrown in. Got this deal by going into vodafone store and then chipping away, threatening to go to O2 etc. They tried to get me on the higher price plan but this is perfectly adequate for me. You can also downgrade/upgrade after 9 months.
My first HTC handset so have only been brave enough to change the icons to the HTC 3d so far. Actually quite like the bright vodafone touchflo so will keep it for now.
thebearhack said:
I got a vodafone touch pro a week ago.
Has discreet branding at bottom of screen in white font and on back case.
Phone comes with vodafone rom with red/white touchflo interface and only omission from HTC advertised spec is youtube prog is missing! However using coreplayer instead.
I got a better deal by going direct to vodafone than by using Quidco and the standard internet offer. On £35 for 500 mins / 100 texts and unlimited internet. Phone was free. Got 2 months line rental free and a bluetooth headset thrown in. Got this deal by going into vodafone store and then chipping away, threatening to go to O2 etc. They tried to get me on the higher price plan but this is perfectly adequate for me. You can also downgrade/upgrade after 9 months.
My first HTC handset so have only been brave enough to change the icons to the HTC 3d so far. Actually quite like the bright vodafone touchflo so will keep it for now.
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Was this a new contract or upgrade please?
guess where I am going today
ice_coffee said:
Just wanted to double check that this quidco thing worked for you guys ? and also what deals did you get with voda there are 2 almost identical deals which appeal to me
1= £40 per month for 750 mins 250 texts and unlimited data (phone = £150)
2= £45 per month for 750 mins 250 texts and unlimited data (phone = £ free)
deal 2 is cheaper over the 18 month period
PS all prices are after VAT
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I've gone for deal 2 via Quidco. I've used quidco with dell before when buying a laptop and got the cash ok after around 3 weeks. I think the contract has to run for at least 1 month before they credit you though.
thebearhack said:
I got a better deal by going direct to vodafone than by using Quidco and the standard internet offer. On £35 for 500 mins / 100 texts and unlimited internet. Phone was free. Got 2 months line rental free and a bluetooth headset thrown in. Got this deal by going into vodafone store and then chipping away, threatening to go to O2 etc. They tried to get me on the higher price plan but this is perfectly adequate for me. You can also downgrade/upgrade after 9 months.
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Is this a 12 or 18 month plan? I intend calling Vodafone and using this info to get the same deal
I just got a cracking deal from Voda in store, BIG THANKS to thebearhack for the suggestion
***£30*** per month for 750 mins 250 texts and unlimited data (phone = £ free)
+ I got a free nokia headset worth £30 + a free pay as you go sim
The only downside is that it is a 2 year deal, but TBH although my last three contracts have been 18 month I have ended up staying for 2 years as I waited for a new phone to be released so I dont mind.
My deal was 18 month 'business' plan. The fact that I don't have my own business was ignored! I am new to vodafone as far as they are concerned last phones were in my wife's name.
thebearhack said:
My deal was 18 month 'business' plan. The fact that I don't have my own business was ignored! I am new to vodafone as far as they are concerned last phones were in my wife's name.
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mine was a 2 year business plan, (apparently I own my own business !!! I wonder what I do maybe im an international playboy millionaire )

Upgrading on Orange

For years I've been with Orange and I last got a tytn1 recently replaced with a tytn2 because of repeated problems with the tytn1. last renewal I "upgraded to a n6301 for my wife to keep my contract price down. I am a band5 user and am on a Dolphin 40 websave. I have:
Dolphin 40 £30
websave eve n WE internet
500 mb +£5 peak use internet
100 mins loyalty reward (that dont include voicemail call... weird that one...) I
10.00 loyalty reward -£10
Orange Care +£6
Thing is I know I can do better ESPECIALLY as I havent upgraded for years and that a friend from PAYG got the same deal getting a contract AND a n95 which, at the time was new.
I need 400 xnet + unlimitted landline call and 250 texts or so and internet as I currently only have access through my phone.
The big one though is I want to actually UPGRADE and get a well deserved touch pro2 as it has the keyboard and I dont think the ACER is a great idea)
how do I get it? searching the internet comes up with a few places that suposedly do the touch pro2 on orange but I've not heard anything of these companies and am worried leaving orange direct. Can anyone advise me where to go for the best deal and to get this TP2? Otherwise it'l be cheap phone upgrade and max deal for minimum £PM so I could get the phone myself.
Lastly am I foolish sticking with Orange thinking my loyalty count for something?
I'd really apreciate any advice. I'm due to upgrade now
orange direct dont do the tp2 so you wil have to go through another company anyway, I would first phone up orange and ask if there is a way to use another company to upgrade through without having to leave and come back to them. As for staying with a company i dunno really I don't I switch the second I see a better deal, saying that my gf has been with o2 for years and she gets the most amazing deals every year I think she has 400mins unlimited texts unlim internet for £15/pm and she got a free e71. I on the other hand brought my touch hd sim free £500 and got a sim only deal from tmobile 600mins/unlimited texts/internet£20pm
also don't limit your choice to one phone until you have seen what deals you can get for example orange do the tg01 (no keyboard) they may give that to you for a really good price then you could sell it and buy whatever phone you wanted on ebay maybe, the n900 from nokia looks amazing although not wm (until wm7 I think thats a good thing- apart from no tomtom)

